Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 26, 1907, Image 2

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' "
{ This Dlstlnllulsh Am JoU"ntlllst Is Travellni Around the World lor
1 , the Purpose of In'lstltrl\lIn the Amerlo.n roreilln Mlnlonary Irom
( .
, I a Purely DI.lnter. le . oculal and Non-Soctarlan Siandpoint.
t IVliSSi' ' : ' ' : : : , " : ; ' ; h. ; ' ; le -
, on CeylonJs Spicy Isle
_ _ .
, \ -IE
( . . . _ - - - - II
Colomllo , Cc'lon-Hl'glnnltl JlcolHJr
, ' ' Ilcopll' thall huve lilt'
hns tuw'llt IIIJ'O
lIt eOu.\'flllhlcn \ , thnl there 11-1 Hllt'h IL IJlaco
II nll : IvIOIl11I1 ho hUI ! dt't'j'mllcd , thulr
1111111't'slon : ; of U , FOI' CO\'I'I' 'hcl\ly IUICIWII
hl1 h'mn "Ii'rom GI'I.t'nlllll 's Icy
: ; ! ) , I
1\1olllltallls , " which t'11I16 ; I
" tllll ' hrf'l'zcs '
"Whl\t 0101I11h MplO'
1I1ow nort u'pr Ce'IOII'1i 1/llc ,
" 'hl'rlJ every lrO:1pll't : "lcau'll ,
. \ 11I1 unly man 114 "lit' , "
'rhal Is 11 lrlllo hard ( III Ce 'lolI , hilt
II. hON forovcr marla'll thlH IslulIll UH
lc1elltllh'1I with Chrilitlllll mlflllonN.
J .l\nll thu ) ' uro here , lIut 110 1Illllarent ,
110I'IIIlII , ao the ) JIl'IIMhIH 1JI'OHII'C tf ! ,
rOl' thl Is u singulllr ! ) ' bl"lIutiful lunl ! ,
hilt sllll cosily dlsccl'lIlblt' to II HI'I'I < IIII- :
1'1' . 'I'll ( ' flrnt olglls of ( hrlflllllllll ) ' , III
WIH lanll of pl1lms , Blllct , ! > 11:111 tea , 111'0
the lort ' church allrt'1) ) of Culumbo ;
I m'xt , the fJlh'ol' cros ! ! ! ' ! ; nhollt the
nl'cks of lhe IlIvlng h"Y8 ,
The , Divine Boy , . of Colombo ,
\ As the ocean IInol' OIIIH'UII'hcR ' her
' . lI"IlII'ln u she Is ourrounll11 h ) ' a IIcet
; 1 0" hOll1c'lIIulo canoe : ! ( 'ontllllllllf , ; 1111'
tlVl' horH cl''lng , "IJ\ ! ' ( . ! 1 > i\'o ! 'ren
i ( ! Olltll ! All l'lght ! .1\11 1'1 hU Dive !
.i D\'e ! ! " Aud wOllllerfll1 111111' I1l11phlbl ,
" OIiH ulllmnlfl thc ) ' art' , following' tilt )
' , ; lIttl'r of 0 farnung ( 'oln ! 'Il'UJ' to the
hotolll : of the ba ) ' , or lnlllllclll In a :
i IIghl IIndQr water for tho' ' IJOSscsslon I' '
\ 'j 01' II , Gh'on thc 0I1Portun1t1' . 0110 of the
< 'I
I .
, j
: ' 1
. /
I. .
) , \
. J ; : - ; : : : :
. A. dams I't.c GII I University Gene Secrctnry of y , M. A. of C
I lustrous.cyel ! urchIns with tbo suu' I
II P bleached hnlr w111 dive 30 feet from' '
\ . , t hu ship's rail In ) Jllrsult uf a COlli ,
{ Long after the pnsscngm' hnve woor.
, I : led of the umuscmeut the bo's w\1I \
J nUll sllrruun the IIhlll with thch'
II cries IInd tholr oft'l'opl'ntcll , song , "Ta ,
H , 1'I\1'Uo'oboom.dc"IlY. " IIntll the trwolor
j ; h , Is IIl1lto ready tu nstlcnl to' the hrIUI } '
wrlter't ; dcclol'nUon that the SlnghllloM
. II ' " ' "
al'c'lIc ,
; . t ' 1'hesc 1I0ys arc mostl ' Homun Coth ,
. . : : ollc , : IS are nlne.tenths of the Chris ,
t .
, I tlltnlJ In the 1:11am1. : So l'I1''cll\'e hl\g
r. mission wOl'lt bcen thut ( 'It 1'1 11 II II\HI arB
; alwa3 Inclu cd hy tlll' noll\'oH In an ) '
Hnlllueration of the rclhlouH or CO ) ' .
