Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1907, Image 5

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" " - - .
It' .E : . 2 ]
Dr. Bartholomew was called to
Seneca on proCessional business
Mrs. J. M. Fodge , who has
becn sick the past week , is reported -
ported as convalscing.
If this fine weather only continues -
tinues four weeks 10nl'cr it will
be " Christ-
a sure enough "green
Broken Bow should congratu-
latc itself upon , the safety and
soundness ot her financial in-
stitu tions.
. Next Sunday revival s'rvices
will be inaugurated at the United
Brethren church. Citiz'ns are
cordially invited to attend.
Rev and Mrs. Kopp , of Lillian ,
drove here Monday and left Tues-
r- damorntng for , Hastings where
. / the _ will visit a daughh.r.
Mrs. Carl ( ; 'oote , of Dunning ,
arrived in the city last Saturday
. for a short visit with her parents
1. ' . , Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Amsberry.
j' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cornish , of
. : ii ; of Lodl , were Broken Bow visi-
'i : " . ( tors last Sunday , coming on ac-
\ t. , count of illness of Mrs. J. M.
' " Fed ge.
\ " ' "
- .
; 6 : ' \ Mr . W. H. Meyers arrived in
' . the last from York
I' .J city Thur&day
{ i.\ ' , : to visit with her husband. who
: ' > is principal of music n Custer
, t ; " Colle ge.
I Mrs. M. D. Callen bas recovered -
ed from her illness ag to permit I
of tbe nurse , Miss Della I Sturms ,
of Sargent , returning home on
, , Photographer Taylor bas built
a roomy"show case nt his studio
, wherein to more properly display
the excellent work he i doing in
f' the photo line.
John Price made a trip tel
South Omaha the first of the
l j .
week with a car of "critters" and
r ,
i upon his return , Tuesday , de-
I elared prices were unmentionably
. 'fhe pub1ic sale of stock by
( Allen Reyner on Tuesday attr-ilct-
cd a large number and biading-
was fairly spirited and good
naturl'C1. Tbe sale amountcd to
I about S2500.
I . Thc n..w furnace in the new
I CiJristian church' was c mpleted
in time to be operated last Lord's ,
day and the result was bighl.v
, satisfactory to members and
ot hers who were in ttcndance at
, the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Poole left'
a. , , . last Fridav for Alliance where
. ' they will spend tbe winter with
" a son. having sold their property
j. oue half mile east of tbe square i
, _ to John E. Meyers.
L. When tbe new building for the
gdS pIal t is completed the city
hall will lonk mor sa than ever.
' . It is frightful to contcl11plate
" wben only a few dollars invested
, in paint wuuld do tbe business.
( Fran ! . Huxtable , who "I'opper-
) ed" a KnkaHI , claim ncar HrtlSc\ ,
I has he. _ II in till' cilY lh pdst two "
r \ wecks. , He aJ ! : he may return
' 'w' ' home this week and maJbe not
'a till next week as he's baving
, " such a blamed good time here he
d isli kes to brealc a way.
; I . . The turkey boot given by the
Broken Bow Gun Club Monday
aftcrnoon was participated in by
a goodly number of gunners and
t proved a success , nearly all the
t -t ' 1V' ; shooters sucessful in
; ; . beinJ lugging -
! ( ging away some of the game.
; . \ Another one is contemplated in
the near future.
Frcd Hearn , who several weeks
I ago fell from a ladder and was
almost killed , and while laid up
on tbat account bad an attack of
typhoid fever , is able to he out
and around again. but basn't
yet donned his work clothes
His host of friends are glad to
note bis rapid convaesence.
Those wbo do not malte their
Christmas selectiovs earlv will
have cause for regret , b"ecause
the wise ones do not intend to
wait until the stoc1ts have been
demorah1.ed. Now is the tim' to
select-after reading in tbe Rn-
PUDLICAN wbat merchants want
your Christmas trade-and bave
the articles laid aside for you ,
1 James and Arlic E. Gamble ,
who reside in Logall county , ix
, miles from the Custer count )
! ! k line. were rok.en Bow \ ' .
Monda ) ' , conveYing comphmenH
" from A. S. Gamhle to the REPUD
LICN. The\ . ' are ( 'xtensiv'ly in.
I - - . . . t'rcgIN 1 tn her e and cattle anf !
P . . . .
" . say that stock is wintering if1
, , good shape on the range and
! : } } tha' they have not , up to th ( ;
. < ' present time , aq to do any feed.
I Jng.
. / -
" .
