Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1907, Image 5

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Custer Cotlev.e-Winter term I
begins January 6th , 1908.
. Next.Thuroday will be United
Bretbern day at McComas' drug
Next Tuesday will be Christian
Church day at Ed McCom IS'
drug. Store.
E isht : Taylor left Tuesday
night lor the Black Hills country
where he is extensively interested
in mines.
Supt. Pinckney left the city
Tuesdav to spend the remainder
of this week vi itinK schools in
the northeast part of the county.
Rev. and Mrs. Gee Taylor. of
L'Os Angeles , California , spent
I three days the first of the week
I visiting her ncle , W. C. Lucc ,
- and .family.
rand ' . H. Hawley and wife of
. Lincoln spent several das last
wecklvisiung with their daughter
Mrs. John D. Brady.
Judge Armour left last Thursday -
day for D sMoines and St. Louis
on a strictly business trip to b. :
absent froUl home for an indefinite -
definite length of lime.
On Tuesday . E. Harris of
th Wester vile vicinny associated
with Broken Bow acquaintances
and atlended to bus ; ncss matters
that dl'mended his attention.
J. A. Kellenbarger and wife ,
of Merna , were in the city -
day , the guests of Mr. and Tues-I
D. M. Amsberry. They attended
the meeting of the Eastern Star
I Tuesday night.
i John Lindstrom , of Comgtock ,
\ was enjoying life in the county
, sE-at town Monday-if keeping
busy every moment during his
stay can be coutlted as enjoying
, Comstock was repredented in
. j the city on Tuesday by William
; : ' ) Brown wbo can tell the advant-
r ,
ages of a sewing machinein more
ehlquent language than Bryan
cat : ! depict his 16 to 1 ideas.
Henry Beal , who has "sot
typ s" in the \ 'hief office most of
the. time during the past. two
years , left la t Saturday for
Grand Island and registered as d
student at the Raptht College.
BAPTIST DAy-Next Wednesday -
day will be B ptist' day .at , Ed.
McComas drug store. Mr. ' Mc-
Comas bas again offered each
of the churches of our town 10
per cent. of one days sale at his
store. L'et us wait on you next
Wernt } sday.
Hcv. A A. Mitcbcll , pastor of
thc' Brol < cp Bow Presbyterian
church. went to Gl ortetown
' ' - . conducted
'I'banksgiving- an -
ed servic s in th n w c ur\h at
tat : plat' . He was accompan-
iN ! hy C.unt y fr. a url'r Ca VI"H'I'
. who r'sul\.d th r prior to coming -
. ingto this city in his fficial
" capacity.
. At the sale of short horn cattle
at Alliance last Saturday , given
. by Dr J. G. "ren " zer , of this city
the entre lot of fifteen bulls were
sold. The prices rcalized were
not what these fine blood d cattle
I were really worth , but they
brought fair figures and the purchasers -
chasers may rest assured the )
got the tull worth of their money.
. S. B. Osborne , who ha.s been
visiting" the old folks at home"
1\ \ ' the past two weeks , left Monday
for West Lib rty , Iowa , where
he becomes manager of a large
groceryestablbhrnent. "Bent"
has always I'made good'S in every
undertaking and hiS many fr lnds
here have no douht as to how he
wIll "stack up" in his new posi-
R. H. Fife and son , of Kansar
City , Mo. , wbo bave been unit
formly succesful in their evan.
geliitic ! ; work , have becn engagc ( ]
by the ChristIan church to con.
duct a series of mcetings lJ
Brolen Bow in January. Ever\ ,
person in the community should
u e this opportunity to bccom
acquainted with the pica of the
Christian church.
W. n. Eastham goes to Omah.
I tomorrow having received an in
vi tat ion and . . . complimel1tarJ
I ticket to the l..irst Annual Ban
qnet of the Dahlman Demrcrac1 ,
. club to be held in Omaha S"tur
day , veml1g- . At tile banquc
. one thousand plates will be lat (
and in addition to 'rownSmi11
East ham democrats of nationa
repute 'from all IJdrts of thl
Unite c1 States will he preHent
C l. W. J. Brvan and Gov. Hokl
Smith will be the principa
I orators and Congressman Atwool
l ) of Kansas will be toastmaster.
" , < Winter term of Custer Collegl
\gin January 6th , 1908.
. ' . '
[ Januar ' 6th , 1908 , the winter
term beg-tus at Custer College.
