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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1908)
' " - . . I . . The State Capital Mntters of Genernl Interest -rROM Nebrnskn's Sent of Go\'Crnlllcnl Rcvlslng Freight Classifications. I Deglnnlng with the first ofhe ) 'eal' ! the state railway commission Intends : to get down to serious business and rovlso freight rates by classification. 1r.rncllcally over ' 0110 or the heal" hlgs which 111\\0 been heard on 1\11 Increase or decrease of rates on 1\ commodlly. it hM been the conten. tlon of the railroads thnt It Is 1m. posslblo to tell the cost or' shipping nny ono commotllt ) . anll therefore unjust for the , commlsBlol1 to change , I1ny rate on any commodllr. 'rho ' . hl\vo I\rgued thnt the commission I should tnl\O up the mattol' of rates b ) ' classes , The cOl11mlsslon realizes this worl. is of the utmost importance nnd wlll rcqulre careful study In order not to disturb the present hlllustrlnl coudl. lions exlstLng in the state. The com. mission reallzos th Industrle of the state have been buIlt up undol' a class. ificatlon of rates not based entlroly on he mileage , nnd to change ths ! srstem : , at leaat 1\ part or the com. mission , believes would bo to upset the lresent system and worlIrrepar. : . nblo damage. A few parties , espec. lall ) In Lincoln , have been hammor. Ing the eommlsslon to mnlte 1'gtes based entirely on a mileage basis. This proposlUon , however , has been severely critlclsed in an opinion by the interst < ' 1.te commerce commission nnd the interstate b dY has In the past had considerable weight with the commission , Just how long It w111 take the commission to complete this worl\ : the members have no Idea , but it is expected to talte a long Ume , duro l g which it Is probable man ' heal" ings w111 be held. I - i Iowa and Nebraska Compared. , Rate Clerk Powell of the state rail. 1my commission has just completed a study of express rates In Towa slnco the recent 20 11er cent reductlon made in the rates by the state commission of Iown. . Various .newslmpers have } ' been lambasUng the Nt'1brnslm com. ' - mls 1\on \ 'becauso It had not Iwpt up with the Iowa commission on the ex. press rate matter , and this led to an Il1vestlgaUon of the order of that com. mission. The InvesUgation of the ef. fect of the order , according to the Nebraska commission , shows that Iowa shippers have not been given a 20 per cent reduction , notwlthstand. ing the claims of the Iowa commls. _ slon. On Jfficlmges weighing less than 100 pounds the average reduction is loss than 3 per cent , whHe even on the 100' pound pacImges the reduction 1,1 not 20 per cent. A number of Iowa newspapers have reached the Ne. braska commission , and these contain o.1'tlcles setting out that Iowa Is for. tunate In that the express companies nccepted the roductlon without taking the matter Into the courts. Accord. In , : ; to the Nebra.slm. commission the express companies orfered to make a l pel' cent re uctlon In Nebraska , llrovided thnt reductlon toole the place of the SIble ) ' 25 per cent reduc. \ . tlon law. The commission Investl. gated the matter and found It was not as representeiI. It Is the opinion of the Nebraslm commli.'slon that the Iowa