Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1907, Image 12

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    . . - . - _ . - - - - - -
" , .
' ' 'l'hrout
'EyeEul'N 080 ,
land Chronic Discuses.
, li'ittiu ' of rlasses.
Office 111 HeaH y b1eck ,
. . .
- - - - - -
. WEl.LS
, Consult him If you wnnt Wntor.
Phone 11'2 , - Brolwn llow.
- -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
. , . . . 1I00Ior In
l'umpl. Wlnll , MII1 , 'rankft. IllItlnKft , UR"OUn.
RnginDA , oto. ntc.
11 roll : 011 lIow. Nohuftll . .
- - - -
Practical Undertaler
Llcnsed Embalmer
Duslnes9 phonc , 301. ResilIence 334B
, U.okOJ1 Uow , Nub.
t .
. . . -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
. . ; ; - . . - . .
. . . . . . . .
Keep Your Dollars
. Moving
Anl hllY j'ollr wlllicr coni uf U'i ,
We hr\\'c In ! ! Iock lhe
GCIIUItIC NII-/-cr ! / : Ucnt !
hlllll' I\lIcllllll \ ,
tortl Crcek ,
11111I1' 1111,111111 , ,
Rcx 1.1111I1' ,
Weir tll ) ' IllIrllnCt ! ,
HIIlcrll ! 111111 WCllcrll Ullfli.
. . , .
- -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dierks lumber &
i Coal Co.
J. S , MOLYNEUX , Manager
Phone 23. Broken Bow , Nebraska
_ _
: r M
IH II'.rhe lVes1 ; E:1eva"tor
ti - D Ar-l I IN - .
g (1 1 " iCS ' C
Rand retnll. R
! pecial attention. given to fi1ing ! ordcrs for coal
111 any qunnhty.
Ih'ohen : Bow , - Nebraska
L .
' " ( _ _ _ 1
. ' We are now ready for
New goods are now arriving daHy nnd our many lines wHI
soon be cOl11plete. When you are loking for
Good Values , and Honset Prices
I the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rug ,
carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't faH to look
our lines over.
' . ' ' .
- - -
; ; : . . . . . . . . " ' , . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
, ; ; . I ' 'ii : " ! Sf . fi. oJ ; lil it ' . l\i . . . . 4\00. . . " . \l . vYEji .m. _ I\iift ! . . t. . I . ' i : .r" : . . . . . . . t . j iiI i !
. We IIOW hll\'c a cOlllpiclc 1
. 00.4.:1 : : ns orllllellt 011 hfllul "l
. . . . . ns Collows : : :1 : '
REX LUMP T.lump , Nut and Pca
I Nut and Stove Lump and Nut l
' ' . . COKING COAI-l for . vour U ndl'rfecd ] urnaces. Phollc 79 : ; '
'f .
I . . ;
C. L. Lurner Lumber Co.
: ! I . . . iij
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . .
! . ' , ' ; ' \ : ' ' : ' . ' " 'ri5fi I. . : \ , ; " ' 'YE' ' ' ' ' . . ' \ ' ' \ ' ' 'rt . . : . . : . : 2.- . . . . . \ : ! . . . ; m' . - . " , " ' '
I ; : : J ' TJ .tiLiJ. : : ; l 1' : ; LiiJJT.f ; tir k ! ; > u. { ! ! : : li.ii. ! > > Iml i
- - -
1\ \ ' ' '
: hero by pUl'chnsi ng
. . . . . . .
" " ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " " ' " " " " ' " " " " ' ' " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' " ' " " ' " " " " " ' " " " " " " "
" Paints , Oils , ulI'I'I""I"'III""I"1
I II lIard ware , I
li'urniture , I
Flour , li'ced i
I l and Seed. I
I . . _ . . , . . . . , . , , , . . . . , , , . . . . , . . . . !
" ' " 11I " ' " ' 11I.11"11"11" ' " ' ' " 'I'II"II'III11""I""I ' ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
J. W. S'C 0 T T .
South SidelSquarc , Brokcn Bow.
. . -
- - - -
- - -
Send your Abstr'act Orders to
Bonded Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank D'ld'ng
- . - - - , - -
- " " ' "
c. "VV' . Bo-vvr.n.a.n. :
Succcssor to BOWMAN & ANDI RSON.
