_ _ _ _ _ u . _ _ _ _ . 'ii ON THE TR.tl\IL OF THE AMERKCAl'J PI ISSIOf\Jl RY By WILLIAM : T. ELLIS This Dlstlnr.ul'hecl American JourMII" \ - , T'lIve lnr. Arouod Ih WorN lor Iho PurpolJ of Itlvt ! J5"tin : : Ihl ) AmNI-r.n Forello : MI 1t1l3ry ! lulU Purely 1J1'lOler < ted , > c.\Jle' 110,1 rjor' : ' ' -.1.0 ! IIJ'(1rom' IJlrolle ! \ < ! wllh Drawlna IIn1 'rom ' Phat ) .ra hs , - - Foreign Missions Useful But Inadequate' . . _ . . . . . - - - - - - - - . _ . - - - - - & - - , rr---- - - Homl' , Jtalr-II\ \ ' ( ! In the ronll'r o [ ' ' ' In lorpst , homc. t hc world's 1'0111'\10118 ' \ ward hOlltlll , 1 lool { hllCI , 0\01' IIlJllt'h' a ) 'ollr's Im'csUgllllolI o [ Christian 1I1ls"lonR " , III the OI'll'I1t for a IInal I'e- \ low llnd SlInllnl11T , What Is the COli' cuslon ) of the whole wlltler' ! Are for. pl n missions wOl'th while ? The an8W'I' must ho In the afJIrma. tI\'e , COlIslderpd only froll1 the utanll. ) lOlnt o [ hunmnltnrlall and ) lhl1all' thl'\ll1lc ser\'lce , the enUl'e IIIlsslott"nry ( 'ntcrlrlso ) justifies Its oxlstel\'l' . Add to thsl ! fI'Cflt wOl'ks oC hpallng , orIu. clition alld care for the orllhnlllHl a till the lIecd ' , the hClle1clal ! Inlluonco which has IIC0n exerted U)10n ) the C'\mractprs \ of thousallds o [ lIatl\'e con. verts , as wcl1 as the more gonoml , though 110110 the 11'88 1II11111slalwhlo Inllucnco wlcldcd In hehalf of clvllla. tlOI\ \ , and It will ho seeu that the min. fllollarr agcllclofl which the churches of CIlI'lstOlldoll1 lIIalnlaln at IIn annual ( 'xpcndlture of IIIClnr 1II1\1I0u" \ of dol. IIIr8 Is 01H' o [ the t\'pmendous \ twen. tll'lh ccnturr forces IImltlll ! ; for the WOl'Id's 1II'0gross , Without all1lll1C 'lng this point , whIch hils s1lt'0ly lawlI made )111110 ) 111 the precadlnr : ; arllclC'R , let me sumest 80111 ( ' gellPral consillomtlons and criU. - dsms which aplOllI' ) to ho Important NlOlIgh to deser\'e the IIttontion of the g ( ' 1\1'1\ I pulJllc , 1111 well 118 of that large ( ' { lI1stlluOIICY CSllOclally intcl'eat. ( 'd In ml3910ns , Where Churches Should Get Toether. [ ] 1 Imow oC 110 oUwr undl'llllllIg any , wlH're at all 1I11111'oachllll ; this uno Itl magnltmlo which Is IIIlIImged In such a helter.t\Cltel' ; } . dllwl'glllllzpd fllshlon , or on such an unhuslnp8s1l1w hasls. I : do not hero allude to the lIelmllllstl'a. ' tlon o [ the Indl\'ldulII hoards , hut to the IIropagandll as a whelp , Senti. ment , mood aud emotion , mthl'r than I t < , sted principle alld careful jUIlgmont , se < , m to ho the foundation of 1II0st mhmlonary acU\'It ' : If 11 man 01' a hodr can Illsplay ( 'Slleclal cfllcloncy In stil'l'lng the feellngt ; of the hOll1o con. IItIluency he or It cnn ho SUrH oC Illenty of funds alld a fl'eo 1101d to go where It will and do what It 1I10ases In the mission wOl'ld. ' 1'hel'o Is at ) Ires. unt 110 sul11clont mcthod of checltlng up the WOI'I. o [ foreign 1II111810ns , ThIs sort o [ thing , nnd WOl'SO mls. taltes , arc In good ) II\I't duo to the hel ) ) , 'oursolf fashIon In which the de. 1I0mlnlltions wOl'I" Only III the 11101'0 r'cent fiehls has there heon an appor. tlonmcnt of lC'I'ItOI' ' lUuon ! ; the churches , although every where the necd for this Is so urgent that the de. nomlnatlolls 1\1'0 1I0W rocogulzlllg and 'Iollling to It , Plnlnl ' , there Is no 8Ur. 11rlent rea SOli why the mission worlt of the Prol'stunt chmchcs In heathen lands should not ho done as olle closo. 1)coolorallng ) hodr , The Ilvowcll allu Is the con\'el'slon of the IIe0ll ! ( ' , ami 1I0t the perlOtuation ) nnll extensIon of dl'nomlnatlonn 1 lIames , crol'lls and au , thorlty upon the mltslon ; fiod. ) The lresent nrrangomollt. Is oxpcnsl\'e , dl. vlsl\'o and a. hlndl'allco to the end sought. What sense or reason Is there for Inslance , In e-lluhllshlnf : ; 1I0rthol'l and southom Preshyterlau churches In C llna , where the Yor ' exlstenco of America Is n. nohulous matter to most of the ) leollo ) an the fact of the civil war Is unlmown to nou ) lerBon out of o\'ery thousaml ? Left to themsel\'es , the natl\'e Christians In the 110)1 ) ! 