Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1907, Image 6
. II I I ; Jln 1nspll'ca ib : nHSgl\'H1g \ ' I 1 ProcMtttiitlon. - . . mi1llt )0\11 ) \ ' ' ' noise UIIIO t1 ; EOflj aU e fitnd5. Scr t the lord \Vlth OIJd. MU , come belorc his rmnc wllh slnBing. tnow Vt 'hit' ' ' tht [ ord lIe Is { lolh It Is ht who hath made liS , and 110t we ourulvu , wc iI"C " his ptoplt itnd tilt shttp of his pasturc. Enttr Illto his 9ilft $ WillI ttlmlanl\ih'j ; ' } , and Inlo Ills courts \\1l1h p" " llse , bc . 11 it 1111 1111 unlo IIlnl nnd blcss 111 $ ni1lnt. iur tht tcrd 's ' Ot-Olt. fils , nmv Is c crliUlllIg , and hit trulh cnlufeth ! to nil cnmUlclIs.ff - Ft.1hr. 100 ( . . . . ' 100n , " THE SPIRIT AND FEAST OF THANKSGiVING , . . . . . . . . . . . - , Shlo h ' aldo with till' "Ion ! ; , un , llWIWII tllUtOIl1 hllnllucl dowlI to UB by uur forefalhers" oL' 11t11UII IIIJ11rt an , nually 11 apeclnl dllY fill' 'l'hIlIlksgl\'lnJ ; 111111 IIJIJO dwell wllhI \ the Illellhnt WO lI1ust ha\'e liB IWIII'I ) ' 1111 Jll"lIclhablo : 1 Ill' anJ lehul of a f ( IHt UB lhul ell' joy ( ! i hz ' l1Io flrsl l\OllIeru IIpOIl thcllo i hJrl'g. 1'l'om ; a SIJlltllIW1I11I1'Iow , I 'Iolnl ' thla theOl' ) ' IH IIndunhledly COl" : n'd , nnd woulll 1'1lIlIr ! worl , oul heau. { lfllll ' w < 'Ire Il not Jm' I'qrtllill chansell : I ( ! OmliUOnfl alTecllllg (1\11' Hllilpl ; . ' of Hcn. ! HJtlllblo pl'o\'IBIOIIIJ , rl ( ulntlol\ plan I of dlreclionH for gnltlllH Ill' ' a l'rollCl' ' : 'rhaukiglvillj ; dlmwl''ell tllll1 'eul' woulll tllg nHI. Ow pi o\'hllll ; ; of OJ' ' AtUrs. I. lrJWYH. ehlckl'1I I'I'hlc1wn \ IIe ! , i , wHh Vl'gotablm , fl'II11H , 1'1\1 \ ! laBll'los , : IIul dcIlcllclcs Jn nhnuih1UII' : . 'I'ho Illea is to nrrnngo ! L compoBII 0 III en I which Ahall cOIl\pl'lso liB lIell\'lj' \ aa lIIay Iw i fhl'orlolls fl'lIlls nllll pl'ollIcls ! oJ' th'J ( 'al'l h. Aud n goo1 ! 11I111 11I'IIio\\\'thy ! ! \ idea It IH , too , If ollir u\'el'j'lmlly had tht : ' wh'rowlthal to 11111'chlllw tlle iI' fl'UUH ; lllllnfOl'tllllall'Jj' thlH lI1uIIl ho :11I oyatcrl0311 1U1I111 tlll'kl'j'leSH 'I'hanles. ; h'lng 1'01' 11111.I1j' leI'HIIIIS ) , 'I'ho cause ! ! ( ollll'lhuting to thlll Htatl' of thlngtl ; ( ' : tnnol ho laclIssed hf'l'l' : 1101' doc ! ! it milch lIIattel' to the 1IIall who cn. , fel' IL meat 1IIal'l'l 11I111 Iwell a turkey I wlllch ho 10ngH 10 1IIII'cl1ll60 I'or his famll ' , bllt which 11l' ImowlI ho eltIllol : afroI'd , jllst wily the ICI III II\ml \ II r , with I 1Ilh.1I ' OUIOI'S , Iu 110 t'l\I' \ lcyoall , : hlg lI1 ) ans. ' } 'ho thing Is ho Imows it Is h 'oml hlH lIIellns , allil thol'oforo ho : will IU1\'o 10 do wlthollt It. 110 1IIusl i 10 SOIllO oxtcnt give UII the Idca of lr " j illS Lo Imltato t.hut.JlraL ' 1'huultsylvlnl ; : \ dhmct"ln lh'e forust. " ! III fomo reslects ( tlJ ( lu'ol1ll'nllon of 1 thut feast , or the ohtlllnhl 1I0 nl'lI. j des comllrlaod III H , IJIUHt hll\'u IICOII J U ( > omilllratlvcly shUlllo mnllol' , ' 1'ho ! : mlUel's hnd Imt 10 tak" duwn the I f\wllll pleco , go Illto 111 ( ' wOollslInd I 111'Ing homo lho wildlne. : . Well filled ; ! oyster Imcls Iny 1)lIltl1 ) near lho shore ! . J ' ] 'h ( . harr-cst wna fl'ultful ; g'rnln , wild ; fmitE , slIch vcgotables nB lhoy kucw I ] 10lo mlso wore nbundllllt : nuts of 1 , 'arlouu 1ln.ds were rllc.mtlrul-wlmt , 1htlll , wnll to IIh1ltol' lh6 IIInfn ( I'enlly IL feast thnt shouhl fitly sllpploment C ho Jlubllc 'l'hnnksglvlng rOl1l1ored unto HI < ! Lord ? 