. . ( USTfR ( OUNT' ( RfPU UCAN By D. M. AMOBERRY DROItDN now , - - NEBRASKA ; - I I To the Pole by Dear Power , Cnrt. Hoald Amundsen , the explorer - er or the northwo t pn sagc , Is l11C Inteat n81)lrnnt tor the honor oC dIscoverIng - erIng the north pole. Capt , Amund. fien has n 110W Rcheme. 110 Is not Roln ! ; to take nn ' chances with nlr- ahlps , motor sleds or nny other artlfi , clal nchlo\'cmonts oC modern Ingenul , t - , His moUe Is : "nnclt to nature : ' 110 proposes to UHC things that are nt IlOmo In nrctlc contlltlons. Ills motive , Jlower " ' 1\1 \ bo 1)OIar boarl ! . 'rho nor , : mal ) Iolar bear as ho Is found at large would have some dlsadvantllgos In the Tolo oC n domoslc ! anlmnl. Ills temper is not amlnble , and It would bo hllrd to keep him In n llrOler ) stnto of dls- clllIne , even with II. club , 'rho enl ' crrectlvo argument with him Is n gun , proforahly lit long mnge. But Capl. Amundsl'1l llUrpOBes to emplo ' bellrH that have 11ovor hellrd oC the call of the wlltl , 110 Is having thorn trnlned ns cubs , so that by the tlmo they grow up they ought to lIe ns docllo as horses , When bo takcs them north n trip to the polo w1\1 \ he n mere pleas. uro jaunt tor them. 'rho colder nntl mennor the weather the bettor they . . .1\1 \ IIko It. IC they como to a breal { , In the Ice , such as the ono thnt stopped Peary , they wl\1 \ enjoy swimming across. With sea fiesh ( or their food they can IIvo on the country. Accord. ing to. Copt. Amundsen a benr Is ten times ns strong os a horse nnd cnn l1 u1118 1I1uch as a hundred dogs. With six bears , therefore , ho will hl1\'e 60" horse power , or GOO.dog 110 W 01' . 1\Iol'e. over , when tamed , polar bellI's me "trnctable , rellablo and nrrectlonate. " Even it they IIhoultl cat their mnster In II moment of forgetfulness , remarls Collier's , no doubt they would regret Jt afterward , - . ' nUlslan Church Architecture. 1'othlng shows 11\oro clellrly how far from the main stream of Bl1ropo the currents of Husslan lIre have flowed than the I1rchltectlll'o of the Uusslnn churchcs. The now church of the Uedeemer , crected In memor ) ' of tllo grandfather of the prcsent czar , which was dedlcutot ! by the czar in St. Petersburg a few weeles ago , is a good eXamlJlo of the prevnll1ng Uusslan ft 'lo. It Is not Gothic , nor GI'oCok , nor iRoman , nor yet Honalssanco. 'rho in. fluonces which have flxed the Husslan cl1\1rch nrchitecturo 111'0 Asiatic rather than European , remarles the Youth's COmlJanion. The predomlnntlng arches are Indian rathel' limn Roman , I1nll the domes , with their bulging sides , como from Asia and the non.Chrlstian races. Hussln itseIr was in closer relations - lations with Asln than with Europe tm Peter the Great turned the ( ace o ( the empire westward and bognn the .recrentlng or a semi.savngo nation Into a European Ilower hy huildlng his now capitnl in close contact by sea with the wcstern world. But the choice oC the oriental typo oC I1rchitecturo for so slllendld n church all that recenUy ded. icated proves that the Infiuence of Asia Is stln strong. No Work , No Food for Indians , Indian Commissioner LOUPIJ nt- tributes the 111110 li'ouhlo mnong the 11tes to the fact l1mt the Intllans will 'not. work and thus gain the compen. satlon and the Coed which w11l sUPllort . ilhem and their famlllos. SIenllng of : the policy oC the Indian omco , Com. missioner LeUIp sars : " ' 1'hls ol11co be. 110ves In alpl 'ing the same rule that is aplll1ed to 11001' and Ignornnt mon oC nn ' ractJ. ; Wo hol1ovo ill flndlng work for them nnd then In permitting them to go h\l1lgr - if they w11l not acc pt the opportunlt ' to mnlto a living. " Uo adda thnt It is the pra tico of his de. partment oC the government to treat the Indians kindly but to "Insist thnt they Bhall cease to bo paUIerS when 'thoro is work at which the ' can earn good wages prnctically at their doOl's. " Can nnrono 1)Qlnt out nn.thlng unfair or unreasonnblo in that prlnclillo ? Decauso hel' husband in his w1l1 had expressed the wish that his estate , comprised of land and mortgages val. ued at $ HiOOOO , should bo ItCllt Intuct unt\1 \ their five children had become o ( ago n Now Jersey widow took to the wnshtub to maintain the family , nlltl when her strength gayo o'ut was much dlstm'bed by the successCul nppeal made hy her friends to the court fOI' a comCortablo allowance out of the JJropert ' . ' 1'0 her the wishes or the dear dOlJarted oyorwelghed nil other interests. 