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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1907)
J ICU 1 CU Qr uunt1 opubiaa.u ] O K . DOl.LAJ - < fUN \ ' \AU . _ , - UV. RTIHINr ; RATES. "brre matter la eet or wood bueelcoctrotypee & aat price of U Ce'tltll p"r InclJ.alllltecolnmn. for u.:1J I"r.ntlon. two or mm" In.rtluna. ! a eclal rolltltJlI. 111111:10 Ineatllon. 15 celltll " "r LAc II. Nelal bur elettlOI. twour moro tlUltII. ) ,0 , ent8 f > er Inch. 1'.l"lcntll to be Ulaele let of .ach 11I011111. Local : idTltrtl"lnlt 5 Centa per line each hIAr-r. tlon.Cmll on r. , pair ! ! c.o centl er IlIcb p. r lIIulllh. Notice 01 cbllrct. hrll ! , aoclahlt'8 Ilud tllter' tAlnmrnttl wbnos 1110111:1 I , chaneeel , unto' aU falol. Drath nut Ice" Irllc , hal r rrl , 4 , ( r pl1bllahlng Gllilunr ) ' nutl'e" " ' . Carll 01 Tllallktl. 50 C' ' . . LelCalllutlcea at rat provldel1 b1 Itatntel 01 . . X.brallka. ! : Joclet , Dutlct'fu.t r\t".tR : Weddlnlnotlcn rue , ball price for .H , 0 .ruentll. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Enlere < 1 at Urul11 IInw , Nebraeka. fl'r trana. .I&1."lon lu tll" Uulled Rt\I':1 : mulll : al .ecoud .Ia. . rAI , , " - - - D. M AJsnCrtH " , - Publisher CIIAS. K. I ASStTT , - - Editor - . . - - - . . . - - . - - - ThuId ' .r , t\1J ' . 28 , 19(17. ( . . . . , . - . . . . - . - " - - - - - - - . - - . . . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - . . - 'r'hcr i It III , v nlt.'lIl amLlt1 the dvtl ervlcc cmploj's : w have congress enact a mC1sure h ) ' which al1nulliei ! an be secured by every mem UI r of I hu ci vII cr- vice. lL i pwoolcd ! ! It de uct a certain i m"Ulil fwm the satan' ot cnch I iVll . . .rV1CC l'U1Vluyc to create a luuti WblCh , w lh the interest th Hn : .1t 4 per cent , will prolh' an "UltHt ! tor each retiring t'l11plo.c l"funl } to enc and { Jnbllit ( lct' Cf.IU of his i\n- nual s.tJaI'J. 'There are further pro\'is ous Ivin ! ; the rctir 1j emplo'cs opl1uns on taking their atlnuities in , lump 8U\l1 \ , ur s curing - ing them annually in qUiSrierlv p"ymenls. Tbe central idea of tbe plan is tbat each civil service shall-during his active service-provide for his own an- nUltic\ ! alter tbe age of rctire- .ment-the Jovcrnment handling tbe { undo Ultllnatel ) ' tbe gov- ernmeut Would not be at any cost in tbe mi'tter , but Cor a few vear -till t be prop r fund cO\lld fie creatul-the government would bave to provide for the retirinB emplo'cs. Tbe d'cis&on of the secretarJ of the treaaury , approved by thl president , to issue fifty milhol dQllars of Panama Canal bondi and Qae bundred mitlion dollar : of "R Jose\'el t tbree per cent cer tificates" for one ) 'ear , sboulc largelv contribute to relieve thl financial situation , and it ma' ' correct it entirely. This reli comes at an opportune time. It influence wi11 be more decidl'dl .felt in the wtst and south , ani tbe movement of the C1'OpS to tb seaboard can o on without seri ous intcrruption. The preaide bas met the situation with con : mcndc.ble forctbought and t hope is that thii Jar additio to the finances of the cOl1ulr : will abatc a money stringcnc which loomed on the horizou t a point 01 grcat distrust , if ne de 1Jair. ' - - - The belieC o ( thousands of r < < publicans over the United State that President Hoes vclt wi accept a nomination-if it is gi1 en him unanimously-g row stronger. The impression forme by visitors of the white bouse al that Ruosevelt wouldn't refu ! when be rcaltzci the dcman < for bis entry inw thc race. In maninstanccs the fines 1 ; posed for the punir-hmcnt of 0 , fen es are in tbe na ! ure of lice sps rather than for the pur po : of prevtnting'iotltions ! of t 1 Jaw. The obj cts o { ju tic ( : a thus dcfeated and the offcn continue with more Jrequcnl nart daring than before. . - - " - ' - Some d..jthe"'p o-pj ' of t : west may mo\'E' the nRHonal cal tel out int. ) lhe m' dlc of t : . countrv and the U. S tre2SU will n t bl : so near New York help out Wall street to the det : ment of the farmer of the b . west. Some women excuse their ( travagance in dress with t statement the wish to be a eret to their husbands. They m be that , but they do things their husband'i credit-s 0 m times. The preachers wbo raised rumpus oVI r tbe worcJ , "In G , w rrust" being left off the n , gold cOins wil } probably not ra a rumpus if tbey are dropped -when the.hat is passed. . -r- Down 10 Georgia-wbere p bibition becomes effective Jal aq' i-slime person posted 1 fol109ting stanza upon a alol "Hurl1 , tittle satoon. don't .c 'yoV" ' be a dru stOft by on(1 b There is a rav ofunshine . tbe financial dl'prcssion in ' east. .It. has closed iL P IHt9ir ; . .tWibl2' t. T ' - ( . - . The experiment stl\tion in this state bas been conducting tests on the effect of tbe bleaching procr.s\ ! flours and tbe decisIon - . Ion reacbed by Prof. Alwa5-who is in charge of tbe work-arc about a draw. He concludes tbat it n .itber injures nor itn- proves. In North Dakota Prof. I Ladd , the pure Coed cf'mmis- , siont'r , contcnds it i3 injurious and \b millers as erl it is - ' cial. Neither will be able benefi-I' rive much consolation from the I bulletin issued bV Prof. AlWay. , Alabama is to have prohibihon after January 1st if Governor Comer sig-ns tbe law et1acte.l . by tbe If'g'it > lature , Dnd Mobile tbrea- tens tn cecedc and become a part of Mbsippi or Florida. i . . . - - - - - Tbe' first step toward the nat - t tHlltlizatlOn of prlobibition wi'l ' tIC Itatll' ! soon ill un atte pt to plcvent t lit' snte of liquur In thl Di l rict of CulumbicJ. . The miln who is hoan1 ul ! mOl1cy-whl'lher 10borer or h nk- er-i working a great injurv to lhl' best inleflsls o { the commu- n1ty in which he lives. . - - The St Lrui ! ' ml : n who r'nlce ) a house numberc1 23 at $13 Pl'r month a nd was d sertect the nl'xt day bJ his wifc , dec1arcs they ale 111 kj' figures-for him. . . . - - . - . - 'rhe silly season in wbicb the astute Washin ton corrc pon- dents "forecast" precisety what the pu'sident will say in his next mcssage is now on. Chicago on't want the prohibition - bition wave to strike tbat city until it bas a chance to land the national democratic convention. The tips of the weathcr pro' phets that tbis is to be a mild winter sound good if you arc I somewhat doubtful about. it. Tl1e small investors will b given an opportunity to purchas the Panama bonds-of lh sman , er denominations. . - - A Merchant Thinb Suitation Serious The HBPUULICAN , is in recei p of a communation from a m r chant in one of the smaller towm in the county calling attentiUl to the situation following tbl stringf'ncy a it affects his busi ness. The check system , he can tends , places tbe merchdnts UI against a proposition Crom wbicl t here is no esca pee He says th postoffice demands casb for a1 monev orders , declininR' to accep checks. Such a condition grind the merchant down. They ex I - cept checks in payments for thei bills , but cannot get enuug-h tl pay thc demands made on them neither can they secure casl enough to send away ID paymcn for bills upon which cash is de maded. In the meantime th merchant is flio ed with check ranging in amount from 10 cent up , The writ r insists that i the government wants to do th fair thing it will permit the post master to accept checks. ins tea of currency and make their f ( mittances in drafts , If such COt cession is not granted he predict tbat some ot the mercbants wi be compdled to close their dool unl il nOlmal conditions are rc 11sturt. > d. If the guvernment i f- afraid of drdfts and hoards tb n- cash draining every section ( se the coul'try , it 3 doing mOl to bandicap bU8i css than are :1C : other causes combined. re ' cs Custer County in the Lead , 'y The Custer couutv stud nts J Grand Island college met ar be ffected an organiz'.ltion kno , " , } ias Custer Branch of G. 1. he 'l'here are thirty members and e ry last