Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1907, Image 4

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    r - - : - < r-v--P'V : : ! : : ! r , . : - : - ! " " ,
" , tutar tuunty llcpubUa ll.
i , l'
. : . ' ONK DOl. ! All l'F.'R \ : ( t\R.
t - ADVi.Rmi 'G TES.
. ' Whoere Dlntter I. . . 11' = \ nr w' > Od b\lu.lrctt"tys >
, . 1\ Ant prlco of ll ce'l1t. prr luclJ.tIUlflccoltllnn.
. 10r each In8ctliou. HTO or mote In-\'ttlon. . . .
! ' .recla potlilion. IIlnlllc IntlOfUou. 15 COllt ! ! per
' ; 1IIch. Netal bllFI1 flectro. . , . two or Dloru tlDleRl
JQ Cllltl per Inch. Paymentl to belllado lilt 01
; Mch moath.
, I.ocal ad nrtllllllf 5 Clnll ! per IIna each Inlet. 1
. . tlon. .
Catdl on 111111 pille 6Q centa per lacb PU
montb. '
NotlcCI of cburcb falra. : loclabl , , " ault euter.
talnlllenia wbera manu , " II cbarlft'd , ooe-laU
rat. . .
; Deatb nollclI frre , bate rrl.:4 fet V1IlIlIlbhl/l
obitual ) ' uulhu.
Card of ThRall" . 9) ( 't , . . .
Lellal nullces at tat "tuTlded by IItl\tllloll of
< j ) fobr3lka Soclr.tJ , lIuthc. : ia' r ' : mlutlolli. onulIrlu
Weddlnil' noUcl'I hee , half ptll : . . for jllt 0
. , tuenlll ,
t _ . . . . . _
- - - - - - - - -
Iotol : cd at nrok. . . " lJow. Nobra..I.l(1r Ullng.
; . .1 , , lon III thl ! United Rlilu. I1la.11I At t'ccolld
ela. , rntee.
. D. M. AMSDRRIY , - Pubtish r
, j. CIIAS. K. BAIISItT'l'1 : . . RdHOr
't \
t Thursday , Dec. 5. 1907.
I It = = : he -hi.t ; ; : f 1" : .
, financial flurrics that yea r s
. .following have been pf uUkual
prosperity. There it ; no reason
; " 'Wby It tuould not b tl'UC in tll1
I ! -and thcN will undou1Jteclly bc
: ' ! nore opportunitic3 for profitable
. invc&trlJl. nt eluriug th 11'xt three
j' or four years than ever 1H fore ill
! hc bistorj' ot the country. 'l'he
; ; rcmarkabll : developmcnt l1l110t
; be prtnant'ntIJ retarded.
. ; ; - ; ; '
If ) ' a ele to com-
\4 mit a crunt' wltlJOut havingto
! r suffer punshm , "l1t for so doing ,
I attcntion I' " called 1f. ! the f ct
; : J that Idaho may he a oed tate
to maKc the basc af opera.tlOns.
! , Juries in LhlUt ! thr impart. : I
j ant cascs in th.1t slatc have
r failed to cal1\'il t.
f. r
. : ' 1'hc Indiana mlIl who bl'came
, frigbt'ucd ov r the lJOJsl : ility ? t
f the hanJcs g01n ! bump nnd hul
t his roll of lulls 111 the hog p n.
t Wbl'I'C it was c.hewed up-is now
I certain tbcrc.s mone ) ' In pork.
! -
t 'fhe ptoaple oC Coff yviJlc ,
f , Kansas , are kicking hecau e of
I" the ap.-rations of bnotlaggcrs.
if . If the people live up c1o:1c to tb'e
name of their town boo e venders
.I . should starve to dtaLh there.
\ ' The Albian News refers ta .em
! as Omahab'1i and he w.asn't talk-
1 ! , . , ittg about tbe South Omaha ,
\ , yards ei Lhcr-juit ! poli t cs.
. ,
- - -
. The Brok n Bow anli Western Railway
At a. IDecting oC the Dircctars
of the BroKcn Uow nud Western
Wy Co. , bcld last week , it was
decided to pmh thp. work in ccnr-
ing tb right of wa v and oth r
preliminary wark prcparllt.nry i.o
consh'ur.tion early next year.
The promotcTI\ : have been tea
a great scxpene in getting the
best survey passlbl and the
numerous detaHs of the scheme
in working order. The manner
in which the officials are pusbing
this , acd the farmers along the
line are aRsisiing , the outloak
is exceedingly bright for nlt. yeat'
1908 to c the Broken Row ami
We tcr(1 l a lWJ.v in operation between -
' . tween T..oup. City and Broken
- - - -
'Totally ' Destroyed by Fire.
