Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 26, 1907, Image 8

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    , .
" . . . , . , ,
't. ' . - . . - - -
. \ 10M' , o.&JtliIP' " _ ' . . _ - , - 1
Hf - - - ' -
' ; ' Keep Your Dollars
t , M oVlng
I' " tnd J j'otlr willler coil1 or us. '
' 1 : . , , . . . .
We hnvc in Mock thc
, ,
, Genuine Nlm er JIcii
, t , llllllp Rlld nut , .
. '
j i , . Coal Creek , '
' : i llllup Rllll ilUL ,
r , t , Rex
L\llIIp ,
1 \ . . . " .
i Weir city Fllrllnce ,
. " . , Hn't ' r AI' : \Vc \ terr lIni
: . . \ ' _ : : _
: :
. ; Dierks tumber &
Coal Co.
I' . . . , .
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i. , . , ' ' J. S , MOLYNEUX , Manager
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. . , ' : . " .zu : I Im'e tlu/'Iilll'll Jl willi ( i'tJl IICIV
, " , 1 i slQclt ttll ' VC / I ch'lI : all IIr,1 clallll :
I' , Ii" , ' \ - : ulllln\'flcthe patronalc ( of flwse In
, : , - " ' , IIIell of IIvcry fwrvl.e . : , l arUlerfl whu
, . . . . ' unhook h revhen tluW cLmle to t01\1I
' , . - : ; ) > .J . . , wl\lllnl1llllr \ ! ! t ams well takcn , cui' I ) uf.
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"Out-of-door. " with a STDVINS-
beat thIng 'or n growing boy I
j Learnlnr to. Jlhoot well Dnd
acquIring qualities of
I I . . , . & 11 doe JlT'VJ tI FUIUUlS EDUOATION.
I Ask' your Donler t01" Stevens miles-
Shotguns-Pistol ! ! . , InslsL on our time-
I rl ) lono\'C11 mn1cU' II" ) ' 011 Oilllllot obtl\ln ,
I . , " ! I .sblll dlroo.t , OXTlrl'AA "roPllh1 , ulon
, . ' . . . . receipt of CI\t. loK l'rICll. :
, \ . . - ,
- , ) < ,
v . . r" ' . I' , thN 7" " "all to know . "on the STIWrNS : I
" ' ' . . . . , , 1.11 " . . .
) ; . . . l..t " " < IIOral"llllullralod Calalolr. M.n.d
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I " ferfout . . . .0 < < - In llalol" 10 I'"r l'ootojtU. 1I..ulI.
i" ' " , ' I . . . , , : ' _ . I fal. ' ' : ! ' . 'f ftlU PoJqr'U&a JooI.IJ.d r-nlio fotO dr.Uon . .nil In for II. rour ' . . . . .
, . . . . , : 't. , - ) ' . .STDYnNf ! ARJ\ts . & TOOL CO. .
, . ' ' ' , p , O'Dox 40\17 \ .
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, . 'I' . TnADE MARKS
An'Of1ell8lldln a Ikeleh alld dC6cr1ptlon ma , .
I lIulcltl ftJoertalll our ol'lIllou 00 wbethor all
IIIY8nton II probabl , J''tolllab ' ComOlunlCA.
! tlonutrlcUreonlldouUuf. IIAHDauOK ou l'atl'lIl.
I , ' , IOlit .froo. Olden allell01 tor l curfolC pateoll.
! ,1'.ten takell tbrougb MuulI & Cu , rocoln
r without cbal'lle,1a the
fJ ' . f it'ntlfk Jltttttkan :
I ' I fJ : b RdlQmetY tllDitr.ted , w ' ' ! l.IraOlt oIr-
I ' . \ , . . " . .1..11 . . ot ab , . IcloutlUo Jo Oll , U A' -
"t 'oj m < KIthl , , I. doll ! tit Idealen.
. " , gur ; OW Ynrk
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. I . . . JJ' st.WaaWilCtOOId. ,
> " H '
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Be.t M'ethod of Obtaining Sound Dnd
Refreshing Gloop ,
. Rea ) fatlJl1o IIII1Y bo dlvldl'll Into
the 1IIl'1I1111 allil mUHculnr vllrlotlefol ,
'rho lallor Ifl Iloclr(1lIy ] the simpler or
the tlVO. Whore olle han O OV1'worket.1. .
phYfllcally that ono cannot IIloUII , the
first thlnJ ; lo do Is to learn to relax ,
In suoh 1CnllO the fltHt thIng to do Is
to take n. warln baLh , Into which a m- ,
Ue rock sail Ian ! ! IICon drolJllOd Lo cOlin.
ternct the wealOnln otrlct ! of hot wa. ,
ter. Thun Hhllt out every rny of light
from YOllr bedroom and 110 flat on : .
your bacle. Do not CIOBO YOllr oyelJ and
.thlnk deapomtol ' or"g lng Lo aleoll , In-
stend. devole yoursolt I entlroly to the
subject of kcoplng your OYOB opun , If
they cloBe , open thorn ; If neccssary ,
cvon prop th m open ' Ilh your fin-
gerl ; whatever you do , continuo to
ataro wlde.eyod'lnto the darkness , anti
most Importnnt of all , think ot that
ono lIueation only. In .about five min.
utes you will bo so BeOI\Y ] \ that no will.
power on earth. could lcoop you awako.
