Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 23, 1908, Image 7

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Religious , Social , Agricultural , PolitIcal -
Ical and Other Mattera GIven
Due Consideration.
Catho1Jcs of SheIlon w111 this 'ol1r
erect fine church.
Republlmms of Nebraska. City lmvo
organized n Taft club.
Fourteen dlvorco cases were grant-
cd In Cass county last ) 'ear.
Midwinter grain threshing was seen
In Nema.ha. county last weel , .
Mrs. Ruth Kellam , n pioneer of
Deatrlce , died at the ago of 110 ) 'ears.
'I'he new water worlis B'stem at
Llndsny Is nearly ready for opernUon ,
Last year In North Platte was the
most progresslvo wllbln the history of
the city. '
The Humboldt brick .plant , shut
down Borne time ago , has resumed op-
A number ot Grand Island mer-
chants. were last weelt fieeced by n
smooth forger.
Nebraslm photographers w111 hold
their next annual convention In Fremont -
mont , Juno 23 to 27.
Smallpox has been In ovldenco for
some time at Ashland. Two new cases
developed last weel. .
1\11' . and Mrs. D. A. Gilbert- Denton -
ton celebrated the fifty-sixth annlvor-
sary or their marriage.
Arler a vacaUon of twc ( weels , the
State normal at Peru opened with a
number of new students.
Two deaths from tuberculosis have
recently occurred In the famlly of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Relmund , Deatrlce.
l < 'red Krochlor , formerly of Platts.
mouth , died last weelt In "ryomlng ,
whllher ho had recently gone for his
Mrs. Harrison Clark , whose husband
was executed Deccmber 13 , has been
. quarantlted In Lincoln for smallpox.
Otto Well , proprIetor of the Vienna
restaurant , North Platte. discovered
, that his safe had leen robbed during
fJ ( the night and about $100 talwn.
special meeting of the Dar asso.
, claUon of Deatrlce was held. at which
'A ' : resolutions were passed
, ' , " ' " concerning the late R. S. Dlbb.
, Y' J. B. Smith , proprietor of the dallJ'
. farm southwest of' Beatrice. sold
' ; eleven head of Jersey cattle to Joseph
, l Wiggin of Tlsldlwn , 111. He received
$ l O per head.
Bert H01l1ngsworth , an all' Inspector
on the Union Pacific , was accidentally
killed at North Platte. Whl10 performing -
- ! forming his duties he was run over by
a switch englno.
The Ladles' Art club of Pern has secured -
cured Prof. H. H. Powers to give a
, series of lectures on art at Ita annual
- art exhibit , to be held March 11 , 10 and
11 of this year.
The body of a man supposed to be
. William S. Achterman of Buffalo. N.
Y. , 'vas found In a cornfield a ml10
'West of Lincoln. It is thought that 110
committed suicide by cutting his
' O1ena Swanson has sued the Union
Steele aYrds company of South Omaha
'l : for $10,000. Her husband. Nels Swan.
" son , was a repairer In the employ of
the company and was 1\1l1ell in the
, It ) 'ards December 7.
The $1000anoacre price on farm land
'j was passed in Jefferson county when
the Price-Hm real estate agenoy at
DlJIer Bold a tract of fifty-three acres
* near Diller for $114 an acre and an
, eighty-acre tract for $102 an acre.
I , General Manager Holdrege has writ-
f ten 011 Inspector Allen that the Dur.
lInlton w1l1 not pay oil Inspection fees.
: Holrrege Intimates that the attomcy
f , general should be asleed to start a test
suit to obtain an Interpretation of the
In the disbarment proceedings of W.
J. . . Newby of WlIber , fho supreme
court oyerruled Newby's motion to
dismiss and Instructed the attorney
general to l1raw up a formal disbarment -
ment complaint. Newby Is accused of
. uttering a torged note.
Mrs. Minnie I.ewls at Stanton filed
a. complaint of wire abandonment
against Ira Lewis and Sheriff Stuckor
went to Iown to get hill man. Lewis
went to Iowa nnd asked tor a divorce
. . , . . - anll m.nde the mistake of bavlng per-
conal service on the defendant In tbo
dlvorco case. It Lewis is caught his
trial will como oft at the next term of
the district court.
