Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 23, 1908, Image 5

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} , Condensed Local and Personal Paragraphs I
. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - . . . . . . . _ . . - . - . _ . _ . . _ _ . - _ . . - _ _ . n . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
- -
Henry Coble and JOh11 Sander-
son , of Derwyu , were city visitors
J. B. Jones , of Cumro , was , in
thc ci ty 1\londa ) ' to cry the salc
of W. 11' . Hopkins' horse sale.
G. Ii' . Eggleston and Ihed
Mills , of Ansley , were among the
social callers at th is office yester-
M. I4. AUlsberry , of Ansle. } ' ,
was among thc' Woodman ill the ,
city yesterday fr01 1 the An3ley ,
John Hastings , of Eddyvillc ,
accompanied the Woodman team
of that town to Broken Bow
yesterday ,
. Undertaker Kimball went to
. ,
, Merna and actc(1 as director of
the funeral of "Grandma Reeder"
and her sister , yesrerday.
'rhe Baptist church has arranged -
ranged with the State Evauge-
, list Baker of Michigan to begin a
series of meetings about the 9th
of F'ebruary.
Luther Miller , of Cambria ,
Iowa , arrived iu the city Tuesday
morning with the vicwof bnying
one hundred head of horses for
the eastcrn marltet.
J. H. Shadden , \Veisert. . accompanied -
companied by a brother who resides -
sides at Ge.ring , visited Broken
Bow friends and attended to
business matters , 'l'uesday.
If this thing continues , last
fall will mcrge itself into next
. ' spring and 75 'years hence the
"oldest settlcr" can then tell as
to how there was no ] 907-1908
\V. A. Bruce , \Veisert , spent
Monday and ' 1'uesday in the city
for the purpose of having his
teeth repaired , and between timcs
visited friends and attended
t (
\ vivalmeetings.
r Quite a number of our residents
; - . are this week reported as suffer-
. ing an attack of la grippe. None
{ f.t
; '
" of the victims' condition is con-
1 sidered of a serious nature , at
)1 ) , present , but grip is vcry treacherous -
: ous and gets in deadly work when
: ' least. expected.
MAlmnm-Mr. Quincy E.
i- , Fodg , nd Miss da Pe rY , both
. . . . . of Merna , came to Broken Bowen
on Monday , Jan. 20 , 1908 , and
. at noon were united in marriage
. , at the parsonage of the Baptist
' - church , the pastor , Rev. J. D.
Brady , officiating.
Broken Bow admirers of the
. game of basket ball will have an
opportuni ty to witness some good
" playing Saturday night of this
week at the Armory between the
High School of this city and a
club from thc State University
' \ at Lil1 oln.
' - F. H. Smith returned today
t'F. a trip west , whither he and
his son Harry went last Friday
. going first to Billings , at which
point Harry will rcmain unti
next week. Thev . also visiteC :
f HasiuVyoming , which Fran1
I says is one of the biggest littl (
' burgs that has ever crossed hi
l' life line.
I A citizen who is in a positiol
I to know stated , a few days ago
that not near as many hogs wer ,
being haulcd to Merna and sole :
as there were before G. R. Rus' '
som commenced buying on tb4
Brokcn Bow market. Mr. l usson
says he is not bU'ying for the pur
pose of making a bigprofit. . bu' '
more to give his brother farmer :
and hog raisers as high prices a' '
the Omaha marlte will permit.
Jesse Gandy was laid up sever
al days last week after hb returl
from attending the Bryan Della
banquet , but says that was no
the cause of his illness. P. S.-
'l'he subject of the foregoini
narrative was out on. parade wit
\ the Woodmen yesterday and i
"on the lift" again today , bv
his little bangle. t ior mcmber i
congress on the demo-pop-prohil
social ticket goes on and ou U1
interrupted and ullterrified.
W. P. 'rrue , of Cumro , wag i
the city ycsterday and called 1
fix his subscription to the RHI'UJ
IICAN so that we wou1d neitI\ < <
have to discontinue sending t1
paper nor af1 x a one cent stamen
on it ag thc new postal law r
' ' olel of "l
( luircs. 'l'hat saying
name as wl'11 as natnre" can apt ]
be applied to this gentlcman wI
is true to evc'y ! tmst , every dut ,
every fricnd. TIe is an old-tin
resident of the county and sutTe .
cd along with the other 'settle
the effccts of the drouth year
but stood the trials unflinching
and is now in a position to mo
e sily recover from such anoth
'Visitation of misfortunc.