I lou , Tcn per cent , of the 1811\1111'H POI ) '
\ I ulullun of . three I\nd \ a , lmlC million
, lloople Is ChrIstian. The IlI'on\l1In ! ;
folt\ltI \ ; arq 1,1lhll1 I\lImoJ'l nl Ul'dCl' : :
Jhldllhh.t , HIndu , : \lohul1\11H'don onll
, C'ItI'lntlnn , l xcoll } fOl' the crOlnes1111 ;
2Citllllars } ( the natln's dll not ' \0\1'
\1 \ 1lothes ! onotJ h to concenl tl1l'h' ' ICOII1l'
lanO 'tho Chl'll1l1ans 1\10) ' uut ho know II
b ) ' a\1 ' out ward toltlJ1 , In lh'o enso of
II JIlOII. they commonly wcal' IOllg hall'
II and the comb on tup of tch' heads ,
/ ( which glvos them a l\lephlstophelllln
alll1elt'lnCotho : poorOl' , Ileoillo , arc
nt-ked to , lho waIst ut' . wenr .0111) ' II
'l'ho aomo Is truc of thc Bllddhl ts ,
' 1'he HIndus nro Tamllll , from Im1la ,
alII ! tl1ey are IJmenrcd on tace an
\Jolly \ with : varIous secl IImrlts In
IIsllt's , The ' 1'amlJ wumclI wcm' 1I0S0
t'ln , bracelcts , finger rIngs , IInltlots
amI toe rings. \Iohqmmednn : mcn
Wl'ur , turbans Qr' fez I'allti nnd their
women , at l ast of the bettet' CIUSR. HO
veiled ,
'rho' Slnghulcso arc flnolooklng , but
aomuwbat fomlnlno Ioplo ) , With good
ceotures. nn crect cn.rrllJlI : IInd IIU\ ( ,
wellformod bodlcs. shlnln ! ; In the tHIn ,
thoBU ot'Qye\l \ mon look ! 11m IlhlJoso ,
llhel's ; It Is dlstlnctl ) ' a shock to find
thut practicallY o\'cr'ono 'Oll meet Is
either quIck lo beg a gmtulty 01'
tikll1lIlln , choatlng you , 'rho chlldron ,
'VerltuhlO , blncl , cherllbs. run .uftor ) 'our
.currlaso , , touchjltheh' ! / forohcnds nn
, t''hll > , Got'n 'ftnon 15'rr o 1 lOP'
. ,
" " " ---.l' } <
Ill".l' " ' _
Ill" 'CC _
flcr. "Icallo , musler. pellll ' , " Illii not
waillug IIIl:1ull1cuuo : ) ' ; the ( lel'fllatcnt lit.
tll' homurs ure ull the while trylllg lo
tltnlle III\ . ! mane ) ' ont of YOIII' IJt'kots ,
Bllt tlw Hlh'lt } of nUI'\'llIt ) ' ! 1ecmell' !
\I'll \ I ; Iwlf'r ! 11ectluhldolH'lHllJnco } / Is
n IIU3 III ) ' chloll ) ' uotahlo (01' Its a J'
IIcnce ,
A Fal : : Tooth Worshipped ,
Thill I. II coutl ! ! ' of 11IulllhlHIII. It Is
10 I\lIlId ) ' , the ancleut capllol , thal
\lIldhlkllj 1 \ ( IIIllku IllhrIIllRC'1I ! ( I'om all
( ) \ ' I' the lalanll , ontl uluo fl'om Indln.
Dill' I1nddhlsl gu1tl : ! nalvel ) ' l:1flJl'nlotI
UII thut "All the wOJ'ld COIIWH to Kand ) '
O\'er ) ' fnll ItICHIII. " li'ol' ul. I\undy hI lh'
rumoll3 Hhrlue contalllln ! ; Budtlhu'H
loath , 'l'ho ooth thut III aunually dls ,
pln'cd In hugllH , the orhlual havlllg
hl'lm tU : l'U IIwny 1\1111 IlcstJ'o'cci h ) ' the
Portllgucsc , nlthollhh t hc lomple nt ,
I.JJHlo:1tu . dCIlY thlH , Hulll ono of lhem :
"Of COIII' > > C Ihln 11:1 : 1I1l' 1'111 toolh , OINO
why w01lld 1IIIIIIono of } ll'OIle wOl'l1hl1l
! l' ! " 'I'hiH I'eosonlllg lIatlrinell him , as
111111 \ the other 11\'Olll wOl'shlllp r9
wholll J saw lit tllo IIhl'l111' 01' th
tll\Jth \ , In thIs telllple thol't' Is I'uther
Blllrlllng I'cprosont tUun , In a Rerll'1 of
Illet III'O In COIOl'H , of flltnre Iluul > > h ,
mOllts ; It WIIH 6l11'III'llIiu : to flud thul
n Warm dCHtlny uwalts IInnl ; III ) ' ex ,
lJeronco ! wlO1 Duddhlsts had 1011. mo , to
blJlIcvo , thnt thcl'e must bo a spor.lnl
morlt attachel ! to 1)'lng , [ n the lemplo
urea sac rod rnbblts were roverenU )
consldorod ; fOl' was not the great
Buddhll unce n rabbit ? I suw men
WOl'shlpplng the sncred ho tree , under
which Bllddho ant nud meditated , One
of lho Illclures In the temple was
IIe9crlhed ns "tho Buddhist CllI'lat , the
Buddha who Is coming ugalu , " showIng -
