. L Keep Your Dollars , Moving Allll buy your wi Iller cOllI of us. Wc hn\'c III slock thc GClluillC Nlggcr Hcnd IlImp nihlnul , Olll Crcck , lump an nul , Rex Lump , Weir City Itllrllacc , Enslcrn IInd We lcrn Hllrel , - . . . . . Dierks lumber & Coal Co. . I J , S. MOLYNEUX , Manager I Phone 23. Broken Bow , Nebraska 00u. . CONltAD. . . . . . .Do&lor In. . . . , . . . . . . . - ' - ' " " " 'or..I\II.nlln. " , l ' , JI'lIn How. N"hrll' ' ' ' ' . . A - . - - - - . . , - - . - - - - . - - . DR. CHRISTENSON. 'Eye,14 a. . . , N OH ( , 'rh I'on t ancl ( h rOil i ( [ ) iseases. 14'itting' of GluHRCH , omce in Hcalty hlock. J. A. AHMOUh , . . Attorney at Law. Broken Bow.'Nobr. lIavlnlC JUMt hael ollCht yearR Jlfactlcal e"I'r , lenCe aR Cuunty JudICe , wllllClvc HI.eelal attc 1I linn to the IlrawllllC alld lwhalinlC nf will" all.1 the adlllllll"tratioll of ' Rtate of .lecca " 11 I'r. RonR a'id IIIlnnrl ! . Write IIr 111111111' 11I0 , I ilia v lIave YIIU I' trlt. , . . , - . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HARRY IIMBALL , Practical Undertaker f Licnsed Embalmer Bllslllcss phollc , 3ul. Rcsillcllcc 33.111 Ul'oltull nuw , Nu . WL _ - . _ _ . - - - - - - _ . . . . . - . - . . . - - FRANK KELSEY , ALL I < INDS OF WELLS Consult him If you want Water. Phone 112 , - Brokcn How. - - r h ; M ; ; . = ; : ; l 8 M ! RAS ANDERSON g 8 - gALI l { IN - I CRAIN AND COAL I I'CC ! ( ! in largc and smatt ( lUantitics at both wholcsale and rctall. t5pccial attcntion. givcn to fi1ing ! ordcrs for coal S ' . 111 any quantlt ) ' . 8 Bl'ohen' : ( HV , - - N ebrnsl\n ! 1xr/ ; . ; : I : .o : : OOO : ; : . ' : r.r.r.r..o. : II : . . , . r UJ n l. It rrir1's l xamined. B ro kenrrir1's Abstracts li1ul'nished. Bow Taxes Paid for non-res. , Henl I state bought. A b stract Heal Estate for sole. CO. . Bonded.l ul l ( state Loans. Ji 11'0 Insurance. I. A. RENEAU , Secretary. N otury Public. L "e _ _ 'i . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' YOU CAN SAVE MONEY here by pUl'chasing , , , . , . 1 < 1"1111110" " .1111'111111111"1111111111'1111111111111111',1111111'11111 ' " ' ' ' " 11111111111111111111111. " " 111111111111111111 1111111" ' " " " " ' " 11111 1111" i ! i . Paints , Oils , ! . I I IIardwar , , Furlllturc , i I li'lou r , li'ccd I and Seed. ; . . . . , I ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' " " ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' " " " " " " ' ' " " " ' " ' " " ' ' " ' ' " ' ' " " " ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' J. W. SCOTT. South SidelSquare , Brokcn Bow. r . . . - - - - - c. . : Bo"VVD:1an. : : . Successor to BOWMAN & ANDl RSON , At the OLD STAN D. Real Estate. City 140ts and Property bought and sold. Fanns rented. 'l'axcs paid for non-residcnts . Will buy some g-ood paper. Call and see mc. . - - - - . - 'II 1 J1 ! : : tI ' " ' < ; Jl. 7q _ " " ' < ; J . I L E R 14'onnerly the Globe hotel has been throughly renovated and rCl/aired , is now open to the puhlic un le.r ncw managemcnt C R A N D and sohclts patronag-c , gllarantoeingcntire satisfac- tion. HOTEL l ates $1.00 per day , single meals 25 ccnts. J. SNELL , Propr. BROKEN BOW L. W. Price , Manager. - r 11 : ; - . , I . - " - . , . - . . ' . - , . . - ! Zumbrota Zcphyu. I Watter Colc returne(1 IJ I Fri- I day night from \Inl1f1H' , Nehr , . I whcre he has hecn visilln r for , short tinH' . : M stcr Billy McCuma ! > i ju.t I rccovering from a sic c of till ! Ingrippe. \1iss Ncttic Martin visited