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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1908)
. . r . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . _ . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P' . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I Condensed Local and Personal Paragraphs I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge and Mrs. Benjamin are enjoying a visit from thcir daughtcr , Mrs. Eva Townlt'J. With cverybody pulling on the Samc linc a lot can bc accomp- hshed for BrolCn Bow in 1908. Elmcr. Bass , Ii' . W. 'l'a'lor and Bcrt McKce , of Anselm ( ) , wcre" transacting busincss in thc city Tuesday. . Somc people in this vicinity are glad that New Ycar' rco- lutions don't have to be made bu t once a ycar. If you are interestcd in Poland- Chinas read the big all\'crtisc- ment on HIe opposite pagc of this lhwul1I.ICAN. If'thh , summer wcather kceps up an ice plaut will have to be e t\\blishcd \ iu Broken Bow in order - der to supply the demand. Will Frey and family , who moved to Kansas City last spring' , havc returncd and will again nukc Brokcn Bow thcir home. Fred 'V. Owcns' and F. W. Thompson , o Oconto , were in the city Tucsday transacting business before the U. S. land officc. Mrs. Jame McMillan and children , of Thedford , who have _ bccn visiting fricnds in the citJ , for some time , returned homc last Saturday. , Pearl and Van Barcus have been enjoying a visit for scveral days from their father-in-law , James Bayless , of 14iucoln-an olel ) , 'sjdent of the capitol city. Authorities now say that it is dangerous to drink niilk contain- ing' more than half a million " germs to the cubic centimcters. 'l'his means auother chore for I of our citi7.ens--counting many I , . ' . . 'f ' , C. E. Anlcney has disposed of II I his stock of confections , etc. , ir. , the post-office building to A. Ii' . , Allen. Mr. Ankney will soon - . and dcvote 111S tntire time , at- , I tention and cnergy thereto. Orin's l ' contest ! against Lewis was conclnded in the land office yesterday. It t was the Recond day of the { rial , . j the caRe baving oeen continued . fro i' Deceniuer. There was a large at'tcndance at both sessions. If any Broken Bow merchant . . doubts whether any great number - ber of people "know uargains , " let him-in IllS advcrtisemcnt- price a fcw things a little lower tban anyone else has ever done , in this city , and thcn watch the result. John Moore who has the good fortune to havc homcstead papers , on ( ,40 , acres of Uncle Sams ? dee - ; main in the vicinity of lIalscy , o ? Jf' / 161. r , ' wag in the city 'rucsday to dc- . : fend a contest ag-ainst his claim , bV lr : . Sarah Wal1 < cr , who failed - ed to appcar. 'l'he Cad well block is not cn- tirely completed , yct on Monday 'rhe CURter County Ahstract Co. , and J. S. McGraw , real esta te and inlrance \ agent , llIo\'cd into the spacious ncw quarters adjoining - ing the Custer National oank on the north. Fred Luther and ROllR , Waltcr and Owen , of MaRon City , re- turucd ycstNday from Brown count ) ' \vhere they wcnt in scar h of governmcnt land. Thcy le l \ contests on three sections thc ) ' found that had heenoaI1l10111 ; \ by the former cntrymcn. . I " gditor Roy Barnard , of the Callaway Quccn , was a count ) ' seat visitor last Saturday. Boy was a candidatc for p ( ) tmastcr at Callawav with an Cxci'nt ) ) , I chancc \vinning out , but callie to tbc conclusion that the duties of both ofiices would maltc lifc .too strel1ltolt and dr.Jpp ll the , uncle Sam end. That fellow who remarked. a ' , -few daj' ago , that it wouldn't .do an ) ' good to paint the city lmll huilding' .now becausc the , wind was so strong it would hlow \ ) ( ) ff all thc culor , i only a hall brother to the fellow who re. markell lIlat the reason the building - ing Italln't h en paintell was oe- causc it wa. ; too \H.iI ' , to stanll up uUller a c'ut of paillt. 