Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1907, Image 8

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    _ I . J1 _ . .
- -
' ' 'flu.oat
EyeEa'l'Nosc ,
and Chronic Diseases ,
Fitting of nhsscs.
Office in Realtv block.
Consult him If you wnnl Wntor.
Phone 112 , - Bruken Bow.
. . . . - . . -
- -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - '
1 > 1 COt.HtAD ,
. . . . 1)(1l1ll1r ' . \
Pnmp. . WIIIII. IIJ. . rl'nl.t l lttlua. : . ulUlnlh. .
9a/lnolloto / etc.
roktlu II 1w. Nobftllh ,
. .
- - - - - - -
. - -
Practical Undertaker
Licnsed Eillbaimer
Business photic , 30t. Reillcnce ! 331 B
ISrlJIEOn UQW , Neb ,
. . . . . .
- . _ . _ - - -
- -
_ -
: _
_ _ . .
. _ . _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ n
. .r-- a. - , , ! 1
arc securc. Invest 111
nulldingIlllerinl aud
C 1. IIllvc j'otl CCII I
. '
our W 1 re Corn CrIbs.
I Don't let your ( 'OIU
i rot on the roullt1.
! We ba\'c 'cm 111 stock
I Dierks lumbar &
Goal Co.
I J. S. MOLYNEUX , Manager
! Phone 23. Broken Bow , Nebraska
_ - . - _ - _ - - - - 0 -
-Jh.e : lvJe8-t ] : 1eva1or ;
. 1 CC(1 in large and small quanti tics at both wholesalc H
and retail.
tpccial attcntion. givcn to 1 ! 1ing orders for coal N
in any quantity. S
Hrolen DO'y , . . - Nebraska
. M
- -
- -
. -
We are now ready for
New goods now arriving daily and our many lines will
Boon be complete. When you arc loking for
Good. Val ues and Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clolhing , hats caps , shoes , rug .
carpds. mauing's . , lincoleums , nut ions , etc. , don't fail to luok
our lincs ovcr.
, . . . . . . . . , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . , ' . . , ' ' . . ' . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . '
" . f'
t. ' /i'
" ' ' . 4 ' . Y. . . L" . . I ' . . . IN. ' A . .0' . . . : to. : lit. . . . . . . : . . : . " ' ' . . 'ta. ' : : .ip. . . . , . ' . . 11' . l' . / ,
1/ :
. .
; t'l '
. CO.A.J : : aslorttlll'nl on hllnll
11. It
. . . . . foll.l\vs ' .
f1h as \ : ; i ;
rot' : _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ u It. ! !
I REX LUMP T4ump. Nut ancl Pea .
. E \ ' 1'El lIARD CO'c "EY " ; : . '
f Nut and Stove Lump and l1t ,
COKING COA L fflr . rour Underfecd EurnaccS' . Phone 79 . .
. f
. : ; C. . L. , Tumar lurnbJr CO. . ;
? . . . , .f" 0\1 . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . ; . . ' 1 : . ' \ , " : , ' " . " ' ; . . . ' . " ' , . . ' . . . A' . . . . . . ' . 'r.l. . , 0. 'i . . . " . ! , _ " I' " " " l : . , r.- , , , ; , . , .II. , . . . . . . ! . . , . . ! ' . ' . . . . . . , , ' \ : . ' I
. . .
o " " " _
t'r r
here by purchasing
. . , . I
I" .
Paints , Oils , i
Hard ware ,
I Furnitur , i
Flour\ Feed i
l. . . . . . . . . . . . : : . : , , . .
lnuulloI"'lIIullu"n..ullnlllllllllll.lIl1llV1nll' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n' ' ' " ' " ' "
South SidetSquare , Broken Bow.
_ - _ _ . . ' " - _ .
h1 N : 110.1 ] V
, 1 - - ! _ . - - . - - -
Send your Abstract Orders to
I ! ; J. G. LEONARD ,
\ ! 33onded. Abstracter
, Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
' j I . _ . _ .