ill thc Bow , thc tatter part of last week. B. B. Sands , an family , SpCl1t an cnjoyable timc at Oscar 'l'Il- ) pan'g , last TlIcHday c\'cning' . \Jrs. l outh now own ! ; all "Old Trusty Incuhator. " 'I'heIisses Bettc Sanrl ilnll C. C , Undcrhill arc ill of lagripPI. Liull' Hita Dewcv is h lvilJ , - the "chicl < clI-pox" to con It : uti with. Since thc "Small-pox scan' , " thcre has not bccl1 an\ , ' gatlll.r- illg's in this locality. gvcry ( ) 'H ' ! u'ems to he staying ilt hOIlII pretty clost' , consequcntly till' , correspondent docs not find Ullt much news. Resolutions of Condolence Adoptcd by thc Broken Bow lodg'c D. of 11. No. 258 , Brokcn Bow , Nebraska , as a tributc to the mcmory of our sister.florcncc [ E. Bau er , who passed a way January IS , 1IJOI ; . \VllltlutA , Our HCllvellly Itnthcr , iu hi ! iufillite wisilolll , hilS heclt plcascrl lo cnll frolll our mirIsl olle of our hclovcll sistcrs , Florcllcc H. nnullcr , TIH.'rcfor bc il HHiOl.VHI ! > , Thnt th. ' rcmoval of this lifc frolll o lr III llst casls a fhllrIOW alllllcnvcs a vaCRIlCY lhal is elcl ! ) ' fell hy lhc IIIcm- hcrs of lhis loelge. RHSor.VltU" Thill wc lcndcr our henrt. fell s'lIIplhy lo lhe hertavcel fllmity , who ' 10 sllll1y mourn lhc loss nf II dc\'oleel wifc IItICllovillg 1II0lhcr. RI ol.vJtn , That our Chnrlcr he rlrap- cel in lIIourlling 'or pcriOlI of lhirly rlnys , a copy sCllt lo lhc hercnvcel fnlllily I\lul 1\ copy scnt lo lhc Ihokcli now prcss for puhlicalion , IIlso he sprcml 011 lhc reconls of our lodgc in mClllory of Florcnce H , IIauder. CIARA A. l\ICCO\IAi : ! 1IZZlIt CADwHr.l , . } COllllllittee. NJtrI,1Jt N. IIu\II'l\Iut\ : Card of Thanks. We wish to cxtellel OUI' hcarlfclllhllnks lo our nclghbor allel friclICls who so kinel- Iy assislcI } tt ! ; rIuriug lhe sickncss , IleRlh 11I111 burinl , of our hclovcd falher. We uljo wish lo thank lhc I.ibrnry I.allies , G. A. R. Washburn Posl , nnd rIenr fricnds for lheir hcnutiful Homl ofTcrings. ! \IR. & l\IR . ROBlUtT 1lwwlcn. 11R.1m ! ; . Flum AR'I'IIUR. Republican County Convention. Notice is hcreby given that a delcgate convention of the repub- I lican votcrs of Custer county , Nebraska - braska , will be hcld in thc court house in the city of Broken Bow , II 011 February 18 , 1')08 , for the pllr- I pose of selccting' eightl'en dele- gatcn to thc Hcpl1hlican Stiltc l onvention , to be held in Omaha , which convcntion will elcct dele- , I gates to the National Hepublican convcntion to be held in the city of Chicago. i It is recom I11CIHlcd t ha t town I caucuscs be held on Saturday , February'15 for thc purposc of : clecting delegates to the said I county conv ntion. 'I'hc rcpre- sentation is bascd on enc delegate for each tcn votes cast for Su- premc conrt judge at thc last election and cntitles each precinct to the number of dclegates as shown in the following : Algcrnoll , . . . . . . 1'5. Granl. . . . . . . . . . . .5 Allsley. . . . . . . . . ,17 Haycs.4 AruoIr1. . . , . . . . . . .9 Rilfoil" . . . . . . . . 14 Berw'n . . . . . . . 10 I , itt ian. . . . . . . . . . 7 BnykclI Bow. . . . . ,10 I.oup. . _ . . . . . . . . .If. ClifT . . . . . . . . . . . . . I\I'rl1e..6 Cuslcr. . . . . . . . . . .9 Sargcnt. . . . . . . . .18 COlllslock. , . . . . . . 5 'friUlllp. . . . . , . , . . 0\ \ Delight. , . . . . . . . ,16 Viclorta..8 Douglas Grove , . . .8 Waync..6 Wim".S Weslervittc. . . . . .11 Wk Crcek . . . . . . . 