Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1907, Image 1

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    . . . .w. . . . . . . . . . .
Btate lltllt I I\JfI\f'nu ' oole' ' ,
. . I
- I
- - -
, . .
. .
. . -
. . . ,
What so "gifty" as article of Gold or Silver-the two
"precIous metals. ' , 'l'here is a comfortable certaiuty about giving
Gold or Silver things-welcome because always wantable. In
kind with Gold and Silver , jewefry has been a suggestive word in
gift making. A comprehensive word it is these ( lays , meaning
not ouly jewels' for personal adornment , but articles o.f necessity
aud . usefulness as well , such as -
Watches , Clocks , Diamonds , Cut GI ass ,
Fancy China , Gold and Silver Nov Uies.
Dut jewelry is somcthing' you shoull ( buy of thosc in whom yO\\ not only have
confill ncc , hut of those who have the nccessary knowledge to judge the go 011
frolll the bad , Years of cxpericnce ives \ this knowledge , A glance o\'er the
mentiouings helow , may hclp ) 'OU solvcthe question- " What Shall I Givc ? " ,
Cut Glass Water Set Dou-Dou Spoons Silvcr Kuives nUll Forks
Opcra Glnss Mautle Clock Silvcr Writing Scts
SlIvcr rca Set China Chp Dish Silver Cnke Dish
Jewel Case ChillI's Sih'cr Sct Fruit Dish
Opal Ring J.ocket & Chain Orange Spoous
Gold Band Ring D. now SOll\'euir Spoons Sih'er Brush ol1d Comb
Silver Shn\'iug l\i\l Sil\'er Novellics } : /ll1cy / Salall Bowl
Watch Watch Chain Sterling Tea Spoonj !
, Diamond Rin l\terschouUl I'ipe Breast Pil1R
Cuff nuttol1s Silvcr Thimhles Hracelets
Fancy Salad nowl Cut Glass Gold Pens
- - -
Pancy Cup and aucer
Pepper alill SIIH
Sugar litH } Crcamcr
Fountain Pen
Coat Mark
lIat Mark
. . . , , . " - " < " ' - " ' - ' - : . : 7f : i
. . : : : : . . , . , . . . . " " \ . . M - . j - -
- - - _ . . . . iL : . . . .t.\ : : . . , : : l I _ ; > Jlt : -
. . .
I -
, , , . , , , , , . . . . . . . . . , , , , . , .
' "tllhll."t1II"IJ ! ' ! ! . .I1Int"U . " ! ! ! .UtII"JI1u" "ttIlJI"tJIio'11tJIUII " " ! IlwwllwrJIt ! : : : : : ! : clIu. : "
: ' EtcJ
, Candies , , Nuts , 'Fruits ,
. ' 1 Oysters . Cbristmas Trees Navcl Oranges
Cranberncs Hananas i
1 01ivcs-bot le OIHI bulk Fancy H. Y. Apples Crelllll Cancl ) ' :
Chocolate Clllilly -
< 1'111111 PtH1chng ,
)4 Presh COCOal1l1ts nuts. Nuts. Huts. . Nut ClipS ; -
COUib Honey ' 1 I' . .1 Fudge ] 0
I , . . l 'I 1II0lH S ra7.1
l xtractcll Jel1y Drops '
lIolley l' . .
. Lettuce. ' ' . , , rltne Gllms - J
F'II ) crs \ va 1 tnl S
: New York Chcese Hutter Halls
P eanu 1 s ' . Ii
, ' Hue k w 1 ICllt 1ollr Tn 'II lies t
' . amI Persian Dates Cannclilln Kissc'l \
. Maplc Syrup Fancy Smyrttll Figs Velvet Catuly \ .
, { ' , which . we will Rell at a heavy reduction for Christmas. t
{ I' Our $2 Ra wrs , for Chri tmas presents , go at. - . . . . . . . . $1 49
Ten per cent Reduction on Lamps and Extra Shades {
\ : CANDY-Alltdnds of Candy , made from Pure Sugar. guart
< anteedunderthePurcFoodlaws. SPECIAL PI ICES {
i g'en to Sunday schools. Have your committee can here _ :
: . This Store Will Close at 12 Christmas Qay \
( < \ J II C. : E3 < : "VV".E DW , t
' \ 'l'ltAUg
Pure Old Cider Vinegar F
L . ' - . . . , . . . 1\IAltK . ! ' . . . : ' : ' ' ' ! " ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' . " " " ' " " " ; # ' ' ' ' ' ' ! . , "I , I' !