commlsglon has bren tall..1 In by the smooth talle of the express agents , Reorganization of Guard. For the purpose of administration , supply and mobilization , In accord. _ anco with orders from the war depart. ment , Adjutant General Charles S. Schwartz has provided for the organl. zatlon of n medical department of the Nebra.slm. Natlonal guard and has re. organized the regiments Into bat. tallons I\nd reassigned majors In com. , mal1ll , of battalions. The me lcal of. ficers now In the guard are relleve of duty in their present orgnnl7.atfolls t and transferre to the medical depart. I ment. 'I'hey are to report to the ad. : jutant general by l tter for assign. f ments for duty. The medical depart. j ment wfll comprise one surgeon gen. eral , with the ranI. of colonel : two as. slstant surgeons , with the rnnl < of r lieutenant colonel ; four surgeons , with the rank of captain ; eight assistant " " " 'k" ' Burgeons , with the ranl < of first ! leu. tenant. _ . . , ; , " h , / ' As to Stock Foods. I ' Food Commlsslonm' Johnson has In. , , formed S. A. A. 1\lIl1er of Gibbon that lie found nothing unlawful in the ' stocl\ : remedy sold by the Remed ) " company of Lincoln. The pure food . . . ' . Jaw does not requlro manufacturers of 5tock food to place the ingredients . . of their compounds on labels but It requires such romedles to show on the .labol the amount of cocaIne , morphine , 'alcohol or lmrmful drugs. 1\11' . .Tohn. on's letter roasts manufnchl1'el's of foitocle food for selling cheap materials at fabulous priceg. . . Fisher Case January 29. l The commission apllolnted b ) ' tl1e uprcmo court totnlte ovldence in the dlabm'ment proceedings Instituted up. on authorlt ' of the recent legislature ngalnst Captain Allen G. r'lsher of Chadron met and sot the date of the lIearlng for January 2 ! ) . CaptaIn Fisher appeared with his attorn C ) ' , Hallacl < Hose , The commission orgall' , ! zed by selecting Charles Sloan chair. man and Walter Anderson secretary. Asldo from this nothing was dono. The dlsbarmont l1rocc dlngs grew outer or a claim filed with the legislature. , . to " - . - - Winter Corn ahow. r The winter COI'l1 show w1l1 bo hold Lincoln Jnuuar ) ' 20.24. 'fhls how i Is glveu br the Nobraslm Corn tmprov. I ers' nssoclntlon , which will meet on the I1ntoJ ! lIamed. 1o'OUI' hundred ntHl fiftr dollara in cash prizes h s heon offerCl ! cxhlbltors. Lnst y nr the first prlzo whlto corn oxhlblt sold fo1' $100 cash. These are the omcel's milt committees of the nssoclatIon : Presldout , Wllllom G. , Ernst , Tecum. Reh ; secretarr . O. J\lontg0111el' ' , I..Incoln : treasmel' ; 'W. H. Wallace , Exetl'I''Ico ; 111'l'sldClils , P. W. Chase , Pawnce , first district ; Charles Grau , llcllIIlugton , slO'coud district ; Joseph Hall , ' 1'cl\l1111ah , third district ; R. Hoguc , Crete , fottl'th district ; \V. 