- i
c. . : : :
1 Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAN D.
Real E tate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Can and see me.
= _ I _ . . , , = : : , . . . . . . . : 1 _ ' . , . , . " , _ : " ' "
Tllc 1I0re' . Swcct T ootl. . . I
_ 'l'ue following fro"nthc , Amcri- .
CUll Fahner while krio\v.n by sbrnl
wil11Jl' new to many. UJ,1d' if uuy II
of t ue RI 'UD . , ICAN'rcailcrs experiment -
iment Jong the tiues. pr scribcl.j
we would be glad to learn' tue
resutt. " I
"If ybu want y ur horses to be
sleek , fat and strong fecd tlietll
on molasses , not the finc syrups ,
but the old-fashioned New Or-
Icans blacl ( articlc. Most pcople
will be astollished at this , think' . I
iug Ihat the lwrse lovcs nothing I
but gratt1s and grasses. 'l'his is' '
a mistake. No ani uill . hqs a
sweeter tooth than the horse.
Expertcnced horscmen ha\'c long
been onto tue secret. but the
common run of animal OWUNS
never heard of it and witt scarce. I
ly believe it. Look at thos"
magnificcnt Pereherons drawing
great loads on our , trcets. See
those giant Normandas : , weighing -
ing 2000 pounds each , Feast
your eyes on those sturdy Clydesdales -
dales , thosc dapple-grays , able to
pull a few tons without flinching.
All fcd on molasses. In admin-
istering' this saccharinc condi-
ment. the blackest you can buy ,
filst chop your hay into bitg and
to each peck add enc pint of mo-
lasses. 1\'lix thoroughll v and the
borsc will do the rest. Use about
the same quantity of syrup with
oats , shorts , corn or other grain.
If you fiud that one horse may
hat'e ' a sweeter tooth than another -
er , regulate the treacle accordlng-
Iv. It is best to so mix that
ttothing will be left in the trough.
It is not an expensive food. as
good New Orleans or Porto Rico
molasscs can be boug-ht for 131fc
a ga110n or by the hogshead or
barre ! for a little less. Try this
llppetizing treatment on your
poor , old broken.down nag and
you will be surprised at the results -
sults , It will not only add to his
strength and appearance. but to
his life , and instead of being a
candidatf' for thc boneyard at thl
age of clcven. he will be pulli'1g
, ou around the couutry or till'
towns at twenty-sevcn.
, .rrhe truth of ail this has been
abundantly proved by veteran
horsemen , who worked wonJcn
on their stock by sweetening the
"The old notion that horses bJ
nature arc confined to vegetabl (
lends and can subsist on no ethel
will bave to be given up. Mosl
horses never have an'tt1 ng t (
cat lXCl'pt the grains and graB
ses. Gl.nerally they do well or
I hrse and few have ever su pect
ed that they would be benetiltec
hy a fiH1ic l dcprtrl ure to foue
apparently entirely foreign t (
thclr habits.
"That he liked sweets ha
long twel1 known , as nothing I !
0l1H11on'r than lor a rider or ;
, drtver to give his horse a fC\1
lumps of sugar at the end of ;
jourl1l'y , This taste' , howcv ( r
was re arded as abnormdl ani
IInly t he encouragerl sparingly
, But the value of molasses a:1 ;
n.gular food is a comprtrativel ;
reccnt discovery that will bc hail
; CII with a mi"ture , of astonish
lI1'nt and pll'asure. Love of tit ,
. olcl black molasses wa. . , SUPPO"lil
to he confined chleflv to man , l' ! ;
IH"cially the darkic5 'of the south
: who ( h'light in thC'm as sop fo
their corn bread and roll thei
white eyes in glee d8 thcy swa ]
low the toothsome morsel. I !
also , they , are adapted to th
horse and are able to resuscitat
broken-down animals , raising th
very dead to tife as it were , it i
evident'that something of grea
valuc has been add cd to ou
knowledge of foods.II j
Real Estate Transfers.
