- - - - - - - - - - - - l < J.JAJlOi1J"Ull' 1.111111 ( If " , NI\V " iomhrnelllJ. ; aIda' ' . . . 1101111rulll Indlall 'J'clTl. . wries ) , enllrt'll lIu' IInloll I fJlalo r\o\'olllhf't 11 ' .J na n (111 \ . . . , wllh n lolHllalloll ) er ? IIbnut lI OOOOO. 'rill''cl'lIm'tlt ( . ( " /9IH ( follr drstrlcln mlm llIg ) " ul10ws II MioIllluUon of J ,10 ! , OOO , III lliltHthm to .ho IlonOlllt : rOllll1ll1g In tIll ! foUl' mhlH' ill' ' ; dllirlct ( a tlllnlhor of Itltllullf ! , lIut lIt'lIHI ( hy the cOII llslaknrn aw ' . . ( 'yel1 10 IHlVO hooll olnltt < . 'd from IW'I < ) f'OI'JJII10Ilt Con3\IB \ totu.l , . ' 'I'ho Jtullnn lu pasGlng Ollt ur the hIe ot OltlnllOma Into Ila hOI' \ { ' , Bllt 111 fa villi Uti milch III c'vhl'lwO In ( idalJOmn no tllo negro "I ill n 11\111\1'01' \ ' -r 1I0rthtlrn ntntes : nOtonll:1 : 1)'lIo\'cl1 ) ( to 110 ullra-consorv fJhow Ihat Iho I\(1W Mute 'of ' ' klahollJa cunlaillfl 72" .10 ( ) Jndlnhn. Only t aLullt ' 10,000 or i honC' , ! I 0 \ ve ; 1' , nro mOrl' UIIltIIl'c'e. \ . 'J\Jl.rl'I' I loOtl. ' 11ho w\hl \ 1111111\111:1 : of Oidahonm exlt ! only lu IIlslorr. ' 1'ho' f"utlnUtn of the Ilcesont III :1IJ.lIIStllll fllllua1r ! to the whltt1IIan'fJ ( : 1\11I IU' : tJI. . , ' : OJoJatlOlIIn" la a. , Coma'lcllt. 1I111111n uor1 1 , Glgl rylnr. the "Lund , ( lL llllll'a\t' \ ( :011 : : ' ur I y' 1.110 , { a II'0(1 / ( cOllld , not olcrt ct mores comfol.titblo ) llnco foc It hOllle. : Jj"or InlIILIICO ! : , (1vorylhll1f , ; gC1(1I1 4.1J c ! . whloh that. cllBlInJ.'III:1hod ; ! : [ ICI" onn u might doalro Iu olJlulnalJln fCJJOltlnllollll1. . ( IoU , Upon IL tJlnglo QJlahllll1ltarnl -ci l1' 110 ( 'Olgcowln \ .IlnJlt1l.nneolllly UI ( , ( Icudllplll that I'OW III nil the fJtnton froU ! 1\1ulno to fJalr ! l'nlu , Corn and coUon Ihrlve I.ilto II ) ' uldc , / ' ' " , - . Am < 12lng Ni1turi11 ReG : > crcen. Within flit llOrdorli OhlullOl1\1I In tt O\In ( olmvo vaat ulrlt.ches , of colIl : tJlJds : nalural gns , nlsn , la IlIJ11I11111 nI. , , yflilo I.ho silltO't1 reIJOUCC'S In ImU , 1\a. 1"lit'toll ( ( ; gr lnlto und i i'hle , Illlllllltl , " , tlanc , zinc , 101l1l , COJll'OI ' , gOld \Inri tim , her , 1.laco . It. mllon , " , tbo 1II0t ! desll'ablo HC'c\ons ! \ of the 'counl.ry fOl' luveHlors , 1.lghlcen ' : ) 'cars11 : lhl { ; t'ettt , 1ItJ\\ ' \t1\lo wa ! ! n catllo l'nngo IIncl Indian hunUnlf ( ; round , 'I'hol first' rush Into , OlllltllC1l\lIl wnR \III l\1ontIlY , April 22188tl / , .On tlte JIIOl'ntng of Umt'IIIlY : I.lllhollla CIt . , the prcnent. JUotropollU of the Btalo , thM known 'lln OItlnbol\lU Station , , , : ollHlatotl of halt n. clozon IHlIlllJ bulle } , I gs , the Stmta I FQ atntion , Jicction 1 [ " " - - , ' > " , < , ; . ' ' "c ' ; , oil . . . : . . . . u . . . . . , I ' , Slate Is Democratic. Oklahoma will Ill'ohahly ho Domo' , cmLlc 11llolltlca fOl' SOIllO tlmo to. . I COtnO , Tilll govOI'/loN'llict , C. 1\1. Hoa , : Itcl1 , of I\tth.\lwgo \ , recol\'l'11 a mlljoclly : o [ : ! 