'Y. Wilson , Hcarney : , fifth district ; J , D. Heaul , Brol.ell Dow , sixth district ; committee on jUdgi'ng , WilHam Jil'I1st , .Joseph Hnll , . .T.D , neam ; commltleo on placing exhibits , William Jl\mes , Charles Grau , L. L. Zoolt ; commlttca on membership , H. Hoguo , 10'V. ; . Chase , na ) ' 1\lI1le1' . Normal School Economical. The report of Suporlnte11lleut 'I'homas of the Kearnor : Normal school for the six months ondlng December 1. flied with Governol' Sheldon , shows that though ono.thlrd of the biennium 1 : ; ended the school Rtlll has on hand 11101'0 than two.thlrds of tbe appro. prlatlons made for jho biennium. For salaries and wages there was appro. prlated $7 , OOO , of which $53,062.10 Is on band ; for general repairs there was appropriated $ iiOOO , of which $3,487.49 is nnexpendod : for princi. pal'n traveling expenses $ .100 was ap. proprlated and $291.26 romalns in the fund ; for' maintenance $19,300 was ap' proprlated and $16,44 .88 Is unex. IHmded. On June 1 there was a bal. ance in the lIbrlU' ) ' fund ot $1,300.39. received Into the fund from matricula. tlon $3,476.39 ; remaIning unexpended In the fund $2,233.18. In the cash fund there Is balance on hand of $406.18 ; dormitory fund , $9 .62 : re. celved from the sale of cinders anll alfalfa $39.50. Accusation Aonlmt : Inspector. 011 InspectOl' Allen Is In receipt of a Icttel' from Albert Guy , Lebanon , accusing the 011 Illspector or collusion with the Standard 011 company. Some time ago Guy recolvod five barrels of Kansas on. He cannot sell this 011 until It Is Inspected unless ho wishes tl ) lay himself 0110n to n $300 fine. He I1slwd Immediate Inspection. The nearest dellUt ) ' IsV. . H , Wheclo1' or l"alrfield. Had 011 Inspector Allen ordel'cl1 his deputy to maltO a special trip to Lebanon to Inspect GUy's 011 It would have cost the state $17 to so. cure a fee of 60 cents. The omclal's explanation of this situation led Guy to a hot retort. He tells the inspector not to "try an ) ' old Standard 011 deal on him 01' ho will run in the real . thing. " For RhodcG Scholarships. The next examhmtlon of candidates for the nhodes scholarships in Eng. land w1ll bo held In Administration hall , the , University of Nebraslm , at J..lncoln , on January 21 and 22. Fol. lowing Is the schedule of oxamlna- . . tlons : Tllesda ) " , Janunry 21-9 a. m. to 11 a. m. : 'l'ranslatlon from Latin into English : 1 p. m. to :1 : p. m. : Latin prose ; 4 p. m. to 6 II , m. : Arithmetic. \Vcdnosda ' , January 22-9 a. m. to 11 a , m. : Translatlon ( I'om Greele Into English ; 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. : Latln grammar ; 2:10 : p. m. to 3:10 : p. m. : Greek grammar ; 4 p. m. to 6 p. ill. : Algebra 01' geometry. Cobbey Aftcr Appropriation. J. E , Cobbe ) ' , author of the Cobbey .slatutes , called on the secretary of ! > tnte recently to again discuss the appropriation - propriation made by the lost leglsla. turo with which to 1m ) " for statutes , The fJecretary has reCused to say whether the leglslaturovanted \ him to buy Wheeler or Cobbe ) ' statutes. MI' . Cobbey said he had not decided whether to bring legal proceedings. The bill malting the appropriation n.t1thorlzed the secretary to purchase "Annotated statutes , " and both Wheeler and Cob boy elalm to IHlblsh ! annotated : Jtatutes. Schroeder Gets a Pardon. August Schroeder , confined In the Lancaster county jail for tlx months for robber ) ' , was g\'on ! a conditional pardon by Gov. Sheldon and Judge 1 lncoln } < " 1'ost of the district court. Schroeder lived on a farm with his tather aud mother nnd had only been In Lincoln a short tlmo when ho discovered his