1 ha vo ylsltCll would 1I0t ho long In fonnlng ana Chl'lstiall ohmch , ; Businesslike Methods Needed , lcndltl ! ; the tlmo of actual un 1011 , o\'er ' 110sslJlo ! fOl'ln of coollerallon should bo allolted. ) 'rho commercial sagacity of the melhod which leelS haJr a dozen OXlll.H1slvo lheologlenl1y. trnlne " ! Juslnes ag'nts" In the Ramo port city to do the Iurey' ) secnlar work for separate 1J0\I'ls : which could all bo done lJy ono unol'dalnOlI busl. I ness man docs 1I0t a)11Cal ) to the WII\ " farer. Nelthor does the 7'al f r Illanting new worl { In theBo oUtlOstS ) loHen In competition with nall\'o churches ) whel'o exonses ) are high. ! St , dl1l1cu1lles grelllcst and roaults f " 'estl when there are unlimited fll' ' \ ' rnblo opcnlngs In the untouched In , terlor. Most 110rt cities , ho It re , marltcd , need 11 RulJlrnction'athet \ than IIn alhlltlon of ml5sll,1IIarles , A closer anll 11101'0'Igorous suppr. vision of missions on the ) lIu't of Bon 6lblo , courageous men or Iluthorlt . will result In the woeellng out of thl. occasional unfit mIBsIOllllr ' IUHI It remed 'lng tactical ! JhllHlora In the 10 cation of stations and'in the charactel of the work , Two other ImlJOrtant services thlt vuslness1l1cc SUIWt'\'lslon would accom IlIIsh : It woulll InRuro the sondlng 0 'linn 0 , well.l.mlancP < 1 IUld accurate 1'0 lJorls to the hOll1olalld. and It woul < 'deal "Igorousl ' with the cl'ltlclall11 which UI'O so C0ll1111011 on the otho aldo or the gloho that the ) ' cOlIstitutl Il serIous harrier to II1lsslonal'Y HUC tess , Gl'lticlall1B which nt'o oven )1t\1'1 ) I 1) ' t 'lshoulll be fmlltly ) a elln I tlOt ! \ 'i ' anll the evils reme lell ; tholiJO whle ! IllO not tJ'uo should bo 1J0ldly clm tonged amI silenced , ' 1'111) llosltlon can never ho lIIalt tuln3 that . .mlislollurlo1'0 1JIIII.ICf ; ble'funll : ' , to nnsWUI' careful , llehllt ! crlt1 tsms , as nome which - have al Ilea red In this cOI'rOS1)ondenco ! In\ ' been uuswere , b ) ' the sweClllu ! ; atut' ' i l1Iellt thal It 13 "morally Irnposn'hlc" fIll' It mIRslonlr : ' to 110 W 1'011 ! ; , Is slm. ply to ) IUt mlsslolllll'Y defollHo he 'olld the )11\10 ) \ of cOlIsldNatlOTl by thlnl < lnl- ; 11I011 , In UIO 0110 ) Jal'tll'uhu' hlHtallcc where 111 ' rrilieism hlld 1I0en dol1nlte. _ Ir IJlKIHllolI I hllli ! mld that a eC'talll ! l10rllwrll Mcthodlflt IIIhmlonary had 10llt his Itblllt ' aud Inllllolloo 10 a cor. 1I0I'nllon tleaklnJ. ; com'osslolll ! frolll the Chilleso ! : ovcrllmelll. 'l'11I ! hoarll sec. l' ( > tal'Y alld ol'rtnln dOllollllllntlonal pu. pOl'a ntlncwII ! 11I(1 vlt'ulnlllly for lhls , declarlll thltt 1 11111 not lotow what I was talking alJoul. ' 1'hon , to I holr ul. t'I' ronfllslon , Itlong came the ) ) \31 \ < 1. InJ.t 1\lolhodlnt I JllsOOH11 ) hlshol ) of Chinn , fully uIJ8tal1tlatlnl , ; the ChUr I' . hut exolIl'ratlnJ. ; the mlsslonl1l'y fl'OIll wrollg Itltftntlon und uBSllllllnl , ; I'esllon. slhlllty hln\lwf ) , Similarly , 11I0re offectl\'o admlllis. tratlon of the misslollllry lrOllagalHl\ ! will fill'll Ish the truvoJlnl ; pllbllc wllh I ho ( 'aslly ascortnillol ! facll' ! o [ the 11110' nlou I\pldn \ , allll will ) Hlt forth effort to IntrolhlclJ thom to IIIlsslons In actual olwratlon , It will also grapple with the IlrohlclII of the 11I01'1\1 \ alld spiritual conelltlou ,1f tho'l ) ( \ cities ; for 110 long us the E\II'OlCall \ ) IlOrtion of theRe 11OI'\t \ ; 1'01111\111 liS they ul'e the worl. of mlsulonH Is 1J0ulld to 1J0 1I0I'IoIISly humered. ) , Missionary Mlstakcs. Before ea\'ll1 this slIhject 1 must malte n rathOl' sweellngcrltlclatn ) which the hOl1l'l1 sholld ) ha\'o dealt with lonl-t ago , It Is Ihat an ustonlsh. Ing ) II'Ortloll ) ) of missionaries dlsllla ) ' bad manllors and had taslo 011 ship' hoard , ' 1'0 don : this charge , which , III olle fOl'm or another , has beell made , times without numlJOI' ; Is to tllrn one'3 ' IJllcl { 011 the facts. 