Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 02, 1908, Image 2

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- I
Defense of Honest Wealth.
I care not n straw for the rich nB
luch. My Interest nnd sympnthY nre
sOlo ) ) ' with genornl society and the
common man. And , spenlelng as n rep.
resentatIvo at the people nt Inrgo , I
urge that the pride , Illionesn nnd
dOllbtCul IlracUces oC few rich ere I
no just cnuso for putUng all rich men
In pillory. ' 1'ho possesJlon of woalth.
JlOwover great , furnishes b7 Itself no
presumUon ) ngalnst the owner's probl. I
ty , wrlles Pre IIIont B. nenjnmln An.
( lrews at the Unlvorslty of Nebraukn ,
fn Lesllo's Weokly. It a man can
frnudlesnly become pos easer of ten
thousund , he cnn , If he worles on with
the Bame zenl , sk111 nnd power , not
only as onslly , but moro enQlly , secure
n ImndrQd thousand , two hundred thou.
lmnd , flvo Jmndred thomnnd. : n million ,
hundred million dollars. .1ust he\'o
flnanclnl geniuses lInd opportunlt ) ' .
Now nnd agnln arises UII amid the
common throng or business men one
wllh the ability to uUllzo to the end
tllnt soml'automatle power to aet nnd
] eeep thla hundred million earning wllh
the snmo pre lslon governing his first
fnvestment. Ho combines Industry
wllh Industry nnd ortects snvlng. lIe
tokes advnntago at rivals' errors and
hosltancy. It bo becomes II. bllilonn.lro
you bn.vo no right to denounce any
part of his fortune , snvo UpOIl proof
of fraud. The mere fact of his bolng
110 rIch fs naught but proot at his
gonlus and bls Industry.
When You Put Latchkey In Your Door ,
When you put the In.tchltoy In the
door ot your homo , drop your business
or professIon : drop all the things
which have vexed and worrlcd and
nagged you during the dny : drop
over'thlng dlsngrceablo. Just sny t(1
yoursolt , "I will not nllow these
ahadows In my homo. This Is n. shrlno
too sacred for discord. " llesolvo thnt
peace , harmony , contentment nhall
reign thore. It you Insist on worryIng
during the daytlmo , do not drng your
, worries homo nt night. Do not bring
the blncle fiends which have destroyed
your pence In the office Into ) 'our
homo. Leave 'our cares and 'our
troubles behind when you enter Its
doors. The habit which man ) ' married
people have or tnllclng their troubles
over at night , and espoclnlly nt the
din nor table , III 11 most vicious ono ,
declares Orison Swett Mardell III Suc.
cess l\Insnzlno. The dinner bell should
1.10 a slgnnl for the hnpIlest tlmo at
the dny. Every member of the ramlly
should go to the table with smlles-
ench one should bring his best , bright.
cat nnd most cheerrul thlngo to It. No
on'o should be allowed to complalll or
relate hili unfortunnto oxporlences
there. The assembling round the din.
ner table should 1.10 nn occasion ror
fun and laughter-tho onemle or In.
There 10 some comllenslttlon In not
bolng a king It a mnn cau 1.10 n cnptaln
of Industry or a retired dlnmond mlno
owner. ' 1'hero 10 too much ceremony
about tbo job or Icing to 8ult the av-
crago mortal. Does royaJty never get
1\ chan o to relnx ? The Icing not only
must be every Inch 11 king. but ho
must bo a Itlng every minute. Somebody -
body whom ho has never mot , but who
must JI VO hnd n grim sense of humor ,
has proscribed etiQuette for him which
bo must follow every waIcing minute.
Wo fancy there Is some formula which
ho must snore by also. Even wholl ho
trwols In ognlto ho has to send nhead
a description of his c10thes and the
way ho SIells his nnme to the chiefs
of lollco or the cltle in which ho ox.
pects to stop. No woMer the king of
Spain took oCl hils coat and throw It
away when out hunting. The only
wonder Is that he did not throw a
l > rlck at the ler60n who reproved him
for ft.
Francis G. Blair , stnto uuporlnton.
dent of public Instruction of Illinois ,
has an original hlea. Ho thinks that
court hlp should bo taught In UIO 11Ub.
Uc scbools , III the interest of a knowl.
( ! dgo of the practical artalrs of uto.
