Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1907, Image 3
II" ' . . , ? I " " - " ; . . , . , , _ . ' ' . . < " . . .p . . " , ' , - - - - - . .ElIiOll 6110'LlS Flood of . American Gold Goes , with Title Hunters , I . _ _ , . _ j. : : : r" : : : ink : ha : : lhi : ' : : : : n Is" Underestimated-Alphabetical List of W althy Heiresses of This Country Who I-Iave Married - ried Holdcrs of Foreign 7 itles. ' - - - - - BY HEN CLEWS , I "I think that the statement that $900,000,000 of wealth has been taken out of this country--or , at lead , that the oy.rnershlp of this vast . .mount . of as ! ets has been transferred to aliens-by the mar- rlaDe of American girls with foreigners - eigners Is conservative. Undoubtedly - edly the withdrawal of such an enormous sum haG an nppreelable effect upon t.he money market. "The folly of Ame'lcans who have EuropnmanJa Is extremely costly to this country. Our tour- Isto cpend at least $150,000,000 of Deed American money abroad I every year-most of It foolishly. ' , "I am IJlad to say that American - can glrlG arc lJeglnnlng to realize that nothing but unhappiness comes from the majority of theGe Internntlonal marrlaDcs-thollgh , of course , there are exceptions. They arc beginning to prefer American coverelgnG to European princelings. " , : -\ow Yorl-A French journal-1..o PoUt Parlslon-doclared the ether day 1 hat Amorlcan girls who had married < lhroad , moslly for forolgn titles , had ( 'arrlcd with them to Europe the as. tOlllshln { sum or $900,000,000. ' 1'he Paris 'wrlter did not ausoclate this ] 'ather startling statement with the 1' < 'llOrts of "tight mon'r" In A uHH'lcn : , J ) 'I't on this sltlo of the Atlantic. the - ; 1'act that hundreds of ml1110118 } mvo I ono ont of the countrr with the title. . llllutcra may well occasl01l a lIttlo' ' ( Illancial as well as social SIlcculation. 1.Tpward of 400 American girls have " 1al'rled In Eurollo wlLhin cORlpara. , I\'ely } 'ocont 'car6 , 'rho Now Yorl { SuudayVorld prints the 111'e801lt Hamcs of 359 American women who lH\YC marrIed tltlos. It adds' a' ' list of : ! bclrcmses who have carried olr ums rClJUtcd to bo tlI1\\'Hrtl of a UlIl ] Inn , 'fhls list alone foots \lp $ lGOOOO. . 000. Undoubtedly upward of $ :100,000- : 000 has been paid for titles alone , for tIlt' dowrlos have by no means rOlll'c- r. . ; , , . . ! Bryant , Bronson , lIc.H'wlnd , Bcdnvlth , I Bonaparte , BUrden , Butterfiold , Carroll - , roll , Caldwell , Curtis , Cutting , Carllslo , Cur ' . Corbin , Colgate , Cu 'lor , Clayton , Claflin , Davia , Endicott , Plold , Flagler , Grant , Oool t. Gould , Garner , Grace , OurrlHon Gallatin Goddard Bunting. ton , II ocl < er , I1ngglll , HolTmnn , BlI1n' lIton , Hale , IIj'de , Joronll' , .Taj' , King , J..athroll , J..eltm' , Lawl'cnce , Lee , Llvcr. more , 1.1\'lng3toll , l\oulton [ , Mellor , Mortoll , Mal'tllI , Mngee. 1)hIPI1H , 1)elps } ) , Pm'solls , Roosevelt , Hoborts , JUg I , Hives , StnrglH , Slocum , Stokes , Slblo ' . SchIer , Singer , Sharon , Spen. COl' , StevonA , Sumner , Schoncle , ' 1'huw , Turnnre , Van Cortlanlll , Vall Buron , Vnndorhllt , Whll1.nH , 'Vorl { , Wilhers , Whitner , Wilson , Wad worlh , White- 'house , Yznaga , Zimmerman-tho list reads IIkc a social l'eglutll" , the na1l1es arc synonrmous'ltll vaGt fortunes. AMERICAN GIRLS mARRIED TO OWNERS OF FOREIGN TiTLES A -CountNm 110 A1'Hl'IJOI , Lath'ahhu1' - ton. Comtl' se , Incqups II' A 1':1 : 111011 , Mnl'qulla' Hcnu d'\mUg-III' , Prillcess011 Aucrs ) > cl.g1ln1'CJulll d' Ajltt , DOWIII' ! 1\1nrchlolll'lIH oC Ang'I < Hc ' . Duehns : ! II' Ar- eml. I : u1r A hhg'CI' ] , I.atl ' AylmCl' , Com- tCIIJI. ' Hnoul lI'Arollloll. Collntesli 1.C' ) > l'Ile. tier d' AUlUt ) . . B-CI1I1nleBS COlIslunlhm 1I0dlllco , : 'lIme. lJalmwll'ff. LlllIy Booler , ComteHIIU , JII"S ] de 11 OI1\'U 11 1 01 1' , Sl'IlOrlL C. do la 1Iurcu , [ 'l"IlII'I'I' ! I11'I1II1'ncC'ln. MlIl'flnllio do ) ll'I'Ult'lIl1'il'Ol1ltt'SHU Guslon do Brc. tHull , r.lld ' " 'lIIlalll lJor < 'IICoreI , Com- tC'IISL' G. do BalllleulIl.l. Lady'man , : : \11'11. " ' . 