Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1907, Image 3

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    , " ' - " ' . ! I'F -
- I
This Dlstlnaulshed Amerlt.1n JourMtlst Is Trl1vetlnl ! ' Around the World for
the Purpose of InvoslJgallnl ! ' the Amerlcm . Missionary from
&I. Purely Dislntroncdl.SO UI11 I1nd Nqn-SJtll\r an .Standpolnt ,
! 1I1\IJtrated Tf\h \ ura",111\s , \ 'arm frOm PhotOgraphs.
China Awake- - Showing
to the World Her Povver
Shaushal , Chlna.-Whoover gets n
1lluaro'look at the rc.'ll Chinn kuows
that 110 has aeon t1\o theater and
actors of great events that are Imml-
ncnt and Impending. The ImIlorlancc ,
the far-reaching Influence and the ,
amazing rapidity of the transCorma. '
tlon now tal lng 111nco In this country
will 110 learned with surprise ono day
. 1110 big , uncarlug world outside. In
. the meantlmo , It Is the of11co of the
] Ircsont InvosUgat r to show llUW
ChrI Jtlan missions have become in.
wrought into overy' ' phase o [ Chlncse
lIfo. as n shaping Infiuence.
Next to the rolatlon between edu.
( 'aUon and missions .must bo men.
tloned medical missIons. t11at supreme
] ll'Oof of the altruism o [ the west with
rcspect to the cast. Hero again the
. , magnltudo o [ the materInl 31togethcr
t. : ] Il'cellulce nn ithlng IIko a systematic
" i ) I1'esontatIon of the subject , for medl.
: cal mlsslonB are foun in ' part
of China. from 1I0rt clUes to I'cmoto
Intl'r1or towns , placing the healIng
, : r arts of the west at the snr\"lcc of the
Hlltroring cast. and thus whmln : ; the
, ( 'onndenco , respect and admiration of
. . , I I . . . the natives.
. . '
" . , " ' The PrlcsteGs' Severed
An intercsUng story of contt'l1sts Is
. .
. told in connoctl'onvllli the new
A mcricnn naptIst hospital at lInnyang.
\\'hero the Imposing modern structm'o
of gray stano now rises , outshlo the
city wall. tliero was ( ormerly a lIttle
I . . .
' - ' . - . , . . " - ' ' ' ' ' ' < + . ' " < " . . .i ! - , , of" !
' .
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Unlt d 5tates Consulate at Amoy , China , owne'd outright by the United
, States Government.
; . . , -
I ! , .
. temple of medicine , attended b ' a l ne
\ tlricstcss. Dut the temple languished.
I , : \nd to win the favor of the idol and
. tho'llcoplo the priestess with the own
right. hand soverml her left hund at
I the wrist. Now sh'o wem's mo with-
, . ' t'ed hand as an amulet around her
11cck. Nevertheless bel' little temple !
or uperstltlon has given way to a'
1'eat temple of healing , where a
kllled missionary doctor ministers to
the sick of that teeming ancient city.
'fho magnrtudo o [ Bome of these
mlsBion hospltl11s Is boyonll the hrasp
' : o [ the westerner who thinks that all
big things are near at home. Not ono
tom'ist in 10.000 who teaches Shangbal
! mows tbat out by the west gate of
the city is the Woman's Union hos.
vital , In charge or Dr. Elizabeth Relf.
sn 'dor , of Pennsylvania. which last
.car treated more than GO,900 pallents.
11reachlng to thom aU. as well as to
. ' the crowds of relatives amI fdomln
r 'who accompanlod thom. St. Luko's
, " hosplta ) , of the Protestant Episcopal
tt sslon , in U10 same city , ia in quite
the sarno class with It. nnd both are
instltuUons of which any progressive
\ cIty In Christendom would bo proud.
Canton , the Chicago or New Yorle of
China. , has two notable medical insti-
\ tuUons In the Canton Medical college
I and tbo E. A. lIackott Medlcnl College
for 'Vomen. Doth have llOspltals attached -
tached , and the latter , in care 'of Dr.
l'IIary H. Fulton , the only one of tbe
80rt in tho' omplro. has received the
highest omclal ami Dublic honors.
' " EvorywhOl'O 1 went In China I found
the missionary doctor , IJngned ! In
. . manifestly noble work , Ilnd earning
" 'tho praise or aU classes.
, A Christian Newspaper for China.