Seven Nebraska mutu ll fire Insur-
nnce companies have so far filed abate.
ments of their business for 1907 with
\ tbe state auditor. The companies com- '
( tt . , Ill'iso the Jefferson County Mutual , the
I 'Vashlngton County Scandinavian Mu-
tual. the FranllIn County Farmers'
Mutual. the Antelope County Farm.
\ : ers' , the German Farmers' , Retan
Merchants' Mutual of Omaba nnd the ,
Platte Mutual of Plattsmoutll. All ot
I , the companies are In flplendld condl.
Uou nnd show conslderablo Increase
in business during the last year.
: A suit entitled State ex reI. Cobbey
I , 's. .Tunldn was filed In the supreme
J conrt asking a peremptory mandamus
, aralnRt George .Tunltin , as Irecrotar ) ' at
state , compelllng the purchase of 400
, 'olumos ot Cobbey's annotated state
utes for 11107. ,
IT. . Cunningham of Sioux county
filed an appli'aUon with the state
hoal'd of Irrigation for a Icrmlt to Irrigate -
rigate 200 acreI' of land , the water to
bo secured from Sheep creole. The ap.
1111callon waB not accompanied by the
fee and may In consequence bo hold
up Cor a time. .
No Fallurea Ar.10ng Them Juring the
Late Panic.
Lincoln - Nebraska b1\nles emerged
from the panic without ( ) , slnglo fall.
ure , wltl\ double the reserve roqulre'\
by l1\w and with Incrensed resources.
So declared Secretary Uoys of the
atate banking board in the quarter ! )
report. The report follows :
Abstract of the condition of 621 In.
corporated , } )1'lvato and snYlngs banks
of the st1\te of Nebruslca at the close
of business , November 30 , 1007 :
J..oanll nnli dIscounts. . . . . . . $ GG,74G.2Gl.1ti
O\'trdrnfts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469,762.13
Bonds , 1'\locks. clnlnut , ctc. . . D07,612.i3
Due fl"OlI1 nationi'll. state
nnl1 llrl1 1te Imnlis RIIlI
bnnkors . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . 14.DHi.890.41
Bl\nkln furnIture . . . . . . . . 2,012.340.111
Olher real clltate. . . . . . . . . . 181,310.81
Cth"1'cnl expenses . . . . . . . . . 1.009,839./il /
Gash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4OGG,60S.07
Olher USMOts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166.018.9
' 1'oLIlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,914,633.63
Capital sLocl ( ) ) ull1 11IO,322.iG9.41
Hurlllull fund . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . : : .136,394.3S
1111I.11\1111'11 IJrofltlt . . . . . . . . . : : ,671G16. ! O
Dh01l1cltlls lInllall1 . . . . . . . . . : : : : .7 , I.l2 !
DelJOslLs . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . 64.436.149.76
Notes unit 1.1111 re1lco\ll\ted. \ 7,178.G7 [ ;
Dills pa'ablo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249.700.00
' 1'oLal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,914.G33.G3
Compared with n year ago the num-
bel' of banIs under state supervision
has increased from 684 to 621.
Loans and discounts have Increased
$6,863,684.8U , or 14.4 per cent.
A vallablo funds or total reserve
has increased $1,086.4 .1.66 , or 6 pel'
cent. The ller cent of reserve , however -
ever , Is the Game us a year ago , being
31.1 per cent , which is more than
double the legal requirement. Of this
reserve at this tlmo 6.J : per cent was
composed of acltml cash on hand In the
banks , being .3 pet' cent abo\'o the 10-
gal requirement.
General deposits have Increased durIng -
Ing the year $6,861.76,1.71 , 01' 11,9 per'
cent ; the umber of depositors has In-
cl'eased from 179,1126 to 207..1611.
ttepubllcan State Convention Called.