0 , Cm.ollllhlh-c'ntlnc ! , . Connll'ss F. 1IlcnehI' , I.lld ' Jln ul. 1.:1(1) ' Burnett , BarOlleSSBIlIIt , ? Inll' , Allollh'on ( III'eun- lng' , I.nd ' 1Ipaul1l0llt. ( 'ollnle'lIlI III ] J1'a - za , Lady , \1'lhUr Bullpl" l'ollllle H A , Hm'- oldhl III ! , HaI'Unl'SH Hhlllt' . IJal'ouel' 110 Huh-n" , Lad ' nurr < , II , Baroul' ! ! ! ! HOIlISCO , ( 'Ol1ltl'SSI1 .le Boullcll1onl. CI1tll1tesli A. \'oU IJu'low , Prlnc'sli lJulosl'nlsy. ) LIllI ) ' Barr .IIIOl'p , Uarouf'ss do IhJlh : : , C0ll11l'lsl ! A. d. . Uuntuut-lJll'ulI , 1'1.lncI'8s H , 110 DrogUe , C'Ill's. : . 1)'nIC'I' ( Cln ' . COllnlCH do Chn- \'unuC'l' , IIll'ul1I'ns 1 , ' . V.011 COllrlg , 1.:111 : : CUllIu'd. COllnlC'1'1I F , G , du Chl- 1I'rUS , : : ' .tm , Hlll'lIld Courlolmtal'flulliC " " . trr & , s-S r ' ; eOXOV.RCH 11 ' " , . . , - ' ' . -f-/ ' I /i 'l /o" / \ . - - . . i ( .1J .Tot " sp . ,1ft'i" ' pi' , , . ' ' l - 7IJ < . , ' ' . /o.1fft . _ . I - , st'ulcd all thal went wIth Ihe lJrldoR. I II omo cases the actual dower WUI HIU II in cOUlparlson WiUl the monej' 1 hat waR sUbsequentlr SIICJUt by thom. It hn.s IJl-Cn eBUmatod that the Dow- a er Duchess of Marlborough , fol' l'X- ampl , spent $1,000,000 un reHtorlng lIIcnhclm castle ; It Is known thnt mnny of the Ihmtlngtuu nnd Iuckn ) ' millions 1ll1vo lJeen sllellt In payhlg 1 ho debts of Prluces lIatzfo\llt \ nnll l'ulonna. lIow n1ltur 11I11110ns It cost Le\'I p , Morlon to have 1dl11m for n I > , and tholl to got rill of him , IlI'obably onh' the fOl'tner vlce'11I'esl- dent could tol1. What Count Bonl de l'\stcllano cost AlIllll Gould , nIl ttJld , I. ; known only by hur bl'othel' , neol'gt' , lluunlng ovel' thu list of rich AmOl" } l au girls who have married title ! ! , It - 1':1 : ' uotablo that thol'O Is scarcely uno { 1'lIIUOIIH Arncm ; : ! fnllllr which hnH nol C'ontrllmtcll n shnl'l' of llH fOI'lul1o 'P JlIdlng SOUIO coronl't. AilIOI' . \ I I _ . tA -000000.- ' .s , RaE III ! CholHPul , ( 'ounlcs ! ! Cza 'kowllkl , 1.ul Cook , Comll''o ! lIonl 110 Caftcllanc , Cum , h so Gu ' 110 Hohan-Chahol , l'rlnceHf CunllicUlwlII' , J .udr Gurlllln-Cummlnl ; " , Count s.'i I , ' . 110 l'lIlIlcJl. : COIllII'IIHO 111 > "I1CI lie Chuhlpul , l.ady C\'rl ] < , tanorc C ) , I'rlnf.'s ! ! III CUlIlporlalC' . Comtclo dp hi Chcsnayo , Lndy Curzon , SIInorl1 ( 'ncC'1I 1\11.11. Colin tarnllhcll : , ( : umt'lIlIc A , III Chambrun , CountC'sI : : oC CI'U\4H1 , IIon MI , C , Sponc'r-Cowl1er , I..all ' Cllrll'r Marquille 110 Carrll'I' ( ' , n\\l'heslI \ III ClUnpo , neilL-I' , CUUlltp511 CUlil'rla , COUnlef-R Ih ( 'hl'allo-wllzll ) ' , Counll'H11 / < < CuslolmCl' ' narlln , 1'rlncols 110 Chima ) ' , 1'l'lnlcsII III Chalnl ! ' , 1'lIly Currlnglon , SlJmoru Cpo , C'/1rlnl / , Hnn , 1\rll. CO.l'nlrytrs. . Charll' , PI.'lham-ClInlon , Countesli Call1l'l'l , 1\frH Tlou lallCalllpholI'l'lncl'lIs \ ( ' , lit ( ' 01 111111I1 , DuehPNII 110 Cholllpul-PraRlIn , MrtI (1 < ' 01'1'\6 ' CurnWlllllfliI , ComlPsllo elt Cunturhlll , Mlll.qulllo II. . Clllla Ar UllIn \'ICOl1ltl'IISI' Plorro 110 CIII'ZIlIcli. D - Baronl'RII'ou TlohroWIIII.nnnconl Inurli Cuunlt'lIti'UIIIW ! ' , \'UIIIW , ) Deer hU5t. 1)w'l\coIl8o \ 11u Dlnu , MnrehlonC'slI u Jufftrln : ! , ( 'oun' ' < ' ! lrI oC nonou hmorl'1 , 'omlt'slIlI lIt Domlng-ul'z , 11\1l'h < ' 1I80 DII , ' :1:11':1 : : : , Com'tt'I : : O du IlallJlllc'ru. E - t.l\ltr (11"\0,1'1:1'1'1011. ( ll\IlItell or gl'l' ' I flQX , Cnlll1ll'8.4 IIC 1 mont. H rllllc It. l . 