Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1907, Image 8

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    d.lit. y- ----I
. , . _ . . - - .
Eye , Eur' , N 08C , 'fhront
an < Jhr\uic ( DJ S US'8. .
Fittiu of Glas es.
Office 1n Rcaltv bloclc.
. . _ .
- - - - - - -
Qonault hlrn If' ' you WRnt Wator. ,
Pboue' 112 , . . Broken Bow.
. - . - - - - . - - - . . . . . _ -
H I.JO , H. , [ ) ,
. . . . DrAlu I"
Pump. . " 'Ind. MIIi , . T. . nlte , l-1U\nFI' " \ : , Gn ulln
. .aIDOII , ta. cac.
Utah. . . . . nnw. Nehu. . , . ,
. _ . . .
- -
- - - - - - . . '
Praotical Undertalcer
Llcnsed Embalmer
nusluc 9 phollc , 301. Rellctence : 334
Drokt'Q DOW , N.h.
'I. . . .
- . . , _ . . . . . , _ . . . ' . . " . . . . . . . . . . ! ' : : ; - , c-
are lIecute. Invest in
Bull lng Mnterial and
I Cool.Have } 'ou ! lecn
! . our Wire Corn . Cribs.
: Don't let your Com
I' rot on the Rrounl1.
I We hnve 'em in stock
! Dierks lumbar &
Coal Co.
J. S. MOLYNEUX , Manager
Phone 23. Broken Bow , Nebraska
; : =
. ;
. I
. F . nd 1 a i.S w
nnd retail.
bpecial attentiou , given to filling orders for coal
in any quantity.
Brolten IJow , - - Nebraslu ]
: 'OOX : 'OV'OO : : .Y"Qr , 'Jr..o".oxxcccr :
- ts.
Weare now ready for
ew goods are nuw arriving d i1y and our many lines will
soon be complete. When you are laking for
Goo.d Values and , Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. wattiugs , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines over.
. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
I Ii" 7" " " "f ; " : , ) + Io" . . I 1r.l ! : ] ; . ' ' It ! " : j : ; e1 . , Jr'ii " i : " ' . - & . : . ' f' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l'r " ' " . , , . . ; tii1 . ; : : " " . .lt : r } .I1'It. . mi } " ; : .rJ. ft "n. . = < I i . . . . I '
; : \
We now have acompiete !
. . . : 00.:1 : : . assortment as f 0 11 ows on : hantl " ' "
. . REX LUMP IJump , Nut and Pea
. Nut and Stove Lump and Nut !
Jr. COKING COAL for your Underfeed Eurnaces. Phone 19
Ii c
.fI C. L. Turner Lumber Co.
. . , , ' . " 'I ; . . . . . , , " .w. . . . . " . . : ; . , . . : ' . ' " . . : . \ : ,01 ! . ; . ' . : . . . t.1fi" . . .ta /0 / ' # : , . . . .J " " . : . . , .L' Y ' ; . _ / 'ii1 _ . ; if : . . . . . . . . . = < . . . . L. . . ; . " 1 . . .1118.11. Ji , ; , 'I" r. " ; ) : , J" : '
. . . .
, U L - - -
. . CA N
i here by purchasing
. . . . . . . " ' , _ , . . . _ . . . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . t."tt''II1..U' ' ' . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . " " . " . . . . . , " " . . . . " , . " , ' ! ! !
I Paints , Oils , I
I Har ware , I
. !
F urm .t ure ,
, I Flour , Feed I I
. ; " " . . . . . . . . . " . . . " . . . . . . , . . . . . " " ' , . . , . . . , . . . . . . .r. . . . . . . , . : . . : ' : . " "IIII..II.J . ,
. , . .
I Soutb SideSqunre : , Broken Bow.
I .RJ"T8.i lf t.L - -
- ' - : : : - - : - - - .
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank
_ _ , , , ,
L- - " " : " ' " - _
- - - - -
' , r , : , '
; . -vv. . :
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
. At the OLD STAN D.
Real E1tate. ! City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented : Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy snmc good paper.
Ca11 ! tn ( } . .e m .
. . . .