7 Wcsl lJ'nion. . . . . . i GarficIr1. . . . . . . . . .6 WOOll Rivcr. . . . . I4 Dnlcil J nn. 28 , 19c 8 , JIII.ItS lIA U\JON'I" : Chnirlllan. A. J. VANANTWHR1' , Sccrclruy. CAUCUS NOTIClt . The RCfuhlican cnucus of Brokell BO\\ lownship ( I\IICI dty ) witt hc he1r1 nt the . Court house on Snlurrlny , Pch. IS , 11)08 , III 2 C , clock p. III. A caucus of lhc Repuhliclln volcrs o ( lIrfielci prcciuct witl he hcllllll the Swis : \'al1l'y I'chool housc ou alunlay , lIch IS , IIu8 , at 2 o'clock p. III. , for lhc pur pose of elecliu six 11elc ales lo lhe couuly couvcultou lo hc heIrl in Uti l'trl \ hottBC al Broken lIow ouI1eb. 18lh Thc Rcpuhllcan caucus in I.ittian prc C ucl for thc purposc of clcclin sc\'el IIc1cgales lo lhe county convculiou , wittII \ hchl nllhe Odonl school house lit : o'c1ol'k , p , III. , ou Sallmln ) ' , Peh. 15 , 1908 - ; Thc Rcpuhlicau volcrs of Myrtlc towu ! 'hip wi1mccl \ al lhc Kui ht schou housc 8nlunlltY , 11ch. IS , 1\1 2 p , m. , fo lhe purposc of elecliug six c1llegaleli t , th Couul ) ' couvenl ou lo he ht-hl 11 Brokcu 1I0w , Peh. 18lh , aud lo lrausac such olher husiucss nl : may prolll'rl come heforc lhe mcel n . P. H. DmANo , COlltlui llccUlau. The Repuhlicnn ! ! of ClifT , township , u herch ) ' uolilicll thnllhcre wl\1 \ hc 1CUC1 of the Rcpuhllcan volers , Iwlrl nt lh IIlcks school hou e 11ClifT , lownshll Itch. the 15lh , 1908 , nt 2 p. m. for 111 purpose of clecttng 8 rlcle l\lcs lo Rllen lhe Repuhllcan cOllvcnlion lo be heIrl I Brokell now , Pcb , 18 , tu elcct delcRnlt , to nllcnrllhc slale cUI\\'cntlon I\t o III alII ll ' orrIer of CO'UU'M'lut , , . , . . , . . . - - . , ' - USE ; : ; f.e 7oJ 01" r. ' ; . j : l.l. : ' :4AKE : : , . . - - - - - Prcplrt4t1on That Mati" War Arrows of , Churukee Indians Deadly. An old Cltl'wkoo 1111111111 I'C"lh' SII ; vo n WilY the secret how the ] III111ulS oC olrlcn tllm1 ! use1 to Jlolsoll tholr ur. I'OW helHIM Cor Will' IlIlrpOSR ! or for kl\lIuJ \ ; hOllrs , nccorlllnl ; to the DcnvOl' 1.10111 IIl1el J III'III. 'rho ) ' took 1freHh deur 11\,1'1' , CIIHtonod It to a 10llg polo , and then wont to cortaln plltces where they know thl ! ' would Hnd rattlo. IInllkc1I III IIhIlIIlII1I1CO. Ahollt mlddl1Y the mtth'l'lI nro all out of their dOli ! ! coiled UII III the cool < lllJ ; SUII. 'I'h IJlICllll wOllld IlOlw the IlI'Ht mlliur they fOlllld with the IIvor 011 tht' 101l polo. A 1'II111l'1' , ulIlIke ( ' 011\01011 \ HlIlllwl ! , alwnYH IIhoWII IlHht III pl''ft're'lIco to OHCllplll . 'I'ho HlIl1kl ! woulel I hus 1' ( ' . JlI'IIIell ( ' IItl'lI < o lit till' lIl'r with Its fllllgH 1111111 ItH polsoll WIIS ul1 II IHI I liP , WhOI'OIiIIOII It would (1I11t utl'lIdu ! ; ulld fl' ) ' Hlowly 10 TIIOVP on. 'I'h. . . IJUC'IH would tlwlt hUllt 1111 IIIIOlhl'l' l'ulUl'l' 111111 l'l'pent the PCI'COI'lIlUllce , Il'l'plllg up the worl ( uullt the IIvel' WIIS well HOI\Il'1I with sllalo JlOhlOlI. 1'hen 1 ho Jlole WIlS cunlud homo lIud t'UHtt'lll'd ( , Jom whol'o In all upwllrll IloslliollulIllI tlw IIvOl' Iwcamo us dr ) ' ns a houe The IIvol' WitS then IJoulldeHl to It fllll' I powrlel' 1\1111 placed In It lJuclSklll Im , , 10 IH" uHed as lIeaded for their anOWfJ. 