- . - I I' I . 1 .T < lrl ' f" ' 11 - II" I 1 ! < U1f" - . . r : : s f ; ; L ts ; , , - I Written for The Repohlican hy Harry B. ( , , "rd. _ _ I -AS ] - IIL. _ HI tell you I saw him ! lIe fumbled the cards , jhen pretended to accidently drop them. After he had picked them up and put them in the case again , luck I turned and the bank wQn right ' along. 'l'here s a skin game I goin' on , boys , bet your life on that. Speak up , Call You saw him drop the cards ? " "Yes , I did , " admitted Cal , "but don't it strile you , B1 1cjay , that it really was an accHlcnt ? Derned if it didn't look to me as though he was rattled. " "h attled , nothin' ! " growled Blucjay. "He's a slick worker , that's what he is , an' the sooner we have an' unc1erstanc1in' with the gentleman the belter it'll be for all hands. This is a blamed nnhealthv climate for tin-horns , . as Mr. Brislins and that mysterious - ious femnle of his will find out before long. " " , Look here , BJuejay , you don't intend harmin' thc woman , do you ? asked one of the group. "Don't intend harrnin' nobody - body , at present , " returned the other. "I only want to find out if he played us dirf , that's all. As for the woman , I guess it'll be middlin' hard work to find her , as nobody in this gang has ever clapped eyes on her. Well , how many of vou are with me"J : "If it's only an investIgation , I don't mind chippin' in , " said Cal , "but I'll be cussed if I make war on a woman. " The other five , seemingly of the same opinion , walkcd slowly away , headed by Bluejay and Cal. ' * * * It was ab ut 2 o'clock 'in the morning of Christmas day and the : main street of Ore presented a decidedly lively appearance. 'l'he variety theatre , saloons and dance halls were still in full blast. , From the theatre came 'ounds of violin , cornet , piano and drums. On the stage , a beefy rerio-comic was telling the half-shot audience , in a voice very much out of repair , that she wol1lc1 be true to her sailor - - - - - - - - - _ . - - . - . hoy. As this was her third ape pearance during the course-of the evening , she was favored with little attention , the main part of the audience occupying itself in 'smoking rank cigars and buving stale beer , at $1 per bottle. , for the other female artists. 'rhe manager of the establishment - ment stood near the bar at the front of the house , talking to the city marshal , who had just left an upper box , after dispensing - ing liquid refreshments to a few lady friends. " 1 hear there was sOllle kick over at the Sapphire , tonight. OtiC of the bovs . told me Brislin tried a cold ( leal and madc a regular Huke of it. How did it happen ? " asked thc manager. " 011. , I don't believe it amountd to much , " carelessly answered the marshal. "Although , he cer.tainly did drop' the deck and turned as while as talquc. T en" a ter the cards were in t.he box agam , he commenced Wl11- ning lika the deuce and kept it up un ll o'clock , when he closed the game. That's what makes the boys so sore. " "Who is this Brlslin , anyhow ? You ought to Imow more about him than anybody in town. " "Perhaps I do ; but even that doesn't amuunt to such an awful . Only two people have seen his wife-and I guess she really is his wife. One is Mills , the tage driver , and the other is Pat 'Gowley's ' old woman , who washes for them. Mills says she l ys over anything tha 's ever been in this part of t1.le country and mother GowlcV says she is an angcl. When that old' ' dame puts in a good word for anyone , they must be possessed of ex- traordiuary qualities. Well , as you know , the two struck town four weeks ago last night and went to house keeping in Dick Flynn's shack. 'l'he man went over to the Sapphire , gave his name as Burt Brislin , rented a faro layout from Pap Wrayburn and immediately started up in busi nesss. " - - " " , ! I- _ - "One ' " continued thing' : mrl ! , the marshal , "the man deals better faro than half the cral'k ShMPS in the state , and as near as 1 can see , runs a perfectly straight game. Up to a week ago , all the boys that tried to stay with the gaiue , went br ltei but after that , luck changed a11 of a sudden , and if it hadn't becn for that little occurrencc this evening , the bank itself would ha vc gone brolte. " 'l'hc marshal , in an absent minded way , took a cigar from the manager's vest pocket nibbled - bled off the cnd , drew a match across the leg of his trou3ers ! and commenced smoking. 