7OOO'oi g. ' 1'110 < < tnto will CUft' ' tilllll'odmnl.cly 250,000 "oles , ' ( If whlclt : . numlHJr frolll 10OO ( } , to lliOOO III'C hy. lICltru ! voters , ' 1'110 majOl'II ) ' for pro. IIIIJll.lolI wa3 IIhout 20,000 , Of lito 12 UOlltlhllcnllfl III the eOIJHlIllILlolial con. . VOII\OIl ( \ six came fl'olll each slcIt' of tlto : ' new otatd , i OCJV. 1I11:3lt1I : Is ( IIII' of 'tho 1Iower ! l'esldC'ntg of the Htatt' . luwlllJ ; enc : . thcfI. ! fl'OlII Ohio , OlllOl' omcorri 111'0 : LloulOlll\llt JOVI'1'IIIGeorgo ( \ lIelllun ' , of m nt'nO ; Iwct'Jtar ' of statc , "Bill" " CrosH , f Olclahomu ClIy , whmlO fl'lollrls 1U ' ho wuulll 1I0t ho recog. II I 1.Oel If'refcrwel 10 UR "William CI'OU ! : ! : " trelUlIU'Cl' , J , B , l\I nofeo , of Anlldal'la : : attortlc ) ' gOIlOl'ul , Cbarles West , of gnlll , lUll I chairmull of the cOIllmlBoloners of cOl'llorn\olls ( \ , .1. , J. MChllnter. The Htule In IH'lmnrlcII 1mB ! lnlectcul 10 roprescnt hOl' III thu 1I0lHtll ! the firat. hlltul mun whu h\I ; ( n'QJ' Hilt in' tlmt hody , IIp Is ' 1' , , ' . Glr ( , whq ! Iat"lils IIIEht when IL bur , in MIsslsIPIII ! , where he WIIS 110m. JIo has IJUI'\'od lu the tel'l'Uorlnl IcgI6Iatllrt. . Hobort Leo OWOII , who will bo elecled nB UIO oth'r sellalol' , II ! It tolally 1l1foront. IYllo. Bom III Vlrslnlll , ho IH 0110' olghlh Chorol < co IlIdluu , aud I looked UpOll aa an extreme cOIIHorvntlvo. 110 dlulhtElIlHhell hllluolf Il ! : ! n law 'ol' hy' earning a fee of $ l OOOO In n. olnglo caHO , Both these lI\on hl1.\'o boon choHen hy the DOlT\ocratic \ Irhnarlol ! : , which IH equivalent to thclt' olocLlon hy the 1011sllIl1I1'0. or thc rOllrOl1nta. ! Uvea Bird S. McGul ! " ! ! , foJ' flOII\O yellrs I torrItorlal dcleglll.o frum Oltlnhomd , In , COlI I'OSH , 11:1 the oul ) ' HOlltlbllcan of the I1vo elected , Olhol's nro m , IJ , 1,1ul. 1 tOD , IL brOUICI" of Senator li'ulton , of Ol'OgOll , Socolld dlHlrlct ; .Tnmes S. } ) uvoullort , 'l'hll'll 11Iutrlcl. ; Charles D , Carter , I'mrth dlHtrlct , and Scott 1"I\I\'lIs , Fifth lstrlct. - . Metropolis of New State , ' 1'ho largest cll. ) ' 011 thQ OkluhOJlln n1l10 II ! Oltillhomll City , wllh a Ilollllla. LIon of OOOO and 40 milcH of aBphalt IJavcmlmts. l\1uBltoJce , In the Indlall 'J'ol'l'ltory hnB Illlllallon of 2 ,000 , which rOllcosonttt It growth from : , ( iOO _ I / 'PFioMINENT ' MEN J"OF "NEW " STATE. . ( . w , ; I ff..A1'CO.P./IJ : : ' : P.rcoldent of ConstltuUonal i . Convention. , bouse , UIlIt ( ' ( { Rlates cluurlel'1I1aRlor'a hOUBO , : stngo oUlco , and IL nmull Imllll. HI u8M as n. hotel. lIct\\'Ot1I uMn : md I1Ullcot. of Utnt. duy OI < lulwmn Sta. tIon hocamo ' 1Lo.wn of IiOOO llOUplc , WIUlIn n month 1,1.G9 Il11l1 l1\a ( , ml\ny . ) t lhOIll ugly , tmnllOrary 11 t'l'n\1'H \ , were trcctOt1. .AntI (10 OltlahonUl CltJ. hUH con tin. uN La crow until It. now claims 1\ I ) ( ) ) } ' .JIa.Uon of 4GOOO , 'modeM' flchonln mIll' atlllt ; ' 484 clllldron thl" your , aR t/t / alnl ! , 7,37 , Il\st yea ; I.lIIlIclInga ( In. l lIding lon.swry kyaCrI\t orH ) aggru. t ; Ung In value ; lGOOOOOO lJankll hlwhlg nn I ; gcosut ClJllatIud tmr. pt\l ot$1OOO,834 , nnll dOIIOS ) ( uggl'o. . , ltlng G,1 49OOO i01lt. i ) . ofllco l'Ccohllll i n jl9 ! ngrrognUhg $ lUliO 9 , anll 'I' ' " ( JI ; hl tOlluago Into UlIIt of pkla. 91JOlt , Ollr lu 11'toa . 1122 , f > , n : : tuU , \ , , , U f-lJ.orl ! ! i } , nnr.tl ! nrp. \ . cCIUtIOUlI\ ! , plty , ! 11\1 \ } Im : r JI' ' I ! 2OI'.1''faclun'- ; , { f.'lftxt ' $ ; , h c.altf"o'r 3 fever 1mt ; ' 'UUI' : ' , nd 't,1.7G' jtlnr ) ; holtll ( ' ( 'II\JlIU ' lJ , It . gdn of 230 or th ( > yom' . I _ _ _ v. - _ u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . " Hannibal's MO < ln M n. " "Coming homo on. tllo J\Unllolcllllm , " Id 1'St. . . 