Ho thinks great progress could be
made by having chlldrell take the
) ) arts of Priscilla , Miles Standish and
John Alden , or by fnvestlgntlng the
l"vorUko Qualltleo of Enoeh Arden. It
tlla1 bo doubted , however , whether
there is any practical need or this ,
'Most ' ] ) ooplo manage to get through
the difficulties of courtshll ) without
much Instruction. 'The Illinois Bchoole
would probably get moro benent 11
the boys were given Instruction In the
great problem of how to be a erand ,
fa.ther graceruUy.
A fashion authority sayt' tbat the
turquoise should be worn by a bashful
elrl , for It gives selt.possesslon. Most
girls , however , would prdobllbly prefer
to wear the soUtll1ro dIamond whlcl1
gives possession to some desirable
younlf man.
Plenty or Immigrants now goln ! ;
bomo to the old country In the steer ,
age could 1mny up In a crisis to re
Jlovo a financial strain more rea
money than could n bunch of th (
four.flushers traveling first.clnsi.
. .
. ' ' ,
- -
The State Capital
Matters of General Intcrest
. . .
- r ROM - - :
Nebraska's Sent of Govcrnlllent
Ih. . .
Expenditure of Appropriations.
C. C. Husted , recorder In the office
of Governor Sheldon , hnll mndo n com.
pllatlon or the Ieml.annunl ! reports or
the atato InsUtutions covorln a porlod
from .1\lno \ 1 to November 30. This
Is for one.thlrll or the period for which
the approprlatiollR nre made alld only
In a very few Instancoll hnve one.
third oC the appropriations been expended - I
pended , while In nearly every Instance
sUPlllle8 , such ns coal nnd clothing ,
Jln\'o hcon hought In Bumclent Ilmn.
titles 10 last throughout the win tor.
' 1'ho Indultrlnl ! school fa I' boys at
Kenrncr. with an averao ! oC 238 oC-
ficer8 and Inmates , slJCnt $1010.9 per
capita for mnlntenance , the largest
amount spent In an ) ' or the InsUtuI I
tlons. ' 1'ho SC'11001 for the bllnl1 at Ne.
brnolm Clt ) Is Iecond ! hlgheBt wllh a
per cnplta or $137.91 the Industrial
homo at Mltrol'd 18 third with a. Iler
capltn. cost of $12B.liO. : This Instltu.
lion hns 47 Inmate and employes.
The chool for the blind hns 84 pu.
plls and omployos. 'rho Insnno RSY'
lum at Norfolle , with 316 Inmates nnd
OmlJloyes , costs $119.70 per capita. ' 1'ho
Homo for the I.'rlondless and Ortho.
podlc hospltnl at LIncoln , with 119 111'
mntea nnd omployes. cost $ l1 .20 pcr
capltn. 'rho Inslltuto Cor the Feeble
Minded ILt Beatrice , with .f 3 Inmates
and employes , was maintained at IL
par capltn. of $137.91. the Industrlnl
In the list or Institutions. 'rhe Insane
asylum nt HastlnJs at the end of the
six monthfr had $6,038.42 In cash on
doposlt with the Btnte trensurOl' . The
Soldiers' and Sallara' homo at Grand
Island hnll $2,712.01i : nnll the eltcn. !
tlary $1,943.97 In the treasurr. ' 1'ho
cnsh was derived from the slIlo of pro.
ducts nnd IIvo stocle. Other Instllll'
tlOIt ! : have cIIJh : In the trellsurr ra11/- /
Ing from $9,1 to G 1.
ExpreDs Company WinG Flnt : Round.
The SUllremo court o\'erruled the
motion oC the state to strllw that 1101"
tlon or the nnawor of the Adama gx.
prOBS comfpany In n ault brought b ) '
the stnte to enjoin the comlmnr from
vlolntlng the Sibloy nct , which III.
leJes that the Sibler nct went lute
cJfoet August . As the attorney gen.
ernl filoll mlt. prior to August [ i. the
ortoct of this ruling or the COll1't ntn '
throw out the stnte'a suit ns hl.\'lng
been prematureh' filed. The date
wlwn the law actually went Into eITect
Is aLII 1 before the court. and Is It'ltal
point III the cnse. If the court tHrows
out the StlltO'1I Hult 'on the ground thnt
It was filed promnturelr the atturnoy
general cnn hegln a new netlon In the
tate court or ho cnn wnlt unlll lhe
federal court Ilasses upon the matter ,
the vaUdlty of the law ! Joins nn ll sue
In a cnse now pending In the federnl
court , filed b ' the ox press companieS' .