'I'hls incident teaches that the Ilatient Griselda Js not unlmo\\'n In modern IICo. The Industry oC malelng rubber from the gun.yulo weed haying made a bouncing start at 1\11\1"I\thon , some hlthorto unproductive regions 01 Iouthwest : 'I'oxas ma ) ' bo lIald to have Itarted : on the road to wealth with 1 . sllrlngy stride. I 'fho fossil I'omalns o ( the fil'st b11l' t that ever lived on earth , the I\rcl1l1eop ; tel''x , hl1\'o been dlsco\'ered In Ger I , mnnr. Wo would . thInk a hlrd with I name like tbnt would set nil twlstel t up In Itself when 1t tried to fir , J - , . . , - - - . . . . The State Capit Matters. of General Interet . - ' - - rROM = - - = Nebrnskn'lI Seat of Government Auditor Searle's Report , The seml.nnnllni report oC State An- dltor Som'le for the period from Juno 1 to No\mher ! 30 , 1JC7 ! , IIIItIWI > the Ollt. standing warrunts ut thlH time umoullt to $ l,47 ,070.81 ; " , nnnnts issued dur , Ing that 1I00'Iml , $1,0.18,44 > > .18 ; war. rants puld durin ! ; that 1101'1011 , $1,2GJ ! , ' 300.38. This I5hoW8 thnt wnrrnnts to the nrnoul1t oC $220Jl/i ! / have llCen paid err In excclSs oC the warrants isaued , hut this III due to the heayy I1nrment o ( WUI'1l'l1ts ! issued agnillat the tern , pornr ' school fllud. 'fhi ! ! IS8110. wus I11rlllo last la ' , the umollnt heing $41i7 , 82J. ! 'rho warrnnttl' Wl'e ! paid just nfter ,111ll ! ! I , bringing the IHl 'mellIn this six months' hllslnoss IUlIl the 18- sunnce In the preceding ) lOl'IOII. All u mutter or fnct , the olltstanding genernl ( IInd warrnnts drawing IntereHt nmount to a greater Irum than Hix montha ugo. Jllno 1 the gonernl fllnd warrants drnwll1S Interest nmounted to $1,183,1 44 , whllo ut this time the amount Is $1,38/i$04 / , a dlrrerellco o ( $201l 20 , 'rhls , however , wns to ha\'o been expected , and la no IndiclLtion tbat the state debt Is increasing , 'rho larso appropriations of the Inst logls. Inturo have been pnld dlll'lng the last six months , whllo the collecllons are nlwnys lesu for this 1Ieriod or the yenr. During the next six mOliths the collections - lections wll bo larger anll the amount o ( wnrran lir issuell lesl ! . J.'ollowlng . are the bnlnncell In the aURpendell ac. count due to l1w ( } < ; 1Cnlcntlon of 'rl'cas- mer Darllor nnll the falllll'o oC the (01. lowing hunles : Cnpltal National hanl ( oC Lincoln , First Nutlonal banl { oC Orlenns , Merchants Bunk oC Lincoln , Globe Lonn and 'rl'ust company of Omaha , Buffnlo Count ) ' 1'\\llonal banl { of lenrne ' : . G'ncral fune ) , . . . , . . . . . . . . . $ 24,607.81 Hlnkln. ; fllnd . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . UiO,101.71i ] ' ( 'mpul'ary ! ! ( 'lIuIII fund. . . , . , : ! 1iG71.311 1.lve Rlocle Indt'mnlty fllnd. . 343,39 ! Permanonl lIelloul : fune ) . . . . . . 2r ( I.42,17 ! ! l'ol'lliullcnl IInl\'crtilty ( Untl. . ! I,7i6l3 A rl\llturnl collage ellllu\\- moUl fund . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . -I3,368 , 1 : Normul cndowment funtl , . . . 12COO.Ol : - - 'j'otal . " . , . , . . . . . . " . . . . $6'j.ill.tI [ ( ) 1 State Building Associations , Secretan' HOYllo in his 11nnual reo port on. the condition oC building , and loan aSlwcll1t1ons compllmenta the or. ganlzll.tions . on their prosporlty , ' 1'ho report show the condition of slxt ) ' . six building antI loan associations for the ) 'ear ending June 30 , 1J07. ! Five new ussoclatlons were organized dill" Ing tbo year. 