- - " . " , ' ; . . _ : . ' , . i-T'H " - ' , . . ( NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. All SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON. ReligIous , Scclal , Agricultural , Pollt. Ical : md Other Matters Given Due Con ldrztlon. , The now Uurllngton station at Yorl 1fJ IlcarJy finished. . WI1 Is 1IroJrosslnJ ; rapidly on Fnh' , lJ11ry"H tiO.OOO hotel. Wlll10 out hunting ' { 'odd Pullen of . Tecumanh , had his thumb ubut err his left. l1a11l1. .1. P. Mtlullgan nnl1' Albert JTellm' , two l1l'ogl'cl.\Slv . .1'nrmertl of Cuming 'tolinlr. uro cach' 'fccdtnl ; 900 } lend of tiheep on their farms. i l"mnk lInrmel' , resldlnf ; In Ca. ! ! ! : ; county. Is reported to have husl l 1J3G bunhels of corn In eight dni6 , It 110lng un a.vera.go of 117 llUsbcls per day. utgJars of unufnlnl lserlmh.ltlon RttQ'ID.Ptcd to blo\\ ' the satc In tllo of. ; five of/Ute Andeger.1teroltJ. : fI. GltInan newspaper at Grand 1fJ1 an d , but were ' ( dlsturhed. Frank Morse , who ban been , , 'clgh. . master and superintendent at the Un. Ion Stock Ynrds In N bras11. City , . for t.he pns. lwent-tour years , bas Bo\'erud hiS' connection with that Instltuhon. Nearly aU of the Greel ; laborers who l ha.ro been worltlng In I'J.ttsmouth for } the BUl'lIngton during the past , mm , mOl' received their time checko cuul most Elf them have leU ror other parls. t Olyde BlJIngton. the negro who shot an kl1Jed Ohurch WUson at Auburn. n coup7o or weelrlil ago , In seeking to luwo Ids trial postponed unt1l the next term or court. His 1)lea. wflJ be seIr. dere se : Stt'tte Treasurer Brinn , reeel'\'ed , a , paymcu.t ot $10 , OO ( 'rom the count ) . trea.s'lU'Cl' of Yorlc county which will aid inaUcrlal1y In relieving the nnan. clal stringency that has been hover- Sng O CI' the state trea urJ. ' . So-vcrnl da's ago 11 burglar entered 1loca ] warehouse In Nebra lc City and tolo some beer and a' number or boxes or cigars , A young' colored man wns:3rr-e : tcd and tbopolice clalD that they bD.\"C cvloonce to convIct. 'nbe rc ent Duroc.Jersey hog 8al& held 1 > y George Briggs & Son. near Cmy Center. wan a record breaker. the nvcrago price being $ l'iO per head. Thtit ( If Henry Wnrre bronght : J.\'ound $66 lror head for lhe slme line ot hogs. The now Optometry Law will bo In I effect en and attor January 1. 1908 , All opticians who wIsh to continuo , the lracllce oC Optometry mulrt make nppUcatJon Cor a certificate ot exomp. tlon ( lr I'eglstratlon before January 1. 1908. John Wilson. alias Hendricks. who I . was founll at Dakota City with the I1m'scs otolon fl'om Barela ) ' Lamb aud wa hrought back by Sheriff Babb. Ls . . now nt UIO county jail In Fullerton \ ' Q.waltlng trial the second week III De- cen bo . " TJIO mate ralrwny commission out Jiued au order dlfcting ! the r\hmy ! and o. llreSS companlos or Nobrasl ate to glvo Imlnoyed service to duir ) " men. A shell must \)0 \ erected In Omaha to protect crcam shilIUcnts trom the weather. . Cong-rcumcn E , II. HInshaw and G , ttV. . or1'i8 were In BeatrIce for the ; - " llU'l'POSO of JIOlclng 0\01' the lOst oaleo buildIng aUII al1certalnlng what 1m I , provcmonts are neccssar ) ' . ' 1'he } 1051- master l'cccntl ) ' made a rcquest fOI more room , Word was received In Ne rasIm City that Mr , Uremer. tra\'oJlng for the O. . 