salary was not sumclont to 1) a ) " his expenses , so he pilfered trom the money drawer nnd drew six months. On condition that he bo re' leased ho has promised to go bacle to his home town and act uprightly , Andrews for Prcaldcnt. The Nebl'l\slm State Teachers' asso. clatlon elected the followluJ : ; omce'rJ : tOl' the ensuing ) 'ear : President , Chancellor E. enjamln Andrews , Unl. vel'slt ) . of Nobrnslm ; vlco presldont , II. H. Hahn , Blair ; secretan' , Miss Gertrude Gardner , Fremont ; treas. \I1'er , A. II. Stale ) ' , Su 1101'10 1' . Insurance Company Asks Question : : . The In8u1'l\nce department has rc. colvel1 It comnlllnlcatlon from the Dunk Depositors' Insurance compan ) ' ! of WU hlngton as the rosnlt of 1m old. fashioned mlstalcc , The atenographor In the Insurance omco enclo ed In the C0I1111Im"S aclf.alldressell envelope n- lelter to the Lancaster County banl < of'averl ) ' , In answer to an Inquiry I'ecelved concornlng the co 111 I1Jltl y. The Insn1'l\nco company wrote that It was ovldent the Insurance departl11ent had mal o It mlstako , and tlUlI1 it l > rococl s to asl\ : numerous queUons. ! . r ! Ii . , " . . , - ' " - - - - LITTLE TRAILll'ttol. - It Is II. flUQ thing to m111(0 yoursc1f aeedcd. . The wa , to be alwn'c rcspodml Is to bt ! a1wn's In earnest. Olle mny stud ) ' and gain knowledge ; ono must live to guln wisdom. There's a lot of romance about the good oldUrnes - , but wo wOld Idcl ! lIltO steOl'g It wo had to hn vo them baclt. PROVERDS. ' , Who serves Ilt court dies 01 straw. , Water run by w1l1 not turn the mill. - Where th wlll 1 ! ; read ) ' the feet are light. . Try ) 'our'sidll In- gilt first nnd then In gold. Pride that dines on'anlt . on \ ) sups on contempt. True \'nlor lmows 'ls well how to surrer as to act. - \VIsdom doesn't alwars speak Ii , Gl'eel < or Latin. - Words spolton in an o'enlngtho wlndg carry away. We ought to weigh w.ell what wo can anI ) ' once decide. After all the man who tel1s . his troubles may bo preferable to the ono who tolls his jolws. Giving advlco to some people Is 111m presenting a ba1d = hea e man with 11 bush and comb. There are two Idnds of 10Ye-th beautlful worship that finds Its reward In constant service , and the lIttle sel. fish affection that rewards Itself by demanding servitude. If ) "ou expect a dlsagreeablo thing , meet It and get rid of It as s.oon as 'ou can ; If ) 'Oll expect nnythlng agree. able , ) ' 0 llneed not ho in such 11 hurry , lor the anticipation of pain Is ll\ln- the anticipation of pl asuro , pleasuro. There are two gOOd ruleS' which ought to bo written on every heart- never to bcllovo anything bad about an'body unless ) 'OU positively lenow it to bo true ; nevCl' to tell even that un. less yOll feel that it is absolutely necessar ' . Years lenow more Ulan books. Omaha Directory- u _ _ TELEGRAPHV- Do you want to learn it'Ve teach it most 'thorough , filling a number of positions every week. Why put it off ? vVrite or come at once. We Absolutely Guarantee Positions. u. P Railroad - road wires and blanks used in school work. Omaha Commcrclal College , Omaha H IDESA OEFURS " "ant 20. MII,1 < rat. a",1 1,000 mink at oncn , " 0 , 1 IATKO IIlit. 