1.,0)11 & . fTuddcbrrrj' , repairers of hicJCh'aliI ! I nny Idlltl of machinery , with om l' ,1II1 ! laura- toril's ill thl' S 'curity State bank bloclc , have ju..t installcd a lathe and cngin ' , which became abso- lutcly neccssary on account of a constantl ) ' incr\asing demand for their timc and at tcntion. The ) ' are now prepared to pcrform all machine repairing with alacrity -and satisfacti l1. Dr. Bartholomcw went t6 Aurora 'ruesda ) ' expecting to be absent from home until tomorrow. Broltcn Bow has eeca ped the "grip" epidemic which has prc- vailed in m1ny sections of the count.ry. . G. B. Brown has resigned as postmaster at Lomax and Carleton - ton B. Crisman has been app01l1t- ed as his successor. . Miss Ella Brooks , superintend- cnt clect of Blainc county , spcnt 'l'ucsday in the city on hcr way froUl Beatrice to Dunning. 'l'he homc of George Herrick , about tcn miles southwest of this citv , was made happy last Sun- da ) by the advellt of a girl baby. I , , , 1-4ewin , the real estate dealcr or Comstock ' la < Sunday , came o\'cr ; t - day and spent a couple of days ttending to business matters in this city. Clyde Carlos and Earl Cooper left last Sunday for California where they will locate and engage - gage in assisting to develop the state and-wax w .althy. C. Bonde , residing a short distance - tance west of Callaway , was a city visitor Monday and 'l'uesday , visiting friends , paying taxes a'nd ' noting how greatl ) ' the old town had improved sin'e his last visit. 'l'he Eaglc Grocery Co. , has installed - stalled a llew cash register-onc of the niccst noW' in use in Broken - ken Bow-and when you pa , ' ca3h you get a tickct with tIle amount of Jour purchase printed thercon. R. ' 1' . Walker was an arrival from Hill City , S. D. , last Saturday - urday , rl'ltlaining a couple of Ibys oefore procecdingcaSl on busi neBS in connection wi t h the gold mining company for which hc is manager. . & William Warrcn , of the Calla- way vicinity , was in the city last Saturday and was greeted oy many fricnds who hope he wll1 again Je a candidate for the legislature. If he is , the chanccs for his election are vcry flattcr- in . ' On Monday C. l . Dcming moved to the farm he recently. purchased near Callawav. Mr Deming is one of.the pr g'ressivc. up-to-c1jte farmers who understands - stands farming as a lmsiness and niakes a success of it as an oc- cupation. 'l'he B. & . M. H. R. Co" has completed a ncw urick sidewalk across its right of way at the depot thereoy cQnnecting the ce- t walks on the north aud south sides-a stretch of aoout enc mile. Joint Iustallation of o ccrs , WorJlllCn and Degree of lIonor lodges. 'l'uesday evening , Jan. 14lh. 1908. Refreshments scrved by the brothers. 'l'hey cnll it a ' ' ' 'Pink ' ! 'ea" in honor ' ) f the ladies. -By Com. Last Monday , while attempting - ing to put " helt on a moving pulley , Wilbur Holcomb's thumb on hi : > left han caught bctwcen the loosely lacel1 cuds of the belt anc1madc thc circuit of the pul- Icy , comin/- / ! out with the uones brocn. ! 'l'he wonder is the thumb was not amputatcd by the sudcen ! trip with thc h 1t. HOHN-'I'o Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Scott. of lIalse'j } Neor. , a g-irl , Saturday night , Jan. 4 , lC)08 , at thc homc of Mr. and Mrs. T II. Jewett. in Brol < cn Bow. Mrs. " , colt will be remcmhcred as Miss P arl Jewett , former deputy iu the postofiice in tItis city and innumerable - numerable friends and acquaintances - ances extend best wishes for I ealth and happincss of the family. MIss A ah Bowcn , who was tal < cn ill last spring on account of over work at the Conservator } ' of lusic , BostOLl , Mass. , and r ' t urncd to her home here , has re- clJP rated to the extcnt that she will return there the latter part of this mont h to resume studie in music. Her innulr.erable friends hopc her health will con. linul' I ( ) ell aull cnahlc her to com. plete the cmrse shc had under. taken. IIcllr ) ' Hwlewho " was en. g-agl'd in shc"lIing corn fOJ Walter Cox , in Grant precinct , .mITered a scvcre accident lasj L4'riday. III reaching o\'er S01l1C c : > g- wheels to throw the shellel out of gcar , his clothi g caughl in the cogs and the skill anc' flesh on one side under his am was torn loosc. Physicians froll Oconto and Callaway were callcc and fourtcen stitches were takel to patch the .wound. .J _ . , - . . . ' , " _ . ' , " ' " ' 0 . , to. ,1 1"11 : 'l'he weather in this part of Nebraska has been so warm that nics hav 'again started to wipe . thcir feet 011 the 10ps of bald 'headed citizens. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mills , of Huxley , Nebr. , came to the city the first of the week on account of the illness of Mrs. J. A. 1 l\lge \ , who t8 a sister of MrR. Mills. lIon. Ii' . M. Currie and Attor. ney A. P. Johnson left 'L'uesday for Mexico , whcre Mr. Curric is interested iu a gold minc and Mr. Johnson will bc-if it looks good to him. Term of Court Next Month. A jury tcrm of the District court in and for Custer count ) ' will ocgin at the court housc in Brokcn Bow on February 31'11. 'l'he requisite I1Il1nb r of namcs are 110t in the box to enaole "the clcrk of court amI assistants to draw a jury to serve and will not be until the board of supervlwrs ! . the 14111- meet next weclc-.on - and supply the deficiency. which Clerk Mail' will request as on as the new board effects an or- ganization. . A Big Sale of Poland Chinns. I. In this edition of the Rnl'unr.t- CAN appears an announcemcn t l\f a sale of Sweepstakes Orphan Boy Poland Chinas to be he1c1 at Sargcnt in the Vandenbcrg sale pavilion next Wednesday , January - uary 15th. Every reader of the HHPU UCAN interested in hog's- good hogs-should consult this announcement and then-attend t he sale. . - - - - - - - - These are Lucky Ones. During the past week a number of Custer county citizens have heen lucky by securing two papers for the price of onc. 'l'hrt is they have paid $1 f r the Hu- PUnt.ICAN one year In ad vance and oy so doing arc entitlcd to and will r..ceive that excellent farm journal , the American Li'armer. The lucky ones arc : G. GuyleValworth ; J. H. H. Cross , Ansley ; C. Bonde , Calla- way ; Wesley 'fhomas , It. W. Buckner , D. H. Hilton , E. M. White , Gco. Laughlin , Broken Bow. Highlanders Install Officers. The Royal Highlanders , at their regular meeting Tuesday lIig-ht installed the following officers for 'the imming' term : D. A. Walton , IIlustridus protcc- tor ; John Henrv , past Illustrious Prot ceor ; J a1l1 s E. Wood , chief counccllorj Mrs. Rolla To\vsley , Worthy Evangel ; S. H. Lee , : : ; ecretary-1'rtasurel' . Mag g i e Wood , warder ; Rolla 'l'owsley , Sentr ) ' ; M's. J l1is. guidc ; Miss Hanna Lylc , Herald ; Car r i e Brown , chief archer ; Miss Zuic Holcomb , chief spearsman ; Mrs. P. A. Walton , 1st Censorj Mrs. Chas. Ellis , 2nd Censor ; D. M. Amshcrrv , trustce. . H. 1-4oinax was tIle installing oUicer. After the ceremonies an oyster supper was enjoyed in the banquet hall by the mem bers. Zumbrotn Zephyrs. Mrs. Nine McComas went to Mcrna 1as6 week to visit old friends for a short time. Walter Hall , of Callaway , came up this way last Wednesday to get his team of mules that have been in W. W. Bishop's pasture for sc\'eralmonths. l'h Cole boys attendcd the surprise party on [ "loj'd " Holcomo and. wife , on New Year's eve. I Bc mt're and comc to the entertainment - tainment to hc given at the Tappan - pan Valley school house on Saturday - urday cvening , Jan. II , 1908. Ten cents admission will bc charged for all above sixteen years of age. Procceds to go for a glohc. Don't forgct the date. Mr. 