'rho condllct of some mlsslol1aJ'le8 alJoanl shill Is one of the 1II0St )1I'oll1c ) ! somcos of the : lI1l1mI8slonal' ) ' slllrit which ) JOI'vad s ) J\ssonger : shillS the WOI'ld OVOI' , allll ) II'acticall ' all of the ) IOI't cities of the orlunt. SOIllO of the Cl'llIcllIlIIS made In thIs cOllncctlon are Hlmll ) ) ' UltlltI. swerahlo , What Is to IJe salel , fOl' oxam1M , In defense of the woman missionary whoso place lit the table had to 1J0 chan eel three tlllIes 011 the voyag-o IIcrOBS the Pacl1c ! last 1II0nth ? In the IIrst ) llaco , her astollllding meddle. sOlnclloss , had brought IIllon hOl' a 1'0 , blllO at which she f'lt offolllied anel chullgoll hOl' Beat ; ) atel' , the ) HlSSell- gOl's with wholll she was lJeated fOlll1d her so uncomfol'tuhlo a companloll that thc ' cOIII\1)alnoel \ ) to the stU\\'l\rd \ ulld IIIsistcI1'on ha\'lng clthor her scat 01' theirs changed. The unswel' com. mOllly made to storlcs lllto this Is that the mhslonary'u ; godlll1oss 110 doubt reJukuel ! the 8111fllilless of the olhOl' IHlssengors , whleh Is nelthcr a modest nOl' a charltahlo rejolndor , In this case , the star ' was told h ' ' ) me ) a )11'011I' ) Inent American hllslnoss mall , a chllrch member , who hlmsoJ [ had heoll attendIng II BOl'Ies of missionary meet. Ings In Omaha jllst hefol'o lel\'lng : home , and so could hlll'llly ho called a hostllo cl'ltlc. I could wrlto 1It'rall ) ' colllmns of Incidents concerning lho cOlldllct o [ mlaalonarlell on shlphoard , wherehy the ) ' have oarnOtI the III Hfa \ ' 01' of 0111. cors IInd fellow ) Jnssongurs. SlIlI1med " 11 , thollgh , they amollllt to this : SOIllO missionaries seem InclincIl to lIallnt tholr mornl and slllrltual SlllJOI'Inrity In the fllco of olhur8 ; the ' Insist on hllvln an hlontlt ' liS mls810narle3 , rather tllI\n liS Iulel ] , modest , well , IJred ladles and gentlemen ; they ) ) \0' \ test , orten III III1oIJmy ) fashion , a alnst the IlIdugenco ) In tolJacl.'o 01' liquor aI' cards Oil the IHu't of OUtel' 1IllJsellers. ! All thl ! ! mlly ho COlli pro. IIPndod In the word " 11I'o\'lnclnllsm , " ' 1'Il1'y forget thal , as KIllIng ) ! ! a .s : ' ' ' ' ' 1'horo'8 a world olltsilio the ono 'ou ) { now , " and that the people of this WOI'IcI h\\o ( all the ) ! CI'sonlll rights nnd IIbortios which arc to ! Jo aecoreled to the lIIelll' ! Jers of the mlulJlollllrr cll'clo , SOllie. tlllles this 111'o\'lnclallsm gocs to the length of stll)11111t ) ) ' , IIU'hon n Paclllc IIncl' cro sed the meridian 011 Sunday , ulIII so drOIled ) that day from the cal , ellllar , whcroulloll the mlsslonares ) appealed In a boely to the cutaln ) ) to 111'0) ) ) some othl.'r day , nnll lIavo Sun , . lla ) ' , as If the matter \Vero oltlonal ) . with him ! , Not ull missionaries aJ'O gul1l ' 01 these things ; fa I' from It. 'rJto ahlesl IIIlsslonarlcs llelrccllto ) thom 1I00'IoIIS 1r , fo\ ' the ' reallzo thoh' fal'-l'eacltltl eITccls llllOn the rallse tlte ' I'Cfll'l.'SOllt III cXllanlltlon ) , If 1I0t Itl uxtonuatloll tlto ' ) Joint 01lt that mlsslonurlos lea\ ' 11117 the honwlallli 111'0 stili In the s)1h'l ) of exaltlltloll cl'eated h ' tllI.'lr fa 1'001 mcotlngs , h ' the glol'lllcation of thai f\'lellds \ IInll 1Ir the 1'010 of saint , hol'c and I1Il\l't 'r with which they ha\1 hooll Invosled. 