11'on 1'I'ht ; , Prlnl't'I.'I 1'II 1\lIlehC'rf , I . I 1111'0 II I'I'H l tollll , I dllb' mIQllhu''Ott h , ! Jlo.I'UIW"'un mll'\1II. Id\dY " 'lIllluhh ' ! d'I'I' < " ! lby. JlIII'OIWMI 1'110 , . ( ) , ! FJ .nlh' FItJ\JJ \ II II rh'l' , ( 'nllllll' , , " Ft'fllf'l- INI.11'1. : . ) \uI'\11I1I ( .J"J'l'\\'I'n , CllmtcPt'1J , 110 1'arllll1l > l\II , I.rllh' 1'ulklllnl1t'OIlI ! tNIRU do 1'lIl1tllllnl , nnrOn ( ' 1H J.1'I'tWI1. CUlIlltl'litl I nhhrll'ultl. t.III : ' I.'rn Ilk I allll. Hh IJUI'IL 1'cel < , II. . l norn J't'rrnlldll , ( 'lHluh/i J \/11- tieL' III 1"1'1\11.0. G -1.11 11 r ( ) mlll\lll \ , " 11" . . , \\'lIl1ulI1 01'11111. CUlult't'se AI'thlll' ( In nllhnnl ! . SI l1nr\ " 1n IlIlI , ( 'lllll1lpI'H YlttlH'lu Gllldl , Cuuu- tl'S:4 : 0111110111. ( " "lI1lt':1I : vun Goclcn , LIII ' OI'III1II1'y , c.1II111C'tlsn lIt : ! Gllnn ' . lIulI. "lrH , 11'1'11"1'11'1. GUI'III , ( 'nuultl.11 , lol1e)111 ) Glz"cld , l''hCI.It/l . nhllUl. c.ounll'/l11 0111111'11- pn Ih'lIll l1hm'm'l1l'lIcu. BI\I'IIIII'HS 110 OrnC- I fl'I11'1 I'll , lial'nUI'M ; rllh11aronel'1I Ge\'t'I , SIWllI1cJl1unplJlI. . II -\I1'1t , O lh. ' 1T1l" , ClIl11tII1' ! Hl'WlU- ! HIllrn , h'tl , l.l'III HIII''UIII.I. 1\t1'tC. 11 < , rC'sfortl HO ) > I' , c.OlllllNIII'un Mo\tlw- \ Hultehl. l'I'IIICI'I'/l I , ' . \11I1 HutzCl'hll , MIIII' . do lI ( ' l'l'mllu , 1.1I11 ' 1I111'01l1.t , ( 'ollnll'ttll , 1'lIul011 UlllzC'hlt11'11 , Sl1l'n't'I' 1101- i 1111111 , I.I\II . ) ) ornhy. l.al1) ' J1uWl\rtl , Bnrnn < , l's Hlllla'lt. I.nol ) ' llcsl.eth , 1.l\d ) ' 1o'I'II1IcIII HOPI' , Bo.rollC'SH I1aro.lC'II-IIIcltI ! ' . BllI'JII'1I11'on lIe . .IIHellHeuC' ) , I.ntl ) ' t. JIl'rhcI'I. J.:1l1 : ' , \ . 11 I' I'IJI'I'I , - PrlnC'e011 TRcmho\1l'g' , Counl < , sfI 1m- I Ilcmtorl , Lally Alnstall' Inn .Kel' . J -i\larIJIII e III CaBo. ,1nm , I.ntlr .John- III one. K -Comlos C' 110 Kcrolar ; : , COUII1CSA , ll.'lIn Iln KCI'g-ohl ) ' , Counll'lls Otto yon Irllll'nher'VItI / l'nstdu , Baroncss'on Kl'ltl'lpr. C.'Ollntl.'sH yon Koessol , Lacl ' 1,01.lrlfhl. HnrOIHSHI'ln ! lIe K01' < 'SR ' . I1'\I'lIIWHS LIllI wiKnoull / , l1aron'ss SCI' O - 1\ol'fC. : L11l1rOIlI'SH \'on 1.1'8s1'1I. Counless IIIIo Lel'chl'nCclI. ! lIolI. l\Irt1 , Cho.rleH I.u\\- I'I'IICI' , CnuntCl'1i Frallz Lal'lseh "on : \IOI1I1IC'1I. I.III ' Lnmp.1oll , SInol'lI. ! Ho ufo ! Laudalll , l'rln'cl' 110 LYllnr , Selllll'lI. Ii' . < < Ie 1.o\nl1l1 : , CouliteRs Hahell Lonhow. . nllf'llCS > 'P tic La Hoehf'foucaulcl. ComtcBso 011\1..1' 110 La Ho'hcCout'ault1 , Comlc8110 Ol1on Ih' I.Uh < 'I"HII.C , 1\11'5. .John ] , ( 'Hllc , 1.:1I1r J.clh ; , BIIT'on lIs TImlolph011 Lolb. Ich , COUlllf'BIi norlll l.uutzk ' , CounleRs 1.lnl1C'nlron < " CounlCH : ' Jul1nh Le."chln- f ; " ' , ComtNlsO nO l'r tlo 1.0. Vaulx , Duch- ell' of LOQIs ( In lS 7) , Buroness Luttwltz , HIII'UnNIJ.oul ! ! I.IL Grange. Ln ' J.clth. Bat'ollcl < s Hllo.1olJlh 1.ohllll1l1l1. Counte.11 LlmlplI , Counlells SanzlL do 1 obo , Countess - tess IIl'ocltcnllnuu von I.owl'lIll1"lm. ! Ladr LOt' , CountcR clmrlcI 1.ouwcullaUIl. Lad - 1.lstcr-Kn 'C' , Comlcl'o Bcrnard 110 1:1. : I"ossc. Comlt ln ! dc Lltugier-Vlllartl , Dal'OneH do Lo\'u ' . M-CoIIII1 < 'sq " 011 1\I01llcc (2) Duchess of Marlborough (2) , COlllltess Mallicow- uk - , DucllOUR oC i\lnllclleRter (2) ) , I3aroneRs \'on Mal'lt , Baroness Monchcllr , 1..uc1 ' Marlin , : \tarchctlo. tli Viti l Mnrco. Prln- 1.1'11.10 1urltt. . La y Molcsworlh. I..a11 ' MUNgraYl' , l'nnce/I oC 1\ , I..adY Mulcolm of l'otnlloch , Mr/ ! . Herbert MIII1- Inay , BaronDl'R n'on Mnllzahll. Mme , tlo MelRIICI' , 1\11'11. Gcor o Iontngu , LadY MOIIIIOII. MarqulRo dolorclI , ComtufJllc de MontaubunIUl"ctIlIBC o.Iu : 'ItI'hwlllc : ! , -1nronno Andl'o (10 NnuOlzc , lAdy Now- N horough , l..ltdy Naylor-Loylulld. 