Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 16, 1908, Image 2

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    . '
A School for Servants.
Drldgot nnd Dlnnh nnd Jntrlnn. con.
tlnue to recel\'o the censure , not to
say nbuse , oC the pUblic pr08S nmJ prl.
, 'nto Indlvhltmls Cor their nlleged un.
snt1srnctory performances oC their duo
tics In the Icllchen , In the I allllllrv , In
the dining room-In short , "upstnlrs ,
downstnlrs , and In their ladleA' chnm.
bel's. " The nbuso Is somollmes ox.
trnvago.nt and the censure undesorvClI.
Brldgot nnd Dlnnh nnd Katrlna orton
do much bollor limn the newspapers
and the mistresses would hnve us bo-
Hevo. Dut , conceding that , upon the
whole , 110usehold Iervnnts are not ns
officlent us they might ho , Is It sur.
Ilrlslng ? It you found a mun who hnd
novel' drlvon II. plnno or hundled a
saw , nnd sot him to worle nt the fram'J
of II. house , and prenently begun to he.
rnte him becnuse he wn.s n 11001' car.
11enter , you would mnlec yourself moro
rldlculou8 thnn you would mnlec him.
It you wnnted 11. coachman , or 11. groom ,
you would Imrdly ongnge ono who hud
novel' seell n horae. It you did , nnd
) 'our stock were bndly cnred for hnd
yourself run awn.y wIth , you would bo
laughed nt It you hlamed , your Incom.
petent rotnillers. Yet this Is just
what Is done hy houBoleeepcrs In re.
gard to servnnts , snys the New Yorle
'Veekly. It Is as unreasonable to ox.
110ct women to cook or do ether hOl\so \ ,
work before lenrnln ( : how nil to eXlloct
n man to build a house or manage
horscs wltbout MY Instru tlon or ox.
perlonce. What Is needed Is a school
for' servants , or a aystem ot a1 > pren.
tlceshlp , or 80mo other means of
training them to household work before -
fore they 11.1'0 . called upon to fill houso.
hold positions.
Anniversary of Anthracite.
Anthraclto coat waa first used for
domestic fuel In Febl'uar ' , 1808 , nl.
though It had lJeen used by gunsmlthll
nnd hlaelesmlths for nearly 40 yeaI'll
provlously. JUdge Jesse Fell , o [
Wllleesbarre , Pa. , adjusted a gr to of
Iron bars In the flroplaco In the public
room ot the Foil tavern , aud llrovod
to hIs neighbors that the "blncle
stones" woulel burn without the use
of a forced draft. 'rho Wyoming His.
torlcal and Geological so lety Ilns Into-
ty lIont out a catI for the celobratlon
ot the hundredth nnniversary ot thlo
event next Fobruary. DltuU1lnous coal
hnd been used In thlll country long be.
taro 180S. It was dlscovored 'noar
mchmond , Va" In 1710 , ntut milling
opo atlons were begun In 17601 In
England , as far bnck as 1180 , tbo rec.
ords at tbo blsholl ot Durham show
entries of leases for the Ilrlvllogo ot
mining "pit coal , " as It was then
called. These who object to the 1lres.
ent high price ot anthraclto may bo
Interested to lcnow thnt 800n nftor Its
Introduction nil domestic tuol the price
was six and olght dollnrs 11. ton. Even
at these figures the I100plo wore
"burning diamonds , " for anthraclto
coat Is , next to tbo diamond Itself , UHJ
l1urost form at cnrbon found In :1
natural state. The best quality of an.
thraclte contain' not mOl'o Umn five
ller cent. ot ether . substnnccs.
IAn I unusual \'Iow of the army has
lately beell Ilresented In it. complaint
from 'Vashlnglon over the decrease hi
strength ot the coast art1llery regl ,
ments. The Tenth company , for In
stnnco , wblch mustered hl11ulret
and ono men In 1900 , waa able to gel
out only 14 In the ranks In October
The explannllon ofterelt Is that th (
then In the coast nrtlllery recolvl
training In some branch of mochanlcs
alld can got e 1l110yment outside IL
good wagt's. One officer Instructed hll
comlmny In the art of tol1Ihono rc
"airing , nnd ml\do the mon 110 emclon
that the telephone co m 1111. . n ) ' 111 thl
neighborIng city offered thom $60 nne
$70 a month. nnd In lIomo case :
bougbt tbo dlochargo of the mon , 81
thn.t they might begin wortt bofor' '
their onllstment eX1llred. It the arm
can train Its men as offectlvoty ns thl
It ought to bo a pretty good school.