Rev. I. D. Fleming , : Jf Kansas ,
is conductin a serie of mcetings
wtth the Mason City Baptist
Gcorg-e Cooley and J. W. Snell
c'\m o'cr from Anselmo Monday
and 10Ik .d upon the county seat
in all its glory and grandeur.
Mr. and Mrs. John l rancois
left th is morning for their old
borne in France where they will
viit ! for an indefinite period.
At. Crother and son , who reside
in close proximity to Weissert ,
were among the larle number of
visitrs in the cit y last Saturday.
C. W. Ball was in the city Monday -
day from the vicinity of Berwyn
and made a short but pleasant
call at the HEPUDI.ICAN office.
D. M. Saville , the iron artist I
at Ansley , was in the rcit , Tuesday - I
day in close communicatIon with I
friends on social and business
Messrs Perrin and Hyatt , a
couple of young business rustlers
at 8argent , were Broken Bow I
visitors last Saturday , returni..g .
home Sunday.
A game of foot hall1ast Thu rs-
day , betw en t'1e Higb school
and Custer College teams , rest11t-
ed in a score of 15 to 0 in favor
of the High school.
I H. Worley. who is holdin'I
down a Kinkaid homestead 30
miles south of Ainsworth , so-
'journed in Broken Bow last Fri-
day-atlendit1g to business and
socializing with friends.
Attorney Simon Cameron went
ever to the home place , ' near
Callaway , Tuesday , on account
of the illness of his mother and
will be absent from office work in
this city for at least a couple of
l.ike time and tide , the Christmas -
mas goods will wait for no one.
Do your shopping now-after
learning from the advertisements
tu the HEPUBf.TCAN 'where the
best selections of Christmas
goods are for sale.
M. B. Eggleston , one of the
thrifty and energetic soil-ticklers '
over Callawayward , was' in the
city one Clay last wcek attending
to matters of business and exchanging -
changing thinks with friend ! :
aud acquaintances.
The meetings nightly at the
United Brethern church are deeply -
ly interest ing to all who attend. :
All are welcome and a special
invitation to attend is extended
those of our citizens who have
not Jet b en pr sent.
Mal1a er Great imforms us he
hJS houk d for the OpC'ra house
III J , Uluary "Plcklngs from
Puck , " 1111 of the great st
. . . .hid winds lof fun ever produced
011 the Amencan stage and meetIng -
Ing- with crowded houses. regardless -
less of th'e financial stringency.
J. C. Barton , who formerly
conducted a second hand store
here , put is now an honest farmer
dnd-at odd times-manipulates
the lather brush and razor at
Anselmo , was a Broken Bow'
vIsitor Monday to pay taxes and
get next to at' 80 acre chunk of
soil adjoining his plantation.
Early buying of Christmas
presents gives the shopper time
lor more careful selections-un-
crowded-and when they can
bave both time and attention
from clerks , as there are always
many who will not heed the
warning and wait till the last
day or two before Christmas.
Selections made. early are from
i I ull stocks , be'fore assortments
. are reduced/and :411 : the crowding
and unsatisfactory conditions
that surround the last week shopping -
ping can bt av..ided by purchas-
I ing two or three weeks ahead-
; and it can be rlone better then
. than any other time.
Judge H. M. Sullivan was in
Omaha Mondav as connsel for A.
[ , Hatch whOln a United Stales
l gralsd jury indicted jointly with
- K H. MahalIey for conspiracy to
defraud the government out of
- large tracts of land in Thomas
and Hooker counties. Mr Mahaf.
- fey I lead guilty before Judge T.
C. . .lunger of the U. S. court ,
and was sentenced to pay a finE :
of S500 and sen'c forty-t ve day
in jail at Grand Islard. In ad.
dition to the conspiracy in ict.
. 111ant against Hatch , a bill wa !
also found against him , by th (
grand jury , for perjurl. ' He en'
tered a plea of not gUIlty to botl
CU8ter College-Winter teru
begins January 6th , 1908 ,
, . .
. . . , '
. .
! > P. i
_ . ; :
Winter term of Custer College
begins January 6th , 1908.
O. J. Smith , one of the prominent -
nent bustlcrs o\'er Anselmo way ,
was in the City Monday.
Claud Willis spent everal days
last week in the vicinity of
Mason City visiting friends and
bunting q ail and rabbit. ; , being
successfuin \ securing quite a
bunch of game.