Ing by the 11hrnseolog ) ' thl' iunuenco
lhn Chrlstlonlt ) ' has h:1I1 upon 1\lId \ ,
dhl I1I , 1Iel'0 III Ce'lon BuddhlslII I
arnJ'sslvo and modoi'll , adaptinG
Chl'l tlnn melhods , ' ' 'It
'l'hus omplo:1
5t root IlI'eachlng , S1II1I1a ) ' schools ,
YouJ 1\1 011 'a Buddhlsl Ilssoclollom
01111 tJ'ncl dllltl'lhutiOll ,
'rho Bo Tree and the Cricket Match ,
AsI < the dl'lvol' of a Colollllm gharl
to lake you to lice baI'an ll'oo anll
ho will drlvo 'ou to the Ymlllg l\lon'
Chl'lstian : HJ80clatloli gl'lJ\lIIds \ , whef (
: laTHe 01111 beuutlful spl'cllllcn of thc
fUIIOUII : LJ'co shlldos the IlIIposln ; ; I'el :
bl'lcl < building whIch l'OlJrc : : ntn Amor
lou's Illtort'st In lho
y un men 0 :
Colomb ; ) , On the othol' IIldo of th (
I'l'un t of the bllilc1hl' ' Is u sacred b (
tl'ee , which Imparts sUllcllty to thl
8lto , III the o'es of the Buddhists , ' 1'111
orl lnal location of the us : > oclatlol
Imlltllng , Jlvclt h ) ' lho cltj' , took In tlll :
hu tl'eo , hul us Il cOllld 1I0l ho cu
down without u I'lot , the IJUIIIUnJ ; Wlli
, Hnally erected betwcon the bo 1\1111 tht
I bon'l\n trecs ,
I.'Jttol' 11roof of the worth of the as
soclatlon thnn these onvll'onmonts , II
the of lho '
eyes fOl'olgn cUl1llllunlty , u
least. Is the facl lhat It uskr IIIUIII
hers ! nnko surh a good showln [ ; II
Itlhletlcs , I It'IIS illY fortune to sel
the Y. ! ol , C . .1teal1l defeat lho prolll
EngHHh crlekotol'a , on Uw littler's OWl
grol1nds , to the musIc of H7 to G
'l'ho r ngllBhmun Is a good SlIortsmnl
the , vIctor ) ' wns grootI'd wltl
cheers from the cltthhouso. ' 1'ho whol
, situation Is '
oxlraordlnal'Y. couslllcl'ln :
I tIe whlto man's IItllludo tuward lh
natlvo rltCC8 , nnd It Ib tL IIno trlbllto t
the usso llItlon. As thl'owlng light 0
the 0111 chllrgo that natlvo ChrIstian
are thlovcs IIl1d IInrs , anll the h'ost III
slrablo omployclI , I was Illformod thn
- - - - - - - - - . -
, the ( ,1'l1ek howler lIn the nssoell\Uon
tl'lIl11 III the 0111) ' lIatlvc clcl'le om.
' In thn ' ' who
plo'oll ro\'ornment stOl'OS
I pMmlttori to Jn 01111 como n's ho
IIINHiC4 ! , without IrIHIICCl1ol1 nt the
door ,
A Polyglot Institution.
'rho vlgol' nllll IlolJtllarlly of the :1S'
8ocllltlon In Ce'loll ere attcsted by the
ract thnt there arc I ! ) brallche8 scat.
torc1 ! lI\'cr the 18111nd. with J ,260 mom.
IHI'S ! , of whom : J60 al'o 1I10ll1hel'9 or stu.
dcnt aasoclnllotJR comprlslnl ; Burghers
( all the haltcastoR. or Eura5lans ! , are
calleel here ) , J llI'OJCI\1lB ) , 8lnhnloso
and 'ramlls , HlJllglouHly. lheso nro dl.
vldcd Into PnrneeH , Mohnmmedans ,
nudl1hlsts , 11I1IIIuII Itnd Chrl811uns , In
ono of the limn 11 hl'Onches four men
lod/e / ; ono or these Is a Cltnn lnll ,
0110 n Burghcr , ono It SllIghalcso nud
one It Tamil , Allngother. the nllsoclo ,
lIolI lIrovlde8 I'Qsldollco for 22 men. A
IItrollg bed ' of IcnllluJ. ; Buropean I'osl ,
dontll ellro < lt the wOI'lt , onll there nrc
mnny 1 lIrolJl'anl In the memberBhll. )
but thcso nro lJ'h priuclpall ) ' from
all1'1IIfllIc motl\'es ; the mcmbcrshlp
lhnl eIlJO11 the prIvileges of the nsso.
clatllHI in clenrly natlvc , I fo\tnd the
rl'\llIn room lInd 'I'cstaurnnt and game
1'00111 beIng wC'1I Imtronlzed. 'rho dls.
lIncth'cl ) ' rcllglons worlt Is wcll devcl.
OIICd , 1-1 we ltly I'JuH es for Dible study
belnt malnllllned , A 'oung CUllodlpn.
MI' . C. A. AduIIIS , ofloglII unlvorslty ,
ItJ tJJ ( ) secl'ctary III charge of the y , 1\1 ,
C , , \ . work lhrou hout the IlIlunds.
Young Women'a Mistion Worl < .
