Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1907, Image 7

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    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r. .1
Condensed Local and Personal Paragraphs I
. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, , That low , harmonious hum is
the Christmas ! ; hoppers getting
, in his advance licks. .
Twenty-four hundred dollars
has been suscribed toward a
creamcr ) ' at Comstock.
H. M. Wheeler came over from
Cumro last Saturday , purchased
" 1. a $1400 horse from Luther Miller
I ; ; : , and returned home the following
. . . , day.
' :11" : , Noah Cox , who resides southwest -
west of this city , left today for
Bertrand , Nebr. , inlrespon e to a
telegram announcing the illness
of his daughter Grace.
, The Rltl'UBr.tCAN desires to
place in the stocking of every
one of its readers-next Tuesday -
day night-its best and
tbe hopc that good cheer will ,
_ abide with all.
The. Gun club will give a turkey -
key shoot Christmas afternoon at
their traps , east of the stock
yards , providcd the atmosphere
is not too clully. All the ! ; ports-
men-and others-are in.vited to
H. H. Andrews , who transacts
a real estate business -and lots I
of it-'at Callaway , is a Brokcn
Bow visitor today on account of
a 'county road matter which is
being considered by' the board
of supervisors.
The Merna Postal Card
observes that "Broken Bow has
at lcas shown herself modern
in one thing. She has passed an
anti-spitting' law and it will now
be a , live dollar joke for those
caught slobbering on the side-
walle. All towns should have a
law of this kind and then see
that it is enforced. "
'l'hc railroad commission is doing
some things tor the benefit of the
farmer and thc farmer shoulc1 keep
close tab on what is being done.
This is not politics but business.
The State Journal will Icep you
posted the wholc of 1905 for only
$3 if taken during Bargain week ,
December 21 to 2S. Add another
dollar if you want tbe Sunday
, paper , and its well worth it. If
you come to the l l'UIH.tCAN
office , wc will be glad to talk with ,
you about it. - . I
Ladies will be admitted free at
the Temple ' 1'heatre next Monday -
day night.
Tomorrow ; norning arly is a
good time to set to begin next
weel ( ' Christmas shopping.
Next Monday will be United
Brethern day at Mrs. Penn's
millinery and dry goods store.
Challie Snider , who is assisting
in getting ore out of the Gold
Medal Mine , at Hill City , S. D. ,
spent several days last week with
relatives in this cit. " .
Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
left yesterday morning for Mexico -
co City , where they will remain
until spring , visiting also other
points of interest in that Nation.
In this edition of the Rupun-
r.ICAN two songs are published
which will bc sung Saturday at
thc li'armers Institute. 'l'hey
are good ones and ought to bc
learnec1 anc1 sung 111 every school
in the county , the oue composec1
by Supt. Pinckney on "Custer
I The Card Club hav this
year decided to direct their
cnerg-ies towards mastering the I
scentific gamc of whist. The
club was entertained Wednesc1a ) '
evening by Mr. anc1 Mrs. James
Leonard , Mrs. Ii' . E. 'l'aylor
anc1 Mrs.V , I-I. Xa1Jder , - beiug
guests of honor. 'l'he usual good
tithe was hach
The new front curtain at thc
Opera house was insta11ed Mon-
day. As in the case of the old
one the leading business firms of
the city are represented thereon.
'l'hc center is occupied with a
very handsome lancb.ape and
water scene , the desgn ; and
workmanship being far superior
to that on the old curtain.
Paul Humphrey , of this city ,
buckled into business as private
secretary to Congressman Kin-
lmid , and writes to have the
RUl'UBI.tCAN scnt to his "at
home" address , 227 New Jerscy
avenuc S. E. , Washington , D. C.
As soon as be gets mattcrs and I
t1l1ngs properly surrouucled be
will write of dl.lings at the National - I
tional capital for readers of the
. ! . . . .