_ _ _ _
\Vll1 and Grant 'l'nrllbull , of
Duuning , were down ycsterday
to help swell the Woodman
crowd. .
Isaac Deardorff , of Mason City ,
was ou our streets yesterday observing -
serving the \Voochnen's large
Nort Amsberry , of Ansley , represented - ,
resented 225 pounds averdupois 1
of the two woodmen on the streets
of Brokcn Bow yesterday.
Rcv. Connors who for the past
year was pastor of Ansley , First
and Second Eudell llaptist
churches has acceptcd a , call for
all his time the ensuing year at
'l'he youngsters of Broken Bow
-some of thcm-are whooping
'er up these days , a goodly num-
bcr having contracted the cough
and express their feelings very
Ira P : Mills , one of the substantial -
stantial farmers and highly respected -
spected citizens of Arnold , was
one of the representativc Woodmen -
men of his vicinity tllat attended
the rally in Broken Bow yester-
Attorney E. E. Squires , of the
firm of Sullivan & Squires , lett
'l.'uesday.for Iowa in which state
he will visit a numbcr of places
to secure depositions in a case to
bc tried at the next term 01 District -
trict court.
Among those who have recently -
ly received an increase of thl ir
pensions to $12 per month
through the efforts of Congre5s-
man Kinkaid are Frank Norton'
of Broken Bow and Andre. . . : Som-
mers of Merna.
I \Villiam Gladson , of Milburn ,
who was among the members of
\ tl1eVooc1men of the Milburn
I Camp in the city yesterday , reports -
ports that sixtecn of the twenty-
two members of his camp were
attcnding the tally.
'rhe next two numbers of the
young people's entertaiament
course will be as f : : > llows : Temple
Quartette , Jan. 30 ; L. B. 'Wicker-
sham , lecturer , Feb. 3. Owing
to circumstances it was impossible -
possible to avoid putting the two
dates so near together.
Miss Luci B. Rose , age 46
years , died at the home of her
brother , 'l'homas Rose , Smiles
north of Broken Bow , Tuesday
night , January 21 , 1908 , of heart
trouble , after but a few days ill-
ness. Funeral services were held
today at the home : . .nd interment
in the Broken Bow cemetery.
James Coons , of thc vicinity of
Arcadia , accompamcd by ] 4. W.
CalleD , were among the throng of
, log rollers in the city yesterday.
Mr. Coons is a son-in-law of
' 1'homas 'l'odds and Mr. Callcn
is the pater familis of Miss E"n
Callen , a popular young lady whc
, attended the Junior Normal last
R. F. Burnett , residing 8 mi1e
south , was a RupunLlcAN callcl
Monday and statcd that the
: > health of everybody in his vicino
, ity is exceptionally good , cense ,
quentIy much happiness prevalh
I in that neck o'woods. He said
, however , that chores was abou1
all farmers had to do now ane :
. they are beginning to get anxiolH
for the arrival of spring.
Dr. J. J. Pickett , formerly <
- rcsident of Broken Bow , who fo :
several years has been trying hi :
fortune in other towns ofthe sta te
arrived in Broken. , Bow the lattcl
part of last week from ' 1'amori
with the view of locating per
manently in Broken Bow to re
sume the practce : of medicine
1\lrs. Pickctt who went to Omah. .
to visit a daughter a few days , i
- cxpectcd to arrive in a few days
Dr. Pickett has a host of friend :
in this vicinity who are pleasc (
to welcome him back to Droke :
A Great Opportunity.
On or about Ll'ebruary 5th
salesman carrying fourtecn larg
trunlcs , each Olle packed chocJ
Il full of samples of carpets an
lo . rugs , will arrive in the city an
ll. remain a couplt' of days at th
r furniture store of D. C. Konk (
Ie in order to give those of our pee
I p . pIe-who so desire-an Opp01
c. tunity to select from the stock c
? a wholcsale house. Hcre willl
> a variety that you may not hal \
l an opportunity of purchasin .