Il Is ouowhat notcworthy thal In
lhl olel ulld famou : : ; ml 310n field so
III'omllll'll a 1IIIIco Hhuuld bo OCCUI11cd
h ) ' thcc : ' : IIHlllern organizations , the
YOllllg l\IolI'u \ ChrIstian uSlJoclatIon nnd
lho YOillig Womon'n Chrlstlnn assocI ,
atlon , Of the latter there nro 13
hl'atchclJ In Ceylon , 1\IIs3 Conipboll , of
Klllldr. an I nHIIBh ) 'oung woman , bo'
IIIl ; gonernl sccrctnl' ) ' , A ) 'oung woman
fWIII IOWII , who wns for some tlmo scc ,
rotul' ) ' or the y , W , C , . .1at German.
town , Pn" MIss l\I , I" . Cros3 , Is III
clOrgo ! of the assocIation In Colombo ,
III a chm'mlng 11.\1r."shadcd b'ung lov
n homo Is provlllcd for roung women ,
nnd It soclnl andl'ellglolls center maIn.
talncd , While 11I01'0 then n IIltlo so'
clal work Is done among ) ' 01111g women ,
the suc ess of the l'ellb"Ious department
hos o\'ol'shodowcd all olse. Fourtcell
wcekly Blblc closses fOl' yuung wom ,
ell , 1J : In Englll1h , aile In Slnghalose
nnd 0110 In POJ'tuIIes ; , are muln ,
tulnl'd III Colombo alone , The re.
Hned , unlJ'of saollal : atmosphere of
the Young Women's ChrIstian ussocla.
tlo'n worl , commellds It In a peculiar
mflllllel' .
Dusky l3alvatlon Army Laslc : : .
Llkl' , end rot un1l1tc , home are the
nolive Salvntlon A 1'111) ' losslcs , In the
familiar red walf ) nnd woarlng thc
nlckol rihlcld hadge , whom 0110 meets
III CC'IOII , 'rho ) ' , do not , howeycr ,
weal' the hldcolIl ! ) Joke honnet , hut ,
like 011 natlyo'omen hero , go bnrc ,
hl'udec.1 , In truyollng Illto the Intorlor
0110 Hllds them al olmust cyer ) ' totlon
ol1'erlllg , wllh the mcltlng smiles lhat
make all Singhalese women attl'oclln"
a snbsorlptlonJnok \ , III lIe 1 of ; the
" \\01' CI' ' : ' The ' ' '
r\lHlrt Is that \'qp'
good work Is done hr the Sulvatlol1
AI'11IY 1111IOllg the loweI' classes of na ,
U\'es ; th ) ' lI\aJtc \ an h11l1rcs310n Ullpn
the hlghcr caHles.
Caste ohlalnH hen" UH In Ilidla , unll
Is a huniol' tu l'ell : ou:1 : worle , The
schools do 'mol'U than 11 IIltlo lo ov r ,
C011l0 It , Whllo the JO articles ere
conltncll to .l\merlc:1I : IInd Cnnodilln
missions , the excellent work done b ) '
the mllllY BritIsh [ ocletlcs Is mct wlt.b
ot e\'el'r tUl'n , 1\1ost of the mlssloll ! !
thol del Ceylou are. BI'ltlsh ; Il Is tu
lhelr IlI'also that tht'l'e Is'ery little
crIticIsm of missions hel'e , und most
of thalls a mCl'o ccho of the pl'cJndice
ngalnst mlsslolls which exll1ts In the
wOl'ld uf tI'u\'el , The educational side
of mlsslonar ) ' sen'lce hUll becn om.
Ilhaslzed ; there Is Icsl1 need for mcdl ,
cal mIssions tlmn In some other Inndl ! ,
This Is a Bl'lllsh OJ'own colon ) ' , and
the gov rnmenl molntalns a srstem : of
medIcal dlsllonsarlos , those bolng , by
the way , U develolm1cnt of medical
, 'rho mlsslonal' '
mIssions only two )
hOSIllals In Ceylon 01'0 malntalncd by
the Amorlcan hO\I'I1 nt , Jal1'lIa.
Il Is clalmC'd that "lndla'H cornl
strnnd" Is reall ) ' at , lorena , nOl'thern
Cc'lon , whem the co I'll I formation Is
oxtonulvo , Prohahly thnt had nothIng
I , to do wllh the Illantlng ut , lalfna , 90
, Yl'urs OO ! , of the Amerlcull bunnI's
s colHl oldest ml3s\III \ ( , ThIs mhsloll ; ,
lhe only strictly A mOl'loan ono on the
11land , was cstahllfllll'd III 1826 , and It
hall mailltained a slIccessl'ul ' exlstenco
ver since , . '
' 1'ho ollel1t ! mlsr.lon IIchool I'OJ' glrll1
Is lit , lalYnu , havln hel'n In contllluous
existence 51nce IS : ! : : , It no\\ ' has 200
glrlu In dormltOl' ) ' , 'I'ho Rl1\llents \ arc
chIen ) ' high cuslo lIativos , us are most
o ( the Chl'lstll\llH , and recently 1nota -
hlo victory hus hcon won hy the mis ,
alonllrlos III roqllll'1ng the high costo
pupllfl to OHlwcluto closoly. 011 1bosls
of elllllllll ) ' In all thlllS ! , with allum ,
hel' of low cnsto sttllll"lIts who have
be on admitted. 111 the schaal thcro
111'0 no ca3ll' lIlIeH whotenH' , Desplto
thIs fllct , and Ilelllllto the facl thal the
' Chl'llIlIan III chul'llc ,
school Is sll'olllr !
ter. uluetellthl1 of Its 1IIIIIIIs becomln
I , lIIemhers of the chmch , h"hca5to ,
heathen IIhlllu 1IIII'NltS cOlltlnue to
sCllll thoh' daughtl'l'lI. pllylllg a higher
tullioll lImu elsl'whore ,
, laffnn IlIstrl l has II Proiestant ) lop ,
ulatloll ai' 4,49\1. \ of whom halt belong
to ( ho Amcrlclln mission , the othcl' be ,
Ing dl\'lded amung l'Ie\'ol'al , ] lIgIlRh
missions , ' 1'horo al'c 2i,161 Homan
Catholics In 1,2lili IHll1al'o miles , ThIJ
whole POIJttllltOIl ! Iii aOO,841. 'rhe
Amel'lcnn ml slol1 , when 1111 Itll wOI'le.