'l'hero wel'e , 316,372 shll.relJ In force June 30 atHI , . the . . l1\1m. ber of borrowing stocichoillors hnd In. crenaed 1,731 ! nnd the non.horrowlng 6,492. 'rho Incre11so In asseta during tbo year was ' 2,4G1,10 : ! . "There IIro some practices obtain- In amen ! ; the Illlsocintlont ; which r belieYo are subject to just criticism , " lIa's the secretar ) ' . "For Instnnce , tt Is the JltI\CtlCO or some nssoclations havln ngenllr soliciting loans to cot. lect a mombershlp fce In advance. 'I'hls practice worls no hardship and gives no ground ( or criticism where UIP loan is accepted. However , wbere the lonn Is rejected for an ) ' rens-on it Is a hardship on tbo proposed borrower and could hardly be classed' n square Ileal. 'I'hls department receives nu. merous com111alnts against this prac. tlco and believes associations should prohibit It , if tor no other reason than It leavelr a suspicion often in the minds of the apIlicnnts th tt the mom. bersh\JJ \ fee Is the ruling Incentlvo with tbe agent. IC the loan Is rejectell the membership fee should bo I'eturud to the Ilroposed horrower , " ' Governor Handles I.arge Sums. Since last Januar ) ' , when he became the chle ( executlvo oC the state , Governor - ernor Shelllon hns received Crom the nntlonal govornment. $ HH2.0C ( or the benefit of. the aoldlers' homes , This moner hns been paid on the barls of $100 for ench mombCl' oC the homes. When ho took the ofl1co Governor Sheldon recolved from Govel'llor Mlclcey n total oC $23C 3i.40 , which had been recelvcd Crom the govern. ment to pay off the en1\sted \ men in the Third Nobraslm reghnent for the tlmo ther went , Into the servlco ns Nntlonal Guard members until the ) ' were muater tl into the arm ) ' . He hns paid out during the 'enr all of this except $10,84C ,81 , \'ery effort Is boo Ins made by the go\'ernor and h ) ' the lltUutant general to locate the sohller boys to whom this mone ' belongs , but the worl , Is Ilro\'lng a tedious joh , Sugar Beet Crop Dwindles. The figures or the crop production in 1'ebraslm , I\S rp.turlled to the labor commlsslonor by his correspondents throughout the state , 111111cate aunost a lapio ! in the growing o ( sugnr bts , owing to the dlmcullr in securing labor I\nd the closing up of largo beet sugm' ( nctorles. The Jlroduction (01' 1907 was only OGOJ ! tons. Asks Contest De Dismissed , i The Trf.Stato Land compan ) ' , which I hns the largest Irrigation cmal In Ne , I braglell , with headquarters in Scott' ! ] , mutt count ) ' , hns med \ \ motion with I the State Doard oC Irrigation , on the ground that the comlm.t1 . , s water tights have heen adjudlcatod h ' the I hoard and the supreme court. Mr. stewart seels to forfolt the franchise . of the ' 1'rl.Stato company , alloglng 1 thnt It Is a nonuser o ( the water nil < I IJroprlated. Motion to dlamlss the I contest will ho heard December 10th , or soon aCtor. . . . . . . . , . . . - - - - - Gt < 1temcnt by Deputy Pierce. Insutl1nco Deputy Plerco says tbo Natlonnl Mutunl } . 'Iro IIIS'uranco COIl1- IlI\ny oC Omaha vms solvent when It Wfl oXl\mlned hy his depurtment the first of the 'oar. 'rho company Is now In the hl\ntfI ! of a receiver. Mr. Plerco hl\s ISllued the Collowllll : stato. ment : v 'I'ho nnntlltl stalpment of , this com. pany for the yel\r 1Jon ! filet ! with tbo insurance dClIartmen t ot Janmtry .11 , 1907 , showell that the cOlUll ny W&'I solvent ( HI that date. Its sworn stato. ment showed n I1l1rphlll oyor 1111 lIa , blllties or $18,132.7.1. The company was thm'eCoro licensed Cor the : rear 1907. An cxamlnatlon oC the compan ) W119 made In Juno of thlll 'eal' by the < < ( - amlnOl' 0 ; ' the Insurance depnrtment. . 'I'hls oxmnlnutlon , ; hewed nn Impair. ment of $ ll , OOO. It was thought at that tlmo that by the ohser\'ullce of consermtl\'o 1I10thodll uncI strict econ. amy , the company could relmlr the oxlstlng derJclt it given a lIltle tlmc. 