The flroless coole steve has been In
Ilroved In Germany so that It now m
only cooles , but trios and roasts. Fr :
Ing and roasting are nccou1l111shed 11
the use at a stone , which Is thoroughl
lteatcct and Is then placed In the coo ]
or with the steale or roast. The box j
scaled up nnd lett for an hour or s' '
as required , then opened , and the foc
Is fully prelmred and hot. In the do' '
lJlo 110xes nil three proces es ma ) ' PI" "
ceod nt one tlmo without care or III
flculty. The makers of the cooicci
OXllcct to sell 50,000 In Germany all
Switzerland this year.
A Oerml\n coml11\ny Is now tel
pltonlng wlroloBsl ) ' from Nnuen to vn
lous lllaces In Gorman ) ' , 50 to 60 mll4
distant. Ono of the manngers of tl
compan ' said at Dorlln that convors
lions had been conducted with e
tremo clenrness and precision ,
A wealthy Now York socloty WOtn !
bas abandoned a brilliant social care
to become an Intorlor decorate
That's nothing ; lots ot l1eopl0 abn
don cnreers to do Interior dccorath
-with I1quld.
. . .
Madalne Me rrIti 0s Advice 1
and ideas freely 'Offered. '
to Perplexed Hostesses ;
Entertaining an Embroidery Club.
1'lcaso glvo me n few Huggestlons
for ontortnlnlng nn emhrohlery club.
1 want prlzclI nnl1 souvenirs.
1\1 A T1'IE.
At the purty YOII Huggent , at course ,
all the guestH will bring tholr needlcs
ntHl worle , so YOIl could arrange ( L very
Intorostlng conteat by hn.vlng some
Initials ( It will ho a gool1 tlmo to got
F.omo marltlng done ) worltcd nnd see
who cnn do the letter In tbo ahorte8t
tlmc. Then for souvenirs there are
tlle cutellt spool nnd thlmblo candy
boxcs hnaglnnblo , nil sizes , just tbo
thing for this occasion.
Proper Gown to a Dox' Party.
Will you lelndly advlso mo through
the columns at your pnpor It It Is
proper to wear II. decolleto gown at a
box party ? Can n plcturo hat bo worn .
with /Jamo ? FAYE. I
At the granc1 oporn. lowcut necles
are frequently seen , with handsome
hall' ornaments , rarely hats. At the
regulation thentor box 11I1rtles decolloto
gowns fire rarely worn. Very olab.
ornto costumes nro seen , hut the neclt
Is'olled In tulle 01' laco. 'franspn.r.
oncles and plcturo hatll are In ovl.
denco ,
Winter Evening Entertainment.
Dear Mmo. Merrl-Wo nre to spend
the winter In t.ho country , but have ,
frequent parlle9. I do not IIleo to servo' '
retr shments If I do not Imow they are
coming and do not lcnow what pas.
times to havo. PAT'fY.
In not sorvlng refreshments Is just
where 'au make a mlstalee , for there
III nothing so hospltn.blo . as setting
somothlng to cat or drlnlc before your
guest. My chlot nldll In entertaining
arc a chnflng dlsb , coffee machine and
a teallOt. Hn.vo candy pulls , IJOpCorn
and roast chestnuts : become nn export
nt concocting "things , " and lceell an
emergency shelt so you will novel' bo
tnleon unawares , , and I venture to say
your bouso will bo the most populnr
place In the nolghborhood. Authors ,
musical nnd geogralllilcal gnmos are
all fallclnatlng amI the omnlprosent
gucsslng games are always with s.
For t1 Surprlso Party.
I have n slstor 'who w1ll be 11 this
month. I want to have a surprlso
part- . What would you advise us to
do Cor amusement ? Have to have It In
the ovenlng. What bour should It
start , and what would you have for
refreshments ? I thought 14 would bo
the eldest nnd nine I the youngest.