. At aL ut 10:30 o'clock last
. 'Suuda } ' night the hou'c of J. O.
Hussel1 , 3 1Uile east of Berwvn ,
. was entirely dl'stroycd b.r fire
1 Thc family 111\11 retired and were
awnkcned by the smoke , but in
tii ! c to anlv sa\"e thdr live by
flilbt in tht ! r night clotbes.
Several of the ncighb rs wha
were r turt1ing home from
. . .cburch saw the ulaz and quite
a crown gathered , but could do
nothing to prevcnt the total
destructian af tbe housc and its
Tbe cause af the fire is at-
trihutcd to a defective flue. Tl
loss is a S V re one to Mr
Russell us h had but $500 in.
surance-about one-funrth of the
value of the destroyed property.
The Farmers Institute.
Ev ry farmer in Custer count )
sbu\11d arrange to attepd th (
institutt ! to U bld in tbis cit )
D c , 19 , 20 and 21. If not ever )
ci ; IY , thl(1 at least one da ) ' , anc
even al lhat e will he well pai
for the tlwe spent-and maybt
incanvciuenccs-hceause he will
surely learn something that will
be of great bf'nefit to him , eithel
along the line of stock raising OJ
agricultural pursuits.
On 'l'hurtlday , tbe first day
Prof. . Lewelling. of Beaver City
wilJ , at different hours. ( liscus
"A1falfa grawing" and "PoultrJ
raiRinf ! . "
On lrriday uThe kind of :
dairy cow for the farm" ani
"Some l' entiuls to Ruccestl u
farming" wilt be lhe 8U j Cti : a
-Gov. PO Dter'8 remarki.
II : , ; . , . . . . - l . - - t' . , , - " ' . . . ' . . . _ 1. , . . . - . . - : - .
More RaUrord TIICI Paid'
I Again tbe treasury of Custer
connty has been nubjcct to the
fattening proc , 5S nnd in tbe neat ,
little Bum of $6,400.81 , which was
deposited last Snturday by the
Umon Pacific Rallraad company
in pament of their 1907 tnxe .
Of thIs amaunt , however , $1,823.-
39 was paid under protest. The
Union Pacific own about thirty
mile of track in Custer caunty ,
togetber with sid traclts , depots
and scction houes at Lomax-
Oconta , Lodi and Callaway , and
.twas on these 'passe.\sions tbe
tax was levied and the amount
paid last Saturday. I
Eastern Star. I
The me-mbcrs af tbe Eastern
Star' af this ciLy enjoycd a
plc'Isnnt s ssian at their regular
meeting Tuesday 11ight. The
worthy grand matran from
14incoln WitS present and held a
school of instruction besides i
having the degree work. put on.
Worthy matron , Mrs. J. W. Scott
and worthy patron Jahn Davis.
of Anslcy , wort by matron , Mrs.
J. J. Taaley , of Anselmo were
among the ot1icials present from
visiting lodges. Among otl1er
visiting members present were
Mel e1ames , II. B. Andrews ,
Warren Bass , Mr. ; lnd Mrs J.
A. Kcl.lcnb.Lrgl'r . , of the Anselmo
lodge , Mc'clul11l'S ! L , E. Willson
and Juhn Ham' ) . of Merna , At
the clu\e ! of 1h sl ssion suppcr
was scrvd ! and a g'em'ral } ! oocl
social time was cnjiecl , by all
An Excellent Performance.
If an ) ' one doubts that the
Bell I ir1gcrs will give rol < el1
Bow people something exccllent
ncxt Monday .evening tct him
read the follow1f1 :
'I'allahasseela. ' . ) Daily Capi-
tal-The Apollo Qllintctte "nd
Bdl Ringers gave an excellent
pt > rformauec II t the opera haus
last night. Standing room was
at a prl'mium The large aud.
ience was highly pllased wit h
what was consid red one of the
most interesting anci enjovable
entertainmenls ever given in
Tallahassee. and tbe event was
a grand success from every
At tbe parsonage of the Pres-
bvterian cburch in Brokl'n Baw ,
Nebraskd , on Nov. 29 , 1907 , E
N. Bisbop. of Gates , Neb , and
Miss Anna Cullen , af Cbrisfield
Marylandt were unitrd in bol ) '
honds of matrimony , Rev. A. A.
1\1 itcbell , afficiating.
Mr. Bi bop is one af the highly
re pected ciuzens and successful
fanners of Cust r county. In
early days he ettJed in the
Middle Laup Valley , where Le
owns a large tract of rich vall'y
land. He WQS 'surveyar of tbe
county several terms , in which
afficial capicity he gave general
sa \ isfactian.
