Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 06, 1908, Image 7

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1fW' ( . ( ) ) W If 11 y l1 TI l tt
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Evcry seaDon finds the matron a little more particular , n little moro ex.
r ncting , because she Is a little better Informed , whell t he time comeR to 80. nn
Ject her ml11lnery , She has dIscovered that the lines and colors In a hat may .
olther add to , or decrease the attractions Hhe vosscsseH to an extent that was
undreamed of , not no long ago ; and she has genernllyJOssesscd \ herself with
the very wise convIction that her purchase must fulfill one requIrement , that.
Is , "I must look belleI' In my hat than without It. " Of course , this doesn't
apply to the great beauty whose Jooks need no cmbellIshing. She need only
Jook to hat to add variety to her charms.
The 'Woman apvroachlng middle life should .wear a : . 'outhful looldng hat
as long as she can do so without sacrificing hal'nlOny. When the time comes
to forego the pIcturesque and the girlish In mlJ1lner ' , she will Hnd Innumer.
able hats. , usually small or ml'dlum In size , that will suit her style and have a
ertaln llolso and spIrit. not to be found in other 11111I h10 I' ) ' , A pretty lIttle
round hat Is ohown In Fig. 1 , which la made frolll a lIat , ! Il'olllly dmped. It
Is soft , comfortable and channing , and wiJI IJC found becoming to most faces ,
'rhls hat Is an excellent ( 'xamllo of the SOI.t which the matron may choose ,
'rho very -oung girl Is somewhat limited in her choice also , although
each season finds greater attention ) laid to her needs , J { er hats should bo
large , rather simlllo In construction , and not too heavily trimmed , Flowers
mld ribbons , wings and quills , are the wisest cholco for decorations when one
Is to make U\1 \ a hat for.a ) 'oun miss. Little glrJs are allowed greatCl' elab.
oration , and are , ometlmes indulged In ostrich feathel's. to 11roduce quaInt ,
"old-fashioned" effects , A very } lretty and Him\1le \ hat for a : "Olll1g miss Is
In Fig. 2 , It Is of felt with silk and velvet 11owel's and ribbon used In
' the trimming ,
w . . . . , . . .
I ' Well-Dressed Hair
: : Is Fir5t Requisite
of the Debutante
, To be real smart the debutante
must. start on her career with hall'
well dressod. The all.over net Is an
, nbsolute necessity , Flying locks and
stray curls arc fetchingly pretty , but
fashion has set its stamp of approval
on the neatly dressed hall' with prim
flUffs and Irlm curls. The all-ovo1' net ,
matchIng the hall' exactly , Is not llis.
, covera1l\e \ and keels ) stray huirs In 01'-
, del' from 1Irealfast till midnight , They
ure real tinle-savers ,
Veils were ncver In greater demand.
The counters are piled with the most
charming fancies in ruf11ed , frilled and
bordered veils , The best for fuce wear
is the genuine thread with a tiny
ring. It Is not so trying to the o'es ,
The big dot nets and extravagant
styles arc used for hat drallerles , set.
Uug off any kInd of a chapeau grace-
Stripes which make their how for
the first time In the summer gene reappear -
f appear In IInons and silks fol' service .
blouses , Just a bit striking , they are I .
I still to be lilted as a novelty , Ono
combination is hl'own , blue and while
In quarter-Inch stripes ; another fa.
vorlte blue , green and white ; another
r d , hlack and white , the stripes clear
and stunning when made up with
Bomo vertical , others horizontal and
others bias ,
Elastic helts , steel studdl'd , talw
i precedence In the belt. wOI'ld. Haud , I
some leather bolts toned to suit cloths : .
nro brought in b ' French importers.
: : . : : - ' -
; ,
. . . .
