I , . - - - - - - , , ( USTrR ( OU r ( RtPU LlCAN . " ' By D. M. AMGBERRY . " nnOICm DOW , - . NEDRASltA , - ' 1 1--- . , . - i LANGFORD of the THREE " - BARS ? 7Jy KATE AND VIRGIL D. BOYLES ( Copyrlll t by A. C. ) Il'Clul'Co"III07 , ) CIIAPTIm I. The Island With i1 Myctery. 110 said pORIUvoly to Dnltlo Ax , 111s scrnssy bucltsldn cow pony , that they would rldo to the summit of this ono bluff , and that It should bo the Inst. Dut ho hnd said the snmo thins mnny timeR slnco strlldng the barren hili 1'0- glen flnnklng both sides of the rIver. Hump after hump hall been surmounted - ed since UIO sound of the flrst llrom- Iso had tickled the cnrs of the tlrod broncho , humps as nllko as the two humps of a Bnctrlan camel , the monot- onOU9 continuity of which might very well have confused the mInd of ono less at homo on these ranges than George WIlliston. von he , rIding a ' ( blind trail slnco sun.up , alttlng his ! saddle with a heavy IndJrroronco born of heat and fatlguo , bognn to thlnle It i might bo that they were deacrlblng a t clrelo Qml the sun was plnylng thom strange trlcka. Still , ho urged his pony t to ono moro effort ; JURt so much tar thoI' and they would retrace tholr I stolJS , giving up for this dny at least the locntlng or n smnll buneh or cattle - tle , brauded a lazy S , mlsslug these three dnys. Had not untownrd circulllstances Intervened , ho might still hnvo gene blindly on ; for. laying ashlo the gambling - bling tover thnt was o'n him , ho could III aITord to lese the ton or twelve steers somewhere wanderIng the whlo rnngo or huddled Into sorno snfo plnco , there to abldo tIlO tlmo when a dnrlng rustler might convenlontly play at wilchcraft wIlh the brand or otherwise - wise dlsposo or thom wIlh profit to hlmseIr and wIth crodlt to his craft. Moreover , what might possibly novel' have been missed trom the vast herds of Lnngtord , his nolghbor or the plaIns country , wns or most sorlous import to Williston. "Devil take you , Dnttlo Ax , but ) 'ou'ro slow , " muttered Williston. "I'd give a good denl to sit down this min. ute to 80mo or my llttlo girl's flnp' jncks nnd corree. Dut nothing tor us , Inzy.bones , tllI midnight-or mornIng , moro llkoly. Do walk up ns It you hnd some lIttle staudlng In the world or cow ponlos. You hnven't , of a slIrety , but. ) 'ou might mnke nn effort. All things nro possible to him who trIos , you 1cnow , wblch Is a tremendous lIe , or courso. But perhaps It doesn't np. ply to poor devIls lI1to us who are 'has beons. ' Hero wo nro. Ah ! " There were no moro hills. Almost directly nt his reot was ono or those precipitous cut.awnys thnt charncter. Izo the bordoI' blurrs or the MIs80uri rIver. A row moro steps , In the dark , and horse and rldor would have plung. od over a sheer wnll or nenrly 200 teet. As It was , Wl11lston gave a gnsl1 or Invohmtnry horror whIch almost slmultnneously gnvo 1Jlnco to ono 01 wonder and astonishmont. Ho hn struck tbo rIver at a point nbsolutel ) new to him. It wns the tlmo or lo water , nnd the rIver , in most or It ! phases mUddy nnd sUllon.looklng gleamed sIlver and gold with the gilt tel' or the sottlng sun , malting a royn highway to the dwolllng.placo a Phoebus. A Ilttlo to the north of thlt sparklln bhbrond lay wll11t wouh have been an Islnnd In high water thlckl ; , ' wooded with wl110ws and cot ton woods. Now n long stretch or sail ( reached between blufr ami Island. DIsmounting , with the quick though that , .ondor IBJnnd mIght hold the secret crot of hlB lost. cattle , ho crept 1\1 Cl050 to the edge as be dnred. ' 1'hl cut was sheer and tawny , entIrely dl : ! Told at Bhrubbory by moans or whicl one might hazard descent. The san I bet ! began Immodlnt.cly nt. the toot a the yellow