His bride is a stranger to us.
but as Mr. Bishop is a man af ,
gaod jue1gment in matters
Jreneral it is safe ta predict that
bis judgment was ot at fault
in chf\osing a life partner. The
RupunLIcAN joins wtth their
many frlend in extending cou-
g-ratulations and extends to Mrs.
Bi5hof' welcome la Custer county
iu behalf of his many friends.
- -
Sonth Omaha Market.
Clay , RoulUson & Co. , comm is.
sion mercbants , issued the following -
ing report yesterday.
Receipts 01 cattle this week
bave been fairly liberal. The
trade. however , has bl en tn very
fair shape considering conditions
at this time. Becf cattle have
generally sold steady to a little
tltranger than thc close last week ,
I which was materially big-her . than
t he opcnin . Good to ice
i dry-lot cattle are quotable lis
time at $5.25 to $5.75 ; Cair to oad
$4.75 to $5 25. 'l'h r bas been
a b ttcr fceling in the stocker
and fceder divison and prices are
about a quarter higher than ten
days ag-o. Good to choice heavy
steer are selling at S4.25 } to $4.5Uj ,
fair to good $4.00 to $4.50. 'rhe
ho market is w ak to 5c lower .
todav , uulk selling from $4.55 to
$4 65 with top at $4.75.
Custer College Notes.
Berl Ulair and Merl Welch en.
tered college Monday.
Our vocal music class was some.
what interrupted by the revival
meetings held at the M. E. .
churcb , owing to Prof. Meyer :
being engaged as cbaruster.
The students of tbe college fee
very gratful to tbe bays of Co. M
far the pleasant entertainmen' '
given last Thursday evening.
The Y. M. C.1meetinJ : ' :
which are being held at th4
college every Sunday at 4 p. m
are well attended. All th (
young men are invited to thesl
lDeehnw ; .
. - .
_ c- - - ' - - ' IT 1iIH----
. . - - . . . . . " .
, I
, The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes ; n new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of n weak throat , weak lungs ,
a tcndency to consumption.
A yer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the tnklng-cold
habit. It strengthens , soothes ,
heals. Ask your doctornbout it.
. . 11111.411torrlhlll coltl , Rn,1 nothlllit rellove,1
. " I'celoml RIIII It
mo. 1 tried Ayer" Cherry
PfOnl\tly , broo \ up my coltl , .toppcd my
eOIlJ.h. Rnd el\lell ovt'ry ' ! parlor my l.ody. It
dId lTolltlt'rflll ' ! , .ork lor me.-Mn.J.I'.LU'tz ,
Toledo , Ohio ,
Made by J. d. 1 'Co--Lowellii ; ; :
AI.o J'Ql1nuraoturora or
Kof'p the bowels regular with Aycr's
PlIIs Just ono pili cnch night.
Ryno Rnmblings.
Last week the br elge R'ang
were repairing the bridgf's along
the Sauth Loup , damaged by the
freRhct latit Febuary.
Gel' . Logan and family , of
Spring Creck. were vi iting Rvno
last week. They will semi move
to Custcr Canyon.
S veral of the ladies of thif.
vicinity hilll thcir t\'eth. repairecl
in Broken Bow la. t week. It b -
hooves th men to look a Jittle
out. .
Mr. Fuller , an old gentlemen
of 75 years , residing on Spring
Creck : was seriou ly injured one
dav last week. He was coming
fr m Braken Bow , driving a team
hitched to a horse power , when.
on going dowu a hill he fell off
and the powcr run' over bim.
breaking a leg and causing other
Observed Thanksgiving Day.
Ansle } ' , Nu . 30 , 19p7.
Editor RL"publican :
We had quite a nice time at
our bome on ThanksglvinJ !
Mrs. Cross and brother , W. F
Bullock , of York. came Wednes-
day. He was one of our bo\'s 01
1861 , served in Co B. , 2nd 'Iowa
Cav. , H. Y. Bulloel , and wife. of
York , were also present. He
has been bere about a month
He was one .Jf tbe boys in Co. H. ,
105th 111. Int. His wife is my
ister. C. E. Sheppard , wife and
son and daughter , R. J. and
Pearl , were down from Broken
Bow. He is a brotber of Mrso'
Cross. W. J. Cross. anel wife
a'1d two sans , Thoma s F. and
Earl , and Mrs. M. A. Daniel and
w.s Flarence Crosst of Ansle.v ,
w. re also pr sent. We all cn- I
joyed the occdssion vl'ry much. I
' \
Christian Church.