} . from agam vcry soon and it ce :
Ie tainly behoovcs . sll who conten
r- pate I purc lasm" " , a carpet or ru
. rs to call at Mr. Konkel's store e
.ls y , the date above mentioned.
re ForS L
er Two horses and enc milch co ,
Inquire of J csse Gandy. It.
J. W. Cook Suffers Stroke Paralysis. !
J. W. Cook , who Jlas conducted -
ducted a grocery storc just south
of the Secudty State bank for a
number of years , ntffered a strolce
of paral vsis 'l'ues a.y uigh t some-
'time , being discovered by his
son-in-law , ' 1' . II. Sharp , at about
9 o'clock yesterday morning in a
helpless condition in a room hc
occupied at the rear of the store.
Mr. Cook is 75 ) 'ears of agc an
has led a very active mercantile
lifc , having' bcen engaged in the
grpcery business for 51 consecutive -
tive years. He had not bCl'n
feeling well for several days and
uring his mdisposition occupied
a rOQJn at the homer of his
daughter. Tuesc1a > ' , however , he
felt better and decIded to remain
in his own room. At 9 o'clock
yest\.rday Mr. Sharp came up to
ascertain how Mr. Cook was feeling -
ing and finding the store door
loclted knew at once that something -
thing- was wrong. He wa 111
possession of a l ey and upon
entering found the aged gentleman -
man completely helpl ss and unable -
able to articulate , on account of a
stroke of paralysis. Mr. Cook
.was at once conveyed to the Sharp
residence and U1cdical aid bas restored -
stored his speech , but he still has
no use of , his limbs. It is
thought that on account of his
advanced age the attack will
prevent his resuming business
Revival To Close.
The revival now being conducted -
ducted by Fife and Son at the
Opera house will c.ose next Tuesday -
day night. The revival has been
remarkably well attended and the
house is well fille l at every
scrvice. Up to Tuesday night .
there were fifty-sIx conversions I
and additions to the church.
1'his is ccrtainly very gratifying
succcss and It is expected that
many others will come into the
fellowship of the congregation ,
before the meeting closes.
On next Tuesday night. there
wilt be a good fellowsbip mceting
and all the new converts will be. .
present amI sit in a body to l'e-
ceive the hand of fellowship in a
formal way , and to hear a sermon
appropriate to the occasion. At
this service , there will bc an old
fashioned hand-shaking and the
general public is invited to attend -
tend this service.
Moving Pictures.
In this day and age moving
pictures are almost as much of
an attraction as a circus , and
they are certainly well worth
5eeing when properly displayed.
Next 'l'uesday evening , January
28th , , at the Opera house a moving -
ing- picture entertamtllent will be
given , a first class machine being
used by an experienced operator.
Prices have been placed within
the reach of everybody , vi7. : 5 and
10 cents.
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Since Thursday of last week
licenses to wed in Custer count ) .
have been issued as follows :
Quincy E. Fodge , Merna. . . . . 23
Ida Perry , . . . . . . . . . . . .
H. II. Roork , Gothenberg. . . .19
Elizabeth Overton , Gothenberg18
Benj. R. Richard , Oconto..21
Agnes McCaig , Oconto. . . . . .18
. Frank I4. Neth , Broken Bow. . 21
Goldie Hogabootll , . Bow. . . .18
Stock Shipments.
During the past seven days the
following shipments of live stodt
have been made from Broken
Bow :
H. M. Su1livan , 2 cars of cattle
to South Omaha.
Jules IIaumont , 1 car of hogs
to South Omaha.
Joe White , 1 car of hogs tc
_ South Omaha.
M. Smith , 1 car of cattle and 1
. of hogs to South Omaha.
G. H. l ussom , ( ) cars of hog
to 8'outh Omaha.
i. Sam betts , 2 cars of hogs tc
Sea ttle.
Tierney Bros. , 1 car of hogs tc
South Omaha.
Prettyman & Heaps , 1 car 0 :
tattle South Omaha.
H Mauk. 1 car of cattle t (
South Omaha.
J. ' 1' . Cole , 1 car of sheep t (
South Omaha. -
M. Smet7. , 1 car of hogs t
South Omaha.
Bli Whitney , I car of hogs . tl
South Omaha.
Temple Quartette.
