Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1907, Image 9

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Nurse Witnesses Strange Procession
of Spirit Form3 , but Is Too Hor.
rlfied' and Frightened to
: Speak of Matter" ,
London-1\I ) ' futher , who is 1medl. .
cal man. Hvell for man ) ' years in the
east of J.Jngand. ] but soon after his
8ccon marriage. which occurrc a
few ) ' ( 'ars ago , went with his wife and
two chlhlren to Warwickshire , where
ho rented nn o ] puce ] callell the
Manor House , a house which stooll in
its own grounds and some dlstanco
from any other dw011lng , When my
father took the Illaco ho wished sov ,
eral altemtlons ma o , one of thorn bo ,
lng the Imocklng through or some tro'
men ousy ] thick wans , Notwlthstanll ,
Ing many of the wans in houseE
which have stooll for conturles ill
Engand ] being several feet thict. ] hE
b01le\'od in this case it was more thaI'
thick wans uOlI that some rooms Iml
been bricked up.
On spealng ] of it to people in tlll
vlllago my father was advised to Ie
the house stand as It was. Evidentl
the villagers hud some suporstltlou :
Uloughts about the mattol' , but the :
could not be made to sa ' , 'hat thos ,
superstitions wore , 1\1) ' futher. ther <
fore , llad the , vans Imlled down , an' '
the worlnnen found that two funal
rooms , one 0\01' the other , had bee
bricked up. 'rhe lower one was the
turned into a store closet and the UI
Ier one into a nursery for the chi
dren , If I remember rlghtl ) ' this pm
of the building was sUPllosed to hav
been used at one time us either
chapel or a rofeetory by monltS wh ,
it was uuderstood , had previous !
Il\'ell In the house , perhaps sever :
, conturles )11'101' ) to tho' time of whle
I am speaking.
One nIght m ) ' father and stepmot
er , sitting up qulto 1ato , as the ) ' oW
made it a hablt'o ' ( doing after all tI
servants had retired , sudden ! ) ' hen :
music-beautiful music-as thoul
several peop1e were chanting , 'fhl
were utter ! ) ' surprised at this and
a loss to understand where the soun
came from , The ' were onchante [ 1.1
: ret perfectly mystified. They Hston
nnd listened , and flnally procured
Ian torn and went outside and hunt
all around the house , but evorythl
was quite still and no trace of UI
thing In the wa ' of a human bel
, could be found. Ther then return
to the room where they had been I
and to their surprise , still heD
. . t lng , ,
e same strains of music.
M ) ' stepmother said It romlnded 1
of something she had hoard at a th
I " - - -
Cowled Monks , Went Through
tel' In one of the Shaltcspenrean P
4 It became so near and loud that '
the strings of the piano vibrated ,
, . ) 'et otherwise ovor.thlng Inside
. . . . . . outsldo of the house appeared t ,
Ilerfectly stili. They sat up fOl' fI
an hour and finally retired , leD
, tlie music still going on.
'rIle ) 'oungcst chll at this time
about a. ) 'ear und u half old and
"er ' sickly , and the nurse who
charge of the children nt night
been gIven strIct orders to call
father Immedlatel ) ' should the
not be well during the night.
. nurse IlIld been with thorn for
t1mo , ami the ' thought she cou
rellod1pon , and therefore did
w01'r ' about the chlldron whllo I
, , care , The first thing In the mo
m ) ' ftither was accustomed to
, . " the nursor ' to see that o\'er
. was all rIght , and the m01'l1lng
the abo\'o occurrence ho went hll
filel ) ' to see the children as USUIJ
lIe was sUrlrlsed ) to fInd bab )
high fever and \'ery sick , and
the nurse what was the mattel
demanded to know wh ) ' , IC the
hn'd been In this state for some
, he hlld not been called , The nUl
mnlned silent , notwlthstnndln
father's 1'Jlcated ) questl0l1lJ. A
' IInd hi
, . he became very nl1gr
' \ . \1pon her telling him wllhout f
deln ) ' the cause of m ' little s
\8r's Illness. Then the nurs
. Illetel ' broke down nnd salll
, . . .
. .
thing 80 terrlbll' hnd happencl thnt
aho could not benr to s111'nk of it.
