. J I , . . . , ' I \ 1 J . A NOVELTY IN PUDDINGS. . ftf. . . , " : .1 . : , Cnrrot Fruit Puddlno it DellclouG Ad dltlon to the Menu. A Cr\llt cnnot lHllhllng Is n novelty . . . . which I urge yoU to tr ) ' . A hostess .j ; : " never mnkes a mlstalO In having n hot ' " ! Crult tuuhllng nt n dInner where 111en f't : : _ are present , Cor Ills n universal CaVal" . 1- Ito. l1'reo one cupful of beel suet ' < . . . . . ' , Cram membranes , nnd work \Inut I " ; t. : ' . ' ; I . crcamy , whIch. ma ' bo most ensllY' nc. : it : : c0l11plls1ICu lf using the hnnds. Add I " ; ; : , two and two.thlrds cupfuls or stale I. . . ' : . : hl'cnd crumbs and ono cuphll of grat d " i"- ' carrot. Dent the 'olks of Cour eggs - I . ! until very light , an add gradually , , : : , ; ' " while beatIllg constantly , one and one , I thIrd cupfuls of brown sugar. Comblllo 1'Ji" , the mlxtlll'es , and add the grated rhul 'l oC 0110 lemon and ono tablespoonful of ' ' \ " , strong vlnegnr. 1\IIx 0110 eUlful of . raisins that ltave been seeded and cllt In pleccs threefourths of n cupful of Cl1rl'ants : then dl'odge with one.thlrd cupful at flam' mlxel amI sifted with ono wId onolm\C \ teaspoonfuls of salt , one teaspoonful of cinnamon , ono' lInlf tenspoonful of gl'ated nutmeg and I onefourth oC a teasIloonful of cloves , Add thIs to the mIxture , then also add the whites of four eggs beaten until sUfi' , 'furn Into a huttered mold decor. I ated with 1'lllslns and citron cut In dlnmond sllaped pleccs , and adjust the cover. A few currants will adhere to the mold If it Is well buttcred , Place the mold on a trIvet In a kettle contain. I . _ ing hailing water , allowlng water to I ' . como Ilnlf way up around the mold , , , _ . ' " ' Covcr closely , and steam three and : ' . : ! ; " one.halt 110urs , adlling more boiling I . " water as needed , Remove from the 7 ; - , . . . . mold , and servo with sterllng sauce , , ; : , ; " Cream one.fourth of a cupful of butter , ; . ; . : . . using n small wooden spoon ; then . ' : : ; . . , add gradually , while beating constant. , . . . . Iy , one cupful of b own sugar mixml , , - > with three-fourths of a tablespoonful . of fiollr , Add very graduall ' three tablespoonfuls of sherry 01' Madeira wine , the 'olks of two eggs well beat. en , and onc.half cl1pful of milk. Cook o\'er 1I0t water , stirrIng constnntl ' , untIl the mlxtll1'o thickens , PailI' onto the well beaten whites of two eggs , cook ono minute , nnd serve-'V0111' an's Home Companion. TI E HOME. . T/1Ing / Is not enl ' usell In the bath , room , but Is becoming popular for the vestlbulo anll conservatory , In mal ng cheese balls to serve with n. lettllco course , work grounlt nuts into the cheese and note the de , lIcious 11avor this Imparts. A now Jdea fs to serve marshmallow . on a cup of chocolate , It softens the . " . marshmnllow and gives a alnt . ' flavor to the chocolate. . . , _ , _ When making apples 01' an ' fruit pie always place the quantity of sugar required on lower crust first anll It - will tmke maI'o satisfactorily. Keep a supply of emery paper in the kitchen as It removes rust and bad blemishes from the stove anll Is also Ilseful for cleaning rust from a.ny of the kitchen articles. , For a housowlfe who does her own work