Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 02, 1908, Image 1

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    , . . \ . 'i . 9 " . . " . . . . . ' " , ' , " y , . . " ' . " , ' , " --r ' " ' " " " " " nt , . " . . . 'l" ' " , . . . . : : . . . rl' . ' . . , ' 'r',1" , ' , ; 1 ' 'JiT''r ' : j" " ' ) ) \ ' . , " " } " " ; : < < . J\f _ t < ! . ,
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If you re
, a Student
toke cne or'yonr eycs. Don't
tle lcct th first secmingly un-
imporlant s'mptonu ; of fniling
, eyesight. Wc wlft gladly cxam-
inc your cycs nlHI fi t thcm with
" glasscs cxactly snited to your reo
quirements. Chihlreu's cycs
should I e mos cnrefully tested
if there s ntl } ' hint of dcfecth'c
I c ) ' sigltt. Our work is nlways
cnreful nud thorouglt , ahd our
priccl1 lIIost moderate.
fIt f It : - . . J
P' - v- -
IN 01)R )
Everything is Righ .
. Our prcscription matcr-
ials arc thc , bcst that
we call huy. E\'cQ'-
thing is frcsh and pure.
The doctor di1'cctions
are always carricc1 ou t
with absolute accuracy.
compounding is done
with the utmost carc ,
and we chcck ovcr all
of thc diffcrent operations -
tions so as to Icave not
the slightcst opportunity -
nity for an error to occur
JaS. & J.F.8aisch
Brol < en Bow , - - Neb.
- - - . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . -
_ n - . -
: I .
. , . . . . _ _ ,
_ _ _ . , . , . .
- " :
' 1 " supplied with eVCI'ything usually
kept in a first-class grocery . \
'j ltl' , . i
11 " . . : : ; '
: : ; ;
We have the cele l ed Jacket weet Cider , the
. " fincst , ou pricc , . pcr gallon 50c
Falcon Self-HIs tUg Pancake Ii lour . . . ( , Ib packagc 25c-
; : J "jf Purc New Yr.l < Buckwhcat Flour . . . , . . . . .pcr pound 5c ;
\ . : Largcst-Julctest-Sweetest Sw'rl1a Figs pcr p"und 20c
, \ t \ < : Extra Fancy Pcrsian Da tcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 3 pounds for 25c'j >
\ Our Coffee arc the fincst grown-beaut1fu blcn..ds-
J ) , :1 : ' fine dnnl < crs . . . . . . . . . . . . .pcr 11 > , lSc , 20c , 2Jc , 30e , 35c {
. ] ; !
; ; f i
' ; f
! \ J . , eft :1.3 : C > .JtJXr , I
! \1 PHONl No.5. NOI\TlI SlOE , BROKE ! : now , NEBR'I
t . rJ'H.\lJl -
. ! J Pure Old Cider Vincgar '
L , , , , , , , , , . . . J\T.\lm : . .J'fr
, , . ,
< . . , , , . . .
I ' " ' ; ; ; ; ; " ; :1.'r.rr.IlmtJr'.II : ' : ! : f.I1 : . I n w.r.nnll'l'P ; : ; ; : qnm ; m. ' l
- -
11' i with thc grcatcst plcasure that we extcnd to our
friends and cUStOI11Cl' our Second Annual Ncw Year grceting.
A \lothcr c'de of timc. rich in accomptishmcnts , has bcen
adlcd to the age of the ul1 ' . 'crse.
Wevoull , ilulccd he foqclful did we fail to cxprcss our
apprcciation of the lihcl'arp.ltro.tlag'c wc have cnjoycd duriug
thc ycar and we wh lt to lSSlIrC mir fricnds that if wc have
failcd in any manncr to cn'e thcm satisfactoril.f it cannot
bc attributed to Idcuf \ cnd.a\'or.
We arc am-ious : to i'rf\'c you during the ycar 11)08 with
groceries and pro\ ' ; iom ; of llJc pure food variety and assurc
you 'of prompt ervice , jUfit treatmcnt and a carcful Ol1sidcr-
ation of Jour wants.