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sohl.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residcnts.
'Vill buy somc good papcr.
Call and sce utC.
11 . .
. .
. . . -
. , . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
_ . _ -
One Man Declarc. . . Hc Is Not Envious
of His Frlend'u Succcss ,
" 'I'ho f"hlml API'I'ol of youth , the
fountnln of evol'lallthll ; lIfo Ilnd )111
Ihl' 'IIIIIIIU'PIIH foI'owlll 0111 without ,
IOJklll old or foolhll ; old are IIhfllll'l. ,
IIloa hy the Hldo of the 1"WIHS ! UKt1 !
hy II IIrofcsslollal mnll of my IIClllllllllt ,
mlCo. " till hI widely kllOWII In WYJJ' of
PIIIIIUlolplllll. " 'I'hat IIIl1n loolcs 111 < 0 II
cllnll of : lfi. ncts , cats , dl'1l1lcs nnd cn.
joy" hhllHClf lllco ono , but I Imow hu' "
past GO. nnd cOllshlornbly Imat It ut
that. 110 IInsn't n grny hllir on his
hcnd , his eye Is bright , hla Hkln 0101\1' ,
1J111 atoll clastic , IUltI his volco atroll ( ; .
Whnt'H the HCCI'Ct ? It hnH hpen nn III.
( txlhlo hllhlt with hllll fl'om cl1l'ly
youth to rotlro nt ( 'Ight o'olocl ( In the
ovenlng IInd alccp until Hlwon In the
mornlnOn / rlslllg ho tulws a cold
bllth , hut mllny mOil tlo thllt. Oh ,
thnt'a nil cnsy , you nay'l Il's lIot so
(1I1s ) ' , nftor nil. 'l'I'y It nud Hllclt to It ,
dCHlllto engn cmonts nt the tlwatm' ,
bur.lnenffldn ! ! loft ever fl'OIl1 the Ilu '
and nil lho vnl'lely of thlnJIJ of that
sOl'I , 111111 you'll 11l1d It ahout ns hru'd
a tusl ( us you can pillce blCoro your.
self , Of COllrso , thcl'o hl\vo been n few
brcnks In his lIfotlme hublt. llut In
the mnln ho hl\s ndhorcd to It. Do I
rcoomml'llll It'l Wetl , hnrdly. It's 1\ ,
dry exlstellco. I prefer this 8t 'lo of
life , 1\11(1 ( nm willing to tllo young nc.
cordlngly. "
Bclglan Geologist So Ascribes Curious
Twists In Tree Trunks.
Cm'lous twIsts are obsorvcd In man '
tl'eo trllnlts , and tllO Inquiry just boo
gnn In ] iJurope su/gestfl / the sUl'prlslng'
cOlleluslolJ that the ) ' are pl'odueed by
the pnrth's rotntlon , 111(0 tllO twists of
Stol'IJI ntHl the whIrls Hcon In wntet. .
Van don Droeck , the Delglan geologIst ,
poInts out that If conditions of grpwth
were the cnuso the torsion shollid fol.
low the Hun's allmront path. In at
least 990 out 1oo tl'oea the reverse Is
true , and It may bo thnt the twist Is
usuntly to the loft In the norlhern
hemisphere and to the right-or with
the clock-In the southern homlsplloro ,
tIIO the turn of the cyelonlc storms
and water vorUces. This dlffenmce Is
duo to the oarth's rotation. Jean
Brunhes note8 thnt It was shown
somt ! yearfl ago that the wlmls duo to
the earth's motion blow steadily at a
senson when vegetation Is active nntl
sensitive , nnd a slight continuouH
bending anti turnln then wouhl bo
lIIcely to affcct the trce pormanently.
-From the Bulletin of the American
Forestry Assoelntlon.
The Amerlc:1l1 : Beauty's Defects.
If wo wore to IhHI IJnrlculnr ! fault
with our Amerlcnn benutles dominant
In the public eye to-duy , it wou1d be
their lllck of facial strength. the ab.
scnce of soul Iuatlty whIch our
strenuous l1aUonal lite and fevorlsh
umbltlons tend to nutllfy If not nnnlhi.