a one-piece whlto oilcloth aIH'on , with bib amI sleeves , bound with whlto tape , protects dresses and saves - laundering of shirt waists and ldtchen aprons , To clean plaster of paris pieces brush as clean as possible , then give a coating of whiting and water. Yom' pleccs will look JI1w new. When yerr dirty wash carefully , dry nnd brush with the liquid whitIng , Roast Beef with Yorkshire Puddlno Uemovo the ribs and IHlll firml ' and fasten with slwwers ; place In a bak. Ing pan , dredge with fiour and IIghtlr with peppcr. Pour into this pan some hot water , balw au hOllr a1\l1 a half. Half an hour before It Is done sprlnltle wIth salt , malco the pulldlng and put under the meat In the drllplng pan , Yorlshlre Pull lng-One and one. half cups of flollr , two even teaspoons of baldng powder , one small teaspoon of salt ; mIx wel1 , sift them together , add three eggs well beaten , ono table- . slloont'ul of melted butter , ono pint of sweet milk , Pour the batter Into the pan with the drippings and balw 20 minutes , Cut Into squares and servo around the roast , Bechamel Sauce , , Three Icvel tableSlJOonS butter , three level tablespoons flollr , ono.half level teaslloon salt , dnsh of nutmeg. dash of carenne : , one and oneha ] ( CUllS hot stock , thrce.follrths cup cream , two egg yolks beaten l1ghtIy , one and one.ha ] ( tablespoons lemon juIce. _ _ Melt the butter and when hot add the flour , salt , nutmeg , and cayollne , When blended add the hot stock , grad , . I uully. Stir until thick ! lnd smooth , and cook for flvo minutes ; mId the cream , , coole one minute ; then beat In the , egg 'olks and lemon juice. Ironing Pad from Old Blanket. I . . . A three cornered Imd made from . everal thlclcnesses of old blanket or table Imddlng and covered with ! 1 , - ' man's old pocket handkerchief 01' ! 1 ' . Ilece of old linen Is convonlent to SIll : _ . underneath embroldercd monogrnma : : ' . on table and bed linen or the hand : ' : : : . , . , ombrolde ' on waists and lingerIe , " " , which are tlO much maI'o effectlvc - : ' , . . . when ironed over a heav ' pad , If ! 1 : . . : _ ' , 10011 of tape 19 sewed to ono COl'nel , ; . the pnd can bo hung on the Ironln . , . board. . - Baked TurnlpG. I eel ; sIleo thin and coole 15 mln lites In salted water ; dmln , place in ! 1 buttered baldng dish and 110ur eve ; thom a ( 'lip or good , clear sto01\ , sea , ) Boned wIth oult , pepper , nntmeg , and < Jr lIJ < ed , teJslloonful : of Imgar. Bukc \luttl tender , hasting orten. Serve In ! 1 hot dhdl with the pan grav ' , whiel : should be sllghtlr thickened , pourell over them. PRODUCTIVE POWER OF WESTERN CANADA SOIL WInnipeg Corl'CslJOtlllenco. 'fhero has never been an ' who have ! Joubted the llroduct\'eness ! at the noli or Wostcrn Cnnnda , but there are sometimes found these who qllestlon the fact of Us superiority. During the past season It has been Hho"n thnt In grain raising qualities It 11osscs8ed the \'er ' best. 'l'he Into spring IWC' vontell gl'all1 being sown In many cases before the mlddlo of Ma ) ' . Yet , a large percentage or that sown al thnt tlmo llroduced excellent 'Ields. IIad It I , not been for tbo Crest earl ) ' In Augllst , which visited mosl of tll ( ) 110rth halter or the continent , there would have been a magnificent 'Ield in over ) ' dls , trlct In Western Canada. Throughout the Southern Alberta district where about 100,000 nercs was sown to win. tel' wheat the 'leh1 will bo cnol'mousl ' Inrge. 