, , < 1 ' . " ' ! rr.J"r.t:1'jJ'-'r.piTI1r.rr.mrp11r.r.rr.n : ! : ' ' ; ; ; ' : ' : ; : : : : ; omrr.mIl1 : ; : ; ! : Irr.r.r.nm'l:1II'I1"'r.r. : ! : ! : ' 'llij.1" "
Oh say , are you ready for
Christmas 1 ,
\Ve have an IInlH'pendented large stock of
DArr.Ii t ; , Ji'fG-S ,
'J.1Hl ' mS AND' r.l'Hl I rrRrM lTNGS.
" j
t .
81111(1ay Sehoo1 CnmmittoRR : should get. our IU'icOR
lIPt'OI'o } ) urchasing- .
, S11eppurc1 & Burk
( Phone 125. South Side Square
The Postmaster General Has Issued an
Order that They May Be Delivered -
ered to Charitable Societies.
Every year thousands of letters
ha ve been sent to the dead letter
office at Washington from the
postoffices throughout thl. ' country
addressed to "Santa Claus , " writ.
tcn by little ones whose fondest
hope had not been shattered by
a realizatioh of facts. Many
cummunications have been re.
ecived by the postoffice department -
ment requesting delivery of so-
called "S nta Claus letters" to
philanthropic societies , but the
requests have al ways been denied ,
the department taking the stand
that it wo tld be exposing 'con-
fidential correspondent to private
parties , that the letters migh 1
contain valuable inclosures and
that such a practice would not
be in keeping with the principal
of the sauctity of the maitst
Now , however , Postmaster
General M .yer has adopted a
more liberal attitude toward the.
children , as indicated in his action -
tion last Saturday , in sming : an
order to postt1l sters all over the
country-to whom letters full
of trust and pleading are coming
in such numbers from the little
ones-to let the people know
through the newspapers that
mail addre sed to S.l11ta Claus
will be delivered to responsible
parties who will undertake to act
as Santa Claus' agents in the
matter , and the Rm'unr.IcAN
hopes that every confiding writer
to that good and gray old fellow
will have their requests answered.
'l'he action of the postmasteJ
( { encral is a hig-hly commendable
oue. The order to the post ,
masters reads as follows :
"Ordered that hereafter an {
until the close of the first day 01
J auuary , 1 CJOS , postmasters an
directed to deliver all .letters ar
ri'ving at their respective post
offices addressed plainly and un
mistakably to Santa Ciau :
identifying the p'rsun to wholl
such letters are intendiug , to an :
regularly organized charitabl !
society in the cH.V or t ! > wn 0
address , to be u3ed e cUuvely ! fo
charitable purposcs. In even
that claim should be made h
more than on such society fo
letters so addressed. such letter
will be equally divided , accord
ing to number , between or amonl
the societies making such claim.
Zumbrota Zephyrs.
Mrs. Eagle of Kearney , Neb. .
who has been visiting her siste
Mrs Stone , returned to her hem .
on Monday of this week.
One day last week at schoo
Miss Mable Tappen had the mi !
fortune 111 stepping from t11
porch to the ground. as to brea
- - "
- - - - - - - - . . . . . . . - - - I'
_ u . . , I 'It
ne haIr t1w pleasure of giving n Ohl'istmns Present is in knowing that '
one's gift is the ) est of its kind , find the other half is in knowing that it is I
abs111ltcy ] sure t please the receiver.
V e clIll spccilllllttention to 0\11' 1907 stock of Ohristmlls Goods being IIigh Grade , Best Quality and sold at a Fail' Pricn. '
fny here nnd y n olin know yonI' gift. will uc the best , of its kind nlld
absQluteJy sure of its being appreciated. I
. . . . .
Don't Let Another Day
go by before yon have secured
Jour share of McComas' Stock of
Ohrist as things in
Perfumes , Brushcs ,
rancy Goods ,
Ueather Goods ,
Bdolts and Gamcs.
The m nth is well started. A
few more weelcs to C1ristmas !
an how the weetcs will fly . But
we are prepared more largely
than ever before with such a
sllck of goods that it would talee
a catalogue to list them. We
have space only to mention the
lead111glines , we show.
' 13 0 0 I S
An endless variety in every
bindipg , title and author
. - - . . . . . . . . - . . . , - . .25c to $2
We arc especially prepared to get
together any quantity of books
for Sun lay school. public school
or private library on an hour's
not ce. Try us.
