Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 26, 1907, Image 5

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1 With thanks or your lib ral patronage and wishing jrO _ Prosperous 1808 , S. R. LEE , "Busy Druggist. "
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r .1
Condensed Local and Personal Paragraphs
i I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h. . . . . . . . . .
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. . .
Boisc Grant lcft Monday for
Omaha , whcre he' ' will attcnd
Miss Rosella Rogers lcft for
Lincoln Monday , to visit for a
sbort time with relat'cs and
fricnds :
Frank Hee-der , of Scncca , who
spent Christmas with parents in
tbis city , will return homc tomorrow -
morrow morning.
MrR. Elil : S. Ledwich , of
Harlan , Iowa , is visiting relatives -
tives in the city am } will probably
remain here until spring.
Guy Phillips left Monday for
Spring alci Arkansas , whcrc he
went to attend to business and
visit relatives and friends.
Derris of ' af-
Henry , Dunning' , -
tcr spcnding Christm s in this
city with his brother , S. M. , and
famity , will return home tomorrow -
row morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. L"orsyth ,
who reside near New Heleua. ar-
ri ved i II the city 'l'ues(1 y and
spent Christma : ; at the home of
her parents , Mr. and W. S. Swan :
The turkey shoot at the traps
of the gun club yesterday afternoon -
noon was not attcnded by an unusually -
usually large number of nimrods ,
" . but thoroughly enjoyed by those
W\10 \ participated.
J. P. Long and C. W. Mason ,
of Arnold , are visitors in the
city today , accompunied by J. S.
Long , of Newton , Illinois , who
is enroute home after a visit of
two \veeks with his rother at
Flo'd and Russell Sttlith , who
, are enrolled as students at the
. State University at Lincoln , ar-j
rivel } in the city last Saturday
, to visit their parents , Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Smith , during the i
" Mrs. W. H. Xandcrs had the
( _ _ misfortune , uesday , to l sf' a
. fiv dollar bill , a part 01 the
funds with which she had provided -
vided h rself to purchase presents -
ents Jor membcrs of the Episcq-
pal Sunday school.
\ -noticed-since last-
Hae1younoticedsince ! ; -
. Saturday-that the days are getting -
ting longer at both cnds ? 'l'hat
' was the shortest day of the ear
- and , inasmuch as we haven't had
any winter weather , there is but
a short time left for coldn ss.
The'sale of Christmas goods
in Brol < en Bow the past ten days
did not sav"r very strongly of a
financial stringency. On the
other hand , several n erchants
. statcd that their sales tbis year
: were noticibly larger than l".st
. Three of Sargent's popular
young men , namely : Will Hoot ,
of the State badk , Joe G. Beard ,
of the Dierk's Lumber Co. , and
Homer Hiatt , of the Leader ,
t drove ovcr ycsterday , attended
the party at the Opera housc
. last night and returned home
. today.
I H. I-I. Hiatt , who recently { lis-
j posed of the Sargentcader , has
gone to Corpus Christi , 'l'cxas ,
where he expccts to locate and
engage in the real estate business -
ness 'l'his occupation willuot ,
probably , be as shocking to his
nerveB as assisting DIck Brega
wage a county division war.
Mrs , M. D. Callcn , residing 5
miles northeast of. the city , who
suffered a surgical operation several -
eral weeks ago , after a prolonged
and severe illness , has recovcred
to the extent of being able to
come to town 'I'uesday , the first
time 111 nearly three monl1H ; .
The Lewis Stock Co , which is
playing a weeks' engagement at
the 'l'elllple theatrc , is giving
good satisfaction. 'l'he talent
of this company is much ahove
the ordinary and are < lesen'ing of
a two-fold liberal patronage by
our theatre-goers. And we say
this in the face of the fact that
It rcquired cash to enable us tc
witness their ven c1ev r a 11 < 1
bighly profcssionai acting.