, "
r Jeweled Tassels- -
Jeweled tassels are ClJI the rage ,
The ' are made of pea1'1 fringe with
diamond tops , which generally have
small stones SUl'l'OIl11dlng Clem , 'rhev
are used to IInish the on:1s of long
platinum and pearl chains that are
worll twhted once al'OIlJld the neck ,
or mil ) ' b Been hanging { rom hrooches
or pendants , Thu el1\lllro nccltlaces
or diamollli elaspn threade(1 with blacl.
" 'elvet rlbhon thl'cl'olghths of an Inch
wide at'O shown among thi ) novelties ,
1 < ' 01' 11 while wOl11on W01'O only the
cl118ters of II1nmonll5 , thOll/h / ; the , "cry
largo onl' are much sought nnd some
of the largest ones IUt ) slu'rounded
with . . smaller . stones . . , .
- - - - - -
- -
. - -
Finest Laces Used
by Those VVho Fancy
the Dainty Jabot
- - - -
The jabot of fine real lacO so much
affected by the Parislenne Is nothing
liltc so 111uch worn here , even by
women of fashion ,
There Is no end to the richness ot
the lace employcd , and the rarest of
old \lOlnt \ laces , as well as the point.
laces of the day , arc used , In such
cases , of course , great care Is taken
In the arrangment of the jabot so as
not to tear 01' cut the lace in any way ,
In many cases the jabots are nar.
row and come to the top of the girdle ;
others are shorter , and many are
wider as well , .
The ' are worn not only with lace
collal's attached to blousses hut with
the high , stiff linen collars attachell
to satin blouses , elaboratel ' embrold.
cred or cut with lace bands.
Of course , the stiff linen collar Is
death-dealing' to the natul'Ul beauty
of the neck , hut 60 long as they are
fashionable many will wear them.
Fortunately , the society girl or woman
changes her costume so many times a
day that the linen collar Is worn tor
a few hours only at a time.
Ono of the jabots In rare old rose
lloint dull hued with ago was gathered
to. II stralgl/t / strip ot satin ribbon ,
'fhe latter did not show , ot course ,
and down the center we1'O four little
( 'loth of sllvel' covered button molds ,
with a thl'ee-quartors Inch silver ribbon -
bon laid in a serIes of five tiny plaits ,
ouo on top of the other , each cluster
fiarlng out a bit IIko a fan ,
'rho 11Ifferent shades of blue , espe.
clally Nattim' , now the really smart
blue worn In Paris , 01' In pink , are ef.
feet " 'e , whllo pale shades carrying
Ollt the color scheme of the gown 01'
tIle hat ml\Y ho worn , and all set off
the ueauty of the lace ,
Fo ! ' the woman with IIttlo to spend
\'almlcionnes lace makes charmIng
jlbhots , but this mllnt bo Iwpt a pure
whlto 01' clse dipped to malw' it a trl10
cream Ol' pale ) 'ellow In order to be
effel'tive. The yellowish , soiled tones
( Jf 1 eal old lace have no heauty when
arrleLl ont In Yalenclonncs ,
Hlncl { satin hut tons and lIttle flat
10"\IS \ of hlaclt satin are effective , and
Yalenc1l'r.nes collars at the shaped
sort higher hehlnd the ears may ho
nal1(1 ovel' a pattern and tlnlshed with
a \Jl'bo \ ribbon of black \'el\'et at the
top and 1smal't little bow of Inch-
wide ribbon In the front at the base
of the stock ,
'I'heso stocks must , of course , bo
1Iroller1 ' boned , No stocl ! of any sort
\n3 \ ! < . ven a sha e of smartness unless
it Is bGned.
Brown Decorations Used ,
Brown paller Is vel'Y milch used for
the dlnlng-I'oom , that part helow the
chall' rail being durkel' than that
abo\'e , The walls shollld bo unadorned
except fa I' the IIleceB of china and
rare potter ) ' , \lOrhn1 \ > s , In slIch 1\
brown room 'ollow silk curtains , just
to the sill , lU'e'cry pretty , White
woodwol'l ! adds milch to the charm
of the 1'0011I , hut dtl'ker : 'vood Is pro-
fel'l'cd lJ ) ' lI1an } ' ,
. , - . . . . -
- - - . -
- - - -
Moravian Bartey and Speltz ,
two rent l'crcnl , ro\\'in" nll'l fat.