'fhere are vast traets of valu. able grain gl'owlng latul In Western Canada that nre available fOl' h01l1e- steal18 , the Canadian Government glv. ing 160 nCl'CS free , anll entry mn ' be made by prox " by n1J ' near l'elntlve , thus savIng considerable cost to the AmerIcan who may have entr ' made In this wa ) ' . An ' Canadian Govern. ment Agent will give 'Otl the partlc. i ulal's. 1 Your corresponllont IIns just received - ceived the f01l0wlng leltel' fl'om Crntlc , Saskatchewan , which bears out the stntemcnt made In the 11rst part of this lotteI' . "Cralle , Sasle" Aug , 1907. " \tn ' 24th we planted a Dahlia root , which we brought with us from I11ln. neapolls , Aug' , 12th , SO da's later , It was In bloom , The Plant fs now 4 % feet high and covered with blossoms. 'Vo never got half as many flowers on It \1I11nenpolls , oven during Soptem. bel' and October , although we hall mal'O tlmo to attend to It there. " I men 1I0n- this only us an example of the gl'eat pl'Oductivo pow.er of the soli here In Saslcatchewan , Canada. - - - - - - - - HIS TURN TO CRITICISE. Youngster Felt Called on to Manifest Disapproval of Prayer. Little John , wbo , at the mature ago of COllI' , has learned the Lord's Prayer , is often critieised b ) ' his sister , two J'ears oIlIer , for slight mistakes which ho cannot alwa 's nvold in offering the IJetltlon. A few Sunllays ago he was taken to church for the first time. When the moment for the p1'R'er ar. rIved and the eongregatlon bowed theIr 11e lls John's mother took the ilrccnllUon to whisper to him that he must be ver ' quiet. "Listen , " she said , /land . 'ou wIll hear the minister pray. " This interested John at once , and his lIttla fa.ce toolc on n loole of serious attention , but his mother , watching hIm co\'ertl ' , saw his ex. pressIon change Ill'esently to ono of surprise and dlsapPl'Ova1. A few min. utes more , nnll he could stand it no longer. What could this man be sa ) ' . Ing ? Not a word of the prayol' did he recognize ns the only formula ho had cver henrd called by that name. " \Vhy , 1110ther , " he exclaimed , in a tone audible over nearly ha1r the church , "do 'ou he1r ; ? He isn't say. Jng It right nt all ! " AS SHE HAD BEEN ORDERED , Domcstlc Cleared Everythlno Left Over Out of , the Ice Box. There recently entere the servlco of 11. . Cleveland family a domestIc of Scandinavian orIgin. She had never seen n refrIgerator before , and the lady of the house , after initIatIng her Into its m'sterIes , instructed her never to leave anything old 01' leCt ave l' in the Icebox , but to loep ; : the refrlgorator perfectly clean nnd fresh by throwing the ot' things away cach morning. The very next da ) ' the mlstreDs , 1001dng out of the window , observed something peculiar in the : rarll , "Whnt is that , Sophie ? " she aslcll ; : , "And how did it get there ? " "Thnt is old Ice , ma'am , " was the proull reSIQnse , "left areI' from yes , terda ' , I t'rew It away 1alte 'ou tal' me. " - Harpcr'sVeckly. . DEGAN YOUNG. Had "Coffce Nerves" from Youth. "When "err : roung I begnn usIn coffee and continued up to the lIasl six months , " writes a Texas gll' ] ' "I had been exceedingly nervous , thin a11l.1 Yer ' sallow , After , quitting coffeu and dl'Inltlng Pontum Food Cof , fee ahout a month my nC1'\'OUSneSE dlfmpllCared and has never returned 'fhls Is the maI'o remarlmblo as I am n PrImary teachel' and have ltcpt right on with my work. " : \I ' complexion now Is clear and rosy , my sl\lr. soft and smooth. AS1 good complexion wus somethIng 1 hall greatly' desired , I feel amply ropall even the this weri ! the only benefit derived fr0111 drinking Postum. "Before begInnIng its use I had suffered gl'eatly from indigestion ant : headache ; these troubles Hre now un , Imown , "Dest of al1 , I changell from coffeE to PostUI11 without the slightest Incon , venlence , ! Jld not even have heall acho. Ham lcuown colIee drlnken who wel'e visiting me , to use Postun , a week without being aware that the were not lIl'lnl.lng coffee. "I ha\'o lcuown sevoml to begin thE use of Postum and drop It becaUSE the ) ' .lId . not hall It Ilroperh' . Aftf'1 explaining how it shou1l1 bo IIropare ther lla\'o h'led It ngllin and lira nounced it. delicious , " Name given b ' PostUlll Co" DntU < Creek , 1\Ilch. Read the boolt1ot , "Th < Road to 'VeUvUJe " " ' , In llkgs. "Thero'l n Reason. " . . . , , ' , . . , PROOF FOR TWO CENTS. If You Suffer with Your Kldncys ar.d Dack Wrlto to This Man. - O. W.1nne ) ' , l\ICltlnn. , N. Y. , In. \'ltes kidney sufferers to wrllo to him. To all who enclose IJostngo 110 will 1'0' IIh' tetUng 110\1 Doan's l\hhle : ' Pll1s , cured him actor 110 hlHI doctored and llnd been In two dltterent hospitals tor olghtoon months , ButterIng Intense 1)1ln in the b 1C It , Inmeness , t \ \ ' I n g 0 s when stoopln : ; or lifting , languor , dizzy spella IItHl l'hou111ntlSI11. "Deforo I used Doan's Kidney PIlls , " sn 's Mr.I I Winney , "I wulghed 143. Arter taking 10 01' 12 boxes I weighed 162 nnd was completcl ' cured. " Sold h ' aU llealers , liO cents a box. Foslel'\lIlbu1'U Co. , Duffulo , N. Y. Was Holdlno His Own. A wenlthY mun , rovlslting his natlvo "ll1uge , " 'IS telling his old cronies arounll the store store how ho 1l\\d IIchlovell his great success , At the close of his recital an ohl vlliago chnr. acter thnt ho hall lcnown ns I boy on. teredo "lIow are 'O\l , 1.'OI11 ? " said the srcat man , holding out his hand. "Anll how hare ' 011 been gettlllg along all . these 'ea1'S ? " 'fho old Cellow shifted Ills qllid and 5Imt , "WI\'al , " he snlll , "when I lilt this town more'n 40 'ears ago I llidn't have a red cent , an' now-wa'nl , I guess I'm holdIn' my own 1111 right. " No action wIll bo considered truly good , \I111ess the will was so , for b ) ' the wIll the act was dlctnted-Senecl1. . . The National Pure Food Law has stopped the sale of all im. . pure food products. No more need for worry on th.at.score ! It's . now a question of efficiency and good value for your money. BAliNG : . . ' ' . . ' " " POWDER' , for years has stood every test for purity .and wholesomeness. Its superior quality shows in the delicious cakes and biscuit that K C is guaranteed to makelJI The price is a saving of over half your , balcing powder money- . 