Into. The nobility of countenance ,
the calm. pure , steadfnst eXlIresHluns
t. 11C0n In the faces of the gl'eat scul } > .
r. tUl'es mIght wetI bo emulated llY oUt
; own beautiful women. We lack till
simplicity , the repose of the porlO ( '
( : that pl'oduced those beauty types thai
. have been accellted as a standal'd COI
i all agcs. The American girl , wIth al
of her glorlouB qunlltles , needs som ,
i : . of the serenity and power of 01 <
Greece to mllko her more perfect thaI
ij she Is. Her facial wea ] ( points are h
f her nose nnd chin and forehead. No'\ '
C nnd then ono comes upon the stron !
Q t.po , but It Is the exce } > tlon.-PerrJ
: ton 1\Inxwen , In the Bohemlnn.
How a Philosopher Described a Chile
: : A. child Is nntuN's fresh Illctur (
newly drawn In 011. which time an
much handling dims and defacos. III
soul Is yet n white paper , unsct'lbble
with obsorvatlons of the world , whorl
with , at length , it becomes a blurro
notobook. He Is purely happy becaus
he Imows no evil , DOl' hath mad
I moans by sin to bo aClunlnted wit
mlsor ' . He arrives not at the ml
I chlof of being wise. nor endures evl
to come by foreseeing Ulom. He klss (
and loves all , and , when the smart I
the rOtl Is past , smlloH on his beate
Conld he put ort hlB bodY with h
tlttlo co nt , ho had got oternlty withal
n burden , and exchanged but 01
h a\'en for nnother.-John Ellr
(1G01.16G5) ( ) .
Tennyson and the Socialist.
Tenn'soll l1 lIrlll as a champloll
the hnlJCrlled rights of 1)J'OIOl'ty
thus quoted In WilHam A1lIlIgluU1
Il\tel ' pubHsbed "Diary. " "I was 011
In a corteo shoill \ the 'Weatmlnst
I rOlld at four o'clock In the mOI'llIJ1
A mUll was raging , 'Wh . has so.and ,
a hundred poullds and I have not ,
sbllllng ? ' I said to him , 'It your fath
had loft yOU n hundred pounds y ,
would not give It away to somebo ,
I olse. ' lIe had not n word to o.nswi
I knew ho hldn'L" :
- - - -
I , . .
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -
Who KUlo n Good Dook KIlls Reason.
tJnll'HS warlneKB ho used , nII : good
ulmost 1(111 11 mnll as kill a good book. I
Who kll1u n 11I1111 1 < 11111 a rcmBollnhlo
cl'lulure--GOII's ! hila ! ; ! ' , hilt ho who
kIJIA II good hook kills rea SOli It.
11olf-I(1II11 tile Imuge of God. as It
worn , III tllo oye. 1\I1IIIY 11 mlill IIv ( ! < \
n bUl'dell 10 tllo carth. but II good
book la thl ! \ > reclouK II fo hlood of a
mnsler spirit , mnhnllllcd nlld tl'CIIlur' !
cd UI Oil plll'pUKU to Il tire IlOyond
) lfo.-ohll Mlltoll. I
- -
His Present state.
"Wllnt stnle tloes lho YOllllg f'lIow
hololl 10 who WIIIII" to I11nl'r ' old
Hllh'ulI" ! ' , lollghlol' ? " "Julng ! fl'om
. hlH app\I'UIICO ; whell I ! law hIm COIIIO
out of the old 1II1111'r1 of1lce I Hhuuld Sll ' I
u. Htllk of collaps ( ! . "
"lJoOfm't Mr. Kcelloto IIlay IIny IJOp.
ulnr lIIulllc ? ' "No , " ullllwered Miss
CU ' ( ,1I111' "hiH 111 'Jc IJf Illurlng would
. . .
IlJU Iw 1111 > ' t IIllIg UII pulllllal. .
- . . - . - - - -I II I
She's Cured Thousands I
Given up to die.
- - - -
Practicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy ,
Electric nnd General Medicine.