Would thnt bo proper ?
Would It bo right for mother or mete
to write the Invitations , and how
would you word tbem ? 1\1. \ E. G.
It will bo perfectly proper for your
mother to extend the Invitations hy
writing informnl IIttlo notes. I should
11l\vo the hours from so\'en to tell. Not
a moment In.ter . for ) 'oung peol110 ot
thnt ago. Certnlnly Include the nine-
: renr old. She or ho 'will soon bo
'Ieven. I ehouhl have a 10v IY big
birthday cake , with Ice cronm , nnd It
I you lIlec , cocoa and. sandwlcheH , with
nuts and candy. Wby not have a 11en.
nut hunt ? Carry lemons on a forle.
I Have a nall'poundlng contest for the
gll'ls and n button-sowing contest for
the boys. You will have no end of n
good time.
Meaning of Mlzpah.
\Vhat does the worcl Mlzpah mean
1 want to give a bool. us a present to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. very dear frle11l1 and want to use n
Latin word or phrase. Do you know
oC Ilny ? It so , will you glvo mo '
the mennlng ? IlI'l'A.
1\l1zpah menns "The 1..0rd wntch be.
tween mo nnd theo whllo wo ate ab.
sent ono from the othor. " It is found
111 tbo DIble. "Entro nous , " the
I"rench for "Betweon ourselves , " Is n otten used nlllo.
Eighteenth Wedding Day.
What Is the eighteenth annlversn.ry
of a woddlng ? And also will you
pleallo glvo mo : fo'w suggestions for
It , as I wlsb to have an Informal
gnthorlng of about eight couples ?
'fhanldng you very much In aGvnnco.
X. Y. Z.
- . .
There Is no set form scheduled for
the eighteenth nnnivorsnry , but that
ill no reason for not celebrating. You
can have a musical ovenlng , play cards
or do whatevOl' you wlsb.
Questlono In Etiquette.
I am Invited to a reception , and as I
hnvo been Il1'ovellted on account ot
1IIneBs and different causes from at.
tondlng such fllnetlonll for sevornl
yellrll I would IIlco to asle for n lIttle
Information on etlquetto. U I accept
the l11vltatlon is it necessary for mo to
send an acceptance ? U so , how
should It be worded ? Also , are nc.
ceptnncos and regrets wrItten on the
IJmall paper and envelopes thn.t aroused
used for Invitations , and sbould they
bo se11t by mall or messenger ?
L. S. 1\ [ ,
Certainly send acceptance worded
lIlec the Invitation you recolvo. Tbo
small pnper Is used , and It Is equally
proper to use the post or prlvnto meso
songer. In a 1I11'go city tbo former
method Is always used.
Senior Class Party.
1\Iy \ busband amI I wish to entertain
the seniors of the hIgh school an ovell'
Ing from 7:30 : to 11. fho clnss Is
comllOsed of 12 girls n.nd three boys
from 15 to 19 years ot nge. The class
colors are crimson and whlto. Will
) 'OU Idndly wrIte mo some npproprlato
" 11l1.stlmo" or game for the evening ,
alHo sultablo rcfreshments and decora-
tlOllS that arc not too elaborate ?
Scorns to me you will bavo to in.
vito a few more boys to even up. 1
wonder why It Is thn.t our ladll so
often 11.1'0 . In the minority when it
comes to school ? Dut to return to the
! Juestlon ot ILmusement : It you could
got a set of "Dlabalo , " that would
help out. 'l'hon to liven tblngs up
more , hldo nnlmal cracleers. Provide
bagll and sehd the hunterll forth at
the hlnst from n horn. Hang up 0
score showlllg how much each "ani.
mal" will count when the finish is
blown on the trumpot. Award a prize.
Malec 11. rosette , for each to wear of
crimson nnd whlto , and servo dough ,
nuts , cldor , nuts , and , It you don't
mind the trouble , wind up with nn old.
fashioned candy pull.