. We. wish YOLI < 111. ) Very Happy < 1nd Prosperous New
Ye < 1r. .
. I - . _ .
S11Cppard & Burk
Phone 125. SOt\th Side Square
. . . - -
By paying subscription to the
REMEMBER UEPUll1 IOAN one year in advance -
, vance YOll wil1l'oc ivn FR1 E
. . . the AMEIUOAN , B'ARMER 1 year.
, . , .J
I Official Proceedings
Of . the Board of County Supcrvisors
of Custer County , Ncbraska.
- tI
Broken Bow , Nooraslm. ,
December 17 , HJ07.
l'nrHlIllnt to adjournment of Oct.
nUl. 1U07 , the Connty Board of
SnN'I'visors met at the Court House
at U a. m. and were called to order by
the ( jJhairmnn.
'fhe roll was called I1nd the follow-
1IIg aIB werel1 "Presr.nt" :
No.J. . g , Grint. .
No 2-R. H. Welch.
No. 3-L. Cushman. .
No.i1.Jos , Fennimore
No..T. ) . B. Gilmor .
No. ( i-A. Fondn.
No.7-Ben p. Morris.
The Board then wellt into ( 'om-
mittee , york and at ] 2 m. took . a
recess till 1:30 : p. m.
The Board met at 1:30 : p. m. with
allmemhers IH'esent and took up the
consideration of the O. H. 'raylol' road
petition and , . . .itnesses' wore sworn find
testified , after which the Board took
up the consideration of the A. II.
Pracht road petition.
N. 1Gadd , oounsel fOl' the remon
strators , o jected to the IJlI'Jduction
of any testimonYI touching upon lhe O.
H. . Taylor road.
It was moved and carried tJwt the
objectioll bo overrruled.
Witnesses were sworn find t ! stifiod
and at 6 'clock the Bom ] adjourned
till ! ) a. m. tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY , DEC. ] 8 , 1907.
Board met at 9 a. m. wHh all
mem hers present , and resnmed the
examination of witnesses in the A. II
Pracht road case and at the cou-
clusiou of the taking of testi mony , a
motIOn was made aud carried , that
the matt l' of the A. H. Pracht road
petition be referred to the. road com-
Th road committee made the
following report thereto.
Wo recommend that this p.eJitioll
be .rejected and that all claims for
damages bo rejected.
.r B. GnMoRE.
It was moved and calTied that the
report of the committee bo acceptcl
and adopted as read
'fhe balance of the f01'enoo.1 was
spent in commitleo work anrl at 12
m. the hoard adjourncd till 1:30 : p.
The Board met at 1:30 : pm. , with
all mem ers present , and ; ho petition
of various persons of Hayes precinct ,
askihg that the poHing place in said
precinct be changed from the Hoosier
school house , to the school house
lmown as Hayes Center , located Y ;
milo south of the nw corner of section
33 , township 20 , range 2'1 , was then
laken up by the Board , and a motion
was , made and carried that the petit
tion be granted.
The road committee made the
following report upon the petition of
O. U. 'l'llylor , et aI , for a road in
township 7 , range 1 ! )
1\lr. \ Chairman , in the matter of the
O. H. 'faylor road petition , considering -
ing the evidence and testimony relat ,
ing to the sarno our committee is of
lho opinion that the public good requires -
quires the establishment of the road.
We therefore recommend that a
coml itteo of three memhers of this
board be appointed to appraiHo the
damages caused by the locatioll of
said r'ud ' , through sllction 36 , township -
ship 17 , range 1U , according to the
pIal an field notes of the Surveyor.
L. CusmIAN.
.1. B. Gn.Mom : .
It was moved and , arried that the
report of tho. committee be accepted
and adopted as read , and that the
road be and hereby is established as
' 1'ho road committee also made' the
fo1\owing \ roP01't upon the petilion of
1\1. \ G. l\Iont emery , ot aI , for u roud
in township ] 8 , range 20.