II I I As has been the custom for
several ) 'ears past the RKPUllLI-
CAN this week prints another of
Harry B. Iszard's Christmas
stories. Mr. Iszard's stories are
always pleasant and interesting
and read with satisfaction by all.
WIH t family will want to be
without a daily paper next ) 'ear ,
especiallJ whcn we can scnd JOlt
the State Journal the whole . vcar
without Sunda ) ' for anI ) ' $3 ?
'l'his will pa ) ' you to Jan I , 1909.
Add $1 for the Sunday Journal.
Come to the Ihu'UIIICAN onice
a d let's talk about it. This
otTer is not good after Deccmber
It is just as Konkel says in
his advertisement on this page.
He doesn't advrrlise one thing
and furni h s mething else as is
a common occurrence with some
dealers. When you buy of
Konlel ) 'ou' get just what you
buy and you can depend on it.
lIe would rather loosc his right
hand and a good share of his
left one rather than misrepresent , I
no matter how insignifkant the
There are in the world some
foolish people who do's ay they
do not believe in S1.nta Claus ;
but they are merely atTecting a
lack of faith. Every store in
Broken now is doing a good busi-
ncss in the Clmstmas goods line
and the people show by thcir
actions that they believe in Santa
Clam-at1l1 t leare _ bright
people of affairs-who arc not
inclincd to have crank notions.
No wool-gatherers , these believers -
lievers in uld St. Nicholas.
'l'he Farmers' Institute is as
much-or more-benefit to the
farmcr as the county fair , because - ,
cause at the institute he hears
practical suggestions from. , 'prac-
tical men , who have made a success -
cess at the business. No farmer
should miss an institute when it
is at a11 possible for him to at-
tet1l1. It is onlv those who have
ncver been present at one who
do not care to attend , because
the v do not know how much thev
miss. It would pay every c01 -
munity to send two or thrce representative -
resentative men to attend the
Farmers' Institutes over the
county-whcre it is nut practical
for cverybody to attend-and then
bold meetings in each nc ghbor-
hood , where the deleghts coulc1
bring' out the subjcts discussed
at the Imtitnte. H
. . I.
. '
, ' . . ' . '
. . .
, . .
'V. H. Baird 'and WitHam
Klatt , su stantial and progres-
si ve farmers north west of A nseltu
by a out five miles , spent 'rlmrs-
day in the city.
Last Thursday ' 1B. . Morris
shiped ] a car of baled hay to St.
LoUIs. This , however , is only
one of a great many Mr. Morris
has shipped reeent1) ' and he has
order for sev ral more car loads ,
Mr , and Mrs. J. J. Wilson , after -
ter a visit of a couple of weeks
with relat'es and friends in this
ci ) ' , left last Saturday for .Mexico
where he is quite cxtensivcly interested -
terested in gold mines ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ormshy
have enjoyed a visit the past
week from his father , L. Ormsby ,
and sister , lIul niece , Ella and
Mildred Ormsby , who returned
to their home at TrumbuJ ) , Neb. ,
this morning.
Simon Camcron , who went to
the farm near Call a way a
couple of weeks ago on accounl
of the illness of his mother , has
rcturned to the city and is again
attending to his law practic , the
good lady having recovered.
The gas lights arc now put on
at 5:30 : a. m. each morning and
run until 7:30. : ' ! 'his males the
system more valuablc in thc
hume and will undoubtedly be
the means of securing morc , sub-
scribers. It is the intentiun of
the Light Co. , to give satisfaction -
tion to all patrons at all times.
Cutting out a lot of expense :
caused by tra veli ng solictors ,
salaries , hotel expcnseS' ' and railroad -
road fare , enables the State Jour- to make the Bargain Week
otTer of $3 for the wholr year of
1905 without the Sunda ) ' , and
$4 with Sunday. Ask the HIt-
} ) UBUCAN about it. Must have
Jour money before December 28
to be entitled to this . .cut pricr '
J. L. Ferguson , a prominent
citi1.en and progress farmer of
the east side of the countv , near '
Comstock , was in the citl Monday -
day on business with the U. S.