I.'lnnll ) ' , howover. she was indllced
to toll her story , when she stnte that
In the mlddlo of the night she had
been awukened b ) ' 80un s of singing
aUd , looking liP , had seen so\'eral ap.
pllrltions In the room-cowle monks
with bools In thl'l ! ' hamls nml with
heads bent over them , going through
the 1'00111 in IlI'Ocosslon and chanting
' ' ' nmslc had nwnk.
ItS the ) wont. 'I'ho
encd the chll ren nntl the bab ' bad
becuDto so torl'll1e at seoln ! ; the all'
pnrltlons that she ba een unable to
quiet her , and hcnco the fever the fol.
lowing morning , 'rho n\1rsl' , too , her.
selt bad been too h01'1'lfied to cn1l for
an 'one , nntl apllcared terribly afl'ahl
to even speal , of the occurrence , nnd
it was therefore with grent difficulty
m ) ' father provalled1pon bel' to 1'0'
count the atorr , al : ! has been men.
Of comso m ' father and stop.
mother I'omomber'od tlio struugo music
of the night before , but , notwlthstl11Hl.
ing the cnreful Wfl ) ' the ' thought out
the matter , wor < 7 ne\'er a le to unravel
tbe mystcI' ) ' .
- - -
Vancouver , . C.-In repairing the
pipes In the Nurrows Dlvors Llowell ' 11
and l\IcHardy bad an ncounter and
I1ght with an OCtOIIU1 ! , common\ : )
- - -
- -
- - - -
; h
) '
d \ ' ,
[ ld The Diver's Leg Was Caught by Or
ed of the Tentacles ,
ed known as a devil fish. 'I'hey rarel ) ' n
ng pear here , but are froquentl ) ' fOIl1
' about Victoria.
lY- . in the watm's
ng It was therefore with some surprl
.ed that Diver Lloweln'II , who hud 111
; Itwith them ill the waters of San Frf
Lrd cisco un Victoria , beheld one wh
ho descended from the decl. of t
ler steamer Clyde to the bottom of t
cu. channe ! . 'fhe octopus was 1 'lng 1
sldo the pipe , cIIguged In his t1atutlr !
men ! . His faro consisted of crab , a
that bls appetite was good was evinc
b ) ' the fuct thut cI'ab shells wore I 'i
scattered a10ng the Ilhl ( for a CI
sldorablo dlstanco.
The octopus was relloslng on I
, spot where the divers were going
r worl" and it was necessary either
I move him 01' to walt until he saw
to move hlmsolf. Diver l\IcHardy 1
followed Uewell 'n to the bottom , r
the two now hold a conversation
means of signs as to how they she
uct , and it was decided to malw an
tncl , at once ,
According , Llowell 'n got on 1
side , 1\IcHurdy stayed on the ot !
and It was arranged that at a .S
from the former' , both should aU
the enemy with the iron crowb : .
about olght foot 10ng , which they
with them. 'rho octopus durIng
tlmo was e 'olng the dl\'ers with
intent gnzo , as If sizing them up f (
meal. Ho was also eXllectllnt of all
tack , und awaited the beginning
hostilities with conl1dence.
The dlve1's at a Hlgnl11 upproac
the the monster , which , raising Il COI
of his feolel's , Ilropul'ed to ward
attacl. from either' side. A consl
la 's. able time was consumed In fone
even but ut length : \lcHnrdy , taldng ' \
and ho considered u favorable opportul
and jumped forward und made nn eff01
o be run his crowbar through the bed
Ibout tho' octolllls. The blow was wa
Lving off. and at the same moment the
or's leg was caught by one of the
was tacles of the devil fIsh.
wus 'fhe 3rmOl' 1\lclIardy were prot < :
to01t him , und 1.lowellyn , I1I1\'lng the
hnd off his guard , so far as he was
my cern ed , strucl. his crowbar thr
lahY the brute's body , and then , selzhl !
fhls sledge used for hummerlng the
some worlwd with commendable enorg
Id be the tentucie which held hla compa
not It tool. him about two mlnutel
n 1101' sever the tentacle ( rom the bed ) '
Irnlng The ' then covered the body
go to large roclts , and when the ) ' had
.thlng pleted their worl. left It till they ' \
nfter ' . When
ret 1'I1 In the afte1'll00n.
lruodl. did rehll'n the fish was still
II. The ' hoisted It aboard the bonl
{ In a brought It to the clt . , whore it
asked IllacOtI on exhibition.