'J nCIh , girt , "wo tooltIII It' oott t.Jon for " ,116 , vldowa IUttl orllhnnB ot ' all fa , t\nd Mark "l'WlIlu Ilrofacoll P1u ( c9UcoUonVUh a tlll't ' On moun. .oas. no urged us to 110 geuorous III \f/ur \ / oflcrlngnot to bOU\IQ \ It. certlLlt\ f10\l\ : old man from Ha nH\I. ( } " " 'Tho . . 'cauosl IUl\n 1 ( 'OI' . 1mow , ' < < " , sld ! , 'UV d , In I1 nUllml. He twill hs ( son.lnlaw lho lUlU of IL01' ) ' flue ( Cw ' . .hd' lh n ' 't'cf\I ( ld.t < < . . . .61Q tJI IUU' ' " with the younEi ( t'llow on the t C.zrLA3./21.L. . 1- . Governor , IIcoplo In HIOt ! . 'rho lIOW stah. ! w11l have ( } O bnultu , of whloh 27 111'0 na. ( \onal \ , the InUol' with doposlts of $50 , " 00(1,000 ( i 2:1 : cotlonocll ! 011 111 111 S , more thun It hundred flullr l lI1a , fiO lIally pUllers mill mol'o than 400 ISRual ! woolth' , Olclahom" alonc hall In 1DOG SG,90S fa III Illes , of which IIIOl'e tbnn GOOO owuoll tholr hOll1os , 'uull of lh'so 50. . 000 were frco from mOl'tga1cR , 'J'he Ilvorago Ilrlco for Ol < lullOmu Illull In IDOa waa $18Hi : ' ' Ilcr aCI'o , 'till ! tlcCOaR ( of $ :1.25"om : \ the provlous ) 'eltl' , 'rhe now IJtnto hUII : lhoullUllIl1I of IlCl'CS 01 unnllpl'Clllrlntoll public domnlll , cOlli lauels of wllllllortul capacity , 011 wOlla IlRllhnlt lwclll of I'olll wII.th , lIud al' ' , of UtcHI ! pl'ncllcnll ' ) IInclovolopell , tc nil ) ' uothlul ; of the VUlltllcsa : of hol' Oil lIurtllntk-a ! to UIO llllIl" ) of the aoll , D'r.nvl' from All States. , nr l llhl ) ' not 1II1J1.t 11InnOOOO : ! ( 0 Ot.lahonU\'jI : ] , GOOOpO roshloutn are un Ih'o Ol < lllhOll1l1UlI , ' 1'hlll now Htato It nul t 'lllcul ( If UU111I : I' tltmlltl' aecUul . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - < _ . - - . . - . . . - - groulIA thnl Ito 111111 sold h\111 \ ouly th front. hair , "ho tnn.III.II\w ! was nib' ' 'coml.Olleet . to I'rtlvlclt ' ull the cow' : fudcler , fiJ1d to CUI'r ) ' wUOto ( hOl' twlcl 1dny. . Flnlll1- : ' the cow , butlO < l , UII 0111 mlln through a IIl1rhJe't ' wlro fOllce atHI Ito ailed ha ( Ronln.law for $ l c\nmagCl \ ! ! . ' " - - Asked for a SJrlno. "hc dOllr Irla wo\'o CClIUI"u'lrlf , ; notf\ : 01.1 RII\.Ij.ecla \ of morc or leaa In Jlort nnco. " ) 'our bqnu e1U1s'lither ) H\ljhfUI \ , ' onld StQlIu. . ' , , - , , - - - - - - - - - oC Uw thtllnl1 Slatl' ! ! K ( ) Cat 1I'i 11M IWP' ttll1l1un h ! cOllct'l'IIod any l1Iurc UUIII It If ! 1111 fur nil 11.11 ngrlculll1t'al IIl'uducl.tI al'o concl'l'lIod , Norlhel'nurll , lIol1th. Ortll'rll , tHU ll'rnol'H lind' wOHll'rnNu thm'o all ' , mlnglo hnrmonloulJly , gl'ow liltprOIJIIN'Ol1fJ ; together , gVCI' ) ' nlntt ! hI the union IH rOJu'c cnled b ) ' at Joaat GOO IIntlvmJ. A fJllbHtnnllnl evldcnce or the Inlel. loctual worth oC OklahontlU1H genol'llllr IfJ the number oC modern I1nll ) ' I\OW/J. / papora which they support. I."utlllt'r. nlOro , lho } ' hl\vo good schools , IIbrn. rica lUIII chlll'che . OklahonUl ltali a mol1ol'l1' 111Iblle school yttom ! S1IIIlIOI'Iod hr the In. COIlIO from It $31iOOOOOO IlIlhllc school funl1 mld , loeal { lIxallon. 'rho " 31 ,000 , . 000 ( und" cUIltllJts ! or :1,100..876 : ! lures or IlIlId'nluoll ut $30,000,000 , the In. COIllO from tllo rcnlal of which nmounla to about $ GOOOOO 1101' ) 'onr ; m\(1 $ GOOOOOO lIald hllo the school fUlIll by Indlun 'l'err1tor ' III lieu of IUlld , nil of the 3,100,875 ncreH belllg In the former Otlahoma ! territor ) ' . 