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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1908)
tHa\o Wet Ll rnrtau 1:30010t : , . _ 4 . . . . " , : USTER ' . OUNTY . VOL. XXVI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRAS AJ THURDSAY , - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - , JANUARY 23 , 1908 , NO. 33 - A Beautiful Hand and Arm , . ; ' looks still marc eautiful whcn ad- ' , . . . ornCII with somc 'of our splellllill Jewelry. Gelll Rings in Diamonds , . Rubies , Pearls , Ellie r a Ids , . I . . Amethysts , fUlII a ejewele Galli Btilcelct will set off 1\ fine feminine arm to advantage. We have here n profusion of solid Gold Jewelry ; that wi\ \ ] please lhe most fnstidious. ' . . Rmgs , Ear-Drops , n a n g I e s , . , - . ' Watches , C h ins I C h a r ui Ii , n roe c he s , Pellllants , Cloc\ts \ , Bronzes , and Gold mill Silverware ' in great variety of 11esign. . I" . I : . " . ' , ; ' . . l . . ; - . - - ; , ; . , . , - - " IN OUR ' PRESCRIPTION WORK Everything is Right. Our prescription materials - ials arc the best that we can buy. Everything - thing is fresh and pure. WE DO IfnT SUBSTITUTE. The doctor ! ; directions are al ways carriecl ou t with absolute accuracy. ALL OF OUR PRESCRIPTIOn compounding is done with the utmost care , and we check over all of the ; 1ifferent operations - tions so as to leave not the s1ightest opportunity - nity for an error to occur JuS & J.F.Baisch , , . . . - . . DRUGGISTS. Brolen Bow , - - Neb. . . . - " ' . " _ D'f " " " " " " ' ' ' ] QI.'I''I' ' , ' - - . - - . . . - - . ---0----------- - - - - - - - - - - t'0 . ; " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . . . . . . , . , " " , " " " ' ' ' ' . , , . . . . . d. . . . " " . . , . . . . , " " : d" " " " " , ' . . . . t" . 6 , . , i . . . < " . . - . . , : THEtf ) ) E - " . " 1 - . " , : " ! - i t\ , ' 4 : : ( . . 'JJ : . fO , , , . . " . . ' , . i 3 PRI E - , " ' - \ 1 . . 1 - " . . , . . , 1 , ' " Ii " ' . I.'f - ? I . 00 : , ' 1 < . . , . , - \ : . TALK . ! i : ) . . . . : i Fa V . . Cllrra de . . _ . . . . i . . nc y os Ic.a. n Is" n. " " , ,1 ; ' n > ! lb"p ckJlle. 20c. Fancy l oose 4 Crown Haisins. . . " . . . . . . . : _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a " pound r il'ancy Flal\e lIomin ) . , easy o cook , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .It tt' Sc l ' \ li'ancy Pearl" - tt" tt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " tt Sc r j Cot rei's Genuine Pure Olive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bottles 35 and 70c ' \ Pnre Hock Candy , for colds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ a pOllnd 20c : . . Hoscbud Maraschino Cherries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pints ( ) OC } Baltic Mixed Candy , the ; finest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pound 20c i ( 11 Fancy 'rable Layer Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , tt" 20c r : Blue Bel1 Pears , a fancy can pear , al1 pears. . . per can 1St l , Pride o [ Michigan I Pear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 [ or 25c ' Kohinoor ' 1'ea , , gngJish Braekfast 'rea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .If lb can 30c } Buffalo Chop , Special , Japan Teas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } f I b can 35c i. 'j 'l'ea Leaf brand of Ten , cheap at. . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . .a pound SOc t ) Lipton's Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . .If Ib tin can 40c t ' , r- . . . . . . ; . , ) rl. l. f { ' . , : ' " , " I ' . < ; - - ' { J 0" JBCvtT.E:1'W : , ; < ' Pu.'o . Food P."oduots : l ONE No.5. Nowru SIDE , BROKEN now , NEBR. r ] 'l'HADI ' & . " Z : Pure Old Cider Vinegar , - ( 'L . MAliK ; , ( f , , . , . . . . . . . . , , . 1 n" , ' . ' " " , n"'iTJI."IiIr."P : : : " "r.f,1'IIIr.r.r : ; nr.r. : : rr.r.m.I'p.'Iyi.'IIJr.I'.r.r ; : . : ! ; ] ! : ! ' ' ' ; : ' ' ' ; ' ' ' : ! : ' ; : ' ' ' " P'I''IIi1P. ' ' ' ' ' ' : P'n ' 'I. , ' , ? . - - laXl ! OOo. . . . . . . . . - - - . - R . . . . . . . Wo Mean Business . ' ' 'r\ . , . _ . < ' ' . ) " . i l : , gYtMi ' ; : \ / ; J & It is always expected that after the holiday season there wi ] ] ue a period of quiet business. We have decided rQ ' that no in lJUsit1c s will be prcmitte(1 ( at our store , _ , . . providing we Ciln pre\'C nt it by making price inducements. ' ? - / , . Most e\'cry dculer will say such thing-s , but we can make you I believe we menn it if you will just come in amI talk price to : us. .It's np to YOll to let LIS sa'/C you moncy. Sheppard Burr ] l" > hol1P 125. South Side Square . - - - - - - - ; By .p'flying subscription to the REMEMBER HEPU LIOAN one year in ad- _ 1 Yallce. you wil ] r(1cf.1i YO .B'RT ID I the AMElUOAN ] 'ARMER 1 year. - Special Telephone Rates arc Declared Illegal. On account of the position taken by somc of the councilmen and citizens of Broken Bow it1 regard to special rates required ! by the T'lephone ordinance , U1e same bei g claimed by thc Central - tral Telephone company to be illegal , Manager J. H. Currie. . wrote the State Railway Commission - mission and his claim is substantiated - tiated in the following reply : NmmAsKA S'l'A'l'n HAIIWAY C01\tl\nSsION. LU1coIn , .fan. 13 , 1908. I MR. J. II. CUlntm , Mg-r Cen. ' 1'elephone Co. , Broken Bow , Neb. DHAR Sm- : We have your favor of the 8th inst. , in which you make certain inquiries in regard to your authority under the law to make special ratcs for different classes of servicc. 'Replying to your first question , ' namely : "Can we make a man who wishes to use the system a great deal , a rate. by the year ? " we hav ( ' to say t \t it was formerly - erly the practice of the Nebraska 'l'elephone Company to sell coupons - pens representing $120.00 'worth of long' distance telephotle service for S100.00 in cash. On Octo.ber 7th , this telephone compau ) " admitted - mitted the matter of selling such . . coupons to this commission , wit.h' . . a request for a rulingas to whether or not the same was lawful. ' 1'he Commission referred the proposihon to the Attorney Geleral for an opinion , and on November 23d , his opinion was med in this office , in which hc held , " 1'hat a reduced rate cannot - not be made to depend upon the quanity of service contracted to be furnished , as in this case , without violating section 14 of the Railway Commission law , and the practice' named should be discontinued. " , At a meeting of the Commission - ; sion , held on December 6th , it 1 was decided to accept the opinion ; of the attorne ) general as the ruling of the Commission and that telephone companies doing business in this state , be advised in accordance therewith. In regard to your second inquiry - : quiry , namelv : IICan we make county officers a special toll rate per year , giving them the use of our whole s'stem to use when they please ? " we would say that section 14 of chapter 90 of the Nebraska Session Laws of 1907 c provides : n "If any Hailway Company or a Carricr subject to the provi ions t of this act , directly or indirectly , l' ' through or by 1tS agents , officers 0 or employees , by