_ _ _ 'd _ - - ( . Q Gr UQuntyepUbUDi1n \ , _ . - ON It DOrI.AI { NtH \'T't\R. ; . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' RA'l'H . A1 > Vlm'l'SINO Whern IIH1ttur I' IItt or wooII baleeh ctrotYIJeH n l1allrlcc 01 U CClltllllJr ! h1CIIIIh1illucolnmll , lor each hll1Crtlul1 , lwo ur IIIOro h1Rcrllon8. Special 1'081111111 , slll.lu . InKurlloll , 15 cCIIl1I Iter IIICIl , Metal basu clcClfoll.Woor lIIore tlIIIC' ! . lU CUllts pur IIIcll. I'IIYllIClIls to be IIIl1l1u ht of ollell 1II0nlll. 1.oclII I\ltverll lull' 5 cents \lcr IIno clleh hillor. . tlOII. tlOII.Cllnl" on first Ilall'O W celltll per Illch Ior I lIIolltll. . Nollcu of chnfch ( altll , lIociabloli 111111 ellter. talumcnls wllclU 1II0ney Is elmnrc.I , one"'aU rilles. Dealh 1I01lccli frec , hH : ( ur 11111ollslllul ( oblluar ) ' uotlcCII. Canl of ' .rhallkll. 50 cr . , LCIMllloticefl al ra'lrclvhh.1 by "tatnteR of Nebrallkt. Society 1I0tlCCII alllllolntlolls : , oI1L hil\ : : , Ies ' ' WcdllluU'lIotlces hcc. . alf price for .11I1 0 'I' pfcnell18 . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - J lIten'd at ! lrokllI ! low , NebralllfOf : tml1K. ' 11111111011111 tllo Ullitell HtateR lIIall'l III secol1d elallll ralOR. ' . . . . - - - - - - - - - - D. M. AJ\JSlIltHHY , - Publisher CUAS. K. BASSH'r'l' , - - Editor 'l'hursday , Jan. 23 , 1908 , . The first three weeks of the new year shows a fine feeling of confidence. The words "flurry" and "stringency" have passed out and merchants find their trade restored , almost , to normal. 'l'here is not a hint of gloom in the at- mosphere. 'l'he cast , which was the least cheerful section of the country two months ago , is now reflecting the optimism of the west. New Yorl < , which is the keystone to the financial arch , is stronger in fact and in confidence than It has been for somc time. Better than this is the spirited I attitude of the whole people. 'l'here has been small pari.Jg in pcrsQnal outlay since the realization - tion seems to be general that the country is sounder than ever- the fulure brighter. It is reasonable - able to expect 1908 to surpass the extraordinary rccord of last year. . - - - - - - - - Frank A. Harrhwn , who usually - ly has been able to so cOlrectly diagnose the political situation in advance in Nebraska so to havc things his own way , will find that the rank and file of the republican - publican party will not be with him in his support of the candidacy - dacy of Lali'ollette for president. The popularity of President Roosevelt with the voters is so great that his indorsements of the candidacy of Secretary 'l'aft assures him practically the unanimous - imous support of the republican voters of the state and Mr. Harrison - son had just as well , first as last , acknowledge his mistake and proceed at once to get in the ' ! 'aft band wagon. 'l'he president's suggestion- already made an otder-of : having one member of the national guard from each state take a competitive - tive examination for second lieu. tenant will do much to encourage the men of the service and raise the standard. It is rewards like these that adds interest to the militia and draw recruits. Jus1 now there is nothing neede worse than recruits in the army and it is certainly puzzling t1u war department how to get them The question of more pay , ade , quate rewards and less real wed seems to be the only solu tion. If lumber gets much scarce : and prices continue to go up farmers can make more mO'nc' . raising trees than grain. - - - - - - - - 'l'be efforts to inject some gin ger into the Fairbanks Presi dential boom would be laughabl -if it were less sad. With all the "financial cxperts quarreling over a