I' , and
time Firat Bath Since a Girl.
mo 1'0 : Ilellofontalno , O.-MI'II. Nan C ) '
; m ) ' ton , aged ! l0 'ears , ami weighing
t last 200 pounds , was given a hath upu
Islstell admission to the cOllnt ' inl11
IIrther here. She told the attendants I
Mho had luken tllnco sll ,
t'psls. the first
com , 1\ girl , and then IIho had . bathed
some , I creck In Auslalzo COllnt .
. .
. .
No Need to SuHer Every Day from
1\Irs , Joannnh Straw , ti2G orth
Broadwar , Canton , a. D" sa 's : "Por I'
_ three nars I Auf.
r 0 l' t' d I'r'thlng
with rheumatism In
111r limbs 1\ud 11
dull , censeless ach.
ing In nl ' back , 1 I
wns weak , Ihnguld ,
brokcn with hcnd'
aches and dizzy
8110118 , amI the kid.
ne ) ' secrctlons Were
thick with solids.
I was really in 11
critical cOntIllion wl1l'u I began with
Doan's Ildne ) ' Pills , and the ' ccrtaln ,
Iy did wondcrs for me. 'fhuugh I am
31 'ears old , I am I\S well us the
lworago woman of [ jOt 1 work well ,
oat well and sleep well. "
Sold b ' 1\11 110alors. [ j0 cents 1box. .
FosterMllbul'1l Co" l1'ufflllo , , Y.
No Need for Malden to Seek Further
for Her Affinity.
Prlco DabI'D , the 'oung Eg 'pllan
who 1m ! > come to America to study the
cotton industr ) ' , said Inow York th < :
other a ' :
"Whl wo produce superb cotton hl
E 'pt , the in ustry Is not rcgllat ] d
there with such wls om as 'ou em
I plo ' . Clover , indcc , is HIe conducl
I of ) 'our Amorlc1\n cotton fnduslr-ul
I clever as t110 conduct of 1'oung Penn
s 'l\'anla' ungrnduato whom I heu1' {
about the ether d1\ ) ' .
"This 'oung man sat In a Loull
Qulnzo druwingroom in DnVel's..Uol ,
with a beautiful girl. The girl , 1001 ;
ing pensively into the fire , snld :
" 'The man I marr ) ' must bo hot1
bravo nud clever :
" ' ' ' . , 'whe
\VolI , said the 'oung man.
wo wore sltallng on the WissahlckOi
nnd came to the dangerous spot un
hrolw through , I saved J'our life , dldn
I ? '
"Sho smiled ut him rogulshb' ,
" 'That was brave , ' she said , 'but :
was not clever , was It 7'
" 'Yes , " aald he , 'It was. 1 1ml 'O\1 1
the dangerous spot on IHl1'I10Se , '
"Sho thrcw her arms ubout hl1
murmming : '
" 'You dear , ' ' '
Mean Revenge.
A man Imd been , "er ) ' badl ' treate
by the proprietors of a boardh :
hO\lso , and when In temporary flna
clal dlfficultlos had been forced
leave. Some time later , smiled \lP'
by fickle fortune , ho achieved succe
and prosperity us a popular dentll
Ie and soon found means to revenge 11
former landlady's slight , 'fhe methl
he adopted was slmplo but extreme
, p effective , quite ruining the buslnoss
[ I his enemy. Directly opposlto l'
boarding house ho opened his nl
set dpntal establishment , and Ullon t
Ie t largest window in bold letters l
m , peared the following notice : "Ste
n pointed boarding house teeth a S )
10 clally ! "
I > e. Preacher's Comforting Remlrks.