The ono cure Cor fntlguo , Is rest , nnd
, nfter prolonged physlcl\ ] ' . effort , Lho
parlInounl ! rumo Is to gel to Beep ] 1m.
medlatoly , anti to aleop WI long as pos.
. . . , . ' . " , , '
Drastic Action Evidently Was NecOll- .
sarYr and It Was Taken.
- ' . I
The Dule'B' Creele ( S , C , ) Index to
the Times recently came out with
doublo.lended edltorlnl a8 follows :
"Wo wish to ml\lco our abject alJolo.
glos to lion. Uezolclnh lit Kinney
for having said of him In our laat Is.
lIue thal ho 'fumIgates hl8 garments , '
What wo meant lo Bay was 'tulmlnates
his nrgumontll Wo have had our eye
on the printer ayer slnco he twisted a
phrase which appeared In an edltorla ]
or ours from 'full of Internal rotten-
neas nnd dead men's bonea' Into In'
ternal rnttlesnates ] and dead wren's
tonos. ' AmI as soon as our eye lit
upon this gratuitous Insult abOTe to
the Hon , Hozeklah E , Klnnoy wo
armot ! ourselves with our ropoatlng
shotgun , sought out the guilty party
and shot him down in cultl blood , notwithstanding -
withstanding the tact that the now
deceased was the only support or 11
widowed mother and possessed a large
and flourishing tam II ) ' . Wo wish to
assure the Hon , Hezolcluh g , Kinney
that In the future his Ilorson and his
speeches will be handled In these columns -
umns with rOBIJect.-Now York Press.
Life's Salill.
Borne day when you go down to
tbe shore or a largo body ot water ,
malto a lIttle st dy of the snlllnK vpa.
ses you seo. Ot course the wind
blows In tl1c snme dlreotlon over every
Ilart or the water , but 'You'll' notice
that Homo vessels go ot ' way nd
Borne another. This becllltse the a.lls
. arti , sol. In dUferent , , , aYBI' Soti your
lire' BaUs-your Ideas ] , pmpose's , eBU ,
'matos of what Is most Imllo\t.ant to
you-'i n on , way " , aI ' lJfo'8 xporl.
elicce ' wlll send" ' you & the rocks of
destruction : S'at them' In n dlrterent
way. and the same oxperlenc swill \
send you'lnto tb harbor or beaven.- .
Power of Imagination.
" Illustratingtho' strange power 01
tire Imagination , E. F. Denson , author
of "Dodo , " tells this Incident. A doc.
tor he ] mow had tQUllI ! It necessary to
give a pntlent tor'mnny evenings an
Injection of morphia to enabe ] him tJ
get some sleep. After a whllo th
doctor thought It advlsablo to stop tb
morphln , and tor two nlghta his Pll'
tlent was unable to sleep , owing te
great pain. On the third night the
doctor , being stili unwilling .to ad
minister morbpla , Injected paln' ] wateJ
Instead. The man alept perfectly ant
awolto In the morning with what II
known as 0. morphine mouth.
'Church Built by One Man.
SUvchall , near Coventry , England
1I0SBt'13SeS a pleco of worship unlqu (
among gngllsl1 churches. In 181
. . .J.Q .n qreen , , a , mason or 'a' strongly . re ,
lIglous turn' of mind , ] ald the firs
stone or the edlfieomc\.soven \ yearl
'la er , -completed' the building. 11
all that time he hnd no assistance , do
Ing .all the work with bls own hand :
until the church was rendy for Its In
terlor 'fittings , The building accom
modntes 11 lllrge congregation , Th ,
oburch' derives 11 consldernbe ] revonu ,
trom thQ contributions or slghtseor
who are "drawn to ttio pace ] by uri
, oslty. - : . '
> ,
. . " ' -
uRoo.'ter. " Barred In Waltham.
The board ot healtb'is dct 'mln d t
have Its rules relnttyo to the keolJln
of towl lived up to , as was shown
the meeting last night , wben n ma
living In. the west end had' his I1cena
revoked because he kept 11 rooste
which i contrary to the rules or t11
board. A mlln may keep a few hen
but roosters are excluded. It Is UI
derstood tbat the rooster In questtJ
was a bantam , but. In the eyes of t1 :
health board a rooster Is 11 ooste
no matter how large or swall he mD
be.-WQItham Letter to the Doste .
The Cutting Retort ,
I "Tou don't have to brag of success
declIned tbe big woman when sl
had IIstoned to the little woman's 11
count of'how welt she was doing wll
Iher work ; "It shows for Itself. " "AI
70U don't haye to tell outright or tl
decline ot lucceu once you. have be4
luccelsrul'J remarked lhe l1ltle WO ]
' . ' wko"had listened flratto tbe
, I'"alk ; "It ahow8 'In'the bltt
.tH with'wklch ) 'OU complalU ; or .