Itnlng hOPR ; nnll cattlc po sible in n'II. _ I
MonL Ida" ( ' 010" ' ' e\'l'I'\-whcl'e !
, " " ) 'I'q , \ \ , nnl
IlIhl to I\ho\"e Ha1zer' " , Billion 111111al' Grn R ,
the 12 ton lIn ' wondcr 'reoRintc , which
[ lrudllCes SO ton8 of I'cen fmllier pCI' ncrl'
Emperor Willinlo Oat IlrodilU' , etl' . , ntll !
other mrc fnrm Fced ! ! t mt theofTer ,
.1UST CUT T11IS OUT ANn m'runN ; IT
with 10e in IItamp ! ! for parKinlZ. etc" to the
John A , alzrl' Serd ( " 0" 1.,1 ' ( "I'OSCViR. . .
nllll et t hcir hig catnlo ! ; nnll lots of furm
secd FamilIes , K , oS. : . . W ,
In the Language ,
"Somo uno hns said thnt n Idss Is
the language of lo\'e , " 1'ell1arlcII the
) 'Olln1 ; man In the parlor scene ,
"Well. " rejoIned th'l faIr mnld on
the far end of the sofa , hwh ' don't ) 'OU
got busy and say somethIng ? "
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Reason { Ol' Marrying ,
"Thl'r say thnt ho mUl'I'led her for
her mOIll'y , "
"And what did he do when she lost
her weulth ' ! "
"Ho lost hIs reason-III\l'\'m'll
Lamlloon ,
Important to " 'otho'o.
Examine carefully e\'ery bottle oi
CAS'rOHlA a aafe nnd sure romcd ' f01'
Infants and children , and see that It
Bear : ! the
Signature ot md
In Uae For Ovcr ao Ycars.
'rho Kind You lJl1VO Always BouCht.
It Is vain to be always looldng to.
wards the future , an 11e\'OI' ncting to.
watd ; It-Bo'es ,
Don't worry : , nbout : . 'our complcxion-
take Garfiehl Tea , the Herb laxnti\"t ! nmi
blood'Jlurificr ! An itnprovcllIcnt will be
! lCCD in a week ,
You can't malO good gInger ale If
'thing ails the ginger , I
- -
- ,
Lf d Done His nest.
UnC'lu HORl'It did not f'cl ohIo to
lHltribllto 11101'0 bnn 7 cents to the
llRslollar ' ( 'a use , aIllI WIIS not pnrtlcu.
lrl ' cnthuslasllc n.Jout ! gl\'lng o\'cn
"You ought to 11\0 n9 the Lord 1mB
rosllcrCll ) 'ou , " salll Deacon Iron.
Ide ,
"I dOll't thInk the 1.01'11'11 over nc.
use mo of ht'ln' unJratt'Cul , " nn ,
\\'rel1 Uncle I101sea. "SIx ot 111) '
o's Is prcachers , "
. . _ -
Thosc Delicious Lemon Pies ,
The Idnl1 thnt "l11no ! ) 'Our l110uth wa.
)1' ' ' uro cl\sll ) ' I11nl1o with IIU fUMln ! ; ' nntl
t1'118t \ 1)l4slhlo cxponsc If rOil190
QUIt.Pllo , , " Jlrcpnr\Uon , Don't hcsltntc ,
Ir ) It nllll tl'lI ) 'ollr rrhHHII ! . At grocern ,
J centRo 'l'lrl'o ! Idn s : Lel11oll. Choco. nllli CUlJtnrl1 ,
- - -
It 11\ not necessal' ' for n11 mon to ho
: reat III action , 1'he gl''ntost anll ullb.