. , ,
J. G Longfellow went to Tamara -
mara , Nebraska , last Friday for
a short visit.
Mayor and Mrs. W. A. George
drove to the South Loup Sunday
returning Monday.
Mrs. H. T. Bruce left Friday
last for McCook. Nebraska , where
she will visit her sister for a few
On Monday John Maier , of Cal-
laway , was ingpl'cting th. . many
substantial and higbly commend-
ahlc improvements in his county
seat ci ty.
R. H , Fife and son , of Kansas
City , Mo. , will conduct a eries
of l11eetings in the Christian
cburch during the month of
J anuary.
Mrs. J. C. Porter , mother of
Deputy Register of Deeds Porter ,
left 'fuesday morning for Peoria ,
lllinois , where she will visit relatives -
latives for a , mouth or two.
While driving to the city with
a loaded wagon , Jobn Templar
w&s thrown from the seat and
two of the wagon wheels passed
over his leg crushing it badly.
Mrs. Hattie E. Speake , who
has been visiting at Aberdeen ,
Wasb. , since last Juy ] reached
home last Friday and says the
atmosphere in this locality is
plenty good enough.
UBig-IIearted Jim. " a drama
depicting western life as it really
is , will be given at the Opera
bouse on Wednesday night , Dec.
4 , by a company of professional
actors and actresses.
Up to the prese n t time no casualties -
ualties among cattle from tbe
curn-stalk disease have been reported -
ported by farmers in this s.'ction ; ,
nor havc wc read .of any in our
excbanges-wbich is c rta
good nc ws.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moulton
were in tbe city last Friday , as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ( < .
M. Ulmstcd. Mr. Moulton was
at one time a telegraph operator
in this citv , but IS now station
agent at Nemo.
WHile Swenson , of the South
Loup , a lad 12 years of age , who
is in the city having his eyc ! : .
treated by Dr. Cbnstcnsen , went
to Grand Island last Saturday
and IS greatly elated over th
trip , it being his first ride on tbl'
rail way.
Harley True , who has been in
Wyoming since last May , spent
lastli"riday nigbt in the city a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Josepb
Pigman He was enroute to hi
home on the o tth Loup , where
be will remain during the winter
Tbe Northwest District Sun.
da ) ' Schuol association will bol9
ItS tirst convention In the Methodist -
dist churcb at Merna , on lJecem-
ber 7 and S , beglnnin at 2:30 : p. .
m. Let L vcry cbool be repre- '
enled. Cuunty workers will be
In altcnddnce.
Dm't fail to hear the fourtb
number of the young peoples'
entertainment course on Monday
evening , December 9. 'fhe Apollo -
ollo Quintette and Bell Ringers
give \'arie1.y of entertainment
and are sure to I lease.
Last Saturday Dr. J. G. Bren-
izer sbipped a c-ar load of short
bOt n bulls to AU iance where he
will hold a public sale on Satur-
clay of tbis week. Among tbl.
lot will be "Crimson Lad" whicb
was a winner at tbe state fair ,
also the fairs hcre and at Ord.
James V. McCue 'and wife , of
Alliance , who have been in the
city several days visiting relatives -
latives and accquaintances , returned -
turned this'morDlng. Mr. Mc-
Cue holds the position of glazier
for tbe B. & M. railroad at
Iliance , a lucurative and easy
Mrs. Nc George , of tbe South
Loup , accompalned by Vincent
and Marguerite , visited her son ,
L. D. George , a couple of days
last week ancl on Thursdav Vine
cent an Miss Marguerit callt"d
at the HUPUnI.ICAN office and
were introduccd to the manner
in which ncwspapt'rs were made ,
both seemmg to be greatly in.
terested in t11. . : : procedure.
S B. Oshorn ( ' , who has been at
Twin b"dlh. , Idaho , the past year ,
. to ped 01T for a few days VJsit
with parents and friends , on his
relurn to West Liberty. Iowa ,
where he trees next week to talt ( ;
charge of grocery business il1
that town. "Bent" holds som ( ;
valuable land under the irrigatiol1
ditch at Twin Falls , and saYf
. that land under the ditch is in.
creasing in value very rapidly.
- - -
" - - - -
Jeweler A. E. Anderson sttlrts
t he good news for Christmas in I
his advertisment this week-on I
the first page. Read it-and
others to follow.
Manager Great perspnally guar-
ante s that everyon att'cndiny
the play "Big Hearted Jim" will
be fulll satisfied , and will refund
the pnce of admission to all who
declare they are not.