Return of Silks to Favor ,
For a long tlmo crepes and \'olles
have tlLteon the plnco of silks , but this
season the ) ' are coming In again In
110W and heavy but sott wen.ves. Some
of thom Imltato the tussnh In wen\'o
and ethers are corded. The most
, I benullCul'I1lsts of the senson
I mndo at 110ft silks.
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: JP.Uf'1ty 1IJrr )
( -
[ s
0 ,
II ,
0.t. . _ _
. Here nro three charming IIttlo 11I1.rtY-dresses thnt mo. ) ' be rOllroctuced h
o. \lmost nny thin mntorlal. The first III In pnlo blue sllotted vallo , trimmed a
,1' . lho lower ec1go with a frill ot lace , hended by two rows of Insertion. 'fhe necl
s Is outlined wlU1 Inco and Insertion ; the Ince that finishes tbo puffed aleovo II
10 open on tbo fore ll11rt ot nrm. Mntorlalll required : . . ) 'I\1'ls H Inches wide , :
ynrcls Inco , 8 yards Insertion.
a- 'rho second Is In spotted musl1n. The skirt Is h'lmmed with 11. gathorol
x. frill , edged with narrow 1aco nnd h'nded b ' Insertion. "he bodice has a rounl
) 'oke , outlined with Insortlon , the full lower 111\rt nlso bolng trimmed with 111
IJorlion. Matorlals required : 4 % ) 'nrds 28 Inches wide , . . yards lace , 6 ) 'nrd
1n Insertion.
The third Is In cream Japnnese silk , nnd Is tn/Hlo / very full for dnnclng
1t Is trimmed with lace and Insertion , the latter l1\1t on the skirt In deol1 vm :
11' . dykes. The silk Is cut awn- from the back of InBertlon so that It IR trnnllllUl
, no ont. The bQrthe trimming Is edged with lace. nnd III nttacl1ell to the squar
s nock by InB rtlon. Materlnls roqulrod for the dress ; 4 % 'urds 36 I11Chcs wid ,
6 YllTds wldt Inco , 2 yards narrow lacc , about 14 ) 'I11'ds Inocrtlou.
} .
Ht. , Clncinnutl , Ohio , wrltcs :
"As I have found T'oruna n. blessing
for IL severe case of cntul'l'h of the head
unIt throat which I suffered froll1 for n I .
nmnber of years , I Uln only too pleased I.
to Ivo it my personal endorsement.
"Catarrh , such us I suffered from ,
made life a burden to mo , my breaU ,
wns offensive , stomach bud , and my
I1cad stopped up so that I wus usually
troubled with n. headache , nnd althol1g'h
I tried many so-called remedies , nothing -
ing gln'e mo permanent rellof. I was
rather dlscour:1A'ed with 11.11 medlclncs
when PerUlHL was suggcsted to me.
h However , I did buy a botUe , mllJe-
fore that wus finished there was n
marked cho.nge in my condition. 1\Iuch
encouraged 1 lwpt on until I was completely -
pletely cured in a month's time , nUll I
find that my general health is also ex-
cellent. "
People who prefer solid medicines
RheuM try Perl1na tablets. Each tulJlet
represents ono average dose of 1'erl1na.
Mon-a.lin the Idcal Laxative.
Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna
Almanac for 1908.
- - -
Ethel-Jimmy , do you love me ?
Jlmmy-Grent Scott , girl , do I love
) 'ou ! AIn't I kept my hands nnd fnce
clean for moro than n weele all on account -
count of 'ou ?
"So Nelson Is dead. Whnt Idlled
hIm' ! "
"You know bo had ono foot In the
grav ? "
"Yes _ "
"Wcll , some ono pulled 11ls Jeg.-
, -Harper's Weekly.
' " Positively c red hy
CAO'JER"S tbese Little Pills.
They also relieve Ds. !
ITIlE tresa froln DYllprplila , In-
I V HR - - digestion Eating. and A perfect Too Hearly rem. .
et1y for Dlzzlne 8 , Nau.
P o LL . sen , Drowsiness , 1111011
Taste In the ) Iol\th , Coat-
ell Tongue , Pain In the
8lt10 , 'rORI'JD LIVER.
They rcgulatll the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
CARTERS Fac.Simile Signature
aVER .d -
PilLS. / . . .PZ7'
. .