'I'ho company WUI ! Itclvlsed that another - other oxamlnation wouht ho mndo iu the cOUrse oC a few months and os- peclal nttentlon was called to the rec. I ommendutlon mallo b ) ' the oxnminer and urglnl the lIeccl ! : lty of rlg J economy In the mallei' ot management expenscs. ' Another examination o ( the COmlJany wns begun Novomlwl' ! J , but was not completed IIl1tll Novcmbel' 29. It was Coulld thnt the 10sHes Incutl'ed during the lallt llvo months nlld inoro especially - cially slnco Allgust Hi , were dilSastrou5 nnd for the entlrc 'eal' the losses incurred - curred equal 80 1)01' ccnt oC the premIum - Ium income , It wua also ( ound that tbe expenses - penses had Inm'euHd mther than de- crcl1sed slnco the 1)1'eylo1ls oxamina- tlon nnd thnt tor the 'el1l' they were equal to 70 1)01' cent oC the net Income. Expense of State Wards , 'l'ho pOl' capita cost COl' maintain. ing the Insl1luto for the denC and dumb 1'01' the Hlx month ! end In ! ; No. vember 30 was $8.1.24 , according to the report of Supel'lntendeat : : White. I Omcers' salnrles amounted to $30.28 I 1)01' capita ; emplo 'e3' wages per capIta - Ita , $13.87 ; n1l1IItenance10.0G per capita , ' 1'ho total a11l0unted expended for ofilcers' 8alal'Ies was $ C , ,120 ; em- plo 'eg' wages , $2,843.0G ; for mainto- lIance , $7,171.Hi. l or repairs and improvements - provements $1,122.24 was expended , Farm products consumed werc val lied at $ C 9GG , ' 1'he total amount expended - ed by this Institution for the six months , oxcludlng 1'epah's , was $15- 07J.00. ! The totnl cost of running thl ; ! srato 8chool for the hU1lt1 at Nebraslm City for the Inst six months was $7,47.84 , a } ) er capita cost oC $137.J1. ! For general - eral repairs , addition to the main building and a tubular fire os cape , $ C , - ! J34,31 was Silent. This is shown by the semlannunl reQrt ) o ( Suporin. tendent J. ' 1' . l\lore ) " , filed with the governor. An addition to the main building co t $3,701 ; generl.\l reJI1lrs , $1,433.31 ; J.'o escnpe , $800. or the npproprlatlons of 1J01i ! , $7,063 lapsed into the stute tl'easurj' . 'rho Insl1lu. tlon rented two acres oC land , expend. od $11 (01' rent nnd seed and raised $57.l O forth of vegetables , berries and cane , From the hroom shop , whose mnchlnery and materal is valued at $ l 80 , there wns sold $ ! Hi.C 2 worth of brooms. Warden Deemer Reports. The seml.annual report of 'Varden A , D , Deomer , llIed with the governor , snows that Cor the Hlx months end 15 November 30 , 1J07 ! , convicts of the penitentiary elrned : $18,15G.JJ ! ! , of. which $ ! J,082.C 4 Is unpaid b ' the prhron contrnctor. ' 1'he total cost for this period for maintenance was $27,6J6.33. ! The total 1101' capita cost for UIO six months was $98.72 ; llOr capita earnings - ings (01' the lI\me : period wns $50.03 , maldng an nctual net per capita cdst to the state of $4S.G9. 'I'ho warden re. lOrted that the convicts had eamed in maldng 1'o ) > alrl > ' and Improvements nl'ound the inal1lntlon ! J,007.60 lu1l1 fOl' the value of farm produce consumed - sumed , $3,872,07 , he cI'edlts the Institution - tution , Claims agnlust the malnten- anco fund lImounted to $ , . ,983.10 ; against tho. cnol'nl repair Cund , $4:12.76 : ; oHlco and contingent eXllenso fUlld , $8J.32 ! , Secret < 1ry Junkin Reports. Secrelltr ' of State .1l1nlcln told the last logislatlll'o ho hellovcd ho could colect $00,000 in two 'ears in fees if the law was amended so as to increase - crease the fellH for filing articles of ' ' the ' of incorpomtlon , l'eqllll'1ng I'efillng brands nnd mal\O the $1 IIconso Cco for motol' vchlclcs an anl1\ml license. ' 1'he50 chnnges were mndo in the law' and the estlmato pC the secrotal'y of state is bolng closely apPl'oachd , His semi.annnal l'ollOl't shows the col1cc. tlon oC $ Hi,3i,1.49 ( In six montln ; . This with $ l2,373.7 : ! received dmlng the previous six months males a totnl of $27,908.21 in Cees received durln the ) 'ear. This is ahout double the amount over received In ono 'el\l' b ) " nny pr- \'ious socrota1' ) " of state , 'rh otllce ex- Ill1ses (01' the IIlx months excluslvo of calaries amounted to $1.4li5.J7. ! 