25 9.'fIJCeS 101'1J 25 cents. If you have never tried K C , do , , so , ' , now , under the following guarantee : \ " Your Grocer will sell you a can of K C on trial. Use it for your favorite cake. It will be lighter , tastier , more deIicate-or we pay him for the an. It will open your eyes. Try it quick. Don't delay. You al.e missing much. JAQUES MAN'UfACTURING COMPANY , Chicago. C' - " ' 'Y 1. ! < " " " " < "t . . There Is not a mnn In UIO worlll but something i111)1rOVes ) in his sonl from the moment he loves-and that though hIs Io\'e bo vUlgar-\lnotm' , Unck , Smulcf > l'i ! 1IIIIJI'ccilltc the Cluulil ) ' valuc of Lcwi ' HinZle ! Hinrlel' ei nl' . Y 0111' ealcr 01' Lcw l , ' Factorr , Peoria , Ill. There Wel'e female matchmalcers thousands of 'ea rs befol'o matches were Invented. I'U.ItS CUIt1.U : J-1 n 'I'U 1.t Uj\1'S. ! 'AZO OIN'1'M N'I' I Junruntl'rll 10 curn IIny case nt Itchln" . IIl1/1d , 111 < , , " 11111 ( or J'rnlrudlu& & : 1'IIIs In ( ) 10 1I11u8 ur wuney rctun. . " . . . tlk : . - - - The statesmnn leads t110 masses. The masses lead the tJoUticlan. , - - - - - . " " : . . . " . , . ' : , " . . . \ . . , . . SEARS , ROEDUCI < & . CO. INDICTED. Charged with Using Malls to De. fraud and In Misrepresenting ArticleB Sold. Dos MollIlS , la-Spccln1)-SentB ( ) , Rocbuck & Co. of Chicago hnvo been < 'hargell with using the mnlls to Ilc. fraud. 'fho Indlctmcnt Is on three cOllllt8. It Is nlleged thnt the com. pan ' mlsr lJl'eaelltcll articles ItIts tmtalogucs scn through the malls. 'fhe Urat cOllnt chnrges that on JIIM 13 , 1D07 , the company d vlaell n scheme to obtnln money by false Ino. t'lIses Cram Dr. C. F. SIlrlns of Dcn Moines by slllIlIg him whlto lead that Bt'arllHoobuck clahn to have mnllt' . 'rho Indictment alleges it was mallo by others. A second count Is on 11 ring bought by H. II. Miles , amI the third cOllnt Is the Ol1lllng of an. olher rill ! ; ' , alleged to hnvo been mls. rOlH'esentcll , thl'Ough the malJs. A Frank Advertiser. rrho now commerclnl mora1lt ' has spread to Cc 'lon , From ono of the nowSlJaIWl's of that bnlmy Island wo tale the following : "CII. A. IIOnSE-RIsing so\'on , fine mOllth and pnces , nbout 15 lmnds : fine Lall "s Hnck ; shows 11. lot at brced. Ing ; Heason for solllng , bad with mo , tors : won't go 111 hnrness ; jibs when lenvlng stables ; catches rilleI' by sent of breeches Wholl mOlllltlnr ; ; bllt 1\ llnrllllg pet. AIpl ) ' , &e.-Lollllon Dally 1\11111. The c traol'lllnn1' ) ' popularity or fine whlto ! , ! : oolls this S\l111l11er maltes the chalco of Starch II. matter of great \m. \ lQrtnncc. Defianco'Starch , being free from nIl injll1'lous chemlcnls , Is the only 0110 which In snfe to1S0 on fine fabrics. Its grent strength as a atllfencr malces hnlf \IsllallJllantity of Stnrch necessary , with the result or perfect finish , eqllnl to that when the goods were now. . - - - - " , , " , ; ; . ' 1'0 bo happr , hopeful , buoyant from the dellUls of the heart ; pure 1n word nnd thought nnll deell , and moderate In a11 metho ! ? of life , this Is the true art of noble IIvlng.-Young. - The ReaGon of It. " thnt - actress "Why haa thntparticular maI'o claJIOl's ] tllan any' otber In the Illay ? " " " ecnuso she Is a soclet . bolle. " - - - - - - - ON1.Y ONI , "UHOJ\lO QU1NINE" 'I'lInl Is J.AXA'J'1\I 1I1l0(1 QJIN1NI ( . I..onk fur tll. . .ll/nalUre ot I , W. lIItOV 1' : , UM' < I tllo Worl' uver to Cure Colli III Ono Uuy. . . _ - - - - - - - . 