Deforo I had got as far south as
ShanghaJ the conviction hnd forced It-
dolf upon mo that ono of the , most
potent agencies that could bo emilloy-
ed 'by the mlsslo-nnrlea , In tbe present
state of this , nation's development ,
would be a 'libaral ( ! lilly ncwspapor ,
actually prosentlng ( he whole world's
newf' . and at the sllme tlmo mal -
tnlnlng n broadly progressl\'o and
I \ Christian attltudo. Tboro are men al. ,
ready on the fleld. with a mastery of
the language , who arc equal to thlB
task. When I reached Sbangh\I , 1
found t1o great Dr. 'flmoth ' Richards ,
; ; enora1 lI cretmy o [ the Christian Lit.
eraturo Boclety. bubbltng 0\01' with
the same projecl. The scllomo is
rather ouwitlo the BCOpO of anyone
. . oonrd. yet it ahould 'not be'dlf11cu1t of
" .
" rClIlIzaUon.
WhatovIJr may be the f ture ol the
. lll.fnshloned tract , the place or lll.
Qrllture in the mOllornlzallon and
ChrlsUnnlzaUon at China is obvious ,
' ,11 Iy of tremendous Importance. 'I'ho
" . , whole nation Is giving attention to
reading. The worl of the Christian
Llleriturc : Boc ty hM bt\en v t1 . \I o.
. . '
' . '
. II' ,
, " .
. Ii i
ful. 'I'be vnrioua mission presses. I
notably the fatt\ous PI'elb .terllll1 1\1111'
810n ProsS' . Slmnr.hnl , have been In.
calculably influontlal.
An instance of the wny Chrl311an
llleraturo Is being read b ' all classcn
Is shown by the wldo clrcnlatlon of
Halleok's Almanac ! . oC which thIs yenr
moro than 100,000 coplos wel'o lUtl.-
chased by individual Chinese , It Is
an almanllc l omowhat uflel' the Cnsh-
ion o [ FranllIn's "POOl' Hlcbarll'H AI.
l11nt1t\C , " although avowcdly used for
pnrrlosc o [ Christian } 1rol1ngmda. I
watched a mlsslof1l\r . sellln these in
an inlanli city. and 1I1s 3UI11Ih'-so
htrgo that it look both hlmsolf al1l1 an
nsslstuntto carry It-was SOOI1 cxhmlR '
etI. In her lIudden thirst fOJ' now
Imowled/o / , China tlntIs h'I'self plll'-
chuslug by the myrlal1 the boolt ! pre.
pared hy missionaries.
Making Shoe $ Out of Bibles.
In the It\Vish tree I11strill11tlt1l1 o [ nU
this Uleraturc. It is Inevltablo thnt
, abmJeB arlso : from scveml wllloly.f\OII' \
urated missionarIes I ha\"o he:11'11 : the
, complaint that } 1 rtfons or th'c HllIlo
are being usetI to make soles for Chl- ,
neso shoes , Blnce iher can ho } Jill"
chasetl m ro cheapl ' tllI1n C01111110n 1m.
per. 'rho 110nors t the Blhle HO'
cietles novoI' Intended to helIl.Chlncso
soles aCtor this [ ushlon , I nm ass1ll'0d
by the nont ! of the Amol'lcnn Dible
society Cor China Umt , speaking only
for his own socletr , this abuse has
never been churgeLi against an ' of his
moro than 100 colporteurs , who are
not paid 'hy commIssion. which Is the
root of the evIl , Loss Umn ono per
cent. of IO total 'annual clrcnlatlon of
more than half n' millIon { oplcs Is glv.
en away ; the cheapest iew ' 1'esta.
ments I1nd gospel portions , on natlvo
pllper. arc Bold at one.thirlt the cost
or manllfacture. Whlltovel' c'I1s exIst
In connection with the elIstrlbllUon of
the DIble In Chlnu will probablY he
corrected in connection with the torth ,
comln Hobort l\Iorrlsol1 clJntennllll In
'I'ho great gathering' . com'enlns
April 25.May ro. which Is the o'ont to
which all misHlonar - o 'es are turned ,
promises to be n memoralJlo mIlestone
In 1\l1sslonnry hlstor ' . Commlttecs 01
experts bavo heen at worle for 12
months preparing dolI'orances upon
all the big problems o [ Chlneso mis.
slonll. At this time the three committees -
mittees which hm'o been at wOI'I { lip
on the uow translations of the DIble
a monllmont unl1ortaldn- ! : " will offCi
the frlllts o [ their labors. ' 1'heso vel'
slons wIll bo High Wenll. Easy Wenl !
I1nd Manllnriu. and th y Gho\lld brln
lo a consummation a hundred 'cars 01
DIblo translutIon in Chinn. i
The BIggest Blundel' of Missions.
'l'hla Shanghai conference will givi
a dcchlcd impetus to the union of al
missionary worle. 'fho bIggest hlun
dol' of the mlsslonar ' movement hUI
been peflJOtuation of torelgn , dollomi
national Unes on the ml51\Ion \ floh1. AI
the "Shanghai l\Iercur ' " reco11UJ
said. in an editorial upon "Chines. .