'l'hensaid : " ' ' ' 1'hat's about as far as my knowledge extends , except , 1 know they camc from Dcnver here. " Moving in the direction of the door , pe conhnued : "ntuejay and Cal , with a scatler- ing of other disreputables , have organized themselves into a committee of investigation and inte d asldng a few qucstions. Think I'll stroll down that. way. 1'c11 Cleo to shale that box party and get into her street clothes ; I'll come back in a httle while. " * * * The members of the con niltee had arrived at their destination and were now gathered around the door of a small log cabin. A faint light glimmered from the four-paned window , but no sound of life came from within. Somehow - how , the committee seemel to be nervous and not in its usual spirits. It shufl1ed its fourteen feet and shoved its fourleen hands into so many poclfCts. Finnlly , Cal gave an impatient grunt and turned to Blul'jay. "Go Oil ! " he whispered. in a hoarse voice. " 'rhe thing has come to a showdown ; as you wele so allxious a Ii t tie while a go to I call the hand , you can takc the lead now. " Btucjay looked indignaltly at his companions , pulled himself together and gave a double knock at the door. As the sound echoed and re-echoed through the still early morn l-1g air , every iRJlividual man of the seven smvered , then felt like kicking himself for it , afterward. However - ever , they were not kept waitin ' long , for the door suddenly opened and the gambler pre. sented himself. His face might have been that of a corpse for all the color ilJ had , and his eyes . . 4tt - . . . . . l - " 1 L , . , , i ii i i i 3ii . w . A nIS OUNT OF , TEN PER ENT i ffl - - - - - ' , fIc' P . I j , M _ ' . .c - , . , w ON ALL PURCHASES OF i M , w w I Holiday. Goods I s j i AMOUNTIl\TG TO $1 AND OVER i . i. i A Discount of 1 0 per'cent ' I J' ' I will be given until Jan. 1 I AT THE I Racket Store. I * E. REYNER ' " co. , i Hout h ( laRt corn er Hquorse , Broken Bow. m 'r- I " " - t/i I SEE THIS STOCK i BEFORE PURCHASINC ! , , , , . m G * * * * * * * * * f. f . _ . . - W "I 11.'W- ' " - - ' \I , , - . " . . . . , I , . . - - : - ' " . .11II . - - . " , , , . - - . - , - _ d. ' . ' " ' 'D- . . . . . . - . : : - . - . - - - . : " . " . . . c. J I - "t""t"1"'tt't"t""t" " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " ' ' " " " " " " " " " , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " " ' I - - - - - - - . - - - - - - ISanta I - Claus at I . : - - - I - - I Lee's Drug Store I : - - - - - - - - - - - - ] ? 01' Inonths , vc have been plnnlling' rOI' 3 our Chrislnas Display nnd nrH rcady to 3 have you comc uncI puss judglnent. ' - - - - - - I OME EARLY AND OFTEN I : - - - - - - - - - - - - = = Let the children comc nnll scc our displny. A child should see the :3 : E differen toys and beautiful Christmas articles. I t is educutionnl. = = - - Come , even if you ; 10n't intend to make IHlrchnses , as a visit ho1' ( ' 3 E : will of IeI' to yom' mind valuable suggest.ions . us to snitnble presents- = = E. - It is hardly necessary to urge t.he . advantnges , of eHrly = - = = = selections. You fully renli e t.hat. . . this ulways pays. = = E : Art.icles-on . which a smull payment is made as a = = e : g'uarantee of good faith-will be lnid aside for you. = = E - \Vill also pack and ship goods to be s nt distant f1' ends = - = - - - - A LARGE LINE OF MIRRORS - - - - E of all styles , on whch I llave a SPJ CIAL PH.I UIJ ! , as ' :3 E , [ hought a special cleun-up lot , and I intend to give :3 E customers the benefit of the great bargain I secured. 3 - . = - E .A.1'WC C I .A. . 3' - - = = I have a far more complete line of lPancy Uhinn than = = ever , specially in l-laviland and , J avanese for gifts. 3 - - g : THE BUSY 3 G IJ , - . L 88 , DRUGGIST - - : E3F1.C : > E ; : E3C > VV , EBFI. : : . - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 - " - , seenicd , t go through evcr ) ' man in font of him. "Good ev ning , boys , " he said , in a quiet voice. "I don't think I shall have to search very long for the object of your visit , at this time of day , or night , as you will. I am sorry not to be able to invite JOU all in ; but as you know the dimensions of my one room , it is needless to apologlze. Diuejay and Cat' ' , you arc better known to me t1.1an the rest ; will you two represcnt your fricnds ? " ll'eeling sure from the man's demeanor , there was no trap , the two cntered the cabin and the door was closed. The room was smalJ , plainly furn ! : .hed and cleaner than thc majority of homes in that vicinity. Brislin and his guests were apparently the only ones present , although a calico curtain wa strung across one end of t he room , concealing - cealing a small alcove or corner. ' The dealer did not afTer chairs , butl stood looking at them for some time. "So you thought I 11 ied to wring in a cold deal , eh ? " he finally asked , in a low tone. 111'hat's the way it looked to us. pardner , " Bluejay answered. "You've always been so handy with the paste boards , you know ; so when you spra wled all over'em , lik you did. it looke ( too blamed awkard to be real. So we just thought we'd come over and ask your reason for doing it. " Here Bluejay gave a triumphant look at Ca ! . IIYou have asked for the reason and shall have it , " replied - plied Brislin , as he started for the other end of the room. 