Fred L , MC'rris to W. E.
Warren , 160a in 4.19.13 S600 0
'r. Hunt to Sarah Smith , .
40ain 26.19-22. . . . . . . .290.0
H. A. Sherman to William
Poland , pa in 3-19.18..684 6
James P. Strode to Edmun
C. Strode , 160a in 14-13-
17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 0
C. L. Marler to Fred Cram ,
1CiOa in section 26 and' 25
20.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5625 0
Alicc Cordelia Glover to W.
1\1. Walrh , pa 36-17-184000 0 ,
Claude and Kco Currie to
Gustave Harmon , parcel
in 10-19-18 , . . . . . . . . . . . .500 Oi
The Union Land Com. to
Ella M. Yates , lot 7-8 ,
1 > 34 , R. H. addition to
Callaway , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 0
Chas Drum to John Moran
lot 6 , in blk 48 R. R. ad ,
to Callaway. . . . . . . . . . .1500 0
Jacob B. Klump to Charles
Klump , pa 23&26-17-23..700 0
Olive Rusher to II. Swanson -
son , lot I , b I ) , Anselmo. 50 0
Daniell . l ockwell to J.G
Leming. pa in see 20and
29. 13.20. . . . . . . . , . . . . .5425 0
W. E. Warren to Jane.Ann
Winchester , 160a in 4-19
23 . , . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . .600 0
Andrew J. Pearl to C. L.
Gutterson , pal in 15 and
- _ = . _ _ _ - , ; ; ; : - . - . : . . _ -.r : : ; ; ;
22. . , 2f.IH ) , . " . . . , . . . , . .500 00
St\ \ .P. roat and wife I
and Lincoln. Great to J I
L. Sams , b lt 70 , Groat's : I
add to B. B. . . . , . . . , . . , SOO 00
James' G.I4 mi i to Daniel' '
R. Hockwcll , pa in 4 and 'I
3 , 1.22. . : . . . . . . . . . . . .9000 UO
_ . L- . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _
- - - - - - - ' - ' " - - - - - - - - - - -
B. & M. TrAin Schldute
No.3 ? local Jla. elllr..r. ex. SUlllla ' . Uf. 6:20 : pm
41 coaKtIH\88CluCr. elal1y.lortvlJ..3:0' : ) 1\ " '
H coaKt puIKl'lIlter.llally It.avo..12 : . a 11I1
47 'ocal ' frchrlu , arrive lCO p 111 Iv 3 : II' p III
No. 40 IOC.ll pa " . .tll'r. l.t\\J. . . . . . . . . . ,3:2'1 : a III ,
42 coa t . .aR t'UI'r. lI'ilV\ ! . . . . . . . . 1 : , -j I' " '
I aR PlIlCl'rI'a"o. . . . . . . . . . : ' ' ' ' m
4K Inc.d r..llhl arrl'.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:10. , III
3' ) allil 411 Llu lIot rllll we8t uC IIruJCIl BOh
Schedule of Broken How Mails.
Scheel IIIo ( arrll'al1111 Lleparture o ( 1IH\1I8
(1'1111I IIrolcll ! How 1eIRI ol11ce
POllchcR for p.\III c10 f' aR (01l0w8 :
' 1'ralll No. 40 , Ham : No. 42. 1:0 : < 1 P IIIu 43.
4 . 7:30 p. III.
POlichI'll for WORt dOHC all (0110'V8 :
'fraln No , 43 , 7JO I' , m.J No. 41.7:30 a. In.
Office hOIHH , 7 : i. III. tu . :30 p. III.
OHlce opcn 8nllda ' ! 1 froul ' ) : : JO0 10:30 : a. 111.
. . .
I AUorney at Lav.
. Broken ow. Nobr.