Next Sund'ay at the Chrir.tian
churcht IJ. N y 'will preach
at 11 a. m on "What is the AI.
mighty , that we should serve
him1t and at 7.30 p. m. on
"Amusements" .
Five per cent Premium' for Checks on ]
Custer County Bank. .
Improve your heards of hogs
hy purch sing.a m'lle from the
Custer County Herd of Duroc-
J rseys , 8 miles west of Broken
Bow. ' { 'ops of 20U ead. heavy ,
large bone , have been fed with
the view of growing bane and I
muscle 'desirable in
sa breeding I
Five per cent discount for payment - I
ment by check on any bank in I
Custer county , or for casb.
JOHN HEESE , O.vner ,
} 3roken Bow , Nebr.
. '
_ . . , .
J ' - -P--V.- ' < V"
Restaurant for Sale. I
On account of failure (1f health I
the Daver rrcstaurnnt in Broke n
Bow is offere < 1 for sale. This i I
fne of the bcst locatiaus in tbcJ
city for the bm iucR\ ! and tht-I
restaurant 'is cnjl"ying a gaod
patrana e.
li'or further imformation ca11
on or address , WILLIIt DovnR ,
Broken Baw , Nebr.
, For Rent.
Two raoms in the Cl1ster block.
Inquire at the RUPUDLICAN I"ffic ( ' .
are , of courc ; contetnp1atin ullitrimony
rind subsequent boust keeping. They are
the class we arc lookil1g out for partic\ .
I uly. We know that the majority of
} 'oung married people must stRrt econllmi.
cilly , and our stock of househo1l1 Furniture -
ture includes all necessary articles for be.
gilln ing hou ekeeping in n mudern Rlllt
economical WRY. We invite th'l1ttention
or 011 couples now contemplating tbe
setting up of their own establIshment.
A nice present Iivm to eorb' couple
hu'ing that out fit of ,
D. C. KO K L.
. -
Lau dering Collars
or. .
Is a . Science. .
Tbere is an air of refinement
about Broken Dow laundry
work. Our system of laundering -
ing collars produces a bt' uli.
ful snow-white finish , with a
very light gloss. which Ulokes
thel11 shed the dirt longer lhon
others. 'J Our 'system for
shoping Rnd flding lay.down
collars gives them the shol e
and appearance they had when
new and insures a perfect fit.
Standing collars are ircltled
on edges. UJRking them . round
and clIIfortable. , E\'ery department -
partment of this IRundr } ' is in
the' hands of competent and
painstaking people. If you
are not wearing our work , let
us send the wagon for a trial
Broken Bow
Steam Laundry"
J. A. O. THOMAS , Prop'r
Phone 202
i N " 'v IS th Ime -
i _ I
ij. Here the I ltlce
For individuals find R. 8. eommitters
. i to pIIl"hase ( ; andy and N uts
I..A.El.Gr-E : : : s-ro C ,
I @ : : r : . . . C > VV : p FI. . X C E : S
it. '
: - SI _ ' 9
-r ' - - ; - - - '
- - - - . ,
. . . /
- - " l r 'V ' ' ' 'I.
I ,
, I
" . .
Lo k ov.7r the display f , , jl. :
. ij
Get in line and decide on one of those 1. I !
NE1V RANGES ' 1 , ,
as a Christmas , present for your wife'
. . '
\ ,
Get the little ones a ' . . ;
'Ve handle ever thing in
Dress the horses in a ' .
. ' - .
for the Holidays .
, Look over our line of , . ' . .
. '
Make the older boys a present . ,
, Watch for . the , : '
, .
I . Keep yopr ye on . '
windowsand , yon will see something
. "
. new. Weare here to please
. > . :
MilICI" & KeI1I . edy
- -
( I
The ] IU\ \ .
tmleQ : n.g tID'mlll SmlID.0 m .
. .1TI A ( CO
is still on. Crowds ( 'an be seen there
dai1y , putting in their Fall and I 'V in : .
tel' supplies : The entire stock must
be , closed out. Save 25 per cent by
attending this sale.
, . \
. .
BS6t Bi\dle \ . ! f'
. .
, . 1Iimn. . lill3ww , 1llD" . 1\ \
The Cash G rocerv
Come to this store for your
Christmas Supplies
, We hava everything necessary .
- -
Sund y Echool cc.mmittees should I
get our prices before ptLrch.asing. .
J. , N' . Poalo "H ,
Broken Bow Nebt'"aska (
, , 'II
' 6 11 ' < III.
. . . . " ,
. . ' . - .
\ , AI
. J