Christianity : " "If It depended UpOl
the Chlneso vote. the Christians \\"oull
all unlto together In ono Nntlona
Chlneso church. wIthout any oC thl
'is1l1s' of the wost. which ought note
to bo imposed on thom and whlcl
muyhnp they will one day cast off. "
A rather caFoful IlIquh'y amonl
I allln natlvo Christians reveals :
definIte tendency toward the ussortiOl
of ChhIOHQ , nationalism in the naU"1
church06. 'l'hls nowhe1"o assumes fhl
proportions 01' tl10 a11ll11us o marl < ce
in Japan , but the "indepondcnco 1110\'C
ment" Is 11 renl faclol' in the Chinosl
ml&Hiounry sltuntIolI. The foreh 1
workers secm well awure of It ant
hospltablo toward it. slnco the mlf
slona ' is not wholly lIucccssful untl
ho has malle hlmsolf unnecossar , } '
, ' 1'ho number of selfsuPPol'tlng Chi
I , .n s cburcho3 ii . . .l1ulte considerable
und a tow [ 11'0 BoU.govcl'DlnA' . 'fho :
m'oIntlollbtedl ) ' mOl'O In tl\VOt. wltl
I the people generally thau rorolgll
manned and forolgn.rnaintainci
i cburcl"l 80 earnest'al'o many 11U
tlvo Christians in this direction UUI
I they have orgnnizetI u mls810nar ' H (
I clet } . of their own , to olen Chl'latla :
I worlc In Wtberto untoucheC : Chines
Whl1on tlw snbJt'et ot IInlon IInlt
comlt ) ' , tmnk { 'rtuclsm mllsl lIe mnl10
oC Bomo oC U O 1111\\1101' : nml rather
"Pl'cullnr" Amorlcan scct . which ,
Uko 111:1IIY : 111l1cpcndent missionaries ,
111ant their enterllrlsos nntter the
sl1nclow oC long cstnbllBhulI mlsn\ons \
anti steal 11\\'a " tno convO\'ls of the
lnller. Thla Bllrt o [ 11rosc\ytlng \ islet
uncommon 011 the mission noM on
the Imrt o [ UIOSO Ulnllcr bollles , at-
, though lIy aU stundnrds It , , is : dlshOn. '
ol'ahlo. Gh'crn to Coroign missions
should assure themselvcs Umt the
worle they 6t1111)Ort is not of this 80rt.
Ther ! } Is small CXCU.IO ! far these 110Vo'
t1ndrtnkln s goln to llOrt cltle3.
when there are thousalllls o [ Intorlor
cllioH lItHI towns where 110t a slnglo
II1IHslol1nr . hM OV'l' gonc.
Big Feet Becoming Fashionable.
' } 'ho dlsl1l"Oportloll III which man '
mnllers Chlnose ltm'o been vlowl.'d In
the occhlellt IB IIhlBlrntcll h ' U1C root.
.blndlnA' III'neUe ( > . WeBtl.'l"lll ha\'c
\.Ieen \ lel1 to lIello\'o thnt Ullt ; hns
mJUnt COnll ! 1ut n on ' tu1l1 lUU'lluhlp
for the chlneso women nml girls , ntHl
the fluhjcct ) laG IIcon 11 stoclt nrgu-
ment in aroushl ! B 'mlmthy for the
poor Chln03C. 0110 Is thol'oforo uu.
l1rcIlIlrod to fillli thl'SO "llly-footed"
women Buch ft JI1Cl'r ' , lively lot , I\S
thc ' toddle allout on the points ol
theIr 11IstOl.toll foC't. In allSwm' to a
l"mnark tlpon this , an'.oxporionced
missionary said , " 'fhct'o Is no doubt
that the sufferlll Inclthmt to foot.
blndlllG hus been grenUr eXI1goratcd. "
IC China had 110 worse ( ' \11 thall this
ono ! Jho would ha\'o tunal ! neell [ 01'
mlsslonl1rles. '
Not thl1t the foot.blndh's Is other
HUI\1 a bad pracllco ; It 19 n cOlli osn ,
1t.uphl , hurtful l1Id pro1.mhly , verse
tlum the tight laclllJ ; of the whIte
womnll. Pro rcsslvo Chllleso'amI mls.
slonarll's ha\'o all ullited tu breale Ul1
the custom. 'rho. girls oC 'mlaslon
school are a\'a 's requlrcd to un.
bind their fcC't ; the chlcf rCIISOI1 why
older Chl'lstlall WOIIWI1 do nol nlwa 's
do so Is hcclluso tilO l1nlll suorcll
from unhIndln : ; would ho gl'eatol' lhlln
tbo Incomonll'l1co or the small feet.