Saturday the Custer bo tu met tbe other students in a fo ri- ball game. It was the harde i g fought game pla'yed on th c ( , : lege gridiron thiS year and I sulled in a victory { r Custer 1 xa score of 4 to 0 from a pIa he kick by Capt Killenbarger. : lit Tbe line-up o { players was ay follows : to Center-Wtn Scharper. Ma40n City cR. . Guard-RueUlont IJI Ulan. E. Bow L. Gu"rd-Llrar1burn , Wickstrom , , U R. Tacklt'-A Swanson , Mason City L. Tac\1e-G. \ . . Lewis. AlIselU1\J a It. End-Rutl'an , Mason City , Mulli iod Broken How ew L. 2t1rl-Bloe. of Cumro R. Half back-Clarence George. Cum ise . L. Half.b'k-Claud KellenbergerMe In Quarter ack-L. J. Lewis , Anselmo. Marriage License. Issued. roW. . Downey Cosner , Merna. . . . IJUCtaira Atkisson , Mcrna. . . . . . , lbe Sylvester McCants , Arnold. . . . ou : Mary A. Sauter , Arnold. . . . . rv ' " 11 ; mncy . H ansen , M'lh urn. . . . . ) : Loractta Anen , Milburn. . . . . in ! Ctyde B. Wall , Callaway. . . . . the I Erma Stupplebpen , Callaway. Lph JenkinH , Broken Bow. ' J theriae Ida Taylor , B.Bow. - . . . _ - - - - - , . . - . , "I . . . . . . , . . . . . -c. . b.1Jo& . . Ask Y-our Own Doc tOT _ _ T _ - - - - IF he tells you to take A yer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial : trouble , then take it. If he has' anything beuer , then take that. But we know what he w11l say ; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I II\VO : Il8e.1 Aynr' Cherry ) 'cctor\1 : ror 1IarLl.'ohll. " : od COlIlhl.1l1l1111lf1l1emn. : It Iu 110110 lIIe Irt'llt 1100 < 1 , nllLl I hOIIt > vu It II tlm helt cOIIh ! 1II0 < llclno 111 Ihowrltl for nil " 'roal ' I1l1d III" Iroll"lc " l-LI : C. STUAIt1' , Albany. Oregon. . by J. O. Ayer Co. . Lowell , Maul AIo UlaliUrnO lIrcra or AMlldO , SARSArARILLA. ' PilLS. . . 1lerC'J , HAil : VIGOR. ' Itoap the bowel" oncn with ono of Ayer'9 1'lIIs ut bodtlme , Just one. Don't Fail To Hear Them. I Tbe fourtb numn r of Young Pcoples Entertainment course , Monday j.vening Dec. 9 , 'fhe , t\pal1o Q'llnteUe and Bell Rin - ( > rs give a variety o { cnlerai. - m..nt and are sure to please. Enroutc to the Penitentiary. Rev. George Ware , of Mullen , one of those who was tried recently - cently ilr defauding th.e gover- ment of HUld , found Juilty and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary - tentiary , was a Broken Bow visitor Monday , being enroute to Lincoln to enter upon st-'rv n ' the sentence passed upon bim. Hev Ware was of the opinion that "tbere are others" equally as guilty as himself , if not more so , and but tor this thought he could bear the punishment prt > scrib d with more fortil ude and feel that the overment was not partial in deahng- with its sUbjects. The genthman evidentlv forg-ets the old saying that "justice is blind. " . In tbis case , however. it s'med to have one eye open and he came within the scop of that . optk. t Paid $26,911.49 Taxes. Last ThursddY's edJtlOn of th REPUBLICAN slated that "lhe Burlington railroad company ha - be'en paying taxes to a numher.ol . counties in the state witboul making any prolest , as hl1S al wa\ ' ! been custom , but up'to the present time tbe company has nol untoaded any orits wealth into lh ( Custer county trea.ury. " Tba I s was all dght last rhursday , bU1 that part which referred to un , loading irito th Custer countJ treasury was wrong on "rida ) ' . for on that day , H. L. Ormsby. . local a ent Cor the cumpany vi it , ed the office of the count treasurer aud paid t"e sum : $26,911.49. tbe amount ai > sese ( agaim t the company , and. as .hai becn in other col-tnties this fall did not do so "under protest. " By the time the BurlingtOl gets tbrough visiting the variou county treasurers throughout'thl state they will have distributed ; Isnug" sum , as their taxes are UI in tbe thousands in each count' in which they transact buslUcss , . - - - - Dry Valley Doings. The church social at t h I Cohcrg school house was well