Lincoln-Chairman lIa 'ward of the
republican state committee has Issued -
sued the following' call for the republican -
lican : : rtate convention on March 12 :
Pursuant to the call of the national
committee Issued December 7 , 11107 ,
the republican electors of he state
of Nebraslm are hereb ' called to meet
In com'ention In the city of Omaha. .
on 'I'hursday. March 12 , 11108 , at 2
o'clock In the afternoon , for the purpose -
pose of selecting four delegates-at-large
and four alternates to the republican
national convention to be held in the
.ity of Chicago" on June 16 , 11108 , for
the nomination of candidateS' for presIdent -
Ident amI vlco president of the United
To Dry r-armlng Congress.
Governor Sheldon has named the
following as delegates to the dry farmIng -
Ing convention to be held in Salt Lalee
CIty January 23.26 : H. W. Campbell ,
Detlmny ; A. E. Darnett. Lincoln ; H.
Lutes , Paxton ; H. S , Goold , Ogalal1a ;
J. T. Rivett , Angora ; John 'Vertz.
Chappel ; A. P. Moore. Beule ; E. E ,
Lowe. S. S , Scars , Hyannis ; J. R. Vnn'
Dosltirle , Al1lance ; B , F , Claypool. Or.
leana ; E , 1-1. Batty. Hastings ; O. Hull.
Ama ; Wilhelm Martens , Chadron ; J.
C. Hili. Imperial ; C , H. Harmon , J. E.
Kelley , McCoole ; George Eisenhart.
Henry lAhman , 'VlI1lam Tnylor. CuI.
bertson ; Gilford Ii' . Stafford , Dig
Springa , and 'V. J. Hopper , Imperial.
Land Commissioner Eaton Flies His
Lnnd Commissioner Eaton has filed
his annual report with the Doard of
Public Lands and Duildings. showing
t.lle condition of the state institutions ,
During the month of December Mr.
Eaton made a personal Inspection ot
all the Institutions , The total num.
bel' of inmates In state Institutions Is
3.642 , employes 469. children and other
relatives 01' ' officers and employes. 23.
He sa 's that Commandant Hoyt , since
talcln C'harge of the Soldiers' home ,
has done conslderablo cleaning up
around the 110me and premises , but
there is stili room for Improvement ,
Nothing has been done at this Instl.
tutlon relative to building a new hospital -
pital as directed b ) ' the last legisla-
ture. As tltlo to the land has been
cleared up and the Institution 16
greatly In need of more hospital room
Commissioner Eaton recommends that
tblo building be erected nt on co , lIe .
recommends that $60 be allowed to
n contractor If he w111 make the foo(1
elevator work properly on completlon. .
la He Victim of Loan Sharles ?
Lincoln-Is Gcorgo H. Sturm. now
under arrest at Newton. Kas. . a victim
at the loan sharIs ? Governor Shel
don Ilsserts that It he is not a requlsl.
tlon w1l1 bo issued. If there is usury
In the case. Sheldon said. the man
would not bo brought baclc. SelUng I
mortgaged property Is the charge.
No Work on New Buildings.
Nothing has been do no at the Sol.
diers' home at 1\l1Iford toward the
erection of new buildings for which
money was appropriated nnll ( ) , recom.
menclatlon Is made that steps be talten
so that the work can start In the early
Ever-Yielding Sweet Corn.
Clarks-Albert P. Daniels Is the
Durbank of this town. Mr. Danlols
hl1.8 developed an evor.bearlng sweet
corn. The new variety Is the result
of Hoveral years' close nUentlon , cross- i ,
breeding anll aelecUon. Last senson I
this educatell sweet corn yIelded n I
continuous supph' of aweet. julc '
roasting earn from carh' summer right I
up to frost. 'rhllt la each at.\lIe ylefl1.
I :
cd one er.r after another during the I
soason.frome stnlls havlnrr as many aa I
nine ear at one tlmo , In graduated
stases of development. I i
" ,
, .