I'I'S IIrc III the lIelll. has / \ torco of 1-1
mlsslonal'lel1 , IS Chlll'chc , 1Q onll\Incl1
IlIIlItOI'S , 2 : : 1II111t'IInlncd catechists , 3
lIIble wollten , Ii hlghl'l' educutlonal III
fltIlllllolIS , IS : ! lowot' Ichool , 11t1 1
Industrial school ,
( Cop'I'hht , br JOiCllh 11 , Dowlu , >
, ,
Latter , Said to De Iniane ! , PIZlced In
Asylum by Nephew-Made His
Eccape But Then Suddenly
Disappeared ,
New YOJ'lt-Artol' house hunting a
week without fln lng 1\ house thnt
IJleoG'Jd 1I1e I found ono at last that
I wf'.l1tod , It WIIS In one of the IJtl'ccts
or Grecnwlch vJlJuge , nnd , though old
fashloncd , Il was comfortable and com.
modlolls anti hnd a grass plot In the
hock ynrd , 'fho rcnt wes rcmnrkably ,
low , which cnused me to exomlno the
hose , carcfully to find a I'cason for
And GrnduaJly Assun1ed tlte Shnpe of
an Old Man.
Il , hut I falle to Hnd an'thlng In the
condillon of the premlscs to occount
for It. Evel' 'thlng was In good order ,
As I stood In the yard a head was
thrust above the fence whIch scp-
ar.atcd the : rnrd from the Icxt onc-
a woman loolted curIously at me ,
, "Has this house , peen vacant long ? "
I asked ,
"It's yacout uff and bn pretty much
all the time , " ahe repllod , "It's
haunted , "
I , um not at all supcrstltious , so I
laughed at thIs Information , lIt caused
1110 to mnko up my mind' to tal\O the
hOIllc at once , as I have alwoys pl'ldcd
mj'soH upon m ) ' strengtli of mInd end
wunted 10 put It to lhe tcst. I thollght
It fOl'lunoto thut the reputation the
house had golned fOl' behl the abode
of a ghoHt enal.llell mo to SCCUl'O slloh
a fine plnco fa I' n'er ) ' low rent. I
thcn qncouragcd m ) ' Infol'mont to tell
mo what the reasons WCI'O thot made
PCOlllo think the house wns hounted ,
She saId lhe o\\'lIel' , a wcalth : old
man , hod heen ploced In on asyllll1l
for the Insane ot the Instonco of hIs
nephew and lICit' to the cstatc , thollgh ,
ahc declared. "ho wes no mol'o craz ) '
than the rest of hIli Itln , who \Vere
011 quccr , hut who remaIned at lib ,
. . .
ort ) . lIe did not star long In the
as'l1l1n , she said , hut ho escallcd with
the aId of the mun who hod charge
of him ,
"The old mnn , " continued the w m.
an , "was nevol' sc n agaln-ollvc. Th
man who had IlCen with hIm when
ho left the as'll1m was secn leaving
the nOllhew's ' house one dn ) ' long aflCl'
thlH o\'ont , alld ) leOllle saId he and
the nephcw coulll tell mol'O ahollt the
Illsoppeoronce than wall gonorall ) '
Imown , nnd offOl'ts wel'o mode to flnll
hIm , The IIcllhew olTl'red a rewara
fOl' hIs calltlll'e , bllt It was thouJhl
lhe nephew hod him In hidIng and Wll5
enl ' wultlng 1'01' a chall ( , ( ' to send him
to fOl'clgll IH\Jts anll 1111) ' hIm to 1\1'011
U\\'O ' , that no In'IHlf might he 1'011I111
agalnsl the 1)11' ) to till' t'stllto that
conld damage hili 1lI'lIspects. Qucel'
thIngs happen III this hllllSC , flllIl If
YOIl tltk ! ' Il ) ' 011 won't Htay ! ollg , " . ,
Bntlt'l'ly ulllllovl'lI hy this tI\It"
I whIch 1 IlIlt IloWII to 1IIUl'al1t : PI' '
, dulity. I too ] < UII my al ode III the
houHo : Ind gl'edally IIIlIl'e pleascil
wllh my < ; omfol'tahlu accommodations ,
r felt 8'0 ' to ' ' ,
I1UIICrlol' to'nlJaJ' BUllel'stl
110n thot 1 118811rl'd my nelHhhol' , wllh
some haughtiness , that 1 halln't had
time to ( H'Cn thlnlt of h l' stor ) ' , 1\1111
thnt I \\'Oli so hus ) ' by day thnt : J.