Laud office , but "copped out"
enough time to call on the Hit-
} 'UBUCAN. He reported an average -
age yield of prospcrity in his
vicinity , but hardly enough help
to harvest it. He saul there has
not been a , timc during thc past
twenty .rcars whcn hired men
were as hard to get-and keep
after getting-as this fall and
' .
. .
. ,
, . ' - .
. . . , "
I ' 1'he board of supervhsors convened -
vened ' 1'uesday and the time
since then has been occupied in
hearing testimony-pro an d-
con-and listening to oratory b ) '
attorneys in the matter of several
road petitions.
All townspeople who can possibly -
sibly do so should attend the
session of the li'armer's Institute ,
and most of our people can do seat
at night. 'rile program for tomorrow -
morrow night will prove ver ) ' in-
tercsting and entertaining' for
ever ) 'one.
' 1'hc public sate of r . Ii' . Grant ,
5 miles southeast of lhis city , on
' 1'hursdny , was not larlely attended -
tended as the day was unpleasaut ,
still all otTerings brought fair
praces , with the exception of
those preseut say the free lunch
at noon was the best served at
an ) ' sale they ever attended.
Drake's advertisenumt in this
issuc of the RJU'UIII.ICAN is one
thal attracts the atteution of
evef'ol1e wbo looks at the paper ,
but as I'lhe proof of the pucJcling
is in the eating" su it is with this
advertisement. It is a real tine
looldng' ad , well arranged aud
nkely put togelher by our expcrt
printer , but the rCI" 1 goodness of
it is in the reading , clipping the
counons and securing some of the
gootl thiugs otTered therein.
A Good Business Chance.
Wishiug to quit business , will
otTer my stock of hardware , and implements for sale
unti11 ebruary 1st , 1908. Also
store building or will rent to
purchaser of stock. Will ive
timc on part or will take some
good farm land as part payment.
Glto. Wn.r.ING.
F or Rent or Sale.
, Stock farm consisting of one
section of land ncar West Union.
L"-or - further informatio.l see J . C.
Housc , Broken 13ow , Neb. , or
G. Gu'le on farm.
Butter Makers Take Notice.
In compliance with the laws of
the state of ebraslm , the under-
signcd merchants , of Brolen Bow ,
will hereafter buy and sell all
butter by actual weight :
J.C. BOWl\N \
SmU'l'AI { } ) & BUHK
LVItLT. & Co.
. . _
I I - - . .
W - ,
W MHMX. . . BR ,
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck-
- - - - - - - -
For all kinds of good coal go : '
to tbe West Elevator. 14tf II
- .
Winter term of Custer College "I "
begins J anuar ) ' ( , th , 1908. ) '
H ; 'lemble ; - - - Lewis Stock :
Com ' all .
pan ) next week.
Another shipment 01 couches
just received ( lirect from factory
t Konkel's. )
_ _ _
Mottcy to loan on choice farms.
W. n. EASTHAM. )
See W. D. Grant for all kinds
of tin work , at the samc old place ,
norlh of Nd. McComas' drug P
store. ,
2 ( 4t '
-li'urnishccl and unfurnished
rooms for rent in l cneau block
Go to J. W. Scotl's for unadulterated -
adulterated nom-pure , ] just as
the wheat growed.
Dr. 13ass , Dent st. Overl\IcComas'
W ANTltD-R t 0 c k to winter.
Horses preferred. Sec. 23 , 18-25.
C. II. CASS , Loyal , Neb.
Money to loan on choice farms.
'l'he cclebrated Maish felt mat-
trasses , at Koukel's.
I am prepared to do all kinds
of tin worl , again. Comc and I
see mc. W. D. GUAN'l264t I
Konkcl sells bow back chairs at
75c each , the same for which
Montgomery Ward charges 85c
and freight added. ,
New line of Murpbv rockers
just received at Konkels. t
Clean Seed Hye for sale 1 t the f
West Elevntor 14tf. l
- "
Money to loan on choice farms. .