'l'hero Is tho'IJOlnt ' , 'rIll' f IJ.'lt , Is but lho outwn1'd algl1 or token o [ that which unclerlles the whole 'l'lumks lvlng Idell , It Is the feclln I lilt lho , I\OIU't \ , the , SCItlmolIt ) , of grall , tllllo rOl' oed recelvod , that , arloI' nH , constitutes the 1'0111 ' } 'hnnksgl\'ln { ; , 'Vllh this fooling IlrlJlent : ; the nbsenco or lito turlC ' , oven though ho In ovorr- "lIero nclmowledsocl to be the king of UIO feast , I\oocl not be counted u mlstortunc. Wo uro 100 allt to forgot jnsl how things worp wllh the llettors. ! Wo tnlce the Iden of lhnt gl'ent hlslorlcal ( o.11lt Inlo OUl' mhHIEI , alld wo O\'CJ'look the dnrk shadows thlll must have been In that. first Thalllt.'IglvIJlg . plcturo. It , , , uuIIl bo a good llilllg Ir wo wOllld lJ' ' to.rcmomber , the "little HI'Il\'e 'lIrd by the WtttCl"S edgo. " alld make un olTort , \n I'ecull whllt lho record su ' ! ; , lItlLt mil ; 0110 household In the Now Mnssa. htlHells cOlollY but hM recelllly beell vl lted h ' death 01' sC\'oro nlld IIro. tracled Illness , But Rtlll the IlrOill1l'a. ti < ina rOI' the Censt wellt 011 , 11I111 I\t a cOl venlont tlmo the ) ' "tlolomntzod : \ clay or thanksgiving \\nto the Lord , " SlIj' lY wo enll l l\J'l\ I , lelisol\ from ( h ( Hll1Iplo fnrth of these Illous SOli Is , 'ViJ : Lro not cnllell 1l11U1I to.clay 10 suf. fot" the 'Irl\'aliollH ' which Wbro the lot of .our forofalhm'lI , hilt UIIY 'car IIIny hl'lng chnnged coudltiollN which ma ' 1IC'l1csGllato mora 01' less l olf'llImllll on ( JlU' [ llut. Ir the IIIlIn who Unda him. Hol [ unable to hu ' mnlorlnl :91' IIn < ' II'nslvo dinner Imows thut hla fam. lIy elrclo Is complete und unhl'okon. mid everybody In hOlllth ILlld rull ' IIhlo to. enjoy lho dhlUOl' when It Is 111'0' ) lIlrCd , ho surely hns good und HUm. cl mt cause tor lhnllleflliness. AFTER THANKSGIVING. , t ; . . . . . . . . . ' ' - = : : - y " . .i..W'tf'V . . . . . . --t. < , . , , . How Johnny Green Dre3med lie Looked. . , . " , - . - - W r 'KSGIV.1NC. - , - DAY ( R. . , " L ; : . -L-nau. : . . . , IS NE.AR : - : HEIGH.HOIr . - . " " " " " - _ . . , . - . r - . , - C , ' . . " . , . ' ' " . . I" : ; ' . . . , I' Il"f' Il"f'Jf { jp - - - - - - - Hale1 TUI'lw ) ' Orrnt to 1'1I1II111n ( BIg : " " ' : IIII\'u I IJcen , my frlenJl , l\llll : or Ilia har/1yal'lI , hul my relg/1 J\lu l R'III ( CIUllO tll nn 011I1 ; 1'lIlUllall'l\'llI Unr II ! IIcnr-hehh-Jw ! " ' : Iulll PUIIIIIIIII BIg"ru : : ! , thut Is 110. " Hulll ) > UIIIIIdll ! nil ; ' to 'l'lIrkey Greal : ' ' ' 1'hu 1"I\'hl'lI jlIrlclI'H flul/cn I lilli , u/1tl 11110 IIWI'O hC'nuUful , 1'111 HUn : , WIIH 1I0vcr IICO/1 ; - A/1d y.t , 'i Ilh you , I'll ha\'o to ! to , " Salll 'l'ullwy Grent , "Yes , thnl III : : to. " "Bul 111111 , " said 'furJC } ' Grcat , "when Cllolwt' , 1 lngoC (110 fcasl I'll bo , " "Awl 1/1 thu Illes , " said l'ult1pl.ln Birr , ' "Will "l1Ino my royalt } . ; Our fnlu mlghl bo much wllrllc , } 'ou 1/111\\ ' , " , A nil ( hem ( hl' ' both slshell , "Thal II ! 80 , " . . APPOINTiNG THE DAY OF THANICSGIVING PROCLAMATION FROM THE WHITE tIOUSE IS ONE OF THE MOST SERIOUS DUTIES THAT DEVOLVE UPON THE PRESIDENT. 