1 L , Gregor ) ' Vinegar wOI'lm of tllat elt ) . . . had tkoppcd dpad In a small town in VirJ } nln. . His family. which reDldes nt Ottumwa , In. . . was noUficd from the Nc111'ncka town. H. . E. Hayfield ! lnd r. n. Hall. two Roc Island cmployps at Fah-blUj' . hn-vo just recolved from Denver , Colo" I ' two mounted benr slrlns tallen from ' two ] argo silvcr-tlpIl'd grlz7.lyenrs \ \ . which tlwy Jdlle whllo on a hunting trip ncar Walcott , Cole , . Inst JUlle , nutlcdge's gp1 lnl ; outfit of b Ca.w1 1)\111ell Into lIermm last weak fl'om 'Wheaton , 1\all. : . aner havh their grading contract cuncolled at that t place. 'I'hey worked all rprtng Sn Soutrh Dakota 011 the Mllwaukeo road oxlon. ; jon Into : : \hmbma and c."p"cted to lIwe : winter work In Kausas , 'rhoy } " wUl do sarno count } . w'Orlr ' for oui . ) Jurt and Wanhlngfon counties I1n then tIe Itll for UIC winter. II. C. Haverl ) ' . awward of the hos. pltal for the hllmnc , will retlro from his place DmClnlJc1' 1 to talto the managcnlent of the nostwlclc hotel. I1qd tbuo rar no Intlsfactory pe OI1 ( Im.s 1.ecn ! found I succeed him , Nl1' Jl1Cl'O\L'i applications have been made . fpr Mr. Hnvcrlr'n plaoe , but It 18 un. , ers1o none qulto moot U10 rcqulre. mcnta. which call for a ) 'oung IDM or eXl10rience and llC must bo unmarried. The Seventh f\j" Ad\'enUsts have mov.cd tIle olllc of lho stale confer. ence from Colleo View at Lincoln to HauUngR. nnd IIro l'-tnl > lIslled now In I theIr new homo In the conference I llUUdlng recl'ntly O l\l111cted. ' MlssolII'l Pac'flc hns TJ'JIO : appUed for } lermlsslol1 to reoloro the old rate or 2'h cents on Glone und stone tlcrccmlngB" from Wopln WntCt' to OU1u a anll LIncoln. 'rhis comes up \ , } In 11 cross llolltlon In the rOI'lfJst of , the f.incoIn COllltuorclnl club for the rote ot 2 cents now chnroed rrom , WccphlC Walor to Omaba. I . , ' . . , . , , . ' " . ' , " , , , I , ' , . ' j , ' , , , , ' WOMAN KNEW HUMAN NATURE. Pcr I1r1 Experience Co.rntcd In Her Indorsement of New Pastor. - A I'h1lalcIllhln congregation " 'n caUcd upon tlot long agoto choose n plstor. The last. three mlnlstern had bocu pcrsonn non grata. with most or the Ilnrlshlonors : and beroro nclcctlng i Mother tbo , congregation ( Ud fowe ; 'prclty hnl. 'thlnldeg. There waa ono womnn oC oxpcrlenco whoso volco car. riel ! particular wolght. Preacher ntter } 1l'Oflcl1er was In\'Uod to the pulpll Cor n trIal sermon , : uHl nll , In the nnnl nnnlrals , wel'e rcJecled hr tliofomnio arIJItCl' . At last there cmno along n II0138Ibio Incllmbent who met wlth her npprovnJ. "Tho reason I nm sura ho wl1l gl\'o I saUsfacUon , " she sallI , "Is because ho . has the right Ithul of a wHo for n' ' mInister. She allows hIm to rMt ( U'ounll 11.11 ho wants at homo nnd ( ) oeoll't Gass bacle. I found out a long whllo ago-shorll ) ' aCtel' I was mar. rlca m'f.oIr. in fncl-that n man who hlUJ11.t that prlvllego at homo worIrs off his RIIleen eI80whel'o. A minister \'ents It on hIs Cong1'egatloll. Tho.t \\38 wl1) " we couldn't stand the lnst prcachel' . 'l'llIs ono wIll be al1 right. \Vo won't heal' a peep out or hIm. " And upon that unique recommendn. . lion the congregation renJly did gl\'o the , mnn n clll. , AecorllIt\g : to Jast .ac \ cou'nts both he and UIQ congregation were doing , vell. The "ire has not been heard from. BABY ITCHED ERRIBLV. Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed Skln-Coctom No AvnlJ-Curcd by Cutlcura Remedlet. . . . . . . . . . . "M ) . haby's fuce amI neck were CO\ . cred wIth itching sldn IlmUa J.Q. ccze- ' roa , and she surrered terrlbl ) . l 'r' ver a year. I tooIc her to a number or doC'- tors. and also to different colleges. tone no avail , Then CuUcura Reme les were re onlmondel1 to mo b ) " 1\IIss 0- . I Jd not use Il at first. as I had trIed so many other l'eulCdlcs without any favorabIo 1'esults. At last I trlcd Cutl. . curn. Soap. Cutleum Olntmcnt and' Cutlcura Resolvent PIlls , and to my surprIse no tic < ! d nn Improvement. After using three hexes or the CuU. cura Ointment , together with the Soap and Pills. I am pleased to say she Is altogether n different child and the picture of healtth. Mrs. A. C. rcstlin. 171 N. LIncoln St. , Chicago. m. . Oct. 20 : md 30. 11J0G. " A Girl's Glg le. Samuel Shadwell. 'n touchy oJd m2n living In an Indlann"mage , had a pane or slass brolcen In his honso ono night not Jong ago nnd next day he had a ten.yenr-old girl named MInnie Dayton nrresterl for It. 'Vhen th.o case ' \'Ins enIJed in court lIe was aslred how he 1m ow It wns . : Minnie. Ho ndmltted that ho dldn.t see her. but heard her giggle. 'When aslwd tr her glgglo was dlfYerent from that of any other girl ho said It was , but ho couldn't tell wh ) " . Neither eouJd ho Imltato tllo slggJe. and he lost his caso. \Vo aIJ Imow wllnt a gIrl's glsgle Is , but ft , any of us were nsked to give an hnltntlon of it we' 11 probabJy rnl1. A boy may utter , but when It comcs to gi.ggHng only n girl can do that. - - A Relief. 'Smith started up Into a sitting pos- ture. ture.Vho " \Vho nrO ) 'ou'1" ho cried. The mar.lced l1guro wllh the dark L'lntenl and saweofl shotgun turned , nonplused for the moment. from the bureau. and said. confusedly : " \Vh ) , I am a-cr-bul'glar , " Smith settled back upon the pillow. cJrawlng the warm coverlets about his shouIl1ers. " 'l'baulc Hoodness. " ho murmured. sJoopl1) ' ; "I thought you werc a plumber. " Why StreetJ Are Straight. "Thoro is no mystery about the streets of New York. " complained the : wstheUc stranger. "It is aU straight 11p and down. North , oouth. cust. ' 'fcst ; aU strnlght paths. No rn-oss. cuts and alloys. no zIgzag turns and twLsts and cowpaths. as In London nnd Paris. Just , iong. straight ; unin. terrupted roads. " "Built that way purposely : " n na. tlve mcpIalncd. "Wben tbo average New Yorker lIas to go howe. he needs n straight road. " WHAT WAS IT The Woman Feared ? What a comCort to find It Is not "tho awful thing" f ared , but only chronic indlgesUon. which IJrOper food can re. Uove. A woman In Ohio says : "I woo troubled for ) 'ears with indigestion - gestion and chronic constipation. At timcs I would have suoh gnawing in m r stomach that I actually feared 1 had a-I dlsUko to write or even thInIc or what I CearerI. "SeeIng an nccount of Grape.Nuts I declded to try It. After a short time I 'WP6 sntisfiel1 the trouble waD not the awful thing I Cenrel1 but was stln " [ bad enough. However , wns reUoved or a bnl1 case or dyspepsia by ch.ang. ing from Improper food to Grape-Nuts , "Since that time my bowels have been ns regular as a clocle. I had also noticed before I bego.n to ent Grape. Nuts that I was becoming forgetful or where 1 put lIttle things abont the house. which was very annoying , "llut slnco the dlgest\'e ! orgnno l1avo become strong rrom oatlng Grale- Nut9 , my memory Is good and my mind as clear ao when I was young. nnd I am tlHlnlcrul. " Name clvon by IJoslum Co. , nnttlo Creek. 1Ilich. ltaarl tbo little boolt1et. "Tho Road to Well. vUle , " In packages. "Thero's a 1'Cl1l1on. " - WESTERN CANADA I A WINNER - - THE CROP OF 1007 IS AN XCEL. LENT ONE. M nltobJ.JSaJkatchewrn o1nd Alberta I Frrmers Doing Wel ! . - - 'tho Interest HInt Western C"\1la In. . bns aroused for sc lO ) 'ear9 past la growlnc in Intensity. 