Ralph f eech , of near Sargent ,
was in attcndancl ! nt the Farm.
ers' InHtihtle last WCc ! and circu.
latc ( } petitions , one a ldng can'
gress to pass a mcasur pro\'ldin
Agricultural high schools ; one
o.1skingfor the establishment 01
-a safc , con\'cnient and mtisfac'
tor ) ' savings hank system ; ant"
the third enc to the state lcgisla.
tur ( ' asldng' that a law bc enactc (
giviugthe peoplc of each countJ
the right to decide as to whcthel
or not intoxicant. can be ' 301d 1
the citicN and villa es. IIe is 0
the opinion the saloons in Silr
( gcnt could be t:1iminatcl1 with i
Jawor this leind ,
" "
, ' , . ' - ' "
, .
Mrs. Dr - Christensen has gone I
to Hampton. Nebraska , to visit I
with a sistcr during the h : > lida's.
Mrs. Myrtle Little , of Shubert ,
Nebraska , is vbitinE ! relatives in
this vicinity during the holidays.
"Pickings from Puck , " by do
company of eightccn artists , is
to appear t the Opera house. .
Saturday tl1gl.1t , January 11th.I I
'rhe board of supcrvisors adjourned -
Monda " after I
journed ) night a
scssion covering six days and it
is said to have hecn enc of the
most strcnuolts ones cver held.
Supt. Pinckney went to Lincoln
yesterday to attend a session of
the State 'rcachers association
and alsoa ; mecting of the instructors -
ors in the State JU1110r Normal
Miss Letha and Alice Humph-
rey , who are attending school
at York , are visiting their Grandparents -
parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. : ' 1' .
ims , in this city during the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herrick
are visiting Broken Bow relaljves
during the holidays. Walter is
taldng a course in the Gem City
Business collcge at Quincy , Ills. ,
and will return thcre next wecl < .
Mrs. Martha Kenoyer and son ,
Evert , of Sturgis , South Dalwta ,
arrived last Saturday for a sho'rt
visit with her children who re-
ide herc , namel } ' : Hugh and
John Kenoyer and Mrs. W. B.
Thc Willis Cad well block , adjoining -
joining the Custer National bank ,
which is to he the homc of thc
Custcr County Abstract Co. , is
liow in the halhls of plasterl'rs
and Willis thinl < s he will eon
I "see tts finish. "
Miss P carl Hunterr returned
I home Monday flom Arnold where
she closed a very successful term
of school last Friday. .she has
engaged to teach the Wdsenrider
chool , west of this city , beginning -
ning after the holidays.
Mrs. Grace Cochran , of Crete ,
Neb. , who has been visiting- her
parents , Mr. and Mn . B , W.
Blair , returncd home last. 'Mon-
day , accompained by her brother ,
Roger Blair , who will visit there
for several weeks.
John Bell , who was with the
Watts Music and Slal onerr
storc last summer bul during the
past three months has been clerking -
ing in a drug $ tore at Albion ,
Nebr. , rcturned to the dty Monday -
day for a few- weeks visit with
parents and friends.
. Mr. and Mrs. Concannon , who
moved to Lincolon last fall are
in the city for the holi ays visiting -
ing her parents , ir. atJd Mrs.
Amos Noble. " CoatI is traveling
( or the 'l'hot11pson Pu lishing
Co. , of S1. Louis , and h .s his
headquarters at Lincoln.
Mrs. J. .M. Mclndoo left last
Sunday for Kansas City , to visit
a ister anel attend a reunioll of
thc family. Prof. McIndoo left
yesterday ior Lincoln to attend
the State eachers association , in
session toda . \ ' and tomorro , and
from there .will go to Kansas
City , both returning home the
latter part of ncxt weck.
W. ' W. Cowels returned last
Friday from Peoria. I11s. , whither
he went scveral weeks ago with
the intention of rcmaining.