! ill At an evening 11I'a 'er meeting III
ndlalno village the senior deac
: ed Dominicus .Jordan , al'ose to make
' remnrks abl
ng 1II'0prillto scrllltl11'al
: )11' he death o ( the' late Miss SIInl11d
In conclusion the deacon said : "I
.he sllectod 1\IIss Slmpltlns , the memb
to of this church respected l\lIss Sit
to klns , the citlzons of this town
fit spected Miss Simpkins , but now sl
md deud an gone to the Lord , and
md SCI'ilturC ) salth , ' 'the L rd is no
by sllectel' of pCl'sons-Exchange ,
- - - -
uld :
His Advice.
at. "Wcll , Uncl < , Tosh ; " suld the f ,
mothel' after her daughter had trl
one a few times for the ] I\1I'IIOSO of
o ! ' , presslnJ ; their relative from the c (
, gl,1 tl'r , "what do : rO\1 thlnlt of It ? W (
acl , J'ou advise mo to huvo Dais "s VI
[ Irs , "
cultl\'ated ?
had "Yes , I guess I wO\1ld. Glt it c
this vated a whllo and then have it seE
an down. Gosh , but .ou IIC01110 seen
JI' n he warm.blooded hero. I'd frceZl )
I at , had to depon on them steam II
of for heat. "
: hed
uplo off Man and Wife Fatten . on Grape.r- ,
The notion that. mcat Is neces
: Ing , for real strength and the fO\1ndD
of solid flesh is 110 longer as IIrcn
, as formerl ) ' .
t t
' , Excessl\'e meat caters are US1
of sluggish n 11I1I't of the tlmo bec
rled the ) ' 111'0 not uble to full ) ' digest.
I" . food , and the undlgestod IlOrtio
t en , changed Into whnt Is III'uctlcull :
kind of ) loison that acts U\lon \
! cted blood an nm'ves , thus gettln
fish through the B'stem ,
con. "I wns a heav ) ' meat eatl'r , " , \
ough an Ills. man , "Clnd Ull to I wo
; the ago , was In vcrr 11001' health. ]
pipe , fered with Indlgostlon so tbat I
y 011 welghod 9 pounds.
nlon. "Then I heard about Grapo.-\ut
to decided to t1' ) ' It. : \Iy wlfo luugl
, me at first but when I gulned t ,
with pounds and felt so fine , aho thl
com- silO would oat Grape.-uts too.
\'oulll " : -\ow she Is fat and well nnl
the ) ' gained 40 pounds. Wo never hu
alive , dlgcaUon any moro and seldon :
l I\nll the deslro for mout , A nelght
; was ours , 68 'oars old , wns troubled
Indigestion fot' 'eara ; wus a
meat oatCl' , and now slnc ! ho hal
caUng Grape-uts regulury ] , he
Heas. he Is well and never hns Indlge
I could name a lot of peraom
'over : have real ! ' been cured of Indlg
n lJy changing from a heav : . ' mefl
rmar ) lo Grape. uts : ' "Thero'6 n He
twas : -amo given b ' Postum Co"
e wus Creel"lIch. : .
l In a Read the lIttle book , "The RI
\Vell\'iIle" in } 11gs.
" .
. ' .
- -
Mr , Jerome Evidently WaG Aware of
His Wife's Culinary Ability.
Some wecks ago the wife of Judge
Hlank , of Pacific n\'onul' , lost l1cr c001' ,
und slnco aho had no otl1or rcsource
she rOllccl 1111 her sleeves and for . \
week Ilro\'lded such menls ns the j\1lg { '
ha1 not. enjoyed since these halll'Y'
da 's w' en the Dlan1rs did not kecp n
cook. The judgo's dollght was so grcat
that b ' wu ) ' of Rpprcclntlvo nc1 > nowl , '
edgmenl ho presented Mrs. Ulauk
with a bel1utlful orml110 cloak. Quito
lIuturullr , the incl ent wns 1goo
denl 1I0ised ubout utl10ng the social
Blnnks ntul a
ucualntances ) of the
5111rlt of em'lous mulaton ! wns de.
noped ] In certain quarters. It was in
this mood thnt 1\In ! , Jerome recltod
the slor ' to hOl' hURl.mnd , "Whnt 110 I
et , Jerr : . ' ? " she : Jskell , "if I will do
the coollng for a woolt ? " "Well , "
snld11' : , , Teronll' , "nt the oml uf 1\
wpel" m ) ' dcnr , 'ou'll get on ( ' or those
" J.'rnnclsco
long crepe vells.-Snn
Argonnut ,
Worst Case Doctors Ever Saw-Suf.
fered Untold Misery-Perfect
Cure by Cutlcurn Remedies.