any special rate , a rebatc , drawback , or other device , SI shall charge , demand , coUect , or CI receive from any person , firm or d corporation , or greater or less b compensation for any servicQ a rendered , or to be rendered by it than it charges , demands , collects - a lects , or receives , from any ot er tl person , firm or corporation , for h doing a like and contemporaneous CI service , the same shaU constitute b I an unjust discrimination , which a : is hereby forbidden , and declared to be unlawful. " S ( The only exceptions to this tl provision found in are subdivision al ( g ) of the same section , which is f. as follows : n "Nothing in this act shall prest vent the carriage , storage , or f ( handling of freight free of charge al or at reduced rates , for the state , or tor any city , county , or t''wn U government , or for charitable tLJ purposes , or to nd hem fairs fil and expositions , for exlubition a thereat. " 01 It scems plain that while the oj general provisions of this law ht apply to telephone companies , BI which are included uuder the w term Ilcouunon carriers , " the exsa ceptions referred to , applj' only to the handling of freight , and N not to . service. The al Commission herefore construes al the law to mean , that no specinl pr fare , rebatt ! , drawback , or charge of any kind , other than the reguw lar schedule on file ; ' 1 the oflice w : of the Hailway Commission , shall be conected or received from any percon : , firm or corporation , for se telephone service. Your third frl inquiry , as to whether you can se make a special toll rate of 30 CU cans for $1.00 per month , and ed whether ) ' 011 can uiake a discount Pi of a certain per cent on toll serJt1 vice , is answered in our repl to hi your first inquiry above. qu Yours very truly I wi CLARK PtnKINS , Sec'y. th . . . It Should Be Ross Hammond. 'l'he question of the appoint. ment of the collector of Internal Revenue apparently will be settled within the ncxt few da's. This appointment has been hanging - ing fire for several months simply because Senators Brown and Bur- kett have been unable to agree upon enc man. Mr. Brown has favored the appointment of W. B. Rose , ex-chairman of the Hepublican State Central Com- n1ittce , while Senator BurJeett has insisted that Hess Hammond , the old time and faithful editor of the Fremont ' 1'ribune , should have the placc. An arrangement has been made in which the mn.t- ter is to be settled by Nebrask's en tire delegation. ' 1'he applicant being fn vored by the majority is to be appointed. If Mr. Hammond's long and faithful service , together with his' ' high standing with the public , is taken into consideration in deciding - ciding the question , Mr. Ham- mund should and doubtlesS wiU be the man. ! The Junior Normal. A letter from State Supt. Mc- Brien announces the fonowing as instructor. ; in the Junior Normal the coming su.mmer : Dean Chas. li'ordyce , of the Nebraska Wesleyan University ; Prof. J. M. 1\1 cIndoo , Supt. of Broken Bow schoolsj Prof. E. Howe , City Supt. at Ord N\b. , \ : ; Prof. J. G. W. Lewis , of Grand [ sland College ; Prof. S. E. ! 