' 1'ho cnse In which the motion was
overruled was romulHIed from the fOIl.
eral courts to the slnto COll1't , where
It was originally filed. ' 1'ho Sibley nct
I'elluces rales 2 pel' cent and has
novel' lIeen forcod.
Title to SoldlerD' Home Good.
The tltlo of the state of Nobraslm
to n part of the site or the Soldiers'
llOmo at Grand Island , which ho.s been
In dispute for mnny ) 'cars , was quieted
In the stnto by the decision written
by CommllSsloncr Amel > In the case of
the State ngilinst Isnnc ll. Wnlter ot
a1. The derendants filed a. demurrer
to the ] wtltlon of the state. the do ,
murrer wus overruled nnd the parties
electing not to plead further , judg ,
ment la entered for the state ns
The parties who deeded the land to
the stnto In consldorntlon or the sum
oC $1 and the locntlon or the Soldlors
1101110 nt Grnnd Islaud , April 1. 1887 ,
hnve recently claimed to have some
right or Interest In the llremlse3 ad ,
verse to the right or the stnte. whlcl1
hns Jl\lt n clouel upon the Hlnto's title ,
' 1'ho last leglslaturo npproprlated
mone ' for n now ! Julhllng nt the homo. .
the upproprlatlon to ! Jo available ouh'
when the slale hall obtained quI !
clnlm deedtr to the landa In que : : Uon
The Interested pnrtlcs rerused to 8tgl1
quit clnlm deeds and Attorney GenornJ
'l'hompaon filed a suit In the supreme
L'Ourt and hns perfected UIO stlltO'E
title without the Iult clnlm deeds.
Creamery Service.
The state rallwny commh slon ndopt
ed n crcamer ' servlco order. Thh
, ,111 matorlo1l ) ' change Ule methuds 01
, ho.ndllng cream now In voguo. Th (
traffic to o.nd from Omaho. will 1.10 prnc
tlcally revolutlonlzod. The servlc (
order given out demands the construc
tlon of warehouse hi Omaha nOI
less thall twenty feet wldo IUld havh1 (
not less than 2,000 feet of fioor SIJ CO
0.11 or whleh Is to bo used for storhll
cream nnd cnns , which o.t nil tlmei
must be hnndled cnrofully. ,
Changes In Rates.
The rll1lway commission hns grant
cd permsslon ! to the l1urllnltoll tl
rovlso Its passenger rntes by ransO !
oC In Its mlleago caused b :
the now IIno from Milford , The In
crensed mllengo will mnlw nn
In the fl1ro rrom vo.rlous towns a
from 6 to 22 'eents to. places cast 0
Milford. The urllngton nnd till
Union Pl1clfic were gl\'on Iermlsslol
to reduce the 1'Oto on windmills an < <
pUmlS from I"alrbury to Jo'remont fron
17 to 13 cents. The Commerclnl clul
at lI'alrbUr ) ' wante. reduced rntes.
I I '
Searlo on Insurnnce Matters.
" 1 fllllH'O\'ell the plnn nnd I dflln't
nllilrovo It , " declared StlltO AUIlitot
St'arlo when IllIeslioned In regard to
the rumor tl1nt ho I1Pllroved without
the Icnowlcdgo ot Insurllnco Deputy
Plerco a plan to chang the Dankers
lleS'orvo Life , a mutual Insurance com.
pnny oC Omuha , Into 0. stoctt company.
' ' 'fhlsdopartment cannot po.BR upon
such a plan until atter It Is completed
and put 1111 10 UR. 'fhat will bo donu
nt the nnnual meeUllg , .January 15 , "
When asked It a mnjorlty of the
atocl.holdors rnn change n mutunl
company to a slock company , or It un.
1111lmous consent wng necessary , : \1r.
Searlo sto.led that the Jtatliles would .
bo ohoyod , ! lud that that qllCtltloll
Hhould ho nalee or ho attorney gen.
'J'ho pollc.holdero of the Danlccrs llo.
serve are hltterly opposing the scheme
o.nd declare that It 111 n plan of UIO
omcora to got entlro control of the
company by securing 11 mnjorlty ot the
stocle. ' 1'he company has $100,000 , bl1P'
posedl ) ' for the protection or the
pollc'holders , on doposlt with the
stnto. 'fhla will have to 1.10 ullod
down 1 ! the company Is atocked.