Fred , a son of John Jensen , residing -
siding 3 miles sou beast of this
city , was thrown from n. , horse
last Saturda.r evening with a
sprained unkle as th result and
necessitating his having to wear
a pair of sidcsticlcs in order to
James Fairfield , and Bertha
Foster came to the city } 'esterda\ '
from Mason City and , after a
short and pleasant visit with
Judge Humphrey , ill' his office ,
they departed as one , the young
lady's name during tbat short
and pleasant visit 1.aving
changed to l airfie1d.
R. E. Brega , n. prominent
citizen of Custer county , residing
at Callaway , was a visitor in his
county seat town yesterday and
to the REPUDLICAN , among other
things , stated that the road be-
tween' Callaway and this city
are in splendid condition-the
best he ever saw them.
John T. Dover , proprietor of
of the Dover restaurant , was
taken ill suddenly Monday evening -
ing with heart trouble and for
several hours it. was thought he
would not irecover , being unconscious -
scious until toward morning on
Tuesday. Since then he has
gained in strenlth SOluC , but is
still a very sick mau , aud the attending -
tending physician says h s employment - .
ployment hereafter should be
out doors. .
J. W. Craig , Deputy Sheiiff. . ,
" H. F. Kennedy , SherilI.elect , I
has chosen J. W. Craig to be his
deputy. Mr. Craig is one of Custer
ounties sucessfu11 farmers near
Berwyn. For a number of years
he was a resident of Westerville
township Six years ago he was
a prominent candidate before the
Hepubhcan party for nomination
for sheriff but failed to secure
the nomination. He is a man
highly respected where known
for his honorable busines ways
anel temperance habits.
'l'he selection is a gopd one
an the REPUBLICAN prcdi.cJ,1s he
will prove a valuable tu ( n for
Sheriff Kennedy as well as highly
! : satisfactory to the public.
Maniage Licenses Issued.
M..N. Mathews , Westerville. .21
, Grace Hickenbottom , II . .19
J. R. Moore , Bartles\'ille , Oklo 22
Doris Rector , Broken Bow. . . . 18
Cbarles Speese , Westerville.25
Hannah : osetta , Brownlee. . . .17
E. 'N. Bishop , Gates. . . . . . . . . .54 :
Anna Cullcn , Crisfield , M'd. . .40
John W. Rapp , Berwyn . . . . . .24
Mary M. Pracht , Berwyn. . . . . .19
Jam. s F. Fairfield , Mason. . . .21
Bertha Ethel 'oster. Mason. . . 20
1'0 my Allphin. Polk , Neb. . . . .24
Florence Burk , Ansley. . . . . . . .24
Fraternal Societies Ellect Officers
At the regular meeling of the
Royal Highlanders ! 1'ues ay
nlg-bt the following officers wtre
elected for the ensuing y.ear :
IlluSLrious protector , D. A.
Walton ; secretary. S. R. Lee ;
treasurer , J. M. Kimberling ;
trustees for thee years , D. M.
Amsberry , Jas. E. Wood ; warden ,
laggie Wood ; sentry , Rollie
Towsley. At the installation of
officers the first meeting in Jan. .
uary sU.pper will be provIded.
I. O. O. 11.
N.GW. . B. Schafer
V. G.-J o Pigman
Secrctary-H. J. Shinn
'rreasurer-J. B. Holcomb
Trustee-H. J. Shinn
N. G.-Miss Maude Potts
V. -Mrs. . T. W. Bass
Secretary-Miss Genie 'l'odd
Treasurer-Mrs. W. J. Lang
C. P.-J. B. HoHomb
8. W.-Purl Munk
H. P.-W. B. Schafer
8cribc. . H Holcomb
Treasurer-H. J. Shinn
C. C.-R. . Mullins
. V. C.-T. L. Farnsworth
P.-L. D. George
M. of W.-C. W. Beal
K. R. and S.- Victor Beclc .
. I
M. of E.-W. B. Eastham
M. A.-Leo. Dean
M. lD. . C. Konkul
O. G.-J as. McMillian
I' ' I. G.-John Cavenec
' , .w , . , , . I Y 1 f-- : ' < < - MY ' - - - - P" Itl
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: : : : . : : : : ;
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: : : : : : : : : :
I 'SantaClausat i , , I
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: : : : : : : : : : : :
I Lee's . Drug .Store I '
: : : : : : : : : :
- -
: : : : : : : : : : : :
] ( ) r months \ve have been planning for
our. . Chl'islnaS Display und are rendy to 3
have you come and puss judgnlent. 3 .