wllll. Even though on managed to gain tIlO bottom , on , would hardly dare rIsk the decelttll sands , ever Bhlrtlng , tall' and trencl erOU8. Dnfiled , he was on the point. ( J remounting to retrace his steps who ho drollpod his toot trom the stIrru amazed. Was the day or miracles nc yet passed ? It was the sun , or courso. Twolv hours of sun In the eyes could pIa strange tricks and might oven caus a dancing black opeck to assume th semblnnco or n man on horsobncl pIckIng his way.enslly , though ma ) hap a bit. war1l1lncross the waste ( sand. lIe Reemod to have sprung tror the vOr ) bowels or tIle blurr. Whenc els01 Many a rod beyond and abov the ghostly figure troWnod the tnwnJ wIcked cut.awa ; , ' . Path for noilIll : ! horse nor man appeared 2:0 : rnras oy could reach. It must bo tbe aun. Dt It was not Ule sun. Motionless , Intent , a flguro cnst I bronze 11.8 tbo sun wont down , the lea rnochJ11an gazed stendfastly dow UIJon the rnlnaturo man and horf creeping nlong so tar bolow. Not 'I tlI tlle object or his fixed gaze 1111 been swnllowod by UIO tt'eoa and UI derbrusll did his musclcL. ( elnx. Th man had rIdden as It unafraid ' " ' . _ " . . . . . . ' l - - - - - . . . . - . . . - - - . ' . . . - - - - - - . . What 11 ; _ . . . . w , .r..tJ' , JIIII11 cnn no , 1':111 : BwiftlY through Williston's brain , nnd with no Idea or nbandonlnc his search until ho hnd probed the mystery - tery , ho mounted IInd rode northward , closely cxnmlnlng the edge or the preclplco ns ho went nlong tor any evldonco of a possible descent. Presently - ently he came upon n cross ravlno , do- , 'old of shrubbery. too Hteep tor n horRe , but presentlnJ ; posslbllltlea for mnn. WIth unerring Instinct ho followed - lowed the cross-cut westward. Soon scntterlng of Rcrub oaks began to appenr , nnd Bumach already strealted wIth crimson. A little tarther nnd the trees begnn to show spiral wrenths or woodblno and wild crapo. Yet a lIttle fnrthor , and doubtlosB there would be outlet tor horse as well liS mnn. Dut Williston was growing hnpa. tlent. Besides , the thought came to him thnt ho hnd host Jlt risk his lIucltslln to the unlenown dangers of an untried trllll. What It ho ahould go lame ? AecOl'dlngly ho 'fas loft hohhlll In n slight dopresslon where ho would 110 pretty well hlddon , lIud WII. IIston sCl'ambled dowh the steep In. cllno nlone. When foothold or hand' hold was lucking , he simply let him. self go and alld , grasiling the first rooter or brnnch that pre8ented Itself In his dnre.devll course. ArrIved nt the hottom , ho found his clothes torn nnd his hands bleeding ; but thnt wns nothing. WIth grIm do- termlnntlon ho mudo his wny through the ravlno a ld strucle ncross the sand trail wIth a sure realization or his dnnger , but without the least nbate. mont of his resolution. The snnd was firm under hiD Ceet. The watcr had receded a sufficlont length of tIme before - fore to make the thought of qulole- sands nn Idle fear. No llUff ot cloudy smoke lealJCd from a rlflo bnrrel. If , as ho 11101'0 tlmn half suspected , the Islund wns n rendez\'ous for eattlo thieves , a pluco s1l\'ely ndmlrably fitted - ted by nnture for sueh unlawful operations - ations , the rustlers were either over- conUdent or the Inaccessibility of tholr retreat and l\Ol1t no lookout , or they were Insolently Indifferent to expos , ure. 