" \1Ir \ clrcI8.lBt&acH. " . . . . - , . . . -
. . " , .
. ' . . I' . ? \ . \
- - . " . . . . : ' ' ' ; )
. .
" . - - - - " , . _
! L
I C .11"w : I
Remarkable DI.covery Made In Frozen
Siberian Bog.
- -
, " '
Slxty.ono ) 'oats a o 0. ) 'uung Rl11slhn !
cnglnenr , Benltl'ndotr. SIIW till' IlI\'f'T
ICIIIL In Siberia rl'loaso a dead mam.
moth trmwn a l' > > ugo I'il the ho ,
'fhoro had hoen nxcolltlonnlly wnrm
wcatlll'r In tllo lIorLh of SIIJtrlll , 11I111
tht ! rlvor ; Hwollcn hy moUug ] Hnow
HIIII Ice alld Lorrorttln ] wurm ruills ,
HWlJpl Ollt of ItB 0111'ahmnol : and carv.
cd IL IIOW Olle , the lIoa vast
Ifllnutllles of It > > former 'Uauks and fur ,
rowlul ; u" the thnwln f hogs ever
which It rnced.As he mndo his way In
n steam cutter ngaln l lho clll'rent
Benkondorf flaw t.ho head of 1mam'
moth appear above the flood , RuslI
IIpon rllsh of wutor moro nnd 11100'e
r91el\Hed the body. Itlhilld lo s were
still Imbedded when ho lIaw it , hul
2,1 hours IIberatod these , The mum'
moUt hnd Bunk , feet first , Into a bog.
'I'ho ooze lll\d frozen over It : sllcces'
Blvo tldull hnd heaped soli nlld vego.
tntlon IIIHIJ It. Bono nnd flesh o.nd hair
were } ) Orfe t , 'I'hoy Becllred It ; they
cut off Ita tuslta ; they 11Iasected It aud
COllnd In liB sLoX nch the laat Ineal It
had eatell , young shootll of the fir ' alld
) llno Hnd mnstlcnlcd fir cones , 'I'hey
were aUIl at work when the river ,
1I1II'enlllng farther , engulfeil thom. 'Fhe
mUll oscnllcll , bqt the wo.t rlJ surged
ever the 1111lUlmoth and , carried It tor
carrIon to fhe IIca.
' .
Father' . Occupation Would Clkely . Bo .
. NewB to Lord C . re"
- .
"Tho 11110 Prederlek M Nulfy had oc.
cltalon , " Huh ] n Chicago lawycr , "to
COI1HIlIt 1110 nbont IUl InfrlngtJd copy.
right. Mr. McNally said , ho thought
there would bo no trouble Ilbout correcting -
recting this Infringement : The Ul1ng , I
ho belloved , had heen Inqoce11t1y done , I
The man who hud done It wus an amateur -
teur In publlshlng-unsophlsUcn.ted- '
Hleo n. girl his father used to toll about
In Irennd ] , This girl was the daughter
ot a Jeer Inan , and every week or so
she IIlIed to come to the village rec.
tory with a pheal1\Dt or a hare to sell.
The prlco she asked waa low , and
fOl' n time the pastor bought or her.
rrhen somel10w , his B\IIlIIlclons : were
JU'ouaed , 'I'he next time the girl call.
ed , 110 aald to her sterny ] : .It IN good ,
tresh game you bring , my d ar , und
your price Is nlways reusonablo ; bul
do you CODle by all these pheasants
I1nd hares 'honestly ? ' 'Ob , ahure , yes ,
yor reverence , ' snld the young girl.
'My rnthe'r Is poacher to Lord Clare. ' ' '
W re Out the Snow ,
MyoId trlend Crabtree ot the. real
arly .Oklahomn dn.ys tells this talc
about an early dny IInoytstornl : , lOne
day after many days of dry weather
a big snow came' and villI ted' , . our " ,
droug t.strlcken land. . .The fa es of ;
the , tarmers wore ull smllos" bOclluae
It m'ehnt 11 wheat crop. But aus ! uu' '
ohI-tlme wind came UII from the south
that blow about 40 miles ah hour U d
Ih : ted the snow northward tor 'JL d" [ y.
'I'hen came an' wi d
from the north that drifted It ba lt
. , south again. This condItion of wind
c6ntlnued dally until the snow storm
was blown and worn oul and not a
'snovflaco ] could be found anywhoro'fln
th cou 1ty.-Watonga Herald. , "
Streets WIth Queer Names. .
Edinburgh has some queery ] named
streets , among which nre .lacob'8 Ladder -
der , Gabriel's Ladl el' , Co ln land and
Cudh' lano. It . . , however , lu the
"closo" that this ancient city flgur s
best. There nr9 , tor Instance , Hole
In t11e Wall close , Llttlo Jaclt and DIg
Jacle close , Lady Stairs , Heave-AwRY
and Long COSCR. The last Is ono 'of
the shortest . of these , and In . that re. \
sembos ] CrooltCd amI 'I'urnagaln lanes
In London , the former being' as
strah bt as n die and the latter so
narrow that a vehlee ] In.1 t cannot pas'
slbly turn agalq.