\ly \ rcqucst will visit prufesslallall ) '
Gand Central Hotel ,
Broken 8ow Dec. 19
rctu rlllll&r "vetfOllr weck ! ; . COIiRul hcr wllell
tllu OtllmrtulI\l\ \ I , . atJaudt \
DR. CAI.I > WI 1.1. IInll\s her Ilracticc to till
Rlll'clal trcatmcllt of Illscascs of the Eyc. J ar
Nns. . . 'l'lIroat. l.ulI&r8. ! < 'clllale Ulscases
Ulsea"es of C\Jlldrelll\lId \ all Chrollic. Ncrvou ,
: \1111 Hllnlcal Uiseases ot a cllrablu uature
Iarly : clIIlsumptioli. IIrollcllllls. Brollchla
Cat"rrah , Chrollic Catarrah. llead-Achc. Cou
stlpatlnll. Stomaclle alld 1I0wei 'I'roublcs
RhclimatiHI/I. / Ncurahcla. Sclutlca. Brhlhts'l
IIls'asc. Kulllc ) ' Dlscases , Dlst"ases of tll ,
1.h'er a 11I1 Blalhler , Dlzzlllcss. Ner\"oIHlllcsS
IlIIlhH'stioli. Obcslt ) . . Intenll.tcll Nutrltlou
Iow Hrowtll III Chlllrell. aud all was'tllli
1Ilsl'asl's lu allultH. I > cformltics. Club-fcel
Cllr\'auturu of tllu SIIIIU. Ulsca'es of tile IIraln
l'ara\.Js. \ ! Epilepsy. Heart Dlsea"c. IIrops } '
Swell lll { u ( the I.lmbq. Stricture. Open Sore.
l'alll III the Belles. Hrallular I ulanlemcuts atli
all 101llr'HtallliliUl discascs propcrty treacll
PIIIIPI..s. Blotches. I ruptlou" . I.lver Spot
I'al1lllll o ( tllu Hair. lIall Complexion. Eczcm
'l'lIroat Ulcers. Boue Palus. IIli\1ldcr 'l'roublc !
'Vcak Back. BUnllnl { Urine. Passlll&r Uilli
too OftCIi. 'l'hu cITccts of coustltutlollal I < lc
uess or tle takhUl of tuo muclliujurluus melll
cine rcceh'cs searchlu ! : " trcatmcnt. prulIIll
relief alllia curu fur life.
DIM\\sl S \VomclI. . Irrc"ular ! l\IeuRtratlOI
I.'allllll : ' of thu Wumb , Bearhll : ' Dowli P31uI
I'emale Dlsplacemc'lhl L:1cl ( of Sexual 'I'OUt
Luucurrhea. Sterility ur lIarrcllllcss. cousul
Dr. CahJwcll anll Hllu will show thcm thu calis
of their troublb allli the woy tu becomc curcI !
a 11I1 ellianrell Illalllis trcated with tllc sui
cutallculls Injcctlon metholl. absolutllwitl \
uul Ilaiu and wlthollt tllc 10sH of a drop (
blooll. Is ulle of her own dlscoverlcs alld I
really thc most sclclltll1c alill certainRUI \
cum metllud of this all vancell alfc. Dr. Cal
well ha ! ! practlcell her profcqslou lu lIomc I
the larcst hosl.1talc'l throu"hollt ! thc cOlilltr
Shu ItaH JIG lIul.urlor lu trcalllllf alld dlalllo' '
1I&r uf 1llseases. lleformilies. etc. SlIe ha
lalel ) ' OI'cut,111 ulUcu III Omaha. Nehrask :
wher" sllu will H)1end ) a portloll of each Wt'e
trcatlllll" hcr mall ) ' I'\tlellts. : NO I1Icurabl
calleR accelltet for trcatmcnt. Consultatlol
uxalllinatioll a 11I1 allvlce. ouc dollar to the ,
Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. Chlca o , . .
Adllress all mall to 104 nco Hulhlloll. Olllal
- -
: JLi\1-ye3fciY \ , Jt ! ? etill U\mJ.dl ! : !
illllle Milll 'lli > ll
o f .
r1ta vlll lIurchaj ! ( ll to Globc Barn ,
ce I have ' It with all ncw
eJ" Iock alll'l : I clcs-all IIrst class--
allli 1I1\'ltl' thc llatrolla e of thosu III
19. IIl'Cll of IIvcn" scrvlce. I"arllwrs who
HO ullhook hrrr'whclI they comc to tOWII
will ! llId thl'\r \ teams well takt'll c1n'of.
! k1l ( C ' [ / 9 mI . : i'1f
ar. ! ? < ! i ! ! p
I -
, _ W _ _ 1.1 : . . . ( ) r. . . -
'itlUR Examined.