'rappans'entcrtaincd Mr. and Mrs. Bcrt Kimball on New Year's day. Mrs. Butler and son , li'orrest , accompanied by Mrs. Mentzcr , ; arrived . . here Saturday - evenin r , to VISIt at the home of W. W. Bishop. 'rhe ladies mturned to I4itchlicld ou 'l'uesday , but Mr. Butler will remain some time yet. Our distnct school is feeling pretly proud of a ncw "Inter- national Dictionary" that has bcen purchased for them recently. Frank Griffith and wife of the Bow , Sunda'cd at G. J. Martins. J. 1-4. Koozers spent Sunday with C. R Dcmings in the Bow. We are sorry to see Mr. D mings leave the Bow , but hcst wishes go with thcm to Callaway. Miss C. g Underhill helped her brother in the rcstaurant during the holidays. Miss Mad e Bishop returned Sunday e"enmg to the Bow to resumc her school duties after a two weekll vacation pleasantly spent at homc. - f . p . . _ ' 1" " , _ . - . ' _ . . . _ . . . , . - . . : Many Attend Revival. 'rhe revivil at thl. Chri'itialt church conducted bv Fife and son , evangelists , of Kansas City , Mo. , continues with great inter- cst. Up to Monday night the services were held in the ncw Christian hurch , hut on 'rues- day thc ) ' moved to the Opera Ilol1se-across the way.- where the ) ' will prooahl. } ' remaiil to the close of the meeting. 'l'ltis change was made in order to accommodate - commodate the large crowds that wish to atl < ' . 1Hl cv r.r night. 'l'he preaching is donc 0) ' Evangelist Hogcr II. li'if and in attracting and holding the attention - tention of all who hear him. IIc. . is always interesting and instruct - ' t \'c. Man } ' convefsions and additions - ditions to the church are report- cd already and it is expectecl that a large number wilt be add d in the ncxt few days. The tUu.ic. under the dircction ( } f'Evang list Clyde Lee i.'ife . , is ccrtainl , ) ' of a high order. Besides the main chorus , there is a Sun- hine chorus of fifty voiccs , an orchestra , piano and organ to as- sist. Mr. l.'ife . thorqughly understands - stands his busincss and leads with a vim and earnestn ss that is irresistable. He is being assisted - sisted by some of the best talcnt in thc city. Evangelist Fife and son arc men of national reputation and from the turn the mceting is now taking , it s ems that they will full ) ' sustaltl the good record madp. in othcr places. 'l'he following important subjEcts - jEcts will be considered : Friday-"Heartfelt Rcligion. " Sa turd -"Sanctification. . . " 'rhis sercc .will oe held. in the church. Sundav-ll a. 111. "What and Where Is Heavcn ? " Sunday-3 p. m. "l'he Woman ' 1'hat .Moved ' 1'0 ' ! 'own. " : : : ) unday-7 p. 111. . "Wh ) ' , I De- long ' 1'0 'l'he ChriSl1an Church. " Monday-II gxcuseg. " ' ' Ba . ' 1'uesday-'Christian ptisl11. Wed'sday-"The Holy Spirit. " - _ . D m ! ! : : m : lt ' . BUSINESS POINTERS.t t m mm Drs. Jj'arusworth & Beck- ' I Dentists. .1"or ! all kinds of good coal go to the West Elevator. 14tf Another shipment ot couchcs just receivcd dircct from factory at Konkel's. , Mol1ey to loan on choice farms. W. B. EASTHAM. -Furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent in Rencau block " , Go to J. W. Scott's for un- adulteratcd flour-puret' just as the wheat growed. Dr. Bass , Dcntist. Over McComas' W AN'l' ItD-S t 0 c k to wintcr. Horses preferred. Scc. 23 , 18-25. C. 1-1. CASS , Loyal , Neb. Money to loan on choice farms. \V. B. EAs'fHAM. The cclebrated Maish felt mat- trasscs , at Konl < el's. Dr J d ward Dodd one block south of the west corner of Healty olock. all callers promptly at- tendcd. 