Imest II oweI' Is often slll1lllo pl1t1enco ,
-Goetho ,
Mi\ny Old People Suffer from
l1'onl'hl111 Affections pnrtlcularl ) ' at
IIIR tlmo of 'car , Brow11's Bronchl111
'l'Ochcs gl\'o Inullcdlato rollcf ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
However things ma ' Sl'el11 , no 0\11
hlng Is success , nml no { ; oed thIng
.allure.-Samuel LOllgfollow ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ n
ONI.Y ONI "ll1tO"O : OtJlNINW'
: 'hnt Is 1\XA''I\'IC 1I1l0\lO yl1iNINIC , lo1",1 ( for
110 11I1I""Irl' . .C t : , W , llllO\ , Used lhu World
Ivcrtu Cum n CuMin Ono HI11' c ,
The maI'o jUdmenl , n , ml1n hns , the
; Iower IUld the mure enreful wfll ho ! .Jo
:0 : C01HlelUl1-l\aurer ,
1IInI , " 'III.lo'n Soothln ! : , .ral ) '
'or cltlldren Icclhlnl' ' : , 80Clc081110 1:111118 , roluce8no
lammatlun , allay pain , curCI wInd collu. "bulUO ,
- - - -
It's n sweeping nssertlon to say that
1 new broom swe011S clean ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - "
- -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
. .
. -
DEFIANCE Cold WatcrStarch LlVr : STOCK- D ' .OTYPE-S
WlllteslllUnllrvorlc , . , , , 100. M 1 SCELL\NEOU5 ; , 'EnT n
\ 10
) II lilcilsuro oz. 111 :
_ _ _ _ _ - In It..l , ' .rlrly rnr . . .1. . . . .llh11I""l I.rl" " I. ) "
. , , ' , . . . . . . , .
W , N , U" OMAHA , NO , 5 , 1908 , .A ULlA'OU E1tM'Artnlll"a\\A4..8I"I"I.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Commissioner Smith ' $ . The Standard' Oil Co. I
From -Ra.ilway rVorld , Ja//U1l1 ; ' J , 1908. .
Mr , Hcrbert Knox SmIth , whose zeal In the
cause of ecol1omlc reform haf\ been In no wlso
abated b- : the panic whIch he and his Itlnd dId
so much to bl'ing 011 , is out with an unswer to
} ) resldent " , toffett , of the Stnndal'll 011 Com.
Jlan ' of Indiana. The publcatfon ! of this an.
swer , It is officlally given out , was delayed se\ ' .
cral weels , "for business reasons , " hecausc It
was not deemed advisable to further excite
the pUblic mind , whIch was profoundl ' dls ,
turhed by the crisis. Now that the storm
clouds have rolled by , however , the Commls.
slouer rushes again Into the fray ,
Our readers remember that the chief poInts
in the defenco or the Standard 011 Comllan ' , as
presented b ) ' Preuidont MOffott , were (1) ( ) that
the date of six cents on 011 from Whiting to
East St. Loul3 hat > bccn Issued to the Staudard
Oil Comlmn ' as the lawful rate by em\110yes \
of the Allen , (2) ( ) that the 1Scent rate on file
with the Interstate Commerce Commission was
a class and not a commodity rate , never heing
intended to all\11 \ ' to oil , (3) ( ) that oil was
shipped In lare , quuntitles between WhltlnJ ;
and Emt. St. Louis over the Chicago & East.
ern Illinois at G1A c'nts per hundred Ilounds ,
whIch has heen filed with the Interstate Com. .
merce Commission as the lawful rate , and (4) ( )
that the 18-cent rate on all was enth'ely out ot
proportlon to lawful rates on other cOll1modl.
ties between these lJolnts of a similar char.