'tHUs , City Supt. Ravenna , Neb. ; Miss Alice Burley , of Beatrice High Schoolj Prof. T.oren Cornett , of Custer oUegej Co. Supt. H. M. Pinckney. All of these were instructors ' [ n the Junior Normal last year with the exception of Prof. Mills md Prof. Cornett. Concerning the latter , our people are weIr lWa..rC of his ability as an in- , tructor. H win teach penman- . ; hip and book-keeping , for which lis experience and training have tted him most admil'ablr. Prof. Mills is the only one who ; omcs to us as a stranger , but lis work in Hig Schools and in nstitut'es in various parts of the tate has been so satisfactory hat there can he no doubt of his fficiency. Prof. Howe won the' respect , onfidence and esteem of all who lade his acquaintance last year , Dd it is a matter of congratula. ion that he is to return to us his year. The same can be said f Miss Burley , who captivated U the students under her in- truction. Her work for the oming term will be somewhat ifferent from that of last year , ut it win be no less satisfactory 1 ] nd profitable. Supt. McIndoo and Prof. Lewis c . re Iiour own , folks , " -and alJ lrough it is said that "a prophet ; without honor in his own I ountry , " that rule can scarcely J e applied to these two practical nd yet progressive teachers. f Concerning Dr. ! I'or yce , it is a : arcely worth while to say anyt ring-his ability , attainments I , nd efficiency are so widely and a . lvorably known that comment s pen them is superJ1uous. His t .anding is secure as one of the s > remost of school men in this or t1y other state. r , upt. McBrien also gives notice rat the Junior Normal Enter- linment Course will include one a rst cJass musical program , and lecture by Adrian Newens and b 1e by Frank H. Hoberson , both Ii these gentlemen have been a ard with delight by Broken t : ow audiences , and their retnrn B , iH be a real treat to all who are f I fortunate as to hear them. " 'raken all'together the Junior " ormal promise great things for II I the people of Custer county , HI cspeciaUy for prescnt and , 'ospective teachers. A More especial announcements \ \ iJ1 be made in the near future- g atch for them. \ \ II. M. PINCKNJtV. G In the foregoing the writer , it Jn ems , vcry modestly refrained om tossing any boquets to himC. . , If , yet is certainly entitled to H , lite a few and the Hm'uuLIcAN I.c itor will state that . : nckney's work in and for the GI lUior Normal last year was / } 11 ghly commended and all ac- ' , lainted with the gentleman R1 ill pe glad to know he is one of , lI' ' e faculty this year. J. I I Official Proceedings of the County . Supervisors. I Brolecn Bow , Ncbraska , January 14th , 1908. As pro\'ided by sec. 4 art. 1 of Chapter 18 of the Rev i sed I Statntes of the Stateof Nebraska , I the board of supervisors of Custer county , Nebraslm , met in regular session at the court house in , Broken Bow at 9 o'clock a. m. and was called to order by the derk , who called the roll by districts - tricts , and the following answered - ed present : No. I , J. E. Grint. No.2 , James Lee. No.3. L. Cushman. No.4 , Edw. . l oley , Sr. . No.5 , J. n. Gilmore. ' No. ( ) , Geo. W. IIeadhy. No.7 , Ben P. Morris. It was movcd and carri d that Ben P. Morris be made permanent chairman for the cnsuing' year. The hairman appointcd as committee on credintials , rules and order of business , Supervisors J. E. Grint , L. Cnshman and J. I U. Gilmore. ' ! 'he committe ( ' on credentials , ' rules and order of business made the following reportj Mr. Chairman - man and Honorable members of this board : Wc your spccial committee on C crcdentials , rules and order of , business respectfully report , that we find James Lee , Edw. Foley , J Sr. , and G. 