, #
L.lttlo "lrglnlg Imaglnod ahc Hnd
. .aated Heroelr. "
Llttlo Virginia , three yenrs oM ,
brought her 1110ther to her Ilurserr a
rew nights ago wIth heartbroken
"What Is the mntter , dearlo ? Why
DJ'O ) 'OU screaming so ? "
"Mnmma , am I all here ? "
"Certainly ) 'ou are a11 here , rIght In
your bed"
"Dut , mamma , reel of me , Bee If I'm
nIl here. Are my feet hero and the
top of 111) " head , both ? "
"Certainly , Virginia , every bit of
you Is here , tuclted In your lIttle
trundle bed. Why do you think yoti.
are not ? "
"I dreamed"-thls wIth nnolhor
great sob-"I dreamed I was n. chaco-
late sUcl , and I had ented myself. "
Baby Had Severe Attack-Grandfather
Suffered Tormento , with It-
OWe Recovery to Cutlcurn.
"In 1884 my grandson , n babe , 1ll1d
an attack of eczema , and aHet. trying
the doctors to the cxtent of heavy b1l1s
and an Increase of the dlscaao and Buf-
terlng , I recommended Cutlcurn and
In a few weeks the child was well. lIe
Is to-day a strong man and absolutely
free from the dsease. : A few years
ago I contracted eczema , and became
an intense sufforer. A whole winter
passed without once having on shoes ,
nearly from the lcnees to the toes beIng -
Ing cov red with ylrulent sorcs. I tried
many doctors to no I1I\rpose. Then I
pl"Ocured the Cutlcura Hemedles and
found IIn111el1lato Improvement and
nnnlcure. 1\1. W.I..aRnc , 846 Seventh St. ,
Louisville , Kr. , Apr. 23 and May 1-1 , ' 07. "
His Reverence ( whose caddie has
sneezed at the moment of puttlng- )
You-you-you naughty caddie !
Where She Should Live.
"What under the Bun , " asled a
father of his daughter who wanted her
to make a match with n. young man
whose only qualification was the ] ) OS'
session of n. goodly fortuno-"what
earthly objection can 'ou possibly find
to 1\11' . Sprlgglns ? "
"Ho bas habits , ' replied the daughter -
ter , "which I detest ! When I marry
I want a husband who docs not Sl11oke , I
chew , drink , swear , belong to clubs ,
play cards. stay out late 01' go motoring -
ing by himself. "
The father looked at his daughter
for a moment or two in sl1enco and
then said :
"My child , you are but a stranger
bere : heaven is your borne. "
All Lost.
David Delasco , the pla'wrlght and
manager. was talking about matlneo
idols , "Strange , " he said , "tho fascl.
nation that they exert upon young
girls. I overheard the other day a
llterary conversation that Is apropos.
Two men were conversing. "Did you
ever read Shalwspeare's "Love's Labor -
bor Lost" ? ' said the fIrst. 'No , '
frowled the second bald head , 'but
I've taleen my best girl to the theater ,
and heard ller rave all throu h the
SllOW about the leading man'a heavenly -
ly hair : "
Didn't Like Beln ! ] Starved.
A man runnIng on n rallroad bas to
bo In good condition all tllC time or he
Is lIable to do harm to hlmsetr and
A clenr head Ie necessary to run n
locomotive or conduct n train , Bven
a rallroad man's appetite and dlges'
tlon are matters of Importance , as the
clear brain and steady hand result
trom the ! 1onlthy appetlto follow d by
the proper digestion of food.
"For the past five years , " wrltea n
railroader , "I have been constantly
troubled with Indigestion. Every doc.
tor I consulted seemed to want to
starve mo to death. First I was dieted -
ed on warm water and toast until I
was almost stnrved ; then , when they
would let me cat , the Indigestion
would be right back again.
"Only temIOrary rellet came from
remedies , and I tried about all of them
I Eaw advertllwd , About three months
ago a friend advised me to try Grapeo
Nuts food. The very first day I noticed -
ticed that my appetite was satisfied.
whlcb had not been the case before ,
that I cun remembet. .
"In a week. I believe , I had more
energy than ever before In m ' Ufe. I
have gained seven pounds and have
not had 11 touch ot Indigestion since
I ha.vo been eating Grape.Nuts , When
my wlte aaw how much good this toad
was doing me she thought she would
try It awhile , We bellevo the dls.
coverer of Grape.Nuts found the 'Per.