1'ho orlglnnl Ul't openlllg Oltlaltomr. torI'Hor ) ' 10 tJetllenwllt I'osol'ved In 1\11 lhat aectlon or llie torrllOl' ) ' then throwlI ! IPOII 80c1l0:19 IIi nnd 36 , In every towllshlll fOl' lhe bcnotIL of the 11\lblio \ schools of the futul'O Rlall' , Ench liuccosslvo nct provIded fot' slnll. lar resorvatlons nnd the statl'hoc en , ILhlln ILct made : lIldltlonnl gruntK tll the hlgbl' educntlonal InsllluLlunfJ , re. ulllng in the 1lg total above namcl1. 'fhe Hlato will docldo whethcl' thc school lund-j shall lJe , sold. All 111'0' ceel1u from sale of the Hchool lanc ! ! ! lIIullt bo turned Into the school funcl an fon..el. remalll Inlacl. Fine Sttb University , The IlCJad of the 1IIIblic school B'S' tern of OlclllhonH\ the "talo unl\'cr" slty. locnted nt. NOl'mnn , opcn 10 fo. male a well aH male uludenl ! { . mul ; comllrlsln , , ; a col1e1.o of nrts and ! lcl , encos , a. schoul or lUodlchW , n. [ 'Ichool ' of appllodJclenco / , a school of lhnrm. acy , n. Hchool of mines , a Bchool of fine artand n llrOllal'atOl' ' school. ' 1'ho cnmIIIIS , consisting of GO ncrCH , 1I0s al a sll ht olovatlon , overlooldng the South Canollllln rlvor , Unl\'orslty hull waR built fi'ears ago at It cost , of $70,000 , Science 1mB Is a new bulldhlJ ; , G3 br 1 r ; feet , of gra ) ' pressClI hrl k. The unlvOl'Hlty is also pro\'l OlIVllh IL IIhrary bnlldlng gl\'lHt by Amlrow Carnogle , amI a g'mnasl. um , 55 by 100 feet , 'rhoro are fOllr other buildings , two of wood , devotcc1 , tn ongh1eerln"g worl ( , and two do\'oted . to the anntomlcal laboralor ) ' The olhor advanced pUblic cduca. tlonal Institutions of Oklahomn arc an agricultural nncl moclmnlcal collce ! , thrco statc normal schoolR , a un 1\01" slly preparatory school , a colorc agricultural al1l1 normal ulilverBll ' , and a school at ChJlocco , on Il I'csor. vutlon contalllhtf , ; snoo "frcs or ! lgrl. cultural Innd , fOl' the education of In. dlan boys and glrlfJ in Iho hlghol' brnnellcs , of learning. , Coler Line Drawn. , l'bo 1:11I1I00'\'lslon : of Instruction Is vested III a board of education , IIf which the stall. ! superlnlendent of IlIIh. lie lustrucUolI is Ill'eRldont. and the govel'lIor , secrotll1' ' of HtutO alld ut. tornor gonoml :11'0 memhors oxomclo. A color IIno 11:1 : druwu all uogroC's in Olclahoum , selll\rutu Hchools.Iolng \ Jlro. vl\lcdor \ _ 110gQ ch.tllh'on : , . bl\t wlttl the IIluno Ilccomlllcll\t1ol1 ) ! as the schools I for \vhllc. chlldl'ill1 , 'Rdllcatlou Is com. lll\lsory , I' I ' 1'ho Cltllocco Inl1lan so1lool Is ono , . . I - " - - - - - of till' IUOlt : Intl'f\Ktln/J / , f.hwI'lonol In IIUlulloll'l III Oklnlwl11l1 , Ahoul 3,000 or It , ! H fl : WI"'K 11 : ' ( ' III l'ull1mltoll , the rUMt IIII , , III IIWUUor IItIftllC ( ' I\lull , ' 1'hl:4 : HIJhoul hO-l : 70U to SOO tllIt. dOlltll , 'ill IlIslrudnrtl , mOl' ( ! then 10 1.III1IlInga ( , ntHl IH 111I0\\11 : lH 1ho b AI hlHtIlllllolI III thl ! Jnrllall sorvlcJo for h1111ll1'tllI In'llclclI ! I n rtcl1ltural ImowlCllgtJ tn Inllnu ! i. In udtHtloll to aJrletlltlll' ( ' , Htoul. miRing , dalryln , " " ote" nil utlt.IInll' ! / ' ; o ! ' InlluKlr : . ' nrc tllu hI. fit Chllocco. " Oktllhomll , hal ! 11I01'0 tban 1,200 nH\J1l1factllrln plUUH ( , t'Cll'eHentluJ. ) ; In. vostUlIJutsI r.t'egallnf , ; $2 , OOO,000 , ulld 11\'lng omllloYllwut to 10,000 wng ( ' cornerH , ' 1'hclu ) llnntt : Include flour mlllll , 011 mlllH , eotlon glng , broom lactoncH , hl'lelc and Ulo work 14 , sa1l work" , Ctlmlnt fIlCtOrJl' ! ! , woo < 1Ollwan' /Iud cutTlnI' ; WOI'/U. / . . 