1JIVlnit ju 1 11:111 ellCltt } 'cars practical expel'
lellCe aR CnuIIIY JutllCIJ , wlllilive special aHen
1101110 the Llr:1whll ( auLl IJrobaUlI1l of will" aliLl
lite aLlullnlRlrallon of Hstates of Llecea8ed per.
MIII ! amI mlnore. Wrltp. or pltouP. 1U1' . I may
av. you P trlp
. . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
She's Cured Thousands
Given. up to die.
. . . . . - -
Practicing Aleop thy , Homeopathy ,
Electl ic and General Medicine.
By requesl witl "Iill proesslallal\ \ } '
Gand Central Hotel ,
, Broken O\Y \ , Oecs 19
relu rnln ! ! " " 'Pr ) ' four \\'fI'I.S. Conslllller when
the UPPO/tuuttV. Is at hanrlt
UR. CALUWE1.L limits lieI' practice 10 till
special treatmellt of tllease'i ! of the E'e. Ear
Nose. .rhroat , Lunll'l. } , 'emale Diseases
Ulscases of Chlldreu anLl all Chronic. Nen-oul
1 a 11I1 Sunlcal UlReases of a cur blc nalure
Early COIISUl1lptIOIl. Brollchltls , Brouchla
Catarralt , Chr llic Caturah. Uead.Ache. Can
I I Rllpatloll , Stomache a 11I1 Howel ' 1'roubles
Hhculllatlslll. Neurallla. Sclotlca. Urhhts' ,
, Dlkea8e. Kldne ) ' Diseases. Dlsea'les of th
I 1.lvcr aud BlaLlLler. Dlzziliess. Ncr..ou'nesR
Indllrcstlon , Obcslt } . . Interupled NUlrlllon
SloGrowlh In Children. aud all wasllnl
Dlsea Pl ! In adults. Deformities. Club.feel
, I Curvaulure of the Spille , JIsea'les of the Bral
. Paral 'sls. Epilepsy. Disease. Drops ) '
SwelLnll' of thl ! I.lmb'l. Stricture. Opeu Sore !
. Pain lu tlte 11 , nes. Granular I nlarllementR alii
. \ all lonil-standlllil dlselses propen ) ' treate
t. Pimples , Blolche' ! , Eruptlou' ! . SpOI
d 1.'alllnll' uf the Hair. Batl Complexluu. Eczem : !
'l'hroat Ulcer ! ! . Boue Pa11l8. Bladder 'l'rouble
Weak Hacl < . Uurlllnil Urine. l'aSs1l11l
too ufteu. 'l'he eITects of cOIIttltutional slc
. lIess or t e taklull of too lIIuch Injurious med' '
cine rcceh'cs seanhlull' treatlUeul , promp
relld alltl a cllre for IIf .
DI'ea'leR of WUIIHm. IrreiularIenstratlor
l allhllC of the Womb , lIearlull' Dowu l' lul
Jo'cmale Ulsplacements La'ck of Sexual Tunl
Jencorrhea , Sterility or Uarrellne's , consul
, Dr. Caldwell and situ will Rhow them the caU8
of their IrUlIIIe anrl tltc wuy to become cnre11
CANCERS , GOI'rl R. Jo'IS'rUL.I'I1.ES. .
aud enlarlled II"Iand8 treated with tht : suI
cntaneou'l Injection method. absolutplY will
out palll aud wltltont the loss of a drop u
blooll. Is enc uf IIIr own discoveries and I
really tile 1II0st scleutll1c aud cerlalnly sur
ChI'\ ! method of this an 1'auced :111'0. Ur. Cae
well haR practlccd her profe'lslou In some u
the larll'e8t hOspltales throuillout tlte cUUntn
She has uo superior lu treallllll' anti 4lal"uo ,
1111' of dlseaSI'i. ! tlofurmltl"s. ciC. Silc lIal
jate\ \ } ' opened au ollico In Omalta , NcI'rask : !