Net Weight Ruling Stands.
Until court ardor changeR condl.
lions NobraHlca food products Il\1t up
In paclmgo form \11ust be branded with
net weight and mellRUI'O or contents.
Au opinion was glvc.n by Attorney
General W. T. Thompson to Governor
Sheldon , embodying this view and It
will 1.10 followed by , the food commls.
slonor. It will maleo no chnngo In his
[ loflltlon , for his Interprotatlon oC the
law Is uphold 1n e\'ery rfSllCct by the
legal Iepartmen ] t or the state. Gov. .
ornor Sheldon nslwd the attorney
genernl the mennlng or the pure food
lnw with respect to branding puck.
ages. In his letter the governor men.
tloned Ule beller of the executlvo de.
partment nnd aslccd If this was cor.
recto T o attorne ' genernl says It Is ,
and In 0. Ion thy opinion , details his
reasons. Ho snys the IntCl'pretntlon
Is In IIno with the holdings or the
court , And whllo it Is more strict
thllll the ledeml 1)\11'0 food law. the
state lellslllture evldentI'cgnl'lled !
the nutlo.nal Io.w too Inx und made the
pro\'lslonS ! pU1'lJOaely.
The Standard's Assessment.
County AsessOl' Millar recenU ) ' visIted -
Ited Omahn to get some Information
concerning the Standarll 011 com.
Imn"s assessment In Omaha , to learn
whether the ! ranchlno hnll been as.
S'ossed In that countr. ntH1 to get lIomo
Idea of what SOIt of 11. return this com-
pnny had made In tha.t clt ) ' . 'rho corporation -
poration clalm3 that It main offices
nro nt Omaha and that If It has to pay
franchise tax 01' hns to IIn ) ' taxes on
Its boole accounts It must ! Jo In the
count.y whol'o Its IH'lnchml office nro
locnted. 1\Ir. 1\111I01' found there that
no book accounts had been listed a1Jt.l
Ulere wus somethln 11I.0 200,000 gn1.
Ions of 011 on hand that ought to have
been listed for taxation nlso , The com-
pnny was nsseszed for $100.000 In
Omnha , actel' havlnl ; turned in n S'ched.
ulo showing $57.800 , I Arter the stnto
bonrd Imd got 110no wilh the nssess-
ment It had grown from $100,000.
placed by Assessor Heed. to $113,390.
Work of Accountant.
When the board or purchase nml
SUPllIe meets In .1nnuary it will
have It state nccountnnt to assist In
buying geode and lool.lng after tllO
Interests of the state , 'rite Inw un or
which E. , Fnlrfleld was npIolnted
provides UlI1t In addition to examining
the vouchora , bools and accounts ot
the vnrious omcers , the unlvCl"
sit ) ' and stnto InstltuUo.ns , he shall
also assist the state board or purchase
( \nd 8Up1)lIes. The nccountant Is to
work under the direction or the state
amlltOl' and mal.o reports to both
audltol' amI governor.
Currency and Parcels Post.
In order to get datu to send to the
I Nebrnslm delegation In congress
Seerotarr Whl tten hils llCon sending
lout postnl cards asl.lng for the opinIon -
Ion or LIncoln business men on the
I Inl'cels post , the postal f1\'lngs baule ,
fedeml g'ual'unteo or deposits or nnr
I tlonal bnnltS and asset currency.
- Hughes Callnol Come.
GovornOl' Hughes ofew York. who
WIlS Invited to bo the 1ll'Inclpo1 spenIe ,
er nt the banQuet of the Lincoln
. Younl ; "len's Hellubllcnn club Fob ,
ruary 1 . 1J0nt notlco that ho had
pl'ovlously Ilcceptc.d an Invltatloll to
speale On that date at Broolclrn. N. Y.
Dr Giffen Appointed.
Dr. R. E , GIffin hns been appolntod
physician for the state IlenltenUary
. In Ilnco or Dr. E. I" Hol.olco. wl10se
term has expired. Dr. GllTon hns for
'ears boon the Ihyslclnn In Govornm
, Sholdon's faml ) ) ' . ' 1'ho compellsaUoD
. Is $100 a month.
Governor Honors Requisition.