ShortIey aftcr reaching therc he
was attacked by rhunJatism
which grc.w worse the longcr he
rcmained , so he hurricd back ,
I and is already feeling much better -
ter and now will stay-here.
.Mrs. M. E. Hurless , of Agra ,
I Kansas , arrived in the city last
Sunday and will rcmain for an
indefinite lcngth o timc visiting
her daughters , Mrs. Wm. Penn ,
Mrs. A. E. Anderson and Miss
Margarct Hurlcss. She was ac-
companicd by anothcr daughter ,
Miss Wilda Hurless , who will .
rcturn to Kansas next week.
Mae l ilil1s , who has been
teaching- school in the Blackhill
asin district , 7 mites south of
I Mason City , came home last
. Salmda ) ' for the holiday : , ac-
. compaincd by four of her pupils ;
. Gust aUll I lmer Q. Olson , f-ydia
I obertsol1 ilnd Mahle Jorgcnscn
and the 1st and 2nd pries in the
r corn and needle-work contests
. wcre captured by thcm. Gust
I Olson took first ( : is ) and Elmer
. took second ( t4.75) ) in the corn
1 contest , I-ydia l obertson first
r ( $3,75) and 11 able J orgensel1
r sccond ( $2.75) ) in the needlc-wor
1 contest. Conscqucntly Mis s
f Rains is proud of her pupils.
- - -
1 Lct. us be your printer. Th (
good kind of printing only. .
- - - - - . _ . . . - - ' - '
- - - - .
A Real Santa Claus Letter.
I Only enc lettcr was reccived at
the Brokcn Bow postofficc ad-
dn sscd to Santa Claus. Under
a recent order issucd by thc postmaster -
master gcncral , Postmaster Jew-
ell opcncd it aud rcad t he following -
lowing :
CATr.AWAY , Dec. 20 , 1)07.
llroken Bow , Neb.
I live 8 miles wcst of Cal1nwny
ou a homestcad and my folks are
poor people and can't huy nn ) '
presents for us this Christmas
and I thought I would write you
and scc if you w.thl send us
something thl'rc are fivc of us
three boys ilud too girls the baby
ig 1 year old und Christmas would
bc awfully dull with out somc-
thing to cat and pIa ) ' with and I
wonld like lor'ou to scml us
and Obliged mc ,
.M- 1- # . D- . .
Thc namc of the little writcr
is not printcl' in ordcr lu. pr\'ent
his being twi ed by thoughtlcss
associ a t's.
The appeal was not in'ain ,
for a large box was secured by
Miss IJael Jewctt and , assisted
by a few fricnds , filled chock-full
of " to eat ancl pIa\ '
I with"-something for each of
the fivc , the baby included-and
sent them by thc stagc driver
Christmas morning , ancl it' : ; safe
to say there arc at least five children -
dren in Custer county who be-
liC\'e there's a Santa Clans and
that he's the real thing.
- - - - -
Action for Damages in County Court.
'fho count.y conr was occl1Jiec11nst !
l\Ionday with a case fOl' damnges
urollght lJy Frallk McCormick against
.JaclllJ mump. The 1.artif'H . live on
the West 'l'alJlo and were hem with
numerous witnesses. 'fhe action is
for damages to crops lJy stock lJo-
longing toIr. . Kluml ) . After taking
the testimony , the casU was'post. .
poned till next Monday to heal'
the argument.
Another case similar to this ono is
pending in thn county court in which
Bugh l\IcPherson \ sue Klump for
damages but this case will 1I0t lJe
tried till some time in , Januury. J.
It Dean and N. T. Gadd represent
the plaintiffs in these cases and II
1\1. \ Sulliviin , the defendant.