\Vh ru shc will kl'end a ponlou of each w"e
treallrli : her man } ' patleuts. NO , ncllrabl
casei acceilled fur treatment. Cousultatlor
examluatloll a'1I1 advice. aliI' dollar to tho.
Intcre tClI.
Dr. .Ora Caldwell & Co. ,
Omaha. Neb. Chicago , III alllllaillo 10 neo Uulldlrli : . O'l1ah
If JOu obtain a Firearm of doubt.
I I ful qU31111
? , The . experienced Hunter's and
, Marksman's Ideal
r ( t. Is arellable , unerring STEVENS
by Ihootlng our popular
Allk your lucal JIllrllwaro
or SllIIrtlllJ : ' GOUIIIIIt'r ; -
clulllt for tllI1"'I'I"JSS. : : .
Jf ) ' 011 llllllllt ohlllili.0
"hi I' .l1rl'cl. " 'qr'u Ilr\ ' .
1",111.1111011 rocullltO [ Cilia.
.rlct : ,
Smut 4. . cOlllllllllltal1\l'1i fur l-1I1I'ul"u
1I1uwlrnle1l Cutlllol.IIIChltlllll : clt'UIi.
larllof lalcht. luhllllollW 10 Ullr 11110.
Clllltlllnllllllllltll 011 IIhool InllIIlIlII u.
1I11I0n. Ihll , , , 'olwr ( ! nro of " Jl rl'U rill ,
olc. . . ' 11' . Our utlruc1h'u 1'.n Colnr
J.ltholfrnl'hl',1 , 1I1111jcr mulle.1 nur.
whllrt.fortll011111111 1111111I1111.
I' . O. lJoxlOUT
CWcopoo : ralll , ! lIIIIIW. . U. S. A.
C . : = _ , , , _ : ! ' : - ! . . . . : ; . J . . . . . . _
The Weigh of
the Coal Dealers
Lumber & Coal
South side.
" -
: ! 1Sl'Yle : d7i ) i'e'ad ! ! \ t1Ii
lle l1 llli > lle
' ! t'favlng } purchased toe Globe Darn ,
I have supplied It with all new
stock anll vehIcles-aU Jlrst class-
anI ! Invite the patronage of lhose In
neeLl of livery service. Farmers who
unhook here when they come to town
wlU find their teams weU taken CEre of ,
: HaQ (0 ill lill { : m ! A\
Jl' tDJIlD ! ,
. . .
, - . . . . ' . " . - . , , ' .
The low ratc Jamcstown Exposition
tickets call bc use for your Autumn
trip to New York , Boston , and other
Eastern cities. These rates expire
November 30th.
Daily , cOlllmencing Novcmbcr [ . . , th.
to Suthcrn , Southwcstern an Cuban
Cheap rute excursions thc first and
Uunt 1 ue.du's : of each month this
AUlUmn to Kunsas , Oklnhol11u , the
GuU eoulltry , l.olorndl. : . Utha , Wyom.
ing , mg Horn 1a8In , Montana and
lhe urlU\\'est. Ask your nearest
agent or Writ. . the uudelsigned.
1 cOIHluet lal1l.1scekers cxeoursions to
thIs country tilt : [ fr : > t 111111 third .1'nes.
UU ) S uurmg Nuven1lJer IIlt < tlJeceUtUer
lu Udp yuu : .eCun : lrrlglHetl IU1111 at
tUe e11e plst price. An excellenl
cUa11ct : [ ur . > OU IS unt : of tllC lour
huuureu Government Irrlgat-
e tanns in \'III.\\stolle Vahe ) ' ,
Montana lIear lJalhUlt1ne 011 thIs roJ. ,
tor" , 11ICII yuu Cdn muke hUllIestead
eutry , [ ur 3. . dullals per IIcn : . 1I1clul1 ,
lug perpetuul water rights , hy puy.
ing tUIS pnce in ten IInuulll 111 : . lit 11.