Go\'ernor Sheldon honored the
requisition or Governor Deneon of IlJ1. .
nols for the 1'oturn to Urbana , Ill" 01
Clnude Freemnn. now undol' arrest al
s Omaha. I"roomau Is accused of D
, 8tatutor ) ' orton80.
Reese to Sit with Court.
, . The 8UIJromO court has requl'stoc
) 1\1. \ B. Hoeso. judgo-eloct. to sit WWI
I It Janunr ) ' 7 and 8 to hear argumenh
. so that ho will ! Je ublo tn pass or
, . cases submitted at that time. Chlel
Justlco Sotigwlcle retires from th (
f bench Jnmmry 9 and ho Is to ho suc
f cootiell by Judge lleese. Judge Barne !
becomes ehler Justice. being the old
I cst member In Ilolnt or 801'\'lco on UI (
.1 bench , lIe will IJreslllo ov r the cour
1 for the next two ) 'CllrS. ' 1'ho next old
I > est jUdge on length or 8el'\'lce sas It
tbo right of Ule chief Justice.
, , ,
, . .
. - " .
"Aro J'ou stili troubled by J'our
nolghbor's chickens ? " aslwd ono man
of another.
"Not n bit. " was the answer. "Thoy
are Itcpt shut up now. "
"How did you manage It ? "
"Why , ( J\'ory night I ] J\1t a lot or
eggs In the grass very carerllll ) ' , and
every morning , when my neighbor was
looking , I wont out and brought them
In. ' '
Whole Body Covered with Cuban Itch
-Cutlcura RemedieD Cured at Cost
of Seventy.Flve Cents.
" .My lIlUe boy , whell only an InCnnt
oC three months , caught the Cuban
Hch. Sores brolw out from his head
to the bottom of his feot. He would
Itch nnd claw himself I1nd cry all the
time. Ho could not sleep day or night ,
and a light dress Is nil he could wear.
I called one of our best doctors to
treat him , bllt he seemed to get worse. I
Ho surtered so tenlbly that m ) ' hus. ,
band said ho bolleved he would have
to die. I had almost given up hOIO
whell 11 lady frlond told me to try the
Cutlcura'Remedles. I used the Cutl-
cura Soap and o.lplled the Cutlcura
Ointment and he nt once fell Into a
sleep , nnd he .slept with ease for the
first tlmo slnco two months. After
three applications the sores began to
dry up , and In jllst two weeks from the
day I commenced to use the Cutlcuro.
Remedies my baby WIlS entirely well.
The treatment only cost 7 c. and I
would have gladly paid $100 If I could
not have got It cheaper. I feel safe In
saying that the Cutlcura llemodles
snved his life. He Is now a boy of five
'ears. Mrs. Zana 1\1 Iller , Union City ,
n. F. D , No.1 , Dranch Co. , Mich. , 1\I0.y
17 , 190G. "
, P05t Card Petition. ,
The Nntlonal Syndicate of llallway-
men In France has adopted a nove !
method of petitioning the president or
the sennte III favor of a measure
which hns beel1 wnltlng Its turn for
ten years. It has' had 400,000 post
cards llrinted and distributed to Its
members. with a request thnt they bo
signed and forwarded. Correspondence
ndtlressed to the IlI'esident of the sen.
ate docs not need to ! Jo stnmpod.
YOll nlwn 'R get full , "nlue in Lewis'
5il1 h. ! Hinder "traight e cigar , Your
ealer 01' l.cwis' l actory , Peoria. 111.
His Satan Ie majeoty Is l1robabl-
ashamed of some of his associates ,
\tabitu \ t
Mny be pc\\nat\Cn1k avc\'comc \ > y proper
\1etsol\nl ffO\-ts , . . .i1lhe \ 05f\sYnnCl'
bf t c ont' hu1r.ncJico.l , \Un \ ( vc
tC\1 cdy , Syrup oj ri and E\h\t \ nnll ,
w"\ch c\u\We5 01to fonn t'c unr
l\nMt oily So t ( lt o.ssi t\n'C f " " "
lute h\ he rnJunUr clisp'SCa . . "ih
w"en no long . . necd d 0. $ the kt : ; of
remedies , when Ye u'rcd ' , ote to aSt > ist
"C\tUYC n"a not to : ; upplnnt the natur. .
a ) func1ions , " , Mehtlfit depcnJ uHi. .
mQtc u n pro"om.june"t \ / ) ,
nT\pcrcffodc ; , < lurt ti ht I \ ' " & et1cr\lly.