'V. HeaHy to have bcen electcd members of this I board. ' 1'hat each of the n have < lualitied b.y taking and subscribing - ing to the proper oath. ' 1'hat each of them have filed a bond as required by law , and that the bonds ha\'e been approved : We recommend that they be seated as members of this board. We also recommend that the same i order of business as followed by the previous board , be adopted by this board , and that the deliberations - liberations of this board be conducted - ducted according- Smith's rules of order. J. E. Grint. , . . . . _ , L. , Cushman. } Committee J. B. Gilmore. It was moved and carried that r , the report of the committee be a lccepted and adopted as read. The chairman appointed the : ollowing permanent committees : or the year 1908 : Finance , bridge and bridge : laims committee , J. E. Grint , r ames f-4ee and L. Cushman. Poor farm , road 1nd road : la lns committee , Edw. Foley k , J. B. Gilmore , G. 'V. Head- eYe Official bonds , J. B. Gilmore , ? Vot. Headley and Edw. Foley a : , . Claims commit tee , James Lee , t1 " . E. Grint and L. Cushman. Judiciary committce , L. Cushf ( nan , James Lee and J. E. Grint. ' 0' Erroneous and delinquent tax ; .la1ms committee , G. W. Headley , H 11 ' . B. Gilmore and Edw. Foley Sr. Court house and jail committee , 01 .I. Cushman , Edw. Foley Sr. and Ie ames Lee. $ . Jos. Fenimore andl . R. Welch cJ ormer supervisors of dist. No.4 $1 , nd No.2 respectively , reported hat they had sold the old bridge p ltmber fmlll the Milburn bridge , .nd had received therefor the um of $331.00 and had turned he treasurer's' receipt for the tu the clerk. t I' ame ov r county . At 12 o'clock the board took a ac ecess till J :30 : p. m. Al1'fIUtNOON SItSSION. l Board met at 1:30 : p. m. with e 11 members present. at The several members of the oard handed in the following w , st of names from whch to draw .t jury for the February term of 1 he district court : . P. Kiker , Sargent twp. I. Jo . Vandenherg , Sargenttwp. al Icoh Geiser , Sargent twp. 111I. Buckhee , Sargent twp. 111I. IIrown , COlllstock twp. cl : . D. Al1en , Douglas twp. S , has. Howard , Douglas twp. in ,111I Wdchl Westet\'ille twp. heo Frhchorn , Westerville twp. . II. I.uther , Weslervi1\e \ twp. . ( r llialll PCrchlll , West Union twp. mnk Sutton , West Union twp. 0 f . I. . Hales , I.i\lian \ twp. r. W. Barnes , I.i11irlll twp. rei co. Greenwalt , Garfield lwp. C\1 .lIIes Davidson Bcrwyn twp. \ eorge McRae , B rwyn twp. 191 ' . II. Osborne Sr. , Broken How twp. Am T. Wrighl , Broken Bow twp. ; . W. Shulllonsl Broken Bow twp. , H OI\Clrllllirsch , Broken How twp. 101 B. HolcOlllh , Broken Bow twp. rell Berlrnu , Brokeu Bow twp. llli. . o. O. Walers , Broken Bow twp. He , rank Weiscnre der. Broken Bow twp. Hc < < H. Brigham , Woo.d River twp. o. Mary , Wood RIver t . . .p. Pal . C. Chumulex , Woo Rwer twp. lal : arry Woodruff , Loup twp. 1 al M. Downey , Loup Lwp. John McDermott , Custer l\\'p. l\1ftrtin Ko'ho ' , Custer twp. Alfred Schreyer , 'triumph twp. Adolph l'etersoul Wayne twp. II. n. Miller , Grant twp. E. S. Woodruff , lWm twp. W. H. Schrieber , Delighttwp. A. J. Higbee , Delight twp. J. D. Weilau . Delight twp. 11. BrabhaUl , Delight twp. Gol1frey Nausel , Arnolc1twp. f C. 1\1. Ulowers , Arnold tWJl. J. C. Spencerl Algernou twp. Johu O. Jackson , Algernon twp. } rauk Kulha , Algernou twp. JallleR Kerr , Ausley twp. DaveScott , Ausley twp. 1\1. I. . AmsberrYI Ausley twp. Robert Fox , l\t'rUe twp. Geo. Watson , Myrtle twp. C. n. Lauridson , Elk Creek twp. Albert Rhodal Hlk Creek twp. Johu Sclnu t7.1 Cliff twp. l\1I1\nnl \ Hill , Cliff twp. Johl1 LeQnnrd , Cliff ' . tWf' Harry Sweene } ' , Kilfol twp. D. W. Widdamaul Kilfoil twp. Jns. Van Bnskirk , Kilfoil twp. T. 11. I'-elleYI : Kilfoil twp. It was moved and carried that thc list of l1amcs as handed in by the several members