- -
Valuable Dwarf Palm Fiber.
The fiber of the dwarf. palin-a tree
' . until lately regarded as worthless . . QT . .
harmful-Is devoolling ] an hnportaft
Industry In Algeria. Factorl s f
multlpylng ] , nnd to these the nallv'if
_ bring the palm leaves , which at' (
transformed Into vegetable fiber b )
a steam carding machl.o , auM thW
apun and braided. T o material hl :
the advantngo ever borsehalr Clt belli't
proof against moths and Insects. I
1st beIng used for mattreslWs , wovil !
products , harness and carrlnge wor
military 6eddlng , varlQus tlsst s , l\I
av.en hats. " . ,
. .c' Qijer Breed' Chickens.
"It do os me good , " said the girl wlu
has just returned , "to get back to I
country where they aerve a wholl
chlcleon , " You know then where YQ1
are at. At my pension in Paris the ;
bad chicken for Sunday dinner , Tha
Is , t oy called It chicken , but a 10
ot us were or the opinion that It was I
giant centipede. Everl' ' : , Sundny whli
I was there they put 0. leg In oac1
plato when the chicken course cam
around. There were 13 of us , DI ,
you ever see a .chlckon with 13 lego 1.
/ - ,
. /
The Measure of HI. Love.
: r.lIss .Homely.Utch-OII henrd 00011
thing . that would
I" , tQ.dny Indleat tha
Mr. Hunter slmpl ) ' call not lova me a
said hb did. " Miss
.c. o CutUng-
lb 'Good gracious ! bad news trom y u
l banker , . 011 ? 1
'D He Knew.
111 Lady customer-hI wish to teU y
, II kow th se shoes of mlno Ilrc to 11
If' .ade. " Sboemaker-"Ohlt I 1mo
IX. that " " 11 tnollgh ; largo. 'nllde ' a11
_ , WAll o1 tiildUluB rlllQd. tUu. ,
, " , . . . . .
. ' "
" " " " . .
; " , '
. , . . . _ . . . . , . . .
" " " , , _ < MM" : , " " \1 < ' , _ ' .IL.-
- .
-1.1i .r 1
Cow Caught by Her Tall.
Caught by lUr tun In the cl ft ot n.
tree , n cow belonging lo .J sellh Dlnko
of Oeonnlunll subslstell' without rooll , :
oXllellt the hark at trees , or drink Cor
five woolts. Whell , tount ! she wus re'
duced to a flltclolon , hut the II ht at
the man alllJ renUy InfurlaLed her ,
nnd with It lunge Bho hroko llCr Lall
off und churged her rcscurel' ,
Ho sOIl ht safety on the tOIl' of n
woodlilio a short dlstnnco away and
was Iwpt there for three.quarLers of
nn hour , 'fhe desire for food finnl1y 1
' ) jeCUlIlO UPIJl'l'lI1ost to tlw nnllnul ,
'sho WnJIIIPl'CII awny In ques ( of It.
, She wusfund ' ] ater , unll Is Imllrovlllg
uiuler cnre.-lortlalHl Orngontnn
. . - . , . . . . '
RUsBILln Flohtlno Gecsc.
In Hllssla IIILs for cocle flghtlnf ; are
unlmown , b t "goosolltn" ] some GO
years ago wel'o cOll1l1ion throughout
thnt mighty Itlngdom , The effect or
thlli can ho scen to.da ) ' In lho geese
which ure IndlgenOllS to .the country ,
the AnmmllB and , the Tula varletlos
lJt\rtlcularJ ' showing to n marltcll tIe.
groo Lho fighting characters of their
ancestors , The ArSalnllfl gundor hns
bill which Is entirely different hi form
from tbat or , 1110 geese Imown In any
Qthcr part ot the worltI.trhls specla ]
stru tul'o enables the bird 'to tnte ] a
firm crill on the neck or hack of Its
nntngonlst .
, _ , . . . I
- - - - - - -
EyeEurNose , 'rhl'oat.
and Chronic Discases.
li'itting of filasscs.
Office in ReaH y block.
Consult him If . you wnnLWator.
Phone 112 , , Broken Bow ,
' . "
I :
0. H. Oo'N B.A , ,
. .
. . . . . ! Healer In. . . . .
l'nmll. Wind , flUI1. , TI\u . kll , I"Ittlllr. : Gt1./1o'une '
tnlCln" , . . . .to. Nc.
HrokOD Hnw , Nohr"IIII" ,
- . _ , . - . . -
. .
- - - -
Practical Undertaker
Licnsed Ernbalmer :
Business phone , 301. Residence 334ll
U ol'eQ Bow , Neb ,
She's Cured Thousands
' . Given up to die.
. of CHI.CAGO.