ToglZt its bNH'fict\l cff crs , a1wall >
uy the gct\uh\E
5yru CJ'flgso ) " > } .El ixir1S nnQ
oneStze only , re ulat" In'ice 50hfr otUe
1 ' Positively cured by
: CAD'JER S these Little l lIIs.
Th < ' 1 " , Iso rellevo Dls-
InLE tre'l9 from DYBlepsln , In.
, lIgcsllon 0.11 < \ Too lIenrt , .
. V E R EllllnlA . pertect rem'
ed , for Dizziness , Nail'
PI LLS . sea. Drowlilness , n"d ,
Taste In the MOllth , Coat.
ed Tongue , Pain In the
They regula.te the DowelB. Purely Vecetablo
Genuine Must Bear
Faa-Simile Signature
PILLS. / c
Money Scarce
in winter ? Better turn yom
. extra time into cash. I pa )
$ ' 3.00 er daJ' . in cash , for gooc
- work , and supply all the capi ,
tal besides. Write for detai1
. to. day. This offer will not ap
t pear again.
ATKINSON , 102-1 Race St. , Fhlladclphb.
. \ '
. . . - . . . . ,
What Ie Going on Hero nnd There That
Is of I nterC'st to the Readcrn
Throughout Nebraska.
Rev. Ware , convicted of Innd Cra\Jls ,
w1l1 servo his S'entenco of ono 'ear In
the Grund Islr'.nl1 Jail. i
At HOfJldns , Bertie Judge was ac.
cldentally ohot with a mall rlfio by
her brother , Hem ) ' , the 1)\1llet lodging
, fn her nock.
Cho.rles J. albach , plonoor oC Om.
aha and for many yours superlntond-
ent of the smelling wOI'Is , dlol III
Sandwich , On I. , where he wau visitIng -
Ing his
Word was receIved In David City
by John Litty from DlllIngs , Mont. , an.
nounclng the drowning of his son ,
Fred Llt y , at thllt placo. The bodY
will 1.10 brought to Nebraslca.
A petition Ig in circulation at Ox.
ford requesting the appointment or E.
P. llelchardt as postmnster to suc-
cecd J. L. Lashbrook , whoso term ex.
pires the latter part or Fehruary.
John StevenS' , oC Grand Island , a
hacleman , attempted suicide III the
yard of one of the houses In the pro ,
scrlbod district , a mile cast of the
city. His condition Is very serious.
The members of the Congrogatlon.
0.1 church of Pierce have extended a
call to Rov. William Ellwand of An.
thony , KaS' . , to become their pnstor
and their Invitation hns been accepted.
As a result oC two sensallonn.1 .
In district court at McCook. coming
from the restricted district oC the cltr ,
the lid Is on tight and the mayor antI
entlro pollco force are sitting on the
. . 'Vord has been received In Falls
City from the Consolidated Lyceum
bureau cancelling the lecture course
o.s planned for thrtt cIty this wlntor ,
ao the jump from Chicago Is too great
and expense will 1.10 too high.
Brown county has no bonded debt
and no outstn dlng warrants. One.
third or the 1907 warrnnts were paid
In the last six weels. Lnnd that , sold
three years slnco for $1,000 has aold
recently for $4,000 nnd $5,000.
Special Commissioner John H.
l\ful'Jlo ! of the InterE ute Commerce
commission , who was sent to Lincoln
to take evidence In the complaint or
the State Railway commission ngalnst
the Union Pacific llallroad company
In the , mlltter of coal rates , vas a former -
mer student of the Unlversltr otNe- ,
"rho appointment of ilIIss Hattie A ,
Little as poslmisl1'css of the office In
Geneva , meets with general satlsfac.
tlon among the patrons , In fact. there
vms at no time an ) ' organized oPPof > l-
tlon to her , and It was goneraly con.
ceded that she ought to have the of-
fice. She had served seyeral 'ears as
doput ) ' . . .
Friends of Hollort Zahnow , the
Cumlng caunty farmer whose valuable
teo.m waS' stolen from the streets oC
Bancrort three weeles ago have tub. :
scribed to a fund of $21 to be given
as n reward for the recovery oi the
atolen property and the arrest or the
thieves. 'fhls maleos n total of $ 15
otrercd In this case.