'I'ho conditions ot the crop or 1907 n1'o sucb Umt 1'0. suits ( 'an bo spol en or with sorno de. greQ of ortalntJ" . 'rho 'Ield of grain wU1 bo about 80,000.000 Imshels amI the 11rlco the farmol's w1l1'eallzo for It wIll be upwa.rds of sc\'onty mlllion dollars. 'fho oat ercl'l ) was good In most III aces. unl the crop o [ barley will bo very rcmunernU\"C. 'rhoso who know of " 10 gcno11l11 " uusnUsraclol' ) ' condItIons qrIn- ! : the ReelIng , Hrow. Ing an rJpenlnJ ; period in the Unltcll Stutes during the lIast 80ason , wlll } och with Ulghtcou3 dlHll'lIst on any statement intended to gl\'o t.ho Impl'es. slon thn.t. Wc.atcrn CfUlIlIln. conditions were so much dtrrcrent. Generally , .tho ) ' were not , but. the conditions of a. hl1hly l'ectllJOmlh'o aoll , long and continuous aonshinCo : uo coJHlltionn . possessed Iy ) Western CnnadA and' not. Possessed by nn ' other country on the Continent. 'rhis fB wh ) ' It Is possible to l'ccoro today n fnlTly snccessful crop. when In most other places the o postto Is the C.'lSC. 'I'ho yield In all gra.lns is lc.as tban last 'ear. but tbo hIgher prices obt.atned more than off. set MY falllng oft In the yIeld. 'I'ake Cor instance the Prov1nco of Sas. Imtchewan tllO whcnt crop wUl bo worth 21.13 , OOO. J ast year the same C1'OP waa 3G per cent. larger Bnll the quality bottoI' . The yield wns worth $24,000.000. OI\tS Gm ! barley are very important fnctors In all three central Pro'llnce9. At Gladstono.Inn. : ! . ltoba. l'e.turns from ono fnrm were $27 per acre { rom ti10 wheat land , $35 } 1er acre from oats. and $30 per aCl'O trom , bo.rlcy.'I'11o : rIeldor whant at DIJ.t phln , Manitoba , was ( ) to H bushels to the acre but not ot 11 , 'ery good grade , but tIl0 yleJI1 of 001'1011 In that section was good and GO ' 'I"llS the quality tJnd price. At MeadO\v r CL. : Manitoba , 15 to 20 bushels tn the aero were thrashed , bringing n l'Ound doUar 011 the mamet , At Onlt l.alcc. lanltuba. on 00010 fields whore 21 bushels were expected. t'WClvo ' , nn , .filte n.w.as . . the result : others again wlicro twenty was Jooked fer gave twcnty-two to twenty- five" One 13)lclul ) patch south of toW11 an J. l"I l\IcFat'lano's farm went as high as thirty bushels to the acro. At Sheho. Sasltatche\\'an. oata yielded from 60 to 05 busheJfJ to the ncre. Sam Wunder throsbed 2.(1)0 ) bushels from forty nores. The sample is good and weighs wen. At J..I0yt lDlnslor , SaSe lratchowan , W. DIbby threshed - 97 bushels of rots to the ncro. and two others Wfa but mtlo behind. Wheat here reached 3 hushels. At Portage la Pl'airle. Mnn1toba. from a quarter section all In croP. AJex. McKhmon of Ingleslde threshed un average or 33 bushels No. 1 Northern. I. J. Graht had 190 acres. 'ielcUng 0.000 bushels of tllC salDO grll c. 'i'hoso lllustrnUons talren from wldel : , " distant. distrIcts ( nnd tho\1Oands of others could be produced ) show Ulal the year 1907 ha not felt tbe , serIous ofiectu from SQvere winter. Jnto spring. or nfavora\Ie \ conditions ( } ming tllO crowing scason that might have boon antltcpatcd. In order to learn m ro about this country write to the Canadian Government Agent whoso allt1ress nppears else. where. nml get n copy of the new Last Dest Weat , whleh bo will bo p1eascd to mall yotl froc. French Pollee :1 Surprise. "Well , h w did you 011jOY yourself in Paris ? " they aslccd or Mrs , Maloney - loney when 5111.0 got 11omo , "Very well , " she rcpIlcl1. "Very well. indado : but thcro was wan thing lhat f3\1l'IJrisod mo moro tWn enny- thin' 0150. " " "And what was thMi" they quer- Ied. Ied."Tooro "Tooro'Vere n tot of policemen there nnd aU av tbhn was Fronch. " . Sheer wlIito g s. In met. nny nee wash geode when now. ewe much ot tbclr attrnct1venoss to the way they a.ro 1uandcred , tWs holng done In a manner to cnhance their textile beau. ty. Homo laundering would bo equal. 