1.01' the tllIIO the ' 111'1 In cl'llsadel' 11I0011 , 111111 th ( ' ' hll\'o 110 'et learned to'Iuw all thlllgs In Ilrt1 1,0I'Uon. , 'rheh' feet ha vo nol 'O I , founl ! tlto hUl'd gl'ollnd of aclllallt 11 Ono or lltcijO unwise I1I1sl > llonarlu8 ( 'al I. .10 11I01'0 harm thltll n hunlI'cd ! sonsl hie on os ran IIndo. I IIIUBt confe 8 , 11101'00\01' , thnt 1 dl 10t 8eo wh ) ' a PacIfic mall cuplull I'houill ' fo\'ulll IIIli1lilonltl'los to sltli hYlllns ut the 1)11\110 on the heat dcc o cXcelt on HIIIIlIII ) ' , IInli ret allow otho ) - , lasliollgcrs tll nlal\o the nlbht'oca - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - on the Rl.1111. ' spol , with UIO lateal " 110)111111' ) ] " song" , or wh ' the mission. IU' ) S Rhollld not 110 Iermltted to hol II prnyor 11I11'11n In the saloon , while It nIII ( ' , drlnltltlo ! : coterlo III ul'oarlous. ) iy glllllhllng In the smoklllg room , I fl'cl'ly crltlclRo IIIl1ch III the con uct. o [ . .lIIny tnl llionurlc aboal'd BIIII , hilt I Iwllcvo In "a 81111111'0 dol.l. " 'rho mllll who ell'lnkn whIHI { ' on shlphoard shoull ! o glvell 110 ndvantage ovcr the l11an who drlnltH water , olher tlllngR IICIIlt ; eClunl , 1101' the man who am hI OK 0\01' the II1nn wlto Ilrll 'I ! , nor lho wOlllan who slngA "rI8quo" song OYer the Oll wlto IJroferH "Old Hlln. dl'eel , " Plain worelfl 1I0ed to 110 apoken to the I1IlsslonarleQ , and ( \t"or 1)laln ) wOl' a to I ho offieelll o [ the : lIl1sltllJ compllIlctJ , eHlJOclally the trans.Paclflc IInl's. If a peruoll hns lt1alntalned a reasonable - able fllmlllarlty with missionary 1'0' 1I00'tll ho gOOH to the fOl'elgn IIIlsslon Helll oXllccting to Heu ovldences of tl'l.'lIIl'ndoUII SIICCeHlOS , Has ho not bpon tolll that ,11111 \ n , Chilla , India are on the \'cn o of aelmlltanco Into the Christian chul'ch ? 'l'horo fa. a sudden jolt to this OXJcctnncy ) when ho find ! ! lho bll1nk willi oC Itcnthol\llom rIsing UIJ heforo the IIIIRSlonl\re ( 09 cold , as strollg lind , at firHt sight , aH Bcathless as OVOI' , He learns later of the HUC- CI.BBeR In till' IIno of minIng and Imp. ) llng this wall , which , Ull to dale , have hoon the 1)1'1 ) II C 1))11 ) I missionary moth. oflR : hut his go nom 1 1I11)I'08S1011 ) ) Is ono or IlIsl\pJolntment. \ ) 110 canllot but feel that the triumphs of missions have hCCII O\'lI'stllled , At'thls ) Joint en tors the need for hetter 8ullervlslon , liS 1 ha\'e a ) ready Intimated , FOI' example , the oh.oI'vel' ! rocalla the 81atolllent , ) JrlntocI times without IIl1mhpl' III American IHthlications , that China har ; made Sunday a legal holldn ' . This ho I1l1ds to bo utterly untruo. Whol'o China touches the WCRt the 1It'at da ' o [ the weol { has tI' uhmlly hpcome , In some measure , a holiday. But It Is nowhere II SahlJath , excelt ) among tIw few Christians. At I another tlmo It was widely rellol'ted , lhat II cortaln cIty had thrown away IIn Idols , hut osllgatloll shows the clt . us antlChrlstian as over , and thp oalr hasls for the talc Is the fnct that one tl.'l11)llo ) discarded Its old Idols for lie1101'0 a great re\'l\'al Is reporlod to ha\'e Bwept 0\01' the communlt . ; the \'PSl'rnl'l' naturallr thinks of this III terms of a 1\oody \ atlll Sanke ) ' cllm.I I ) mlgn. SIIICI'ficlallY , howovel' , there I are 110 r.lgns of the re\'l\'al , although I closer sonrch reveal a all ullusual , camcstness on the l:1I't ) : of the handful I of Chrlsllalls , ' ! . How may these mlsslollary exager. : allons ho accounted for ? I have talltcd with IIH1I1 ' missionarIes UpOIl this ) lulnt. 'i'he eXleclatloll ) or the boards thllt the worel's ) shall s'nd In favor. able rOIOI'ta , the IIccesslty [ 01' show. Ing successes to allmulato gifts , the lIatural human telHlency to elliarge Ulon ) the favorahlo aide , all have ! Jeell gl\1.1I as reasons , "Tho fact IB , " re. marked ono mIssionary , "when a Ul1\11 gl.'ts homo and hegins to malw speeches holnds / hlmsof ) sarlng what IIw peollo ) wan t to hea 1' , and ) oslll ! ; slr.ht of the fncts of the Hod ) , T Imow ) have caught"mysolf doing thIs , I ha0 no hardshIps In my III1s310nary I \Yor } { , 'ct , the )1001)10 ) at hon,3 : 'WCI'O so determIned to l11al\O me Ollt II. martyr that I almost came to lJelievo m .se1f ono before I left 'Amrlca , " All the st I'ougm men 011 the 111.1 < < 1 1'0' nret the distorted UII mlseading ) otatemonts that are so fl'eluenll ] ' 11\\110 ( \ hy Intereotod enthusiasts c JIl. cernlng missions and mlsslollares ! : the ' 1\1'0 far'slghted enough to Imow the cOlloequellces when these reports como huc } { to lhe l1ed ) , 1 ha\'e } mown 11101'0 thltu ono mi3slonar ' to he seriously - ously omharrassed IJ ' IlOlng ) Ires nted to the coml11unlty In whIch he lI\'I'S In lhe light III which he Is 8eCII hy his IIdml1'ers at home , There Is anotlll.'r slelo to the IUI'S- tlolI : dl'ol1l1 of this sort of thing has Iwt ) 11101'0 thall ono worlwl' from sl.'IHI. IlIg home rellOl'ls of wellallthonllcated lIucceosen anel olldo'f.H1mellts11 \ . \11I0rlcan woman at the head of uno of the I'l'o911 'lorlall mlssloll schools for girls III China has been asked hy the omclllis of tlll' lIuol'tant " ) ) ) ) ro\"llIco III which shIJ WOI'Is to talw I'Ilal'S ( ' of the female ( ' ( Illcatioll III the Ilrovlnc ( ' , hut 1I0\'m' n word of this has shl. ' writ- tOil home to her hOllrd , "It will ho tlmo ollollgh whl'lI T hll\'o actuall ' IlCen gl\'ell the \vol'I { , " sa ' ! ! this cautious - tious womall. who ) mows China : " 'thorl'o ! man ' a 5\11) \ 'twixt Ihe CUll aud the 1111. ' ' ' A ItcconnalGsance , Not a War. ' 1'ltIJ most serlolls of 1111 tI\ \ ( > linin- tOllttonal IIIlsro\'osentallons ) ) \ ma e by mls810narl's Is that the whoo ) IlI.'atholl wOI'd ) Is 011 the \'rgo of hl.'coll1ll1g Christian. Faith. not facts , Is the hash , of the common nssl.'l'\'allon , "Tho wOl'ld Is helllg WOII for ( , hrlst , " ! \kJng IIIIC nl1o\\'allcl. ' . for rhl.'lorlcal fOI'\'OI' , It stili I'omahlst'1I0 \ that II sel'lousl ' ert'onOOll1l 11IIlresslon ) Is left upou the CllI'lstlllll IlIIblic's mind IJ ' the day' > > 'mlsslouary r'JlresPlltlltioIlS. FOI' a first.hand stu ' of the field I'o\'eals that. with all occasion a ) nota. ble I'XCl'lltlon : 111\0 Horell : , heat hcadulII has sCUJ'l'I.y ) hel'n 11\1I1g \ { \ lJy the III Is , slOnllrll'b' worl" The great 1111\88 01 . . the IlaHan wOI'hl Is us ' ( 't ) lracticallY untouched b ' the osll ( > I , If ( , h\18' \ tlans UJ'o determIJlI.'l1 to heal' their re , lIglon to the wholl' I'lIr\h \ , as Is allar' ) I.'ntly thph' ) llIr)05e ) ) , the ' lIIUst de things on a vllsll ' largol' sealo thl111 hQrotofore , 'rhus far unl ' a 1111.1'0 be glllning has hoon mado. Instead of I' ' war , It Is enl ' II reconnalssanco It force-a bl"l\\'I. ' , hrllliant IIl1el SUCCI.I ! : ! Cui reconllalssallco , It Is trllo , Imt 1I0voI'theh'ss , onh' a reconllalssance 'rho real ! 1ghtlng' can hllnlly he ilJaldI. \ . 1\l1\0 \ hegun , ( ColI'rl"I , , b ) ' Joseph n , IlowlulJ , ) A Lott ry At . . .AHl ! , lIlOSQ , w1111 , mal'l' } ' for. , 10\0 arl jllt a1a11l tu bUlIIlI UII asalnst dls 1I1111OIntlllout as those wbo Ulilrr ) ' fo moncy , - - - - - - - - - - I WORN OUT WOMEN Wilt FInd Encouragemcnt In Mrs , Mer- ritt's AdvIce , Mrs , W , J. , Morrill. : ! 07 S , Flrsl A \'P" Anoka , l\11l1n" sa 's : "Last win. tel' I began : to slIf. f'll' with 1II11tldners , I had )1alns ) In mr Imel { alld hlls ) and fl.'lt ul1 worn Ollt. Dizzy spells bothered - ered 11I0 alld the Itldlle ' rocrollons : wel'o Irregular. 'fho first ho of Doall' Jdney ! pmH hl'ollgh t decldcd rollef. I am Ruro the ' woulll do the Ramo for auy other woma.n surfel'lng aa J did , " Sold h ' all del1lO1's , fiO cents a box. Foslor.Ullbu1'l1 : Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Cheercd , A mnltlon who lI\'ell III Sll1erln , \\111'1'0 nil Is tlO frhhl Ulltl Ill'crla , Felt slid , met n. bonr Anti wh'n I1uggetl suhl : "I swear It dol's lilY hcul't gootl to ho IIC1'ln. -HOllstOIl 1'0131. Scared I nto It , It wa : ; announced on the Ice. "Bllt how on earth , " said lhe girl In the whllo slwtlng suit , "dId ) 'OU get him to )1rOlose ) ) , doar' ' ' ' The 111'1 ; 111 sables smiled sllghl1 ' . "Oh , easllr enough , " she rotorte . "I told him that 'ou were crazr auout him und romlnlle him that it was Icap ) 'ear. " I-Iow's This ? Wo ofT r Ono Hundrel Dollllr8 nCWIr'tor rm. , CIl"O or Clllllrrll tlJllt cannot , bl ) cured by II l1'd atarrl1 Cure , F. J , CJlF. E ' & : CO" Tel do , O. We , the underallned , have Imown 1 < ' . , J , Cheney for the " 'st 1 : ; Y08r , and I > elle\'o him perfectly hon' urnl > lu In 011 1 > 1I8111eoA lrunsl1ctlono OUlI IIn3uolalll IIblu 10 carry out nuy obll atln8 IIlIulo lIy bls linn. WALPINU , IISNAN & : I..IIVJN , Wbolesalo ] ) rUlgt lA , 'ro1ello , O. U811'8 Cal rrh Cure h tuken Internally , IIctlnJ. : dIrectly upon the I > laod and mueOUM Rurraee9 or the syolclII. Testlmonlllls Rent frue. l'rleo j : ; conU per IllIltle , Holtl IIv IlI IIrll lClsU , 'I'ako llun's i"I1IUly " l'l1h fur cODsllpnlloD. , - - - - - - - - MAD LISTENED TO DADDY. Force of Example Exemplified In Pre. ' cocious Youngster _ There Is a cel'taln man lI\'lng nol far from New Yorl , whoso temper Is not or the longest , and when he feels that hIs rage Is justillahle he is'ory apt to Indulge In / luont'el'sallle an varIed profanitr , And It Is when uslllg the telelhono ) that this talent of his Is seen and heard at its maximum of speed and enduranco. Central has but to say I " \Vlro bus ' now , " or , "Doesn't an. swel' , " to e\'ol\O a fiood of language. I One ay he ha been ha\'lng an un-I usual\ \ ) ' stormy sessIon , and did not , notice that hIs two' 'c ll'.old son \.as j slllIlIg In a comoI' of the 1'0011I , hisI I face rapt and ahsorlJcd. A few hours I later the chl1 's mother . como 111 and I was hOl'l'lfied he .ond words to hear I hel' bahy givIng \'olce to a stream of exploti\'os , sOllie of whIch hegan wIth a \'ory lal'go car Ital D-the rest with a \'arlety of letters Iulto } unmentlon- alJle III this connection. She descended Ul1011 hIm In righteous wrath. "Don't ) 'ou e..or let 1110 heal' : rou use such words again , " she said 111 no uncertain tonos. "Why , mother , " expostulated the hahy In an Injured \'olce , "I'm telephoning - phoning ! " II I I , II I I I II I I I I I I I I They Thrive on Grape.Nuts. Healthy hables don't CI' ' D.lHI the > wol\'lIourlshell \ hah ' that Is fed 011 Grale-\uts ) Is no\'cl' a cl' 'lng haby , Many hahles who cannot tal-o : allY othol' food relish the ) lerfect food , Grallo.\uts , and got woll. " lr Ilttlo bahy was g\.en ! up br thl'eo doctors who said that the con. dellsed IIIl1k on which I fl.'d hel' had ruined the chlld's stomach , Ono of the doctol's told me I1lat till' olly ) thing to do would ho to tl' ) ' Grapl- : N'uts , 10 ; I got 001110 anll'cHr1 ) \ ) ! It as follows : 1 s01l1(011 11 , ( : tllhl1.'Sl1l10nfnls in ono pint of cold watol' fm' half un hour , then I Itralnod : err thl. ' liquid nud mIxed 12 tl'IISool\fullJ ) of thh ; strain"\ \ Grallo. uts julco wllh nix tcaB)100nfuls ) oC rich mlll { , IlUt In a IIlnl'h of salt 111111 a lIlt10 8ugaJ' , wnl'tltoll It and ga\'C' It to IlIIb ' e\'el'y two hon\'t \ ; , "In this s111l1111. ' . , oas ' way I saved IHlh "s Jl'fe I\lId hu\'o built I\l'r UI ) l < > a stron healthy child , ros ' I\IHI ) uugh. In , ' 1'ho food must cortulllly ho lIe ! " . lect to ha0 such a wondel'flll ( 'ffect as this , I rllll It'uthhlll ' sn ' I thlnl It is the ! Jest fooll In the world t'I'also dellcato hahll's on , an Is IIlso I\ . delicious - cious hl.'lilthful food for gl'IWII'II11S as wo ha\'o discovered In our fal1ll1y , " Grlle. ) uts IH eluallr } vl\llIablo tJ th strons , helllthr man or'Oll1l1n , It IJtanl1 fOl' the tl'Uo. t1lcor ' , of health "Thoro'a' 'a' ' HC'I\.IOn. ' al : "Tllo Hou : ] to WolI\'lIIo , " In 11ks ! , , . , , " " - - ONE WIFE IN HARD TINIEO , Financial Reasons Made Him Dlab : > - ! lcve In Polyg 1my , S. p. Orth , assistant tlIlted ; StatcB district atttoruoy , was the government tellresQnlatl\'o at naturalization hearln ! ; o\'or In Toledo the other day. 'fho aplllcant ) for papet'lJ , 1Gm' - 1111\11 , who I'all mostly to mustache , hall answered all of the luostion ] that hud hCQn put to him satlsfactorlh' . "AIHI do 'ou bellcve In the prlnci. 