'fho formcr premlso was the more Illtoly. A light breeze , born ot the nftorglow , cnme scurr 'Ing down the rlvor bed. Hero nnd there , where the snnd was finest nnd driest , It rose In little whirlwInds. No sound broke the stlllne s of the sUl1lmer evenIng. Whllt wns thnt ? Coyotes barltlng over yonder across the rIver ? Tbat - Turned and Faced Squarely the Spo Which Held the Watching Man. , alien sound ! A mnn's laugh , n curse , t heart.hrenklng bellow or pnln. WIllis ton parted over so slightly tlle thlcl tollnge of underbrush tllnt separatec him from the all to tamlllar sound : a11l1 peered within. In the midst or a smnl1 clenrlng- mnn.mnde , tor several stumps wcr , scnttered here nnd thero-two mel were engaged In unroplng and relen ! : Ing n red steer , sImilar In nll essentll1 rosllects to a bUllch or three or tou huddled togcthor a 1lttlo to ono shll 'fhey were all choice , woll.fed nnhnnll but Utoro were thousllnds or just suc beasts herding on the free rnll Oi , : Ho owacd red steers ; like those , bt : was there a mnn In the cattle countr who did not ? They were Imposslbl or Identification wIthout the aliI e tholr brand , nnd It 'happened the they were so bunched as to coml11etel bamo WIlliston In his eager effort to decipher the stamp that would dl oloso UteIr , owne ll. , That .th yVcr tbo lU gltlmnto pre ) ' or cnttlo rus lcrs , hi nev r tOl" ono moment daub ed. Tllo situation was con61uslve. bed or glowing embers constantl . I' Illonlshed and kept at whIte hel served to lighten up the weird scer growIng dUsky under the surroundhl cottonwoods. WIlliston thought ho recognized I ono or the men-tho ono who seerne to bo directing the procedure or th lIttle altair , whose wIde and dirty 1111 rim was so tantalizingly drnwn OVI his cycB-the sOlitary rIder wbose u expected appearance hnd so stnrtll him II. ahort Umo betoro. Both ho IU his compnnlon were dressed alter tI rough , nondescript manner or cntt men , both were ga ' , laughln nr talkatIve , and seemIngly as obllvlol to posslblo danger WJ It engaged In tJ 1D0st Innocent nnd legitlmnte buslnm A 1ltUo to the left and stand 11 atone wns nn odd cr nturo ot mo ' striking appearanco-a large , SpOttl steer wItb long , pecullnr.looklng herr : n It was qulto Imp0881ble to mlstale SUI , n a 1108se61110n Ir It had once been yom 'n Ita right side was turned tull town 10 Williston nnd In the center or the h IU stood out dlaUnetly the cleanly CII .d . terlzed tbreo perllondloular lines tll tI. were the Identifying mnrk or t1 Is 'rbreo Dars raneh , ono of these sari btlE' . opulent , selt-centered outfitB who , . . . . ' , . - - : Intollls1frJy : muHlplylng sign was be coming such n verItable nnd prophetIc writing all the wall for WIlliston nnd hla Idnd. Wbo , than , had dart'd to drive betoro I him an unhnnl so brnnded ? The bold. ness or the transgrosslon nnd the ' Inso'j lent Indlftorenco to the onormlty ot nt- tendant cOllscqnehces held him for the momellt breathless. HIs attention wns once more called to the movements of the men. 'l'ho steers with 'Which they hnd been working wna letl away stili moanIng wIth surprlso nnd pain , nnd another brought forwnrd from the reserve bunch. ' 1'he branded hip , It It wus n hrand , WIlS turned away rrom Williston. 'fho bowlldered nni. mal waS/clovorly roped nnd thrown to the ground. ' 1'ho man who wns plain. ly dlroctIng th nITalr , he of tbo droop. Ing hat and lazy shoulders , stepped to the flre. Wllliston held his breath wIlh the Intellslty of his Intorest. ' 1'ho mnn atooped and took an Iron from the flre. It was the endgate rod or a wngon and It was rod.hot. In the uct ot straightening himself from his atooplng position , the glowIng Iron stlcl , In his right hnnd , ho fiung frol\l hltJ hend wIth nn easy swing tbo flOII- pln [ ; hat thnt Interfered with the nlcot . of sight. requisite In the worle ho wa ! ! nbout to do , and faced sQuarely thnt qulot , Innocent. looltlng spot whIch held the watching man In Its brush ; and In the moment In whIch Wllllston drew hnstlly bnck , the fear or disco\- ery beating a tattoo or cold chills down his spine , recognition of the mnn came . to him In a clarlf'Ing ; burst of com. prehension. Dut t man cVldently saw nothIng and SUl ected nothIng. His cnsunl glnnce was IIrobnbly only a mnnIfestn- tlon of his habitual attltudo of bolng never off his guard. 