'l'he Secretary of the Y. M. C
A. of Hastings , Nebr. , has thi
to say of thc Temple Quartette
.g "The ' 1'emple Quartette wer
r- with us Christmas night. 'l'he
:1- : are better , even , than last season
Ig The opera housc was packec1
III We sold our 100 single admission
in addition to the 600 scaso
tickcts which are sold. Ever
fl. number was encored from enc t
i five times.
" . .
. . .
'J < _ _ . ' - : !
. I
Ryno Rumblings.
Miss Eva Mincr , of Brolen
Bow , is tcaching' the wintcr term
of school in district 141.
Nath Province's babj' has had
quite a sicge of sicknes $ the past
two wC'cks , but is some better.
Dr. ' 1'aylor , of Oconto , has becn
attending' him.
' 1'he grip has been epidemic
along , lhe South Lonp lately.
Elsie J aU1sley is attending
school at Brokcn Bow.
AfC Your Hogs fOf Sale ?
G. R. Rnssom is now buying
and shipping hogs and requests
all who have swine to sell to call
on him and get his prices which
will alwaJs be the highest com-
mcsurate with the market. lIe
is making- his headquarters at
the Bruce Lumber yard whcre hc
can be interviewed every day.
Better see him if you have hogs
for sale.
For Rent.
Two rooms in the Custer block.
] nquin at thc RltI > UDLICAN oO cc. _
F or Rent or Sale. =
Stock farm consisting of one
section of land near West Union'
For further informatio'1 see E C.
House , Broken Bow , Neb. , or
G. Guyle 011 farm.
To The Public.
I am prepared to do allldnd of
horse-shoeing. ' 1'rack and road
shoeing a specialty. Ten years
experience. All work guaranteed.
31-3 North Side , Brolten Bow.
. . . .
- - - - -
SMm mm m
M m m m m
. .
Drs. 1I"'arnsworth & Beck -
For all ldnds of good ' coal go ;
to the West Elevator. 14tf !
- Money to loan on choice farms. J
\V. B. EAS'l'HAM. it1
-Furnished and unfurnished , .
rooms for rent in l eneau block It 'ti
. ' : '
Go to J. W' . Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated flour-pure , just as J
the wheat growed.
oJ ,
Fen SALn-A bargain-a six (
octave organ costing $100.00 can
be had for about half pricc. ' .
Call at this office.
Dr. . Bass , Dentist. Over McComas' -
W AN'l'HD-S t 0 c It to winter. 18 !
Horses preferred. Sec. 23 , 18-25.
C. H. CASS , Loyal , Neb.
Money to loan on choice farms.
W. B. EASTHAlli.
Edward Dodd , physician and
surgeon. Oflice with Dr. Christensen -
tenson in l eality block. Office
phone No. 260 ; residence phone
No. 248. All calls promptly at-
tended. 32-tf
If you have $500.00 or upward
deposited in thc banks of Custer
county that you would like to
convert into real estate" first
mortgage coupons bonds , call
at my office northeast corner
public square. Broken Bow.
Clcan Seed Rye for . sale a t the
West Elevator l4tf.
Money to loan on choice farms.
20 head of Duroc male pigs for
sale. 'fops of 200 head. Custer
County Herd of Duroc-Jerseys ,
John l eese , Owner.
- - '
No'rICI o { PW1'I'1'ION.
E tate of Charles N , Baker. IIcceascll , In
County court of Custer county. Nebraska
'l'he State of Nebraska , ' 1'0 all llersons In.
tere teliin Imlll estate , take notice , that a
I \Ietition has beenlllel\ for the apllolntment
of W. N. Bray as allmlnilltrator of Imlll
estate which has been set lor hearing here
In , on l < 'eby. 20th. HI ( ) , at 10 o'clock a. 111-
lJatcli January 21st. IlJO ,
_ A. It. lIuMI'Um\ . " .
Count } JUI\ge. \
) To Whom It May COllcern :
'l'he commbsloner a\llIolntcll to vlcw. anll
If decmcll for the \lutJllc \ good to vacatc a
) roat1l'etltlonell for by I' : . H. HaddUfc et ai ,
coullnencing at the SW , corner of section It ! .