Jhost cOllllll1'l wal\O me at nlht ; If
ho t hollltl'lillI ml ! , SlIlI1l11el' cam'
and L111' fUIIIIIIl'8 of the neIghborhood
wont olll of 10wII a8 dId 111) ' UWII ,
leaylllf , ; 110 0111' Itt h01ll1' Oil the whole
hlocl , ' ' ' .
I'Xl'Olll 111 hushallli alld I1Ir.
selt ,
0110 IIIHht I reeoh'ed 11. telchl'lIl thltt
he WI1S IIC'tllluorl III Phlladl'hlhla Oil
huslnl'sH :11111 : wuultl lIot l'l'tlll'lI ulltll
the followlll dl1r , I sat on'lhl' hllck
pOl'ch thlltlll ht ulltll it Into hOIlI. 111\ '
60llO 1'1'11OIl ! which 1 clI\llll 1I0t ex.
11111111 I (1)1I ) lIol like tn entel' the : cIII'lIt
hOll80 ( J ) ' go to hCII. I tl'l\d \ to hI"
I\ln'o \ It , WII8 heltlsc : I'all I el1jo'III
the sl ht III' till' IIl'e/lleH / Oil Ilw ! ; I'IISS
\ \ 1I'n It WI1H IInal'l ' midnIght I W'lIt
tu ; ell , hill I tl'lelt III \11111 to gel to
sIN-II , \\'IIl'1I l 1:11 : < ; ( I 'h:1I1 : 8UCCUI'llcd
, I " , 'U wal\OlIl'11 h ' IHlII11' IIIllI \\'ht'sIIC\ \ "
, [ IIZ In 111) ' CIII' , . I I'OW wldo atti lit
IUllce , 1\lId \ wOs.ll l l' JQI ! t'o'thlnk"lh :
there \\'OS' sol1t ' lille s nellt' me ' 111
III ) ' 1'00111 , I iu } ' quill' stili , hot ImC'l\\ "
IlIg whlll WIlS bCllt for 111 to du , whell
the whIlJII'1' ) WIlS I'cllellll'd , I1nd 1 felt
sOlllcthllltOllch / III ) ' car. I saw noth.
IlIg , lhollgh the nwc1I111ght wns tronm.
hI/ / ; Into the 1'00111 , moklnJ ; It nearb'
na light liB < 111) ' . ' 1'00 tt'lTlfled now to
110 nUll , J orolle : and aolzcd m ) ' hus ,
hond's Cl1110 10 dcfclld myself ns best
I conld from bllrglnrH , who , I 'bo.
lIoved , had cllt l'ed the houae IIl1d wel'o
In 111) ' 1'00111. Presently I dlscorned n
fil111) ' object IIw ! It fluttorlng whllc cur. ,
thin at the door , which fled bcfol'o 1110
'ns ' I npliroachcd It , I followed , and
SllW It [ Jass along the hall amI float
down the talrB , It slood nt Il1st , nnd
grallunlly I1sstlln d the form nnd shope
or an old man , Il seened : to walt
COI' m ' apJrooch [ as It came to the
bnck door lending ont to the 110rch and
whls11cred ngoln Ils unollrthl ) ' mcs.
snge fOl' lho lhlnl tltne , tnoumfullr ,
but distinct , wllh anxious eml1hl1sls ,
But though I IlCnl'd It so distinctly I
could nol understand aI' remember It
word of It , 'fhe apparItion dlsltJ1'
Ilcared through the door , I\lId when I
opencd It nnd loolted out nil I could
Bee wns the blodes of gras ! : ! bending
as though Romethlng were pqsslDS
uver the plut , I returned to tn ) ' room
nnd waltcd , trembling , until dl1 'lIght
( aI' m ) ' husband's return ,
' 1'ho papcrs of the followIng day reo
cordcd the fnct thnt the nttendant :
whose dlsappeal'Unco nt the same
limo as that of old 1\11' , D- from then
n- as'lunt had excited so lUuch
unfa\'orablo commcnt had becn seen
In the viclnlly oC the old lUI1.I : I fOl'mcr
home , nnd the tlelecllvcs hoped to up'
l1rehend hIm at no dIstant date ,
- - I
1\Iunclu. Ind..For : foul' du's. accordIng -
cordIng to a lcttel' recelvcd hOl'e from
a former Muncie newSI1ul1er man , tha
wlfo of DI' , . .JohnY , Wro-ughton , un.
tIl recently or l\luncl , watched hesldc
the bed ) ' of her husband , In the fll'm
! Jellef thot he would come ! Jack to
life , amI. only consentcll to allow the
bed ) ' to be burlell llecomImslUon
had tJegulI. All this wm ; due to the
ract lbat when a boy iG years uld Dr ,
'Vroughtun came ncar being burled
al1ve , 'I'he hol'l'OI' or lhls experlenco
had cast a blight on hIs life , In his
clothIng ho alwa's currIed a notice
tolling of hIs llrly cxperlence and re ,
Iuesllng an 'hod ) ' who might find hIm
apporentl ' deed not to bmy hIm until
he was provcd su , Dully , 110 his wife
said , hc conversed wIth her about hIs
cscalle frUln belllg bmied all\'c , nnll
wal'nod hcr not to nllow hIs body to
lie put In the g1'olltlll UI1t11 she wa5
ccrtaln he was deud.