- '
" Ir son , who is now twentlwo '
'eears of nge , when four 1110nths 'old
began to have eczema on his fnce ,
sllreatllng qulto rapidly unUl ho wa
. nenrl ) ' covered , 'I'ho eczema was some
thing torrlble , amI the doctors snid It
was tllO worst case the ' ever saw. AI
. timcs his whole body uml face W01' (
covere , all but his feet. I used man
Idnds of patent medicines , to no I\val1
A friend ten sod mo to tr ) ' Cullcuru
At last I decldod'to tr ) ' ClItcura ! whm
m ) ' boy wns three 'ears und , { fou
months old , having hud eczema nIl tha
tIme and suffering untold mlsor ) ' ,
began to use all tbreo of the Cutlcur
n Uemedies. 110 WJS better in tw
I , months : In six months he wus wel
II 1\Irs , U , L. Hlsloy , Plermont , . 11
't Oct , 24 , 1905. "
Riley and the Weather ,
It " 'hlle going to the office of his Iml
lishel'll on a bright morning in Septen
o bel' , .Jar les Whitcomb nl1e ' met , wIll
seemed to blm , an unusllall ' ] arl' '
l1umber of bis acquaintances wI :
n ,
mndo the con\'ontlonnl remark nb01
' ' unremitting a
the weathor. 'I'hls
plnuae Illease and amused him.VII (
greeted nt the ol11co with " : -Ice ; dn
! d 1\11' , Rile ) ' , ' ho stoPlled at the 1\001' \ UI
Ig answered drolly : "Yes'Is"I" !
n. heard It , "ory ltigbl ) ' spoken of , "
m Sheer white gQO s , In fact , any fi'
BB wash goods when 110W , owe much
3t , their uttractl\'eness to the wa ) ' th
lis are laundered , this being done in
: ) d manner to enlllltlco their toxtllo bel
Ily t ) ' , Hem laundering would bo equ
at Iy satisfactory if proper attention w
he glvon to starching , the first essont
w being good Starch , which Ims sumch
he strength to stlffon , without thiclwnl
\p. the goods , 'fr ) ' Del1unce Starch a
el. rou will bo pleasantly surprlsecl at I
, Ie. improved aplen1'Unco of 'our worl , .
- - - -
- - - -
A Sign.
"How do 'ou l\I1ow nel1n a is
l a. love ? " asl\Cd father ,
on , "Becauso , " answered mother , "OVI
a lit' limo the telephone rings she thl1
: ) u il's for her.-\Vl1shlngton Star ,
ns. _
- - - - - - - - - -
l'e. FITS , St , Vitus Dancc and all I'rv
ers DiHCl1bCS pcrmuncntlr curcd b ) ' Dr , Klil
np. Gl'cat NC1'\'C Rcstorcr , Scnd for Frce $ :
1'0' t ial lmillc fin trcatil'c. Dr , n , H. 1\.1 :
Arch St. , J1hiladclphia , la.
IO'S I.d. , ! J31
- - - -
- - - - - - -
the . A woman Is seldom satisfIed wit
re. purchase unless she can make hel'l
bellm' that she got morc than
mone"s worth.
' . . . .
' ' ' ' 14 U1' ,
'I'I1.1'S ' : cUlmu 'I N n
11 e { 1 I'AZO ( )1 .l'.nN'l' : IUllranc,1 { to ruft. nil ) '
hn. 01 ltrhlnll , JIIlnl. . . 1IIt , . anlf or J'rolrudll1l : 1'111
( ) to Ii dnYb ur lUuney n'lulldcd. We.