'l'he miners showed an inclination to follow , but he turned , with an ugly glitter in his eyes. "Stay where you are , please. " lIe then took hold of the curtain and drew it , lside. Both men started and involuntarily took their hats ofT. On a bcd , which had been concealed bv . the curtain , lay the dead body.of a young woman , so nat.ural in death , that one could almost imagine her aslcep. With a caressing movement , Brislin tenderly plaed ( : his hand on tll I white : fcrehead , then faced his guests again. I " 1'his is my reason , " he commenced - menced , almost in a whisper. 1"1 married her six months ago , and swore at the time , never tot touch anot her card ; bu t I got t mixed up in a wild-cat mining deal at Granite aud went com. - . . - . pletely brolw. r had to do something - thing ; so I took what little she had , came here and opencd a faro gamc , intending to get cnough ahead , if possible , to start in some other business. But luck went against me this last weelj my wife , vas growing worse , she had been ill when we arrived , and finally , at supper to.night , this cursed high altitude got in its work iltld Idlled her iust one hour before I started 'for the Sapphire saloon. Previous to my dropping those cards , during the deal , it Hashed through my mind if the bank lost I would not have enough to pay her funeral cx- pcnses. It was then I lost my . nerve and let them slip through lay fingers. I don't care a con- I tinental what ) 'OU think of me , nor am I afraid of any disaster- ous results ; all I ask for is time enough to place my little dead partner along side of her mother at Denver. " Here Brislin dropped - ped on his knces beside the body of his wife and buried his face on the dcad bosom. Something secmed to be the matter with llluejay's throat. After clearing it repeatedly. he at last blurteclout : "Mr. Brislin. I beg your pardon for cussill' at such a timc , but I want to say ri ht here that this committee happens to be a select company of dal11fools and I'm ll.e biggest one of the lot. What mon y you've won { rom the gang is yours to start in somethin' else. 'l'he body of your wife will be taken to Denvcr and buried at the expense of the citizens of Oro. 'l'hat goer- ! " 'l'he figure at the b dside trembled , then a lI1ufl1ed , unsteady - steady voice replied : "Thank you , boys. " Bluejay and Callooked at ellch other for a moment , nodded , then tiptoed out of the room , Roftly closing the door behind them Five per cent Premium for Checks on . Custer County Banks. Improve ) 'OUI' heards of hogs by purchasing a male frol11 the CURter County Hcrd of Duroc- Jerseys , 8 miles west of Broken Bow. 'rops of 200 head , heavy , large bone , have been fed with the view of growing bone and muscle so desirable in breeding stock. Five per cent discount for pay- I ment by checl { on any bank in Custer county , or for cash. 'I JOIlN HEESE , Owner , 'J Broken Bow , Nebr. , . - - - - , en O CXIacnz : F i > : IQrn CI ' . . . % > C : = = z : : ! . . . > . . . . . . . " 00'- . . . ( ) ' n : I : : : : j > C' ) . : . z : . : I : UI rrJ _ . : ; : , " -CII' ( / ) . or z-t I : - : Z" .g a. - .Z flit . . rr- - 8 I 20 . . . . . C . . : -ca-i " - ; : t " - f11 ! : : 111 Z = O z Z ' - III fnCl ) - C)2 : . . o . . C/ ) ( It ; ; : < j : z tN 0' " ,0 5. ; i : : c _ B . . . " \ tn en ' < C VI > . . . . . -t . . s > > " -I - 2. . O c : : . . " ' 1c..8 ' 0 tn . . . . . < B "Os 0 > > r S' < ; B : CD ' n r ' B t s' t " 0 ' 2 n tr' B oq E. f1 0:1 : . ( IN CAMP OR FIELD-AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There Is always II chance ta enJoy some shooting TO SIIOOT WELL YOU MUST DE EQUIPPED WITU A RELIABLE fIREARM : the only kind we have been makIng ror upwards of fifty years. Our Llno : RIFLES , PSTOLS ! , SHOTGUNS , RIFLE TELESCOPES , ETO , ANle 3'ollr Ih'/II'r. / 1I11l1 111S1Ht IIn the S'l'J Y ] XS. , nlCru Jlut 1i01l1 113' ltu- tnlleroi. wo &hl1' dlroct. f"lXllrORIl Ilro- alll. " 1'11 ' recoilit of Cntuto ! ; 11 rico. H.'n.1 . . .r 11 . , a . ' ' IIlo.trot. . . . . , ntu' " , : , , ' \ hllll..c..hlo . 1'1:0 1..1 < . . .t r..ndy . 'cl rcn't'I nJl' 111101 bu , ' .hunlt'ro. .lUnU. . . . n.r lIIau , i ( 'cat. , . . . . . . . . . . , .tulIIl' h.cuv.'r ' .lIull' . U'nntJful " ' " ( 'ulur . . t'lI'wur" , , " ' "u "nKer r .111 < . . . . . . , . I" . ' 1011I. . . . J. S'l. "J XS .Ut31H . \ : ' ! 'OOI. CO. 1' . O. lIox .a007 Chlcopco rillb. l\U8H. , U. H. A.