'I'ho foes received dm'lng the six months aggregated $15,364.4J. ! Mother Appeala for Son. 1\Irs , l\l. A. I.oar o ( J.eavenworth , 1\:118. : , has wI'ltten Govel'nol' Sheldon Q : very Imthetlc lettel' 1\Hlelng ( or the ro I < 'aso from the lJOnltentlul'r of her I son , who was sent UI' ( rom Greeloy . county. 'rho son has nn nlJpl1caUon I IICnt1lng heoro the go\'ornor for a Imrdon. 'rho mothcr Wl'ltcs that she I fu\l \ ' expected the SOil to bo home by : 'rhanltsglvlng but hmamuch as ho was not she nslc ! > the executvo ! to cheer I her decllnin ! ; 'ellr:1 : hy allowlut ; him . to como to hOl' In tlmo to oat Christ- mns dhmer nt hili old homo , . . I' IN MY f A M.ll Y I "I Have Used Pe-ru-na at Various Times for Several Years , " I Recommend Pc-ru'no. MR. EDWARD 1\1. nUUT1. " r ; N , .TeC- ferlion A'e. . , t , Louls.Mo. , write ! > : "It affords 010 much plllus\Jl'o to un. nounee that I havc uset ! your lJIedicinc ' ! t various times for sevcral years , and that it Imsgh'en entire satisf etiou.l1ot only in my own Cnmily , Il11t also that of ) tICrsoC } iny friends. And would cheel'- Cully recommcnd the usc of PCl'unu , as ' i cc'rtainly do cndol'so your medicine , " Catarrh oflead \ , Nose , Throat. 'Mr. Charles r O\'y , 80 Allen St. , New YOI'Ie , N. Y. , writes ; " [ nm , "cry glad to tcll you or the ' ht J'm'\tlJlI. in ' , CUI'CS " 'rou hy \ 1IJ family " ) I.y "on. ag'ed sovell , " , ho 111111 Cll- tarl'll of the nose , WUK curell y two hottles of } 'erll11u. and 1111111 catarrh of the heud , nosc , thl'oat Itntl ( 'Ill'S. OliO bottle of l'crunn cnret ! mc , " Ie-ru-Of ) Tablets-Some people 1 > l'cfer ta lets , rather than .medicine in It fluid form , Such people CUll o tuin Pcru. na Ta lets , which l"Cpl'esellt the solid me.llcinal . ingrcdients of Pel'nna , 4k 1'our Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908. How He Did It. Earl ' in the morning session , when the llUPl1s wel'o Ceellng bright and hallP ' , the tencher thought It n good plan to II\'e them sentences to cor. I'ect , both as to grammar and sense. ' She accol'dlngl ) ' wrote on the blacl- Doard : " ' 1'he . hen Ims foul' legs. lIe done ft. " Thoughtful Ilttle Ignatius , at the foot oC the class , pondcred deeplr , amI nt the end oC 15 minutes' Ume , allowed Cor correction , he wrote : "lIo , didn't done it ; God done ft. " - - - - - - - - Laundry work nt home would bo much mOl'e satlsactor ) ' if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness , ' it is usually neces. sal' ' tt' use so much starch that the . beaut ) and fIneness or the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thiclmess , which not enl ) ' destroys the appearance , but also afCects the wear. Ing quallt ' of the goods , ' 1'l1is trou. ble can he entlrel ) ' overcome b ) ' using Del1ance Starch , as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great- ' ) r strength than other malws. - - - - - - - Truthful Boast. A part ) ' oC tra\'ellng men in a Chi. cage Ilotel were one day honsting of the business done h ) ' their respectl\'e firms , when ono or the drummers said : " o house in the cOl1ntr ) ' , I am proud to say , ltas moro men and women Jll1shing its Hne of goods than mine. " "What do : you sell ? " ho wns aslwd , "Bab ) ' carriages ! " shouted the drummer - mer , as he fied from the room-Suc- cess Magazine , Deafness Cannot Be Cured 1I1Ioctll OI'PIlCaUODS , as they cannot rcacb the dt en eII'orl on of the cor. ' 1'here I unly uue WilY to cure o.Ienrne. . , aDd that Is by conolllullouill remeo.lles , 1Je fue. . Is cnuoell by nn lulllllllo,1 condllluu uf the lIIucou8l1ulo\ \ tbe ; ustachhln Tube. When this . tube Is Intlamed yuu bl\'o n rumbllnuund \ ur 1m. perfect bel1rlu , and whcu/t / Is eutlrely clu8eo.l , DeM. lIe8sIs the reultnuel lIule" tbo IlInnmmlll1un CliO he token ollt nud tbls tube restored 10 III normal clJudl' Uon , bearlnj ; will ho deslroyed forol'Cr ; nloo ell-os out of ten are enu80,1 by Catarrh , wblch 10 uothlng but an Inflamed cundllion of the mucous eurtllces. wo " ' 111 jlvo Ouo Hundred lIullar& for any CII'O II ! Dcnfness eCilused by catnrrhl that cannot bo curcI ! by 111111's Catarrl1 CUff ! . Henl tor clrculafll , froe. I" , .1 , CllINl & : CO" Toledo. 