currency bl1 ] it may yet be necessary to g back to the white pine whittle at the village store to have th matter settl d-proJerly. It's sure enough-Taft. Delegate to National Convention. This congressional district i rightly entitled to two dclegate to tbe National Republican COl vention to nom111ate William 1 : Taft for president , and Broke Bow bas a citizen who wouJ make an ideal member of th delegation in the person c 'Walter A. George. mayor of 011 city and president of tbe Securit State bank. Mayor George is certainl well qualified and would be valuable member to the deleg. . j : Hon and a place on the deleg. . 'I ' don will be claimed for him b the republicans of this part e t , the state. - - - I Asa B. Wood Cor President. rrhis is not intended for Asa I Wood for president of the Unite 1 States. but for President of t1 : State Editorial association. M " Wood is a pioneer newspap mlln in Western Nebraska. MOl I I than twentyyears ago he estal } iabed the Gering Courier , : j ! , 'I .I , . , ( . . - . - - - . Gering , ScottJ ! Bluff COlillty. ill ' the WCtcru ! ! Jiu't of the state. : Hc has huilt up a g'od pill/l'r / ill that 100 ality as well as lair ! up iI sumcicllc ) ' to tide hirn't'f It I raiu ) ' da.y. I Mr. Wood i a practical IIC\VS- ' papcr man amI conluctH hig papcr , on practical busincss pI' nci plcs : II , : is a man of encrgy. gooorli judgmcnt : .11111 ill e\'cq' rl.Bpect I worthy of the honor his friends seck to confer. At the prcscllt timc iH vice-Jresidellt . of the Rtatl association .and as an honor duc the western part of the statc as well as a reward due lr. Wood for his faithfulness in j'ears past , the HUI'UIII.1CAN would he pCscri ] to see him clectcd president of the association. The Alliancc 'rimes in spcak- ing' of Mr. Wood's candidacy says : Mr. Wood has attcnded every mceting for ycars , is now vicc president of the association , and h as served as one of t hc secretaries - taries , Such being the case , Wcstern Nehraska newspaper men ollght to start a movement now that wouJd mal < c Brother Wood president of the association for the ensuing j'ear. 'rhe "Pan- handle" newspaper feHows travel farthcr than any to these sessions ; bave attended many j'ear , and it wuuld be nothing UJore than a propcr honor if the presidency were brought out this way oncc. Prog're5sivc , capable , alert and with high sense of integrity , Asa Wood has the record in having been established twenty years in Westcrn Nebraska-all the time at Gering and off the railroad. Say , fellows , Jet's give him a boost for the president of the associ a tlon for 11)08. , The Boyerton Holocaust. ' [ 'he recent terrible holocaust in a small theatre at Boyerton , Pa. , was one'of the worst catastrophes - trophes of the many recent dis- asters. Its horrors arc accentuated - ted because of the small popula- t ion of the place in which it occurrcd. 'rhe number of deaths is placcd at 165 and the total population of BOj'crton is but little over 2000. Practically every surviving man of thl town lost cither a member of his own family or a near relative. 'l'he occasIOn was an amateur show. The stage was crowded with youngpeopJe whose curiosity - osity was rcsponsible for the fire and its terrible results. There was one small stairway for the front entrance and a narrow exit in the rear. 'l'hese soon became so clogged with persons endeavoring - ingto escape that those behind were caught as in a trap and burned , except a very few. ' , 'l'he greatest obj ct lesson' is the lack of proper provisions for aring for the safety of persons . 111 places of amusement. 'l'he : disregard for human life , in some : . places , is worse than criminal. 