'fhls lowdOl' ) wOllld sllel ( like glue to any molstclled surfllcu IInd was death tolny / creature which It entered ou ILnows. TOOK HIS OWN FROM ROBBER. How a Pilgrim Got Back His Stolen Purse in Church. , From Czcnstochowu , , t.he Mecca ot Polish pll l'hmJ , comes I\n amazing stOl'Y of colncldencoH. A pilgrim went to ono of the prlcsls and complahtl.'d thnt somc thlcf had stolen his purse while he was In Chlll'ch , and asked for monoy. ' 1'ho priest rOllllod that ho hall no money nad that the best thing for the Ill , grim to do was to try to flnd the thief. "I shall go Into the chul'ch and stenl money from some. hod ) ' else , " said thu 1 > 111-:1'111I : , " { or I have nothing to go home with. " 110 went Into the church and seeing a mall In the crowd with a wnlll't on his back sllilped his haud Inlo It and pulled out his own stolen JI III'S e , with the exact sum ho had left III It. He WIIS so glad to find his money that he hurrlod ort to tell the prlost and the thief got away. First Idea of the Telegraph. Long bl'foro Prof , S. F. B. Morse had perfecled his great Invention the word "telegraph" was used for a SOI't ot semaphore. In the Jo'rl'nch revolution - tion a "telegraph , " assisted by telescopes - scopes , waR dovlsed to carry DlJWS over Immense distances. Forty years heforo this lime , howe\'er , there wa.s pUblished the I1rst detailed scheme ( or communication by means o ( electricity. It Is outlined In u letter to lhe Scots IUIlga1.llle , written Fobrual'Y I , 17 3 , Crom Henrrew nnd signed "C. 1\1. " 'l'hls suggestion was to transmit a "charg(1 from the conductor ot an electl'lcal machlno at the sending station along an Insulated wire to the receiving nm- chlue , the presence ot the charge he- Ing Indicated by the behavior oC n IIHht pith ball or the passage of a spark. " Each letter ot the nlphabot was to have a separate wlr , so that any word might bo HllOl1od out and an ) ' message sent. "Time , the Great Healer. " . A doctor who had treated n llItllcnt' ' for a long time without giving rl'lIer flnal1y wrote to him that he could done no more , and that tempus edax rerum was the only reQ1edy. The patient 1m- medlatoly wont to a. drug store and up. plied ( or the remedy. The druggist ga\'e him a bottle of some kind of mix. ture and charged him a largo sum for It. After the patlont had taken the compound for some tlmo he met his doctor nnd thanked him for the won- derCul prescrlpllon , which had cured him. ' 1'he druggist's trlclt was dls- covered and the patient sued him tor the mOlley spent on the bogus medl. clno. Trend of Civilization. I had thought that civilization meant the attalnmont of peuco anrl order und freedom , of good will be tween Ulan and mun , of the love 01 . truth , and the hatred ot Injustice , and by consequence the attalnlUont o ( th ! > , good ttCe which those things breed , I ) lIfo free from craven fear , but tull ot Incident ; that was what I thought It meant. not moro stuffed chairs Ilud moro ( 'ushlons , and more cnfllots aud gas , and more dainty meat and drlnl ( . -and thorewtthal moro nnd slmrpOl dlfl'ercnce between class and class.- Wll1lam 1\I0\'I'ls. "Shopping Headache. " A prominent physician says that "shoppcrs' headache" Is duo to the fact lhat one has not eaten enough ' . He declares that no work Is so nerve tn'lug as shoPI > lng , and advises 1\ oed , substantial luncheon In the midst of the store hunt. Take an hom' for rest and eat , thinking as little all possible ot the tasks yet to be uccom' pllshed , nnd there will not be such n spllltlng headache to take home. Making Sure. Artllt-I want to get frame for D rather Important plcturo I'vo just fin e Ished. Picture Dealer-Certalnly. sir is For ) 'Ollt. own U80 ? ArUllt-No ; I'rr Bending It to the exhibition , Picture Dealoru.Tullt step this wa ) ' , I've the Yer ) ' thin ! ; . ' 1'her ( ' ! You see ; the de IIlgn ot the frame Is II. nymph on eacl side ! Absolutely excludetl I I dangol of bavln lhe plct.ure hun. : upttldl Stori. . , .a.