0. Pold b ) ' Drulrlllsl. 75e. Take Uall's Family 1'lIIs tor conUp.1UoD. - - - - - - - - Woman of Economic Strain. Of amnII economics the followlng wl\l \ be tlll11cult to beat for smallncss. A laborlngmau who hands over his weeld ) ' wnges to his wire is allowed h ) ' her an oun o or tobacco a weel { . She bu 's it herself in two separate half ounces-in ordol' , she declares , to gct the advnntago oC the two turns of the scale.-Londou Chronicle. . Important to MathaI's. Examine careCull ' e\'er ) ' botUo o ( CAS'fOHIA n safe and sure remedy (01' inCants and children , and see that , It Dears tbo1f ? / Signature Of In Uoo l or Oyer : JO Years. 'rho Kind You Have Alwa s Dought. Suspicions. "What docs old S 'mper use a cnsh r(1glster for' ! Ho's the enl ) ' lerSOn in his place oC business that handles a cent of the moner. " "I know It , hut old S 'mper won' trust even himself. " 01\0 Deflnnce Starch a fair trlal- tr ) ' it for botn hot nnd cold starching , . and If 'ou don.t thlnl , ) 'ou do better wOl'k , in less tlmo and nt smnller cost , return it IInd 'om' SI'ocer wl\l \ glvo 'ou bnck ) 'our mone . . . n old bachelor sa 's that some women - en marr ) ' ( or the purlloso of obtaining II. listener whc can't set awa ) ' . NEBRASKA POINTERS 6TATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON. DEN.SED FORM , THE PRESS , PULPIT AND PUBLIC Whlt Ie Going on Here ; md There That II of I ntert'st to the Readers Throughout Nebrlska , - A new theater building HI II. forth. coming Improv rnent at G1'U1I11 Island , flsl ! Mnynolta l\1arks haH been ap. pointed stenographer 111 the otllce or Sl'cretnr - Mellor oC the state board of agricultlu'e. lIarry Ila\'nrly , recently resigned as stewl1rd' at the Ilmrlingll I1s 'lum has hegun his duties na proprietOl' or the llostwlel , hQtel In that clt ) ' . Five membel'1I of the faml1 ' of Hol'l1co Kuwltzler , a plumber and can- tmctor , of NebruHlm CIt ' were as , ph 'xlcutcd and came nenr losing their IIvcs. A stick of d'lInmlte eXIlodlng pre. maturel ) ' seriously injured J , W , Bow- lin , emplored br the Lincoln Brick compnny. ' 1'he men were blastins in a cia ) ' bank , In the district court or Snrpy county .Judge KClinml ' sentenced Edward Hilto or Beilevue to a term oC two rears in the penitentiary on the charge or hllrglar ' . : \lar1 'l'uclwr , of Lincoln , filed : \ suit for $20,000 against thc H. Herpol. shelmer compan ) ' , She was hurt in front or the store and allege ! > the 81dowa k was deCective. 'I'he new high school building at Grand Island is practlcal1) ' completed and will be readr for occupancy immediately - mediately after the Chrlstmng holi. days. 'rhe furniture is no , , ' being in. stniled. While pla 'in with n revolver in his room in a IIastingfr hotel , Robert Harris , 18.ycar.01t1 son oC Engineer Hurrls of the state hospital , was ncpi. dentally shot through . the hand re. celving a serious wound. 