Practicing A eopathy , Homeopathy ,
Electtic and General Medicine. '
, By request will vIsit professlallalh-
Gand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow. Jan. 16
rctll rlllallr every four WI'Okll , COllsul her wh. . .
the opportullltv. Iii at handt
DR. CAI.IJWEI.lJ 1111111s her practice to till
IfJ.eclal tn'atl1l0llt of dlsC3sell of the Eye , Ear
NORc , 'fhroat , I.IIUIlS , lo'el1lale IJlsealle"
IIlseases uf Chlldrell arl < l all Chronic , Nen'oll' '
amI HunJcal Diseares ot a curable lIatllre
I arly con8uIIIItlml. Bronchitis , Bronchi"
Catarrah , Chrollic Catarrah , Head-Ache , CUll
I IithH\tloll , Stomach" ami ] Iowel 'J.'roubles
RhelllltatiRnli Neurallrla , Sclotlc.Irllhts' ,
Disealie , Khhl"y Dls"ases , Diseases of th ,"r alld Jllah1er , Dlzzilless , Nervouslless
IlIdhrestloll , Obesity. . . lnlerupted Nutrition
Slow Gr "th III Chlldr".I , ami all waRlhl1
Diseas..s . 111 adults. Deformities , Clu\.feel
Curvallture of tb" SJhle , UlSeases of the Brain
Paralywls , Epl1eps ) ' , Heart Disease , DropHY
Swelllnit of the 1.11111.08 , StrIcture , Opell HoreR
Pal II III 1he Balles , Grauular 1 lIlarlrlll1lellts alii
all 101l1l"8tal\lllllll' diseases prof1lJrty treated
.Plmples , JI 10 hlli1J8 , 10 : n\J > tlolI s , I.lver SpOI
Valllllu uf tllo Hall' . } ! all COIII"lexlou , CZCIltl
'l'broat Ulcerll , Uone Pains. Bladder 'l'rouble
Weak Hack , Bnntlllll' Urine , Passlnll U , III' '
too often. 'l'ho elTects of cOllstltutlonal flick
ness or tlie taking' of too lIIuch InJurlou lIIedl
cine recch-"s searchhlltl'eatment , 111'011I1'
relief Illld a cure for lICe.
Dlse.\sell of WOllum. Irrelrular Meustratlou
I.'allllll : ' of the Woutb , n"arhlll' VOWII Palus
lo'elllale VlsJllacemonts I.ack of Sexual 'l'Ollf
I.eucorrhel : , Sterility or 1I\rrenll"Rs , OlltiUl
Vr. Qaldwelll1nd she will sllow them tllo ca\1S
of their trollblo am1 the woy to becollle cllred
aUlI eularll'ed tlands treatcd with the ! Jnt
cutl\neoullnJectloll IIletllod , absolutp1Y wlt
out 11alll and wl1hout the 10811 of a drol' 0
bloud , Is onll of her OWII dIscoveries alld I
, really tbe 11I081 sclentltlc add certaluly sur
curD lUe1ltod of thlll all vl1nced ail' ' ' . Dr. Call
well Ita" lracllccll bel' "rofesslou In 11011I11 ( J
lbe lar"ellt b08pllale8 1hroulrbout the coulltr )
Sbe bas no sut'erlor In treathlll' alld dlalfno.
IIII' of dlsea"es , Iteforolltle . "tc , She hal
lately oJ1Clled all officu In Omaha ,
where aile will , spend a portloll of eacb wee
treatht ! : ' her lUallY patlellts. NO IIIcurabl
cases aecelle,1 for treatment , ColIsultatlOi
examlllMlolI amI ad\'lce , olle dollar to tbO !
Dr. , Ora C ldwelJ & .Co. ,
Omaha , Neb- : : _ ' Chicago , III
Addresll all ulaU to 10-4 Dcc DuUdldU' . Omal !
\ : '
, ' , " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' '
_ . .
' .
r I I' " I .hi
The Weigh of
the Coal Dealers
110es 1I0t nlwollIIeou , " 011 conl'l even if
it : he Tun weight , 'rltls is It joke in Ihe I
trade , hut tt , uo jokc0 the consunler
who p:1)'fI : for i "oil conI" 01111 chl teu to
hycnly per cent ( lht l1Iul ruhlJlsh lIIixcll
in , If you hllY ) 'onr coal ( rom \III you
. et nll coal , fu ) ] weight and the hest , '
i wd.screeuel ) coal ohtainohle without
I pAying fnncy prices ,
Lumber & Coal
. Son tll side.
, ,
- - -
J. A. ARMOUl ,
. . f . '
Attorney at Law.
Broken Bow'Neur.
Uavhllr jllRt hall r.llI'lIt years practical cxper
'Iellce af ! Coullly JlldR'e , wlll'lI'lve special aUen
tloll to.tho drawl IIII' and probatlllll' or wills allli
tilt ! allmlllistratioll of e lalr.s IIf lIecease.1 Jler.
ROilS allllll1lnor& . Write III' phollllll1e. I Jltay
ave YIIII p trip , '
. . . Winter Tourist excursion rates tlJ
FOIida ] , to t:1 : < : Gulf country , 1111 to
Southwestern and Cubnn resorts ,
Chenp rate Excutsi011S thej first And
third Tuesdnys of December to K n.