"Even wlwlI 'ou think I'm dcod , I
shall be all\'o , " he told h01' , she snld ,
'j'hus Jl WIIS that when he went to I
sleep , se\'eJ':11 da 's ago , onll IIItl 1I0t I
awaken , lrs , Wroughton began a lOll ! ; I
\'lgII b ) ' his bedsldc , alld InsIsted to
r.1I who camc that he was mel'el- :
slc9plng , and would SOOI1 arouse himself -
self frol1l a catalilellc stat I' , )3ut wl ell
after foul' 1111 'S , ho fallcd lo ro\'i\'c ,
she consenl.ed to all I ) \ \ " an undcl'take1'
to tl1lw charge , !
Dr. Wroughton was bol'll In Dcla. . .
wore cOlmt : . ' , near , " 1111\11Y , ! i.t rears
ago , al1d pl'Oclloed medlcln In AI.
I .
I . I
Mri ! , Wroughton Began . . Long Vigil
by Hie Bedside ,
hall ) ' amI111111'10 : 11I0t of his life uutll
I1hollt six 'I'm'H as-o , Whl'lI ho wellt to
Texas , where ho c'ollll1l1'tell II sunn.
tol'1l\l11 \ , al1ll latl'l' to 13l1rlll"s\'l1Ie ,
At IOIlr ; luton'alt : , fl'om boyllOod , he
waH f1uhjct't to catallJptle altacls. It
was while In OUt. of the8l' . whel1 Hi
j'ea rs 0111 , t ha t he was IlI'onouucml
dl'l\lI , aUII WOH IlI'ollllrell 1"01' hmlal.
. \11 uld fl'l JlII or the family , Imsslng
' the 'hler , cut a lock from thc
ho ) " ! > 111'1\11 , wlHhlng lo 1II''sen'o It. and
Ilolu 1m pricked hlu lIeclt shlll'll ) ) '
\ with the poInt of Ihe scl8sorll. : 'I'hl ! !
cUI\He(1 \ ( hll11 to start aUll to aWlllwl1
from hilI SII'I'II"rll'lIds } who were 111
I' ' the I'oom II l'l1 , horror slrlckon ,
I \\'I'ol\l1toll \ : 110\01' I'ccm'crt'11 fl'Ol11 the
Hhocl < of thut Incldellt , aud O\'Ol1tll'
11111wcamo \ 11 hl'lo\'cl' ! III Il strau o
I \'l. 1 lol1 whIch taught that thcol'c Is
dl'ath ,
Youno LontlDIGtance M ; l Carrier.
1)011811111u / , IIi 'l'ah ; lilli , lroJahl ) ! ) '
III the ' ( ) \1I1gCHI \ 10ng"llistaure mall CIII' .
rll't' In 1111' statl' , She 1II'Ivos fl'olll
I : \111101' , S , D" to \\'l'lsllIton ; Springs ,
ii : ! mlll'II , golllf , ; IIIIU do ) ' 111111 I'otumlnl ;
the uext , The wad Is lIot011 settled ,
, ,111\11 HIHlwtlmlJS the hl'ltlges ar ! ) out , l'lt :
, J tI. . . . ) ' \lun \ woman l11al's the trip al ' : 'd
I wllhdul UII ) ' IIIlbhuJls ,
, , . .
\ ' "
\ r
- - -
Aliments Likely to Decomc SericUI
Can Be Checled In Thelr.lnclpl.
ency If One Understands How ,
, to Deal with Case ,
It Is a good lhlng for at Ienst 0110
member or oVOl'y fl\n'1111 to huve a 1It
lie Imowledgo uf melllclnos , In ca : o of
omof'ljcllc ) ' . and lIlo infonnutlon ahouM
lIc nClulrod hy one sufficlolltlr IlIlo'r.
ellted to make some study of the mat.
tor , Some people rognrd minor all-
monts us too lrlfi1l1 ! ; for nu ) ' nttentlon ,
whllo , oUlers granl so much hnpor.
tance to slight dlslurbancc ! ) lIml U1ero
IIJ evcntuall ) ' great \Vasto of tlmc 11I111
mane ) ' , It would sccm that some one
In It family who would observe care ,
fully. stol'lng' vtluable Imowledgo by
oxpel'lenco , nnd who would atud'I1'ust-
worthy sOUl'ces. would pt'ovo to he nn :1 :
IndlsllCnsablo comforl In the home ,
She will know just whcn the duclor Is 1
needed , and j st what to do wUhonl
him , 01' to assist , and'In that Imowl.
edge w111 show horselC It ! ! JI'lLIsewol'tb '
as a thl'lft ' housowtr 01' a motchlcss
There nre so mnny emm'goncles for
which fmll humanity must be pre ,
IJal'cd thnt one shol'l article could
scarcely begIn the long list. But the
following few suggestions moy Sel'\'H
ns lhe fll'sl guldo llost on this lJal'tleu.
Jat' Imth of I'escarch. Cause , Jlrcven , ,
lion amI OUl'O should be the s 'stematlc
divIsions of thIs study. "Colds" are "
con cornIng a good mnny households
jnst noIt ; Is alwaYl1 so ot the chan ! ; ! !
of seasons , IIDJ urc a It , is , JI rfnl
I ally or this Illseoso , It m\y 'Le In
bedroom , n. schoolroom , : t public hall.
a cruwd d drawIng I'oem , There Is
moro IlIncss cnused by defectlye von.
tIIatlon lhan by druughts , If one Is
exposed to the lattcr , and ycl is warm.