'rhe An tI.Saloon league of Lincoln Is mal\lng a campaign to have the anti. treating pl'ovislons oC the Slocumb law enforced. Governor Sheldon has re. celved more than fifteen petitions ask. Ing that trentlng 110 stopped , Mrs. Emma C. Johnson , superintend- cnt o ( the home for' the ( riendless , has been nppolnted br Governor Shel. don Cor a. term oC two 'ears dating from March 1. She ha ! > been at the head oC the inslllution since March 1 , 1905. Deputy Food Commissioner John. son has notified the county allorner of CasH county to begin prosecutlon against a 11umber o ( liquor deaters in PlatlF.bouth Cor violating the pure food law by not properly branding the bot. ties III which they keep liquor for sale. sale.Amoro II. Gould , the banl < er ot , Bell. wood , BullCl' county , who was serving an eight ; > 'ears' sentence in the penl. tentlary was released during the month of November , according a I'oport filed b ) ' Warden Deemer wUh the governor. Atlorne ' General Thompson has reo celved pesmlsslon to file a motion wUlt the supreme court for a mandamus to compel the Union Stocl , Yard ! > com pnny at South Omaha. to f1le a report with the State Rallwar commission as do the common carriers , New Industries In Cnss and Saunders - ders counties have opened for buslnes ! > in the face of the hard times , notabl ' a companr in "Tahoo Cor the manu. facturo of automobile devices and machlner ' , a Carmors' elevator at Cedar Creel" and a tile factorr at Loulsv11le. The state board oC pUblic lands and buildings has made a change In the matel'fal in two of the builtllngs to he constructed at the Xorfol1 { asylum without Incl'casing the price but at the expense of fireproofing.for ono hulld. Ing. The board gets slone Instead of pressed brlcl" 'rhe supreme court has appomted three of the bar commllslonerH to take testimony in the matter oC dls. barment charges against Altorne ' AI. len G , Fisher of Chadron. The com. mlss-ioners chosen are C. H , Sloan of Genovl1 , 'V. L. Anderson o ( Lincoln antl II. P. Leavitt oC Omaha. ' 1'ho Nebraslen Cit ' board of educa. tlon Is up against a serious proposi. tlon. 'rhey increased the salaries of al1 the teachers at the beginning 01 the school year and now they find that because oC the fact thnt over 150 of the school children are out of school , at worl ( , the ) ' w11I have to start n night school and they have not the ( und's. Claiming that her husbnnd. .Tnmes Harrington , has heen absent twenty , five 'enrs , Mrs , Sara Harrington , oj Fremont , In ) > rohate court t11ed a petl. tion asldng to ho appointed ndmlnls tratlx of his estate and ( or the court to find Harrington legnlly dend. . quarter of a century ago Harrington then a roung mnn , started ( or Omahn on a hu&lnes8 trip , Idsslng his wlr ( goodb 'e , JIo has never been heartl'ol since , 'rhe statement of count ' recordel G. M. LathrOIJ of Otoe cOllnty Ichom that during the month o ( 1'ovembel there were fifteen .Carm mortgagel filed , amounting to $40,958.89 , lint thirteen released to the \'nlue of $27 , IJC ! . A 'oun man named .Johnson , em plo 'ed as a ( nrm hand a few mllej sou hwest of Beatrice , reported to tht IJollco that ho wns held up nnd rulJbel or $28 at the Rocl , IslmHI crossing h the southwest Imrt oC the city las woel , . The omeers have no clue to thl holtluV. " ' , . Nltgoren In AnImal Charcoal. " 'hnnim&l charcoal removclS the \ ' color "from colored liquids , whllo wOOI1 , , \ ) rllarroal lias no effect , has not been I , understood. A European chemist now finds that 1he nction of the formCl' 18 due to the presence oC five to sc\'cn per cent ni oge . . : _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ' _ _ _ h _ . On the Make. Some men wbo bellovo in malting the mOErt of their opportunities un. ! ortun tely r gnrd every oth r man liS an opportunity.-Phlladelphla Reco d. Extremes In Brazil. Bl'U7.1l lIns no middle clnss , There are , hut two clos esreht hum ahmhi are but two claL'SCS there - the I'lch , and the poor , Mistakes Some Women Make. She is n foolish womtlll , vho thlnl < s Rhe can make It front b ' Jluttlng e\'ery. thing on her back-Exchnngo. . Evls That Rnpldly 'Multiply. IlidlHcretlon , malice. rashness all ! ) falHehood produce each other.- lJEnclos. No man can bo brave 'who ' thlnl\1 pt1n the greatest ovll ; nor temperate. who consldel's pleasure the highest good.