- - - - - - - - -
: W : - ; : : :
at the lowest ChlcntO price and on the
tirosl ; liberal terms of JUonUlly payments.
This Is the piano that Is known Ds"Amerlca'l
lIomo I'lallo" , because It has the true ,11I"tllc
tone Dnd III ouarnn tud lor l Je by L'on & 110ft ! } ' ,
who arc the world's Inrfl'st lIIu lc house. The
Washburn cntalog elPlaIns even' thing.
It In the market for" piano , mall this adYer ,
t1scmont today wllh ) 'our name and address and
receive cataloi' and nume of local piano deuler ,
and .11 pl of beautifUl Dew 0111.le.
J ,
What Ie Going on Hero and There That
Is of I ntere > st to the Readers
Throughout Nebraska.
I A new directory ot Hastings Is soon
to bo Issued.
A recent flro at Edgar destroyed
$12,000 worth of property.
Formal dedfeatlon of Ashland's new
D. & M. passenger station toolt place .
last weel , .
The IJ11m on the farm or Lourenco
Dyars , two miles wesl of Valley , was
completely deslro'ed by fire.
The State Savings nnd Loan nsso-
clatlon and the Doatrlce Dulldlng and
Loan association , both Deatrlco Instl.
tutlons , ha\'e declared semi-annual
Two first term of the c118t1'lct court
In Dutler county for the year 1908
w1l1 be held Fcbruary 10 , George F.
Corcoran presiding , with Mr. Sprague
of Aurora. ns court roportor.
The Dluo Vnlley Fruit nnd Grocery
company has changed Its name to tbe
Dlue Valley 1\lercantllo compauy. The
concem was organized three years
ago to handle fruit and producc.
Following Is the mortgage record of
Gage county for tbo month of December -
bor , 1907 : Farm mortgages filed , 22 ;
nmount $58,586 ; numl10r of farm mortgages -
gages released. 22 ; amount $40,310.
Carl Schroeder , 70 years of age ,
hanged hlmsolf In his woodshed at
Scribner. When found hili body was
cold In denth. There wns no nppar-
o1nt cause for Scbroeder to take his
own life.
Notlficntlon wns received nt. Fall'-
bur ' from Andrew Carneglo that he
had donnted $10,000 for a public lIbrn.
ry fol' Fnlrbur- under the usunl con-
ditions-tho donation of a slto and np-
11roprlatlon of $1,000 a year for mnln.
Maxwell Spencer , nged 26 , of 24
East Ninety-sixth street , New Yorle , a
) 'oung man of evldbnt wenlth , died on
the eastboulld Durllngton train ns It
entered Lincoln last weet , . The body
wns taleen from the train and shipped
to Now York.
John A. 1\IIIIer , Hvlng two and one-
half mlles cast of Arlington , In what
Is Jmown as the Pleasant Valley neigh.
borhood , has just refused an offer 01
$127.60 per acre for bls farm. This I !
the hlghost price over offered for a
farm In that neighborhood.
A number ot mcmbers of a religious
order new to Nebraska-the Oblnto
Fathers of Mary Immnculnte-bavo
reached Lincoln from their home In
Canadn. . They wilt talm char e of the
church nnd parish nt McCook and
also of n number of missions.
HenrC. . Richmond , president of
the State Editorial association , wn.q
In 1..Incoln RUrrlng uv sarno Interest
In the meeting , which Is sot for the
latter part of February. President
Richmond lives at Fremont and Is
editor of the Fremont Herald.
_ Tames Hoagland of Beatrice , who
was nrrested atter trying to fire his
o.n home whllo Intoxicated , 'was
glvon a hearing before the Insanity
commission on nn Inebriate chnrge.
Owing to the fnct that his wife < lied ,
recently and hl has n family of chlli i
dren to care for , tbe commission sus.
pended sentonc ,
Donjnmln Gossanl , ex-county treas.
Ul'or of Red Willow county. was dls-
clmrg-ec1 from the Hastings nsylum as
cured and was talcon to McCoolt to o.n.
swer a charge ot embczzllng county
funds In the sum of' $6,000. At his
prellmhlllr - hearing he was bound
over to the district court , and , falling
to put up the bonds of $5,000 , wafJ
remanded to jnll.