1\h , . . NorUlcolo. Comtessc o Noue , COll1tcssc do Ncf1'l'U ) " . oBlirOnNII1 So A. . . .on Oppcnhelm , COlin- lel'8 oC l'01'I1 , . ' PCoulIlC'f ! ! Pnpl ) < , nl1clm , MI'II. Alml'rlo PUIol , Comtesso tIe Hodu1ll'c tIll Pur- z ! ( ' . Comll''r.o Jeall do Plol'loCuu , Baron- I'IIH YOII Palm , 1.all ' Pn ot , PrlncesHo tlo POII III\C' , PrlllceH : ! Ponlo.towsltl , 1'1'111- ceHllO CllIlrl's Ponlutowtlltl , Comte so Upr- nlll'l1 110 1'OU1'131C'II , Com lessTueClIcs ) ( ) Poul'lalen , Comle ! ! o Ottu 11 ( ' Poul'lo.los , COIlIII < , ss Pompeo Plel'l , 1.adr 1'10.yfltl1' . J.nely l'tmlwU. ! COllntcHn l'lIlI1lo7.n ! : , Pl'ln- cess 111 Per lo.S1l1slllll'IIUI30 \ do 1'011- ' ' , tol-PolnClIl'I'e RPrI11CC'SfI ] ; ; lIrll'o TIlIspoll , Princess Paolo HUllpoll , Princess HOllphlIosl : , P'lnccss Gillmhnttl/tll. dl TIosphlIosl , Prlncesll J.uo.lovlco l HosPhlIosl , Ho.l'ollno do lUvlcru , Comtel\8o Heno de HUUI"PlIlollt. DuelleRs or .oxbursho. Irs , C. M. nnmlla ' , 13l1roncsil Herm n von HORC'lIlLlhl , VlcomtoHile c Ho er , Signora - nora 1"rlU1eellco lUcci , Baroness \ < on TIol- de II11. . IInrollnefl8 do Heuter. ' Bo.ronncRs do Holhonberl ; " , COllntcs.1 or UO.'lslyn , Mra. , Bortrulltl Ilusse1l , Mo.rqulso e lit Hozlerl ! . BIUOIIPRS Constantine ltmnscy , Mrs. .J. , urli-noC'hu. Mme , HliJol. Lady Hess , Comlcstlo HltlbC'rg , Pl1ncess Ha zlwlll. -UnI'OnCSR IIronllnrt'on Schollene10rt , , S Countl'lIH Hlcjul1o Hllrlllno , 1\lmo. . Shiff- nl'r , 1111 1'0 II II.I 8 1\1 ax YOII Sehn'JlwlI , Blu'OIWStl tin Hll1l'rll , Ylcol1l1c/l.o 1I1'nrl tlo SIIoll1. , 1'I'IIIol'sS dl Snn Fnultlll ! : . Baron- I'I' ! ! Slllrforll (111 I : JI ) , CounlosH oC Slrut- Coni , BIII'UlIlIsa Fran ? Stlllrnl'tl. CountelllJ III Snn : ' 1I11'Uno , 1\InrC\1IHtJ ) < < II Ann 1\1un- 1.111I0 , HanmCRII von Sehroed < , r , B:1ru/It'lls : I.u " , lI ; YOII Sldnlnrljul IJ dl San : 'ITar- IUlO , ! IIrtl. Alg..rnon SarloI'll ! , Mme , \'on 8wlnl1f'rell. Countess O 'ulll do Szllnllsy , 1hlrOnl'SM Slumm , Daroness 110 Stoec I , I'rlm'clIlI"ou Salm Salm , Hon. 1\11'11 , glhnlll1ll Sallll "II , JlIII UIIl'IIH vun Schweln- It 2 : , l1urOlwl\-I Iax vlln SI'hwnrtzlnburA" , , \ Connlf'sli li'ranluI1 Aul'slorpf. ! COIntl'iIlO : III : SII IlI\l , t. \1C'.m\'lIse \ Alain do Buzlln- . nf" . COllnlt'lIlI oClfCllk \ , Uarolnll dL' Sel- _ 111'1'1' , ! larl'lInl'll ! t > lIleli vun SII'rnbnrg , C "Iml'on \ll1thnl' \ , Cumtel'so lIe Sl'rcs. _ : \\31'11111/10 A. ) ) l\SIIIt't \ lIe Smuurl' , Corn- _ tf'lIlif' 11(1 St. Honan , l'ounleSK So ozlnl , 1\1 I'I ! , 5IauIII tiC ) ' , lJarunne J:1. : 11\,1 \ I . lit' RnlntIII ) ' { ' . ( 'ollnl"I " < ! ! l'hlll"k SI'IIt > rn , Hnl'Onl'l'4i VOII SL'l1 II II 11'- , 'f - CllunlltR1111 ' .I'rndlC\nll1'rl : , ] tnl'ohl'"n dl 'I\'ollull. eOllllll'fI'I l1ll1l1rehlllo 'l'orcl- JI , JlI\l"O\1I'1\tI Jnlhhl1)11 ' .I'lIlmc1l. DlIl1h < 'I'lIu III'IIIL ' 1'111.1. . . . Comlt'tllltl . ! o 'l'roll1'hulIl , ' ' . 1'1'Inl'NIII ' } 'l'IIlI' COllllt < 'R 110 'l\lrlllnlll. . hotlllmr , COIIIIIl't1.'I oC ' 1'1\111(111",11111. 11111"011- ( 'IlK lInn'1 " 1111 T1'IlIltlun"ft' . , 1\11\1'11111111" ' 1'.01101.1.111'1111111) ] \ \ 110 ' 1'lIlIt'yrllllll-1't'I'I' jOI'lI , \'lellllllt'lIsll tin 'l'I1KIII\I. U - HIII'OIlN'011 ! nehlrllz. I , ' ' CumIN'III' 11C' \11- , VColllllt'IIS \'enl < OI'fr. InrH'lIhll1l , IItU'OneM 110'I'II'I'L' , 11111'0111'1111'CI'l'OIl , l.all ) " V1I0Il , Ilon , : ' 11 , . . 1"1'1'11.11'1'm'uIlII. ) . nlll'll < 'SKO 110'nl. . VI\'lnn l'rll\l < 'AA'lclI - ( 'lIell ' , Mrs , HlIl\lh \ \ , \111'0 , I1l1chcllp ! \'lIh\rs-UlaIl'\ \ ! , -\IIII..hlone"s uC'cIlI' I ( ' ' . (1\1 ( l I ) , W LIIlr'lIterlow. . 1.1l11y " III 011 J ; hll ) ' . HIU'OIWIIII A.011 'Vllllle\\-HoCI'hl. \ COIIIl' les/I 1. . , < ' 0\10111 \ " ' 111'1 < ' 111111111 \ ) , CllIlI1tpM'l011 : ' " ' ( \lIh'rI1l'lI ( l'llnCt'I'I : NlI'r ) . 1.11(1) ' " ' 1,11 ' < 1'- In > ' 1 1II1n" . Iin \ \ 'ollnnl1nl. ; . 011\1' " 'ltl- TWENTY-TWO GIRLS WHO HAVE CARRIED AWAY $160,000,000 - HEIRtGS. : : CARRIED AWAY. MARRIED. MilY Goelet. , . . , . . . . , . . . . . , $40,000,000 . . . . . . . . . . Duke of Roxburgho Pauline Astor. . , . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000,000 . . . . . . . . . . .Capt. Spender Clay Anna Gould , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . 17,000,000 . . . . , Count 130nl de Castellano Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts. . . 12,000,000 . . . . . . . . . . . .Col. Ralph VivIan Sarah PhelpII Stokc ! ) . . . . . . . 10,000,000 . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , ur'l11 : Halkett Contuelo Vanderbilt. " . . . , . 10,000,000 . . , . . , . . - Duke of Marlborough Mary Leiter , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 5,000,000. . . . Lord Curzon of Kedleston Nancy Leiter , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000,000. . , . . . . .Capt. Colin Campbell Margaret Leiter. . . . . . . . . . . 5,000,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tarl : : of Suffolk Belle Wilson. . . . . . , . . . . . . , . 5,000,000. . . . . . . . Hon. Michael Herbert Caroline Alltor. . , . . . . . , . . . 5,000,000. . . . . . . . . . , . . .G. OlIvy [ ) Halg Mal'le Satterfield. . . . . . . . . . 4,000,000 Count F. Larl ! ch von Mocnlch , . . . . . . . Dul < e of Marlbol'ough LII Ii I . . , . . . . . . 3 000 000 y amers ey" " . . . . . . L or d 10'1111 am B eres f or d Gertrude C , Parl < er" . . . . . . 3,000,000 . . . . . . . . . " . Sir Gilbert Cm'ter Julia Bryant ( Mackay ) . . . . . 2,000,000. . . . . . . , Prince C , dl Colonna Miss Garner. . . " . , . , . . . . , . 2,000,000 . . . . . , . . " Marquis de 81'cteull Florence Garner , . . . . . ; . . . . 2,000000 ; Sir William Gordon Cllmmlno Claire Huntington" . . . . . . . 2,000,000 . . . . . . Prince F. von Hatzfcldt flirt ! . Livingston , . . . . , . . , . . . 2,000,000 . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . Due de Dlno Minnie Stevena. . . . . . , . . , . . 2,000,000 . . . . . . , Gen , SiI' AI.thul' Paget Beatrice Winans. . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 . ' . . . . , . . , . . Prince de Chalals Helen Zimmerman. , . . : , . . . 2,000,000 . . . , . . . , . Duke of Manchestel' lop , : \Tnw , do 'V'lItenhcrglllIe. ; . " 'aI- ! 1IIn ton. X . . . . ! taronC's"Iadhllit. . XC'l'IJo\'llch. Y -.rm ll1sn ! tl'Yrlljo , VII'omtcllo O YOlIghe , Cuunlemi uC 1'1Il'lIJollth. Z -Collulel'R DellL Ichy , l1arUIlL'SIi cll- 1I1 . BUrOIll"R von /-'lInllzld / ' , 1Inl"llll- t' JS Zellllltz , lIuI'ones ! ) ed\\'ltz. --low YOI'IO'ld. ; . OVER THE ALASKA TRAI Government ROld from White Horse to Dawon : Well Timbered. , Our trail still loads to the north along the great go..ernment rend from Wllito BorHo to Daw on , gOldoseeleCl' writes In 1'ho JIuutol.'l'rader-l'rapper. : It Is nbout :150 : mlles , well tlmbel'ed all the Wfljwilh spruce , IJOI1)ar ) Ilnd cot. tonwood ; HOlllO jac1e III no just starlIng - Ing In thld , 1I1ases ! of mIl1Y ! lCrCH. I"orest lIrcu ton years ago drove most of the ful' game to othel' Imrls , 'ot we see fresh signs of hoar nml fox In the dusty road ev r - day for mlles and miles. Some cluck , menU ) ' mallard , canvas hack and hlack duck , and geese ancl swan show 1111 nearly every dn "s travel , 'fhls Is the mldcllo or May-tho grass Is four InchoH high , hill and white flower blossoms , and ) 'ot a llano of glass frozen In our camp leet. ties each mornhlg. l"rult Is IdIled 1,000 miles south. ' 1'hls government road In a soli. tucle In summer , not a Jlorson for 100 miles , but III wlntor , when the Ice tops tra..el on UIO mlghtj' Yulwn rlv- el' , then this road Is a wlcle.awako , thrivIng , bustling , hustling , got.thore runway fOl' the traders and minors. Great fOIll" ami six horse staes ! slam through this road night and d\ ' from hoth enlls , Change horses cvery 22 miles at hotels called roadhouses , 'rho charges at these roadhouses arc $ UiO for eaeh meal , $1 for hed , $1 fo\ ' handout luncheon ; heCl' , otc. , 2 cents' per drink , ha ' anll oats to 10 cents Ilor pound. 