Peasant wOlllcn arc 118UI\II , ' blg.f Ol '
cd ; o also I the ( ) \1IpreSH \ dowa r'
! lnd all othcI' rl1l1cllll womcn. " ' 1'1\0
Manchus nO\'or followl.ll the pl"acU b'
of binding teet.
So substantial hns 1I0en the IIrog.
rcss made In thlH reform that the
Anti.Coot mndlng Soclet . , vigorouslY
led by 1\11'1-1. A. I..ittlc , 111111 sor\'ol1 by
tuuny European hllllCSrccently cl nbd' I
out its afCuh'S , after ten rearu or ac.
tive campal ning. 'rho fIght COl' . bl : ;
reot Is now so far won that its further
] 1rosccutton is left. to the
themselveJ. . . _
Waging W 1r on Opium.
EVCl'ybody known that Chlneso
smoke opium ; strauhors to , t.hls land
do not rcalIze to what an extent It has
110rmoatec1 the naUonai fnhrlc. so that
it has debIlItated 'tho physIcal
atronbth of ChIna and Hlll1Pcd the
moral J1bor o [ Us countless vlcllms.
'ro an even , Ireateextent than strong
drink. allium uuflL" ! Its IISCI' for IIS0-
fuln ss. li'or 'om:3 t.ho mlHsloharles
have hammered aWIl ) ' lit thlll seeming-
'Iy hopeless subject , Hov. Dr. H. U.
DuDose , of Soochow. being the most
tireless and daunthJ s opponellt of
opium in the empire.
At. last the ] ollHlrglc nation bas
been stirred. The Chinese 'thom. '
sclves have become concerncd ut the
sllectaclo of theh' publIc mon made
Inonlclent by opium , I1UlI their newly
educated youth r ndered powerless by
the drug. In an hmpecUon or the
great ol1lum smelting resorts In Shang-
hai. ( th01'O al'6 21.000 in that city
alone ) 1 was Impresscd by the fact
t11at it was the 'olln . the prosperous
and the educated who Curnlshce\ the
lJUtronagc ; the old. the POOl' . the
wrecked wel'O smol\lng in mlserablo
I hovels in obsc11l'0 streets whoro. a few
, cash would sumce to satisfy their
cravings. '
Kow China is treati g with l' ns'
land to socmo u ccosntlon of the im.
I l1ortatlon' of the drug Into the empire ;
mJd En lnnd. moved by a militant
sentiment at homo against this dls.
. graceful situation , la leuiling a lIsten ,
, ing car to Chlna's Illen. For its own
people the Chinese government has
Issllcd an ILQtonlsblng nntl-ophlln
edict. which is ulreadr being put Into
effect. 'fho el1lct declares "It rouseE
our deep Indignation oven to speal' '
of the mutter. 'I'ho court Is nO\"l
ardelltl ' determined to mnko Chinn
110WOI'ful , and ItiB Illcumbent on us tr.
urge the people ou to reformatloa it ]
. thhJ 1.0I\pOCt. that. they muy renlizo th (
evil , pluck this deep.seated cancer ,
and follow the wn 's of bonJth ancJ
harmony ,
"We thereoro decree that WlUlllI
the limit of ton ) 'onr8. thlM harmfu :
'foreign mnclt' bo full ' amI enUre ! )
cleansed awny , nndvo commnnd the
cOlmcn o [ atato affairs tl ) consldcl
means fOr the strict prohibition batt
o [ opium smoklnJ ; and of poppy.grow ,
'Ing In China Itself and 'report Uloh .
dollberatlons to lIf ! Cor approval. "
ln aU this progrQSB the mls lonarle !
have berne a foremost , though otter
unrecognized 11Urt. So , too. In elee
mos 'narr fnsUluUono the mlsslom
have plonoered the , way ( or tl10 no"
Chilla to cure tor Its own. In Cantor
alollo one may see a school for hUnt
girls. an ns 'lum fQr the Insane. (
home for the untalntod children 0
IOlors. ( an orpllnn all 'lllm nnd schoo
tOI' children \'arloul ! a os and condl
tiona ,
It is full' to sa ' t1mt the mlsslonun
IR a Bchool.mastcr or civilization tr
the 'Chlnesu.
( Copnhht , b ' Joseph n. Dowlell. )
Study In Nntural HI.tory.
Teacher-What arc tuarsuIllala ?
Bo-AnlmnllJ whlcb haTe pouchet
In tholr stomachs.
Teacher-What do thuy have
pouches for ?
Hoy-'ro crawl Into and concen
themsel\'s Inn n they are pursued
I .
1)J ) ) If n IT < ID IT 10 > n IITIil I
. . . ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , \ J , " ' , '
. I
h'ioHd } f PIr ( :3-\ : $ for ILu tl . ( hidt I !
( ( ' ( . lII'I.t ht , 1001 . , bhC' \ DtllnMlor , N , ' . . . \ : . . " . .i" , . I
: .