Sutton has made 11. larger growl1'l
the uast ) ' 011.1' In both business hloclS
and residences than for man ) ' yenrs
past. 'fho public buildings nro the
new Catholic church , $30,000 ; Gcorge
Hone ) ' , furniture , GGxHO feet , two
stories , $15,000 : .J. B. Dinsmore , modem -
em postoffico building , flro , and bur-
glnr proof , furnlshcd com pIe to , $8,000 :
Henry Brchm , meat , $7,000.
I"rijnlc Dowers dlsappearod fl'om
Odell Sunday and aH clTorts to locnto
him proved futllo unUl Wednesday.
Dloodhounds were procured from
Deatrlce and searching parties scoured
! .ho countr ) ' , but nothing could bo
learned exce t that he went out hunt.
Ing.Vednesdny a lctt r was recelvell
from him , dated nt St. Joseph , stating -
ing that ho had been leldnapod b ' two
men and taleon to that placo.
The contest brought by D. C. Wha.-
ley against D. E , Lincoln , who was de.
clnred elected sheriff ot Dawson coun.
tnt the last election , wns decided
before .Tudgo 1'ul'nen In fn.\'or of Wlm.
Ie ) ' . Mr. Lincoln was the populist
cnndhlnto , but was not endorsed by
the democrats. It WIW nscortalnell
that 80mo of the election boards
counted strnlght domocratlc votes fOl'
Lincoln. This caused Whale ) ' to
bring contest proceedings.
The contract botwccn the Nebraslm
, Tolellhone compnny and the Chicago ,
Durllngton & Qulnc ) ' rnllroad , allow.
Ing emlO'es ) at the rnllroad 20 per
cent reduction In tholr telephone b11lB ,
I bas been abrogated.
A car was londod with horses In
Council Dluffs to he shlppod to Mncon ,
1\10. , but before the train arrlvod at
Pacific Junction , oPJJoslto Plattllmouth ,
the car caught fire from spnrks from
the engine drollplng In the bay , It Is
bollevocl , and soon after rencblng Pacific -
cific Junction the anl'l1n.l all perished
oxccpt two.
- -
1) ) holy t ne docs not mllIto tll
' .
hca\'enl ) ' tone. \fI't. _
Strnlnlng nfter applnuso Is Jloor
trolnlng for It.
A nation dlcs us liOon ns It ceases to
Get now feteals.
Cownrdlco often wall.s under the
name of conscience.
'l'hero Is no salvation EO long al } ,
there Is sclr-satlsfnctlon. ,
No mnn can escnpe the collection by
cnlculatlng how much t110 othel' man
Is putting In.-Cblcago Trlbuua
West African Betrothals.
In some parts of West Africa the
girls have 10llg engagemonts. On the '
day of tholr birth they 11.1'0 betrothcll
to n baby boy a trlflo older than them.
selves , and at the nge of 20 they 11.1'0 .
married. The girls Icnow of no other
way of getting a husbnnd , and so they
are qulto happy n11t satisfied. As
wl\'es they nro patterns ot obodlence ,
nnd the marriages usually turn out ,
succeSSCL . .
To Avoid Wet Feet.
When lnldng long tramps with my
husband I often suffered from wet I
feet until I dlsco\'cred , the fololwln ! ; ' fP.
nrtlcles of wearing apparel : "I bought
all slllt and of this made logglngs , !
which I were Insldo of my sboes. 1'he
water could thell spln.8h over my rubbers -
bers with no III effectS' . The Icgglllgs
o not Impede " 'nlkln , 1101' do they
Injure the fact as do rubber boots.-
\0011 Housekeeping.
Socialism In German City.
There Is carrlod on b ) ' the German
municipality at Frelburg 11. pawnshop ,
an Insurance business , a tbeater , seve
eral restaurants and a newspaper , as
well as the schools. A scat cnn be
t > rocured at the opera In thn.t cll ) ' for I
/tIne c'ent nnd uupper aftorwnrd for
six cents. The authorities also own a t
cemetery , In which the citizens can
be Interred cheaply.