The elghteell pall' of Hungarian
partrl ges ordered for the vicinity of
Long Plno nrrlved nnd wore distributed -
uted nt different points along the
canon. The birds created no IIttI
amouut or curiosity to people all the
streetB as the ) ' are a new bird Inhat
county. They somowhnt reE'emble the
quail. but are considerably larger.
The Nobraslca supreme court ho1dB
that the dralnnge Inw Is good and the
prollmlnn.l'r work was well done and
the worle on the $375.000 ditch to
straighten the crooleed Nemahn wl11
soon begin. Over two rears ago the
Richardson county draluage district
No. 1 was organized for the purpose
or reclnhnlng 33.000 ncrcs or the mogt
fertile soil In this count ) ' from orer ,
EvoTIlwlIle ( Tnll. ) dlsJIltch : John
Partenhelmer. aged 18 , and Edwnrd
Hnrvey , aged 19"wero arrested at Fort
Branch , Ind. , a few miles north of
here , on Informntlon received from
Fremont , Nob. The lads nre wanted
at Fremont on the chnrges ot burglary -
glary and grand larcen ) ' . Under close
examination Harvey ndmltted talelng
$25 from his at Fremont
and dividing It with his partner , but
both deny tbo charge or burglary.
A St. Joseph ( Mo , ) dispatch So.'S :
Fred Casey , whoso arrest 111I.5' 1JeeI1
sought by federal authorities for shoot
Ing to deatl1 Jesse Murray. Fobruar
I 24. last , nenr SCOtt'B Dluer , Neb" wherE
both were engaged in worlt on a gov
ernment Irrlgo.tloll plant Is under ar
rest here. and' ho.s bean IdontifiEat b
Mrs. Murray as' the man who Idllel
her husband. Cnse ) ' admitted thE
shooting. The trouble utnrted ovel
I Casey o.ccuslng Murray of stealing {
$40 chock fl'om him.
Two brothers named Ellis o.rrlved It
Dentrlco from Orlenns , In senrch 0
their two sisters , who left that placl
on the night or December 3. ThE
young women stopped In Dentrlco fOI
sovernl da's nnd purchased tlclcoti
later for Omnha.
'Vord was received In Deatrlce thn
Mrs. Gnrnett 1\1I8hchnlcle , from wbon
August l\lIschnlcl' . the Cortland farm
er , \Vas divorced , hnd been sontencel
to six monthu III jail nt Indlnnnpolls
Ind : , for using the mailS' to defraud
Hel' mother , Mrs. Vlolot Lancaster
was given eight months In jail.
- - -
The sll\'er lining to most of our " .
clouds Is only plated.
Nobody liveS' to cat , any more , and I
, onh' n few obfJcuro cranls ent to live. t
illost everybody cats to show 01I.
It Is true thnt public conscience haste
to bo wnked up pretty oCten , but whnt
of that ? Young nnd lusty nnd growIng - .
Ing things are bound to be sleopy. Il
Is the wornout IlDd senile that stny
In I < ansas.
"How dlel yOIl mnko out on 'our
run through ] { ansns 1" quorled the
friend ,
' . 'Pretty rougll , " replied the molar-
1st. "C'clone came nlong and carrlell
We machlno Illto the next coullty at
the rote of sixty miles an hOllr. "
"Whow ! Det you were shoclwd ! "
"Well , I should say so. While I was
plclclng m'se1f out oC the mix.up ntHl
counting the bruises a constable came
along al1 arrested 1110 for SIeedlng , "
-Chicago News.
More Practical.
"Did J'on hear' that the professor ?
had succeeded In squarIng the circle ? "
"No , I didn't ; but If he would figure a.
while longer and tell a man how to
sQuare his wife when ho comes homo ,
at 2 a. m. I thlnl the would have 0.
moro appreclatlvo audlence.-Kash-
vlllo American.
Oh , the FI ttererl
'Venry Wllllo-"Gee , yer 0. wonder !
HoW' did ) 'er mnnnge ter gLt a hnnd-
out from dat frosty-Ioolcln' woman ? "
Hungry Hlggills-"Doad ens ) ' . W'en
she opened de door , I sez : 'Gootl
. .
mornln' miss. Is yer mudder borne ? '
In Glowing Terms.