acter , and of gl'C'atel''ulue , such , for example ,
as linseed 011 , the lawful rate on whIch was
eight cents. President MofCett also stated that
thousands of tons of freight had been sent h '
other shfJIIJers bet ween tllt'BO Ilolnts undel'
ubstantially the same condilions as governed
the shl\lIlwntB \ of the Sta1H1nrd 011 COl1llmny ,
This defenco of the Standard 011 COIl1\lIlny \
was widely quoted and has undoubtedly exert.
cd a llowcrful Inlluence U\lon \ the IllIhlle mind ,
Naturall ' the Administration , which has
staked th ( ' success of its ( 'nmpalgn against
the "trusts" n\lon \ the result of its attack upon
thIs company , endeavors to offset this Influ.
enco , and hence the new llell\'cranco or Com.
missioner Smith ,
'Vo need hardly to101nt \ out that his I'ehut.
tal argument Is oxtrC'mel ) ' w'alt , although as
strong , no doubt , as the cll'cumstances woulll
warrant. 110 answers the points made 11) ' Presi.
dent Moffett substantially liS follows : (1) ( ) 'I'he
Standard Oil Company had a tmfllcdopartment ,
and should llUvo Imown that the sixcent rate
had not hoen filed , (2) ( ) no answer , (3) ( ) tIlt' Chi.
cage & Eastern 11Iinols rate was a secret rate
because it reali , not fl'om Whiting , hut fl'om
Dolton , which It ; described as " village of
allout 1,500Iolulation \ , just olllci c of Chicago ,
Its enl ' claim to note is IIlt : It has heen fOl'
man ' : years the point of origin for this and
similar secret rates. " The Commlssionol' ad.
, mlts in Ilescrihing this rate that thel'O WIIS : L
note attachl'd stntlng that the l':1to cOllld also
be usell from Whiling.
The Ilress has quito genpl'ully hailed this
statement of the Commissioner of Corpl1a. :
Hens as a conchl3ive refutation of what Is lwl-
dently I'eco nlwd as the slrongest I'ehuttal
argument advanced by the Standard ,
In fact , It Is as weak and Inconclusive liS the
remainder of hIs argllluent. The lines of the
Chicago & l astel'n Hllnol : : ! do not run Into
. .
. . .
- - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - -
B ) ' the wa ) ' , arc you acquainted with' ' . } t's easy for
nn ' man who flatters his wife ! maleo IL ! .Jad 1m
- - - -
We Sell Guns and Traps Cheap I I I > U S cum
Buv fllr ! ! and hid'II , VI' tan tIll'lII fOI' I'"IoI'S 1 > A7.0 OI-'r mN'l' II
- IIC , , 111
& rugs. N , \ \ - , II'd C & 'ur ' l' 0. , . ' , 1 1I1nCiI\1U \ 1 I . 61oUdaY90rUIOIIOY IIchlnll HIlmi
Talk Is cheap-unless n lawyer Is By doIng dut
Imndlns it out , E , B , PUSl'y.
Chicago. They termInate at Dolton , from whIch
llOlnt entrance Is made over the Belt I..lno ,
Whiting , where the oil freIght orlglnntea , Is not.
on the IInos of the Chicago & Enstern Illinois ,
whIch receives its Whiling freIght fl'om the
Bolt Llno at Dolton. 'l'he former practice , now
discontinued , In fIling tariffs was to multo
them I'l'ad from a IlOlnt on the IIno of the f11.
lug road , and It was also geneml to stllte on
tlto same sheet , that the tariff wou1l1 II\Jply \ to
other llOlnts , e , g" Whiting , 'l'ho ChIcago &
Eastern IllinoIs followed thlH practlco In filing
itu rate fl'om Dolton , und maltlnJ ; a note un
the sheet that iR all\llIed \ to Whiting. 'rhlR wus
In 1895 when this method of filing tariffs was
in common use ,
Now let U sco In what wn ) ' the intending
shIpper of all could ho misled atHI deceived by
the fact th\l ; the Chicago & 1 lIstern Illinoln
had not HIed a rate I''adlng from Whiting.