-Clcero. Too many doUnrs in n man's' 1I0cltct have been' known to crowt ! the sense Cl'om under is hat. Omaha Directory , _ . u _ . A Desirable Thing about the Twentieth Century Policy of the BANKERS RESERVE LIFE CO _ of Omaha , Nebraska , is the GUARANTEED NNUAL DIVIDEND' Agents can increase lheir income selling it _ Write to B. H , ROBISON. President. Loulc for this brand ( In 1101"0" " " , Cot- lor. . , ! oioctcl elll , Dinnkct . Lnp Hoh. . . . . " 'hip" , Elc. Asle your dealer to 8ho\Ol ; \011 guods wllh this hrand bero1t rou huy. Manufactured by HARPIIAM BROS , CO" LINCOLN , NEBR. Cut t ls ont , mall to us ; we'll hcnd you , "ol1nll1 r l fto MAKE MORE MONEY Yo LIVE STOCK Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON I.lve Stock Commlsolon , 154-56 Exchnnle BIde. . So. Omaha. Neb. 32 Yellrs. In tbe nusloc.u. Western Electrical Company \Vo c.a.rry 11 c.omplelo IIno ot ttlephone. alld tole phoDe CODtructlon materl"I , Alro motors.generalnr. Incande'ent lamp" , In tact , E\'JIlYTIUNO . : I.C. TRICAL , tram doorbelle to I"wer plante complete. Wrlle tor catalogue. WESTERN ELECTRICAL. COMPANY , 411-413 South Tenth Street. On1 ha , Nebroska. 'V ( ' mlllte "xllel't TELEDR nplIV " , ' ' 'l'l'lcgraJlh OIH'I'a- tors , ( 'oMltl"n" IIh""III'I ) ' Jutrllllt..1 01' tnltlon refunded , t' , p , E. n , Dls- ' pntl'hel"s " 'Irc In sc'hool , Htatlon hlanlcs furnIshed I Hgl . Oldest unll hest Hc-1IOUI In eountr ' , Over 2,000 : ; gruduatps , " 'rllc todn ' for fllrtllel' Information , Address Ulllnhll COlIIlIlO'I'- c'/III CulJ"Jc' . o 11I11 hll. N..hr. WE WANT CREAM You 'Vant More Money , If we have no agents in your town , ship direr.t or write us. We also buy BUTTER AND EGGS K1R CHDRAUN c& SONS OMAHA , NED. DYEING AND CLEANING \\'rllo fur . our prlco lI.t nncllnfurmatlon nn ch'anln nnd dy..1nof \ 1111 . kinds uf w"lnln/ / \ > p:1r..I : , UUI ut luwn hUhlnohl , r."lve PftlnlJll nnd carcflliullention. 'J'ho l'nntorlulII , 1515 Junes ! ; tHwt , OIU:1hl. Soh. CHICAGO PICTURE a FRAME co. Manufacturere and Whol..I..r. or Pictures. Frames , PortraIts , ArtNoveltlos , and GlOBS -'gtDts . wanted evel'3'whe\\c. 606 S. t3th SI , . OIllAHA , "Ea - ' - - - - - Do You Drink Coffee Wh , Imt the cheap , r nk. 1J1t ! < , rilavor..1 cunee In your.lomach when IJUre GERMAN-AMERICAN COF F EE C03t no Inoro' ' IMbt ( II ! hl1vlno : It. Your grocer . . .II ! It or CAD get It , - - - IJI"bc " market pcleo DAW Eo Il1s paid , Send fur prlceo ; and "hIIlPIIl/l' / talA , We make a spcclaltv o { I l-E COA'l'S AND RCAHI S FOa LAbmf ; . AULABAUGH 1508 Douglas St. , Omaha. ' . . , Grain , Stocls and Bonds U\lA 11 A GO IM1R"tnSCtl..2Uj.N. Y. Lito 1I1dlf..Oruaha , . t'urrl' llOndt'nlsot lItorl'h.II..l'o , , tlne..Clnclnnnll. ) Ohio ; fUht wlro bcnke. W. . I > Ollcl yuur lJu.lne s by wulI unvlr. . . H IIRDY'S "Tho 99 Cent Stor ; ' ; 1513 DJDGE STREET , O\I1"A. hEaR , TOYS AND IIOLIDA Y GOODS The Largest Stock lowest Prices When In OMAHA Stop at the ILER GRAND liOTEL Good Rooms $1.00 Per Day Afoals , nt ROllsonQblO Prlcos - - - - - - - - - - BARGAIN IN NE RASIA LAND 640 , 're.ln ' . . . _ , , " Cheyenne Count ) " ' tern I'Idhraok ' S..r11 ' 00 arrc .1lI0oth tevollll.w lanllIIoIIT In . . .1 . 1".luotl rh'to ' 011. wlllll'row .ph'nll"l ernl" , "ulllUa . rhl" IIraln and .tock t..rlU , 1'rl\ ' " . . . .1 , . , w . .n . . 'r. . , HICKS REAL ISTATECO. , Omlhl rrV : Xr : , . DE TIST \ ) ' . .a" , In OIll"loa , : . 'cI'lIoOlI1 I , 1111010"011 IlIoH'k , : ; , . t'Onwr 16110 anllIulIll . hIP. nu , < < I , t h..lIl , ' 1,1.0 . , " " 101 m ' ; ' il' ' I , ! ; " : : .Irtl . : : \ \ t I : : 'f.r ' . , n IN.j \ . : : : : , ' " : ; , ; J Ul I II 10 I r.411 , IIrllll ( ! l11.aI\'tr1I. III III" lib \UUo - - - - - - - STAMMERING CURED Orll11nul IIIc'thud.tnllur'd lIy tIu lu0.Ilr,11 l'r. ' . . r" hlnn. Unfcrcn'OIh ! lIven JUIl.l . . \ ' I 'GU\ , l'rlc I1 < ILI , 1I.A1I\,1 : ; IJL'tl.liI : < iO , V..tAlI.Nt. . . . . , - , i