011 Fields Are Rich , SOl\\O of the rll1hosl oil flolds In America lire III Oklahoma. 'I'11l' lllonu Pool 011 distrIct. , south of ' ! 'ultm. be , lween Hed I,101'k lIuel Moun lI , 111ls hl' : twocntriO aud GOO produclllg 011 woll-l. with n lotnl eaJlUclty uf 100,000 bar. rl'la a duy. 'rho fh'lIl of tl180 wollu wns Hlmlt in DCCl'lIIbol' , IDOIi , PI po IInos have Icoll , conatrllclC$1 $ for the truuslIol'tntlolt of thlH 0\1 \ to the 1'oxns scnbour < t : tIII ! to thu relln'rll's lit Whit. lug , lucl. 1\lol'c UIIIII $10,000,000 has heon in\'oslcll In ttn1tH : , 111II1I1I1n sla. tlon : ! , and pipe IIncs III 'J'IIlm ! county , gnstc-rn 01 < 1 ahollJ a , which IR not SQ unlf : > t'mlr ( wen HI ! tbe Wl.'sl.oru lJOrtiun o ( the stale , lH'odllco ! : ! more than ' : .1,000,000 tons of cOlli u' ) 'car , for \thlch lis mines rccel\'o nbout GOOO , . 000. ' 1'110 coul field extends from the \'iclnlt ) ' of . 'I'ulsa on UIO uorth tl , ) the ' 'l'cxas II no.on tlto soulh , antI lu morc tban 100 , 'l'he state con. . I , - - - - , . - ' = = ' , 'I . ! 7i imJ ' : = - - . _ I\ ' r : . - - - - - ! " COURT HOWE ILAHOI1A CITY . . . . . lalnn ahout 10 [ ; coal mines , employing nhollt. 10,000 OIlOl'utors. The } lrlnolpl11 rlvcn of Oklahoma , al1 of which How toward tho' soulh , cast , uro , naming them fl'ow norl.h to sOllthrkamms , SaIl I.'ork , Clmarr n , North Canndlun , Sonl.h Cmmdluu. Wachlta ami Hod , 'l'he go'ernlUontCjllire ) what is now Oklahoma mm'o tha \ ccntllr ' ago under the tcrmll or the LouIsiana Purchase , Earl ) ' In the century the governmcnt set thlH lau aparl for the sogrcgatlon of the various Incllan tribes , then bcing l'n Wl'st by the advance of whllo nctt1en . lIcnco. wblle MissourI , Kansas , Iowa' , Ne. braska , Colorado and other Loulslnna Pnrchaso states were bolng popttlale , 'Olclahoma remained ( or 80 'ears n wl1d 1lHlIl1n Camllng gl'Otlml. At the lime of the ollonlns al1 of Olcluhomlmcoll [ that. portion tukon rrom ' 1'exus in the Gl'eCl' county hound , r ) ' tllsl1l1to an the narrow "trill he. twecn Kunsas nml 'I'exlls , extondlng to the Colorado nnd Now Mexico l1nos , waR Inclll e ( { ill UIO Indll\lI 'rerrltory. Ol < 1ahoma torrllory , which was holl1 b ) ' the foVorlllllellt for the use of the 1I\(1I11nB , bnt. hul nQ\'ol' been asslgnod to un ) ' h'ille , conscquoully conslstell In these days of enl : ahout , OOOOOO acrcs. 'l'hol'o occnrl'ed the 1I1'1It gl'Cl1t rllsh for homef1 , wlt'tch 1J1'0ugllt inlo exlsleneo OIahoma } Cllr , From time to time Iho gCl\'ernmcnl trnll ! ferred olbor pOI'I101\3 \ of land from the Indian 1'crrltor ) ' to Oklahoma tcrrItClr ) ' for sottomont. ! 1Iy whiles , until , when the Oklahoml\'lndlnn 'l'orrllor ' statehood . ! JIII lJaHflUll , all that remalncd ( Jt In. dlan TCl'I'ftory were the t"I.sUl'\'l\tlons ! . of lho Choctaw , Chhlmsaw : , Chol'O' leec , Creek , fomlnolo : III Qllu\1aw \ 11'lbOt ; , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ' FACTS ABOUT OKLAHOMA , " - - - - - I Oldahoma is larger In 1rei1 than Indli1na and Ohio combinctJ , Okl < lhol\\a will be thc twentythlrd state In the unlQn In point of population , Oklahoma has 5,500 miles of railroad ! : , 700 b < lnlts and 50 di1ily news , papers , Oklahoma's metcopolls , Okl < lhoma City , has forty miles of asphalt p < lvements , Okl < lhoma'o constitution