, , sas , OklahomA , th ( > , Gulf country ,
Colorado , Utah , Wyolniug , Dig lIorn
Basiul l\Il.Ilana and the\v st ,
Ask your nearest agen , or'Write the
, undersigned.
, -
We help you buy lau . Personnlly
comlucied Inudseekers excursions il ]
charge of D. Clem Deaver , are rUlJ
on the first 11I111 third Tuesdnys il1
December to the Kinkaid free lalH1
district ill Norlhwest Nebraska , tc
Dig 1I0rn Basin , and to Yellowstom
Valley near nillings , Montana. Pul
) 'our money in land and let us help
vou find locations at the early Ami
. ground floor prices ; you cnn home ,
Rteat1 unlter the Govenunent ditch ,
or take up tnud under the Carey ncl
at 50 cents per I1cre plus the cost oj
wnt r. There is 110 sectioll of th
West n more nctive nnll certnir
irrigation ( lcvelopmellt thl1l1 the nif
110m Unsin , Write D. Clem Denvtr ,
General Agent Landseekers Infer ,
llmtion Bureau , 01ll3hl1. No chnrgl
i for his serces. .
( Ticket Agent )
I . W , WAKELEY , G. P. A. ,
( Omahl1 , Nebraska , )
. .O" . , c : ( " " .crJrJ-
fC '
. F. . . . ' . U . . - A. YES ,
J ewe1er and O tician I
West SIJ Square , I
Broken Bow , S
Nebraska. i
. Ii i I
, a c
fbccc ) ( ooor xx JO'
. . "H Dead HeRded 1& ; ) . . . . . . . . .
( 'Ipl""O" fiN It No. ' 1t7OJ ,
J.G. RENIZ iR , Ureeaec l
Pare Scotch : \nd Scotch Topped SlIort 1101'
Cattle. Ny herd nUlllbers 40 cows. Will con
I13re In bre"llIlIlI' I\lhl quality with any weRt (
Chlcallo Ny experience haB tau < < ht mo t\l:1t \ I
II'I\'e ll00daatlsfactlon , breedlllil cattle mnlt t :
ralltedl. . tll'H altltnde. I expect t
ra'8etb a Ilere the equAl of au.tllin
rahled luthe U. S. Illow bave25 bulla Bultabl
for &hlll add next year's senlce. Ny co" ,
wellrb from 1400 to 2000 poaodl. Come aDd .1
tbep .
. - .
- . . . - . . . . . . .
fT < ' ' ' . " - - - -r
' ; - ' ' " ' "
: ( (
: )
" /
, - , ' .
: )
LEGAL NOTl ia. : . -
. . ' . .
\ L
. i
NOTICf } Fen 'I'AX DEI V. \1 \
CI rtlllcateM Nos. 311s and :1III : \ ,
' 1'0 ' 1'111 : MU callne Mortgage and 'l'rult COl. .
pany : ,
You are herehr notlllcl\ that on No" , 0 , . J
1005. I. , A , WIKht llUrcha cd at 11\Ihll0 Halc , .
for taxe" for the vear 1\1\11 , the fOIlQwlnK , te-
Ncrlbell tract of land , to.wlt : . .
'I'he Norlhwct ! ! of Routhwl.t ! 4' nf Scc.
lion \I , ' 1'oWI1'1hlllll : N. . H nKc 2" 'V. . alu1 the
the Bast \ of HOlltheaNt of Section :10 : , anll
till' Northea t . . of North ast of Section
:11 : 'l'ownNhll' 20 N. . Hange 20 W. . III Wcst
l'lIlon PrecInct , CIIte ! ' count ) . Nebraska ,
SaId 1\lld : waN taxel\ lit the naUle of Musca'
tlnl'Mtg aud 'l'rllNt Co ,
'J'hc tlmc of rCllcmptioll will Allrll ,
10. JI III , whell tax dl'I'.1 will he al'lll CII for ,
IJalt'tVeccmhcr \ I J , 1\101 \ , ' .
l"lrMtlJ\1b \ 12..2/j,11j / 3l L. A , WIG Il'l' ,
, '
SUMMONS 11'1' l'U\ITNl'ldN \
In I > Islrll't Court oC CIINter Olllltr , Nc raska .
Cornellul'l ' ' , 'l'h rne1 1'lallltlCf , .