1)lcH of Ilolygamr ? " nsked the judge , I In pOlldcrou ! ! lOlles. "SUI'O , " sars thl ! German , for the word sounded a3 If Il was something that hu ought tol' \ ) III favor of , Ll1to as not Il was something alJout the constltntlon. "Do you Imow what 'pol'gamy' means ? " thul1llered the judge. The ap\1l1cant \ confessed that the word was a new one on him , "Well , I'll maltc It plain to you , " sal the court , IJternly. "Can you got along with ono wlfo ? " "Shuro , " replle the appllcant , earn. est1 . ; "ono's a plent ) . , the way prlcos are-Tolo o Dlado. - - - - - - - - AN ADVERTISING TRICK FOR WESTERN FARMERS. Real Estate "Agents" Go After Men with Land fo'r Sale and Reap Rich Harvest , A smooth scheme for separating farmers from their mono ' has heen worlw with much success In Sonth Dalwta. An olgraftol' \ oalls on a farmer and malws a bid for his land , The lIgures are aJsurdly ! low at first , hut b ' degrees are raised as high as $60 an acre , and the farmer consonts. Then the \'Isltor explains that ho Is onlr un agent , hut that ho can seH the land at the prIce named If the oWller \\1\1 \ agl'eo to pa ' for advertising at the rate of firtr cents an acre. Th9 "agent" promises oral 1) ' that the a - \'ortlslng money will not he payable until the land Is sold , hut this stlHlla. ) tlon Is not contalne In a contract that the farmer signs , In a few da 's he recel\'es a copy of an ad and not o\'er'courteous demand for mone . . It 13 saId that twenty- two agriculturIsts were caught with this bait In Brown Count . aud that ono of them gave up $320. Others dc- clare hol1r that l1tC'y wl\1 \ not pay but they will make a fight In the courts. - - - - - Neatly Put. Homer Folks , the secretary of the I State Charity Aid society of N'ew I . York , referred In a recent address to the awkwardness that charity worl - ' ors feel In making public appeals for . funds. "And few charlt . workers , " 1\11' . . . Folks added , "ean carry off that awlc- wardnoss with the neatness of the col. ored preach or who reminded his congregation - gregation that : " 'Brudren , Ah Imln't preach h 'ah an' hoard In heb'n , ' ' ' CUTICURA CURED FOUR Southern Woman Suffered with Itch , lng , Burning Rash-Three Little Bnbles Had Sldll Troubles. "My baby had a. . runnln SOl'O on his neck a.nd . nothing that I did for It took effect until I used Cullcura. l\l ' faeo was noarl ) ' fuB or teUer Qr SOlDO slm. liar skin lsoase. It would itch an burn so that I could hardl ' slan it. Two cakes of Cul1cut'l1. Soap and a hex of Cutlcura Ointment eurod me , 'fwo years after it hroke out on m ) ' hands and wrist. Sometimes I would go 1Iearl ) ' crazy for It itchpd so badl ) ' . I wont hack to m ) ' old sland.b ' , that had no\'er failed me-ono set of Cuti- cum. TIemedles l the work. Ono set also cured m ) ' unclo'f1 hahr whoso head was n. cake of so\'es \ , and another haby who was In the same fi . 1\1rs , Lllllo Wlleher , 7jO Eleventh St. , Chat. tanooga , Tenn" Feb , 16 , 1907. " It may bo the uncertainty of flirt. Ing that appeals to a girl : she Is novel' qulto sure but wbat she real1y means it. , - - , - - - - - - S HEADACHE . . Positively cured by CARTERS these Lutle I'Hls. Thl' ' also r'lIe\'o Dls- I "rTLi : tr18 , from DYfIJI'I ! > BlaIn- " ( lI ( HlioDandToodeCLrty Ur. . : n W t. . n EntinI : ' , A pl'rfec rem. 'd ' ' DizzlneoB Nuu- ( 1\11' ! , - n a II ! I Ij' Ii t : . . . RI'U , l > ro&lncs'Da.d , Tant" In the : ltnuh , Coat- , , " \1 ' 1"11I1\111' , l'aln In the SI < 1 < ' , TOItl'ID I.lYEIt. Thc ' rcgulate thc nowcll. l'ut'ely VCGctable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRiGE. . . - - - - - - - - " Gonui C MIl t Bear CARTER-"S . Fac.Slmllc Signature . aVER d JTTLE . REFUSE /r ? SUBSTrrUTESa . , i . . . 