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
I COM E H A R L Y ANn 0 F TEN I : . .
- . . -
: : : : =
- -
- -
5 Let the children come and Ree our display. A child should see the
E differen toys and beautiful Christmas articles. It is educational. = = )
- -
Come , even if you don't intend to uuike purchases , as u. visit hol'3 >
= = will offer to yom' mind valuable suggestions ns to snitable presents- = =
- -
E It is hardly necessary to urge the advantages of enrly = =
e : selections. You fully realize that thiR al waYR pnys. = =
E Articles-on which a small pnyment is made us a = =
e : K ! arantee of good faith--will bo lnicl aside foJ' you. = =
= = Will also pack and ship goods to be sr.nt diRtnnt friends. = = ,
- -
- -
- -
- -
E of all styles , on whch I have It 8.P.I OIAL PHl.GE , as 3 ,
= = ' [ bought a special clenn-up lot , and 1 intend to give = =
.E ( Hlstomers the benefit or the great bal'gnin I secured. = =
- -
E - . .A..1'.TC . C I .A. . . .3 - .
I haye a far more complete line of Irnl , ' y Uhinu thnn . 3 . .
5 over , especial1y in Haviland and J npnnese for gifts.
- - I
8 IJ L
e--e < 28 , DRUGGIST . i
- -
: aEl.C : > 'ErJ'J3C : : > VV , EE3 : . 3 :1 :
= - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ,
11111111i'ii"i'1111il1il1iliilill1il ' " ' ,
Drs. Farnsworth Beck-
Dentist ! ; .
I 'or all ldnds of good coal go
to the West Elevator. 14tf
- - -
Another shipment ot couches
just received direct from factory
at Konkel's. , . ,
Holidays are here. Be sure
you have your eyes examined
while Dr. Barnes is at the Grand
Central , Thursday , Dec. ] 9th.
See W. D. Grant for all kim s
of tin work , at the same old place ,
north of Ed. McComas' drug
store. 26 4t
Go to J. " , . , Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated flour-pure , just aJ ! :
the wheat growed.
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas'
The celebrated Mai h felt mat-
trasses , at Konkel's.
Dr. Barnes , eye specialist of
Omaba will be at the Grand
Central Hotel in Broken Bow ,
Thursday afternoon , Dec. 19th.
I am prepared to do all kinds ; .
of tin work again. Come anel.
see me. W. D. GRAN' ! ' 26 4t
Konkel sells bow back chairs at
75c each , the same for which
Montgomery Ward charges 85c
and freight added. .
New line of Murphy rockers
just received at Konkel's.
Clean Seed Rye for R.i1e a t the
West Elevator' 14tf.
. -
20 head of Duroc male pigs for
sale. Tops of 200 head. Custer
County Herd'of Duroc-Jerseys ,
John Heese , Owner.
1f you want stove pipe , d'on't
buy the cheap factory made stutT
dut go to W. D. GIANT and get
some good. 2,4t
li'oR RHN'T-320.acre larm 10
m les southwest of Broken How ,
all table land , 250 acres broken ,
good improvements. Call at
once. Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow.
Another shipment of l ocking
jhairs just received at Kpnel's }
dir t'fr 1tbe factory at'faclory
Hemembtr Konkel is headquarters -
quarters for chairs of all kinds
and-prices. ll-tf
'ilii'lilii ' ' lil1il1iliil1il1111il1il1111111il1iliil11\iillillll11111'1 \ ' 11i'11 '
_ . .
- , . I - ' r. . " 11 , ' - . - ' . - . . . - . . . . . . . , . . . , - . - - - - -
, .
. .
Trees ,
' . , ( .4 . ' . '
, ' .
rA.r : aE ]
. . , . . . .i. . . . v . . . " . : W 0 . ' ! ' 1 . . : - . . - , ( : J ) 0. . _ . v'h _ . . : . . i' , . /tI . . h
: J"
Also a , full line of Staple
and Fancy Gr'oceries , DecoJ'ate ; '
Lamps , Staple Crockery , : Night
Elegant Water Sets ,
Lamps , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . j ,
ate ' ' ' ' . .i."I. ' I' f" " " ;
Etc. , etc : ! ; '
. ] I . . . . ' . . . - . . . . . '