110 hath a teal' for 1)lty nnd a } mnd as 0))011 as the llay for melting cbal'l1) ' . _ _ H _ , . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . \ . . . . , : ! Ii I , , i CASTORIA . I" Ji i . , "k- , , " : ForInf g and Cb11dron I II ! r lIl ri The Kind You Have ' 1 ! , , . .Jt Always pought , ' I. I' ' i : Bears the . ' ! 'r ' ture , Sign I u , - . - . . . . II ill I I i Promotes DigCstiin.CJltrrru ! ! of \JI ! ncssilnd HestConlillnsnclUltr , ill/III / , i OpiumNorphhtc l\Ol'Niucml. \ : : ! N01' NARCOTIC. : , . . , H ' : ' .n.tVtDlO I/Jr'sII.l1JI/'l1l1fff : : I" 'I , . J 1I1 Sml- . , . ! : ' .dILtrl/la ; 'I I I . .H rAtUtS lh- . , . I ' I I : I Jt SttrI \ n ! h ! i 11 { ' = ' f.dz , rfi I ' J"J'd : - , : : 'I ' f : r. ; U'se : ' ApcrflctRe1\\Clty ! forCansfipa- III ! :1 : , tlon. Sour SoInach.DIml ( : Dca : : : I WormsConvulsions.fmnsh' F 0 I ' : : ncsSll , OFSlllil'P. : 0 r V e r I llli1 ! ! : FncSimilc Signntutc or' ' 1 : lit ! ; 111\II' \ 1 ! NEW'YORIC. j I T h Ir t Y Y Oars , jar Ii , : . I I \ , ' . ' ' 'II ' 1 I ' CASTO RIA .Gunri1'ntc , , . , , " " ' 'd. ( ' UI 1 1\\ c \ \ , h y od . Exact Co v of Wrl1oocr. . , . , . , " " 0 : arNT . U" cnM" " ' " ruw : ' 1'011" . 1IITf' \ . q , - ; ' . , ; . . , - : . . - f ' : _ ' ; : 'f t , . - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . ' ; ' - - _ . - - - 8i' -I 8- AT ALL - . PRleEa , Fall EVERY MEMDEIl OFTHE FAMILY , r-mN , DaYS , WOMEN , MISStG AND CHILDREN. W. L. DOllofso mn"tte and salls more wcJ m n's $2. ( } , $3.00 : Jnd $3.6U shoes tllnn alU' olh = , . Inanulaclul'o" In IIa AI'U.1 world , l'u'08UO Ihoy Iold Ifus/ , . . ' , ' , , , botto , . , wo , .lonacr , nd " . ' } . zro p'jI oro'o , . v llu tluan any olho , . . { jr dl . .hacs In tle world lo-cla.y. . ' . Er.-llld"Iv. W.L.Douulau $4 and $5 om EdDa :1hooa cannot b. er.unIltJtl1f.t any p.loe. . n. , . . VA UTI ON' . - W. I , . Is ft amplJJ on b'lttonl. Talt6 No Rub- itltutc. ; RollI 1 > ' 1' tbo 1'e t . Douf,1t18l1nmo ) ' / lern , lihol's malle,1 frOIn r r.lory to allJ lun' or Ihe worlJ. ) Uultratell cataloi : free. " . L. llOUGLA , XlH1C1.otOIl ; 11111. . . _ . . - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - . "When I feel bad , " writes Mrs. R. H. Cox , of Jasper , Ala. , "the first thin I do is to take a dose of Cardui , and it relieves. What a wonderful medicine Cardui is I I FIrst wish I could put it into every home in the world. . When any woman is at my house , and complains , I just give her a dose of Thing Wine of Cardui 'I am glad to tell other women what it has done for me. Before I began to take I Cardui I was very sick with female troubles. The doctors said I needed an operation , O but I took Cardul , which cured me sound and wen. " Sold everywhere. Try it. Write . . for Free 64-palo Dook for Women clvla : : BymptomB , causes. home trel1tmtr.t and WRITE FOR FREE BOOK . .aluable . hlnta on diet. curclaca , etc. ! ! lent Cree on roquolit In plain wrapser1..by mall B 18 ' . . . . prepaid. Ladlea' Mvlaory Cept. The Chattanooaa : Medlclno Co. Cbdtanooaa. 'una. , . , . , - ' ' ' ' ' ' -.rv. . . . . , _ _ - : - _