'rite olll ' picco of really Jluro Illera. tlll'e o\'el' omclally ISIIIIO from thu , : Whlto house Is lho proclunmllon 11(1' ( I IlOlnUng IL lIa ' of lhanlsglvlns , All . olhol' 1II\IIerS wI'llllm by lho p1'esl ont 111'0 huslnos ! docullllmts , the phrnseol. ogy IIr which la technlcnl ; hut this nn. IIlInl ml1ssago to lho I1COplo Is ulwa 's' ' IL IlI1lnstaldllgh' wOllled allll ( ; rateul IOllllJOIIIUOII , A fal1'I ' Illuslratlvo ox. alllllio will bo found In Mr. Roose\'elt's Iroclamatlon ) nelllng asl o 'Lho lust 'rhltr/i / : ay of the IIro3enl month for the Thunlsglvlllg o [ IJOG ! , Ills the dut ' of 1\11' , Looh ( who runs lho mllchillorr of tile Il1'osl ent's husl. l1eS8 , m'l'ullglllg all his ongngements for him ) to call 1\11' . Hoosevoll's allen , tlon to lho fuct umt Thanltsglvlng. :111' : IJ\'oac1ws , an Lo 1'omiud him tmt a lll'OolumaUon lIlut ! ! he wrillon. Of CUllrse , It requires consltlorablo lime to do tlII , anti uo bus ) ' a mun as the chief cxeclIlh'o of tlto naUon might ho excusable If ho Il\ndell ever the las . 10 SOlllo slIbortllnRle , conlenUII hllll. self Wltll , alllxlng his shnature. But cuslom dOlllnnds thnt the work shall ho Ilel'formod by the lIresldont hlmsolf. AccordinglY , when the IIl'ocllnnatlon hos 10 bo prepared , lho prosldent de. voles sOllie limo to t1lliikln out a now shnllo In which to lJUt lite more or leJs : ilercol'lwll Ideas which aru to lIe ex. pressed , nnCl , as ho docs so , jots down 1\ few memoran u In poncH on a paper pad. 'l'hen , touching n buzzbutton , he sUlllmons ono of the dozen stenograph. ers who nre nlwars In alten ance , and dictates to him careull ) ' the wor ing of the document. It Is short-not more than .100 or CiOO words-hut dalntll ) ' und tersol ) ' I1hrased. 'l'hls , how ver , Is only n rou h II raft. It is copied In ' ' b ' the wllh t'llOSCl'hlt slenorapher , IIneR'twlce the ol'lllnar ) ' distance apart. 50 ns to bo con\'enlent for corrections and intorllneatlons , nn In this shape III hntHlod hncl. to 1\11' . Hooscvelt. He altorfl It u hIt , mo lC 'ing It. scntence here 1\1111 changing n wor there , until It suits hhn-wheroupon a fair COlI ) ' Is mnde , aaln ! submltte Cor corree. tlon , und finall ) ' : Jent o\'er to the de- IJlH'tment of slale. At lho Oll1\l'lmont of tltate the llroc. hllnntlolIs beautlfull ) ' ellgrossed Oil . Il great sheet of IIlIe , ) larchment hj. a clorl , hlghl ' sldlloll In tIlls Itlnd of lCn. lI1allshl1' ' . I t Is a ( 'onshlemllo , tasl. , und occuiliefl 50mo da ; . . . . . ut lho end of which the docllmont Is sent hack tII lho whlto Hou80 to recelvo lho prusi. ont'H Hlgnllture , alld is thoroulJOn 1'0' turned to the dOIJn1'tmel\t to bo signed by lho 81'1:1'01111' : ) ' of stale anll sealed wllh lho greal seal of lhe United Slates. 'l'hls twnl , b ) ' the wa ) ' , Is a sort ot ( mlcrnl fotlch. It Is the most sllcred of nll things thnt belongs to the ov. ot'ntnf nt : IlIltl no print of It Is 0\01' nl. lowed 10 bo gi\'on awa ) ' or sold- thQuSb , o [ course , it Is attnched to all miHtary ulUl nn\'al commlSllioJ18 , nnd lo various othol' exocutlve dOCUIllOllts , It wns made by a Now Yorl , jeweler n' ' n cost of $10,000 , fUul is kept In u beauUul rosewood box at lho slnle dOIJlrtment. In onlol' thut It ma ) ' lJt used for 81amllln the 'l'hanksgivillp IJI'ocltUlII\lIon , iJl'lnted order to tlllli effect m\lst bo 81gned b ' 1\11' . Hoose \"clt. 'rho tlC'llRrll11enl of stute III the lieI' 1111lnent doposltor ) ' ot executlvo Ilrocln lIIulions , All the ' ! 