B ro ken
- , ' .
Abstracts : b'ul'nished.
I Bow ' 1' axes Paid for non-res.
t HeaIl state bought.
A b '
s'tract Heal Estnte for snIe.
H allTIstate Loans.
CO. . . Bonded.H
Fll'e Insurance.
Secretary. Notary Public.
elL ! ' " LfI-
, - . . . . \ ' ,
- - - - .
- . -
- - - -
- - - -0 - . . . .
. . :
The Weigh of
the Coal Dealers
, locs lint nlwa ) s mcall "nll conI , " e\'clI if
it IIC fllll weight. This ij ; II jokc ill thc
traclc , hul it' ! ! 110 jokc to llt COIlSUlllcr
who pa's Cor it "all conI" all gels lCll to
twcllty per CCllt dirt RlIII mhhilh mixc , '
In. If you llIlY your coal frolll us ) 'ou
get nil coni , full weight Md the hesl ,
well.scrccncrl coal ohlaillnhll wlthou !
paying Cnncy prlCCll.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
. . . . - - . - - . , -
At.t'orncy at Law.
Broken Bow.UNobr. ,
lIavllll ! " jUt ! hall cllrht years practical exper
ICllcc a'l Cuullty JUlllfc. wlllltive Rpcclal aUun
thll1 to thc drawlnll allli prouatlllg of willR alll1
the admluLqtratloll of O'ilateH of deccascII PCI' .
suns alulmillors. Write or nholl lIIe. Imay
Rave YOIl p trip.
- - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Winter Tourist excursion rales h
Florida , to t:1C : Gulf counlr ) ' , 111111 te
Soulhweslern antl Cuhan resorls.
Cheap rate Excur iolls the first am
thinl Tuesdnys of Deccmber 10 Kiln
SIlS , Oklahollla , tht" Gulf counlr ) "
Colorado , Ulah , WYOIJlinJ { . nil- ! lIon
Basin , l\h.ulana and the Northwesl
Ask your nearest ngent , or wrile lhl
We help you hu ) ' laJlI1. Per onal ! :
COlllluclcd Inndseekers excnrslOns 11
chAr e oC D. Clem Deaver , are rUI
on thc first and lhird Tuestlnys i
Dcccmbcr 10 the Kinkaid .free lanl
ltistrict in Northwest Nehrask'a , t
lliJ { Horn Uasin. and to Yellowslon
Vallcy near nillin s , 1\1ontano. . Pu
your money in lAnd and let us hell
yon filll locations at lhe early nn ,
grouml 'noor prices ; you can hOlm
slead tIIltler the Governmcnt ttitcll
or tnkc up In1ll1 under lhe Carey at
at 50 cenls per acre plus lhe cost c
walcr. There is no scction oC th
'Vest a more acl vt" lltl certai
irrigation devclopment than thc Hi
1Iorn Basin. Write D. Clem Deave1
General Agent I.andseekers InCa'
IIIAl on BurcRII. Omaha. No charI . . . !
for his services.
( Ticket Agent )
r. . w. WAKEI.EY , G. P. A. ,
( Olllahn , Nebraska. )
: : .cr " ( .
J ewe1er and 01)tician
West Side Square ,
Broken Bow ,
.xx : o.o < < : .ocO ( . . ( . .
" ' H..II rc1 Itended IIJI' . . . . . . . . .
(1rlm.nn tt No. jl103 .
J.G , RENIZ R , Breeaec ;
Pure Scotch :1011 Scotch Toppcd ShQrt H (
Cattle. My herd lIul1\1 > ers 40 . cows. Will C
pare III breedhllr and quallt ) with anwcst
Chicago My eSllerleucc has tau.rht me tlla' '
ghe Iroodsatlsfactlon. brecdlug cattle mOlit
rul..ef1ln UIIH . .UlluCie. 1 cspcct
ral etbel11l1cre tile equ. . ' of all.thl
I rals In\he U. S. 1 unw ht : Vt' 2S bolls sultal
for thlg and uest year's senlce. My co
-.ehrh from 1400 to pounda. Come and I
. , .
. .
, .
. . .
- - - - - - -
. . ,
NO'rJCg FOn 'l'AX ' mmu ,
Cl'I'lIl1cat'I No'l , :1tI : \ : and : lilli ,
'ro 'rlw MUll'atine l\Iurt ' ' .