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Since last 'I'hursday fourteen
marriage liceuses have becn is-
su d , as follows : c
Paul B. Moody , A usey ] . . . . . . . .20
EdnrL IJarm6uter , Ausle > . , . . . . . . .18
George Edwnrds , AuRley. . . . . . . 20
Hattie n. C0ll10 r , Ausley. . . . . . . 2-1
Aliwl'tl1. G. Brucn , nroktu ! BllW. . 25
Nellie i\1. Smth ! , Berwj'u . . . . . .17
.Ih'anl : 1 > . Wiisou , Auolmo ! , . . . . .26
Floreuco Simms. Arnold. . . . . . .2.1
O. N. Harris , Pol1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
l\Illdgo l\Iorris , Ansll'Y. . . . . . . . 19
Joseph L. Ackle.v , Auselmo. . . 7
e8sio E. Ullom , l\1i1born. . . . . .18
Bert Clark , Comstock. . . . . . . . . . 3a
Cathoriul ) Lewin. Comstock. . . . 21
Ward l\Iontgomery , Oconto. . . . 26
1\Iabol Trn.ver , Kearnoy. . . . . . . . at
Arthur H. Ooaksley , W OiRBOl't. .23
Lucy M. Pirnio , Weissort. . . . . . 20
W. 1\1. Hircock , Merna. . . . . . . .18
Mildgio G. Smith , l\Iol'Da. . . . . . 20 I
Andrew Ohriritonson , Oallaway. . 29
Ethel E. Lewis , Cnlin.way , . . . . . 22
Ln.w1'enco E. Hogaboom , n n . . .21
EVIL G. Hains , BW'Oh ] Uow. . . .17
Willium IIn.nschart , Oiu. , Ohio. . . 21' !
Annn. E. Davis , Ansloy. . . . . . . . 24
11'1'ed ' . Wllhlo , Odessn. . . . . . . . 23
Elsie M. ffrmley. Lodi. . . . . . . . . .23
A Good Business Chance.
Wishing to quit business , will
oITer my stock of harg ware ,
furniture and implements for sale
untill ebruary 1st , 1908. Also
store building or will rent to
purchaser of stock. Will 'ive
timc on part or will take s me
gooll farm land as part paymcnt.
Guo. WIT.rING.
For Rent or Sale ,
Stock farm consisting of one
section of ] anc1near West Union.
For furthcr informatio 1 see E C.
House , Broken Bow , Neb" or
G. Guyle on farm.
Butter Makers TaIte Notice.
In compliance with the la ws of
the state of cbraska , the under-
sig-nedmerchants - , of Broken Bow ,
will hcreafter buy and sell all
butter by actual weight :
J. C. BownN
J. N. PItAI.
f4YHI.T. & Co.
III us W\N'1'Jo:1l
Nntlec If ! herelJy glvcn. 'l'hat Hcalell I'ro.
posals will be recelvell at thc Count } ' Clerk's
unlce up to nlllln of thc IKth lIay of January.
IIMIH. for the lettlll oC the contract Cor the
utlerlntenlltmc ) ' oC the Count ) ' poor I.'arm
oC Custer count ) ' . State of NelJraska. Cor the
) 'car llO !
: 'I'bc ruics t\ellnln thc duties oC saldl uper.
, , ' Intendent anll the terms of contract be will
IJc retllliretl to cnter Illto. togetber with thc
amount oC h01l1l wbleb will lJe rctlllired. I
now Oil me In the cOUllt ) ' chrk's onlce.
I ' ! 'hc rlghqo rcJect and and al1lJldsls re , ,
. licrvcd. '
! JOlted ! Jec tlh r . 1007.
1 Jo.l : > JOlI.\N , County Clerk.
- - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - .
- - -
- - - - - . - - - - - -
( i'n'l
- " ' - - . . - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Drs. li'arnsworth & Beck-
For ll Idnds of good coal go
to the West Elevator. 14lf
Winter term of Custer College
hegins January 6th , 1908.
Rctllember the Lewis Stock
Company all next weck.
Another sillpmcl1t 01 couches
just reccived direct from factory
at Konkel's.