IlIClltS WILU'ullt 1I1tcnst. Writc l1Ie ,
IIUlI JOin tllt : cxcurslons. No charge
tor lilY : .crvlccs. 1J. l.lclII : 1JCII\'Crl :
Age 11 t , liurltngtoll l.antlseeken
liunulI , Omaha.
. H. L , ORiV1SSY ,
( llC\.ct Agent )
L. W. WAK L Y , U. 1' . A. .
lOl1lUl1l1 , eUIU : > . )
- . . . . .
. - - . - . . . . - - - . . , . . . . . 0
. . . . . - . .U.cru .tt . . . . . . : u Ji . . . . . . . .
. . .
. n"nt.Otl No. 71"03 .
J.l.BRENIZ R , BreeaCt lJi
Pure Scotch all11 Scolch TUPl'ml Sbort Jlor
CaUle. My Iterd IIl1l11lterR 40 CUWII. Will COlli' '
pare III "reNII/II : alltl quailwllh allY ' -CRt 01
Cltlcall'o My oxperlellclJ has lallll" 11 1 11I0 tll\1 tl
11'11'1' 1:001l aUBfaclloli. breeillull'
: cattle nlllil be
rll..e"l. . UII" . .UUn. . . , . I tlXpcct Ie
r..cthen. here tlte clan..a of an .UtluQ
raIsed Inlh" U , S. 1 now 1t\ve25 bulla allable
for this aud next year'8 8enletl. My COWl
\1Ichrlt from 1400 10 O pound. . Come and lIee
- - -
. -
Departmenl.of the InterIor } Lanll Oroee at
Drokcn Dow , Nebraska. Oetooer 10,1007 ,
Notice Is hereb } ' gIven that James n.
StenIer. of Cal1away. has filed notice of hIs
Intention to make IInal commuted proof In
SUIJpOrt of hIs claim , rlz : IIome9teall Entry
No. 3JOZ. ; malle Septem"er 23,1003. for the e
slectlon 3i : tOll'nshlp 1111 , range 23w. and
th'at sahl proof \l'1U be malle before register
aUd recelvcr , at lJroken 1I0w. Nebraska , on
No\'cmber 20.1007.
He nalUes the fom",1ng witnesses to prove
hIs continuous residence upon and cUltlva.
lion of the land , \11. : ole 1' . Olson , Nels C.
OI on , Frank M. Cal1en anI ! Frank H. Wool.
: , Ington , al1 of Cal1away. Nebraska.
JOliN HEESe , It glstcr.
First Pub. Oct. 17.ot
. . . .
- - - - - -
Iep rlment of thc InterIor. Land Ontce at
Uroken Uow , NebraRka , OClober 31st , 1007.
Notice I ! ! hereby given that Chancey II.
SWiCk of 1.l1l1an , Nebrasla , has mcd notice.
of 1I1s ! ntentlon to make l1nall1\'e ) 'ear Ilroof
In suuport of hIs claim , \11. : Homestead
Entry No , 2100 , maLIc March 11001. . for the
el'c sw . nH se . Section II , township 18 ,
rallge : n , anI ! that saId 11roof wlU be made
bel ore register anLl receiver. at liroken Bow ,
Nebraska , on December 13 , 100i.
IIe names the fol1owlllgvltnesses 10 pro\'e
his continuous resiLIence upon. and cuillva.
tlolt of. the laml , vl1. : Albert BelLlers , of
LillIan. Nebr. ; David McQulslen , of Merna ,
Nebr. ; FrederIck Brock , of Menla , Nebr. ;
James Coffman , of Lillian , Nebr.
JOliN HEESE. Iteglster.
{ . 'Ilt ! Pub Nov. 7.6t.
N'j'ICI ( 'I OU T X 'DEED.