Is the biggest In the union , belno mOld : : up of sixty tHousand words. I State wide prohibition is provided In the constitution , The "Inltlatlvc nct ; referendum" arc In the state constitution 31d extend also to munl l lltles , ' Oklahomi1 has 21 69 full blcoded Indians and 50,670 part Indians. Many of them are hlghly civilized , Oklahoma Is a "corn state , " ralsina 150,000,000 bushels last yeaI' . I , , - . . . . . . . . _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ - _ . "naRhflll ! " echocd111hel. : . "Wh ' lJaRhful 113 110 1\111110 1'01' It. " . "W ) ! ) " . dn't : . 'OU CItCllllruu : him' ! " qucr/Hl / hot' fl lend. "I lun-c tl'lcd , " nllswl'r cI [ abel , " ! Jut the altoll1llt. Willi It m : talr f"Uuro. Oul ) ' ' 1IIsl IIlght I Imt IIU ulollo on tJlO flofa antl h per 1tcl [ till in 1chnh' at ! fur a\'II ) ' us ho cOllld Jot. I I\lk d him If ho tUellI't think It Rlrnnso thnt the lonlh ! oC a mlln'l ! ul'ln'IIS the sumo I . . , sUB _ lnCO around n wOlltlln''ul _ t I\nll' \ ' ' \ hllt d'o } 'OU lhlnl. ho dIcU"- ! . . . - - . - . - - - . - - , - - - - , , - - - - - "JU ! 1. whnt any scnHible man.'oull1 lu\\"c rlom-l1'Ip.11 it , I suppose , " " : ' \ot IlU " thanlc 'IItI , 110 nslwd f ( 1 cOlitl ; I1ml 11 Illoco lit string s'o w'o cou\ll \ tnOIlSUro 1\ul1 aeo If it To'US t fuct. Ain't ho the , limit ? " ' " The Limit. " 1'hcro'R noISO talking , " sn.ltl . Mrs. Howll ut ! . " ( y blls\.lnnd \ Is the crnnk. lest mlm thnt 00drow \ the breath of ! [ ! . ' } 'hero Is only ono Hmo In the ) 'cut' when ho feels HI.c golns to cuurch , nnll that's when lho church b olosoll fnt. the 'Sllt mot'vacaUbIl.1" _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ ONCE A BElLE ; NOW A HERMIT MRS. MARIE A , RIEDESELLE . DWELLS ALL ALONE IN BIG ' ! , SANTA ANITA CANYON. . SUBSISTS ON FRUIT ALONE I Dooks < 1ncJ Piano Arc Her Only Com. panlons-Drcsses In Simple Garb ilnd Declares Hcl's Idci11 Ex. Istence , Loa hngcles , Cnl.-Tucltecl nwnr In : J. scquostered nook or the Dig Anita can 'oll , whel'e aho Is 11..ln < ; the lIfo or a hermit , 10 1\IrH , Marlo A. ' ( 'sello , who Ilt one tlmo wus Hlel1'l erell ono of the most benutlful or New Yorl , ' long I1no of handsome wOmen. I The once famolls beauty now sleolls I 011 a bed of 111110 lIel.tlles , which sho' ' . rellS'lousl ' gathers fresh C\'ery dll ) ' . Her fee Is fruit and berrlcs tbat she gathl'l's frolll trees : md bushes uround her hermitage , 'Vh"n " , seen b ) ' n rOlOrtm' roccnllr , the hermit waR nt Hrat reticent , hut finaUr , 'us Inducl.ll to tnIl , ahoul. hel' oxllonce ! : ! In hel' lonely CII 'OI1 , She would not. rclnto the ch'cumatlln clJ wbtch le to hol' goln ! ; Into seclusion and firm1j' refused to' talk about. hcl' husbmul , , "I sllent se\'en ) 'cal's In Alnakn , " a11e to1 the reporlel' , "nud those C\ " n ) 'ears'CI'l \ & the most mlsel'able of my Ufe. I endured Ittrdshll ! after hardshlII , and the only frl.ends I could claim for my own \Vero the ogs , When 1 left Alnslca I could not bOal' . to lea..e them. ' I cou1c1 not shh ) t.hem out. of the countr ' , so I had lbem kJ11ell and sldnned , " She showed a number of Ealdmd dogsltlns , wblch carJletcd Ula Hoer of ltcI' cabin , as proof , , "nut , lhen , 'ou lwant lo lenow how I came to ho an inhabltaut of this lonoh' can 'on , WcU , I just came here , that was all. I live on fmw [ aud bel" rles-nothlng cooked-aild - that Is - aomellmcs I go for c111 'S with nOlhlng more than an orange to sustuln mo , "Then , too , " she cxplnlned , "I am 1\ great belle\'er In fasting , I weut : : ! days In Jun without morc limn n. drlnlc of watcl' at Il limo , and last winter I fasted fm' 20 days. Of course I lost much 1Ics1l , but slln I "My Llr Is Llfe. " ltOJt ) on wllh the fast nud now fcol lIke n new woman Illtogethct' . "You must not expect to see much of a home hero in the canyon. g\'ory. thing 1 have here Is and'lnade , ex. cept mr ; plnno. which I till're1 out of nll the things I had In the east. "I sUPPOSO 'ou woneJor why I 11\0 , out here nil aloue , It docs sccm oll'angc , hut , nh , this IB the life to live ! It Is the lIfo of 11 free woman , unchecked alii } fl'eo from the tram. mels of a IwrdleJ clvJlJzalion which hlntls its de\'ulcm to the lctty conven. tlonnlltles of life , " 1\Iy mo Is life. It. Is not a mel'o oxlstenco , I lmve something 10 Uvc for-the blrl1s and the trecH , and the sunlight. Rome day I nm cominS' out of my stloH an pl"Oclalm the real jo ' of living to the world , ' , 'Threo ) 'cars I\gll I was. thought to be d'lng , Now I am healthy ancl 1'0' bust , I hnvo stndlecl to gain mental control OVCI' m ' hody and I huvo nc. COlllllllshe thut 111m rIght hel'e. "During hormltago I have rend ull the authors , " ! : lite asserled , poillt. Ing to a lIbral' ' In a corner of the room , "I love Plato nn ShaltC pcaro un all the rOBt , hut the : \IIthor Wh080 works havc hoon of the moat use to roe is SOCl'nteR , " Tbat she walks nbOl mlles n , clay nnll lIycs ent1l'el ' upon uncoolwd fooda is the reUSon Mrs , Uehlctlolle giTes fOl' hel' ' romul'lmblo health. 8110 shows evillcncos or having 110011 a wOi\llorrnll ) ' boautlful woman In hcl' dn ' und Is slill lUlIHIsolllo hI a Illhe , sumous wn ) ' . She slcaks [ with the cloul' clllmcia. lion of a wl.nbl'CH } woman and hOl' convorlmllon Is raUonul , nnll strlklllg1) 'to the I.olnt. . lieI' taste In CloUlltlt ; l'Unll o , the slmplcst. or r.arbH ; , A ablrt. , wnlsi n Itlrt.am hel' uRual COS t1nlO , The hermit is unlquo In 1\01' \ ropdos of uro RIIII'Io's on living. but ov'n her pl'actlcnl oxplu mtto\l of why Rho \IltCs \ the outof.doom oxlitonco ! IOUVCH ono to belll.vo that thcro In ! l deofJlI' ! bnd perhaps morn roull\nUo I'lJaSOl ( or hol' n\Jsolulc socllllllon , 1101' llCu 1 3 u romance in Ilsclf , . - . - , , . . - . - , _ . WILD WOMAN IS SEEr ! IN CANADIAN FOREst - - ' - - - . , LIVES IN HUT WITH A NUMBEP- OF DOGS AS HER ONLY COMPANIONS. - "J OUnwn , Onk-A TC'porl o [ Il von ry t'ol\n\1llg \ wild In the foreatH' a\lout \ Blul' aCIl lace ! , , not fnl' frQJ11djlls : Glt . , hnn heen hl'ougbt hero by Prof. l\Iacaule : . ' , ot lIarv3t'd unlverllty , wlto hua IlOon tpcudlu ; some limo In Umt IICCtioll of the couutry. IIo f3t'i : . OS thut whllo hunting ( JIll. ! liar III the n-C:11t e \ \ ' the Gallnp-tll river It ccurrylng In the unltorbruBh causcd hI tn to f.Juic'kI ) ' turn biB rHlo 11the direction Ir qto s01m ! ) . To hIs ! : ! \II'prJio ! Ul wil taco , of IL hu. man hOhlg' , lunnell to n. dark hrown ' br oXl108uro to Hun and : llr , frmnc by mnRIINI ( Ii dut'1 ( , conrKO 11311' , ntllt [ I unmlstukahly thu f lco of It woman , } I ' , , , ' \ , 1 , , ! " 1 She Turned and Fled. ' 'I peorcrl at him from the altac1ow3. The hunter quietly upproached hcr. hut before ho coul speak aho tUfntcl ! nnlt 