1y s.1t1sfnotory : If proper attention was Glvcn to starching. the first essential bc1nl ; good Starch. wWch has sufficient strenglh to stiffen. without thlclrcnlng tbo goods. Try Defiance Starch nnd you will be pleasantly surprIsed at the 'Dlllroved appearance of , your worl 'TeMls and Temperament. In a tennis tnurnamont ( moro truth. I fully than In a conCcooIonal ) are re , vealed tl1.0 good and bad qualities ot human nllture. 'rho man who lOBes grnocfnUy , pJ 's Wlf.h a bad partner withou aCf.9rwnrds allucllng to hl8 dc , flclencies. and honestly ndmlres an op , ponent's akJlI , may bo truatPd not to tall In any otber tdal ot lUe.-Londou ijlack Oo1J.d White. Beware of OIntments for Ca 1rrlJ that Contain Mercury , . . mena , , , vII ) lure I , destro , llu ! 10U'0 ot , mell and COlDpJoler . ! dl'lW ttJo wb lo ' whell euter10g t. UirouKb tbo mucou. lur 16telU 8uel1 Irllclel , bould lIoor be u.od oxcrl.t ( 'II ' pretcr'/ ' / > trona from felut"lIlo plJy.lclans,1W tuo damallo the , ' 11'11I do la tell { OJd 10 Iho Itood 70U can poe'ILoly do- r1vo from ( ! Jom. 11"11' , Oatarrb ( .urclII"nutaelufl' b , F. J. Cbe.nol & : Co. . Tu1oo.o. . 0 , . CODUltna 110 IIIIJI' ClUf. and 11 & .lken Inlern. " " . leUolI' dlreclly ul" ' tbe blood IDd UlUClIU. 6'Uffacea ot tile 'rttom. hi buy1nl : Hall' . Oa rrb Cure be 'uro 70n feet Ihl lIouu\be. Jt Ie taken luterlllUr.Audluado In rolw.o Oblo. ty F. J ChelIe1 & Co. ' 1 elllmonl4la troo. f.M:1 ! by I > rol1lt1.tI" ! 'rlce.'c. per boUle. T&1ce Ball" ) , 'amU71'JUa ror OII.lJpaUou. Flrl > t Cborus GIrl-Nellio aln't IclIn' woll. Sbo'J ) gotta sere t1lroat. Socontl O1orua O1rlJboo. . tllO 1I01'\ ot 'or putting on wm like a wimmer dODa.-KanttlS 01br Post. ' . ' . . [ Vcry Much Ailitc. " 8'e hl'l'O Pat , " Bnld his ( 'mplO'cr , " ' ' tell that when "tlhlll't 'OU IUD you waA out wust the Indlnns calpcd 'You ? und ' . ' have hnt off 1 see no'ou ; your ) ' 011 IIn\'o i\n c.-traonUnary : qunntllY of hll.1rl01 \ ! ' toll1 1110 80. didn't ) 'ou. Pal ? " " 01 ( Iltl nor , " nnVorcl Pnt , "bnt 01 be lr In Inolnll uuW that It WI1Il mo "br\1\hler , > l\1tlko. U'f'Ui'Ct' ! n111 h 'vo bo" alolko , thnt 01 thlnlt Ol'm Molko nn' Mollro bo me. " - - ShccI' white ( toMs , rfnet , any nno , , ash I oolb when nu\'I , owe much of their ullruclh'onr > RA to the way they MO Jntlllllcrel , tIlls bolng done In mnmll'r to cnhanco tholr tex.lito IJca\1. t ) . . IlJmo } auI1l10rln ; would bo cqual. ] y satisfactory Ir propCl' attention WaR rlvcn to stnrchlng , the 11rst eaaonUnl being Hooel Stnrch , which 11M Hlll11clel1l stl'enl lh to stilTon. wllhout thlcltenlng the roOlls. ; ' 1'1' ) " Defil\nco Starch and you will ho 111easuntly Rt11'nI'Iscll1\t thO' UI)1'o\'cd appoal' llCO of your work. - - - - - - - - - - Women Workers of Gre:1t Brlt:1ln. Women uf Ul'cat Brltnln uro wen rep- roscntcll In the proCor-slons amI trndc , mill about 'SriOO.OOO earn theIr own lIvln . 'l'horo are 12-1,000 who teach ; 10,000 are booltltoopers : over 3,000 I\ro l)1'llIlera anll nearl ) " GOO nct na ollltors and cOl1\llI1cr : 1,300 are engngOI In civil sOl'\'IC10 clel'llD - 111hotolrl1phy : \ nunt- lIeal'I " 3,800 engaged In or ) 2,300 , nro medica } work al1l1 nursInc Bud 3 O women uro } ) lncl mItbo. 