Money to loan on choice farms ,
See W. D. Grant for all kinds
of tin wQr1 < , at the samc old pl ce ,
north of Ed. McComas' drug
store. 2 ( , 4t
-li'urnishcd and unfurnished
rooms for rent in Rcneau block
Go to J. VI. Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated flour-purc,1 just as
the whcat growed.
Dr. Bass , Dcntist. Over McComas'
W AN'I'lm-S t 0 c k to winter.
Horses preferred. Sec. 23 , 18-25.
C. II. CMS , I-o'al , Neb.
Money to loan on choice farms.
W. . EAS'l'HAI\ [ .
'I'he celebrated 1Ylaish felt mat-
trasses , at Konkel's.
I am prepared to do all kinds
of tin work at ain. Comc and
see me. W. D. GHAN'l' . 2 ( ) 4t
_ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
If YOlt havc SSOD.OO or upward
deposited in the banl < & of Custer
county that you would like to
convert into. real estate , first
mortgagc coupons houds , call
at 111Y o ice north cast corner
public square. Broken Bow.
E. C , II OUSlt.
Konkel sel1s how back chairs at
75c each , the same for which
Montgomery Ward chargcs SSe
and freight added.
Ncw line of Murphy rocl < crs
just receivcd at Konkel's.
Clean Sced I . vc for sale at thc
Wcst Elevator. 14tf.
. -
Money to loan on. choice farms.
W. B. EI\S'l'HAII. !
Another shipment of l ocldng
chairs just received at Konkel's
dir ct from thc fa tory at factory
prices. _ _
Hcmemb r Konkcl is head.
q arters for chairs of all ldnds
and prices. l1-tf
1f YOli want stove pipe , < 1on't
buy the cheap factqry made stun
dut go toV. . D. GHAN'I' and get
some good. 2 ( ) 4t
20 bcad of Duroc male pigs fOI
. Tops of 200 head. Custel
County Herd of Duroc-JcrscysJ
John Recsc , Owncr.
, . . . . . - . . . . - . . - - - - . ' ' ' " J
- - -
_ - _ . . _ _ _ H . . : _ _ _ _ : _ _
' " '
ItJ 'I. II 1 'L w -4
Eagle Grocery.
_ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ - -
\Vo have arranged to hnv
YSTERS Now Y oal'S supply of '
oyste1'H eo me direct to us
. from Lo'ngl : sland Sound.
'rhoy have the snIt sen. Hnvol' . No ice touches
the oystors. Y"u goot solid meat from us , nmi
not n mixtu1'o of oysters and ice water. Cnll
nd oxnminl. our ( ) ystOl' OarriOl' .
-v _ . . _ _ _ _ 1
Bl"oell ] Bow.
. _ _ . . _ _
.vir 151 ! ! - L ! f'1 l
By IHlying subseri'ption to the
YlUlCO you wi II rocei YO li'HEJD
the Al\tBlUOAN \ jl'AH1\1ER 1 yenr.
. , .
v- - .rR -,1.1 L -r
rl'lere's ]
No ! ,
about our furniture , eitho1' in its mnke
or in its soIling.V 0 handle only th .
kind that is above suspicion us regard
muterials and fnshioning. Ve \ hnve
every ple o 01' suite in the newest
Ie and the Hsk-consider-
sty prices wo - - .
ing quality-shame all rivals. J
t.\ct 'I rr L fU
. . -
The Cash G rocerv
Extends greetings of th
season and wishes one and
aJl a Happy Ne\v Your
and many , mnny returns.
- - , .
J I. Pualo
Broken Bow , Nebraska'
! c-J.W
Ho ing every reader of the I
, Rep blican enjoyed.a . Merry
t Chrlstmas , we desll' J to ex-
! tend heal'ty wishes to all for
, a Happy md Prospe.rous Tew
t Year , 1908. , , I ,
:1 I
f ! 1