. _ _
Hln. - - - - - -
mId Thy slim of dllt ) ' lot two words I
olco taln-no humble und bo just.-Hor
IIUII.ewis' Sillgle llillllm' ( 'ignl' laas a
. YOllr ralcl' ' Lcwi ' Fllel
! dell ta tI. . 01'
Peoria , III ,
11 _
- 'u - - - - -
With 01d ngo comes the Imowll
Ipes of lost Ollllol'tunitles ,
luts ,
surr I
111m t
.111 ny
ause I
. j
the I
; all
: suf.
only _
' " - - " ' " " { - -
sand c ; I I THE VERY 'IANC
DI1ht [ Lyon 8 Dc
] lIas ' Washbl
ve 111'
. feel Piano
101' of
with Is the , "ery
heavy you want fa
been home-now ( lffered at lowest net
I snys and on easiest montlalr terms.
stlon. The Washburn is UWIT JJlteecl for "
Is known far and wide as "Amcrica's
I who Piano" , bcc lIs ? of Its laltiTll qualit
Its fumolls 111I9/ll9 tOll6 ,
.t . dlet , , H III the mnrla't for \llano \ , m311 thl. .
ason , tlscment todrlY wllh ) ' 0111' namc 11111111I1111
fI"'I'I\"e 1'1111101111011111111I0 or local dcnler.
Battle of belllltiCul lIew Illano lIIuslc ,
Addre. . , LYON a DEALY , emo.1
oa to
Papa Hnd Extreme Vlcwl1 on the Sub.
Ject of Marriage.
Miss Marlo Cnhlll , the nctross , chose
. lho chorlls glrlB for her lWW Illay ,
"Marr 'llIg } Iar ' , " by meaanrol1lcnt.
The Bortillon 'stem : wes emilloyell.
"n ' tllill ( 'xcellcnt B 'stom of mcas.
urcrncl1t , " saltt. Miss. Cahll1" " the onwr
dny , "one gets , In chorus girl , the
real thing. Mlrogo Is I\\'oliled. YOII ,
know whnt 1mlrn o IR'l Quito sllro ?
Well , fit I\ny rnte , I'll point out Itn
meaning to 'Oll with 1story. .
"A boy. ] ooke 1111 from his book
ono 111g11t ,
. . 'Futl1er , ' ho said , 'whnt iln \ mi.
rno ? '
"Tho father nnsworOtl gUb ! ) ' from
behind his paller :
" "fho ul1lon of n mnn ami woman
till { loath or the Inw tllem do ) llIl't :
" 'Bllt , ' Fald the 1I0 ' , 'l1ml's l1mr.
rio e , ain't it1'
. . 'S1I1110 thing , SOt1ll ' : It's the snmo
thll1 , ' rCIllIed the fothor. 'A limn
Imnglnes ho seOB womlors I\lHl delights
wllcre there Is nothing. l"lght Ilhy . ot
'em both , my bo ' , ' II
Tough Luck.
Hewitt-You look gll1m : whut's the
matter ?
, Jewell-I'vo hall bad l1CWS from my
I .wlfc ,
I ll'wltt-What In It ? ,
, Jowett-Sho's cOl11ing homo.
, Any 12 Year Old Girl
Cnn IIIUIIO thOIHl t1ellcloll 1.nOIl , Chol'o
' well IItI the 11I01"
Illto IInl1 l'lIstllnl IIlcK liS
oXI1'rll'nc\1 ( onk It IIho IIBeH "QUa.pIE'
\lrl'llIIrntlon \ , which III 1I0W 110111 b ) ' IIIII'I )
nil rlCI'rll lit 10 I'Cllt8 lIer \lucll\II \ , , IIIB
the lII'ollcr Injrellhmtll III ouch llIlckuJe.
- - - - - - - -
Some people novCl' fool themsolvol
: \ morc than when they . think they 1\1'1
others ,
l' fooHng
t ma.i i ) t-l : : t ; ; ; ; ( ; ' -mm" ;
1 Thnt 1M I.AXA'I'n'IC 1I110 1II OH1NIN . I.unk t
the IJlllntum ur I" , W. 11110\11 : . U . . .I thu Worl
\6 n OTt'r 10 Curu 1Culd III Olin 1I11T. : Ic.
- - - - - - - - -
- -
o - - - -
I. A man must stanll erect , not bo lcop
" erect br other8.--\lnrcl1s : Aurallus.