a I tend d and over $4000 receivcl from the sale of baskets. Th highest price paid for a singl ba ket was $2.00 , purchas , 1) J. L. Amos. In The Farmers club met at th Id residence oJ Mr. W. S , We5cot last Saturday , The next meetin 7U . . , will be at the residence of , MIn and Mrs. S. L. Glover , the thir n fS Saturday in D cember. . at Ed : Roth had a public sale ; ia ! st Saturday , every thingl sellin )1- quite well excepling hogs. M 'e- 1 ( . will go to Comstoc.k and begi l1y to carry the mail. ce Mr. Pink will retire to privat life next week and engage in tb as poultry busines'3 in a smdll waJ W bave had an introductic to some winter weather alread' ' ow ce froze to the thickness of ( oi Inches and skaters were out 0 , the Loup river enjoying the 8por ns , haven't il1 We s en anyth about the corn stalk disease , ire i ro yet that was so common la rna year , perhaps its too early in U season for these matadies to pr sent themselves , and many pr 24 ventitives were olTered last yea :22 : some making this ri < URulOl statement : "Cut the stalk ne ' the root and carl tbe stalks ( . the ground. " That fel10w jlt .24 as well retain his wind Cor all t : . 18 good be did. 26 Every thing in the way .22 election news bas become qui .24 and tranquil and seldom has an .34 tone anytbing to Bay in thia lit , Ryno Rumblings. Mrs. Cooper is able to get aroun th ( ' hou e a liule , after a 10D g spell of sicknes9. I"ay Province bas recovered from what promhil d to develop .inlo typbtlid fL Earl Lanc1eth has built him n new house of N bra ! ka brick on bis claim on Ryn' ) Tabte. A d nce t Cbarlev Conley' last Friday night call\d out a big crowd. S. W. Birge put on his skates tl1 ( ' othC'r cvening , but soon took them off a sadder and wiser'man. "Grandma" Lul suff'red < e ( an appoplClic stroke a sbort time since , but is now on tbe mend. Tbeodore Eggt'ston fell and distocated his shoulder recently. Zumbrota Zephyrs. W. W. Bi hop and wife took dinner at G. L. Turncr's in Brokcn Bow one day last week. A. 1. RoUI h and wife Sunday- eel with thdr son south of the How. I Miss Nora Sinfer bas returned to her home at Oakenee , Neb. af ! < > r pcnding the summer at J. T. Cole's. Miss Nel1il' Martin sprnt Sun- da\ ' visiting her sister , Mrs. Ida Gr'IfI tb in the "county scat. " The many friends of Mrs Cal1en will be rrore than pleased to learn tha' sh is makinJ ! gnod progrl''s ! and has recovered flumc- il'nt strength to receive a few callers. J. T. Cole's arc erecting a corncrib - crib a'1d granary combined , 24x 56 are tbe dimensions. J. L. Iol zer and familv were plea antly cntertained Su day at the home of 8. H. Sands. Mr. ( 'alien took Miss Stl"rm , the nur e , to her home at Sar'gent last Tuesday. Mr. Pelbren had his land surveyed - veyed tbe lattle part of last wc k , tDd will now flro eed to improve his new prossesions. Mr. and Mrs. Ileadle , of Cairo. Neb. , and M.'s. Oming , of the Bow. sprnt Sunday evening at J. L. Konzer's. Miss MiSd e Bisbop returned to the Bow , Sunday eVt.ning , in order to take part In a "Thanks- giving program.It " Obitu ry. Wright. [ Contributed ) Rrasmus M Wrlg"ht was born in ndldna Sept. 8. 1832 At an earlv age he was left an orphan When 22 years old , he went to Minnesota an there remaned until 1861 when he moved to I Wisconsin and it was during that same year Le was united in marI - , I nage with R. Ilia Graham , to which union have b en born six children. In 1862 he entirted in the 20tb Wis. volunteers and served three y'ars in the dd"nse of his cou n try. In the spring of 1871 he came to Nebraska , and in 1879 hl' united with the Church of God in " hich faith he has sincE' tivtd He died N.v. 23 , 1907 , 3 mites from Milburu , in Blain { county , where he r , side on . claim , and the rem.1 ns were con. veyed to this city. Funeral ser vices were helt. ! at 10j30 a. mo < Nuv. 25 , in th Baptist church Laundering Collars Is a Science. - r. r.d' There Is an