We recommend that this petition
he granted from station 1 to station
] 7 , and that the halance of the petition -
tion bo rejeckd and claims allowed
antl1'Ojcctcli as follows :
' 1'0 the owner of lho nX of the
no , % and noX nwX section 20 ,
township 18 , ran"e 20 , $150.00 , and
that a1\ \ other claims be rejected and
that the deed of dedication filed this
day by .Toel Blackwc1\ \ accepted and
the surveyor bo instructed to snrvey
and plat the Slme !
BI < : N P. MORIUS ,
L. CUSHMAN , } Com I
It was Illovea an carried tllat the I
report of the committee bo IIccopted
and adopted as read , and that the I
road bo and hereby is establi\.ed \ as
recommended by the committeo.
'rho board then took up the consideration -
sideration of the . 'os. ' Gilmore road in
townshilJ 14 , range 23 , null witncsses
were sworn and testified. I1nd at 0
o'clock the board adjol rnCll till n a.
Ill. tomorrow.
TIIUHSI > AY , mc : lU , lUOi.
The boanl met at ! ) a. m. wilh all
memhurs presont.
'l'he allplicalion of Chades ' 1'nrpcn.
ing , asking tint his son Greoly GeOl'ge
'furpening , a boy between 8 and 0
years of age , be sent to the Institute
fOl' .tho Deaf and Dumb at Omaha ,
, Noll. , camon ( to bo heard before the
boar . 'fheronpon witnesses were
SW l'II and testllliClI ro arding said
matter an from the testimony the
board finds that said Greely George
'furpenin is deaf and dumb , and is
between 8 IInd 9 years ol , amI 1lit
subject fOl' said institute and that ho
is IlImblo to provide suitable clothing
fOl' himself , alld that ho is a pan per ,
and that his parents and relatives IIro
nnablo to provide him clothing or
'l'heroforc , bo it resolved that the
board does adjndge and declare said
Greely George 'furpening 11 pau er ,
.and order that said Greely Geol' o
Tnrpening bo sent lo saH InstiLuto
for the Deaf and Dumb and his
tr.dlsportntion and suitable clothing bo
paid for by the county.
Also that the expense of his fathol'
in taking said boy to said Institute b
paid for out of the geneml fund of
the county.
'rho board then resullud the takiug
f testimony in the , los. Gihnol'O road. .
petitIOn and at ] 2 m. the board .
adjoul'lled till ] :30 : p. m.
'rho board met at 1 :30 : p. m. , with
aU members pccsent and listened to
tbo argument of counsel in the , Jos
Gilmore road case. i
The matter of the protest of E. Skiil- ,
ner and C. L Guttersoll , protesting the I
payment of the Standard Bridge 1'0..1 .
claim was then taken up , and wit. i .
nesses were Bworn and tet tified , after.
vhil ! a . . .notion was made and carried , I
that the bridge on section 30 , town 17 , I
range 19 , repaired in Decom er , 1905 ,
figured accJrding to ( : ontract for repair
work for the year 1905 , and the '
Standard Bridge Company bo required
to refund to the county any diffefUnco
if any , fomd : duo thereon.
The rid o Committee reported
that they had checked over the bill
for the brid6e in section 3 , town 17 ,
range 19 , with the contract for the
year ] 005 , IIl1d that they found duo
the Gountv the sum of $50.90 also that
Wo Standard Bridge Company bad
paid to the county treasurer the sum
of $50.UO and that they had turned
the treasl1rers' receipt for the sl1me
over to the county clerk.
1'he. ' Bridge Committee also reported -
ported as follows on the claim uf the
Standard Bridge Co. for $79H.15
balance on bridge work for 1907.
W 0 recommend the claim be
It. It WBLCH ,
It WIIS moved and carried , that the
report of the committee bo acceptel :
and adopted as read.
It was moved and carried to adjourn -
journ till 9 o'clock tomorrow.
FIUVA y I > CfoMU : n 20 ] 907.
Board met at 9:00 : a. m. , with all
mem hers present.
'fho minutes of December ] 7 , ] 8 ,
10 , was then read and approved.