'rho hay comes from Spolmno nnd the oats from Mnnlloha , hoth points about 1liOO mile ! ! aWllj' . Both articles are flrst.class. We were ovortalwn on this roall hy 0\11' droves of hlof cattle of 125 head In each drove. ' 1'hoy were shipped from Calgary , Canndn , nnd Seattle , Wush" GOO milcH by rail , 1,000 lJy f'a ; , then 125 miles 1Jj' rail , HO miles on foot , then hy lJoat 2i O miles to Dawson - son , 1,200 mlles to l 'alrbanJts. l 'eod , both oats nnd hay , averagcs $ lGO JlCr lon. lon.The The first cost of cattle Is nltout $70 per hoad. They are Btall fed unlll three -ears old and wolgh from 1,600 to 2,200 pounds each ; the hest In the land. The freight ou each Is mol'c than $100 , the feed ancl care another $160 , Thej' sell In Fnlrbanlcs Cor $3 O t ( ] $ .100 cuch. The man who works thlJ pick Ilntl allovel pays for all , Chuch AloalGii ccnts : 'r.bono atoaJt , 9C cents : lJOst cuts , $1 1101' 1I0und. Ono herd lost five head through the Ice ; the next tIay the next herd 10s1 nine head nt the sarno place , 'I'he ) wont under the Ice : In 12 feet of wn tel' . The miner m\lst pay t r thlH loaf also. The hay each herd of 125 oatt COSlB about $200 each night Oil tht road. Ono herd was short 11 man t ( drive , so the ) 'oungor of tiS two goh hunters went for flvo dnys at $10 IH I daj' and expensos. Genius Gone to Waste. It Is a Illly that a mau who can gel ) 'OU to huy 5oll1olhlng j'OU 1\on'L \ wanl lrLS tc work for U6 a woele , HOW HE FOUND THE \troy. \ I Brother's Method Wno SImple , but t Also Somewhat Costly. - 1I1SDrcRswcll \ bnll jusl returned , nfter stJonlUng n wcot ) with country rlend. ImfiJlno her consternation 'lion she dlscoverCl1 ller previous\ \ > ' well-Btocked wart1r ho oml1ty I "Ol'ocloIlS , Georgol" she aald to her hrothO"Whero ere ull 111Y' clothes ? Anll whnl tn the world In thal srenl .blncl { ImLel1 on the Jawn ? " ' ' exhlhltell all the 1'ho fllc of Uoorgo I well.known signs of conaelou8 right. eousness , IItHl ho met lie l' gaze un. tIInehlngb' . " 1\1arla ; ' ho re\1llell \ consolhlIly , "you wrote to 1\113 that I [ I wanted the kCj' of the hllUnrt1 room 1 811OUI(1 Und It In the 1100l < ot or 'our lJolol'O. " "Yes , : ) ' 03 ! " "Wc.'I1 , 1 don't 1m ow a holero Cram a :1chu 01' a lJa..x 1110at , flO 1 took ull the things to the lI\wn I\Illl burnt thom. 'l'hon I l'eco\'orctl the key from Lho ushea , " She froze him with n stare , nl1l1 ho Is lIO\V thnwlnr : 810wly on tIla Itltchcn : ato\'o.-Stra ' Storleu. ITCHING'RASH 18 YEARS. Glrl'n Rth Spread and Grew Worae Under SpcclallDt's Care-Perfect . Cure by Cutlcur&1 RemedlcD. "When my daushter was bnbj' Dho had a brenldn { ; ' out bohlnd the cars. 1'ho docto , ' said that she woulll outgrow - grow It. nnd It did got somewhat bot- tm' unttI aha WlS nbout Ufteen 'oars old , and afto1' Ulnt she could gel noth- 1t1 { that would dl'l.o It awny. She wns ! ahva 'D alllllj'lnr. omothlng In the way . or salvos , It troubled ho1' behind tho. . Jmoes , 011POfllt the elhows , bacle of. the lIcclc and ears , under tha chin , nnd then It got on the fnco. 'rlmt waG dIJOllt thrce years ngo. She tool , treatment - mont with a apoclnllst LUld seemed to get worse ull the tlmo. Wo Were then advised to trj' the CutlCUl'n Remedies , and lIOI don't see JUlY lll'lmleln { ; ' olll. M. Cllrle ' , 11-19 Sixteenth St. , llay Cltr , Mlch" MI1Y 20 , 1906. " FOUND OUT JUST IN TIME. Or Flnoer Bowl Would Howe Been Put to Novel Use. The late WllIlmn Cnssltlr , one-tlmo editor of the Allmny Argus , } loBBesHod the t\'adltlonnl \ JrltJ11 wit , On ono occasion - casion , a number of 'el\rn ago , h ! ) wns a guest al rl political Imnlluot In Al- bany. At that tlmo Ungor bowls Were seldom \lscd , nntI tholr eOrt'oct II1Ja O Imsslng ( fnll ) meant to dip 11 corner of the napln ) 11U10 water I1nd thero- wllh daintily clcanlJo the Ungel' tips. Mout of the mon JJI'CHont eYOtI the In- no\'nton ! , when Intl'oducoll I\t dessert , narrowly nndlneertulnlr. . Ono after nnotl1e1' ended by plun lng the lIund Into the crYf3tnl dish. Hut l\lr. Hobort 1'rl1)'n , a well-lmo\\'n Albany gentleman - man , correctly molstonod a bit of his napldn 11I1l1 laved his tlngors. 