'huIIIsglvlng Irol' lumnUonli ( I\or Issued b ) ' the 11\051 donls or the Unltod stutos are nl1 nwu ) ' In Its lII'chlv03--haol , o\'on II 17Hi ! , when Oeo1'o ! Wushlngton 601 asldo the lHh ! du ) ' of I'ehnmr ) ' , In lhn rear , ns a duto on which the peoph should "lhanl , God for OXOIl1IIt1on fl'on fJrol n war uml fl'OIII Insurroetlon , Cousell\lOlll1 ' , lhe ell\'u ved Irocluma - lion IJ rolalned by the departmcnt "COI l'ell5 ; , " and It Is n COllY thut 18 sent hy slleclal messenger to the gOYOl'n- ment llrlntlng ofllco , to be IJUt Into t 'IJO , Printed copies are lvon lo the nowsIIRllois , or to aIl 'bo ' who wants them ; hut there must bo tnlOwrllton cOllies for the governor of each state an territory of the union , nnd these arc mudo at the 'Vhllo House uUll mulled from there. It will thus be seen lhat lhe Iss\llnt ; of the annual Thanl.sgl\'lns proclama. lion Is , from beglnnln ! ; to end , quite an eaborate ! pleco of business. 'I'hel'e Is no law to compel the president tl' make It , and : \11' . Hoose\'elt , If he had gO chosen , might 11:1\0 : olJ1lltc d It this YOU ! ' OJ' Ilurlng his administration , 01' , If It should seem prOller to him next ) 'eal' , he might choose another dar- sar : , the 1st o [ .1anuary-lnstead of the Inst 'l'hursdar : , In I'\o\"cmbel' , But It Is l'casonabl ' cortaln that ho' will do nolther of these thlngH , for cuslom hollls fast In the bOllds of usage the chlcf maglslrale of the nhtloll equal ! - with lho Illalnest citizen. As e\'erybody Imows , the cellhratlon of 'l'hanl.agl\'ln ; ; dar : dates buck to the Puritans. At Irregular Inler\'als , after lhell' ,11I'rlval.ln lhls countr ' , they , se dntes h ' lIuhlle anuouncement fot' pra 'or and feasllng , In recognilion of blessings vouchsafed from au high. Following this example. In the earlz ' hl8tor ' of the rellllbllc , days of thanks. giving were nilpoillte h . 'the llresldent Cm' speelul reasons , But Iomohow : ! the Ilious custom foil into abe ' and fOl' ' 'ance , many 'ears tbore was no nallonal 'l'hanksclvIns , until , during the cl\11 war , a woman , Sarab Joseilha Hale , who cd lied a woman's paper , and who had been ehleU ) ' Instrumental In rllising $ OOOO to complete the Bunker Bill monument -took up the malter , and llerslladet Abraham Lincoln to take : m Interest In It. Thus It came allout that : \11' \ . Lincoln Issued a proclamation In 18&,1 , appointing the last da ' o [ NO\'embe1' of thut 'ear as a da ' of ) Iray'r and re. jolcing. Since then Iho custom has held , ancl there lilt ! ; be < : n an nnnllal Thanksgh'lng celebrallon for the en. Uro nation , at the Instanre of tilt ) prt s. Iden t. At the \\'hllo lfoue , Thanl.sslving dar Is alwa 'N'Ir ' qnletl ' pcnt , with. out an ' spDclal eclebratllI-harl'tn the fnet that each married 1111'mhm' of the oUlclnl staff , tnclllCUng the 110- IICutllCII who guarded the Ilromiscs , r ceh''g a fille turlC'j' . = 'eurlr 70 fat hlr s nrc dlslrlbutl'd h ' Col , Crook. lhe I'Xl'clltl\'O pa 'mastl'r. who ts him. Relf UII Intol'estlng Ilersonaso , hll\l ; . much liS ho hns l ) ( en attached to the Whlto HOllso Rtarr , In111'10111' capnci. tics , sillco Lincoln's time.11' : . Hoose. volt uSllnll ) ' has / ; 0ra : I turke"s , which nro sent to 111m ! l1 glfts-He'n Uacho , In llrookh'n ln ; I ( ' . Miles Standish's Triumph. Miles Standish , t.ho redoul * hlo cap , tuln of PI 'll1onth. loolpel complacently ut the \ . ll roasted tU'kC ) ' , ' flanliCli with gl'lland ( 'mnherJ' ' l > aUcl'-1f , crallhCl'I' . : ; I\UCO hnd Ind'cd ( ' ( ' In. \'ented , . 