11I-2.'k' , KIl8 .e , No. I Mln ! : . IAmO f3i5. Wrllo tor I'rl < 'O lI.t on billc. and tur. which I. now reAdy , Tall' . and tulllntorlllatlon cheerflllly rurnl.lwd , D _ B. MoDONALD HIDE & FUR CO. Offlco and WarohouBe. GI3 Go. 13th 6troot lIeteronc"l ; Omah. . . Natlonlllllllnk OMAUA Commercial Ar ! llel"8 Nebr. 6 % to 10 % INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY That I. "bat DU e : > n Itet by buying OMAHA REAL ESTATE WO h' : > V . m , g ? n $1,000 , to $50,000 That " . . . .11100 \ plcued to 8how ' "OU IIn ) tlmellotbllll : , atcr. better or moro oub.tantl..l. HASTINGB and HlZYDZN ' 704 Farnam St. Omaha , Nobr. l r rte MAKE MORE MONEY Yo LIVE STOCK Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON Live Stock Commission , 154.156 Exchnnge DId ! : ' " So. Omaha. Neb. 3 Ycnrs In the nUslnes5. ir. YOU haTO nc\'er uacl1 thoCHAIIIPION CHAIIIPION SCREW CALK wah Do nlnck Dlnm. , d S tee I Center "II thl way throuh : , you lmve nenl' " " \11 < e,1 the best C lk on the mal'kllt. Alik YOUI' blacksmith to "how It to ) ' 011 , FARM LOANS 2 t ! L WILLS Oarofull ) Prepared RENTALS OOLLEOTED w. &et All TR USTE E . tor rorporale bond J..uea , hold &lid care tor prOI > 8rt , tOr benellt of mInD , . or .gO < l IlOOple. PETERS TRUST CO. Rn Jerk Llf. Eulldlnr , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Dr. . ] Jalloy & 1I'"ch. The < 1110or.1'aXI0n DENTISTS . ,8 , cor. lGtb , I\lId l"arnl DI IitR. , O'IAIIA. NEll. n , , t l'qnll'l > Cll ncntnl onteo In the : 'ollddlo Wc t. l.n' , , tnppllnllccs. Ulllh gmdo UClltlstry. HCRoonnblo 1Irlcel. n AND EXPENSES $5 P er IIJ ay In&do by our ' enla eo. \ : . . . . ' " " , t'wm.le. ) Ianutactur..r. ChioDgO l . iI Wbole..le. Picture . . end or l'letllr. Fromo " Framel. Co. , l'ortr. . " . . Arl No..el\lc. 1111 < 1 ut. . . , 606 Bouth 13t11 8t. , Omaha. Wrlle thl. waek. Do You Di"ink Coffee Why I'u ! the cheal' , rolnk. blltern".or d eoR..o III 7ouretolUAch wllel\ pure GERMI\N-AMEAlCAU COFFEE co.1a no morel llaiDl ollb .vlnc It. Your Irt'Ocer , or C4I1 eet It. m Jr& : : Xt. , DEk'iTBST E : ) 7010" ' In Omah" . : ; , b.ltool1l 'o.\'lIlhmAn \ ' Uloek. N , 10 : . ro . . I , n lrl : UelCl . Am"flC ltIli : rl r : ; , : tlllIlIlCli ' IIOld IlIIln"l. flllntl uplUll" l.t'4H. ' UTU 10' ! 41111. Urlntbl..dv.r\l'cmrnt ; wllb ) OiJ Grain , Sto ks and Bonds OA 11A C4UUII81IONCn.2IU. N. Y. 1.1 to I\Idg.Ornnht , r.rrel nd"nl. . of Morrllea < 1 \ ; Co , ( lne.I.Clllclnnatl. Oblo ; tn. ! . . . .Ire 1e"lce. Wo . . . .lI . lt " , uJr . bulJnen , PliUll1r "Ire. . - - NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VA IOUS SECTIONS , ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious , Scclal , Agricultural , Pollt. leal nnd Other Matters 1lven Due Consldcrtlon. Slwnrd merchants report a'ery llrosporous ) 'onr. 1\1' \ . nnd Mrs , David II. Lyttle" Hastings celotn'ated their golden v'ell. ding. The Missouri Paclnc In Otoe county ! Ias not paid its 13orsonal tnx lor last year , amounting to over $14,000. The barn of ChnrleM Confer at De. , utrlco waS' desh'oyed by fire , ontalllnt ; a loss of $300. Probnbly Incendiary. In a statement flIcd In the district court at I lncoln Prod WhittOmoro receiver of the Gltlzon's bnnk of Firth , assorts that the depositors have 1'0' eolved 70 cents on the dollnr. The Sarpy Count . Agricultural