It was movell and carried that the
connty clerk be instructed to make 11
requisition 011 the Statu Anditor , for
the necessary books and blanks for
the assessment of 1908.
'l'he road committee made the
f llowing report on the potiLion of J os.
Gilmore ot al for II roa in town ] 11 ,
range 23.
Wo recommend that this petition
be rejected , and that all .claims fOI'
damage be rojected.
BEN. P. MOHlns.
I \'e ommcd . that , the petition bo
J. B. GIJ. IOIU' ; ,
l\lotion \ malic ami secon ed thllt ,
the majority report be accepted and I
adopted. I
Substitute motion mllde am ] .
secondtJd that the minority report Lo
accepted and aIJopted.
Substitute motion was put to the
board and the chairman declared the
motion lost.
' 1'ho ' original motion to accept and
a opt the majority report was then
put to the board and the chairman
declal'Od the motion carried.
'rhe road committee also reported
as follows upon the petition of bI. II. I
Stupplebecn et 11.1 . for a road in town
17 ran gO 2j. I
Wo rccomm6nd that this petition
" " .
1. . . . 1' , ,
- -
bo 1'Ojected IInd all claims for damages
bo rujocted.
L. CUSIlIAN ! : , t Com
,1. n. lI. IOIU. . .
IL WIIS moved IIml carried that the
roper of the committee be accoptlJll
IInd adopted I\S roud.
At ] 2 m. the board IIdjourned till
1:30 : II. m.
'l'ho Board mot at 1:30 : p. m. witl '
all members 111'Osen1. and took nil the
consideration of the G. W. Burton
road in township 1 < 1 mill 15 , range
19. \ \ ' itnesses were swom and
testified after whioh the rend com'
mitteo made the folluwing roport. .
thereto :
Wo rtJcommond that this petition
bo granted and road be established
according to report of commissioner ,
roa to bo 40 feet vide , and claims as
follows against roa ditrict ! ! No. 1
lJonp township :
w. S. Hwnll , ! lOJ. : ( BOC. 17 , I\lId 1I0 . BOC.
: m , towIIshlp u , rllllO 11I. . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 .00
H. H. BrowlI , ! l0 suctlOIl H , nnd no .
Hoctlon 17. towlI hlt ) H , ranao III. . . . 2:1500 :
Ol\ttlo ohuto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500
' 1'otn1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . $ ' IJO
Goo. W. Burtoll.noJ4 HootIon lItOWII'
shIll 11. rnno W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17400
OnttIo.ohuto. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500
' 1'otnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ - : - ! t11 00
Hay O. Wntors. nO i 110 . Hoclion ,
township u. rnnll'O 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H5 00
O. U. Bennett , so ! < ( nnd IIU 1I0 1100.
UOII 5 , townHhh , 1'11111:0 III , nnd
HO } . Hootlon 3 : ! . tOWIIBl1iJ ) 15 , \
II.lor ! : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rl\uto . . . . . . . IS : ! 00
! o'or 1111111 tll { Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIi : ! IJO
Inttlo 011\1\0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 IJO
' 1'otnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : uo
BI N 1) . l\IOIlIUS \ ,
L. CUSHMAN , } Com
, J. B. Gn.MOIm.
It 'yas moved IInd carried that the
I'Qport of the committee bo acceptml
and adopted as read , and that the
road be Ilnd hereby is established as
recommended by the committeo.
At ( i p. 'm. . the boar adjourned
till n o'clock tomorrow.
FilmA r lIECElIUEH : 21 1 07 .
The board met at 1m. . , with all
o1Omlers present , nnd the minutes
of yesterday was read and approvod.
'fhe forenoon was spent in com-
mitteo" work. and at " 12 a. m. , tho'
board took a lecess till 1:30 : p. m.
I rho board met at 1:30 : p. m. with
'all members presont.
'rho road committee reported as
follows , on the petition of J B.
Morrisson et al for a road in town 15
rllngo 22.