'l'here have been o many catas- trophies in which the Joss of life has been appaJ1ing-that the pu blic is less shocked than it ] , former years. The list of fatalitie . causes but a passing shudder and docs not excite the people to t1 proper conception of its horron or a determination. to move the possibilities of future clisasten of that nature. The charred remains of tIu : , victims of the 13oyerton and ethel tragedies and the battered anc trampled corpses of those whos bodies escaped the flames , cr' . ' out for more precautions fo. e humanity in thc future. Real Estate Transfers. It Arthur Sweeney to H. 1.3 I , Andrews , lot 14 , block 12 , in Atl o selmo , $150.00. 'e r Berton C. l mpfield to H. 1.3 Andrews , lot 13 , block 12 , in At1 selmo , $150.00. II. R. H. Williams to 'l'homa E. Zimmerman , 160 acres in 2 15-18 , $2600.00. Jeromc D. Burdick to IIownrl R. II. Williams , lots 4 and 5 i block 13 , first add North AnsJeJ $1700.00. William L. Graham to Pete J. Simonson , lots 1 , 2 and 3 i block 3 Jesse Ganrl8 add to Drc ken Bow , $150.00. Hiram C. Chase to Halsey 11 Doane , 80 acres in 8-15-17 , $300 ( 1'homas M. Pile to Frank\1 Williams , 160 acres in 17-14-2 : $2400.00. Geo.V. . Trinclle to John Kn mer , 1,0 acres in 3-13-17 , $324 ( Henry J. Derris to Treasure Dist. No. 71 , one acre in 12-14-H $25.00. Eliza P. Wood , widow , to 1'1 1.R. . Humphrey , 320 acrcs in 14-H : d 22 , $2200.00. Ie Daniel Greenwalt to Georg r. Greenwalt , 80 acres in ' 7-17-1 r 5500.00. re Joseph Thomas to Henry E lJMuessel , 40 acres in 32-16-1 it $500.00. , . . , , . . . " - - - - , When the Hair Falls Stop it ! And why not ? Pall- inR hair is n disease , 3 regular diseasc ; and A yer's Hair Vigor , as made from our new improved - proved formula , quickly and completely destroys that dis- ease. The hair stops falling out , grows more rapidly , and all dandruff dis3ppears. Doa nol change 111 < : cola , of Ile , 'ralf. } 'ormu ! " , wIth " " 011 boUle Uhow II ' 0our A d r\"r , ljeps , , Ask hlln , , tit. then do , " , I .rn . , . . .dlJL"4.J. The little book in each package Ilives the formula of our new Hair Vigor , tells why each ingredient is u5ed , and explains - plains many other interesting things. After reading you witt know why this new hair preparation does Its work so well. -Ma.do by the J. O. Ayer 00. , Lowell. Ma s.- . . - - - - - - - The Biggest Time of iheir Lives - - Declared Members of the Woodmen of America Lodge Who Attended the Yesterday' s Rally. - - - OVER A THOUSAND PRESENT. - - Business Houses Decorated , Bands Played , Streets Thronged and Everybody Happy. About two months ago Mr. E. C. Cross , district deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America commenced soliciting members in this county for the order and lhe result of his labors indicate that he is away up head and several laps to spare in that line. Mr. Cross is certainly untiring" in his efforts and a great organizer - zer , regardless of the fact that he represents one of the best fraternal - ternal organizations in America. 'l'his fact , however , can be more readily understood , when one stops to think and rcalize that within two months over four hundred members in Custer county - ty have been added to the enrollment - ment of the order. Early yesterday morning members - bers of the order , and prospective Iltem bers , commenced arri ving in the city from every direction in private conveyances and they continued to come untill o'clock. At 12 o'clock a special train 01 six coaches came in from the east , starting from Ha vetma. 