-Slray _ _ _ _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - She's Cured Thousands Given up to Die. Dr.OALDWELL of CHICAGU. Practlcini Aleopnthy , I1omeop"lhy , Electdc nnd Gene.nl Medicine. . . - - - - - - - - - II ) ' rt'IUe'll ! will \'lqlllllurej ! lallall ) ' Gand Cantt'al Hotel , Broken O J9 Fobs 13 returlllnif 1''I'r } ' funr wt'ck , . . Cunsul her when Ihe UIIIutnl1l1.1'1 at hautlt I > H. CAI.I > Wgl.l. IImllH Iler IIraclicc tu the SIH'clal treatment uf , lIhcaseH uf the gye , Iar : , Nose , 'I'hroat , 1,1111 irs , 1.'e III ale Dlr.tmscs. UIsea es IIf Chlltlwn .11111 all Chruulc , Non'uulI 'lucl Snrlrlcal Dlhl'asc. . or a cllrable natllre. tarly : conHulIIPlioll. Brnuchltls. Hrnnchlal Catarrah , Chroilic Catarrah , II'HI-\che. ! CUll- tlJlation. Hlolllaclw a 11I1 Buwel 'I'ronltles , 't hell III ati " III. Ncuralgla , Hclotha. IIrhht1I IJI'iCabe. Klelney I > lhI ascs , Dlscases uf the Ll\'cr allil IIlalhler , Dlulnes. . . NcrvolIsliess. lutlll eHtlun , Obcslt ) . . Interlilltell Nntrltiuu. Slow GrtJ\vlh lu Chll.lrell , aUlI all wastlull' Dlweahl's 111 allillts. I > eformlties. Clnh-feet , Curvanture of the Spine. Uiseases of the IIralu , l'araly.ds , gllIep'lY. Hcarl DI ea"e. I > wpsy , Swclhnl : of the LIlIIlt'l , Strlcturc , Opell Horcs , l'aln111 Ihe Hone. . . ( : Iallular gnla'rllcment" aUlI all 10n" " ' < lallllllll1' .Ilbeabe'l Jlroperty treatt' < I. BIOOIJ AND SKIN I > 1SI'ASgS. : l'inl\lle ! ! , Hlotches , I rnptloll'l. Liver Spots 1.'alllul : ' of the 1Ialr. Had COIIII.lexlon. gczellla , 'l'hruat Ulcer. . , 1I0ile l'aln" . Bladder 'l'ronble" , Weat , Hack. I1nrnlnl : ' Urillc , Passllll : ' UllIo too oftell. 'l'he cffect. . uf constitutional hick- nc. . ' ! or 1 ! Ie takinlC of lUll IIIl1ch InjllriulI" melli- cille receh"J : ! hcarchlul : ' treatlllent , I.rnlllpt relief .11111 a Cllre for life. Disea..e. . \Vomell. . lrr'l1l1lar l\Iell tratlun , 1.'allllll : ' of tbtOllllt , lIearllllr DowlI 1'3111S. Pelllaic DlsJllacements I.acl , of Sexual 'I'CllIIJ. Lellcorrhea , Slerllity or lIarmlll1es. . , cunsult Dr. Caldwell allil she will "bow thellllho cause of thclr lroutJle allli the woy to hecollle cured. CANCIS , GOI'I'I \ { , l"IS'1'U1.A , 1'ILI S. ' 11111 enlarlrc.1 ICla'II1H treatel1 with tlte Huh- cUlalleolH1 Injectioll m6thull , altsolutplY with. out palu alld wltltont the loss of a dWI' oC hlooll , III one of Iter IIwn I1lscuverle'l aUlI Is really the most sclelltific allli certalllly sure cnre met hull of thlsln vance,1 alCe. Dr. Call- wclllta'l practlcell her profe sloll III ROllle of the larlest lJOspltale tltronl1lJOut the coulltr ) ' . She bas uo snperlor lu treatinlr anll dlal1uos- nl : ' of dlBcases. deforllllth'H. etc. Site Itas lall'l ) ' IIpcncII an omce III Olllaha , NehraHlla. where 'Ilte will sl1cml a IlOrlion of each wcek treatlnll' her lIIan } ' latllntH. Nil .ncnrahlo cabCS acccptel 'for trcallllent. COllsultatilll1. examination anl1 ; lIlvlcc. tIIle , Iollar to tholoo Intercbted. Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. , Omaha , Neb. ChIGag-o , III. Adllreli ! all mail to 10 lice lIuildlnll , OntalJa NlJltraska. . . . , - - - " - - - - . - ' " ' - FERRUARY SPEC ; AlS Winter Tours : ' 1'0 the South anr1 Gulf resorts - sorts until April 30th. Homeseekers' Rates : 1st and 3rd 'I'ucsda.5 to Colorado , Big" Horn Basin , Montana and North west. One Way Colonist : 1\'larch alld April , to 1\lon- tana. Washington , Oregon , California and Utah. To Farm Renters : Writc D. C I c m Deavcr , 14andscel < ers' Imformatiot1 Bureau , Omaha , for list oj farm to rcnt in Big Hort1 Basin Do it IIOW ; thcy arc going fast. Business Openings : \Vc havc a list of cxcellcnt business chances in n c \ \ growing towns on Burling. ton extcnsions ; get established - lished early--aheHl of th(1 coming population. Write the undersigncd , H. . L , ORMSBY , l Tickel Agcnt ) [ 4. W. WAKIU.HY , G. P. A. , ( Omllha , Nehraska. ) L . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : \ 01'Il'011' ! : 1'1'1'1'1'10\ : , I f : Ilte 01Ien \ P. .1\1'1"1'.1 : . 111' < 'l'a"11. IIIl'Ol\lIl\ ( 'ourt of ( 'ubter ( ' ' 'untN'l'rabka , , 'l'he Statl' ofebrak . ' } 'o all l'l'r ons 111 I terebteilin salll estatc. takc notln' , that . l't'tltlon ha hrcII tIlt..1 for thc appullltm"l1l of A. M. Uumcry aq admlllltrator 01 ' . \101 I estate , whlrh hal hl"11 "l't for ht'arllllo : ht'I'l' In , on March 10th , IWS at 10 u'dock a. m . I' Dah'III.'ell. 4 , 100:1 : : , ) , \ II. IIt'm'IIIU\ : ' COl\lIty JllIlg. . lo'inat Pu . Pcb \I It , PPIUlt'ATION N'O'l'ICI' . ' 1'0 William 11. Mort'o'Irs , Wlllla1l\ . . . . ' Iorrow , III'st nam ( ' IIl1kllOll'lt bUI lI".ho " "I the wife uf sail ! William H. MorrolaUII Oeorge 11. Morruw , You will takl' IIl1tlt'e that un thl' : I" 11ay or JallUar ) ' , Hili'IIII ! ( adwell. allol'ne ) ' . lIIe.l a IleLlLlun agalnqt you anl ! elell uf 'uu , III the U [ ttll't CUUi.t of CU II.'l' I.'CHlllty , Nebraska , lit all al.tloll wlll'rcltl I" A. Wlgllt I plalntlt\ , allil William 11. : 'lol'roMrl. . William II. Morruwanll ( leol'e ! II. Iorrllw arc dclI' Iiallt , the objet ! allIl i't"ayer of which petl. tllIIl hi to fureclose a ! ; ertalll tax licit UpOIl IIll'lIorth.easl ! uf the south-wcst eluarter IIf scct \ on sevcntecn III township I ftcen , north range sCVentcl/ll we t III Cu ter CIIUUty , Nebraska , cxlsLlIIg ulllier a tax sale 01 saltllanl ! IIUly malle UII Ihe : . ) clay uf I.'ehruary , 1001 , or tile tt\xeIlUi'ulI 'lialll laml fill' the years , IHI\J ! , IIW7 , IMlld. IHW , J\11"ancllllJl. \ , ( Hal certlllcatl' amounts , with sUb CIJUllIt taxcli Illteres anli cost , tll the sum ui 3J.tl ! , lor which : lIll11unt. togethl'r with Inlerest , CII tS uf ! ! IIit atlll attorney's fl'eli aH h ) ' law allowell. plailltiff IJrt'fI : juelgeml'lIt : tint Halne lIIay he tlel'rel'l ) to he a 11t'lit Iltm upon ahove clesl'rlhl'llllrl'mlses , alii ) for a Iltere ( , f forrt'lolillrt. anll liale ( If Hallln'al , 'slah' . Yuu arc rt'llulre,1 , teIlIlRWer salll IJl'lttlon onllr 1III'l' llIlItlay , Iht' Illth day IIf Iarch , lI'lIHlIr ' salllI\'tiLluII ) will he takell a'l trlle ault juclgl'lIIent rentllrt' ! < < 1 at'I'orcllllgl \ ' , Vatell , Ianuary :111. : II IS. I. , \\11I1I'l'lalnLlIr. . 11'1 \ [ , I.IS GA U\\\II" \ : hl'r Attllrnl' ) ' , Altest : OI' O. 11. M\IIll'lcrk Ulst. ( 'ourl. 1.'lrlot Pult. .Iall. : J.lt , . . - - . . . . - . - - I . . - ' ' , ' ' ' ' NO'I'ICI : 1'0 CIHIII'I'OHS : ( ' 1111111\ ' ( 'lIlIrI , CII It'r COlllltNphra""a. . 'I'h. . . Crclllturll IIf th , ' glalt'"f t.JII''I , lc"le ) ' , do'l'allI. 'l'all1' lIutlCP- , that 1 lI'ill sit at the COllnt ) ' COllrtrllOlIl,111 II10k"II 110\\ . III s.\111 OllIntou : tllc r'lh . " , IIIlarch. ! . 1'11111 ( " , : \1111 IIn tlllJ 'tll 11.