I ) ' clatl , end movIng brlsltly. thel'O Is no '
danger. 'rho fnctor most potent In 1' ( ' .
slstlng cold Is a health ' circulation of
bloOd ; sllch a condltIo t can nut exlsl
fOl' a moment without pure all' .
Proventlvos of cold an Its varIous
calarrhal condItions consIst chIen ) " In
common sense , thnt raresl uf all viI"
tues. Thal llwons lceplng ; : the bed ) '
sturdy In al its vuluerablo Ilolnt5-n
th1'oot that Is uHed to eXlosure , a he:1I1
that oftcn goes hatless , feel that moj'
gct wet without harm ( provIdIng thor I'cahod ns soon os inl1ctlve ) , : t. bodr
thot novet' Ccels the cold when It is
hlll'j'o'ing nbout In Crcsh all' . lrho cure
of colds-Is a sImple mattm' Ir bcgun In
time , The flrsl signs or coJcl should "
bs the signal fol' treatment , ' "
Then there are sitch IIltlo trouble.
SOllle matters all nosebleed , oOl'aellt' ,
Inflamed ( ' ) 'es , mouth sores and the
lal'ge and various numbOl' of llIs re"
suiting from fevet' nnd IIceprooted dls.
case , ' 1'he amateur student of these
dlmcultIcs should uot relo' uJon hcl'
SCI'Hllbool , when hldlllg emergencies ,
She I1hould l u1'I1 by hcal't hOl' stOI'O of
wisdom , nnll abo\'e all hings cultlvalc
good jlldgl11ent.
Tenderloin and Oysteri ! ,
'l'on o1'loln Ilnd o'stlJrs , while mal .
IlIg It uuique and distinctive dish , are
al the same lime so slmplo o pre pure
that the abllltj' f the Incxllel'lenced
lool. ! Is nol taxed , sa 's the Dellnealor ,
Let hm' I1rst mIx 11. HUlo bUllej' end
floul' III hOl' stow-Imn , and , when the
blelld hils browned leL hOl' adc.1 a
c1\01111011 SpanIsh onion and two Illcl < IOII
waluuls that hl1vo heoll Cllt Into small
Illeccs , A moment or two lateI' two
tOhleSIOonfuls of mu > 1IJ'com catsuII
anlI a tcaSIHonful or Worecstershll'e
sallco ore otlded , ufter whIch the un.
cut telldel'loln steal , is IIlnced on tall
of thIs ml'ltme : to slmmOl' for about
on houl' . It I'IIUllt be tUl'Ucd three 01'
foul' times dul'1ng the intol'\'al.
Celery in Cheese Shell.
Cut thc cclol'Y stalks Inti ! Inch
pIeces , cook m1t1l tender In b01l1nH
waler , sllghtl ) ' sulted. 1.01' thrcc cup.
fills 01' the cut celery allow a } lInt of
I white sauc , using the watol' In which
the celery was coolted , with the crNun
as the IIlultl , TltI'n Into the shcll of
II. Illnc:1Ilplo cheese , cover with half a
cupful of fine crackcl' crumbs , mixed
with two tahlcsllOonfuls of IJ1clted
huttel' , au lol It1rown \ In the even ,
Serve with Ilo\\'deroll cheesu , I dam
cheese shells cun 1Ju utilized III the
'damo manner ,
- - - - -
How to Boll an Egg ,
: \lost \ Iloople tlrop an egg Intu boiling
wuter anti lellt cool. stendlly for three
mll1ulos 1'01' II. so.called soft.holled
egg. The 111'01101' way to soft-boll an
egg Is to I'Cn1OYO the saucopall fl'ol'll llw
fll'o when the water roaches b01l1ng
Ilolnt ; droll the egg in at the l'IIomenl
of I'emoval. COVOj' the saucepan anti
Im1\'o the cgg In the watel' fOl' six
mInutes , " 'hon thol'o a1'O two eggs let
thmll sta ) ' elghl mInutes. Fol' Jr.edlum ,
Iool : < od , ten mInutes ere roqulred , nnd
fOl' hurd.bolled hair an hOUl' ,
When Eggs Are Senree.
When cggs a1'O high olle ruay ho
I'c'onomlcnl , III many wa's , 1 < 'or sot.
t illig coffee hreolt nn egg Into It jell ) '
glnss , fill with granulated sugal' , and
ml : < thorollghl > ' , cover closolr : , nnd use
a hllif teaspoollfnl to n Ilot of cof o ,
This will lWOl1 IlII ) ' length of time ,
10'01' 11\I1'II111ln 111e8 UHO hut 0110 egg lo
It 1110 nntl one tnblosl100nflll of lIour :
110 0110 cnn loli the dlffercnce , FOI'
cUBttlrd 1110 two eggs : lIIll It tablespuon ,
ful of nOliI' ,
- - - - -
Put Snow In Cakes.
A CUllful of light , 1I0W fnllen snow
HUn11 III to cnlw , ur ot her hatters ,
hl'IlI\I ' , the lasl thing heforo lurl1hH
Il lntu the haldn : ; lJall , Is a good tluh. .
. .tilnto fol' esgs.'holl IIIIOW Is tlserl
\IIorn \ lIoul' Is rCIIIII'IHI-nbollt ! \ )
' " ' "
I. ;
, ' f ) . . . .
< < "t" " , t '