' ' )
, , J "
. . . : ' " , . . t. .
, , , t.rI
' - ' --rI
The Womens Reli f Crops.
The Woweu ll.het Corps is
one of the greatest orgJ.nU.1t1Un ;
In the world and we arc proud of
the fact. We are als l' our ! that
auxllary to one 01 th. . : g-reah Nt
orders that was ever orgdn zld
and we will not rest till ea11
member has brougbt in Itt least
one new recruit , as this is our
twenty fifth anniversary. The
Womcns Relief Corps currics on
its rolls more than i55000 patri.
otic women. 'rbc b. . : t womtn of
the land , in all walks or lIf con.
sider it an honor to ue e'nroll. d
un er the banner whos m.lto l.o !
It'ratcrnity , Cbarity aud Lo 'alty
More tuan three millions 01
dollars have been u ed in relief
since its organization. The
aims and obj c. s , of tue Women , ; ;
Relic ! CorVfJ , are to e peciallJ'
aid and aS Hit tbe Grand drmy of
lh. . : Rl'pu 1ic , and to IH..rpetualc
the l11tmo/'y / uf their h roic dead
10 asslHt such 'union ' Vtteran- :
as need uur 11l lp i1IHI protcc'1011
dnd to extend ntedful aid t I thtU
widows and orph.108 'ru fj'-Id '
them homes and cmp oymeu'
and to assure thcm , of svmMth ( )
and friends. ! 'n m I ntatn tru' '
nlll'giullcc to the U IIi led Stdtt'
01 Americf. To luculcatc le- .
! ons of p.ltrlotisrn , and love 01
country among- our chihlren an !
IU the communtltl.s : in which Wt :
live an cncourage the spread 01
ul1lvcrsal and equal right to all.
'l'his orgalJlzill elI was the first
to inuoducc th salute to the a
in our public schools , and hI
mak < : th. . : observance of Flag
Day general by pr paring and
carrYing out sUltaole progrdm .
'Dhe Womens Helief Corps is an
incorporated body and owns much
valuable real estate. Ander.ion.
villc Prison Park belongs to tbl'l
order and under the dJrl"ction 01
Mrs , Ehzabdh A. Turner , 11 I
chairman of tbe commlltee , th\
grounds have bren made vcr. . >
Th finance of the Womens
Relief Corps are in splinded con.
dition , the national treasurer reo
porting that on August 18 , .1906.
their was a blnnc of $3 131 in
the Andersonville fund , 1.060 in
the southl'rn memorial funct ,
. : t2o91 in the emergp.Dcy fund.
and $17,038 in alliunds. Therl'
was received for tbe Ca1iforniij
sufferers $5.332 10. expended in
relief lat V If , t.n l 00 memo
tlrial day $207.656.25 ; the numbrr
of persons aSlstec1 WdS 31) , lOt
There are 2,800 corps in th
order , the' total exp n'lt'd since
tbe organization , is $3,057,444 ,78
Tb total assets are $23,2U7.78.
with no liabilites. This is . .u
showing to be proud of. Ev ry
loyal women is given a cordial
invitation to join tl1e au iliary
of the Grand Army'of the R .
public-t b e Womens ReI i e f
Corps. Yuurs in F. C & .
Press Corr spoDdent.
. .
- - -
Real Estate Transfer. .
Frank E. C11aff e to J. H.
Bri. nizer. 160 a in 10.13.
24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1200.0C
I incolD Land Co. to J. T
Bills , lot 2 block L in
Cumstock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.0 (
David McKee & James McKee -
Kee to Thomas Ellis ,
160a In 27- I 4.21. . . . . . . 1600.0C
Jason E , Evans to M itcbe1
Sch'w < 1rtz , parcels in sec.
. aod 6 197. . . . . . . . . . . 9 OO.0 (
Annella V. Warren to Ellen
J. Rich r , parcel ne. see
18.19.22. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 150.0 (
Lincoln Land Co. to C. L.
Waterbury , lot 2 in block
5 in Be rwyn. . . . . . . . . . . . .40. Ot
Let us be your printer. Tht
fooc1 kinc1 of printingonlv. .
I Broken -
Co. Bonded.