of the board be approved. ' 1'he Chairman thel1 appointed thc following cOlllmittee to check up the various offices. Clerk or district court officel Supervisors - visors Jallles Lee aud J. B. Gilmore. Regster of deeds office , Supervisors r. It. Griut lUllI G. W. Headley. Couuty clerk office , Supervisors L. : UShlllnnl\lllI I dw , I.'oley Sr. Sheriff office , Supervisors L. Cushlllau mil Edw. 110ley Sr. . Couuly superiutendent offcc , Super- , 'Isors Jalllcs nud J. B. GIlmore. Conuty jUIlge office , Supervisors , ' 'allies Lee Gud J. B. Gilmore. Soll1icrs relief committee , SupervisotJ . . Cushlllau audl IIw. I10ley Sr. The" several committee " ap- > ointed as above set forlh then vent to work checking u1 > the 'arious offices. ' 1'he committee appomte < l to : heck up the report of the Old ) oldiers Helief commission mad he following report : l'ota 1 money received $873.08 xpel1fe 1 by A. C. ' 1'owel $452.71 t , by N. B. Predmore 420.37 Total $873.08 We your special cOlhmittee ap- Jointed to check up the report of he Old Soldiers Relief commis- i.on respeclfully report that we lave examined the rt'ceipts and 'ouchers , and find the same cor- ect as reported by A. C. Towle / ' nd N. B. Predmore. Edward Foley Sr. I. L. Cushman } Comm1ttee. It was moved and carried that he report of the committee be ccepted and adopted as read. Tlle balance of the afternoon 'as spent in checking up the arious ofiices , and at ( ) o'clock e board adjourned till 8:30 : : to I. to-morrow. JANUARY 15th , 1908. Board met at 8:30 : a. m with 11 members present : I ' 1'he minutes of yesterday were H1I1 read and approvcd. 'l'h cla'im ' committee made the ) llowing report upon the claims f A. C. Towle and N. B. Pred- lore for services on Old Soldiers : elief comission for 1907. We' recommend that the claim f A. C. L'owle for S42.63 be al- Iwec1 for $22.63 , S per cent on J52.71 expended , and that the aim of N. B. Predmore for : ; 1.01 be allowed for $21.01 , 5 r cent on $420.37 expended. J ames Lee J. E. Grint } Committee L. Cu5thman It was moved and carried that Ie report of the committee be' : cepted and adopted as read. It was mo\'ed and carried that Ie County surveyor be instructed . survey and plat roads No. 1122 HI 1154. ' 1'he balance of the forenoon as spent in 'committee work and ; 12 m. the board took a recess 11 1 o'c1ock p. m. Al1'l'HHNOON SUSSION. 'rhe board met at 1 p. m. with I members present. 'l'he commit.tee appointed to leck up the office of the County lpcnntemlant made the follow- g report : : sUP H It I N'l'UND ItN'I : ' EPO R'f. 'L'o the board of 1pervisors Custer county. I hereby submit the followihg port of the Institute fund of lster county on January 1st , 08 : 10Ullt 011 haUlI Jul ' ht. , 1007. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . all . . . . per . . . . . last . $ lIil.2 reo I1rolrlatloll from COUIlt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100.00 tceJ\"cll from examluatlou ( . .c' : ; . : al rcceh.tll ' 1.SlJ. . IUhll $ lH.SlJ "alL1 to " tu SuPt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f 16.00 : cJ\'cll frail ! rCiIJtratl.1I ( Statu atus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rom . . . . . . . . . . . $111.00 cer- : uJ\'cll ( roil ! clllur\Cuucy ccrtllicatu. . . . 1 > 9.00 : ulvcL1 frollllllstitutu fce'II. . . . . . . . . . . . 101.00 'J.'otal HI6.l5 L1 to Juulor Normal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f377.15 ! d Jallilor ( or JUllior Normal. . . . . . . . . . tJ.W : II ( ur Ialutll for IlrawhUl class. . . . . . . . 15.00 lCuutluuod au lut PAIU.j