Eld. cCOnl.aS : ,
- - - - - -
one of the phalanges bones in
her foot. She was able to go to
scbool Monday.
Mr. D. H. Hepshir and wife ,
of the East 'l'able , spent Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. I
J. B. Holcomb and M , D. Stone
haveshejec1 ] corn. Henrv Cramer
of Ream Valley did the work.
Miss Olive Cole stayed last
week with her grandmother in
the Bow.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewey spent
Sunday evening with J. L.
Frank Callen , near Callaway ,
has been speucling a few days
visiting his iriends in this
1f yon wanl stove pipe , don't
buy the cheap factory made stuff
dut go to W. D. GtAN'l' aud get
some good. 2 ( ) 4t
Holiday Cards ,
Books and
If you .want Christmas
or New Year Cards , or
any other kind of Holi.
day Stationer ) ' . wb ) ' not
examine our large and
very. choice selection ?
'l'he ) ; " are an in the best
of condition-
Clean and
by Handling.
We have t h'm display'd
in such a way that you
can see the entire stock
without having to turn
them over and ruu1tnage
through them. All the
best Holiday Book ! : ! .
' J.8. & J.F.Baisch
I . . . .
I ,
; I Broken Bow , . - Ne b.
, k
of the goods we can show
you. E\'ery line is stoc1eed
complete for early buyers.
Leather Goods
14'ancy Goods
Toile t Cases
Stationer ) ' .
li'oul tain Pens
o Watch s
C.ltt Glass
Prayer Booles
- Alhums
'l"eddy Bears
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Nec1ctie Boxes
Glove and H'c11c'f Boxes
Manicure Set
Hand Painted China
Haviland China
Water Sets
I Vases
Elegant Christmas Gifts .
New , beautiful aud perfect gifts.
'I'eam load after team load has
been received. 'l'nle advantage
of the best assortments while
the stock is complete.
. Presents That Last
A Watch , a l ing , a piece of Cut
Glass. China , Art Ware or Toilet
Case is al wa's kept and remew-
bcred by the receiver long after
useless things are worn out ,
broleen or thrown away. .
Our stocl { in this line is the
best to be found anywhere.
. c > _
in such variety it is impossible
to descr-ibe here and impossible
for you to appreciate the size
amI completeness of this stock
unless you come and see.
We never bcCore had so large
an assortment of DOLLS 'as at '
the present time. ,
' 1'0 avoid disappointment do
.not delay in maldng pnrchases
II ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
UP-'l'O-DA'l'E S'J'A
Secu rity State Ban'k
DECEM BEI If ) , 1907.
and Discounts . . ( / ) .
Loans - - - $ ) /,979.93
Overdrafts - . - . - - . 322.94
County Claims , Warrants , Etc. , . - 1,233.30
Banking House , Furniture and li'ixtures - 5,000.00
Cash on Hand . . $11,750.74
Cash and Reserve Banks 21,725 16 33,475.90
Capital Stock . - - . . . $ 15,000.00
Hurplus and Profits . . . - ' ' - - 5,223.44
Cerl i fied Checks . . . . - . 100.00
Bills Payable . - - . - - 3,000.00
. . . . .
Deposits - - - 86,688.63
$ 110,012 07
3Sf per cent CASH RESmnVE.
We herehy certify that the uhovc statclllcnt is true and correct.
L : W. A. GHORGH , I'rcsi.lcllt. R. n , PICKgT'l' . Cashier.
- - - - - - - - - -
- .
- -
I -.C
' . , Brocn Bow , Nebraska ,
IJ l-C ! ; I M 1:3 Ii ; r 3 rod. 1907.
RESOUnCr s :
Slt17r,2 .4S
Loans and Discounts - - - ,
U. S. Bonds for Circulation and Premi nis 2 ; > ,000.00
Banking House and Ii'ul'niLure - BOOO.OO
HcdempUon li'1und with U , S. Pl'tast1rer : 1,2 O.00
( Jash in Banks - - :0,4 : 2.54 1 71.21OA5
I CaHh Hes'erve - - DO,7 17.01 f
82-17 , usn. B
' .
LIABILl'prms :
Deposits - - . - . . $ lnH,55f .01
Capital Btock - - - - - 25,000.00 '
HurpluH - - - - - - 2 ; > ,000.00
Undividccl Profits . . - - B,4B1.n2
Circulation - - - - - . 2.,000.00 .
$247 , 8 . H
II. L01\1 A , Cashicl' .
j f
. . . . , - _ . , . . . - . , . - . - - . . . . . . .