! , ! aKt ! allli 'I'rusl Com.
Ilan } "
\ Ult arc Iwrch ) " nulllled that on Nov. 6.
1\10 : ; , I. , A. WI ht llurch\lcd al pUblic salc ,
fOl' taxc'l fur thc ) 'cal' Jlllil. thc following de. I '
scrlhcll tract of land. to.wlt : 1
'rhe Northwest t of Southweol IIf SI'e. \
tlun1. : . 't'own ! < hlp:11 : : N , . lItn : c : ' :11 : WoO anll the
thc Hast of Southeast H 01 Scctlon : ! O. allll
the Northea'l I. of Northcast ! - ( of Scctlon
: ' :1 : , 'J'o\\'nlllip : :0 NeO Hangc : ! oV. . . In Wcst .
t'nlull Precinct. CURter 'ounty. Nebraska ,
Hala laud was laxcllllI thc nallll' of Musca.
tllle l\ltg anll 'J'UHt Co.
'I'lal' 11 lilt' of , will eXlllre A 111'11
: I , IIHJH , whcn tax dCN \ wlllbc ap\lllcll for , . .
Datl\d Dt''clII hcr 1:1 : , 1\107. . . . . " ' . .
Ph'lt pub 110-01 : : : ! t I. . \\'IOU'r. . . .
. I ! , .
St'MMONS 11" , ; l'UHT.ICA'J'JON. '
In District loltrt ! of CUstN' County. NclJraska
Corncllus I" . ' 1'll'rUl' ) " . PlaIntiff.
VII. .
Allcc 0. I\clIIllI , et aI , Defcn ants.
HUMMUNI II } ' I'UIII.WA't'wn , j
'I'hc 11cfcudalltfl. Alice n. Belli Is , Albcrl n ,
lJ"mls , Horace 11. Ilng and Joint Doc ( whuc 'I
otller ami true nallle Is unknown ) will take
lIollce that on December 18lh 11107 the Plain.
tiff Corncllus I' ' . 'I'lernc ) ' IlIcd hlH pelltlon In
the District Courl ofCu ! < tcl' county , Ncbraska
agalllsl you allli cach of you' . as ! 'fendcnts.
thc objcct alltl prayer of whlc'l ' arc to fore
close a certain tax cerllllcatc Issuell by thc
salll 'J'I'C\lUrer ; of lIalll CUHtcr county on
September : : IJtll. 1005 , of which the plaintiff Is
11011' uwnCl' alld holdcr for the snm of iUI.1JO :
aud cuvcrlng the folluwlng dcscrlbcdlro. .
mlses situated In Custcr county. Nebraskt. :
10 wIt :
'I'he W. I of the S. W. . ( of block' I ! uf the
I cwls adl tlon 10 Brokcn Bow , amI upon
which haH been paId Hubsequent tax as
On September : ! \Illl \ , 11I0 : ; , II : ; cents for the
) "car 1110 : ; .
On May 1st l00 , 1 > 1 cents for the : y ar 1110 : ;
OnMIY ; 15th , 1\107. 6:1 : cents for lhe ) 'car IIIUtI.
I'ach : of which auounts dra Wl ! : ' :0 : Ilcr
Interclt for tllclr date ! ! , ccntl
whlchs : : Ilue aull , : d.
Plaintiff : nn\t \ of fore clouse of
saId certlllcate nnd rccclills : mll sate of said , t
llrcllllscs to sallsly thl' amount lounll due
allli for such othcr anll furthl'r rcllef as
may be jnst aull e'luitahic.
You arc rcqulrelt to answcr salll lletltlon
on or before Monday , thc Ilh : 11ay of Janu. - .
ary , IUuH.
Dated Dcccmher II ! , 100 ; .
COIlNJoI..IUS : P. 'l'I1 HNg\ , .
BV HIMON SAMI'.I10N , Attoflll'Y.
NO'I'WIIs her"by give. that scalell pro.
posals will be recelvcd by the umlerslgncd.