. . . .
, I Secretary.
, - . . . . - - .
J t A. AH OUh ,
Attorneat La , , '
Broken liow. Nobr.
" "lnlt " fu t h011 ; ollllil yous IIr.1ctlcal upcr
1t IIC" a. . C"UIIIY JudICe. will III "I. IIlIlclal aUu"
Unn 10 tllo drawl nil and prollull1ll of will" an.1
the adlhlnllltraiion ( If Mt01tlll' of docealed I" ' "
! luns and n1lnorl' ; . Write or phon" DIe. I maj
a'l'e you p trip.
She's Cured Thousands
Given up to die.
- . .
Practicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy ,
Elect ic and General Mtdiclne. I
lJy request will vlalt profcsslanally
Gand Central Hotel ,
Broken qow , Dec. 19
rclu rnlng 'v , ty fonr "II J. . . . Cn ulller wilen
the uPlIlJllunlt'l' . Is at handt
DR. CAIII > WELL IIm\s \ lIer pracllce to tbe
special treatmcnt of diseases of the Eye , Ear.
Nose. Throat. I1unIlR. I'emale UIReascs ,
Dl'lcaReR of Chl1ren ! and all Chronic , Nervuus
and SUfillcal Diseascs ot a curable nature.
Early cunsumptlon. DronchlUR. Drunchlal
Catarrah. Chronic Cat \frah , Head.Ache. Con.
stlpatlun. Stomacho ana Huw,1 Troubles.
Rh..umaIiRnl. Neuralllia. Sclotlca. Drhlhts's
Disease , Kidney Diseases , Diseases of the
Liver and Uladder. Dizziness. Nervou'lnells.
IndlreRtlon. Obesity. Interupted Nutrltlou.
Sluw Growth In Children. aud all wa'ltlnll'
Dlsea ps In adults. Ddormltles. Club-feet.
Curvanture of the Spine , Jlsealles of the Drain.
Paralysis. Epilepsy. Dl'seasc. Dropsy.
Swelhllil of the 111mb" . Stricture. Opeu Sores.
Pain In tbe 8' nes. Granular Enlargements and
all lonll'.standlnll' dlReasos property treated.
Pimples. Ulotches , Eruptlon . I1lver Spots
lo'alllnll of tbu Hair. Dad Complexion. Eczema.
'l'broat Ulcers , Donu Pains. Uladder ' .rroubl"s.
Weak Uack. Hurnlllil Urine. Pallslnl : ' Ulne
too oflen. ' .rho effects of constitutional sick.
1I08S or t:1e : taklnll of too much Injurlou@ mcdl.
cine receh'es searchlnlC treament , prompt
rllIef and a cure for life.
DIease. . of 'Vomen. Irregular l\Ienstralion.
FalllnlC of tbu WO/llb , Heat1pll Down P ltls. ,
F..male Dhlplacem , uts Lack"ofSexual Tone. ,
Loucorrbea. Sterility or Darrenne'i'i. conRult
Dr Caldwell an IIbe will show them the cause
of their troU"llu and the wuy 10 hecome cur"d.
and cnlarlled ilands treated with the Bub.
cutaneou'l IlIjection method. absolutPly wltb.
out pain and without the loss of a drop of
blood. Is one of hcr own dhco'l'erles and Is the most hclentlfic and certalnlv sure
cure method of tbls an 'l'anced all'e. Dr. C.\d.
well bas practiced her profellslon In some of
tbe lar"est hOliphales throullhout tbe country.
She has no . .uperlor In treatlnll' and dlallnus.
nil' of diseases , deformlth'i. etc. She haR
lately opened an olllcc In Omaha. Nehraska.
wbere she will Rsend ; a portion of each weck
treatlnll her many patients. NO ncurable
callU , ; accepted for treatmlnt. Con'lultatlon ,
examination and ad'l'lce. one dullar to tbo..c
Dr. Ora CalJwell & Co. .
Omaha , Neb. ChlcaJ.o , III
Addr"S9 all mall to 10. Dee Dulldlnll' . Omaba
Gllo'l > > e
JIb ! 'W 9 ! lW , JIi' ! e dll ml1lldJl !