'l\tohltuhll' . " ho talll to his , 'c'nnr. nhll' houllokp'IWr , "prithee nn thl6 'l'hullksgl\'lnj. ; da ) ' elo 1 ret urn thnnls fOl' mlln ' b11'SI:11I18 : , I t hilI ! lu'el1 ypal' , IIIIH II 1I0t , shl(1 that 'OUlII : ; . \hlnu mlll'rll'll the Prlse'llla Woman ? " "A j'lll' : UHI sc\'cral moons : ' sam . the bouNelcollel' , as sllo holtit'd him to tHII110 IIf the c1reasllls , "I NOli D ) ' the Colonial Thlilldl1l'Bl' : ' IOUtlIlIlCll tilt' stI'n olel wlII'rlol' . U8 ho balullcCll a roasted cl' < mtnul. IIn his . . fOI'k , .tl1l1l AIII11 hnc : ! aplllilHl fol' II dl\'CII'eo on 'tho gl'mmel thnt HIli ! Is a com mUll Icold : ! , 110 hnun't hoon alJI , lo apeal , Cor hlllHHJIf Hlnl'o th'j' were IIHlI'rlcd-New ) 'lIl'l , I1cralrJ , , . ' . .4 - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - / i@ THANKSGIVING , HOSPITALITY Thc wanlnl ; 'el1r rows brol\'n ll/1d gray nm1 dull. Alul ) } UetH IJIIII ; l\o\'crnlJcr blcnk nnd /lero ; Uul fl'olll lhe bounteolls , ; nrncrctl hnr\'csl Iflnrl' , Willi ; l'IIleful hearls wo c.lrnw 'fhl\uks. 1I1\'lng clll'l.'I' . ccnHlonnl1 : . ' , thc : o duya , Wo get a glhnpso of I'enl old fnahloned hospl. lallt- ; , the Iellld Ihnt creelJa l'lht { Intu tile mlll'row u [ 'Olll' lIonus nnd makes 'OIlI' hJoo1 ! lingle wHh Lho true ! ! lIll'll of gooll fellowHhlll , No\'ol' Is this 1eollll ( ; more unl\'crsal. Iy 01' } Jolc.Utly eXIlI'essod thnn IIn 'l'hnlll'3slvlng ; the occnfJlol1 for fes , lIve hOlllo gntllorlngs , 1'0UniOllH , atHl whel'o stl'angenJ 111'0 made welcolllo nil ono oC YOIII' OWn 1ln , L1Ick ' IIl1d blons d IH the woman who can extend hospitality on this da ) ' , alld 1IIcl ( ' , too , Is the host who cnn pl'osldo at hl8 uwn honrd , nmong cOllsenlnl ulllrits. Il Is n'ery aCrl us mlstuko to lteep roUl' suoals at lho table COI' lhreo or Cour hourB , I1S is frequcnlly 1110 ease ; - - - though , to be sure , IIHrt of this lime Is talCn " 1' at the cOllelusion of the dlnnol' , an lIll' Ulon lingel' o\'er thoh' coIToe and el I1rS , and with lho Ine\'lt. able now or gossip throughout the meal. 'rho foundallon o [ lho IlInlll'l' COli' nlsls or an allpolzel' ! , SOUil with relish- ( IS , tUl'I\O ' with vegetalJles , a salad , a Ilossert of plCs-PUII1IIIln ! , mlnco and nllllie-to which , Uln ' be adde an Ice nnd a sleamcd IHllhllng If desll'cd , matH , mlslns : nul eolTee , Three Indlspensablo Illes arc PUIIlII' 1.ln well seasonell with bn\lld ' , nlnce and allllie with cheese , Steaming hot Indian pudding or IIlnm lIuddlng with 11. . slllT , sance Is equall ' approJrlnte. ) An Ice Is sometimes served , snch as lemon 01' orange. CoITee deml tasse follows , together with assorted lIut8 , raisins , dates , figs nnd 1I0nbons , For . . , I ! I - a fOl'mal IHnner Brie cheese and hard toasted ( 'mckers aceomlJlI1 : ' the blacle coffee. An unlqllO name card III gi\'on In thlf ! arllcle. In Illaco of the ) Jnmpkln ) lle , IIUIl1P' kin fachollcttes , IInstry slwllH with IlIlmpkln filling , make a novel snbstl , tlltO. And a chestnut comllote Is equal , Iy Illeasln ! ; uUll out of the healen tl'l1el , . An oxeollent 'l'hanksglvlng cnlw , which may bo HC1'ved with tou , Is made of Hilices , a enp of Hlrong , hlaclc coffee , chollped ralslus , nuls nnd melted marshmallows , eoveled : wlUI Icing ( vunllll colored with rosc walor or ornng. : ) and halved [ Iecaus or piS' ne 1n nuts , - - - - - KING OF THANKSGIVING. i ! I I " ' . . 