so. cloty wl11 hold Its nunual larmers' In. stltuto at the opera house In Pnpl11lon Fobruar ) ' 11.12. ' 1'ho women h\\'o been glvon ono day on the program. Ed Cmmor , a young man of 21 ) 'CllrS , who came to Yorlt from Orand Island , 'and who had eon worldng at the Lo Orand hotel , attempted to com. mlt sulcldo by taldng carbolic acla , John l 'rederlclts of Wisner Was nr. rt'sted and brought to 'Vest Point on a charge of Insanity. lIe WUl1 ad. JUl1gcd to bo a fit subjcct for treat. ment and was talcon to the hosplta\ \ I1t Norfollc. Governor Sheldon has honored the rOllul ltlon of the governor ot I11lnols for the l'ot\11'11 ot "Dud" DrooltB , who Is wanted on a charge of burglary. Drools 'was out on parole nnd Vlo. lated hln pnrole. The city fathers of Nobraslm Clt ) ' have become ashamed of the city jail and have ordered 1\11 of the old con. tents remo\'ed and burned and after the jail. has been overhauled , IJnlnted , will refit the sarno. Dy a. IIOpu.lar subscription up among the Dohemlans of the state , $500 hns been raised for the use or the state circulating library. The money w1l1 bo used to buy bool.s 1'0' latlng to Dohemlan hlstor ) ' . 'I'he swlno plague Is demstatlng mnny herds of hogs In Yorlt count ) ' . Alrendy many fal'm\rs : have lost nearly C\'ery hog and these who )1I\"e ) not lost b : cholera are selling ori and say they wlIl 110t commence again. The State nail way commission signed Its order In the all rate case. and formally promulgated ' the 30 per cent reduction , together with : to ! or. dol' that the railroadS' return empty barrels at half the rnte now charged. The Dempster 1\111I ManufacturIng company , Doatrlce , observed Chrisl. mas by presenting over ) ' omplo 'o with a t1ne Christmas turltO ) ' , The com. pany also made the soml.annual dlvl. dent to employes , which amounted to $2,116. 'fho a11polntments of George J. . . . Car. tel' to the position of chIef Hamo war" den , \V. J. O'Drlen ns superintendent of fisheries end E , Hunger ns , deputy game wnrden were nnllounced by Gov. ernor Sheldon. Garno 'Varden Carter has been in the department since his first appointment as delHlt ) ' b ) ' Gover. nor DIetrich. In Omalm while Dr. W. H. Latoy was extracting teeth for 1\Irs. Goo1'oe Dlerlof : Dennington the woman dlod tram the e. techr of less than half an ounce of chlorofor111 , 'rlven ' by Dr. S. N. Hoyt. who ascrIbed acnto spasm of the heart as the cause. 1\Irs. Dlerk \Vas \ to 11avo twonty.slx teeth extrnct. ed and desired to talte chloroform" The great growth of York hils Itept the York Electric Light and Power company employes busy Installing new servlco nnd at times they have hoon nnablo to wh'o the neVi houses nnd buslneslr blocks ns fast as wantell. OwlnJ : ; to the great Inereaso or } ) lIsl. ness they have had to purchnse a 200. horsepower ngillo and Install a largo now motor. Oney Nanol , the two-year.olll chllet of Mr , and Mrg. A. N. Nauel of nay. mond. mot death In a strnnge ana stnrtllng manner. Whllo the mother was busy the child got 60mo pop corn designed for the decoration of a Christmas tree. A grain lodge In the ehlld'f ! wlndplo ) and desplto the lran. tic efforts of the mother the lIttl\J ono died beCoro medical aid could bo Bum. moned. As lrovlded by