: mID. ihll1lbD.e ! ! :
mavlng purchased toe Globe Darn ,
oI.I.II. I have supplied It with all new
stock and vehicles-ail I1rst class-
and Invite the patronage of those In
need of livery service. Farmers who
unhook here when they come to town
) wll1l1nd their teams well taken c-ere of.
L. CW8EIM.&m ,
JP ! dP { llD ) ; ! a
Titles Examined.
Abstracts Furnished.
Taxes Paid for non-res.
Real state bought.
Real Estate for sa Ie.
Real Estate Loans.
Fire Insurnnce.
Notary Public.
.A.t-torD..ey a1 ; : J.a : ,
Fat'm Land and City Property bought and sold.
Money for Farm Loans at Lowest Current rates.
Agent for Beatric Building and Loan Association.
-l I 'I "I
, T r 1. > 4 " ' ; " : " " ! " , - 1' ' . . .
The Weigh of
the Coal Dealers
doc : > nul nlw. ) s 'all coni. " even if
It be full wdght. This is a joke in the
tralle , but it.s no joke to Ihe consumer
wlio pays fur it "all c' nl" and etl ten to
twenty per c"nt 'tirt nnd rnbll1sh mixed
In. If you buy \our coltl frollUII you
get 011 conI , full wellht a ( I the hest.
w ll.scrl'eltl'lt coal uhlainal'h : without
J n } ing fEtncy prices.
H. T. B RUe E & co.
Lumbel & C al
South iclc.
Winter Tourist excursion rates t"
FlntirlA , to 1:11. : ' Gul' country. nnrl to
Southwestern nnd Cuban tt50rts.
Cheap rnte Rxcursionq the first nnrt
third Tuesdn's..f Dl'cembtr to Kan-
SRS. Oklahllma. t1t1 > Gulf country.
Colomllo. Utnh , Wyoming. Rig Horn
Basin. 11ulana and the Northwest
Ask your nearest agent , or write the
" '
We- help ) 'ou buy land. Personatly
conducielllandieeKers excursions in
chRrge . , f n. Clem Dl.'aver. are run
on the first aud thinl TUEsda's il1
Dt'ct'mber to the Kinkai free lanet
istrict in Northwest Nehrnska. tc
Big Horn Bacin. ; and to Yel1owstonf
Vatley ntar Bi11ingll , Montanl ! Put
lonr money in land nnd let uc ; help
you fimllocations at the early an
ground floor prices ; you can home. .
stea under the Government ditch.
or taKe up land under the Carey acl
1t 50 cents per acre plus the ( 'ost 01
water. Thert' is no section of the
West a more activ. . . and certail1
irrigation dt'velopmt > nt than the Bil !
Horn Rosin. Write D. Clem Deav r ,
General gent Landseekers Infor.
mation Bureau. l'maha. No charg (
for his services.
( Ticket Agent )
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. ,
( Omahn , Nt'hraskn )
: . . . : : . : : : .C'-
rcc '
! .C'I I
] ewe1er and 01)tician )
West SIde Square.
) Broken Bow
I Nebraska.
" ' " - - . " . . , " ' , : IC'I..J
, . Heru . 't : . . . , . d tIr : . . . . . . .
ro . . . . .nn q . .11 Nn. ' 71'103 .
Jo ( . B [ { bN lZ 1 { , tlrt'tUel .I
l'ure Scotch and Scotch Topped Sbort Horl
C.1ttle. My berd numbers 4u cows ! Will com
PUt : In brer.dlnll aud quality wltb any est 0
Cl1lcalro My cXI'rhmcu has taulrht me that t ,
"I'I'e .cuodllathlfacllou. breedlnlt cattle mnlt b
r . . . , . . ' . . , . . . .UUt1c. I expect t ,
r..etl. ln . . r the q. . . . of anytblDI
raised In'h. . U. S. I now It t7e2Sbullsllultabl
lor tl1ll1 and next year'lI slnlce. My cow
wehlb hem 1400 to , WOO poundll. Come and ae
N01'lCE OF P O AT 010' WII.L.
'I'hl : State of Nebraska ,
} 5S.