Commisslonor Smith contendR that "ooncenl.
ment Is the nnl ) ' motlvc for such 11 circuitous
Ilrrangement , " I. e. , that this mcthod of Hling
the rate wau Intended to miBleul Intending
competitors , of the Standard 011 COI11\mn \ ) ' .
Snp\10S0 \ snch a proslleclive 011 refiner had al ) '
\llIed \ to the Intersluto Commerce Comm1sslon
for the rate from Chicugo to Ellst St. Lonls
o\'el' the Chicago & Eastern Illinois , ho wOllld
have bcen Infol'llled thnt the enl ' rate HIed
with the commission by this com\Hlny \ .was G ;
cents from Dolton , und ho wonld huvo been
furthcl' infol'lned , If Indeed ho did not Imow
this alreml ) ' , that this rate applied throughout
Chicago tl'l'rltor ) ' . So that whethcl' he wlsfICd
to locate his 1II11I1t at Whiting , 01' anywhere
else about Chicago , under an ul'I'\ngon1l'nt or
10llg standing , und which applies to ull tlll1 Industrial -
dustrial towns In the nelghhorhood of ( "hlca.
go , ho could have his freight delivel'ed ovel'
the Bolt Line to the Chleago & Eastel'n Illinois -
nois at Dolton a 11I1 trans\lol.ted \ to I ast St.
Louis at a rute of G % , cents , Where then In
the concelllment which the Commlsslonel' of
COl'pol'lltlons mul\Cs so m11ch of' ! An ' mte-
from Dolton on the EIIRtcI'n Illinois 01' Chup.
] lell on the Alton , or IJIII'\'y on the llllllois
Central , 01' Blue lalallll on the Hock Islund ,
applies throughout Chicago to 1'1'1101' ) ' to shIp ,
ments fl'om anr other Ilolnt In the dlstriel.
So far from the Eastern JllInols filing Its rate
from Dolton In order to decelvo the uhlpper ,
It Is the CommissIoner oC COl'poratlolls who
elthel' hetrays hI ! ! gross 11norl\11ce of trans pOI' .
tat ion customs in ChIcago terrItory ai' relics
on the IllIhllc Ignol'lInco of these c11stonHI to
deceh'o the Illlhllc too ap ; to uccept unques.
tlolllnglr 0er ) ' statement made hy Il Govel'll.
ment olliclal IIR necessarily tl'Ul' . althollgh , IHI
In tne lll'esent Instance , It carefnl cxamlnatlon
sho"s these statcmcnts to be false.
The filial \Ioint \ made hy PresidC'nt Moffett
that other commodIties of a charactl'l' siml1ll1'
to 011 " , ere cal'l'll'd at mll'l1 JO\\'l'r : I'IIteR than
] S cents , the COllllllissionol' of COl'porations
I1lscussl'S only wllh the rl'marlt that "tho
'I'eat.onuhleness' ! of this rat ( ' Is lIot In lJuestion ,
'rhe lJuostion Is whl'thel' : this rate cOllstHutod
a discl'hulnalioll us against other shiV\Jers \ of
oil , " allll ho also makes much of th ( ' falhlr ! ' of
Pl'esldontloffott : to prodnce heforo the grnnd
jnry e\'ldellce of the alleged Illl'gnl acts of
which the Stlllldard 011 olllcial said that other
large 811IPllora In the terl'1tor ' had heon gnl1t ' ,
ConsIdering the fuct that these shtlpel's ! In.
clnded the pUt\leors and elevator mcn of Chi.
cage the acllon of the gmnd jlll'y In call1n ! ;
upon PI"osldent Moffoll to furnIsh evldonce or
thell' wronr.dolnf mllY ho Interpreted as a de.
mUlllI fol' an elahoratlon of the obvious ; hut
the fnct that a I'uto-book containing these
fl'ehht futes fOl' othol' 6hl\I\o1'1I \ \ was ol'1'ere In
ovllcnco ! during the tl'lal and I'ulod out. by
, Judge Landis , was J.ept ont of alght. PI'esl.
dt'nt Moffett would not , of COlll'Sl' , 'ucccpt the
IlIvltation of the ' ' ' he
m'and jlll' nltho11gh might
have bl'en pardoned If ho had rofened thom
to yarlona omclal Inveallgatlons b ) ' the Intel' .
alato Commol'co Commission and other de.