- - - - - - -
: ; :1110111lalWC to clIlI for Lcwi. . ' SlnRI
HiurlN' d:1r ! : to Ret. it. Your dcnlel' C
1J. l.cwib' Facto ! ' ) ' , l'COII , 111.
It There are countless roa s on a' '
sl es to the ( ; 1'1.\'o-Clcoro.
; 0
Jt1 , . . Positively curetl1 :
; ( CARTERS these Llttlc rills
'I'hey nlHO rrlle\'o D
\0 IntE trcMK CrOUl DJ'IIICIJ"II\ , ]
IJlgCHt Ion lUul Too IIcl\t
I V E R Itntlng , A IlCrCcc rc
no edy tor DlzzillcII9 , NI
PI LLS . "I'll , DrOWllhlellI , n
of Tnllte In the 1II0\1th , Co
e ) ' I'll Tonltut' , l'nlll In t
'l'Oltl'ID Ln'J
1\ Illtlo : ,
m , Th y tbo Dowels , Purely "e"elnl
' u
1111 Genuine Must Bear
JUt CAR J ERS Fac-Simile Sibnaturo
. nd ng aVER PilLS _ '
- - - - -
. .
T.uth and
, . .
Quality i.
appeal to the Well-Informed in cry
wl\\k \ of lire nnd are essentlnlto pcrmallenL.
. SUCCC3S I1ml credltablo standing. Accor. "
Ing\ \ ) ' , It Is not elr rnecl thnt Syrnp o' Fig. . '
nnel Elixir of Sennn 19 the only remedy of .
known , 'alue , but ono oi l1lny : rf'.4so IJ 01
why It. Is the beet-of pCt'1Jonnl Dml rlUtliTy )1 ,
Inxatlves 19 the fBOt. thnt it lcan.c9 , }
BWt'Ctenl ! unll re\ievcs \ the Internal orgnnlJ
on which it. nets without. any llcbi1ltatlru ;
aCtcr errectBIId without hl\vlng to Increase
the qUt\ntlty from lime to tlmc. )
! I
" "
It acb plcl\st\llUy l\IId nnlUr:111y : nnd
trill ) ' as ll\'mtl\'e : , and Its component. I
ptrts1"0 Iwo\\'n to anti upprovctl by
It Is frce fl'om nil objer-llon- to
ph'sleit\I1 ! , as -
I\ble IlIIust\IICCs. : ' 1'0 net. Its beneficial ; 1
effects I\\wl\'a \ purchase the genuine-
manurl\c uretl by the Cnllfornit\ Fig Syrup ;
Co" on\r \ , RIllI for snlo by a\1lc.uling \ : drug-
' - -
' - ' - -
, - - - . . , . . , ' . ,
, . . . . .
- ' - . .
ffl1o. . '
' < l ' 1 . tf
/ " "
II : -
. 1-
, . .
What 0 Settler Oan Saouro In
1 < < 10 Acl'tl' CralnCrowlnlt Land FREE.
20 to 40 Uu.hel. Wheat to , he Acre.
40 to 90 Uu.hel. Oat. to the Acre.
3G to GO Uuhele lIarle" to the Acre.
Timber for Fenclnlt and lIulldloll FREE.
Coo < l I. . . " , . " , I'h Low T.atlon. I
Splendhlltallroad Faclllilu ar.d Low nate. .
, School. and Chllrch. . . Con."nicnt ,
IS r Sathrac\ot ) ' Malic. . . . for all rrotludion. ,
Good Cilmat. . an.1 Perfect lIeal\h ,
Chancel for I'rofitablo Inn.tmenta.
It Romotlrthc elioll'I'Bt trrnlll'\lrollllcln II\JIII" In
811 lmlclll\\1I1I ! 1\1111 111t'rtr IIII\Y IIIIbe nc'
(1lIlrelllli th"l\e IIIl1lt hcnHhCllllllU1 IlI'oKlleroll1l'l ; 1(111 'I und r the
: neVhiCd , Ho , . tead Regulations
I.Y whhh j'lIl'rr IIII\Y 1)011111111 I'roxy (011 ( eer-
tllill l'lJ\lIlIthIIII \ ! ) . by the rlltht'r , nllllhm' , HOII ,
1llIlIlhlel' , III-other or III liter oC IlItclldlng homo'
II < il'nllcr { l'II'r ) ' , CI't' ! In cnt'h CI\"O III 110,00. For Ilnlllphlcl ,
"I.n..t ! It'llt'elll , "IIIU'tcull\l'H ! 1111 to l'IIII'HJ'\llIlcI ,
bChl tllI\O t\l J\J IUI where to locllte , I Pllly to
. \Y. V. DEN NUT ,
1101 New \'orlc tllo Dull4lof. Omah. . Nellruh ,
iii _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ L--
. . .