30 tf. If you have $500.00 or upward deposited in the banks of Custer countv that you would like to convert into real estatc , first mortgage coupons bonds , call at m } ' office northeast corncr public square. Broken Bow. E. C. HOUSH. Konkel sclls bow oack chairs at 75c each , the same for which Montgomery 'Ward charges . 8Sc and freight a ed. , New line of Murphv rockers just received at Konkels. Clean Secd I ) 'e for sale t the Wcst Elcvator 14tf. - . . . Motley to loan on choice farms. W. 13. EAS'l'IIAM. Another shipment of l ocking chairs just received at Konl < el' c1ir"ct from the factory at factory prices. - - - - - - Hemem bl'r Ken lel is head. quartcrs for chairs of all kind and prices. , ll-lf 20 head of Duroc male pigs fO ! sale. 'l'ops of 200 head. CustCI Count ) ' Herd of Uuroc.Jcrseys , John leesc , Owner. - - NOTICP. OP PINAL Itt-POIl'J' : . Islate : of A rth r D. Jlang-s , lice casell. Ir County Court Custcr county. Nebraska. 'I'he State of NelJraska , to all ) lersons hllcr cslcilin Nahllstatc. take notlcc. that Mag-gh lIangH. l xcclltrlx. has IIIcli a IInal account allli rCJlOrt or hcr allmlnlstratloll. anll alc tltlon lor IInal : .cttleUlcnt anllllischarge a ! such. a\1ll fur the 1111l11ng as to hcln anll tllstrltmtlon of said estale all 01 which have been set for hearing IJcfore bait court on I ebruary 13 , 100M. at 10 o'clock a m. . wben you Ulay alllCar anll conlest thl same. t l > ated January 0.1008. [ SUI , ] A. n. UUMl'Jlm \ ' , Count ) . Judge. \ J. A. Arllour. . attorney. ' . . . 1.'lrst l ub. Jan. O.H . . . ; 1'1I. . . . . . . - . . . . _ " , . . 'C' . . , . . t.-.l . I _ II I I Eagle Grocery. - 'No have Hrranged to have YSTERS our Now Years s\tpply \ of " oysters eomo direot to us fl'om Long Island Sound. rfhoy hnvo the saIt sea flnvor. No ice touches the oystors. Yuu et solid meat from tiS , and - not n mixture of ( ) yst ( rs and ioo wnter. Cull und exnmine Otl1' Oyster On1'rier. - - - - - - - - Bl olell Bow. - - - " " U " ' : po- I'1 ' , : . ' " " I' . - I'W " - L 17'M0.il7 ! _ I'W - , MEVIS " CO. , AU.lJ ! S'flL L : MOVING r1'1111 ] GOODS 'rH ] IH l.1\fThr. mNSl HTOCIC l\IUS1' .BE CLOSED OUT. . AT ONCE. NO'N'S YOUH 'r.rII 1'0 G.l rr BAEGAINS. l ' L .ll. - . . . - - - - ' - - . . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . _ . . { ' ! - ' \ wL. I " 'hI II ; .ti " ; ' . /'OI..eLl " ; , ! . w.j. . ' 1' , K'i . . . : : . . . , U . I . . . . . ' ,0 ' " . . . . ( . : ; . . ' Ii-1.r. . . . , . ! . ' . . . I" . ; . . , / " I , ' 10 ' ; , ' . . 'LI. . . .1. - . " " . . . . . , . . . : . .1.,4. : In.l. g' ; " . . j' . ' ! . . .ij. li . . . I. " rfl.jI.ff.J. . l. .i . l . jut. ; : . ' . . . ,1 . . ffl- o1t' I ( . , Wc IIOW lrr\\'c compietc fi co.a.L : U' ROIlmClIl lnllI\ 1. ' 01" " , . . . US follO\\s. ti'I , ! . . : ft. : . r.ltl , H.BAT4DWIN 14UMP MAI'I'LAND .f r ' , \ REX LUMP [ , ump , Nut anc1 Pea ' n ] AS'l'lDRN IlAI D COltHlDY Wi. ; ( II Ntt and Stove I..ump a11l1 Nut J l COKING COAL for your Undl'rfecd J urnaccs. Phone 79 l " ' " y" I C. L. Turner Lumber Co. ! I . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 'r.'I. . . . . . . . : ' ; I . ; . . ' . ' . ' t o ; , . . . . -Ii . ; ' . ' . ' 'm j . > 'fa ' } i . : ' i- : ' lit\lO" " lt . + . ' : . : , , " " c n..Jlam..r ! 'Y'm' : : ; : , * : : . , , , . ; ' ; .Y.i.'A ; . : . . : . il" . : . . kitfi6 " . " . ; i'D5i - - , . . . 1 : . - , . . . . 'V' . rl'le're's ] No . , , - , Foolery about onr furniture , either in its make 01' in its selling. We handle only. the kind that is above suspioion us regard materials and fashioning. 'vVe have ( wery piece or suite in the newest - st.y Ie nnd the prices wc ask-col1sider- . jng quality-shame all rivals. D. c. KONKEL 4..1 15'J. ' ' 1ft. The Cash G rocerv \ Extends greeting's of the scnSOI I and \vishos one and all H Huppy No\v Ypur . an d mnny , U111 H r ) ,0 , llt'ns. / . . - = : J. N. Paolo I Broken Bow , Nebraska