. ' ' ' '
tect I.'ood.
Name given by Postum Co" attlo
Creek , Mich. Read "The Road to Weil-
YUle , " In pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In Vcry Many Cases It 10 WC'lkcned
1 < ldncys.
Mra. Frank Hoseboom , fit : ! S. Wash.
Ington St. , Moscow , lI\aho \ , says : "In.
herlted kld oy trou.
blo grew steadily
worse with mo until
so ner\'ous I couhl
not sleol1 III night. I
was dizzy and apot8
floated before my
e 'es. My baele and
hl11s ached and eVer '
cold settled on my
made mo worso. I housed
used man ) ' different medicines and
was dlscoura ed when I began with
Doan's Kidney Pills , but now the
symptoms that alarmed mo are gono. "
Sold b ) ' 1111 dealers , 60 cents a box.
l ostC1' . tlIburn Co. , DUffalo , N. Y.
Universal Language.
Ho Slwlw his lo\'o In Gorman-sho
answered not a word. In I rench he
lrled to woo her-lho maiden never
heard. lIe tried his luclc In English ,
In Irish-n11In vain : In Greele , Tnrl\lsh
and Latin , and In the tongue of Spain.
And then an Inspiration eamo to the
anguished ) 'outh. " 'I'he universal
language , " ho cried. "I'll try , forsooth -
sooth ! " lie Idssed the demure maiden
and pressed her to his breast ; she
understood that Innguage , and-well ,
j'OU know the rest.
BT..TJ : or aUla. OtTY or TOLIIDO , l
FR.l.NK J. CltIIOtY : I1IAkeloatll that ho II lonlor
partner ot the nrlll or 1 < " J. 0111:111:1' : & Co. . dutnl : '
IIUIIIIOIII In the City or Tuledo. Couuty and tltate
afor0511ld. atilt tbat III\d ( Orlll will I'll" the 11111I or
lINI lIUNIHtlm DOILAIlS tor ol\oh an,1 over )
ea o ot CATAIIRII thnt ennuut bs cured by the 1110 or
ll.i.LL'S C..1.A1II1U CURII.
Sworn to be fore 11I0 nllllllub.orlhcll III lilY Irolcuee ,
tlill Gtll day or n ccmbcr , A. D. . I G ,
j--l A. ,
1 8EAI'r NOTAnt'l'
lI ; ; i ntarrh Citro II takcn Inlorl1l\lI ) RUll acte
dlreeUy 011 Ihe blood aud 11I11011118 surfl1cos ot Ihe
1181011I. tlcud : t r teilimunll\\o. tree ,
t , " J. mmma.-.I ; CO. , Toledo , O.
RollI by nil } ) rllllthl . i eo
'l'ako lIall'I1 < 'I1I11I1) 1'11\8 \ ror eoultlpatlou.
Was an Attendant.
An the new minister was on his way
to evening servlco 11\ the vlllago hemet
met a ) 'oung man whom ho WIIS anxious -
ious to have become a1\ active membet.
or the congregation.
"Good cvenlng , my ) 'otmg fl'1ond , "
be said , solemnly. "Do 'ou ever attend -
tend a } II ace of worship ? "
"Yes. Indeel1 , sir ; regularl ) ' every
Sun ay night. " re1)lIel1 the ) 'oung man ,
with a smile. "I'm on my waS" to see
bel' now. "
Sheer white gooda , In fact , any fine
wash goodn when new , owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered , this being done In a
manner to enhance their texUlo benu-
ty. Home laundm'lng would bo < : qual-
ly satisfactory tr } lroler attention was
given to starching , the first cssentia1
helng good Starch , which has suUlclent
strength to stiITen , without thlcleenlng
the goods , Tr ) ' Defiance Starch find
'OI1 w1l1 lIe pleasantly surprlsod Ilt the
11111rOved uppearanco of your work.
There is no earthly reason why
lightning shouldn't strllco twice In the
same llluce-tlmt Is , providing it can
find the 11lace.
We Soli Guns and Traps Cheap
nllY fllrf ! nnd hides , or tan them for robcs
& rugs. N. W. Ili e & } . 'lIr Co\linncapo1is.