County ( JIcrk of Custer County , Ncbraska. /
: : o'clock-noon-of } . ' 01
up to I ' - - the 'Irst day
January. Nlncteen hllluirell anti Night (10l1i : )
lor furnishing the following lIullplles for
Custer county. or so much thereof as shall
rcclulrcll for the use of the county durlllg
the ycar lllOi. :
An bills must be accompanied hf a certl-
lied check In the allluunt OUe hundrcd dollars -
lars ( iI'IOO.OO ' ) all a .guarantec that if awartled
contract the blddcr will cntcr Into wrltteu
agreement ami gIve propcr honll for the
faithful performance of the rellulrclIIl'nts
o All goodsanll SUpplll'S to bt laid down at
thc court house In the city of Broken Bow.
Nebraska , al the lIrlccs bid ,
'l'he rIght to rejecl any anll all bills is
resen"\'d. . . , .
5-8 quire 'l'ax 1..lsts . j
I-I ! quIre Chattle Mortgage Index ' .
I-t ! quire 'l'rlal Docket
'J'rcasurer's Cash 1I0ok
I-I ! quIre
I-t ! quIre General Ledger
1-4lJO-ll lgc r.ellger 'Iq.
I -iOO.pagc I..oo cI.eaf Decd Hccorll
1-700.tagc Lno < ; eJ.eaf Mort age Hecord "
All t'he above Eight ! ! ) qu re hooks to be -
spcclally rulell amI. pr ntcd as lIeI' order of . .
the counly ol1lclals uslnK them , bhlllcr to ,
submIt sample of style ami binding of the
I.ooHc-Icaf Deell and Mortgagc Itecords thal r
Jle proposes to furnish.
' 1'he papcr In all thp abo\'e descrIbed books
to he 01 the best quality-Byron WcstOIl .
I.cder papcr or somcthlng of equality-ail .
to be 01 the vcry hcst blntllng with llatent
UI.ANKfiI , S'l'A'f10NtIlY. ETC. "
/jI1O / fxamluaUonllllllcaUon BlankslIer 100 1
! ! OOO Examination Shccts , IIlngle shcct. : lh.
stract lIaper. suven line prlntcd he\lI. ;
pcr 1000
3OOO'I'e cher's Mouthly Reports,11cr 1000
:100 : : ' : .ll.1ge Jcgal Ulankll , any form , full sIze , ,
tlCL' 100
:100 : : ' : "page Legal Blanks , any form. M IIlzc. . .
pCI' 100
:100 : : , : .page I..cgal Blanks. any form , i : llzc.
llcr 100
: : ; peclal Form Blanks , per 100
OO one 'l'own hlp Plats , scale 1.lnch to mile
ller IUO
1\00 \ tour 'l'o\\'nshlll Plat. , . scale 1.lnch to t11l
1Illlc , pCI' 1110
IWOO Note Hcads , best , prlntcd , 6 Ib , ller 1000
) r.IJoo Note Hcalls , bellt. llrlntcd,1.11l. per IWUO
JOooO ( , eltcr HC\lI ; , bcst. l1r1nted , p.r
1000 .
1 oo IeUer HeadH. hest , prlntell.IO.lh. M sl\l1.
per 1000
IWOO } envelopes , best , llrlntell , 61n , pCI' 1000
IWOO Envelopcs , bcst , prlntcd. 6Hln , pCI' 1000
1 oo 1onvclopes , best. prln ed. 71n. per 1000
IWoo } o n vclopes , hcst. printed. lOin. pcr 1110O
IWlJO Envelopcs , best , prInted , I1ln , per 1000
roe Blottcrs , 4X120 \ III. lier 100
roe Hc\'erslblc Documcnt 1on\'elopes . , size . . 4I
11. llalnlcr 100
: .00 Hcvel1mble Documcnt Envelopes. size
l1llrlntell , per 1000
roe He\'ersablc Documenl Envl lopcs , sIze
10 , ' 100
WO HL..crsab e Document Envelopes , slr.e
10 , lIrlnted , perlOO
100 Ducumcnt 1 < : \'clopes. . size 10 , sllcclal
prInted form , per 100 :
JO Itcam bcst legal abstract.ltllb. per ream '
10 Hcam bcst Icgal cap. 14 11.1 , per rcam
10 Iteam best typcwrlter paper , pCI' ream \ '
: . : Iteam bcst rccorllllapcr. per rcam
I ! Gross Pyramid pIns , large , per gross
H Gros ! pyramlll pins. small , pCI' gro : . "
\'t \ Doz. 1I000d Hulen" brassJ fOlCt'll , 121n ,
- \'t \ Doz. BotwoOtI Rulers , brass faced , 181n.