At the residence of the brides
parents south of this cit ) . at 8:30 :
this Wednesday evening will
occur the wedding of Mr. , John
Moore and Miss Doris Rector.
Company M. will g ve a recep.
tion to students of Custer College
and the high school at the
Arm ry tonight. Dainty rc-
freshments will be scn'ed 'and ' a
good time is anticipated.
'l'he K. P. Lodge of this cit ) .
now ha'e a class of five whc are
bent on winning and weadt1g the
spurs of Knighthood and ; from
tbeir persistency indications are
they will succeed.
The rccent financial depression
has not been conductive to liberality -
ality and some of the young
people of this vicinity interding
'to get married have decided to
wait awhile-so the presents will
be more numerous.
Judge Sanborn , of Massachusetts -
setts decided that it was .Icruelty"
for a wife to persistently take
money from the trousers' pockets
of her husband while he 8.H1pt and
granted him a divorce n. that
round. , Iany Broken Bow men
are eligible for. a divorce under
those conditions. Don't al.k speak
at once , Merna may think there's
a thunder storm in thii ! locality.
The attention of Hnpunr.lcAN
readers is directed to the. ad-
vertisment of Christmas g90ds
on tbe first page of this edition.
\1r. McComa does not over-
dra wn , in his pen picture , the
wonderful array of articles to be
found in his store , which rione
should fail to visit and at as
early a day as possible-if they'd
see the stock in all its grandeur.
A Jetter to Ed McComas from
the nurse who is attending on
Lester Corlett in the Met odist
hospital at Omaha , statcs. that
tbe young man is very weak- and
shoulo he recover from the attack
of typhoid fever , with which lJe
is dang rously ill , it would be
'Several ' weeks after being dis-
cbarged from the bospital before
be would resume his , occupation
as ; ewelcr in Mr. McComas' store.
W. A. Bald W111 , secretary of
the State Missionary work ot the
Christian church , was in the city
recently and the Christian R -
porter , published at Lincoln ,
mentioned it as follows : "Secre-
tary Baldwin stopped at Broken
, Bow on the 13 , got acquail1ted
with the minister , L. N. Early ,
and had a short visit with Brother
and Sister J. H. Currie , who now
reside there. He says the new
church just dedicated i8 a credit
to the brotherhood and the city.
Including the lot it has cost over
six thousand dollars , all of w Jcb
has been paid. Brother Early
'has p'oven himself a master
builder , and his conduct of business -
ness affairs commends itself to
tbe business world. He , should
be kept busy building churches"I I
Married at High Noon.
'l'he marriage of Mr. Wilham
Jenkins and Miss Katherine Ida
Taylor was solemnized , .at tbe
borne of the brieds parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Elisha Tavlor , in
Broken Bow , at high noon , Tut's-
day , Nov. 26 , 1907 , Rev W. H.
Yanders. of the Episcopal church ' . .
About twenty-five relatives of
t he parties in teres ted were < ( witnesses -
nesses tOJhe impressive ceremqny
and many beautiful presents
were bestowed upon these popular -
lar young JJeople who bave united -
ted for hfe-for better or for
To Broken Bow residents the
bride was well known as one
of our most popular , handsome
and accomplished young ladies
witb an innumerable : number of
The groom , who occupies a responsible -
sponsible position in the J. C.
Bowen store , is also very popular
and is beld in high esteem bv
friends 1d accquaintances all f
whom hope the pathway of liCe
of these young people may be
under prepetual sunshine , tbe
RnpunrIcAN herewith e tending
hearty congratulations and best
Destitute and Demented.
Last Saturday eveDlng Sheriff
Richardson received word from
H. C. Ochsner , residing between
I Anseyand ] Berwyn , that an old
man , ragged and seemingly de-
mented. had been lOitering about
tbat vicinity for several days.
That he stayed out doors a11 the
time , at night building a fire
. - _ : : : . I
and steeping on tbe ground beside -
I ,
side it , and that thc women and
I children were alarmed lcst he do
them injury.
Sunday morning Deputy Sheriff -
iff Thomson went out and Cound
the man 17 milcs southeast of
Broken Bow and brougbt him in
'to the jail. He is about fifty
years old and gh'es his nllmc as
Frank Overfield.
As yet the insanity board has
not examined him us to dementia ,
but it is vcry evident he is desti-
tuteand , n stranger in this part
of the country. ,
- - - - - - -
Union Thanksiiving Services.
Union Thanksgiving services
will be held in the Methodist
Episcopal church in Broken Bow
next Thursday , November 28th ,
beginning at 11 o'clock a. m. ,
and a hearty invitation to be
present is extended to c\'cryonc.