10W'\ ' . - - - . . . , - - - - - - - $ 'yyup ffgs - . \ ) flixir fSenna Cleanses the _ 5tcmEtiect. . ual ; Dispels ( jolds nnclfl aJ. \ aches duo to Cot\stipntion ; Acts nntm.a\y \ ! , acts ft4u'y ! as ' aLnxative. Best { 01 , lcnM n1(1n nnd Child , rcn-Ximng anl Old. -fu jct its BeruticialEjfccts l\V y's buy 1he Genuine which hnsthe tinl name J 'the Com- pao/ ! ' paoCAlJFORNIl \ ? : .n th by \ \ t l ri SOLD Lt rEA I'NIGk ' : GGISTS. one ize on ! ; ' , 'c8ular price 50 p.r boulo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - Winter Is But A Name In Sunny San Antonio Ouldoor weather- glorious , sunshiny days : the in\'igoraling air , dry and warm , dispel the idea of winter in San Antonio. The parks and plazas , the margins of the creeks and rivers , the gro\'es of palm and magnolia , lose none of their lustrous - trous green. There is not in America so perfect - fect a combinalion of sunny winter weather , pure , dry air , modern accommodations - commodations and objects of intense and vivid interest. ) "In Sunny San Antonio"-a beautiful - ful Illuslraled booklet about Ihls city of a thousand tlelhhtful sur- llrisc will ! : h'o you n ncw Idcn of San Anlonlo's attractivcness. Scnd for It todny-Il's frcc. W. S. ST. GEORGE _ General Plssengcr ARent 1\1. K. & T. R'y 893 Wainwrigbt Building ST _ LOUIS Special \Vintcr Fnres nowlo Texas. Ask OY D ent for par- ticulars. / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ " . ' , , 160 Acre. GrainGrowing Land FREE. 1'1'1 : ' , 201040 nu.hel. Wheat to the Acre. . ' ' 40 to 90 Dushcl. Oata to the Acre. . . ' . ; 351050 Uu.hels Barley to the AcrtJ. . \ " ; Timberfor Fencing and Uuiltlinas FREE. I . Gootll..w.wilh Low Taxation. ' , : / Splendid Railroad Facilille. and Low Rates. 1'/1 , : Schools and Church" . Convenient. ' /r. Salhfactory Markel. for nil Production. . I' 1 Goad Climale nnd Perfect Health. . ' , t Chancc. for ( 'rontable Invealmcnts. i , ' , Some ortl1o choicest j1'aln'producln : ; lanl1ln I' . Sa > ; lmtl'hcwall 11.1111 AIIJl't'tn. may IIIIW C nc. ' quirelllll thl'he UHll ! huullhful uud IH'osllcroulJ bcellons uudcI' the Rcvised Homestead Regulation3 I" , . . . ! by whlt.1t e tr ' muy bemaI1o1) .proxyoneer- . talu eOlllllllouM ) , h ) ' thc fa1hcI' . , lIIolhu. ' , Hon , daughtur , bro1hcr or ! li..lu. or lutclldlug hOIllC' ! ' sll'alll't' . r . Iutrfee In each caRe IR IOOO , For pamphlet , .f1 "l.aMt iletVI'Ht , "pal'tll'ullLl'H ILM to l'alu8I'Ul1lt ! . . , ' , 'f. bebt lime to go null whtJI'c to locate , 111)111) ' 10 I I I W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York LIIe DulldlnlOmaha / , Nebraska. - - - LIVE STOCn AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FO SALE c.AT THE LOWEST PRICES DY AN .Hm.LOGO NJWSP.\PER CO. ' 73 W , Adams St" Chlcal'o j' _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ ! SPOT CAS H I FOR SOLDIERS AND ItEIRS A1f.lornl , \ 5"llIl" , antl 8Lllor8 : , vhn scrvl'd no dn7' I 1 > \tw"\'nIJ'oli \ , , . ! u n\IIb/AI 111111 w hu hOIll.II' ' ' < 1 < "II'8 tban . . . . . , ' ' : ; : " , IIru 1'1111110,1 IlIlHhlltional hUIU"11 < 1 rljbtHwl > lc \ II tm ) , If 100. loll ( 'r b < 1I'I , , hll 11"1' ' ' ' ' " ,11I ell , 'nIU ; In ohl " "hHo"s , wld"Wh I\II lIel rll. . 'Illtl b 11I0 . . . .Idll.r n'lullV" whll ' ' ' 'ilL . WI1 t or t'outb IIft"r , Ihn wur III1It 1".II'IIII."ItIl\.ornllloot , Il1n < 1 I Iht Ito , ) ' 11/111 mil 100 bOIIUt.U'y 111" ' ' ' ' ) ' , Wrllo III.SHY \ " : \\'us'IUjluU , 1 > , \ " : , , fur turthcr I'anleulars I ! FA lL'1OrUNITIES - - , " "lIrHI\o'1II Orl1 , " 'J'h" CllI'rn' ( ,1I'ultllhl' IUllfui \ ' ,1\IIU" , \ ' ' ' ' IIlvor , ) I" . . , " IIllIut " 11I1 tnall { lIrrll " . ! W 10 tolIO I''r IIrn" 111'1 : dairy { "rlllb I" ' ) ' 1(1) ) : I"I - ruV"11 fllrlll. r : I. . , 'U . < 'r , , "ro. 1I1\11II1'rn\"I , fi to ' : ' ' 1. l < : t"lrMHI " , II' I. . 1' > " ; " 11I 111 : l11I'h 111\1 , . - \ I.rll , ' . , . , . ' ' , , . I "rlllf"m..tloll" < 1lr".h llo lr"ur''ro1doMI"wUro. - - - - - - - , - - - - 1- - - - - - - - : DEFiaNCE STAROH- : : I'a I -olher I "l1ft'h , " only IJ OllnCO'8mu "rica nnd "DEr-IANC ' IO U _ _ _ _ _ \1 1f , v ' Water eg 1 Thompson's Eye