section 8 ot the terminal tlix law the sovornl county and clt ) ' clerlta Hhall prepare se"uuto ) asse smont rolls for the assegsment of local rnll"a ) ' pl'Oorty ) In the cities and villages. In ol'der thnt the worlt may bo uniform throughout the state George D. Dennett. secretary of the State Boal'l1 of Assesfrrnent , hIlS pre. pared blanks for the guidance of the cieris and will forward them at an early dnte. together wllh two copies of Benato file 2Gl , which In the tel" mlnal tax law. The Notion.Gregson ) mcltlng com. llan ) ' has moved ItS' headqunrters trom Chicago to Nobmalm CIt ) . and tlw of. fices are In charge of n. W , Barnes and A , Glrrlng , and all buslnpss will be done there In the future , all castoi'll omces having been closed. . . 'fho Salvation army did a good worlt In Nebrnslm City for the poor. They tool. u ) ) a collection for the pur. pose of lro\'ldllll ; a ChrIstmas din nor for the poor and were so successful that they were able to fill so\'ent ) ' . two baBltOt with Christmas dollcacles which the ) ' distributed about t1lb city. , . & ' - L , , : QUl E AS DA I 1 I 01'lggs-Tho hten of ) ' 0\11' leltlng 3'OUr wlto go 'rouud sayln ; ahe mal10 II. mlln of ) 'ou. You don't hear m ) ' wlfo , en'lng that. Driggs-No , hut I heard her toiling my wlfo that she dill her beat. How's This ? Wo olfcr OM lIundrcl , 110111" . nOT/art tor 1111 ra o of CllllrrlJ Iba canllo 110 euroll b , lIall' , C.c.arrll Cure. . . F.J. CllhNEl & CO. , Toledo , O. We. the \Indonl nt,1 1III\'u known 1" . J. Ch lIey for Iho 11I8t 1yearM : , IIII bollo\'o h1IJ1crfectl \ , 11011' vratalo In nil buailleu tranPlletions nlllOIlIlIlCIIlIlJ IIblo to cnrr , cut noy hlhraUoulmallo lIy hll tlrUl. WALI1INUI\INNAN & M\IIVIN , Wllolcslllc lIrulllPl. , ToI , lo. O. ltall'l Clltllrrh Cure In taken IlIlcrnlllly , IIctln ! : directly UJlOIl the 11100 < 1 and mucou. .urraeo. IIf the . IJnlelll. Tl"lUmonlnls PC1I1 free. l'rlco j ccnt.s 1"01 , > ottlc. Rohl 111 nil UrulllltA. 'rako 1Iall's l" l'lII. lor 001l8111'1I110n. Frlcndly Advice. "Sn ) ' , old man , " begnn Marxlo ) ' , "that ten'Jlot ; ) I loaned ) ' 011- " "I fmvon't forgotten , old mnn , " In. terrupted Boroughs. "Don't worr ) ' ; I } jt1l1 have It In mlnl1. " "Yea , but don't ) 'OU think It's about Umo you relloved ) 'our mind 7" Important to Mothors. Examluo caromlly ever ) ' bottle or CASTORJA a safe aud S\l1'O remel1y ror infants and children , and ace th : t It Denrs the _ / / Signature of 7 In Use For Over : m Years. ' 1'ho Kind You 1II1vo Alway : 13oUlht. Clemency enn novel' exist Itself with moro allplauso tl1l\n when there In the justost cause for rosontl11ont.-PlIny. . J..ewIR' Single nilHler stt'ni ht 5e ciar ! III eel I1l1nIil - nIl the time. 1 : Olll' cnler or Lewis' } ; 30tor ) ' , Peodn , lIt. A word is a. Winged seell-nono can tell when once It has gene forth what 'Ls harvest may bo.-S'dnoy. - - - ONI.Y ONE "HItOl\IO QUININF. " rllllt Is JAXA'l'lVI1 JtItO 1II OUININI . J.ook tor Iho slllnnllll'U of I : . W. ( JHOVI . U""d the World tlV < 1r to Cure II. Cold In Uno VII ! ' . : we. When women borrow trouble \l1oy. . usuallr : ll11Y bacldoublo. : . ] \frll. \ 'Vlnstow'lI Roothln ! : Hyru ! , . For children teetblng. port ens thOltllfOS , reducell In- lIammatloD , allay. pllln , curoll wlnll cello , 2 cn IIotllo. A lot of socalled golden alleneo Is only plated. - - - - - - ' . " . ' . , J to. . . . . . > . . . - _ " _ I.ot { \ man take prldo In hl9 Mhlovomonts of vfrlue. Lot hl1l1 take natlnractlon In his mornl conquesl . Let hlll1 have talth that ho cnn do , alii ! 