110 npproached the prostrate steer with Indlfferenco to an ' moaning that might bo attached to the soft snnpplng of t.wlgs caused by Williston's Involuntary drawIng bacle Into the dons01' shndows. "Y' don't suppose now , do you , that any blamed , interfOl'ln' off'cer Is a.loafin' round where he oughtn't to bo ? " said the second mun with n laugh. WIlliston , much rolle\'ed , agatn Iloored cautiously through the brush. lIe wns confident a brnnd wns about to be worked over. lIe must soo- what there was to sec. "Easy now , boss , " sahI the second man with an officious warning. He wns a big , beefy follow wIlh a heavy , bnrdoned fnce. Williston sounded the depths or his memory but Called to place him among his acquaintances In the cow country. "Gamblo on 'mo , " returned the load. or , with rendy good nnture , "I'll make It as clean as a boiled shIrt. I take It you don't lenow m ' reputation , pard. well , you'll learn. You'ro all right , only a trlfio green , that's nll. " With a Urm , quick hnnd , he began rfmnlng the searing Iron over the right. hip of the unlmnl. When he had flnlshed nnd the steer , released , stag. gered to Its teet , WillIston snw the brand cloarly. It was J. R. If It had been worked o\'er another brand , It cortnlnl ' was a clear job. lIe could see no indications of noy old markings whntsoover. " 'roo clenn to be worleed over a lazy S , " thought WIlliston , "but not 0\01' three bnrs. " "Thore were six rods. " saId the chief , sUr\'o 'Ing the remaining bunch with u crIllcnl eye. "Ono must have I wnndered off whllo IVas gono. Get out there In the brush and round him UIJ , Alec , whllo I tackle this long- thorned gontlemnn. " WIlliston turned nolsolessly away from the scene which so suddenly , threntenod dnngor. Both mon were I tully armed nnd would brool , no eaves. dropping. Once more ho crossed U10 sand In snfoty and tound his horse I where ho hnd lort him , up the rnvlne. He vnulted Into the saddle and gnl. loped away Into the qulot night. ( 1'0 HE CONTINUED. ) MODERN DEMAND FOR SILENCE. , German Newspapers Protest It Is BeIng - Ing Carried to Extremes. - . "now the Urnes chnnge ! " says a . wrltor In the li'rnnkfurter Zeltung , "In : the days or our tnthers no doscrlptlol ] of a homelike , cosy room was com. Illoto without a rorerence to the tick. Ing clock. It was this gentle sound which emphnslzed the quiet of the placo. People had no nerves In those dnys. To-day the thought of a mn. chine ticking err the seconds and strlk. Ing the hour Is a source or worry and distress. Time Is go.lng , blthey \ do I not wIsh to be reminded or It contI11Ii. nlly ; no clock Is better than tbo lickIng . Ing mnchlno. And now to meet the reo qulroments or the nervous peoplo. 3 factor ' nt Schram burg Is mnttlng 11 nolsoless eloclr. " In nn nrtlclo on the same aubject nnothor pnpor says : In " 'fhe nntl.nolse crnze has mnlo dlsa , HI groenblo and unendurable some at UII : ! 18 nolsos which once wore music to us , tand 800n wo wUJ flnd a way to sllenc ( lr the birds and to Uluffio the sound 01 n. the rustllng leaveD. " ) d The Cutting Retort. \(1 "You don't hl\vo to brag or success , ' ' 0 declnred the big woman when ahl .1 hnd listened to the little woman's nc \ ( count or how well she was doing wltl s her worl , : "It shows for Itselt. " "Anl 10 you don't have to tell outrIght or thl IS. docllne of success once you have boOl I successful , " remarleed the IIttlo won ] ed 's nn , wbo hnl listened flrst to the bll woman's talle ; "It shows In the blttel LSl' ness with which you comlllnin or o , l ) I " Istlne clrcumstnnces. s. rd His Present State. II ) "Whnt stnto does the young fello' .u. . belong to who wnnts to marry all nt Blllyuns' daughter ? " "JudgIng froll 110 his appearllllCO when I saw him caUl no out of the old mun's office 1 should sa' , BO IL atate or coUupso. " . LANGFORD of the THREE BARS ? 