' 1' It ! . H , 21 allli running thence 1I0rth to : tllC
rallro:1I1 right-of-way. as III shown by IIlat In
County clerks olllce lias rellorteliin favor of
the vacation thcreol. allli all objections
thereto , or claims for llamages. must e
lIIed In the county clerk's olllce un or e.
fore noon of the ; ; rllllay of March , l\O \ ! , or
such roal1 will be vOIcatell without refer.
) enCl' thereto.
In Wltne 'I Whereof , 1 ha"e hereunto . tiel
my hand and eal 01'saill count } , this : J11l1
lIay 01 January. 11M ! .
JUS. I'IUMAN , County Clerk.
1"Irst I'u 11. Jan. 2.6t.
- - - - - -
Eye , EarN ose'fhroat ,
, and Chronic Diseases.
' Fitting of Glasses ,
Office in Healty block.
: :
y J A. ARMOU1 ,
I. . .
l Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow.INebr.
lI\vlrll1' just had olll'ht yoarll Ilraetieal expel' '
y leneo as Coullty Judll'e. wll'lI'lve ' slIcelal allml
tlon to the drawll1l1' alill Ilrobatllll1' of wills al1ll
o the adll1luhttratlou of olltatell of deceascd Ilcr.
RUI111 aull11l1lorll. Write or IIhoue me. I may
laye YOU II trill. I
- - . -
. - .
- - - . -
Eagle Grocery.
- - ' -
'Ve have arranged to have
YSTERS our New Years supply of
oysters come direct to us
from Long Island Sound.
'l'llOY have the salt sea flavor. No ice touches
the oystors. Yon get solid meat from us. and
not a mixture of OYStlHS and ice water. Cull
and examine , our Oyster Ourrier.
- - - -
I -
Bl olell Bow.
1 - - - _ I _ 1 . .
_ - _ _ . _ _ ,
= It. ' > > " J J J
' 1'111 IR rM : n NS.lC S'rOCIC ruS'l' HE
NO\V'S YOUH 'rIl\I1 \ ' 1'0 G1 f ] . ' BAEGAINS.
. . .ts1 .fl
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
) ) , ; " : " a " . . . " . , . , . , . . . . . , . . . _ . . . ; . . .jJa i' . , 'J < . ' " ' . 'r- . . . . . , . . 'I . : . . ; " ( ; r. - ' " . . . . . "t' .i' . , : I " ' 7I.r- : ' ' .oJ 'j"'l' , < , ( . . . . . . . \ . . ' , . ' : . .v- . . . . . . . . .y , - . .c. . . " . - , > ' . . . " ' - , f\ . : . ; . " ' " " " ' \ . . ' . . " . . . . . . . . . . " ( . . . . . . . . . , \ , , , . . . . . . . . ' . I. ( . ' ' ; )1 . . , . . > " : . ' " 1. . . . . . . . . . . ' : . , . \ , , , . . : . . . . .R-.m :
' Wc 1I0W lu\\'c cOlllpictc , . . ; 'j
i , C 0 .A.t : : . . I\ssorlmclI ns follows l Oil hnml : JFl Uiif
: j
REX LUMP ' I4ump , Nut and Pca
Nut and Stove Lump and Nut ! ,
COKING COAL for yonr Und'rfeed Eurnaces. Phone 79
I C. L. Turner Lumber Co. I
. , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . " ' . . . . . . . " - , ' . . . , . . . . - : , .
. ! ! . ' . . . , , . .
. . : : n.m. \ ' : : : wIf ! : : ; ; . . . .ji i : J ' ' . .J ur. I.l.t1 ft. . ! . . : . ; " ) . .i.2- I : ' ! . . "I : . , : J1W iic : : JI. ; . . .it.- . . . : : n \ : 41E fiI r. : :11.a : . ' : . ; ,
. . . - .
! Xi b _ b b
about our furniture , either in its make .
01' in its selling. We handle only the
kind that is above suspicion as regard
matcrials and fashioning. We. havc
every piece or suite in the newest
sty Ie and the prices we ask-consider-
ing quality-shame all rivals.
D. . . .
I .
. ' 1
The Cas.h G rocorv
The Holiday trade rcduced our
stock considerably , but it has been replenished -
plenished , vith new and fresh goods so
that all patrons will he supplIed nov
with the Y(1ry best the Inal'lrct atl : : n'ds.
J. N. Peale .
Broken Bow , Nebraska
. , . ,