IlIu'tll1enls of the Go\'crnment. '
Wo como bacle , therefore , to the conclusion
or the whole matlm' , which Is that. the 8tunll.
anI 011 COmlJlny of lulilanIL was lined un
umount equnl to seven 01' eight times the vl\l.
uo or Itl ! cntt'o ! property , ! .JOCUUfJO Its tl'atilc
delll\rtment dill 1I0t'el'If ' the stulomont oC
the Allen rate CIOl'lt , that the six.cent con11uoll.
It ' rate on 011 had heen IlI'oVOl'ly fIled with the
InterHh\to Commerce Commission. ' 1'hel'o Is no
l'vidcnce , and none waa Introducell at the trial.
that any shlppol' of 011 from Chlca o tonltory
had bcen Interfcrcll with by the 18cent mto
1101' that the ful1l11'o of the Allen to file Its six.
cent rate had resulted in any dlscl'lmlnation
agaillst an ' Indoponl1ent shlvper-wo 1I1USt
talte thl3 on the wOl'd of the Commlsslonel'
of COI'porations nnll of .Tudge Lallllls , Neither
iH It denIed o\'en by 1\11' , Smith that the "Indo.
pOIHlent" shl\lper \ of oil , whom ho plctnres ag
helng 1ll'Ivell out of business by thlR dlscrlm.
inatlon or the Alton , coulll hl1\'o shlllllCd 1111
the 011 he de3h'ell to ship from WhIting vll1.
Dolton 0\1' the IInos of the CI' ' ago & gast.
Ol'll IllinoIs to 1 l\st St. Loula , In short , Presl.
dent 1\lorfett'R dofenco Is sUll good , IInd wo
' will bo declare1 the ' . ,
Il1'olllct ao ! hy hlghm' COUl.t
'rho Standard 011 Company has hcen charged
with nil manner of crimes nnd mlsdemeanOl's ,
BegInning with the fumolls Hlco of Marietta ,
\lasslng \ down to that I1posllo of IIO\Hllar \ libel' .
tlos , Henry Demarest Llo'd , with his Wealth
Against the Commonwealth , lIesconlllng b ) '
eaay stageD to 1\1lss Tarbell's offenslvo Ilerson.
alilics , wo finally reach the nether depthu oC
unfl1l1' amI haseless mlsropro cntation In the
report ot the Commissllmel' of COI'\IOl'Utions ,
'rho Standard has bcon charged with evcl'Y
form of commercial III racy and with 1I10st of
the crhnos on the corpomtion calendar. Actel'
Ion ! ; ) 'cars of strenuous aUacl" under the
leallershlp of the Prcshlellt of the Unltell
States , the corporation Is at last dl'llgged to
tlw har of justice to 11113 we I' for Its misdoings ,
The whole strength of the Govel'nment Is dl.
rected against It , and at last , we aI'O told , the
Stnndl1rd 011 Comllany is to pay the Ilonalty of
It ! ! cl'IInes , 111Id It Is finally convict cd of hay.