7Jy KATE AND VIRGIL D. BOYLES ( Copyrllbt , by A. e. ) lcClul ( & : Co" 11107 , ) . . . , SYNOPSIS. Gcor \"l11lston , n poor rnncllmnn , III h minded and cultured , Bcnrcllcs fOl' cattle mlsllng from Ills ranch-the "I.nz ' S. " On n woodell Bpot In the river's bed that wouh1 have becn an Island hall the Missouri bcen at high wator. ho lsco\'rs n bnnd at horse thlevcs cmngc(1 In workIng - Ing over brands on cattlc. lIe creeps npar enough to note the chang-Ing ot the "Threo Hars" brand on one stcer to the "J. n. " brand. CHAPTER II. "On the Trail. " Wl111ston hlmsoU came to the door. , His thin , scholarly fnce loolted drawn nnd worn In the mld.dny glare. A tiredness In the eyes told grnllhlcally or n sleepless night. I "I'm glad to see 'ou , Langford , " he said. "It was good of ) 'ou to come. Leave your horse Cor 1\Inry. Sho'll give her water when she's cooled off I " I a bit. I "You sent for mo , 'Vl11Iston ? " aslwd , the young mnn , rubbing his fnce affec. tlonntely against the wet nccl of his I mare. I "I did. It was good ofou to como to s06n. " I "Fortunately ) 'our messenger found I me nt home. As for the rest , Snde , I here , hasn't her beat In the cow country , if she Is only a cow pen ' , eh. Sndle ? " I At that moment Mary Wl111ston cnmo Into the open doorway of the rude claim shanty set down In the very heart of the sun.seared plain whlcb stretched awny Into heart.chol , . Ing dlstnnces from every possible point of the compass. And sweet she wns to look upon , though tanhed and glowing from close association wIth the ardent sun and riotous wInd. Her auburn hall' , maI'O reddish on the ondges from sunburn , wns flno and soft nnd there wns much of It. It seemed newly brushed and suspicious. ly glossy. One sees Cnr on the plnlns , and two years out of clvlllzntlon are not enough to malte a girl forget the use ot a mirror , even If it be but a brol\6n sUver. , propped up on III no. board dressing table. She loolmd strangely grown.up desplto her short , rough sltlrt and badly scuffed leather riding leggings. Langford stared at her with a startled loole of mingled admiration and nstonlshment. She came forward and put her hand on the muro's brldlo. She wns not em. barrassed In the least. But the color came Into the strnnger's face. He swept. his wIde hnt from hIs head , qulekly. "No indeed , Miss Williston ; I'll wuter Sade m'solf. " "Please let me. I'd love to. " , "She's used to It , Langford , " snld I' ' Williston In his quiet , gentlemnnly voice , the well. bred cadence ot wblch spoke of a traInIng far removed from the ll rassments and harshnosses or life In this plains country. "You see , I she Is the only boy I have. She must of necesslt ) ' bo my chore boy as well as my herd hoy. In her lolsuro moments - ments she holds down her kitchen , claim ; I don't know how she do os It , but she docs. You hnd bettm' let her do It ; she will hold It against yon if yon don't. " "But. I couldn't have a woman do. Ing my grooming tor me. Why , the very Idea ! " Ho Hllrong Into the saddle. "Dut yon walled for me to do It , " said the girl , looking up at him cu. rlously. "DId I ? I didn't menn to. Yes , I did , too. But I beg your vardon. You see-say , look here ; are you the 'little girl' who left word ror me this morn- IngY" "Yes. Why not ? " "Well , you see , " smiling , but npolo. getlc , "ono or the