I lIIwtwtlulI ( ' ' . ' " : I'Illt : , , llOi. ! LI ' ' ( , lw Ut'lIl1l.\tlr : , Nl \ \ Yurll
" \\'lIuli OIW doef1 : OIlC' ! ; own Ih'l'SK.
Ululdll CIIITOCt cut costs eml ) ' thu
Ilrlct ! of a pattern. 11I111 CUI'dlll linhh
lInthlll at all III 1II0w"r , Y ( t thQ . :11'(1 :
IIr fas' 11\(11'0 \ II1IIIOl'tIlIlCl ! 111 1.1\1' mnlll'l.
owniIl of the 'IHIllt'r glrh ; than II !
' ' I1Intor1nl ' Xllcnsl\"tI
I'llhel' 1111aI1l o [ 01'
tl'hIUnhl H. .PlJH lhly lIw fuet . thnt.
ehllLlron : l'ull 1llr ollt'lIW lhell' fl'ol1les
hUH Intlllmwell the fllHhlollll. lie 1 his
WI it. mn ) ' . Il : l'tain It Is that'on In .
( : ll'cles whom I1II11IC . .t'IWhl lIeell IIUt. I
ht ! conHlllen'lI. Hll1Illllelt . IIl1cl IIl1lntl.
nnSH ruthlr ! Hum rIch ami pl/lhnratl' / pC.
( ( , l1ts IH"lIn lIiHh t hI' nUII'I' iJf I tlto
dllIdrcm. '
I " ! : lttJcl'1 fl'oelu ; 111'0 IIfl I'I tll'tll' fol'
t'tm r-arll I Hlx-Yl'ul'.old ! ! . fOI' Ih'IEH , CV ll
ill 'mld.willtel' . 'J'h ( ' ' cannot ho tuo I
Iluillty. oll1wl' III lIIatol'lal. t1'l1l1111111g ,
or flnlHh. ] . .a Wilt ; allll coltun hllllslm ;
can ho fOllnt ! 111\(1 \ 1\1111 ahem' , o\'on
when 10w-II'IIell : : IIl1el II ! ! till ) fOHlIIIII'
tiOIl of a IIn-l'I'le ! ; dt'CHS , thtJY ans\\'el'
llllite UR well aH Inlila 1111011. Aflm'
all. the lIaillt ItW6S lies IUHs III the I1l1ul.
1ly of the matcrlnl thun In Its CI'eHh.
lIeSH. Its lhws. 1\1111 HI ; l1nl1'h.
SldrtH must he short 111111 full , 'I'ho
hem ami tllcles I11UHt he set with
J.oometrlc : : lll''cltilon , anti sowcll wHh
ulrnost mlsl'uHClil'lc ' slltchoH. ' 1'ho raw
edgou o [ seal1l II1I1Ht Iw InvlHlhle ,
both on the right and wren sleleH ,
Whlllllln ( : thcm 10 hlHeI'uel ! lllco It
add ! ; somewhat to the tollil eXllense.
or scam-heallln ! ; If ! the UOWCHt. wuy.
Illlt the next hest. l1Ietholl tlll'IIH the
Beam ! ! to the' right H.llle , trhnH l1wm
close , 1U1I1 hldos tllcl1l 11I11101' IL 1UlITO\V
hl1ud or bIas 11I11 torI II 1 with Its ech cH
folded dowlI. 'rhls lu IIr8t haslcc11lnto
Iwsllion. alii I thol1 ol'l1al1lentet ! with
closely Het 1ll'\'ln .bon ( ! st Itclws 1111110
In crochet colton or III I ho now 11101' .
ccrized mnbrollIOl' ' threal1. 'I'llt ! long
I ! wams in the fl'ockH I\rJ Ilnlslwc1 III
I " } -'rench" slrlo.
I Whem Insol'tln - Il\ce , handlJ of
clrawn worl ( . strll1H of dnl'lIed. tucked
III' cmlll'Ollierol1 not. etc. . hllHle tlto
trimming' Into position. sow It Ilown
lust wIlhln IlH OWII clles. : and fil118h
the ( 'Ints ' in IllclOt-llolnll.l. fiS IIllulI'lltOll
In PIJuro 1. ' 1'0 ! ! ( w ll.c the trallspar'
ent effect , turn to the wronA' sille , IIlId
with polntlelH ; BcItISOI' ! ! ( : lit throu h
the conler thu pOI'lion of material 1m.
1I1elllatel ) " unl1el' lho lllCO , 1.0111 the
raw ed es.Incl \ nt the lilies oC sewing.