Inl ; failed to yerlfy the statement of a mto
clerk and IR forthwith Hnell a prodigious sum ,
II\pasllI'ell hy the car , Undel' the old criminal
law , the theft of pro\JCrty \ worth moro than IL
c.hllllng was Il1\11lshablo \ h ' death. Under the
Intct'pretatlon of the Interstate Commerce law
Iy 'I'heodorc Hoosevelt and Judge Kenesaw
Lanllis , a technIcal Nl'or of a tramc official Is
111 all 0 the l'xcuse for the confiscation ot a vast
amount of IIl'ollCrty.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the ayerage man to I t'or 1lnlt : E'e , pll00tlO
! alc , DISTEMPER ShlpplnlJ I' c'er ,
. - - - - - - &
I Calarrhal Fever
( ) IN 0 'ro 1. . UA YS , I Ruro . . - . . . . . . , . . .
cure an.1 poolll.-e I'rovellll. . no maU..r bow 110",1'1. .l''y aile are lur..I& < I or
BllInranll"l III ctlro III1Y com "tlJIMI."I. " J.lclulclllveu " " the tOlll"O' act. on th. . 1ll00 < ll111d 01:111118. : , upel. Iblt
"INIIIIII ur 1'rutrul.llnlf 1'1105 10 loolhllllou8I1er , , , . from the I1o < ly. Curl' . JllaleUll'or h. 1'01 : " "lid Hbecp . .lid. 1101" . . . . 10
roCund. , , ! , We . I'OIUlry. l"'I'\P.lo"lIlrl IIv".tOt'k rOIll < ly. < ; ure. I. . . IIrll'I' ' ' .1II01l 1IIIIIIIn belllll : .
I\n.1 to. . nno Khilloy rOIllf'tI ) " , bQc 1111.1 flalJolUe. 1..111' ' .10 l1iloen. . . Cnllhlo 0111. "up
I . Hhuw lo fourilr"II.I. wbo wllI."t Il tor 'uu , t're" 1J0oklel , lJI.I"lIIjJer , Cau. . . .
y we I earn to d 0 L- anlll'ure. : ' HIJet'IJ.1 DKelll. walll"l.
j SPOHN MEDICAL CO. . B I I t g 9 G05HEfl , IND" U , 5 , A ,
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . , . . . ' . , ia _ . , " t. . : : , . ' , . " . , . _ ; 1' . . . ; t ' ; : . \ . I. . - . : , \t" " " " 'ti .nt.7 : . ; " " . _ m ! i. " r 'i.if' "c.r-'f. " 'f. . ; " " "
When you need a medicine for women's ills , we urge you earnestly to take Caret -
N ot dui. Cardui is a woman's medicine. It is not for men , but only for such women as
suffer from the ills peculiar to women. Therefore , you should take
For Wine of Cardui
if sick , because it has helped others who suffered as you do. Mrs. Bettie Arp , of
- Menlo , Ga. , writes : "I was troubled with female complaint for twelve months. The
MenMenlo treated me , but did me little good , so I took Cardui , and it saved my life. "
' Wrlteror Free 64palCe Dooh \VomcnlZlvlntt , ymptomu.cauaecbome treatment and
i1 ' JFOR FREE BOOK valuable hInt. on diet , uercllell , etc , ! ent fll.e on request In plain ; cull
prepaId , l.adlea' ! 1vllory D t. . The J4edlcloo Co , CbattanooltlL , ' ,
. Cbattal100za 'HOO
. - . , - . . . " -'i' . 'u' . , , ' - T > , t"I. l ; : : ? ' ' - " " ' , _ , ; : ' _ , ; , < ' : ' B f' 20 " , f10l . 1.1 . " ' . ' ' ' ' ' _ " " . . : r' " . ! . . i < . " , . . . . . . . . . .t.r . _ , ! ; L co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . it. . . . 1.sJ : ; ' ! t\J/"i/ # ' ' 1 gt. _ . . ' " . . , J ; .iI ; ' ' : ' ' . . : _ JI < o . > . ( . _ . . , . . , , . , . , . . . . . 'it . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . , " , . . . "v. ; R _ , . . " . ' . - . - _ - - . " _ . - ; . _ . . _ _ . _ - _ . . .
- " . . . . ,
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