. lIttJ : O. Bemis , ( 'ta1. , cfcndantM ,
Thcdefel1dtntlAlice U. ! lcmlli. Albert 0 ,
Hcmlll : , Horace B. Ilng anll John Doc ( wholle
other and truc name Is IIl1known ) , will take
notice that on 1 > ( ! cember IllthII(1 \ ( / ' the Plain.
tiff CornelluH I' " 'l'lerney lUell hi ! ! petition In
th Jlstrlct Court ofCultercouutyNebraska
agaillst ) 'ou alld each of j'OU , as dcfcndentll ,
the object antl1Jrayer of which arc to , fore
close a cerlaln tax certillcate I slled by the
lmllt 'l'reasurer' salu CUllter : county 'Oil
ScPttlI11Jer . : . " 'th , 1005 , of widell the \llaluUff \ ts
now' owner anll hohler for the flU ) ) ) of 1\1:1.60 \ :
allil coverIng the follolVlhl 11escrlbed llrC'
mlllcs : tlituatellln Custer lount , , Nehratlka
to wit : ' ,
'l'hc W , ! of the S. W. U of block' II of the
LewlH addition to Jll'okclI Bow , : uuullon
which has bcen 1'all1 I1l1blll'llucnt tax" as
follows :
On September 2\lth \ , 1005 , Gi celltfl for the
ycar 11JO : > .
On May 1st , WoO , ( U tellts for the :1'ea1' : 11(1 [ ( : ;
On ! IIay IlIth , 1\1117..6:1 : cents for the year IOI. ( ) !
_ Bach of which alloltllt ! ! drawH 20 per cent
lntereHt for theIr res\lccthe \ l1ates , all or ! , I
whIch 2s .Iue allll , ,
Plaintiff prays UII\lall1 \ of fore clouse of
said certillcate Illlllrecelptli and ! lale ( If said \ ' \
prcmlses UI saWlf ) ' thc amount fOllnd dlle
allll for ! ! lIch other 'anl1 further relief as
may be just allll.cllllitable.
You arc requlrcII 10 answer lIalil : petition \
011 or Ilcfore l\Iolll1ay. the 1llh : tlay of Jan\ ! .
ary. tOt ' ! . , . "
Dated Decemller IH , 11101 , ,
, COIINI r.IUS P. 'l'UmNBY , '
lIy SIMON SAmmoN , Attof'1t' ' ) . I , I
IllOB 1' OIt SUppr.ll S
NO'J'ICN 11:1 . . . . .
: hcr..t.y gIve. that sealed pro.
posals will be Iccel ved by the IInderlgnell ! , \
CounlY Clerk of CUllter : COllnty , Nebraska . '
U1J to 12 o'clock-Ullon-of the Flrt day of
January. Nineteen hunllretl and BIght ( lOOt ! )
tur furnIshing tilt : followIng sllpplles for
ClIster couutYl or so much'thereof as IIlIall : J.
required for tne usc of the county dut'llIg .
the : tOO ! ! . .
AI reLr & must be accoll1lanled by a. certl. t
lied check I ) ) the amount One hundred del ,
lar ! ! ( If I 00.00) all a guarantee that If awarded
contract the bidder will enter Into wrItten '
agreement anti gIve propcr bOlld for lI1e I
faltliful Ilerformance of thc rt'fllllreUlcnts
All goods and sUllplles to be laid down at
the court hOllse In the city of Broke II How ,
Nebraka ! , at the IJrlcell-bl : , }
'l'he rIght to reject allY and all bldil Is
reservel\ \ .
fJ-B quIre Tax I.t"tH
l-Squlre Chaltle : Mortgage Index f
I I-H quire 'l'rial Docket -
I I-I ! quIre Treaflurer'H Cash Book .
I-I ! quIre General Ledger /
1-400'lage Ledger Loose.Leaf Deed Hecord ' Loose.Leaf Mortgage Hecord .1
All nle above EIght 8) quire books to be
! lpeclnlly ruled and pJntell as IJer order of
the county ontclals uslllg them , bll\der to "
submit Bamlle of style aud bindIng of the
I.oosc.Leaf Deed and Mortgage Hecords that
I heJroposel to furnish.
'f \ 1C paver In all the a.bove descrIbed books
to be ( it the best quality-Byron Weston
I.edger palJer IIr somethIng of equality-ail
to IIC of the "er ) " best bindIng with patcnt ,
backs. ,
JlLANKI , STA'flONEItY , & ' 1'0. "
roe Examination Application Ulanks. per 100
8000 } o xamlnatlon SheCtll : , single fl1lee , ab.
fltract IJaper , seven line prInted lead. (
per 1000 -
3OOO 'eacher's Monthl ) " Hcports"pcr 1000
:100 : 2-pa'g'c I.egal Blanks , any form full blze ,
, IJer 100 ,
, :100 : : . ! .page Legal Ulallkll , any form , size ,
per 100 f \
. 300 I.egal Ulanks , an ) " form , M sIze , ,
per 100 ,
I 200 pcclal Form lllanks , per 100 '
I roe olle 'l'ownshlp Plat ! ! , scale 1.lnch to mile \
II roe 10ur per 100 'J.'ownshlp l'lats , scale ' t.lnch to Ule I
mile , 1Jer 100
11 OOO Note Hetds , best , 11rlntel\ 11.1 , IJer tWO
I5UOO Note Heal\M , best , llrlnted,7-lb , per 1000
1 oo Letler Heads. best , 11rlnted , 10-lb , ller
1 oo Letter Heads , best , prInted , , slxe , " \
IJer 1000 \
IWOO I nvelopes , best , } lrlllted. Oln , per tOOO I/o
rwoo Envelopes , est , printed , 61ln , per 1000
1 oo l nvelopes , best..prln ed , 11n , per 1000
IWOO l nvelope ! ! , best. IJrlnted , lUlu. per 100' )
15000 Bn"c10pe ! ! . best , printed. tl\n \ , per 1000 ,
: ,00 Blotters , .lxllI" ! 120 Ib , per 100 .