' 1'0 WlUlam II. Morrow and George II. Mor.
row , Non.resllent ! ! :
You arc hereby notll1ed that on the 6th day
of November , 1\1\15. Ker D. Dliniop purchaseil
at public sale ( Certltlcate No. aJ12 , ) at the
count } ' treasurer's onlce of saId county. the
foUowlng described real estate , now assessed
and taxe In the name of 'V. Il. Morro\v ,
to-wIt :
'l'he lieU of SW bf section No. 17. in town.
ship No , l , north , of ranfoc : No. 17. west , of
6th P. M. . 40 acresIn Custer count ) ' , State of
Nebraska. . for tie dellnqueut taXes dUe
thereon for the year 1\101. \ for the sum of $4.35
amI on the 1stla ) ' of May , 1000 , paId the
subsequent laxes as esseLl against said
premIses for the ) 'car WOj , In the sum of
: ta.ol.
' . 'l'11at on lite 1\lth Lla ) ' of December , 1000. j
saIL ! Ker V. Dunlop dUlf assigned the certill.
cate of lJUrchasc of sail property anll aU hIs ,
Inlerest tllereln , to L. A. Wlglit.
' 1'l1at on tile 1st tlay ot May. IIIJil salLl L. A.
WI lll palc.1 tlte sul sequent tuxes assessec.1
against al premIses tor the year JlW , In
tile Hum o't $3.UJ.
' 1'lIat salc.1 certltlcate of 'purchase Is now In
the pf ) scsslon of and Is owned by Ule unLler.
: .lgnel1.
' 1'hat the time for redemption of said llrop.
erty Irom saiL ! tax sale will expire on UII :
2ln Llay of Pebruary 1008 , and It said preml.
ses arc not then redeemed. the Undersigned
wlU apply to the cOllnty treasurer of said
county [ or a deed to the salLl premises
Dated this 4th da ) ' of November , 1001.
L. A. WIGIl'l' .
Pub Nov. 7.21nc !
To WlJom It May Concern : .
'l'he Commissioner appoInted to view. and
If deemed for the publlc good. 10 locale a
road petitioned for by Merl Campm : et al.
commencIng at the northwest conler of
section I , townshIp 13. range 2:1. : thence south
along the section line to the south west corner -
ner uf liald section : H ; thence cast alollg Ule .
section line two miles 10 Ule southeast corner I
ot section III. town hlp 13 , range 2 . Also
commencIng at the southwest corner of sec. I
tlon : I , township 13. range 23 , and runnIng
thence weSt to the southwest corner of sec. \
tlon 23 2J has , : . . . .
, townshIp 13. range : reported In
favor of the establishment th' reof. anLl all '
objections thereto , or claims . for l1amages.
must be 1Iled In the count } clerk's olllce on
or before noon of the 21th : ! day of December ,
1007. or such road w111 be established without '
reterence thereto.
In 'Vltnc.s : 'Vhercof , I have hercunto set , I
my hand and seal of said count } ' , thl8 21st
.day of October. 1001.
JOS. PIGMAN. County Clerk.
First Pub. Oct. 2Ht.
Department of the InterIor , Laml Ontce at
llroken Uow , Nebraska. November4. 1007.
Notice Is hereb } ' gIven that Fred W Illck.
man of Merna. Nebraska , has tUed notice of
his Intention to make tlna1 tlve year proof In
support of his claim , vl1. : Ilomesteall Entry
No. 2076. made I"ebrnary 14 1001. for the nW ! J
Section 14 , township IH. range 21. and that
said llrao ! will be made before regl ter and
receIver , at lIroken lIow. Nebraska. on Dec.
13.1\1)1. ( .