111311. Pl'Of , l\Iacauley says she scemed to be dressed in nothing more sub. staullnl thau leavcs , entwined and mattcII 1.ogethor so ns to form It covering for her bodY. Ho made in. lJull'los , in U1O. nelghboi"hood and found that olher persons besides himself had sc n the womall. She . IIvos in olltmlo in a smull , Jew hut , In the Il1terior of which UI. > Ilemo\l of modlum slzo could sland nprlghC , She. hfta no companion sa\'o a number 01 : lIogs , which belp her In 1 > ro uriit fooll 11\ the forest. A rUle Is Included In the 118t. of her possessions , hut : rot. mllnltion hall been refused her , . . It appcars that. owing to an Injury done t 1 f. ! WOlUItU yearu ago 'sho has . e\'er sln e a111111nod humdu socliityamt lived in tIte dcpths of the bliSh , How she IWC1)S ali..o during the severe . . . . )11' ) ter is : t 1II 'stCI'Y , MONKEY JAILED FOR I'-'IISCHIEF. I . Commltnent ! on File Against Him . . . New Jersey Prison. NoBrtll1swiel ( , N , J-A 80uth Amol'lcnn monlwy bas been ommltted to , the Ml dlosox counly jall hero for l1Ia1lclon8 mIschief , and there Jp an au , I thentlc commitment ou mo t1tainst , him , "WhclI I wns In charge of ahcl'll'l:1 : llepuJcs 110\:11 t Sa 're\-mo several months : l o , " salll 'Varden Charles / ' " ' Hogol's , "tr 'lng to Iteep strikers from rUlUllng away WlUl the clay pita , I got - acqualntod with this very snmo . monkc ' . 110 seemed to take to mo right. at. the start. One night I saw hllll at a hOlrl : , and 80010 fellows were feeding him on beer , "Pllt Farlcy , the constable , . s IIII . t . right. ont. thnt he woulll nn-est the mOIlIe ' If he broke the pence of that comllllllllt ' , An the other nlgbt Uw 1I10nl { alllllled out of his cJnln ) amI wont out fm' a stroll , Casper Shiller. ' the jUlIlIco of the peace , hnB-ot' had I -as fine a garden of flowcl's as you waut toeo. : : . The monk visited thnt 'ard , all when ho got throu h you couldn't t nil n culllstephus chlncsls f ' < lIn n ol'nnlum. "Yes , Shulol' was mall , lIe WitS wuntlcl'lng what to det with' the IIIonltC ' , when nlong came Fnrley Ilnl : toll1 him he ought. to scn It to jaU. lIo's enlcre tllus Petro Pnrbuza. YOII can see tOl' 'ourso1f. Ho's an Intemperate - temperate cuss , IIo brolco the medl. clno chent the ether night. Ho 1:1ust hn\'o thought it It wine cellar. He tlldll't Imow the dlleronce unUl 110 lU\l1 d1'l1l11 : It holllo of lo lne , antl It didn't hotbel' 111m a bll , " Brave Girl Routs Bandltn. l\Unncapollsl\Unn.-nr'nvfng the tJan. gm' of helng shot by bapl , robbers , who , had hllon tll'lvon ftom : thp'lr 'wQf ! lIy ltm' fatlwr : tn ' broth r. Ruth ' 'I'rump , the 1 'rnllr'old daughter of John ' 1'1'111\1\1 \ of Hoh\.lhlstlalc \ , a suburb ot l\hllll' [ ( ) ( ) , mn lhrough the darkness to 1110 town hall anll rang an alarm which H\1l11nlOned the clllzcna , wIn 1'IIsholl , fcaulily Clnd , Into the stroetll III llllrsnit of the bmullts , who oscupee ! nettH' ! L hattlc. Haers : P ll Teeth of VlcUmB. 1\l11wuulwo-Hnzhlg has ItOne to Iho Iltnlt In nortltcn\ Michigan , uccordln tl > IL t\lspntwh \ fro -Huncpck. In RQCI , . lund , n01there" huzora In the ImbUe IIchools acled Its dontlstn tor theh' \"lcl1ms , Onc 1I0y lost 80 many tCOUI thnt he WIlS mnllo 111 nnl1 was Corc'Jl ! b ' his } laronls to confess whut caused I , ' -r ) the u'oulllo , 'rho lulZora were urroat. , oil , hut UIO cnsoaroro actUol ! o of c..urt . : , . ,