'rhis train brought mem ben and candidates-ISO of the lattcr being - ing from Ansley. At 2 o'clock a parade of members - bers and candidates to the number - ber of over six hundred , with music by the Ansley and Broket ] I Bow bands was a great feature of the raJ1y. During the afternoon ad resse were delivered in the Opera house and greatly enjoyed by , a large number. Last night the Opera hous ( was fiJ1ed by Woodmen , and sub jects fori sympathy , and the worl of conferring the degree3 on 32' candidates was not finished unti nearly 5 o'clock this morning. - . . , J ' . , ' - . . . . - - - - - - - - - I Zumbrota Zephyrs. , J , ' 1' , Coc ] I"hippcd " sheep the \ , lir1t of the week. to Omaha. I1is , : HOII , Walter , took charge df same i : UIU ] wil1 rclu1'I1 by the way 6f I : \101lI'OC , Neb , . wh re he cxpect j to vigit old fr < : nd . I Messrs. Ctlll'en and loozcr went I to Galla'way Monday , returning yesterday. I ! \liss Madge llishop returncd to I school work la t'leek , but was on.r ] ahe ] to attend to duties a half day , and returned to her home Thursday. Last li'rida ) ' evcning about twcnty young' peopJe gathercd at G. J. Martin's to surprise their son , Wythe. Gamcs 1nd sociaJ cha 1 alTorded much merriment fof the evening , after which weJ1 prepared refreshments wcre sen'ed and at rather a late hour the young pcople departed to their homcs , thinking how pleasant - ant it was to have such Iood times , and g-lad they were , to have it a complete surprise. Mrs. lllaine Lanterl11an' sister has he en spending a few days with her. M. D. CaJ1en an wife spent 'l'ucsday at Mr. lIaines' , 'cast of the "Bow. " Mr. and Mrs. David Dewey enjoyed a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer of the Bow. Stewart Lanterman and wifc arrived home Saturday night after an extended trip. We ul1dcrgtand Mr. T..Ianterman comes home much improved in health. Fred Pershall is having an attack - tack of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Lilly visited at CaUens on Tuesday. I Chas. Heaps was in this community - munity last week , buying cattle. Miss Olive Cole was absent from schooll\Iondav , owing to illness anci it was th first dav she has bcen absent during th term. Some young people gathered at the'lagoon recently , to enjoy the pleasure of skating , but , alas ! their fond hopes were shattered after a few hours of warm sun- shine. Will Be In Line. Virgima is getting read V to break the "solid south , " standing with the republicans for tbe election - tion of a President. North and South Carolina and Georgia with the i r increasing prosperity through the mills there and the markets of the North for their land products , mav also be counted - ed upon to sustain the republican - can posperity tariff , though these three states have not been reported upon to that encl. Bas- com Slemp , the new Congressman - man from Virginia , who was elected without opposition from Democrats in his district , says , the Hepublicans of Virginia arc I now a strong factor ; that they I I have secured his district without I much danger of its ever reverting back to the Democracy , and have holds on other districts that count materially. He claims that the voters are going to cut out sentimental foolishness and vote as economists and sane people - ple knowing their material needs rather than their social fads. Let us be your printer. The good kind of printing' only. Public Sale I will offer at public sale at the barn af W. A. Dillavou , formerly the Hichardson barn , in Broken Bow , on SATURDAY , 'FEBRUARY 1 , ' 08 , BEGINNING AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M. THE FOI4LOWING DESCIUBED PROPER'ry , 'l'O-WIT : - n Eight Head of Horses. 