air of refinement about Droken Bow laundry . ' of hunder- work. Our s'stem - 't ing collars produces a bt'a\lti- CuI snow-wbite finish , with avery r very ligbt 1oss , whicb U1akes tbem shed tbe dirt longer tban others. , Our system for : e shaping and folding lay-down IC collars gives tbent tbe sbape 7. and appearance tbey bad when In new and insures n perflct fit. y. , Standing collars are IrClned .tr on ed es. Ulaking lhem round n nnd ClIIfortable. E\'ery de. l. J'aritnent of this laundry is in Ig lhe hands of competent and as painstaking people. If ; ) 'ou st are not wearing our work. let Ie I \IS sentI tbe wagon for a trial e- package. e-\ er \ _ 1S ill' Broken Bow t he Steam Laundry" J. A. O. THOMAS , Prop'r. IY- PhoDD. 202 lC. I - conducted oy Rev. J. D. Brady , and intermr.nt in the Broken Bow cemetery. A large number attended the funeral services , thereby attesting - ing the grest cslcem in which I he deceased WilS held in this cit . He l aves : .t. widow , four . .ons and t\\O daughlers whu mourn because of hii death. , Obituary-Henry Sweeny. The deceased was born Scpo 15 , 1831 , in County Roscommnn , Ire- ldnd. He left his native land and came to N\w Yurk in 1047 , where he lived one ycar. He then went to Bordentown , N. J. wh're he bought a home and sent for his fatber and mother. Tbey ame and resided there \tnlll their d'ath. In 1859 he located at A hkulU , : ( J1 , and on June 12 , 1863 , was married to rulg ( > t l-hrvey. To lhis uniun ten childrcn were born -sev n sons and three daught rs - ht of whom are still living , .nd were present at the funeral , I xceJt one ddughter who n sides I t ewar and was ill. . He moved to Nl'braslm in 1877 ; tnd settled in Butler county , near UI'sse , wber. . he lived un1111886 A l this t imc he again conr luci d - - - - - - -or. ' ; r. _ _ , _ . . " , , \ " , q" , " , " 'Y ' 1Ii' " ( to becomc a pioncer and movpd to Custer county , purchasing a farm t near Dale , where he has resided " during the past 21 years. Two ycar ago he was tbrown from a wagon and badly injured about the hCitd. Sbortly atter- ward be bad a very hard spell of sickness , but finally recovered seas as to be able to go about and occasionally - casionally visit town. On the 8th of the prescnt month he was taken sick and for fuurteen days and nig4ts his wife , SIX sons and a daughter were by bis bedside constantly and done everything tbat wiUing hand ! ' : and loving hearts could do. He passed to the Great B.'yond Frida , ' , morning , Nov. 22. 1907 , at 2 o'clock. HIs rcmains were ldd to rest in , the cemetery at Odle Sunday afternoon , Nov. 24 , I be cerl'm ny was conductf'd by athl'r Teves in the Dah cburch. "Uncle Henry " Sweeny was.n lUl'mbl'r of the Hoty Cathohc cburch , He was a devout christ- iiln and an upright man He aI- -D" " " : . ways h'-ld some good counsel to give to the erring dne words oC cheer for tho"e in trouble. We . lose in him a loving husband , a .1 kind father and one of the best of neighbors. J. A. K. Broken Bow Opera Housel 8NeL ght Wed. Dec. 4 , 1irrJ.t : azzc > 1c > 's Successful American Comedy- Drama BIG HEARTED JIM A 'frue Melodramatic Success. A Powerful Play of the Far 'tVest. NEW P ODUC IONI S CCESS EVERYWHfREI : , > - - - A gt1nUlne creatIOn from { ontHna hfe 20 yearS ago. ' RICH IN HUMOR OF WESTERN CHARACTER . BIG HEARTED JIM Is a Big , Hearty Play. " SPECIAL PRICE 50 CENTS , ADV ANCF SALE : McComos' drug store and Groat's hardware. / I . D. C. K 0 N K E L . , : E3rc > en. : : : J:3ovv. : : , For this amuunt we will send you - both the HRPUDLICAN and tbe AMRIU- O N LY $1 CAN FARMER for one year. . This ; applies - plies to . everone who pays $1.00 . in ad- vance. This means ; 2 for one. THE REPUBLlCAN , BROI\EN BOW. The Cash Grocerv - Come to this store , for your / ! Thanksgiving Supplies. We have everything necessary to m ke the dinner complete. J. ' N. Poalu Broken Bow , Nebraska I , , , . . ' . - - - - - ' . ' I. ' . -