\ ) ' I' ! Anllllql. I' 'i. ' , 'ach OIL 1lII'clock a. III. . III 1'.lcll _ cia ) , h' reCel\'c all.1 cocalllillt'11 : CI.111II14 al1dnHt : " salll t..tate , wllh a \ Icll' Itl thplr aljll , tlllclIl , alltl allUW lllce : alHllhat Oil the I1r t , laic altt/v. / , thl' ( I"\lIIOlls of WIeItH\ ' will he lIeard for he'1II0' ult'a.I , t' ellll.tll"'Sl1I , 'Wlllce1111 utileI' "Iatll- torrllfhts. . Tile tlllle IIlIIlte,1 fllr the preselltatlon uf clatrll" llrllllst , ; ald t . , tlte I. . . "Ix 1II0liths fl'OlII the 30th day of I.mllar } ' . l'Qi : , allli thlJ lillle IlIultcll for the paYlUent IIf , Ichts Is olle } 'car frolll Haill .Iatt' , Datel Janllar } ' 3,1 , 1'OEi.A. . A. H. IIIJMI'IIHI'Y. : 1.'lrHt IJIlt Jail 30-4t COli lit ) ' Jlhllre. . . . . - - - - - - - NU'l'lCl FOIt I'UIITICNl'ION. . . . Dl'l'artlllellt 01 the 1I11l'rlol' , Ianll Olllce at flnl'oln. Nehraska , , Jallllary. II , 1I ) i ! Notln : I. . . hcn.lty givell that PI'ancs ! ; . ; \Iason uf Gcoi'getuwlI , Neuraska , has IIIcII lIulice of his IlItl'lIt1ol1CI make IInal CIIUl- IIIl1tatioll pl'ootlll slIppurt ot his claim , viI. : Homestead gntry Nu , ! ! ; ; macle AlIglllit : :9 , 1I11. } for thl'II\\'X scsectloll 10. townuhlplm. : ranje : : :011. allil that satcllJrool will he maLle hclore the CUllnty .llIclge uf CUbter COllnty .Il IIrukt'lI lIow. N'ltl-aska. on I"cbnmry . 1\10 : ! . 111' nallll'S the followlnwILwsses followln/ { wILwsses to prove his , 'ontlllllous resl ence UPOII , ancl cultlva- tlOIl uf. thl'lallll17. : Samul'i H. J\lcContwll , uf Ucol1 elowlI.clt. . lIarry . Wcullrllff , uf Ueorgetown , Nell , . I1l.lIt.y CLouse. of Oeorgetown. Nelt. UM'ar 'l'humpMHI. of GeorgctowlI. Neh. ClIAS. I" . HIII UD , Heglster. First Pub. Jan. lU. . . . . . HU IJ\lONS W , ' 1'1JI11.1CA'1'ION. In District Court of Custer Count > . , N'chra.ka : Curnelills 1" . ' 1'lcrnl'Y , I'lallltllf , , vs Allee ll. Bcmls. t al. Uefenclallts. ' SUMMoNS ' . ' lIy I'UIIl.lCNi'wn. 'l'he defcnllallts , Allcc U. Bemis. Alhert U. Bcmls , Horace B. King anll .Iohn Doc ( wllO c othcr allli trlle name Is IIlIknuII'II ) willtakc notice that un Uec 'lIthl'r.IMtl1 Hln1 the I'ILln- tiff Cornelllls I. " 'I'lernl'y 11I"11 his IJcllLlon In the Ulstrkt Cuurt ufCII ler cOllnty , Nehraska against YOIl allli cach of you , a" II ' ( , " ellts , ) the ultjcct anllilrayer of whic'l ' an : to fore . duse a certalll tax ccrtillcate Isslled by lhe : .alcl ' ! 'rcaSllrl'r of salll CUbtcr cUllllly un \ Hcptellllter : : \ , 1\10 ; ; . uf which the IJlalntlft Is 1I0W owner allll hohler for the SUIU of 13.tJO anll covering the following .Ielocrlltecl pre- ; > llliloes Ioltuate In CUster cOUllty , Neltraska to wit : . . . . " . . . 'l'he W. y. of thc S. W. - ' uf block' H uf thc . j Lewis : \llIlItion to Broken How , and upun which hafl : ltcell palcl uhselluent tax as lulluws : On September : : ! lth , 1110 ; ; , tj : ; cellts fur the year 1110 : ; . 011 May 1st , lI'lIO. ' tjl cents for the : year W ( ) ; ) Oil May IMh , 1\1l17. \ tjcentlo : \ for the year IIlUtJ. I'ach of which : unoullts draws : :0 per cent , Interest fur their ) dates. all of which Is clUl' and ulIla \ .1. . I , Plaintiff prays a IIccre of fureclosure uf saId certltleate'and rel-clpts ancl sale of sallt pr mlbcs to salllofy the amount founcl IIUe ancl for such other an further relief a may bc justl\1c1 equitable , ' You are rellulre.t to answer salcl IJetltlun , " tHl ur before Montlay. the , Olh clay ut I.'e ru. / - , ary. IliuM. lJale U eem her 18. 