3 Gray Horscs : , wt. about 1500 each 3 Day Horses , wt. about 1050 each 1 Gray Marc , 6 yrs. , wt. 1200 1 Black Stallion , 6 yrs. , wt. 1200 1 Spring Colt. Forty-One Head of Cattle. 28 Cows with Calf , some fresh l- soon , sot e good milch cows > . 1 White-faced Hegistered Bull Balance Steers and Heifers - - - - - - - Terms of Sale. ON Srl'OCK-A credit of 11 months' time will be given on approved - proved security , with interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum. 'l'wo per cent discount for cash. " COL. JUD KAY , Auctioneer. C. II. IIOLCOMll , Clerk. I . - Farm Implements. 1 McCormick Mower 1 Hake 1 Sweep 1 Stac1 < er 11i'eed Grinder 1 Endgate Seeder 1 one-horse Drill 2 Wagons 2 Hay l akes 2 Hiding Cultivators 2 Wal1 < ing Cultivators 1 Canton 2-row Lister Corn Culhvator 1 riding Lister And a lot of New Implements Terms of Sale. o N IMPLEMEN'l'S - All sums under $10.00 cash. Sums O\'l'r $10.00 , June 1st no interest. Will g-ive December time if wanted. 10 per cent after June 1st , 1908. Geo. Willing. . _ .AKi , D f ; ; ; ; ; ] { : ; . , - . . ' . I. , . " " -.1 . " " " " " " . . . - - . - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , Send you. . ' Abst.'act . Orders to . . . J. G. LEONARD , ! 3onde . A bstl'acter Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng . . - . .r..r..aa.r..r.u . : . . . .r.r..Q"r.Q : .cf.O : : ' BT'ne l Tes't rji1eva-tor - - 8 RAS ANDERSON - DEAJ4El IN - . H I CRAIN AND COAL 8 li'eed in large and slnaJl quantities at both wholesale 8 ti itnd retail. Special attention given to fiJ1ing orders for coal R ii in any quantity. l ro ) { ( n BO\V , - - Nebraska ( bc , = .r..r..oO"r..o " : .r . : rJ' ' ' . . . : r.rO'o ' : - . .4IIo.t- ! A. . . 1 ( ) I 'ritlcs lDxamincd. Bro ken Abstracts li'urnished. 80 W 'rUXGS Paid for non-res. Heal listate : bought. A b stract Heal Estnte for sole. CO. Bonded. { al Estate Loans. FIre Insurance. I. A. RENEAU , Secretary. Notary Public. . J b. - _ _ - - - - . - - - - , YOl ] CAN I SAVE MONEY M here . by purchasing I "IIIIIIII'I"II'111I1I1II1I1I1111II1II111I1'IIIII'I1I""II"I " ' ' ' ' ' ' rllllll"lllllll1l11'"III1I'III"I1IIII"IIIII"IIIIIIII"I'"I : ' - : . . i- ' ' ' - Paints , Oils , i 'SIr' ? " Hardware , , 5 , i Furnitur , I t. ' I Flour , Feed I I , " ! . ' ; and Seed. ii , ' 1 F ' , , , . E' . " " ! VIIII"'IIIIIIII 11"11I"1111I"11",11'11I"11"11"1'111111111111111"1111I"11"I : ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIUF. J. W. COT T : . . . . S . South SidelSquare , Broken Bow. 1 , . . _ . . _ _ - . . . . . ! ! - : ! ! ! ! ! _ = = "L - - - - - . . . ' rIC ---B : : : n , " , Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. , At the OLD STAND. Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. " Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents. Will buy some good paper. Call and see me. ' \ . . ' _ , - - _ \ , - - - .rAti' 1 r- - , , , t. . . _ _ _ 11IIf.J .ibII 151 " " " , It . ; Formerly the Globe hotel has I L E R , been thro ghly renovated and reIJaired , is now open to the r public un le.r new management \ C R A N D and sohct ts pat r 0 nag e , , guaranteeing entire satisfac- I tion. I HOTEL Rates $1.00 per day , single r meals 25 cents. J. SNELL , Propr. BRInKEU B BS1W L , W. Price , Manager. . . . . - - W .Cf , By paying subscription to the REMEMBEII UEPU UOAN one year in advance - vance , you wi } ] receive lPHEI the AMERICAN E'ARMER 1 year. _ ' _ _ . 7 _ . - J DISI-t PAN ' SALE , \ , GItOAT & VAN ANT\7VERP'S : eIG STORE , 011 FEB. 1st , I COMMENCING A'l' . . ' ' ' 2 p. tU. CON'l'INUING Ii'O [ 2 HOURS ONLY Larget 11-quart , white-lined , Three-coated Enamel Dish pan regular price $1.20 , will be sold for ONLIY 59c EACH ' " \VHI1 E TilEY LAST. . - , c , i