. cach ,
1 do1. Hubbcr Huler. 12.lnch. each
- . ao scts Poll Books , with envelollcs. gen. cl c. '
: i' Uon , per sct
' 20 scts Po II 110 oks , wIth cnvclopcs , Primary
election. } IeI' set . .
l . 100 CanIs 01 Instructions to Voters. per 100
7000 Olllclaillalluts. gcnerat per 1000
7000 Samllic Ballots , general elect ou , IICI'
1000 '
II iOUO Ollll'ial Ballots. primary elcctlon , per
( ) lUoo
: . : gross Election Pencils , per rees
S : 'OLI School l > Itt. < rreasurar's Hccelt . llupll.
catc anll original , nunbcrcll. perforatcd
ami bounll
: ' ' 110 HCllemptlon Certlllcatc . duplicate ami
origInal , uumbcrcll , pcrforatl"lt allli houml
I : 'OLI 'l'a17 SaleCcrtltlcatt's , origInal alllidupll , ,
catc. nnmherell. perforatcll and hound
. : . : gros , > Aaron's ; Chllled Pcns , Nu , : ' ' 1. pror
: . : ro.s : Spencerian Pcns , any No. per gro : . ,
1\ : . : gross I..eon baacs Gluclnum Pens , No,3 , 1
X per gross
X I : ' : I1Uarltll > lamond Ink. ) IeI' qUart , ,
X Crhnson Ink. per quart
t I oz'I'y Icwrlter t rasers , per Iloz
6iC. ldoz } a cr's Ink anll Pcncll grascrs , best , i
l'eI' doz
I gross Wood and Cork Pen 1I0ldt'rs , per . ,
I Iloz Uubbcl' Pen Holden , . llel'llozen
I gross Ulxon's Cabinet Pcnclls , per gross
_ 1 ross l bcrhanll > 'aul r Pencils , No. ! ! 'l. per
2 gros : [ aber Pencils , No. 1105. l'eI' gl'oSS
. % gross Faber' : . 0 11 Pencils. pcI' dol.
4 tluz l\ollinoor : Copying Pencils , lieI' doz
4 gross Carter's Photo Paste. ! ! oz. llcr doz -
dol. J lIony.hallllle StccII rascrs. lIcr dOl : . I
i do1. [ .etler I"lIcs , wOOlI , l'aper co\'ercll , ) ler
dozcn :
I ! gross HUbber Bands , 00 't , pcr gross
t ! gross HUbber Bands , OO . per gro.s : .
gross Ihlllller Bands. UOi , per gross
I : ' : gr6ss String Bands , ller gross
Magllls Hound.llead Paper Jo'aste ers ,
. 3.8 , : 'i. ' ! ! . er 100
'I lloz boxes , WO to the box , I1otch1I'I : Stailles
per box
I.cather 'rabs , prlntrll , names or Il\lmb rs I
700 1.lthographcd Warrants , bound 'I . ,
, 1 oo Assl'hsment SChellulcs , 111'1' 100.1
. . : ' lOCO Gcm Paller Clips , per IIIJ ( .
100 shects be.t : Oarllon Paller , PCI' 100
: . : ro IItlcetl . ! Complcte Ht'conl Papcr , .
hl.a , ' ) " Icdger. special rutell and llrlntcd ,
lieI' 100 ,
1 doz Hellllngton or Smlth.Premler ty\ll" \
Ira wrltl'r rlbJon't'J'iter's \ ! \ Star Brand. hi.
I ' : : i "hrome or trlt'hrome. as dc.lrell. : each J
' 11107. Ollvcr tnlwrlter rlhbuns cacll \
'to \Ie Illoz dozen Smlth' Automatic Ink Stanlls , lIeI'
ut : J quIres Mlmcograph Slrncll Paper , wltlt
ble auxlllarlcl ! , leth'r size , llcr quire
One pound Stencil Ink
s One 6.oz tub ! ! Steuctllnk , red
( lOne hundrcd rolls , \ddln Machine Paler
JOS. PIGMAN , County Clerk.
, , ' ,
. , , . . ' . . . ' - . . ' ' . . . . .
. I' " , '
. . - ' i . .
. . , .
. , . .
r. .