WO Ucvcrslble Vocument Envelopes , ! ilze
.11 , 1Jlaln. per 100
roe Heversable Document Envelopes , blze
1IIIrinted , per 1000
roe Heversablc Document. . Envelllles , lIizc
10 , plaIn , I'et" 100
roe Heversable Document Envelopes , sIze
10 , printed , IJerlOO .
100 Document } o nvelopes. size 10 , lIledal
11rln ted form , pel' 100
IU Ueam best legal ails tract , 10 Ib , per ream
10 Hearn best legal cap , H Ibllel'1'cam
10 Iteam best t"ewrlter p er , per ream
Iteam best rccord paper , per ream
II Gross Pyr mld plnslarge. per gross I !
S Gross P"ramldlJlns , Hmall , per grosH ' .
IDoz. . Hoxwooll Hulen" bralllll : : faced , 121n.
- Dol. . 1l0xwoOlHUler ! ! , brass faced , 181n.
each '
I doz Uubher Huler , 12.lnch , each
: ! Q : CljPpll.uookll : , with envelopell'gen : ; , elec.
lion , pcr ! ! et. . .
! ! ets Poll Books , with cnvelopes , Primary
election , 11er set
100 Cards ot Jnstrucllonl to yoters , pel' 100
7000 Olllcial lIallots , general election , per tooo
1000 SaUtl.le lIallot& , general election , l"r \
liNN I ,
7000 Omclal lIallots , prlmar ) " election , l , r .
1000 r. .
2 gross 1 lectloIlPenclis. per gro s ,
200 School Vlst. 'l'reasllrar's Hecclts , dupll-
catl ! amI url lnal , nUllbered , perforlt.,1
and bouud
200 Hedemptlon certlUcahs , 11l1pllca\e and .
original , numbered , llcrforate41 a\ll1 bOllnd.
200 'J'ax Sale Certillcates , original anllllIl1'11-
cate , lIumbercd , , ! a\lll 1101111I1
2 gross Aaron'/O \ IllIel Pens , Nil , : " > 7 , per
2 gross Spencerian Pens , an ) " No. Iler grol
2 gross I.eon baac ! ! Ulucillum l'el\s , No.I : ,
per gross
12 quarts Diamond 111I" per ( lUart
I quart Crlmsonlnk..per quart
I doz fJ.'ypewrlter l rasers , llcr 1101. .
I do1. l aber'slnkIId Pencil Jorasp.ra ; , best ,
per doz
. I gl'OSS Wood anl\ Cork PCll HOlders , per
I doz Hubber Pen HOldersller dozen
I gros ! ! Vlxon's Cahlnet Pencils , ller groll'
I' grosll } o berhard I.'aber l'cnclls , No. II : ! , ller
gross .
2 grolls : Faber Pencils , No. OOlJer gl'osil
grosll Faber's 0 J [ Pencils , per dodo : /
dollIhlnoor : CopyIng Pencils , Iler doz
I .J gross Carter'lIPhoto : PastelI 01. , Iler doz
I del : bon.lIaudle Steel Jorasefl ; , per doZ"
doz Letter Files , wood , paller covered , ller
8 gross Hubber Hands , OO ' , } ler gross
II gross Hubber Band ! ! , 00" " , per GrosH
" gross Hubber Bands , OO , IJer gross
12 grbss StrIng nands , IltJr ross
1000 Magl11s HOllnd.l\'ad Pallcr Fast
M , 3.8 , I.I ! , per 100 '
I doz boxell. : roe to the hex , HotchklHs S
. } let" box
20 Leather Tabs , } lrlnted. names or nu
700 l.lthographed " 'arrant ! ! , houOlI
, 1 oo AsoeSilUlent Schedulcs , Jler 1000
" lOCO Oem Paper CllpH. per IUIJ
100 sheetfl besl Carbolll'aller , per 100 i ,
: ! OO Slteds Complete Hecord l'aper , IZXIS.-
hea vy lCdger , slleclal rulell anll l'rln .
Iler 1110 ,
I doz Itemlngton or Smlth.premler t1
wrltcr rIbbons , Wcboter'li Star Bralllf. .
chromc or trIchrome , aN desIred , each
I doz Ollvcr tYIJewrlter ribbons , each
I doz Smlth'l ! Automatic Ink ; tands.
2 Ilulrell MImeograph Stencil Papcr , wl
aux\1\arlcs \ \ , letter Iolze , per ( Iulre
One IJound StCJlclllllk
One .oz tubts Stencil Ink. relt
One huudred rolls Adding MachIne I'aper
JOS. PJaM.\N , County Clerk , ,