I Custer Counly ,
'ro all the devisees and leg 1tees. and 11
persons Interellted In the estate at Susal
UateslIeceabtd :
Whereas , ! : ) tlilmau Gates of said county
has l11ed In my ottlce an Instrument purport
Ing to be the last wUl and testamellt 0
l:3uban : Oates , de.eased. hte of said county
ami a lletltlon praying to have the saml
admitted to IIrobote , which wUl relates tl
both real alld llerllonal estate , whereupon ,
have alllolntell the I tll day of December
1\10.11. \ at IU o'cluck In the forenoon , at m'
onlce lu lIald coulltV. as the time and plac. .
for you and all concerneLl. may appear ant
Contest tbe probate of tile same.
Intelllmoll ) ' wherefJf.l have hereunto se
I my halld and aOlxed my on1clal se 11
thIs lijth day of November. 1M.
County Judge.
I _ First pub. Nov. 21.
Estate ot Jane P 1lump.deccased.ln Count' '
Court. Custer county. Nebraska. '
The State of Nebroillka , to alillersons Inter
estedln said estate , take nOllce , that Jaco
U 1lump has l11eLl a 1111011 account and repor
of his administration , and a petition fo
tln 11 lIetllement and dlseharge as sucl1
which have been aet for hearing before sail
court on December 21M , at 10 o'clock a
m..when you may appear and conlest Ih
Dated'November :11.11 : > 0'7. '
( WJAI. ) o U. HUm > nHEY. Count , Judi .
1I"U1I' b. NOT. tJ.4t
. ' - . '
. . . . . . . . /
" ' ' ' ' ' ,
7" 1 [ \.4' \ l Hr'
- - -
Deprsrtwcnt 01 the Interior. Lanll Office at \ '
Drokeu ! Jow. Nebraska , October lUst. 1M. , \ .
Notice Is hereby glveu tllat ( ' ; hancey 1 [ .
SWICklOI Lillian. Ne\Jraska \ , lias 111 ell notice
of his ntentlon to make IInalllve year' proof
In IIUPPOrt of Ills claim. vlz : Homelltead
Bntry No. 21UO , made March II. 1001. fur the
I : IIW ( . ni sc Section 14 , towllshllJ 18 ,
range I. and that said proof wUlJe \ m 1Ue
belore regiliter and receIver , at Hroken How ,
Nebraska , on December Id , IWi.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuoull reslllence uIon , aliI ! cUltiva.
tlon ot. the laltll. vlz : AlUert Helderll. of
Lillian. Nebr. ; David McQulliten. of Merna.
Nebr. ; Frellerlck Hrock. ot Merna , Nebr. ;
James Col1wan , of Lillian , N br. -t '
JUHN HEESE , I eglster. ;
Fist J.'u\J \ Nov.1.6t. . !
- . _ -
Depat'tml'nt uf tile interior. Lanu Office at
Hroken ! Jaw. Nebraska. November4. 1M.
Notice IS hereby glveu tnat J. < 'rcl1V JIlck.
man otIerna. . Neliraska. lias lUed notice of
1I1s Illtenlion to make tlnalllVe year proof In
liUllPOl t 01 "Is claim , vlz : Homejteau : ntry
No. : W7ll. made lo'elJru.1ry U 1\llJ1. for thl : nw
Section II , townjlllll I . range 21 , : loud thu :
, said proof will be made belore rcglstlr and
recelvet' , at Hroken How. NelJralk..t. on Dec.
la , 1\llJ1 \ ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuouj : reSILience upon , ami CUIUva. .
tlon 01. tile land. vl.G : Oil vcr l1 , ullth , Hen.
r ) ' L. WIUlallls , WIlliam e. Alspaugn , UslJorn
U. 8Wlck. aU ut Merna. Nebr.lIlKa.
JuHN HEE8E , Hl'glster.
First Pub O.t Hit
To Whom It May Concern : .