- - - - - -
'Vo must over Improve our time ;
Ume goes with rapid foot.-Ovld ,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Thnt Is I.AXA'J'IV ItllUMlI OUININI ; , I.uok tor
the 6hcol1turll ot 19. W. UIl0Vl , U ed the World
nor to Cure a. Cold III Uuo Uny. 200 , ,
- - - - -
Detter die 10,000 deaths than wound
my honor.-Addison.
Smokers npprecil\te the qunmy vnluo of
Lewis' Single Uiudet' ci nr , Your denIer
or Jewis' l actory , Peorm , 111.
- - -
To bear Is to conquer our tato.-
' " .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After Thill Who Can Doubt the Power
of Love'l
George hall been nway hllslncss
for n whola. long weelt , 111111 durin ! :
that tlmo he hall sent Clarn ten 1m , .
tel's , six letter'cards aUlI 42 llicturo
Why , then , was there a tOllch of
coll1noss In her rreollng when holew \
to her nrll1s 0\\ \ his \'etm'n ?
"Dearest , " ho wlllslOrol1 , "what 18
the matter ? "
"Oh , George , " she said , "you dllln't
send n lil8S In your ninth loltel' . "
"l\I ' precious , " he replied , "lhat
night I had stelll , 111111 onions for 11In-
ner , atlll ) ' 011 wouldn't huvo lIIwd a
Idss actor onions , woulll YOII ? "
And , such Is the unfnthQlI1llblo } lOWer -
er of love , she was 8atlsllcd , nUll ne8'
tled to him.
A Dusy Locality.
Jaclc I the elght' 'ear.old son or D.
Phlladelphln. suburhan mercll1nt , I1nd
not lon I1go made his Ilrsl vl lt to
New York with hla falher. 'rho
IJtrcnl1osil ' of the ! JIg town got on
the boy'u nerves , ! \llli by bedtlmo ho
wus about run down. He tumbled
Into bed qulto regardle s of cerlaln
duties , but 1I1u rathcl' was 11101'0 ob-
"Don't forgot to sa ) ' ) 'our 1)\'a 'OI's ,
my bo ) ' , " he said.
" 0 , what's the use. 110p ? " resl10nl1-
cd the bo ) ' . "God's too bus ' over hereto
to bathol' with a muo thing lIleo that. "
The father was shoclcd , but under
'tho clrcumstanccs he thought It hest
not to urge 1I1s son.-Llpllincotl's :
- -
We are not In this world to 110 what
wo wish. but to bo willing to do tllat
which it Is our l1uty to do-Oounod.
Garf c1cl 'l'ca I1l1ril ca the 1110011 , cral1i-
cnlill 1'helllllaliRtn. Jout ! allli other eh1'on.
ic diseases. It. is 1\11\110 or Ilc1'bllonot dt'u&sl
Love of our nelghbOl' is UIO only
door out of the dungeou of solf.-
George Macdonald.
Jllrll. " 'lnntow' Sonthlll ! : STrollo
Forehllllrclt tCl'llilnjr , otlCIIR the J.utnM. fllllucCII In.
flammlltlun , allays pain , eurol wlud eOllu , cu buttle.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Calamity fs 111un's true toucll tono.
- _ . - -
Gelll1'al emo71d
of the Well-tnrormll r the World 11M
nlwuys been Cor a shnpl , pleasant nnd
cmclout liquid Il1xllllvo remedy or Imown
valuc ; n It\x:1Uve which physicinnt ! could
IIUlcllon : Cor Cnmity usn because it9 cOIn-
ponl'nt PUt9 : nre Imown to thr.m to bo
wholt'somo mill truly beneficial in clTeet ,
acccptable to the Ryslem and gentle , yet
prompt , in action.
In supplying 1I11lt tlcm:1I1 : with Its ex-
ccllcnt combination oC S 'rup of Figiand
Elixir of Senna , the Camornla l ig S 'rtlp
Co. proceeds along ethical tines :1nl1 relics
on the merits of the lantive Cor its rcmarlc-
liblo success. . '
'fhnt is ono of many rel , ions why
Syrup oC Figs and Elixir or SClln\ : ! given
the IIl'CCercnco y the Well-JnformC' .