Imll stitch them down jl1st berond. the
latter , so as to catch the extrol1l0 ( 'd/e /
of the lace. Flna11 ' , h'lm away the
matorlal eloso to the 11111t row oC ! ! ow-
In . WhlplllnJ ; the Inco I1nd material
tOJether maken n l1alntIol' I1nlsh. but
the chel1l1 lace and cott(11\S will not
ulwa 's stand the ! ! traln Which mar :
aventually bo exel'tedIpon lhom.
In the lIttle frocle shown in I 'iguro 1 ,
the homo helnt 110llhlo. wns whll1Pol1
to the lowCellgo \ of the lace Insor.
tlon above Il. I1nd the Inco cll lng' at
the slem'cs and. throat WaS whlpr-jti
to the bl'lor'itll.ched ! < : ol1nr and ( Ilbow
bandn. Clever nll""t' "An ImllrOYC
. - - * ' = ' - -
ConcCaled ! Them.
) Joe came to school for the Ilrst UllO.
In ono hand ho rarrloll : 1CIP and in
the ether n bunch or lJnlll\Dtls.
"You can't como In bero with thol1o
bananas. " warned the teachor.
Joe went Ollt. In a flw minutes } 1
( "umc lIack , wulklng olowly and ( Jain.
rU ) . .
"Whcr < 1 did you (1ut the bananas ? "
asked the teacher.
"vI : . I hid 'em all right. " gasped
Joe : "thc"rc safe Insille of me. "
1I1Ion thl'HU h ' rnhslill1t1n : . : ( 'oral
Itltl'hhl ! ! 1'01' tilt ! al111 pJm' hrlor-stltch.
lng' , 11\111 HoHhll ; Froudl Id10tli lIot\VC'oll
the 1I1'II11Ohell.
'l'lll' follwlll ! lPl1la e'l1tl1l'C'llllIlo l : o
eOllltl'1lt'tllIlI ! o [ lhu f1'IH'I ; :
: : : \'I1I'IIH or InWII ILt : ' ' 0 l'untH . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,6f1
) ' 11I'lIn fir Iml'l'tloH lit "CtJllttl. . . . . . . . . . .20
Ih 'lIrll:4 of IJfhItI . .lIt ! ; 11.lItH. , . . . . . . . . .10
Huttoll/ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ur ;
Coltou ( hllif 1\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .0 : :
Col till ! ( fo. ' 1"\.1' \ III ; IHlIt' ) tltllllwlI ! ) . . . . .0:1 :
11'lIlt'I'n ( l17S ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1i !
' 1'01 III . . . . . . . . . . ' , , . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . I. . . 'i .
1"g1ll'1' ] illuult'at tl a I'hatmhl
III'CJH ! fut' IIt.tIi' 1\1181 : llht.Y'cnr.OltI. ; : ; ;
The Hid I't Wll 11.I111'11 ' oC.Jill hrnhloroll
flotlncln . arlll the hrelellcHI of' Imnll
olllhl'lJlc1m'.y tu IImteh , 'i'ho ollUn' ' ueck
anti sht.J\'C's ! WCI'O fllIl h(1t1 with \'aIOlI'
CIUIIIICH 1\1:1. : . 'l'hln 111111101 , spcclally
: ulnptul for dHH ' weal' . IIi : ! the U-
lust ration Hho\\'H , Is I ; ( ) cut that It mny
hI ! Hllllllllllecl fol''dlnrll' ' I1I11'POIlOH.
IJy ollllttlng the hl'otcllo ! > , and maldn
It hl h 111 , the ueck : till I IOIl nlcovod.
' 1'1111 lUtttlJl'n Is 8ullal lo ahm for lIlt.1(1
( J\'or ' .duy frockH In challlH or ul.
ball'olls , un may III ! utllIzell , thuH , ll"fJ.
Honing the uctulIl COt. 1'01' two or
thl'co dlfforent coshunes.
" 'hen 6elccthl thc mnhroldery for
the lIIodol HhoWII hm'c , t1l1 ol1On pllt.
tOI"ll IIf e 'elJt. wOI'I , WIlS , ehoson. fll'
two ooll rCIlRons. FIrst. Its airy effect
hi smnrtm' unll l\ottlOl' ) ; antI 8ecoI\I1
hnClltlHU dlmo for dhnl thla 8trle' oC
umIH'oldel'y lIIalws a IlIJltol' allpoar.
unco than thQ hest so.culled "solid"
ell1hrohlcl'Y , obtainable for the Sl\1II0
11I'lcI ! . It Is only h ' tlsln the best
Juel-lIIent ! III UlIlUm'l ! or thllI'lIort : : , , by
contriving when ctltlhlJ ; . und by man.
nglng to maleo thu 1II0Ht of o\'erythlng ,
that dressing on c1huOH hecome ! ! fOIl/1I. /
hl ( ' . 'rho botte\ ' the mnnnJellllmt the
fewI' ) the numhor oC dlmel rcqulred.