boys Bahl thnt 'VlI. lIston's little girl hnd rIdden over and said her father wanted to see me as soon ns I could come. So , ) 'ou see , I thought- " , -rlDad always cnlls mo tbat , so most ) or the people nround hero do , too. It r Is very silly. " I "I don't think so at all. I only I wonder why 1 have not known about " . you before , " with a trnn smile. "It must bo because I'vo been nwny so e much or the time Intoly. Why didn't you wnlt tor mo ? " ho nslted suddenly , d : " 'I'en mlles Is t\ sort of n lonesoml : ! run-ror 1girl. . " I "I did wnlt 1whllo , " snhl Mnry I'honestly , "bul you didn't Reom In nn I' I hurry. I expect you didn't cnre to b ( ; bored that long wny with the sill ; , . I chntter or IL 'little girl. ' " .1 " 'Veil , " suld Langrord , ruefully , "l'n ntrald 1 did teol a IIttlo rello\'el wher I round you hnd not walled. 1 nevel I will ngnln. I do beg your III\\'don , " 114 d , called , l ughlnCly , over bls shouldel n as bo gaBollO(1 ( awny to the spring. o I When he returned Ulero WitS no on4 1 to recelvo blm but WIlliston. Together I gothor they entered the 1101lso. It wal . _ - ' - - - - - - . . . - . - . - . - . . n smnll room Into which I.angford wnG tlahered. It was nlso " ( Ir ) ' ilIa In. It waa moro than tlmt , It Wlla hllbh ' . An cusy chilli' 01' two thnt hns Aur- vlved the wrccltnEo of the hOllso of WllIlston hnd been ahhJIIClI to this "Innd or promise , " together with n few other nrtlcles such as were I1h80' lutely Indlspensnble. 'rho tnblo wlla II. hlg shllllling box , though LanHrorl1 did not notlco thnt , for It WIlS nently covorcd with a moth.onten plul1l-col- ored felt cloth. A rug , crocheted out of purtI.colored rugs , a rollc of 1\1nry's conservntIve nnd thrifty grandmdther , served as n carpet for the llvlng room. A peep through the open door Into the next nnd only other room dl8elosed gllmpsos of matting on the floor. 'I'hero wns a holy plnco even In this cas tawny house on the prnlrlo. As the 'oung man's cnroless eyes took In this now significance , the door closed softly. 'rho "lIttlo girl" had shut herself In. The two meil sat down Ilt the tablo. It was hot. ' 1'hey were perspirIng free 1) ' . 'rho flies , swarming through the screenless doorwa ' , stung dlsa. greeably. Laconically Williston told his story. Ho wasted no words In the telling. In the presence at the man whoso big success mndo his own pItiful failures Incongruous , his sonsltlvo scbolnr's nnture had shut up IIko a clam. Lnngfo\l's jnw was sot. His ) 'oung fnco was tense with Interest. Ho hnd . thrown his hnt on the floor as ho came I In , as Is the way with mon who have I lived much without women. He had n strong , bronzed fuce , with dare.devll eyes , blue they were , too. nnd he hnd a certain turn of the hond , a marl. of distinction which success nlways gIves to her sons. Ho had big shoulders , clad In a blue Ummel shirt open at the throat. In his absol'lltlon he had forgotten the "little girl" as complete. Iy ns If she had , In'ery truth , been the 10. 'ear-old of his Imagination. How plnlnl ) ' ho could see all the unholy - holy situation-the handful of des. peruto men perfectly protect2d on tbe the little Island. Ono man sighting from bohlnd n cottonwood could piny ha.voc . with a whole sheriff's posse on that open stretch of sand.bnr. Nothing but a surprlso-and did these Insolent mon fear surprlso ? They had laughed at the suggestion of the near "Who Could J R Be ? " presence or an officer of the law. AmI did they not do well to laugh ? Surely It was a joke , a good one , tbls Idea of un officer's being - wbore ho was needed In Kemah county. "And m ' brnnd was on thnt spotted steer , " ho Interrupted. "I know the creaturo-Icnow him woll. He has a mean e 