1\11' . Cassidy watched him admiringly , not hn\1n ; as yet touched his own glasB. " 'I'hut'B good , " ho whlspored to n. nolgh , hOI' . " 'I'hat's good. If 1'I'I''n ' hndn't done that I sboultl have ( HIt l11j' foot in 1t.-lIur1 > or'sVoolel ) . - - - - DOCTORS IN GRAND JURY NET. Two Indicted In Iowa for Conspiracy to Force an Independent Physl. clan from a Surgical Case. ' \Vavcrly , 1a.-'I'l1o llrcnmer county grant ! jury , which a Cew woeles ago Indicted fourteen membol's of the count - t ) ' medical Ilmoclatlon : , alJoghl ( viola. tlon of the allll.trnst law , recently 1'0- ported addltionnl Indlchnents nga.lnst Dr. W. A. llohll and Dr. O. Il. Chafteo on the general ground or consplracj' , 1'1"helr alleged offense WIIS or forcing an Incle110ndcnl dOctOl' from a surgical - cal caso. In which ho afl well as ono of tho.nccnsed . c1octors hall been em- (110)011 , nctor 110 hall refused to slgl1 the uulon scale. - . Couldn't DIDcht\rge Him. When the jllry had llIed In for at least the fourth time , with no sign or coming to an ngrccuwnt In the bribery case , the disgusted judge 1'060 up nnd salt ( : "I discharge this jur ' . " At this , ono : ; cnsltlvo talcnman , tuug to the quick hy this abrupt and lII-souudlng c1eclslon , obstinately faced the jUllge , "Tou can't t1lscharge me , judge ! " ho retDrted. "Why not ? " askell the astonished judge. "llecause , " announced the talesman , pointing to the c1efomlant's law'er , "rm holng paid lJy that JUan there ! " - Llpllincott.'s. Distinction and Dltrerence. In Doan Ramsay's lJoole of anecdotCf there is ono which refers to a convcr sntlon lJetween II. Scotch minister ani a soxton. The minister was 0. strangel to UIO gravomaker , anll dlscussod will him the doctrines or the nelghborln ( clergy. As ono nfter another was mOD I tlonod the sexton wagged his heal t gloomIly , and said : "Uo's no sound. ' At last the mlnlstet-who was II. long windell Iwd rathel' empty preacher- montlonod his own name , ami Inquired quirod : "MI' . - now , Isn't II ( sound ? " " 00 , aye , " said the I < < ! xton with twlnle\o in his ' 3yo. "He's a sound. " The Eternal Feminine. "DIll ) 'tmr wife IIcold you much tOI getUnr In so late Inst nlghU" "You bet she dld-fol' about fou : hours ! " " ' did ' do ? " "Whow ! 'Whnt 'ou "l.'oll aslecp , 1\3 usual , durlag UI Jectnl'o. " "Bul dldn'l 6110 wake you up ? " "Come to think of It , she did. Wnnl cd to lcnow If J lovet.l her an much n o'elor something of the nort.- Young's Mnadue. : . " . , . - ' _ r - . . ENCOURAGING FACTS I THOSE CONTEMPLATING CHANGE OF RESIDENCE SHOULD READ THEM. - , The other dny Lho writer wna tn the . Office of the C'Ult\tllan Government at St. Pml. , Minnesota. On the wintlowfl I of the bul1tllng wel'O slgnn to the effect that homostentls of ] GO acres were given free to actunl soUlers. nllcJ In the windows were 11I11111ays or wheat , oata , barler. other gl'l11n9 Ilnd yege- tabl s , which ho was told were grown In Western Cannlla. 'rhls coulll lJo l'oalll1y bollovell for In no ether coun- trj' on the Cblltll1ellt would It bo pos. slblo to grow such 81)lunllltl speclmens. 'rho world Is now Itrclty well ntlvulCl thnt In the Hl'owlng of such corol\ls as have been nl1111ed mill vegolableB 118 well the Provinces of Manitoba , Sallmtchewan n11l1 Alberta. hnvo no COm)1etllol' ) . 1"01' sovorlI yearn [ lust 1111eclmena hl\\'e heen oxhlblted at State and County Pairs throughout the State , al1tl thcs mchlblt1 uro loolell upon as ono of the chler attractions. 