1\0 \ l10luht 10 lunccolllJlo : ! to hlm.- Marter. - - - We Sell Guns nnd Tr pB lIny Fm'4 ! . \ : I1 1leAortnll thell. . Corrohconnd "UfH. ! N. W. 1l1cle & Pur Co. , Mmuc\lolil. ; ) ! . . - Cowanls falter , ! Jut danger Is orton overcome by thol3o who darc-Quecn Elizabeth. l'If fi (1tfJU'U : IN n TO 11 n'R. . I' O OIN'l' II N'l' , IlIlCutrlllllc ,1 tu CUfn nll1 mOB ot 11 < 'hll1ll , IIl1nl , JlII'Nlln" tit l'rulrudll1lf I'lles In U to II < lursur woner rcfulltlcl. to. : . - - - . - - - _ . _ - None eo IIttlo enjoy lICe , anlnro \ such ! Jurdcns to t110IllEO\'CS ! , as these who have nothing to do.-Jordnn. J.ewis' Sln lc lJinl < 'r ciJltr-richl'lt ! ! , ntO t rntlr'ln ! HIIIIIlw ! In thu n\rlcl ) : , Your dcalC ' 01' I.cwis' Factory , l'eoria , III. - - - - - - - - - - - - Sweet are the use of adve1'slty- for OUl' nolghbora. SICK HEADACHE , P05H1vcly curcd by CARTERS tbese Llttlo PUlse Thcy all\o \ relle\'o Dls- ITILa : : trells from D'lIpepRla , In- 111 ! ltloll a 1\11 ToO lIelirty IIf E I Ellthl . A perfect rem. . R clly tOI' DluIIlCl\H , Nt" ' r I LOS . 8 < ! DrowlllncKS , 1Ial1 TUKlo III the 1I0llth , COn.t- ell TOIIIIIO , I'aln III the 81110 , 'fOnI'II ) LIVER. 'Iwy reltulnto the Dowels. I'urol ) Vcgetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE , SMAll PRICE. . - - - - Genuine Must , Bear CARTERS Fac-Slmlle Signature PilLS.t IVER d ? - . 4 ! nEfUSE SUBSTITUTES. 8POT , CASH FOR SOLDIERS AND tlEIRG All fadoml nllll"ra IIl11tlIors " . \Olin ( ! no < l ro daT. h tlY1I1\ il und ltiltJ : 11111.ho hOllll'swuded IlR thnn IOOllero's bofurn Jono2:1.1t17l.nro l'nlltll'llo nd < 1ll1onal 1101ll0811'Ut rlF.h w hl h I hllY , It slIldlor Is dead. hIs hnlrKeun tel . 'lulk 1001l11oOdlor8 , "ltlo1Vsnn < l hol , . , 111111 , BOliO 6Oldl r rolatlvo , ,110 " , unt W08 or lIooth : ncr the wnr nnd hillins I'tllled Itllv'rmuent laud. Uet bll8J 111111 lOako 80\llOOn81' 1II0ncy , Wrlwlr.SII Y N.OOl'I' . WIIohllllllon. ] ) . U. . for furlbor particulAr" , DEFIANOE STlnOH- ; .II -oIlier IIlarchtB only U oOllcelf-IJlmo : price IIDd "DEFIANCE" 16 6UPERIOR QUALITV. W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.1 , 1908. A. . . / --n.n tiOUC.H" 01-1 , MY BACK ' IT IS WONDERFUL HOVI OUICKL Y THE PAIN AND STIFFNESS GO WHEN YOU USB. S ! JACOBS OIL i THIS WELL.TRIED. OLD.TIME II REMEDY FIl.l.S TH BIl.L 25c.-tLL DRUGGISTS.-50c. CONQUERS PAIN Shirt Bosoms , Collars and Cuffs LAUNDERED WITH o ' o o never crack DOl' become - : : : come brittle , They last twlcu as long as the < ; e laun ered. with olher starches an give the wcar- er much better satisfaction. If } 'ou want your hllsband , brother or son to look dressy , to feel comfortable and 10 be thoroughly happy use DEFIANCE STARCH in the laun r } ' . It is sold by nil good grocer : ! ot toe a pack- age-tj ( ounces. Inferior starchcs sell at the same price per package but contain - tain only t2 ounces. Note I I I . Defiance Starch Oompany , Omaha , Neb. ; ,