'e. Had the gall to dispute the right or wuy wIth mo once , not so long : lgo , olthor. He was In the cor- rnl nt the tlmo , but ho's been on the range all summol' . Ho mn ' have tbe ovll e 'o nil right. hut ho's mlno , bnd eye nnd all ; nnd what Is mine , I will have. And Is that the only original . brand YOIl saw ? " "The only ono , " quietly , "unless the the J R on thnt red stOOl' when he got up was an original ono. " "J It ? Who could J R be ? " "I couldn't say , but the mnn wus -Jesso Dlacl. . " "Jesso Dlacle ! " The repeated words were fall'ly SIJlt out. "Jesse Dlack ! I might have known. Who else bold enough to loot the Three Bnrs ? But Ws day hus come. Not a hall' , nor n hIde , not hoof , not tnllow enough to try n flapjack shaH be left on the Three Bars before he repQnts his hlsolonce. " "Whnt will 'Oll do ? " asked Willis , ton. "What will 'ou do ? " retorted Lang. ford. "I ? Whnt cnn I do ? " In the vugue , helpless mnnner or the dreamer. "Evor .thlng"-It 'ou will , " brIefly. Ho snntched up bls wide hat. "Whore are you going ? " nsked 'Vll. listen , curloua ! ) ' . "To see Dlcle Gordon hetore this dn ' Is nn hour older. Will you como along ? " "Yo-es , " hosltntlngly. "Gordon hnsn't made much success of things . so fnr , hns ! 10 ? " "Because 'oll-nnd men lIke 'Oll- are under the thumb ot men 1I1te Jesse Blncle , " said I.nngCord , curll ) " "Arrnld to pench for tear ot antag. onlzlng the gang , Afrnhl to'oto agnl lst the tools or the cattle thlo\05 for fen I' or antagonizing the gnng. Arrnld to cnll 'our souls your own tor fenr or nntagonlzlug the gung. Your 'on the fonce' Ilolley didn't work ver ) ' well this time , ( lid It'f You ha\'en't found 'our cnttle , have YOI'fhe angel must huve forgotton. Thought 3 'ou were tnlnted or Egypt. oh ? " "It Is easy for 'ou to tnlk , " aald wn , s IhitoD , Dlmpl ) ' . "It would be dl1IIcult U - - - , - - . , ' . ' - r . . 11" - - W - 'II : < - . { ; ' ' . ' . ' ' . . . ' # , . . ' , ; .1 "f" your brend and butter nnd you muo , ; > . . . ' girl's IlS well depended on scrawny - IItUo bunch ] lko mine. " "Maybe , " said Langford , shrugging his shoulders. "Doesn't aeem to have exempted you though , does It ? But Blnck Is no respecter at persons , you Imow. However , the tlmo hns como tor DIck Gordon to show of what sturt ho Is mndo. It W H tor this thnt I I I worked for Ills eleetlon , though I confess - , fess I little thought at the time thnt proofs for hIm would be tllrnlshe1 1 from my own herds. Present condl- 1 . tlons humlllllto me uUerly. Am I a weakIlng that they should exist ? Are wo an wcnltllngs ? " A fnlnt , I\ppreclaUv smllo passe ( } o\'er Williston's fnce. No , Langford did not look a wenkllng , neither had the 11rofossOlt humlllntlon lowered his proud head. Langford strode to the door. Then ' the ho turned qlllcltl ) ' . . "Look hero , Williston , I shnll mnke ) ' 011 angry , I SllppOSO , but It hns to go In the cattle country , nml you llttlo fellows hnven't ahown up very white _ In these donls ; you Imow that your- self. " "Woll ? " rrJ "Aro you goIng to stand pat wIth liS ? " "If ) 'ou menn , am I going to toll , what I Imow when called 'JPon , " answered - swered Wllliston , with a simple dignity - nity that mndo Langford color with sudden shame , "I nm. There nro mnn ) ' of us 'IIttlo fellows' who would have been glnd to stnnd up ngalnst the rustling outrages long ago hnd wo l'e- j celved any \JackIng. The moral support - port of mon or ; } 'our class bas not been what you mIght call a sort of 'on the spot' support , now , hns It ? " rolapslng Into a gentle sarcasm. "At least , un- m ) 'ou came to the front , " ho quail- fled. . "You wlll nof bo the loser , antI there's my hand on It , " saId Lang : ford , frnnltly and earnestly , IgnorIng I the lntter part of the speech. "The Three Bnru never forgets a fl'lend. They may do you before we are tbrough with them , \VlllIston , but re member , the Three Bars never for- gets. " 1\Iary Williston. from her wIn do , , ' . as Is the way wIth a maId , watchocl the two horsemen for many a mile as they galloped away She followed them with her e 'es while they slowly became - came faint , moving sp3cles In the level distance and unUl they were altogeth'i : or blotted out , and there was no sign . of living thIng on the plnln that stretched betweon. But Inul Lang- ford , as Is the way wIth a man , forgot - got that he had se < { l a heautlful girl , ' - . . and had thrllled to her glance. Ho . . . , looked back not once ns he urged his , trusty little 111aro on to see Dick Gordon. ( TO DE CONTINUED. ) _ AS EXPLAINED BY rt-IE EDITOR. Drastic Action Evidently Was Necessary - sary , and It Was Taken. - , , 'fhe Bule's Creel , ( S. C. ) In et : to , J the Times recently came out with a / dtJuble.leadod editorial as folluws : 1 " 'Va wish to make our abject Apolo- . 1 gles to lIon. lIezoldnh E. Kinney 1 for having said of him In our ] ast Issue - sue that he 'fumlgates his garments : What wo meant to say was 'fulminates Ills arguments.Ve ha\'e had our e 'a on the printer over since he twisted : L phrase which aPileared in an oclltol'lal of ours from 'full of Internal rottenness - ness and dead men's bonea' Into Internal - ternal rattlesnaltCB and dead wren's 1 , : ' ' tones. ' And as soon ac OUl' eye lIt ' " . . . upon this gratuitous insult nbove to the Hon. Hezoklah E. Klnnoyvo armed ourso\'e8 with our reveatlng shotgun. sought out the guilty party and shot him down In cold blood , notwithstanding - withstanding the tact that the now deceased ' ' 'laS the only support or a widowed mQ"tber amI possessed a lu'gO : nnd floarlshlng Camlly. We wish to assure the Hon. Hezoklah E. Klnnor that In the future bls person and his sleeches ) will bo handled In those columns - umns with respect.-New York Press. . A ; ) ckwoods Humorist. The ens tern tourlats decldod to ba\'o n lIttle fUll wIth n Dlllvllla citizen to whom they had applied for Intormn- tl n us to the road they wore travel- Ing. "How long l1ave you lived bere ? " ther nsked. "Long enough to know better . " I .j "Don't you like tbe country ? " : "When It goes to rmlt me. " : ' "Ever heon up In an alrsblp ? " "No. Wben I make Ull my mind to fly , I'll know whal' to light. " "Ev r ride on n railroad tra.ln ? " "No. Nighest I ever come to Ituz beln' blowed up by 0. snwmlll. " " 'VeU , toll us what 'moonsblno' lIquor menns. " The DlllvllIo man shifted his "chaw" of tobacco from olle jaw to the other , spat on tbo greellswnrd , and as . . . he IJrepared to climb a fence , said : \ . "II-I , nnd a heap or ItAtlanta ! ConstItution. 1 Turkish Labor Too Cheap. . . An Amerrcan manutacturer of Jaun- dry mnehlnery tried to Introduce It. Into Smyrna , Turkey , but Consul Ernest L. Harris has relJOrted that so long ns the prlco of labor In that Turkish city remains so low tbo prac- I tlco will continue of doing the wnuh- Ing at home , and there will bo no opportunity - portunity for the sale of laundry mn- I chlner ' . or late ) 'eara III Smyrna It. has become the llrnctlce , he says , to 11. cortaln extent to send the wushed linen to public Inundrles Cor Ironing allli stnrchlng , but e\'en this Is cens- Ing. SllCclficlltions were druwn up tOI' the establIshment ot a laulldl'Y after I the AmerIcan plnn , nnd cnreful conslil. eratlun WIUI given to the prlco ot coal and labor. It wn9 fOllnt ! that tbo mur- I. , , gin wns so slUall that the undortAkins : was bound to be a tallure. _ . .I \ --1 _ _ _ _ - -