Study the Illtlst1'l1t101l closely and
'ou w111 find the hl'otel1os arc I1n.
hJwd ! with vI11'ncle11nc8 Ince. 'I'hla
tOIlCh : oC IIn/orlo / Is vor ' Pl'otty anI )
It softeu ! ! the hroteltcn ina \ SII1UIt :
anll hocomlng fashloll. ' 1'\\o rows of
ClIhl ! ( : are UElceI , 'fho first row IH
whipped u1ln08t lint to the bended odJ.\ ]
of the hand , 'rho Recond , sllJhl1y
flllted. II ! suwed to the Urst HO that it
lll'ojects from hcneat b Itl ! 6callolO ( ]
'I'ho III'ololl's slOIlO off narrower at
the onds. 'rhls effect may IJo secureel
b ) ' 111alts 01' durts wbere the bretoll
enters the belt. : fhe rullncss , in thl' '
waillt where it meets the yolw may be
dlsllOSHi of In gatherl. In ( loln otl
l.HIlOcklng. or in hand.mado pln.tuclf
which are ; Jhortoned as the ) ' near th (
Hhonldp.r. ' } 'ho exnct coat oC. the lltW
froclt Is 1\8 follo\va : '
2'yarehl ' ! or cmbrolcJercd t1ouncln
at 29 eClltH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
: : yurdll or hand clnlJrolttery III 121f.1
Cl'ntH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :1 :
1\1 \ yartH ) or In.wn lit l1i Cl'lItH . . . . . . . . . . .Ii
G .ll\'ehl or Inco mblru ; lit [ ; ccnts . . . . ' . : :1 :
G yard ! ! or lace IUllertion nt [ j ccntH. . . .31
Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01
'l'hr'ull ( halt IL HPOOI ) as 6 cOIlt. J. . . . . . . .0 :
l'nUtrn0. . 1330) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
, Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2. : :
Hive as Hotel Sign.
Over the doorway ot a house callol
the Deehlvc inn. Grllntham. 11I1lal1l ; ]
Is u hive In which been store thel
honor. 'Mils Is beHoved to be th ,
only "living" public house sign il
Who was Ann nfter whom Ani
street In Manhattan Is named ? Th
records appnronUy louvo the matte
In mfotory , excellt to tell that oho wa
the wife of the flrst man who owne
anll occupied Its site.
White Wood : md Furniture :1 Ple\1lln9
Contrast to Plnlc WlIs ,
- I
A ell/mnll1S / bOl1rooll1 " , hero the ul.
inost effect oC dnlntlness cnn he all.
tnlnotl with'cr " 10
\'cr practical \uonns
the rOBocolored room , but nn cqunlly r
gOOtI effect clln lJo secured bylsllIA'
water blue er green In tight and agre-
able slmdclI , sa 'n 1\ writer in UtI'
Woman's Homo ComllUnloll. 'u rose
color Is proforrod. a )11e1\81ng ) tint can
be made by a rparlnl ; allli careCul 1111.
tlltloll o ( ve I'In 11I0 11 , 01' of the scarlet
uaed In carrlago painting , to cream
whIte.t'hls mil1ns that n smnll amount
o ( ) 'ellow ochre In IIrst nlldcll to the
whlto pl1lnt and thoroughlY Incorpor.
ated with it , beroro the vermlUon 01'
scnrlet Is nl1dol1 , The wOOllwork ot the
room should be painted eroam whltC' ,
nnll the walls have three cants of pink
-the flrst two conaltlornbly darker
thun the last. as the Inst Is lIJhtol' ; , It
given n mistY' effect which is very
80Ct mill slltlsC 'lng. Ailel' the laat coat
Is well tll'lc'l1 n bOl'ller or cream whlto-
: -
shollill lIe stenciled nt the top of thl'
willi IIC'Xt the colllnl ; . lt may bo willo
or narrow , ns ono prefers ; but If wIlle ,
the lowl'r Illut or It , Cor 1\ third oC till'
width , should be Calntly or thinlY
palntel1 , in ol'lle1' to have It blonll
111'01101'1) ' into the \\'nll. It III lWCCSSI\1' ) '
oub' to use a full brush at the tOIl
and n comparatl\'clr empty ono at
the bottom or the stollcll lo B curl'
this cffect. 'anll e\'en I\n unlntolIlgcnt
worlcml\n enn 110 it 1r the object it !
eX(11ahlelt to him.