0 Tlw 1.lnl > of 'l'1..11JIUlgl\ I II ! ; ! Bol1ohl hIm In 1101' ) ' ! 110 tellll to hohuldcl" > > A wonlll'rtul IItOl' } ' , 110 tl'lill how lilli' fllt hN' ! ! , A hra\'c IIttlo IJI\lId , 1I0\\'CII down III thanIHf't\'ln ; . ; On n'achln { : the land ; How Crom ( hat time to thIs ' \'e huhl ono dtL ' Il 'l'II1' Apart fl'oll1 lit ! Celluwl' . _ \ dn ) ' of Otl cheer. . - - - Cheap Thanksgiving DInner , YveUo GnHhcrt , the famous I"ronch nltr : ss ill'alsed al a dhul ( r In Now Yot'l. the fcslh'ul of Thnnksglvlng , "It is n 111ensul\t Cesli\'nl , " 8ho said , " 1 m11 SOI'fr that III I'raneo we have no auch tla ' of ratltlltlo teu' the 'eal"lJ hl1l'\'est. Il Is a gt't'lll dn ' with j'on , YOII ha\'o nm'eIH , tlllplI , am'cdotes aUII Iloeum hased lIlOn It. "An actOl' tllls mOl'lIlnl toJcI IIIC a 'l'hunksI\'III ( : Ilnecdote. 110 slIld thal a Ilonlllless 'U\llig lIIan ( Jntered II cheall restullrl1l1l llIlO 'I'hl1nksI\'llIs ; d . . , ' : flnd , 'fIn"l : " 'Whal do 'Oll chHt'lIu . fm' a IlIa to o [ lUflier' ! ' ' " 'A quartel' , all' , ' the walter unswer' M , , " Allj' chun o for hrcatl7' " 'No , Rh' . ' . . ' 01' fOI' lH"1\'Y'l' ! . . 'I'\ ( ) . ' , . " 'The1lbl'llI me IL IUI1 e Illato or brend nmi grll\'j' , ' ' ' . . " - . . . - - ) - IHJQ\\N ( JK : @ y M\@cdl \ , ! 1rIh1illlrrnIk @nwnrrn@ , . IT ( [ . ) ) ] f 1Hl IF IF lli ( t Ih1 If . I IDrmcdl lUll1l n Wnlln Allhough ! l \,11111 , hrollzo 'tllrltc ' rUHtlel1 hlH tOI'gcOUB f athors In n cOITal. 111111 there Willi It IJlJX or Cl'IIlI' bel'l'leH IInll sunil ! I'lIlslllS unll oth l' "flxlllm ; " which ! Jhowl'd IlI'epomUon [ 01' a 'l'halllH/I\'llIt' / ; dlnucl' , Knt . 1Iolt I J.I'CW thoughtful IJ\'cr ) ' tllllo thllt I 'J'hllnluglvlug ; WIIS mcntlonell , She hud I a lal'go seheme Oil h:1I1I1 : that needed tact , cOllrago allll good luck to CUI'l' ' It tl 'ouglJ. 'rom Holl. her futhel' , wus a gencr. 01111 mall. hllltilltllhle. frlenllly allrl squllro , bul hlH lemper wm'Iolcllt and faflh ( : ' . 0110 yell' : ago , whclI 'I'hanlgl\'llIg WI1H drawlnJ ; near , WIl. lIam Holt , her falher'fI enl ' brothel' , had heen her father's partner In the Hcd Dog gold mine. In SOIllC wa ' II quanel , the fll'sl of t Iwlr lI\'es , had ul'lsclI belwoen the two brothers. 'rhe ' did nol Cllt theil' 'J'hanltsglvlng din. nel' logelhel' , bllt wenl angl'l1 ' IIlJUrt , _ _ 1 I < . .ty. . I \\'IllIam .Icedl' . hit ; lihal'e III the Ho Dog to 'rOlli , and 'rom have ImllCrt ! to \\'lI1lam for a shal'o In the Goldcn \\'ondor mlno , on the olher sldu of the mountain , sOIlle miles awa ' . Xo more l1:1rlner8 : , both Had at heart , hut hoth tOIJ 11)'OllCll ) II acleuowl- edge that he was t.ho least In the wrong. they f1hool < hands colcl1y n.nd : : cparated clvlll ' enough. Since lhell they had not IiCln ! OIHJ anothel' . Katy Holt lelssed the girh ; at thu scbool good.b'l" toolc her bool.s in a grip. sacl" tUl'lIccl her hack on the classroom - room with sOlllethlng oC a chol\lnb ' : ensatloll , 1'01' she IIkel , study anll the association of the -onng girls nt the school , unll the lIext tiny hOl' father was fmrllrIlie to see her just al IIlght- fnll come Into his camp. . "Oood old , 'ad ' , " she said llughlng ga 'I ) ' anll saucily , "I'll het that we will ha\'o a lot ur fun here together. I ha\'o been n.wfnlly lonesome awa ' from ) 'OU and J lwo" , thnt