'Wllh n smooUl Iron nn < 1 Dennnr.e t.\rch , ) 'OU can laun4er ) 'our alhl i. wnlst just n3 well at homo ns the steam laundry can : It will have the propel' DUctncsR nnl1 finish. thel'O w1Jl bo Jess wear nnct tel\r or the Joods. . and It wUl bo a poslth'o pIenoUl'O to : . tlSO n Starch that does not sUch to the Iron. Word Derivatives. "Polre1" nncI "petrol" both dcscp.Dll from "petra. " n l'ocl , . "Petro ] " com09 . directly enough , througb "petroleum , ' rocIr oil , but "putrel" throuth St. Peter , after whom the bird was named , causo..lt. nppcarctl , to walk upou lho Wllyes. Important to Mothora. Exatulno cal'crull ) ' every bottle of CAS'l'ORJA n Hnfe und sure remedy for infants nnd children. and 6CO Urat it nears.tbo , 1f # ' - Slgnntm'e of . In Use For Over :10 Years. The mnd You Have Always nougbt. . ! -lIs Ear to the Ground. "Do you expect people to bellovo nn dmt you tell them ? " " 'l'hnt Is not tire Idea. " answered Uw sngacJous cam- paigner. "Tho way : to win the hcn.rln of the } I001)lo 18 to tell tllom wbnt they alfl'nll ) ' belle e , " ny followIng the dlrecUon..q , wlUCh are plainly prlutC1' on each } lUcka o of Defiance Starch. Men's CoUar : l11d Curto ean bo ma e jU t nD Dtlff us desired - sired , with olther gloss or domestio finIsh , 'l'ry ft. IG oz. fol' lOc , sold by all good rocera. Slow Growth of Oyster. Whcn an oystel' W a fortnight 01(1 It is 110t much larger thm U10 hcnd or a pin. At the end of Cour years' J.1'owlh It Is fit fOl' UIO table. l lTS , St. Vilu ! ! Danca Qud all : NCrvoulI Disca61 IICl'mn.ncnUy oUl'cd , by l1r. IUino' Gr'at NCI'vp Relltor r. Send illr Frce $2,00 trial bottle and treatise , ) )1' . It. II. Kline. L . . 031 Al'Ch St. . l'hiL'\dclphia. Pat . - - - - - The man who scoles 0111ce Cor the public good la nllt to consider 111m. seH the entl1'o public urfer bc lands. Hides , Pelt9 nnd Wool. 'ro _ et. full valuc , fhip t the old J'f:1ia111o N. W. Jlido & ; li'urCo..1\1inllcapolis. : Mil1n. The thrifty housowlfe. never aUahas perfection. Cor Bhe is always mendlns. Iewis' Sin lc Bindcl' strnig1Jt fie , J\lany IHlIOI < cra pl''fc1' them to lOe ci ar8. Your dealer 01' Lcwis' j'nctory Peoria. III. : Much that pa Sc for patlcnco 1s simply laziness. , SICK HEADACHE : I " ' PosUlvelyourcdh ) ' CAD"JER'tS these Little rills. 1\ . 'Ell ! ! , . 0.1/10 relieve Ditto InLE treti tro YB ) pllJn. ; lgc > ftlon.and'l'ooJIeal'1J' 11 II V E R naUna : ; A peJ'Ii.'Ot rem. ( ' . (1) for Diulne8 t Nan. Pi LLS . Ke" , DrowI'lne8ll , DIIo11 Taste In the ) ! ouU" Coot. I'd 'j.'ollgne. Pain tn tw , 81de , TOUPID L1\'RIt" : They J'l"gulo.16 " the Bowel. . . . Purely Vegetable. . SMAll PilL. SMAll. DOSE , SMAll PRICE , l Genuine Must Bear RTERS L Fae-Slmlle Signature : aVER .4 - PILLS. / ,4 ? rt ! REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. - - - - - - . . , - TUMORS CONQUERED " Overwhelming Proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds. , . . Ono or the { u'ealeat trhuullt1 of I.ycJln . Plnkl1l\t11'fJ Vegetable Com. 110und la the conqucrlng or womnn' " (1rC'nll CllCID ) ' 'I'muOl' . The growtll or 1uuor 10 so in. sldlous thel frequently flu llreRcnco Is whol1 ) ' UllB1l"pootcdlntII It Is well advallced. So callcl1 "wum.erln . , ; l1alns" mny como from tt cI\I'ly stnJef1 or the lrcs nco ot dnllltOr mny be mnlo manifest byxccaslvo monthly llcrl. ods nccon1)Jnnll'c1 ) \11I\1o\11111mln , ( l'om the nbdomcn tllrul1gh the groin mul t 1I1 11 , 1r 'ou hnvo J11YlJtcrlo\111 Imina , If there nro Indications oC Inflammntlon