'J.'h , ' cOlUlulss
oner appointed to view. and
If deemed tor the puollc good. to locate a
real ! pet 1I0ned for by C. l { . Heist , eL ai , com.
menclllg at scllool houllc at tile n\\ ' corner
I ot Section U. townlhlp 11. range 11 ; thence
eallt about one wile ; thcnce north and cast
about one and ofUNl arter milt's to : j. point
about &I rolls cast of Ule sw corner of section
:1-1. : townshlll18. rolnge 11. and Inter ect laid
ut roau at townshlll line ; thence take Ule
F. M. Van Antwerll urvey , north anll east
about oue and onchalf IUlles and Intersect
lalu out roall at the northeast corner of the
se { 01 lIection 21 , townshllJ 18 , range 11 , as
IIhown by plat and Held notell on l1Ie n the
county clerk's olllce hail : reported In favor of
the establishment thereot. and aU 'objec. .
tlons thereto , or clawiI : for damages , must i
be IlIel1ln tile county clerk's onlce on or be. 1
fore noon 4t the : ! llIt Ilay of January. IWij , or I
such roa. ! w111 be established Without refer- j
cnce thereto. .
In Witness Whereof. I ha\'e hereun o set
my hand and seal of said county. this 21st
da ) ' of Novcmber 10J1.
JOS. I > IGMAN. County Clerk.
First Pub. Nov. H.Ot.
- -
NOTICE Is her by give. that sealed proposals -
posals w1l1 be recelveu b ) ' the undersigned ,
County Clerk of Custer County , Nebraska , \
up to 12 o'clock-noon-of the Flrllt day of .
January. Nineteen hundred and Eight (1008) ) !
for turnlshlng the following supplies for I
CUbter count ) ' . or so much thereof as shall
required for the use of the COUl1ty during ,
the year IUII8.
AU lids must be accompanted by a certl.
fied check In the amuunt One hundred dol.
lars ( iIIUJ.W ! ) as a guarantee that If awarded !
contract the bld er will enter Into wrlttcn
agreement and give proper bond for the j
faithful performance of the requlrelUent
therein. \
All goods and supplies to be laid down at j
the court house In the city of Hroken How.
Nebraska , at the prices bid.
Tile right to reject any and. aU bids Is
5-8 quire Tax Lists
1-8 quire Chatt\e \ Mortgage Index
1-8 quire Trial Docket
1..8 quire 'J.'reasurer's Cash Dook
1-8 quire General Ledger
. Ledger
1 101l-page Loose.Leaf Deed Recopd Loose.Leaf Mortgage Hecord ,
All the above Eight (8) ( quire hooks to be
speclaUy ruled and prlnteu as per order of
thl : county otllclals using them. bIdder to
submit samllle of style and binding of the
, Loose.Leaf Ieed and Mortgage Hecords that
he proposes to furnish.
I The lIaper In aU the above described books
to be ot the est qualltyDyron Weston
Ledler paper or something of equality-ail
to be ot the very best binding with patent
500 Examination Application Blanks. per 100
8000 Examination Sheets , single sheet. ab.
stract paper. seven Une printed head. " ' .
per 1000
3OOO'l'eacher's Monthly Reports. per 1000 .
300 2-page Legal Blanks , any form , full size , '
per 100
SOO 2-page Legal Blanks. any form. size ,
per 100 /
SOO Legal Blanks , any form , size. .
per 100
200 Special Form Blanks , per 100
SUO one Township Plats. scale 1.lnch to mile
per. 100
500 tour 'J.'ownshlp Plats , scale 1.lnch to the
mUe , per 100 '
15000 Note Heads , best , printed , 0 lb. per 1000
15000 Note Heai\s , best. prlnted,7.1b , per 1000
1 oo Letter H ads , best , printed. , per
1 oo Letter Heads. best. prlnted, size ,
per 1000
15000 Bnvelopes , best. printed. Oln. per 1000
I5\JJO \ Envelopes , best. printed. 6 Hn. per tooo
1 oo Envelopes , best. prlnted,1ln. per 1000
. 15000 Envelopes , best. printed. lOin. per lOCO
15WO Envelopes , best. printed , IIln , per 1000
I 500 motters. 4X1J . 120 lb. per 100
500 Reversible Document Envelopes , size
II , plain , per 100
I 500 Heversable Document Envelopes. size
11. printed. per 1000 '
500 Reversable Document Envelopes , size I :
10. plain. per 100
I 500 Reversable Document Envelopes , size J I
10. printed. erlOO
100 Document fnvelones. ; size 10. special ,
printed , orm. per 100 I
\ 10 Heam best legal abstract. 61b , per ream
, 10 Heam best legal cap , H lb. per ream
10 Heam best typewriter paper , per ream
. 2 Ream best record paper , per ream .