yO ! ! wanted to see me all lho time. J hn\'e brought m ) ' hook1l hOll1o aUlI will study when I am not IHJUllckcep l : . " Tom Holt mnllcll , the IIrst lime In n month , and felt bult { ' % ' alrendy _ Three dayu hefore ThanksgI\'lng a Ilargo packuge Wa ! ! bl'CJIIht ! Into caml ) h ) ' In lan , Jaek. It was adf1rcmod to 1\1158 Knly 1I01t. She took it and gave orllers that no olle'as to open It "What Is It all about , SIH ? " asltcll Iwr father , . "Somothlng fllr 'fhnnl.sgivlnr-tho host of nil , and 11 sU1'llrise If I can keep It 60. " 'I'hon the next day n leller came for Katy , which Hho opened hurriedly and read with boating IlCart. It was fmm her Uncle Will , As S110 tm'lIed thu' llUges-thCl' wcrc many of them-a lwellty.dollar bill rustled out. On It wns pinned a Blip or pallC ! ' wJth the WOl'dH , "Fol'aty. ] : . " A slldltOIl IIghl came Inlo her eyes , SIll' called hm' fathel' and tolcl him that she wished 10 I'ldo to the town at once alld wll llld ! Illdian , lacl. to go with hor. COIII > ent helng gl\'en , she was Roon ulldpl' way , galloplug o\'er the trnllH wllh specl ! . "Such It IIl'clty' tllpII , " she uald : " :1nd : so romantic : , Whf'l'o dlei 1 ct It ? Wouldn't the girls lhlnk Il too sweet for anylhlllg ? " Part way to lho tOWI\ the trail forled. One fork wont to the othel' Hlelo of the 1I10\I11taill to whm'e hol' Uncle Wm'M mlnlnr ; cnl1lp wns. She turned hCl' hol'so I h\t111 ' and rode In that dlrcctloll , illdlan Jnek followinG close nnm' . "Hello , Uncle Billy : ' "ho erled , as Rill' 1'1IWhed the CIll11ll , " 'hen Mho wns purtlCularly fond she alwars cnllod Unelu Will "Billy , " and he IInderstood ntHi liked thu IIlcltname when tdlu siloke it. She lallcll f\'om hl11' hOI'Re , full'l ) ' , draggcli Urwle Will Illto his cahln nntl lhel' ! ' tnlked with hhl tor n Ion , ; tllI1l' , 110 slwol , hlH heali rCllCnlcdlr , stmllll' ell two UI' tllI'IO IIml.i : ulld woultl hn\'o said SOIllU hard words hut lhat Kalr each tllllf ! eo\'orl'd his lIIouth wllb 1IIIHl'S und III en ! ihc hussed hllll and salli : "Now , Uncle Billy , 'uu Itnow you will make ' . IIttlo . 'Otll. girl the nail. degl Ir UIIY 'Ouo In the WOJ'hl If you aa ) ' 'no : ' ! \Illl nho will bo the hUlllllet If 'ou ( , . will sa ' ' 'l1n , ' " "WolI , " aUllwol"el1 Uncle Will , "It Is the hlttorest 11111 o [ lilY life , but I \\111 do It : but mind 'ou , Kl\t ' , It Is all fol' 'IJU , " ' ' 'l'hllnk 'Oll. d'lIr ; ; " 011 01'0 the best Ulleln BIlly In nll the wurld , " "Bul mind , nol 1worll to 'rom , " "N'll II worll , 1'1l1 ' " , , I Thtm she went In lOW11 and U\oro hOllltht two GollI rings with her 20. I dolllll' hili Hlld InBl o or eneh Rho had I l1\o wlml > > ellgl'l\vell , "Duy or 'j'lmI1ks. I 1\'lng. " \V1l 1 lhoso rlllgl3 aho went , : IlOnw , and en the WilY 11I11110 Indinn ,1nc1Ilroll1so : lhat ho would .110t , say " , heru they hnel hcCn. ! I Who II she ranI ; the hell for her Cathel' tu como III llc stooll 61100ch. less Ulld III uUrllrlljo tn see that t.ho . table waH el for three , "How is lhll ; , Kilty' ! " ho n3kec ! haslilr. "Wholll have YOII usked to C0ll10 to dlnnol' with liS' ! " ICat . IlretoncIod to bo husy toldng sOl1lelhhlL out or lho myatoliouH pnckngo thnt l11dllll1 , Jack hud brought III SOllll ) du 's earlieI' , Su llenly she - . .Id'h : ' , here Is a lettol' fl'Ol11 , Irondmu , tHldl'OIJ3ell tu you , Ilad. \ "And suy , lIud , just lIeo whnt