'rhoy . hnvo demonstrated what can JJe llono .In the ellmnto of IL country DOS. sesslng a 6011 thnt will grow things. llut that It WaD llOsalblo to grow vege. tables such ns WOI'O Hecn there Bcomed to create 130mo douht. Dul it W 1fJ the case. And 1111111e9 too. Nol of course the 111110n1llli fruit grown In countries moro congenlnl to such cuI- tUI"C . but they were In ( ) ' . .Idonce. Throughout 1111111\11a , the hooslor Canners - ers were forcetl to stop amI think. When ! 1. slml1l11' exhlbll WI1S111cetl \ ! be. fore them durlns the } last few woeltD , manjof them \\01'0 forcoll to stoll and remark : " 'l'hnt IH much aJlOad or any- thing' WO cl1n tlo. 'rho quality or the grain wo have coneedell , for haa not aoanllno aent l1S 8n1111110s grown on 'his OWI1 fl11'm the IIIc9 of which \vo hall novel' ! : loon Iwforo. But to thlnl of the vegotnbles-and uuch vo\etabloll , Whr0 ; thought overythlnr ; was fro7.on 1111 there , ami thOBO tumlp ! ! , cabbages , cnulillowors , beotH , 111nn- gelds , 1ItI1I111ltillS , nml Hqlms1ou ! 11.1'0 aWl1j'heml of m1 'thh1t we OV01' SUW grow. ' " 'rhnt I the story evorywhere. ' } 'housn11l18 \Vcstorn Cnnl1du home- stol1l1ers , forme1'ly Unltod SJ.l1tt.'t1 cltl- zen , are growing just nuch grain , just sllch'egelnbloa , which ylold them 1\ s1110ndlll Jlront with IIttIu oullay on the farms that thc ' ha vo secure , from thQ Govornmunt of the Domlnton or Can- nlln. at the nominal cosL of ; 10 for 160 nCI'ell. If nljolnlng ) 1l1nd Is wantec1lt. , can bo seclII' d from the nllhvay com- IJ\nles or from llrlvato hullvltluuls lit moclorato price : ! nntl reasonublo terms , Bj' plnclng' 'our 1111\\10 amI address on a Ilostal cal'dnd 11I111ress11lr ; It to the Canalllnn Oovol'llment Agent , whoso nn1l10 11lllloars elscwhere , n. COllY of "Last BoslVosl" tolling 'ou all nbout It will lJo sent you free. FOUR SHAFTS OF HUMOR. Pithy Remarko from One of the Fore , most Jokeamlths. With the trulj' nrtlsUc l.cmpora- mont the bird In the hush haa scant notion of doubling Its value by chang. , Ing to the hllnt ! . A han.boen Is n man wllo 11(13 spent hln tlmo with hair vlgorH , electric brushefl and now6111111er recll ) ( J , when ho sh01l1d hl10 been winning n. laurel wreath to co\'er his tgnominy willi , When 'OU entm' ! \ shop atate just wll11t 'ou wunt. l 'or then the mcr- charit can go Intelligently to work to sell 'on something else. 'rho great Inw of cotllmorco Is to ROll people what they don't want. What tboy do . want wlll Bol1 itself. Dut , probably It Is no 1la1.tlor to IIvo up to 'ollr 1'OlltltaUon when : v.ou are 'oung than It will lJo 'to Jlvo It down when you are oltler.-1'uclt. Lau1Hlry wor1e at berne wou1d be much moro satisfactory If the rlgb\ Starch were used. In order to et the desired stlffnoss , It Is usually necessary - sary to use so much starch that the bdauty ntHl fineness of tilO fabric 19 hidden behind 11 paste or va.rylng thlclmess , which not only dcstroys t1o appearance , lJut 111so affects the weal'- ing qunllly of the goods. Thls trouble - blo call be entlroly overcome by usmg Dofianeo Starch , as it can bo applied much moro thinly because of Iln grca 01' stren1th : than other maltes. Suit Couldn't Concern Him. Before the trial of n. suIt tor clam- age ! ! wns begun in a London court the , other day It was remarked Incldontal. , lj' that the Ilefondnl1t , laundry pro- } lrlotor , had lJeel1 c1ead 11 yoars. 'yr\l p IJf ff 5 iiirgf8emm acts entlY yet \.ompt- : . bOels cleanses ly one \ , the systen1 effectuallY , assists ooe in overcon\\ng \ habituo.L ; . constipalion pe'Ctnanent .1o get its ! 'beneficiQ effetts 6 ' r , , the Qenu\ne. \ , : i F SYRUP CO. J G . . - -I . . 5lltn OJNO DRUGGISTS:5t { , , , . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' .1" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . , . . . . . _ . . . . . . .4 _ _ _ . . . , - . . _