To get its henclidal clTccts ulwuYd buy
the gl'l1uino-I11lnufuclurcII : by the Call-
forni\ : Fig Syrup Co. , only , and fur snla
. 1111lcuding druggista. Price I Ct . ccntl : !
l1cr bott.ll' .
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\ ' PoslUvcly curet. by
O\AD'rED these Little Pills _
' s
\I 1\ 1\ .
They all\o rellc'l"o DI
STIlE tt'CIIS ( rom DYl\t "l\htJn.
! ) ' ' , '
t1lfCfltOtllUll'l'OOJJ'luty !
II \ \ .
\\.fER EnUIIA / IJel'l et rcm.
" fur DlzzItICII'I , Nail-
PU"lS . ecn , Dt lw"llIetl , > l , Hn.l
Tnslelu thc ; \nntb , Cont.
rtl TUIIJIIC. l'nlll III the
HI tl e , ' .rOUl'ID 1.1'Elt. .
'l'hcy regulnto the llowchl. l'III'cl'cl ctl1ble.
- - - . - . . . . . .
GCIlU Mu t Bear
" I.10
.1 Faa-Simile
- Signature
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . .
- - " ' - - - - - -
LlVt : STOCK AND Ita ' " ' ' ' :
I- ; ! ! ; 'JI"iI'Rn1'v'n
I In Irrut 'I".ulcly ror MIll o.t the 10IY".t "rl ts by
A.i. litlJ.OrIIUmSI'AI'lmrO.1B ! IY.A.t..81. . . 11olul"
us.- . .a. . . . . . . . . - - . _ _ - _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. ( lAllost 10 work wllh GI1I\
. . I . \.archcI cluthel . IIlcc.t.
, _
- - - - -
W. . U. , M : ! .A , O. 3 908.
. ! . . . _ _ '
, . . I
. - , ,
_ .
W. L DouOYJ8 mIJ'oo : find nelill mol'o .
mOll' . $2.60 , $8.UO and $8.60 fthJ
II'3n 8 olhe , . manufacture , . In the
WSDKoI'ld , becaue Ih .v hold tho/ , .
shlJPo.l fit betto , . , WQa. . lonne , . , nnd
ore or l1.oato , . "oluo Ihan IIInyoth . . RllrlrU
WFD ohooa In the world la-day. WJA U.d
W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled Al Any Prleo . & cltu"clll.
a r'C'A.U'1'ION' . W T. DonldalnalQO tuut price II sbmpe < 1 on baHom. Tnlt. . 1'011 Anh-tUl1t , . .
RollI by the hr t Ihoo dta\.n \ . .ver"hcre. tihoca uaU d from fnrtory to ILnr part tlr Ihe worlll , 11I
trntodC&tnlo lfreotolUl.addrclB. ' \V _ L. : DOUGLAS , roe&.toJl , Aln. . .
" ; ' } ri1i ; ' ! : : ' - 'II' " ' .n1t f1H. 1i ; -t " ; 1' ' " ' ' ' " '
: , ! ' ' ' . _ . . ' ; " , ; ; ; ; , i f . ! ) , t ' C ; . . . . : _ , . ! JJ : . . .11 ; ! II
, . ,1I1Wdl , " . , ! , ! ! . " : : , \ ; \ . \ " ' : : : : / . "
I 1 ' ' I t. " ' .llt" "
, , . ' 1'1 CASTO RIA
, I
" I I
j I
, I I ) , I I I I I ' I ' : , I
, " For Infants Children.
" I : ( Blur . : : Y G : ve
" : A'kgclnbc ! Preparalon ! forAs.
I ; ' slmllallngllcfOodmdRetula' ! : ! Bears the
, I I , f1n Uu SloJmrhsand ! ( J''Clsc {
i J : Signature
ij I' ' 1:1'1'J' : ' ' J' Promoles Dig ; urhtelrtf of
II ness and Rest.Contillnsnelllfr !
, I Opium.Horphlne norNiucral.