or dtnplllccmonts. uecU'e a' boltlo of I.'dln 1 . l'Inkluun's 1'orotn1 > lo Co'm. l > Olmtl. mnllo fl'0111 natlvo rooto 1\nl1 herbo , riGht nwny U1111 hcgln ItalRO. . ' .fb { ) fol1owll1' ' ; letters s1l0\1ld con- , 'hlce every : mlTc\1lll ; W01l11111 or ftu vlrtuc" > : uut thnt it actUAlly 110cs conquer tumol's. Mrs. l\lny li'J' ; ' , or S3G W. Cotrnx Ave" South Dend , Ind" wrltcs : Dcar Mrs , PlnJt1mm- : "I tnlm great plet1o\rf,1 In writ- nil ; to thanl [ you for'What L'lIln . Plnlrhnm' Vcgotab1o COml10\llui hils dODO for mo. I 111so toolc the Dlool1 ! 'urlfior In alternate doses with tbe ComlO\md. Your 1l1clllcino removed n .tlt tumor or tour years' growth. whloh thr < 'O ot the best III1YRlclnns decJared I hM. 'l'hey hnd Bald t1mt only an oJeration ) could hOI } ) me. I mn very tbnnlrCu ] thnt. I followcd n trleJHl's ndvfeo and tool. your medicIne , Jt 1ms mndo me n 5trong mul well woman and I flbnll : l'ccommonll 1l as Jong ns I Jive , " Mrs. . Ii' . noyes , or 20 Ruggleo st. . noston. 1\Ias9. , waites : . . } hnvl ) hOlm umler 'tlItrcrcnlor..t . trcI\tmont. t01' "n long time ltJtbol I l'oIlor. 'rhey told mo ] hna n .tlbrold- ; tUtnll1' , lilY I\l/110mon W\I ) nwpUll ! und 1 uITCl'c,1 wllh g ent 1I1\In. . I Wl'Otc. to yon for nlivlec , you rcpIlM : utI' 1 , folhnvotl YOUl' dlrcctlono carofuHy nUl ! .to-Iay . J nm n well woman. J."flhl. ! 1 > lnIhnl1\'lI VegotabJo Compoun me. 11011011 the tumor amI fjlrens en ) nr whole n'nt\m. " : i\lrn , B. J , Barber , of Scott , N. Y , . WI'ltcH : Dear Mm. 1'ln1\lm01- : h omolhuo I\go J wrote : rOl. , 10r advlco abont tU1110r whlcl1 tbo WOo torn thol1ht ; would hnvo to bOrempm1. ' ] ntltcRtl I toolc JJy lCPInk"ti1lJ \ V ( ) otuhIo Compountl and to-dnll lu n , wr,11 w)1uan. " Mr t. 1\J. \ l'tf , Jrunlc , Vanllor rln. . 'P . , ullca : Denl' lrf1. 'PlnJrl1nm- " 1 111\11 tltmor nnd LyUn E. ) ! In1f , hnm'/1 / Ve : otnblo Compound i' c : .c ( . It for 1110 utter two t10ctbra bat } .r.1 . 1\ 1110 up , 1 wno slclt tour ref1r berotel : bOIUI1 to tnlo the Cpmpo\m(1. J JiltW l'eCOllllpolh1. . ) ' cllti. E. . PI nit lll\ni \ ( 'Jcit. nblo CQl1\l101mil tar IInd nctt ) : ; : 611ch teuUmony O aboTo con. vJuctl1II evldenco tllat. J..ydln 'E : 'PlnIt. hum'n Vogclablo C'omJlo\lUdo ptana , without n peer no n romely for ' .tIUllor Growtll8 as .well n8 00101' lntr tnll Illn of women. m1l1 o\1ch uymptbnrit , I S Hem'ing-down SenslltlOI1J ! , lspc ' mont9 , Irrerularitles mill Dn X ncbb. ote. Women l\1 ouhl romemfor ma11 111 J.Ydla l . Pln1t'hnm'o Vegetable Com. ) Iouml thnt 1s curing 00 111 ny , . tnen. , non' forget to insist 111)On ) n wlull ) 1101110 ( lnlgtlat aRk a .yon to ) WCOI > ' 8pmothhll ; also which ' 110 cnlls ' Jua. . I un GOO I ] , " t W. L. DOUCLAS S3.00 & $3.50 SHOEST i6JJ LD G"'OEB roon EVEnv MEMoen OF I THE FAMILy..AT..ALL. PRiOES. 11l'I'tA ' , i'I 2 r 000 TelJlUf ono w/IO can "HI" " W. L UI/1 DoullfnlJ doo. not msh & aall r. d more Men' . $8 & $3. U aho. . lRewar. . than IJI\Y othe , . m UtnoluI'lll' . TJlI UIMSO W. t. . I > ollflaJI sheen uro"orn 1I'lI1oro lnopllJ In dllVIlkll of life Ihl\n nu ) other I\1llke. la "conllslI , ) UHlr , . , .oollent Bt71o. oa81.IHtlllg , RIll' IIIIlerlor ( "onrl ! ! " 11I(111111)8. 'bo IICl ClIolI of the loatbou 1\11I1 ether ml\tcrhllslur . .nell } JRr& f the Bhoe. And Oyory detAil of the IUnklng 18100110 < ' nftol' III ( ho /nDplot.corGanlz.,1 ' Ion of BUller ! nte/ldelllstol'CllUml\11t1 .ktl161lallocUla1ler" . woo reoolYo the hlabcst " "ges "nhlill " the , ,1100 'lIdllatrYJ ' all" "hOBO worknll\1lshlp cannot be " 'ccllol. 