W. 13. EAs'ruAM. )
Fou RUN'l'-320-acrc
- - 1 arm 10 r
mtles southwest of Brolen Bow ,
all table land , 250 acres broken , t t
good improvements. Call at j
once. Chas. Schol1. , rol < en now. '
Another shipment of l ocldug '
chairs just rcccived -Konkel's - !
clir-ct from lhe factory at factory
Hemcmbl'r Konkel is - headquarters - I
quarters for chairs of all kinds .
and prices. I1-tf
" '
. . . . .Ifjr - - JIb ? - - - - - - 1 _ _ , - 1" - - - - _ t. . . 1 I'i ' - V"'I1 ' A II I
, \ II I I
- - . - 1 \ - - . . . . . . I
1.- - y
Earlv , "
A void
. . .
. . .
, Rush !
, Dr
. , . . ' . I
. .
: .r -
. . . The .Furniture E ent of 1907.
When tbis is said and wc fully rea1i1.e how sweeping and
broad the statcment may appear to you-- ; but to us 'tis but the
simple truth. This sale is'planned for the Christmas season
to bring here those seeldng gifts of lasting merit which will ,
be highly appreciated and become more treasured in Hie
home as the years .advaucc. ' 1'hc stock is now in splendid r , .
condition. In addition therc is a material saving in every
reduction frm our regular price.
- . -
I Worth every cent of $20. are
now otTered at $1 ( , .
Sectional , Combination , and
IAbrary at prices that exactly
fit the case-and f.'ocketbook.
- - - - - - -
In center and library tables
I and an endless variety from
which to select.
" ' " " 'I b. N
Y u CanFreight Charges
'vVe have Iron .B dsteads which , upon invetigation ,
we are selling at a lower price than : M ontgomery
\\T flrd & Co. , for the articles-and we paid the
f'eight.rl'his ) is a saving to our patrons of the
f'eight ) eharges.
We have a l\ontgomery Wafd catalogue of the
cut and color and if you'll caB we will show you
we are the real people with prices that beat the
catalogue fellows-if you count on paying freight
as part of the price. I , .
, 'r.- . I 1 : : . - ,
The kind made for service and warmth and not thc flimsy-
flamsy ones fur which you are requested to pay th price of
thesc good ones. We say ours are good ones and they arc.
, .
- - - - - - -
We havc-UNDOU 'rEDI4Y-the largest assortment of
l o king" Chair. . in Custer county from which to select a
_ Christmas prescnt and they arc otTered at 11 consider-
, ahll' c1i count .from what they are really worth.
. . . . .IIWo"----JW"IQ- ' " . - - - - - - .
- I' : ;
Everything Just ; Ad ; tised '
We don't advertise one thing and sell anoth 'r. Everylhing
we advertist : will bc sold to you as stated. You are privileged -
eged to return any article that is nut just as we represent it.
' 1'he stock is now larger and bettcr than ever before , but the
most attractive articles. will naturally be sold early , und in
many instances It will not be possible to restock before
Christmas. The few business days remaining will be days
of great activity-the pressure increasing as the day nears.
In this line we cau compete I
with any firm-anywhere-in
quatity , style and prices.
! .Iarkcd especially low for
Christmas trade. A velvet ,
27x54 incbes , rug at $1.30.
Dig- values hitched to little
prices on everything in this stor ' .
These make sensible gifts and one lhat will be ppreciated.
We are showing the finest fclections ever seen in the west
and would bc pleased to have you inspect them.
There are a nnmber of clitTerent kinhl of Carpet Sweepers
and we havc , during our furniture huoincss carct'r. sold
, ,
l veral makes , hut none are cqual to "TJlI PRINCR'S. : ;
if V 1l b r n fur h '
: : : : : : : :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .1
- -
. . _ . , .
- -
"L h " -If V r
" ' 1. > o
"II' C J
- . J I
and ,
Ha , ve .
for you.