8 Gross Pyramid pins. large. per gross
8 Gross Pyramid pins , small , per gross
I Ys Doz. Hoxwood Rulers. brass faced , 121n ,
Ys Doz. Doxwood Rulers , brass faced. 181n.
1 doz Hubber Ruler , 12.lnch. each
30 sets Poll Dooks , with envelopes , gen. elec.
tlon , per set
\ 20 sets Poll Doo'ks , with envelopes , Primary , .
, election , per set
100 Cards of Instructions to Voters. per tOO
1000 Olllcial DaUots , general 1000
f 1WO Sample Dallots , general elect on , per
, 1000
7000 Otllclal Dallots , primary elecllon. per
I ( ) oJO
2 gross Election Pencils. per gross
200 School D1st. Treasurar's ltecelts. dupU.
cate and original. nunbered. perforated .
and bound .
200 Redemption Certificates. duplicate and ,
original , numb red , perforated and bound
200 Tax Sale Certll1cates , original and dupU. .
cate. numbered. perforated and bound I
: : gross Aaron's ; Chllled Pens. No. 21 , per
gross .
2 gross Spencerian Pens , any No. per gross
2 gross Leon Isaacs Gluclnum Pens , No.3 ,
per gross .
12 quarts Diamond Inl ( . per quart I
I quart Crimson Ink. per quart 1
I uoz 'l'ypcwrlter Brasers , per doz i
I doz } < 'aber's Ink and l > encU Erasers. best ,
per doz I
I gross Wood and Cork Pen Holders , per' ' -b1li
dozen ,
I doz Hubber Pen Holders , per dozl'n
I gross Dixon's Cabinet PencUs. per gross " "
I gross Eberhard Faber Penctls , No. 48l : , per ;
gross I
: : gross Faber Penrtls , No. 605. per gross "
Ys gro s Faber's 0 II l'encUs , per doz 1
. . doz Kohlnoor COllylng Penctlll , per doz ' '
4 gross Carter'lI Photo Paste. ij 0. . . . per 110. . 1
s uo : ! : Ebony.hanl1le Sted Erascrs. per dou J
Ys d01 ; Letter l tles , wood , paplr covered , IHr ,
dozen .
8 gross Ru\Jber \ Hands , OOYs , per gross
\j \ gross ! tubber H\nlls , OO , per gross "
4 gross Hubber Handli , UtJi. . ller grolls
12 gross I:3trlng : Uanl1s , pet. gross
1UOO Magllls Hound.head Paper Fasteners ,
. 3.8 , I.ij. per 100 '
1 doz boxes , SUO tq the box. Hotchkiss Staples , ,
tier box
: . 20 Leather Tabs , printed. names or numbers
each .
100 Llthogralllled Warrants , botmd . \ '
1 oo A5sessment Schedules. I'er 1000 .
11)/ ) Oem Paller CIiIIS. per 1110. ' "
- t. 0 shbets best Caroonl > aper , ller 100 , .
200 sqeets Complete Hecord P.tper. 12:1:18.ln. : .
heavy ledger. IIpeclal ruled and printed. ' .
per I 0
I uoz nemlngton or Smlth.Premler type. ,
writer ribbons. Webster's Star Hraml , bl. :
chrome or trichrome. as desired. each t
I doz Ollvlr typewriter rlbbons. each ) ,
I doz Smith's Automatic Ink Stands , per :
dozen :
: I quires Mimeograph Stencil Paper , with I , " '
e auxiliaries , letter size , per quire \
One pound Stencil Ink ! "
I One 6-oz tube Stel1clllnk. red
One bundred rolls .Adding Machine Paper
JOs. PIGMAN. Counly Clerk.
\ I 'J .
, .