She-1\Ir. \ Wlmbleton spol.e of 'ou
In glowing terms last nlgM. "
He-"I nm gratified to hear ) .ou say
so , I have , always regarded lilm as a
fine jUdge of men. " .
She-"es. It was ono of theY worst
roasts I ever heard. "
"Lad ) ' , " said the tattered tramp at
the gatc , "can't yer spare me a dlmo
on a vcr ) ' mgen t collection ? " "What
do 'ou call an urgent collection ? "
nsl.ed the busy housewife. "Wh ) ' , rer
see , I have just been fined 29.240,00Cl
for rldln' on an oil car , an' I've only
got two da .s to get It together. " , 1
: \
"Of eour3e , " said the nnalytlcal
questioner , "there Is a great deal to bo
sal on both sllles of the quesUon , "
"Yes , " answered Senator Sorghum ,
"Too many of us are getting the Ide
thnt nil a public question is fit for now- :
ndays is to serve as the tOlllc for a
good talk. "
Omaha Directory ;
PEOPLE ! 1 ( '
Imow q th n or two these days ;
about life insurance , and are i
Ieeping their money in the "
\Vest. Insure in the
B. H. ROBISO , Presi ent ,
Agents wanted on liberal terms.
Do you want to learn itVe
teach it most thorough , filling
a number of positions every
week.Vhy put it off ? \Vrite
or come at once.Ve Absolutely
Guarantee Positions. u. P Railroad -
road wires and blanks used in school
work. Omaha Commercial Collegel Omaha
Want 2OMO ) Iu krat. nnll , ( ' ( ) mInk "t nnre , No. '
IAn : " It"t _ IS. ! : . " . ' . I"t. j"u , J Mink , J..r 1' fJj .
Write Cur [ lrl" " It.t ( III IIltt , , _ nnd CUn ! "hleh I. 1I0W
rrudy Tn " ' ' 'lld fulllllrurlllation cheerfulty fun.l.hNI.
Office and Warehouse. 513 50. 13th Street
IIcC.'renre Omnl" , Satlnlla ! 1 l\nk 0 M A H A
, ' "m'"l'rclal AI"ncle Nebr.
- - - . . .
Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SOr-k
Live Stock Commission. 154-156 Exchnntre DId ! : ' , . .
BoOml1hl1.1'leb , 32 Ycars In the Business.
Western Elt trlcal Company
wo CAn'7 & complete liDO of telephone. aDd t.lo
phonOCOlUtrDctlon ! maurla ! . Also moton.goneraton
IDrandeoceD ! lamp. I In fact , EV&RYTUINO ELEC-
TRiOAL , from door-belli to potier plaDta complete.
Wrlu tor catalogue. WE'STERN ELECTRICAL.
COMPANY , 411-413 South Tenth 8treot.
Omaha , Nebraeko. ,
1CaDufacturor ' "n" Whole.alen of Plcturelh
Frames , PortraltB , Art No.Yt'ltleB , end Glaes.
AgeDta wt.DUd nel7wbo"e. 608 S.131b SI. . OILUlI , REI ,
Do You Drink Coffee.
Why put the chnp , r"Dk. bltler-naTOred coltee In
JOllratom"ell "hou pure GERMAN-AMERICAN
COFFEE coltlDomorel IDlIIollhaTIDgll. Your'
graefI' nllslt or can got II.
rf.IlI . . : t41ir ; ; ; DENTIST
' , ; . , . t , lJu.blllan Ulock. N , t : .
2 : > ,1'1'11 In Omaba : .11.110011I
rorner 1Mb alld IJolljllu HI. , nUO < ! . . .t tretb , .1.1.01 vnhl
rl ' iITI , .17 Ifoli"\ : ' \ l tQ" If. . 1 llrfI : ; i !
. TIUt 10UlIb. . Urlng Iblll1d..rtl..meut with )011.
When In 0 M A H A SoP ! at the
Good Rooms $7.00 per Day
, .f03/5 at Reasonable Prlcos
Grain , Stoclts and Bonds
. 0) ' " 11 A. CoroUl1s 'ni cu . . m. N. y , 1.UoJlld.Oruah" ; ,
. . . . , , , ,
, ( 'orr"1ondcnl& ( If 110..bclld Co tlnelClnclnnatl
OhIo : fa t wlro wnlcu. Wu l1clt ) 'uur lIulneu-
111 w l11 ur win : . _