1\107. \ COItNgl IUS I" . 'l'Il HNgy. lIy HUlON CAMlmOol. Atturlley. - IJcllartmcnt of the Illterior. t Unltell itatl's : l.a11l1 Olllce. f 'if , Nutlce of I'uhllcatlon ( lbolatel1 'l'met ) ! f PUIHlo SAI. . : , Broken Bow , Neltr. , Jan. : : : .1 , IOO ! : ! Notice Is herelty glvell that , as lIirectell bJ' lhe l'onunl ! > sioner uf the lIenerall.anll Otnec ulIlIer provisions of the Act of March 2 , 11107 , I ( :1-1 : Stat ! ! . . 14) : we will utfer at pll bile : .ale to the hllohest It\c\clcr \ \ , at : : o'clock ' , 10. , on the : : Uth Ilay of peltruary next , at th 1' s olUee , the tollowlng tracts uf lanll. to.wlt : Sy' N.W Sec. _ Ii : :2. 'l'wp , 17 : \ , Haugc JU W. " ' ( Any II r'Jn ( l'Ialmlng allversely the ahove . . . , I. " ' tlcscrlltell lan.ls arc allvlsecl 10 lIle their y. ' \ . \ ; ' claim ur ohjectlon : . on or helure the time altove lIe lgnate ( or : .ale , , ' .lonN Hm : H : . Heglster. ' /I / UAIUUH 1\I. AMHlllmItY , Bceell'cr _ i' [ . 'Irst pub Jan. 23 I ' Dcpartment of the Interior , t " Unltell States Ian Glllcc. I Notice of PUblbation ( lbolatell 'l'raet ) . . ' PU1I1.1C HAII : , ' Brokcn Uow Lallll Olllee , .Ian. 2 : ! , JIIl'li. ' Notice Is hereby given that , ali .lIrccte hy the CommlsslOl\er of theOenerallLlIlI ; Olllce under provll > lens of the Act of March : : , 1II'Ji' , ( :11 : Stals" 1221) we1'11I ulfer at pultllc flale : to the hlghclot hltlcler. at : : o'eluck p. m. . on the : : .tJth Ilay of I"ehruary lIext , atIlls ulllce , the lollowlng tractlo 01 lancl to.wlt N-W , : - S-I' : , N.l' ; H.W , Sec. ; " 'l'wp.O : : N. HangeO : W. All ) ' pcrloun claiming : \tlverscly the allo\'tI lIelocrlllell lallcls arc allvlsecl to lIle thelt' I clalmb or objecllolls on or IIclore the lime abuve Ile.lguateti : lur bale , .IOJlro ; HII : : : u , Hegister , UAIUUH 1\I. A ISIIIlIltY. Heedvt' . 1.'lrbt llub Jan. : : :1 : - - - - - NO'l'ICl' FOIt PUUI.WNl'ION. Department of the Interior , l.anIIOtlln' at llrokenlluw , Ncbrabka , Jalluary 271h , IWi ! . , J Notice Is herelty given . that Joarneiltllecl. . of Houn Valley , NeIJt. , has IIlcll notice uf his. Imentiun to make IInal ; , ) 'l'ar proof In IoUII' IIIII-t 01 hb 1'I.1Im. 1'17. : 1I0mcstc\t1 I'ntry : No. 21tl : , maclc March 25th. 11I01. ( or the Io . II\\ ' . Scctlun ti. tuwlllohiplti II , range III w , allli t1mt Ioa\clilroot \ wlllbc m\tlc ; before regllot'r : nllt rccclver , at Broken Bow. N.lt. . on March /lth / , ilIUM. IIc nameb the fullowlng wltnelobes to l'I'O\'c ' his cUlltlnuuus rc illence U 111I II , ; 1I111 t'ulth'a- tlun ul. the lallcl. I'll' : JObeph IIl'aUlllUnt. Broken Bow , Nebr. : Ole Uiebull. HouIIII Valley , Nl'br. Julius JUhlli ' I : > lIlI. Hounll'alley. . Nt'I.r , : Carllee , Hounll vallel' Nebr. , IUIIN ItJo : bH I' : , Heglstt.t' . P rstl'ub. Jan , : lOlt ; . NO'l'lC1' ; 01" 1'1'1'1'1'1 ; ON. I , : tate of Charle \ . r : Baker , clel'easl'II , III Am Cuunty cuurt 01 Cu.tl'r : cuunty , Ncbmska . , 'I'h , ' Stale \eltrabka , ' 1'0 all pcrsonn. : ! . terei > tl'llln Halll ei > tatc , take nutlce , that a 'f ' , l1elltloll halo hl'en lIle,1 for the appointment of W. N. Bra ) ' Olio allmlnlstrator sa"l ebtate which has bel'lIloet tor hcarhll ; hel't ! In , 011 I"l'h ) ' . : : Uth. IlI\JH. at 10 o'clock a. III , Uat'cI January 211ot , 1l1IJij. \ , A. It. lIum'Jlltta' . ; 1' ' . f CUUllt ) . Ju gc. \I \ I : , . . . ! " " " g , F. W. HAYES , J ewe1er and Optician I West Side Square , Broken Bow , R Nebraska. i U