'fJ ' . . 'JI I oultM tulle ) 'ouillto 11I7 lnrgo Inclurloa at nl'Ot kloll\J\Jn" " " . ( I "lIdJlhow )01hO \ " carntn1W. . IJ. ] ) ell IM s1IOe.ro ! 111\110. : / ' . , . _ I 'WoU1d LluIIIlllMrttal11 wby tboy : boll1 thllr ; , SUO t1 Ion " ' \\7enJ'1ODkln' and Are of Aftmor ya\uo \ tban 'any IOlnllO Inl\'ko. 11' : ' iI3 rO , , _ . . _ MY $4.00 and $5.00 IJilt Edllfl&hoes , oan t II" . , , "all.tI.t.IIIO' ' ' ' CAUTION I 'J'ho , , "u'ne ' line W.-1. . ) ) ouglu 11"0 alh.1r1l111 . IItllnve.t ! oUu r. 1lo Mublltltut o A41t your I'CRler ' for W. 1.0. nonRll1 .bOC8. ) f bo CIIII110t ' 111)lly a 01111' direct to lac1011' . Shoed dent o''l''whoro bJ' wal1. CatalOJillrco.V.LDouaJ. . . . Dro lt.tC ) .j . . . . , You save money' and avoid failures in your . baking if yon use KCBAKING 25 Ounces for 25 Cents . Here is true economy. You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty , tasty and whole. . some if you pay less or accept a substitute. "AQ.11ES' t ; : Cbleng - " - , - . , . . . , . . . . . . . - . - . - . - . . . . . - - - - - . - . - , . . . . . - NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLIS1 = E EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN I DIRECTLY IN VASELINE . DON'T WAIT TILL TOE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY OU1CKt qURE. : J FH AND ALWAYS RIADY CURE FOR PA1U-PRIC .Jc. : -fH COLW\PSIBI.E TUDES tMDE CF PURR TIN-AT ALL DRUCiGl ! ID DEALERS , OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT 011' Ilk. IN POS'JAGE 5rn.JJJ mlootltuto for and superior to mmtard : or any olher plaser. ! and ' / b1Jter ! the mo t delicate skin. The paln-nllaylnc and curAtive qualities of ' , /J rtlcla are wonderful. 11 will stop the toolhachc al Ollce , nnd rdc'lO ll. . ache nnd Scbtlca We recommend It : l3 the bet andnaresl exlerna"COtM ( . . . , IrrUant koown , also as an external remedy for paln3 tn the chet an < lt ; and all Rheumatic. Neuralgia and Cou.y . complain' ' : ! . Jtria ) wtl ! provo 'WM ! ' we cllSm tor It , and It will bo found to be Invaluable In Iho houefiOId'Aoo'lW : ' cnUdren. On co used no family will be wlthoullt. Many people : Jay " :1b : the bcst ot : all your prepuatlQlIs. " Accept no preparallon ot vaclluc ; . 'UD\it the 3lMC : carries our label. as olherwle : It I : nol tenulne. : . Scud your uddreDII Bnd wo will mall au' " Vaaollno Dooklat daacr . our preparations which win Inoreat YOIl. ( I 1 : : :2. O. or . . . . : _ _ . : . v , t Discouraged ? If your present. work is a fail urc , better try mine ; I pay $ .3.00 cr day , in cash , for good work. Details cost you nothing. ATKINSON , tCY.4 ! nace St. , J1hila dph . . KER'S HAIR BALSArn an. . . au < J wauun. . the 11&lr. l'runlblu . lu.lalit 1tT..lb. : (1 , , , . . . . F.n. to I1eatorll Oray 11. to lie Youthrul 00lor. Cur. . "alp dlna. . . " halr laIUD& , . , uII.ooal I1ru It DE IANC- E STA'RCI ' elllcit 10 work " 1111 nlla i r " &lCOCM cluIlJl : ; ) ! lIcea' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ PITLES $ $ CA t $ con " In IQlled . AtIVWttERE'ANyrtHE NO DIOOINO OR DLAST1tiO SAVES tIaOO\ndllO OlO' { Corpt'nlerwork emf lumbfr and lo 1 ( orever 11 : : . J I Thampson'lJ Eya ; ! 'r , . . - - ' - T'- W. N. U. , OMAtA , NO. , , , . : PUTNAM--F AD-ELESS I DYES CO'OI ' more rOOda brlohter and faaler c JOt'J ltan ! an , 001 , " 4,0. Cne 1 lc oe . .Cllora .n IIbe , . . The , dL& In cold wlltar better than ilnrcl . . .0. y UU.fmon "llbOlI&IPOlaalJ/"L. / W,1I0ID'tro."Mk1tt-ttowC' t..nncbll1dl : c.loq. MONnOE DIIUQ aqlIICQ'l ' / .