All She Wanted ,
Mrs. Muggerty ( a habitual borrow-
ere-Shure , Mrs. O'o'udge , It's meself
that Imtes to throuble yez , but cnd
'ez loan m the yollt av an egg-
Harver's 'Veekly.
Good Town to Live In.
In the town of Klugenberk , Gel'-
man- , taxes ar ennlcnown , and this
) 'ear $ O was paid to ever ' clUzcn
from the profits ot the municipal
India's Improvidence.
Although India has exhaustl sS' deposits -
posits In the salt mines of the Pm.jab.
1.582,784 tons at sult were Importee }
In 1906-7.
Good Definition.
A gentleman Is born with the ncc-
esslty of thinking at ethers hcrol'o
he doeS' of ltlmsclt-Florlda ' } 'lme5-
) '
New York City's Railways.
On n. real busy day the New ' -orle
railways talee In one and one-halt . million -
lion nlcleels.
The Devil and the Idler.
Turldsh proverb : The c1evl ! tempts
All other men , but Idle men tempt the
France Is responsible for the tame
of billiards. ' Dovlgno invented It In
Love knows no law , unless ' \Ve except -
cept the mother.ln-law.
Omaha Directory .
Do you want to learn it ? vVe
teach it most thorough , filling
a number of posi.tions every
week. Why put it off ? vVrite
or come at once. , "Ve Absolutely
Guarantee Positionsl U. P Railroad -
road wircs and blanles used in school
work. Omaha Commercial College , Omaha
Wnnt ! : II.OOO Mu.krats ami 1.000 mink at onrr. No.1
1"11 : " Hal8 18.2:1e. 1(8 \ 1c. No.1 Mink . , JArg" " ' . .1. .
Write . ( or prlco Itot on hhll' , an < l fu. . . "hlcb 1. 110' "
. . .olly. ' 101 ( " I1llll rult Inforlllation cheerfully ( unilihed.
Office end YlorohouBe , 51350. 13th 6treet
: tercrence" 0"11"lIonll Rnl : OMAHA
Cowulercl"I.\gendeo Nebr.
l rte Yo
Live Stock Commission , 154-156 Exchanlrc nldlr. .
So. Omaha. Neb. 32 Yeors tn the uslnPSB.
- -
Western Electrical Company
We cnrry complete line of telephones anll tele
pbono coMtruotion matorlal. Also , lIIotOrlI'enaratofl
Incandol'eut lamp"1 In fl\ct , E\tUYTIIINO ; tJtC. : :
'I11CAL , trow door-bells to power I'lants complele.
Wrlto tor catalolfue. WESTER" ELECTRICAL
COMPANY , 411-413 South Tenth 6troot ,
Omaha , Nobroska.
MIOnufacturen and Whol .alars of Plcturos.
Frames , Portraits , Art Noveltlos , and GlOBS
! .cnts wsntod ovorywbo"o. 60G S.13tb st" OMAHA , NED
Do You Drink Coffee
Wb , put tbe ll'al' , ran" . IJIU.r-tlaTor..t cofhe In
7Ourstomach wben lure GERMAH-AMERICAN
COFFEE rolttnoDlorel tlUlttoIlbsTI It. Your
grooer aells1t or CIIoO gut It.
u 7r..11I Olllab. . lieb. . 110011I . , IIn.blll&1I Dlo " . N. Y
( 'Orner 16th anllllouKlu Ktl. nee < l .at liohl
C'roWIl' . " .WI brlll"e toetb 11.(11 Alllalif&1D nlllnl1l ,
. '
slh..r II II I IIIU. , r. " Kohl III1\nlf'1 \ and liP.lUlU , lIl'4lCe
U1K1 10 tltAnlt. lIrlnit tul..syertloelDent _ Ith 10U.
Grain , Stocks and Bonds
0.UA CUI\U8SIIIN : Oo,2IU.N. Y.I.ltoDldK.Omaha.
( 'Orr. . ndcutlot Moreb..ld" Co. (1l1r..Clncluna ( )
011101 tBst wire .onl . . ' 1
w. " 'W wll.H lulU' 1' &
l 111&11 or wlrlt