We recommend that this petition
bo granted IInd claims hn allowed as
stipulated against road district num-
bOl' 2lnd / 3 of Custer township , and
as follows on the petition of B. .
r nrson ot al for a road in town H ,
range 17.
Wo reco\1lmeml \ that this petition
bo grantod. and as follows dn the
petition of 11. B. Chrisman ot aI , for' .
1rOlld in town 1 n range 21.
W 0 rocommellll that this petition
bn granted. .
And as follows on the petition t..f
A. W. Lammert et III , for n road in
town 15 , range 24.
We recommend that this petition
bo granted and dl\mages aUowed
IIcconling to stipulation agl\inst road
district number 2 , Delight township.
And I\S follows on the petition of
Peter Nordin ot nl , for n road in town
1 range 25. ' .
W 0 recommend tlmt this petition bo
gr nted , und that the claim of B. F.
G. Bamlll\n bo ullowed fOl' $175
against roud district nuobor , ' 1 , Wood
HiVOl' township.
And s follows for the vacatioll of
pnrt of roud numhel' 7 potitionml for
by Geo. WillIng ot u1. '
Wo recommend that this. petition
be gl'Ulltetl. ! ,
J. GnMom : ) .
It WIIS 1110 lOtlund carried that the
repoi't of the committee bo acceptol
und adopted us road , al ) ) that the
rends bo uml hereby are est. blished ,
and vacatetl as recommended 'hy ' the
'fho finunco committee reported as
follow , upon tho' application of school
district Ilumbor Hi for the trunsfer
of funds.
We your committee recommend
thut the sum of $300.00 be transferred - _
ferred from the school district bond
fund of school disttict numpor 1GO
to the general fund of said . school
district. . . ' . . , . . . .
' . . ' ' ' . ; ! ' "
'J. n. G f. iij1i 1
13EN P. M.OHIUS } Com
A. FONDA ' ,
. -
( Cullued Oil l:1st : pallo. )
I -
Secu rity State Ban k
JJECEMJ3BI 30 , 1907.
I oans and Discounts , .
- - - - - S ( ,7,231.10
Overdrafts - - 345.17
- - - - - .
Claims , Warrauts , I tc. , - - - - 'JOSO.i5 .
Danldng Housc , li'urniture and } i'ixtures - 5,000.00
C < 1sh and Due from B < 1nks - - - 36,08.43
Capital Stock - - - - - - ' $ 15,000.00
Surplus and Profits. " . . ,
net - - - - 5,812.05 . . .
Deposits - . - - - - - 96,931.4Ci' . ' . .
: : ; 1l7,7 3 45 .
We guamntee deposits In'.thls bank :
Jur.HS IlAUMON'l' , , J IIN m. MvltI S , J. O. 'l'AVLPH ,
- - -
. . .
- "
I. NE-D- .
. Broken Bow , ' Nebrasla' , . : . . . : . ' " ;
, . \ . ' " ' -
JEcr MI3Er3rc1. . " .190,7. . ' I
: p
" . . '
Loam and' Discounts - - - S147.52G.48 ,
U. S. Bonds for Circulation and Premiums 25,000.00
Banking House and H\u'nilllre - - 3,000.00 .
Hedemption li'Ulld wilh U. S. 'l't'I.'asm'er 11250.00
CaHh in 13anl\8 - - : o.ta.5- ! ;
I : : } 71,210'.45
I' ' Cash HCSetTC - - DO , 77 I. 1 '
_ _ _ . _ _
" $247 . , nSi. ( H3 \
. , . . .
' ' '
, : : . . .
Deposits - . , - - . ' - - SlB ,5S.OJ. ; . . .
Capital Stocc ! - - - ) . - - 2,000.00 ; ) . . . .
urpl liS - - - . : .1' - - - 25,000.00 ' , '
Undivh1ed Profits . - . + - - - H,4B1.92
Circulation - - _ / ' - - - 25,000.00
$ : ? 47 , S .9H.
H. Lo.MAX , Cashier. .
, . . ' . ,
. . . . . . . : . - ' . - " - _ . . . u. . " " ' " .U' _ . . . . - _ _ " ,