Rev. Brady , of the Baptist
church , will presidc.
The opening prayer will be of-
ered by Hcv. 'fhompson , oC the
M. E. church.
Scripture reading by Rev. Mitchell -
chell , of the Presbytenan church.
The Thanksgiving sermon is
to be delivered by Rev. Buswell , I
of the U. B. church.
Re\ ' , Early , of the Christian
church , will pronounce the bene-
Especially prepared music will
be rendered by the Mcthodist
Five per cent Premium for Checks on
' CUlter County Bank. .
'I Improvc ) 'our heards of hogs
, by purchasing a malc from the
Custer County Herd of Duroc-
Jerseys , S mies ] west of Brolten
Bow. 'fops of 200 head , heavy ,
large bone , have been fed with
tbe view of growing bone and
muscle so desirable in breeding
Five per cent discount Cor par-
ment by check on any bank in
Custer county , or for cash.
JOHN HEESE , Owner ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
- -
mqRmt : m rl > !
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck-
For all kinds of good coal go
to tbe West Elevator. 14tf
Another shipment ot couches
just received direct from 'factory
at Konkel's.
--Go to J. W. Scott's for un-
a ulterated flour-pure , : just as
the wheat growed.
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas'
Kirkendall Shoes still take the
lead at Mevis & Co.
The celebrated Maish felt mat-
trasses , at Konkel's.
Konkel sells bow back chairs at
75c each , the same for which
I Montgomery Ward charges S5c
and freight added.
Big underwear sale at Mevis &
Co's.-Men's Womens' and Child-
ren-at great reduction.
New line of Murphy rockers
just received at Konkel's. ,
Clean Seed Rve for sale a t the
West Elevator 14tf.
Mevis & Co's. big sale of dry
goods an clotbing is marching
along just the same as though
nothing bad"happened. '
Dr. Headrick will visit Broken
Bow , Monday and Tucsday afternoon -
noon , December 2 and 3. Practice -
tice limited to chronic diseases.
Consultation and examination is
Duroc Jersey boars for salc-
the large heavy-bon'd kinl } that
will increase the si1. of your
hogs. H. BARRAT1' , North Side ,
Broken Bow. 4l
20 head of Duroc male pigs for
sale. Tops of 200 head. Custer
County Herd of Duroc-Jerseys ,
John Reese , Owner.
FOR , R NT-320'acre farm 10
m les southwest of Broken Bow ,
all table land , 250 acres broken ,
good improvements. Call at
once. Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow.
Mevis & Co. are still taking
clearing hOU5e certificates and
checks for all ki ds of goo s at
our sale for the amount. of yo r
You can save two to four dollars -
lars on suits of clothes and lo'/er-
coats at Mevis & Co.
Another sbipment of Rocking
cbairs just received at Konkel's
di _ ct from the factory at factory
- -
Hememb r Konkel is headquarters -
quarters for chairs of a11 kinds I
. and prices. I1-tf i
- - -
r si li1
t I
. 'l'I se 111'C two cssHntials in groceries and pro-
t 'visiolls und its the texfto which we huve alt
t ways adhered. Not unly hOH it ulways been
our wa ! hword , but it shull continue to be ns I
all wi111eal'n by un O1'iler placed horo-either
personolly , by phone 01' h ttel' . tv
@ ,
t . - BROKEN BOW. .
i - - . . - . .
" < ? lfj '
The jH t i1
mlle 1ii' hlgQtI'Wl'U ! ! U ! ltt } : .
1ft ' \ " - ' - liMrfl t\\
1. . } tlJ d
' , '
is still nn. , Orowds ( 'un he seen there
daily , putting in their } t'nll and " "Vin-
tel' mpI > lies. ' .I.'he entirc Htock must '
be closed out. Hn vn 2f > pOl' ecnt by
attending this Hale.
Eml t ! ld .JF
lmaN lli$1Lh ! ! ! B "svI \ : ro e'lb ' fa
. .
, . \ . - . , , . - , , - , . . . . . . , . . . . - : . " < ' - J . , . . "
Trees ,
. A.r rr , ) . . . :
' 4' . . . . . . . . . . ' . 0. .
. . . ' 'PI .
, ' : . . -.t'i. t. . , - ; : :
) " t.I."j _ . . . . .J.J , : ! .
Also a , full line of St : ple
and. Fancy Groceries , Decorated
Lamps ; St : ple Crockery , Night
Lamps , Elegant Water Sets ,
Etc. , etc. , etc.