grand. . " ' ma has sent to 'Oll ! Don't yon know how 'Oll 1ItJetl lo uay that. when you WOI'O a bo ) ' , 'Oll Jlaed to go to grand , 11m's pantry and find un earllicn.jal' full o [ RUa ! : ' cooltles that she had I made , :1I1 how YOII tlsed to hook sOllie or thp.n to curt' ' away tll your ' ' " " bah hl'othm" ; "Hush. Katj' ; 110 moro or him. lIe 11M gOl\e hlH way ane ! I have gone mine , No more , " "AmI , ! Jar , dad , " went on Klll - , no\\ bravely .lhoeylng ! her father , "nnd on't 'on 1' " nember what 'ou said { ; r:1I11Imothcl' tullI ) 'ou ono lImc , t\fter you hl111 stolm : the coolles IIncl she founll out th t 'Ol11111 not cat thcm , Lut glYO them tu YOllr baby hrother- 'r shall look tu 'ou t ( ) cam Cor Billy ? ' " . , , "Kat , cl'ied hal' father , " 1 see It all now , Was lhh : what madc ) ' 011 lea\'c the school , whot'o .01l WOI' : } so tnppj' :0" I atr nodded , hreat.hIesH , "Well , " salll hm' father , "if you dill that ) ' 011 IIcsCl've n. reward , but let mll . como to me. " KaljW'IIt. to the door and called \ . " . . . r- "Unclo BIi ] ; . . 1"1'011I the creek helow Uncle 1I111y came towUl'l1 the hOllse. His foce WHH a lIttl red , but it WIlM not more reli than IIPI' fnlher's. " She sll(1pf'l ( out of the house 10 I't them meet when no ouo was by. She lIIade a proteuse o [ being hnoul ! : ! - side. Whcn she came back to the cabin she flaw the two brolbcra sitting - ting on 11 wooll n beneh , ench willi an arm uhou' ; . the olbol' and lovellght In theh' cycs. 'What a din ' Umt ' ' net' was ! 1'hero ne\'el' wall such a turkey efol'e. And m ; fOl' a lJOusewlfc , 'fom sn.ld . there no\'el' WUS ono II1w Katy , CXccllt her moth 01' hefOl'O her. W1aen the turkey hud been nttendCd to and the olher dellcacle3 , also , Iaty ! mld'h : ' , dad , hero is your Ictlm' from gl'lludma. DId you read , It' ! " "Yes , I ut . : IIII It will sUu1d rea ' Ing agnln. Read It alond to mlly. " " 1\1) ' deur 'rom and nllly , " so read the lottet' . "I am happy to-day to think how hl sed you rc in the love of ono tlnothol' . I sand you ( \ jar of sural' cool(103-Ruch as mother used to nmko to help out. " "OUl' love for uno l1JoUlor-tha Is just Il , " Hald Tom. " 'It ill IIko n mes , sago that wo both nended. " .Just the thing , " ugrcet1 BIlly. reachin out hilt haud. 'l'hen there was u call Cor UlC sugar cookies and lhey were ) J1'oducell-jar nn all-just lIke the old times ; in fact , the old jl1l' . "Aud now , " crloll Kaly triumphant. \ "Such Idea. " a Pretty . Iv " 1Iero arc two gold rings , mactly : lilw , nxcolll for slzC ! , J.'o'r my e. weut' thom always from uow on' In m'omor ' 111' this dn ' and of } 'our lov. . , In ! : ; Kot , ' Thnt WIIS the crowning moment as Knty hunclell ever fhe gold rings , nnd hCI' falhel' aUll Uncle ml1 ' nc. celltod thum and Cound lhut they would fit. "I lhlnk , " RullI 'rom 1I0lt to Iat . , "lhat WI' can afi'OI'd to liolld } 'ou back to school agnln , " "Yes , " Eald Uncle BlI1y , to ( 'Ollege too , " " "l'hnl1 ! ( 'ou dcar ! ! , I woult ) . IIko to learn some more , " "lIl1t. " uthlell Uncle BII1 ' , "it lUlIsl ho with the agl'oemont that ) 'Oll lUust eomo hOlllu to hehl us culehrale 'rhunlst.l\'hl e\'ery 'ear. " "It 111 II go , " suld Kilty , In trllo mln- "r fashion , UII sh\ extended ono hand ( 10 1101' fathC'r atld the olhor tt ) Uncle " BlIly-Dwhl , : 11 , Wnlker lu Snn Ft'an , cisco { hronkle. , , - ( \ I ' . "