He names the fol1owlng witnesses to prove . . , I
his continuous residence upol , and cultlva. '
tlon ot , the land ; vl1. : Oliver G. ! : ; mlth , Hen.
ry L. Williams. WlUlam C. Alspaugh , Ogborn I
C. SwIck , all of Merna. Nebraska.
JOHN HEESE , Heglster.
l"lrst I'll b Oct Nt ! I
To Whom It May Concern :
' 1'h ( ' commlssoner appoInted to view. and I
If deemell for the pUblic gooLl , to locate a I
road pet.tloned for by C. K. HeIst. el aI , com. :
mencmg at school lJouse at the nw corner
of Section II. lownshlp 17. range 17 ; thence
east about one mile : thence north and east
about one and one.q.mrter : mlls to a point I
about 80 rods ea t ot the sw corner of section
31 , township IH. range 17. and Intersect laId I
IIUt road at township line : thence take the
F. E. Van Antwerp Survey. north and east
about one and one.half nllies and Intersect
laId out roaLl at the northeast corner of the
se of section 2i. township It ! , rangc 11. as
shown by plat and lIelil notes on l11e In thc
county clerk's olllce has reported In fa\'or of
the establl hment thcreot , and aU objec. \
tlons thereto. or claims for tlamages. must
be l11ed In the county clerk's olllce on or be.
forc noon of lhe 21st day of Jalluary. lOOt ! . or I
such road w1l1 be established without refer. I
ence thereto. I
, In Wllness Whereof , I have hereunto SCl
my hand and seal of said county , this 21st '
lIay of November 1\JI)1. \
JO ! : ; . PIGMAN. County Clerk. , 'I
First Pub. Nov. H.Ot.
- - - - - -
Eslate of Jane P. Inlllnp , Lleccasell. In County ,
Court , Cnsler count ) . Nehraska.
'l'he State of Nebraska , 10 altlJerSOns Inler.
c tellin alLl estate. take nollce. Ihat Jacob
I B. IClump has l11ell a I1nal account anll rellort " \
of hl : "lInllll tratlon , 0111I1 a pctltlon for
IIlIal ! letllelllelil a 11I1 discharge as such. i
which have beelilicl for hearlnK heforc saId
court'on December : :0.11107 , at 10 o'clock a.
III. . when you ilia } ' ; Ij'pear allli CUll test the
Dated Novcmher : n. 1007.
[ REALJ : A. H. IIU\tPIIItgy. ; Coullty JUdgl' .
I lr t Puh. No21.11
N01'ICI OF l'HOJlA'n : 01" WHL.
'l'he State of Nebra'ika.
. } "t. .
CUliter Count } ,
' 1'0 all Ihe elc\'lsCCIi and lelalees , anll all
personslntere tCII In till : esL.ate 01 Susall
Gales. IICCCatiell :
Whereas , Stlltmall ( laleH ur flalll counly.
has 111 ell III lilY olllcn all IIIHtrlllllelit p"rport.
Ing 10 he till : laAL will I1IHI letilalllclit of
HlIsan Gatc'l.lIccel1scll , late of Halll counly ,
I an(1 ( a Ilelllioli . - ! tu have the ame
adlllltlelltu \ mle.Vhh'lt will rclates 10
Iollt real alii \ru \ I I ' " A II 1 1111 est.tll' . , whereulwu I
have a\lllolllll' < I tit ! ' IHIII Iln } ' uf Uecember ,
11101. atlU . , 'cluck III Ihu fOl'CIIOUlI , at lilY
ollhc : III Halll cuunlv. 11'1 tltt' 111111' and place
IlIr you IIlIlluli CUIICIrllcll. ! lIIay ap\lcu' anLl
culHeHL Iholrolmlr of till' 8111111 : .
IlIll''IIIIIIIIIIYVhel ellf. I IIn\'I' lIel'culito Het
IllY lIallll allll I1l11xell Ill } ' ollll'lallieal ,
1111'1 IHIII Ilny IIf Nllvemhel' . 11101.
IHtAt. ! A. H. IIUl\II'IIHg"
( 'uUllly.flldc. :
1"lnllllIh. " . NII21. .
l- _ _ _ _ _ :
r JCrl
i .
} F. . W. HAYES , '
J ewe1er and ODtician
West Side Square , '
Broken Bow ,
[ Nebraska. ,
: s
' K'
'L : i
I oooooooooooocx
to I ' . "
, ' .