Ir a narrow lI(1I'Ile1' Is used. what In
eallotl "flol\tlng design" , may lIl'
addell to the wall : a1ll1 this nl I'shoulc1
bo varied by the U80 oC moro or less
] lnlnt in the brullh , 80 tlmtlJOmo of the
UoaUlIg forms f.ihoultt ) oole lIIco the
more l'OUoctlOI1 ( If the , olher . ' Tim. ,
furnlturo of this room would bo preferably -
ably of cream.whlto onl\mel to , mnlch
the wool1.worl. , but a bedroom sot in
natural \\'ood coulll bp H8011 if morl !
convolliunt. 'fho ctl\'lnlus shouhl bo of
pink chan\brn ' or plnlc denim uhdo"
whllo muslin. nnll It wlll mId'to thtl
honuty of tllO 1'00111 tr the COl11ltOI'p.\no
la made In the Bamo way. A sage-green
carpet harmonlzea exceedingly well
with this aehemo oC , color aUlI giveR
what ono mnr call a llflstcl effect to
tIle room.
Change fl'om Ordlnnry Methodn of
Preparing the Ish.
Select a lu1'Jo white llotu ) ' ot cnb-
hago ; core It nnd 110111' hollIng water
in conteI' to cO\'or it. 'I'n.lco ono ponnll
of c1\oPllod ment. ono onion 'led
brown , olio-half eUllful or rIco which
wns previously soaltod Cor 0110 hlur ;
seaRon to taste uutl mix well. 'l'ukt'
leat at n tlmo [ rom the heall
and cut off the thlcJn'lcsf ' ! In contur su
I ns not to lll"lmle when r01llng. ' 1'alto
, a small bamUu ) of the above mlxturo
, nnd roll .tIghtly In the lenf. Pac Ie in
a layer in kettle. cover with wnr 1w -
t'r and lIoli ono hoti'I'ahe ono
Quart tomntoe1 ! , lJOIi 111111 atraln. ndll
buttor. snlt , Ilel11lol' mid thicken it.
Lot It c me to a' boll and llOur 'over
the enbhng . 801"0 with mnnhod I1Cl < -
tatoos ,
To Sew with Double Thread.
Here is n slmplo way to stralghtcn
out Imots when lIowlng with double }
thread. Cut u. length 'of thread fl'om
the spool. , Iloublo it. twlBt the two
cut ondll to ether nnd thread them
through the e 'o of the needlo. Pass
the needle point fll'at through UI < !
loop o ( the douhled thl'eatI , forming IL
tIl1Y lenot tit the O 'O or the noedlc.
'rhls ScrveH to } ceOll the threnl1
straight tlml is flnt enough to } 1l1-1H
oasl1 ' throug'h the finest fabric. With
this arrnngomellt OliO can work butt01l
holes 11U11 do nn . wOl'le roqulrln II
doublell threall with 11 0 V01' : L IDOtty
DampenIng Clothes.
Use hot water to dampen tbo ( : Iothes
that are to ho ironed and you will nnl1
it n great deal moro salisCII.ctory Ulan
cold. It dampenfl the clothm. 1110ru
evenly and mnlws thcm ensior to Iron.
If the wutOl' ill too hot to Imt the
hands in use a whlsle broom to sprlnltlo
it with. Many laundresses 11I'ofor tllo
whisk broom. as the ' clnlm that it is
less JIJOl ) ' to maIm the clothes too
wet , The clothes may bo ironed two ,
hours later with gooll results.
RubboI' fol' the Umbrella Jar.
Cut a picco of your ohl ruhbeI' mut.
: , tnd place It in the bottom of the umbrella -
brella jnr. Umhrollas and canes 0.1'0
frequently the means of lIroa.klng
these receptnclcs when dropped intl !
them without 111'01101' caro. und the
rubber 'will 1lol11 to pro\'ent this. If
fOU ha\'o not a picco of an old rullbor
mat to uao , procure II. 111cce of soU
{ -Iheet rubboI' , Buch as Is used for pack-
inJ ; by Gtcam fltters and plum ors.
Sweet Potatoes , Mexican Style.
nolI thom until tender , peel and cut
in hah'cs 10l1gwise. Put ono talllo-
spoonful of hnlter and t"o'O of mlncell
onion into a slIucopan nod browu.
Add ono honllll1g tablcsl100nful each
o [ Jreen autI red 11ell1101'8 , minced.
two tllblcslloonfuls of tomato catsup.
ono or vinegar , nnll a tel1spoonful of
brown sugar. SUr well and IIOU1' nver
tl10 110tatocs.-Vogue.
II Snuce for Duck.
I , I'xtrnct the julco from n ellllmtily
r of sorrel lea08 , , mid glnss of shen'y ,
o som mashed gooscborrleR , a. uttlo
t1 sugur. 'I'WQ tnblespoouH lIutter. non
I up once and sorvo.
D.I I Currant Sauce.
e ell one ounce of curra.nts in a pint
r of water for flvo minutes , add n cup
s of bread crumhs. six cloves , a clasR
d ot wino and a lilt of butter , stir UU
smoolh 'Servc wltli'onlson. .