01 this pap r d -
In. READERS $ lrl"1 { 10 buy any-
In' - thl"ladvorU5edln
ty Its ( olum"s thould Insltl upon halnl {
Ill' whet Ihcy asl < lor , roluslna 0.11 subU- .
\II' tutes or Imil Uons. .
: E.
71 Jt . cJ ; : 'J f Thompson's Eye Water
S. w , N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 50 , 1907.
- - - -
1kc Guns , Cartridges and Shotgun Shells
' ! ; are easily' distinguished from other makes , which ,
equal them neither in rcputationbythebig
f .
h a.
Bel ! TRAoe ! lARK RtG. IN U. 8. rAT , OFr.
which appears on every package of Winchester
goods. The big red W is to guns and ammunition
nrg what the word "Sterling" is to silverware tbe world
over. Therefore , for your own protection always
: /I c L 0 0 It for the Big Red W"
. '
rich - - - -
:01" : ) ' , - - ' - '
Nj'N ivloilli 'STAR PL ST RSTBL sT R'-
= = :
= Capsicum-Vaseline.
I muslard olner plascr : , and will not
and to any
A : ; ub : > tllute ( or superior
I Lllsler the most delicate skin. The paln.alh\ylng and curalive qualities of the
I article are wondedul. It will sop : the toothache at once , and relieve Head
Ilhe : : : lnd Sciatica , We recommcnd It as the best and : : aest ext tt1:11 counter-
exlernal rcmcdy ( or pains In th chest and slomach
, \ ! rUant Imown ; aho : a : ; an
and all Rheumalic , Neurnlelc and Gouty complaints , A trial will prove what
we claim ( or II , and It wilt be ( ound to be Invaluable In Ihe household : md ( or ,
I children , Orrce u cd no ! amlly wilt be wllhout II , Many people say "It Is
. " preparation o ( vaellne : : unlc : ; : ;
Accepl no
thc best of : ! oil your prcparatlon : ;
, the same carries our label , as olherwle : It 1:1 : not cenulne , "
_ end your address and wo will mall our VOllellno Dooklet delcrlblna
propnratlonll which 1'111I Interest you ,
1. ) ' . : . . . = .s . : . . ' : > . _ ' .
: aly's
plnno _ D
r ) 'our SHOES
prices , PRICES , Fen EVEnY
if llama and I VI. L Do"a'n = nIJIlt' : " : mcl sella mo , . .
" , $ : . , $ :
iel and ' OlllO , mnnufacturor In tll0
I . . . .ctnoth31n tllU'
. .ctno world , boc ura t/.oy holcl tho' " \lI.I
h'W . wOJ..lanuor. nncl
. lit battor. :
. ! ' ' I shupo
IInl1 arc of ( lrontol" vntuo IUUI etiler
resa nut ! 61x - I/oeo In 11.0 world to-dny , fzrlu"Ptl" .
W.L.DouJlntl : :4 nnrJ $5 Gilt Felyo ShDo. cannot bo equal/et ! nt : JIU' prolce _
lGO ' - ( ' , \ " 'I'ln" , _ , V , f" nOlllln'l nallle 1I11111.tlco I 11\1 1'0 < 1 on 1 ' 1l01l' . . . Tnl , " Nn Suh-
rI''I'ln" ' , , , C\.tory any I'rt
. 111"\1,1 \ hum : \
J . . ! Pt , h"l ) 1181\Icrll o"lr\I'horll. 1'1111' "
: . .llInlc' HolJ hv Ihl ) > ) ' . UOUGL.\b , Jlrucktoll11&11I. .
( lll \ ! 'II\lrIJ , Jlulratoli carulo ! ; trce. " I It