6' ' "I I' I ' NOT NARCOTIC.
'I ' ? I . . . I
ijl ' ! ' IlrrV1tc'OldOr.JiIMfZf11l11Ell I !
' : . Smi- !
. . .
I I .JIX..fmna I
f ra' ' I' rlltS4II- ; ,
l/oil / ' AWl/IN + n
o , ! I .IhrznQ'tJa } I ;
' ,
! : ; ; \ lf r7lJSt -
ft' ' ' 1f , flw SiqJ. " - I
I ; : sa
[ Apc ect Remedy rorCons ( Q-
; ' lIon , SOW' StomachDlilrrhoca
, " 'g IU ; l' I WormsCOlwutsiol1s.t yerislt F 0
I " ncssllllLos.OFSllEEP. { . 0 r V B r
fu.1 . ! FncSimie ! SignnturC or .
" ti'ftll' ' ' T h. Ir t Y DafS
' Y
, ; ! NE'V'YOH ' . u
ir ,
cj ? I I
! ' , I
1 P 1L1. ; . ! Cc , _ , . I\ ( . , C , F ? r. ' !
Exnct Copy of 'VI/rapper. . . . . . .
. " . . . ' ; , I TWE CC"TAUft - . OO..A' " . "ew'Oft" 01T\ " '
. . .
f L
160 Acrel Cram-Crowin. Land FREE.
20 to 40 Du.bela Wbeat to Ibe Acre.
40 to 90 Dusbell to the Acre ,
36 to 50 lllUb.II'Darley to the Acno. .
Timber lor Fencln. and Ilu.lldinp FREE.
Good LaWI wllh Low Tax.Uon.
Sphndld Railroad FadlllSeI andLe" , RaRI.
Sc.hoola a.wI Churchel Con'fpnient.
Sathf.cto'J' Marlcell for alll'roduttiolU.
Coed CUmal. . and I'nlpct lIei tb.
Chancel lor Profilable In\'C.lmenla.
RO\Ile of tht : cholrcst raln'J'rQtlncln In.ndsln
SnHluUth'cwaf\ \ All > f'rln 1II1\Y nuw bo ac-
1lIll'e.llu t11t. mOlit htnlthful nuc1 Jlro perQua
aectluna under the
Revised Homestead Regulations
1 > y which . .ntry may 1xo made t ) , lroxy ( on r.f'r-
taln COlldlllonH ) , by Ihe falhcl' , mothcr. Hun ,
IInlljhler , IJruthcr or albtcl' of Intcndlnc bOUIe-
Unlry tee In each caae Is IO.OO. ForpmJI : > > ltet ,
"Lalit I1eHt WeM " . to ' " '
, "pnrllcllla.rlt UK ratt'.1"OJUII'S ' ,
bClit UUIO lu co allc1 where to lo < : ate , npplso to
801 New Torr. Llle Dutldla , . Omkha. Ndrith.
_ --i
All tooernlloldh'r lLull mllors "ho Sf""d ro dars
bft"reo ltiGl and IhW and " ,110 h..w st'lat\\ 10&\tluUl ! '
It'Ol1cr08I.JeroreJuuo23.1814.nro , 'ntlth-tl t0l1ddllloll&1
bUIUObW3d rlllh\.li which I buy. II " "Idler I drnd. Ills
1'lr8run , 6011 , 'l'lllk W"ld bUldl.'s. "hlmnlwd h lrs.
Solnd 6ODI0 &old lor ra'ntlv" ' "III ) Dent W"5 or MoUlh
BttC'r the "Ilr an I h01ll1"1I cl1 < 1'a lluVt1mmont IILDd.
lift bU6111nd maknllUwfI'ab.lIl11n'y. WrLt Ur.Jo'O'
N.o.JI'I' . WublvlCtolL U , C. fur furtbcr put'\l 'Ul.u. .
- - - - -
I I READERS of this paper de-
slrln ! : 10 bur MY-
ttlln ! : dYertlsod Cn
Its columns should InsIst utJon huinjt
whet Ihey ask lor. IQlusln 1111 subU-
Lutes or ImltlltJons.