Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1907, Image 2
. . - - - - - - - ( USTfR ( OUNT' ( IUPUBLIAN ( I oy D. M. AMODERRV - - DROlC N DOW , - - Nl : llRASK ' Rcc1J1roclt ) ' IH c ! 't'ntlnl to rontln\l' ous frlcndllh Itl. 1 gvcn false iilll' hi gnliiiJl' , \ 'l'hls Is illglt'III'lco Cllhlolltlc IIko hrlnglng the ' to 1tlCUIl. . Prof. 'flililf ih I lIefhjB MnrA IR In. tmhlted : hut. tllsh , ho might as well bolle\'o UIIH aH I1n'thln , ; ( 'Isl' . glllson - l ; o 1tcd uo llllOnogrn pit. hill It woul ! ! he tlnfalr to HnHlloct him of doslsnln tlte Iollvonlr IIl1stal card , \ - ' ' - A Chlcl\g 1'I ni1 iriiuoCrcok fl'1I ! 61i feotl\llli escaped II 11 h 11I'1 , 110 IIrob. I ably Imlliod on 1\ halo of hroulcfnat food. . . . . - - - - - - - - Hydrophohla Is a dltlUaso , the gov. erull1mt Invostlgators tell 1Ifl , 'rh y scorn n dos.gono long tlmo ndmlttlng the ob\'lolIS , . . - - - - The hraln of 1\ Now Yorl , tltlln was fO\lnrl to wclgh on I ) ' halt of the aV- crago IIIl1n. Sclcnco solvcs the m'f ) . tcrlcs of t.ho ugos , A corset slay la-v th 'lIfo of an Alcron wOlllan who wnll Htabhed by her hllsband , 'l'ho man shonld have Imown that of conrso It wOllld , A Klnst ! n , 0I tll1an ; i iolw : hh ! rlhs' laughing at u jolie. 'rho natllro of the (1\1111 onght to bo ascel'tulned l1ud IlUt on recOl'd as 1sldo splflter. . . . . - - - An I11luols WOlltllll USICH dlvorco ho. cause her hllsbalHI forhld her sltUltg on the luwn. Few judges woulll COlt. alder thla gronnd for divorce. "I envy .ilO lot'rery ( ) ; lIIall who Is not an etulCI'OI' , " wrote I"runcln Joseph long ngo , And ho never felt 11IslQsod to aileI' the sad statomcnt. . Two.thlr 1a ( ) f tlie w liht of the nv. crago girl , according to n. London chemIst , Is augar. Wo Imow sevnral 10ve.lorn swaln9 who wfll h01levo lhat. , Ll1llnn HnBscll says she novel' bets mpre thun $100 on the raC09 011 anyone ono dLand tlmt she always wIns. The two statements seem to 1.10 mu. tunlly Irreconcilable. There are 6.397 dlrrorent l.h1l 01 nlcohollc drlnlcs used ill the world , nc. cording to stal/stlcs / , 'rho job undor. talteD hy the W. C , T. U. 1001s l11ther formldublo , doesn't It ? A meteOl'lta recently foil Ulon ) the llussllI1 town of VorldmodnlellrO\ . It muy 1.10 aIIJ , however , that the name of the Illaco was the sntuo before the cntnBtrollho occnrred. HeUy Oreen'a comment that n girl who seeks a lIusbanIJ abl'oul deserves whnt aho gets , la IlIIltInl ; It gOlltly , but It shonld bo construed frotu the strict. ly snl1llplsh point of view. A PIUslurg fnther who spanlcod his 35.year-old daughter for sta 'lng out llllo I1t night was uphold by the judge , Evidently the old man doesn't Intcnd to 011011 his child by slll1l'lng tllO rod. At the ripe old ago of 77 Heml Roohefort Is still able to glvo up the (1Irectlon of ono Parisian nowllpaper and tnlce that of 1'10 ' ' on al1otJwr. 1'0' mains the world's foremost Oghtlng editor. A Camden , N , , T. , lmnle tollCl' Is deal1 from hlood IIol80ning causeIJ h ) ' IInJlnhl monor. Up to date this Is the most effectlvo of all the argumoute against talntClI coin that huvo bcon produced. . - . . - Wireless telesrn ph ) ' Is nn aecom. . 1)lIshcd fuct : wlroless tolophonlng Is under eXllorlmontnl pl'ocesses , but the limit of human Ingonllltr Is OXlloctOll to be r ached whcn It comoa to wlro. less politics , . . - - - - - It la heard from Washington that "collecting old banle notes haa ho , como qulto a fnIJ , " It Is , however , 1\ more widespread custom ( ' 01' IICOlllo to do tbolr level best to call oct any old . kind of banle 1I0tes , The . . . .lgl1l\lIco Com1l1.leo of nn Arl. zona communlt ) . sent olobol'l\to reso , lutlons of congrntulutlon to a nolgh. borlnt ; order of stranglers on the oc. caslon of the hunglng of a horse thief. Tl1C'ro was the tlo that hlnlJs. . - - - - - - - - - ' Marconi Is through with so slmilio a Iroblom ItS wlrcloss telel l'I\llh ) ' ael'OSS the Atlantic , ulld Is 1I0W gottlng ready to Boud mossa es across the Atlalltlc and Amerlcll to the PaclOc , Mature rc ection shoulll Induce him to dela ) ' hlB CXIHrlments ! uutll after the 1'oot , ball season If ho does 1I0t want his sound waves dlstnrbed. A remarlcnblo nOW8 ItOIll col\1es from Vienna of the colebratlon of lho 100th ann'vol'sary of a wedIJlng In 1nolgh , borhooll vlllago. The huubllnll Is 120 and the wlflJ I1G rears of ago' , nnd neitl10r of thom has ovel' been outside the Immedlato'Iclnlt ) . of the \'IlIIlC ! , But then they hqvo 110 1"oul'th of , lul ) ' in Austrla , und the vl11nlo ; Is Ilrobabl ) ' Icacoesslblo to automobiles , A baseball fan trunsfo\'l11C11 Into a 1mselmll bug Is 11 cUI'IoU3 animal. 11 ( ' maims all doclslous before the IIn1)llru ) doea , giving the close Ollell to his sidt : ami shouting III , glee whcn the u.uplrc con1lrma his Judgmontulld mooth1g de , rlllel : : ) ' whon' the ulllpiro canllot SOG 1l that wa ) ' . Auothor Inarle of the tllecJos Is that evorr shllplo catcb by his side Is a "beautiful" IlIa > ' " ' ' 1'110 lIug"J's an amusing Insect If ) 'Ul don't huvo to sit In front of him CUI 11. week nnd lIlJaI' 111m sholllln ; , : , "Greal ball ! Oroat bal1 ! " when only the ordl nary thing Ii haJlIIUlllnJ ; , , . . . # . - - - - - - - - - - . _ ' ' 0 < L an0 " ' ' ' The State Calital ) Mnttcrf of Genernl Intcrest _ . . . - . - - fllO 1 - - - Ncbrlskn's Scnt of Oo\'crnmcnt . . . . . . . . _ - - ; : : ; ; ) County Attorneys May Meet. mOmcnt If ! hllln ! ; 1l lIllteel tl In. vito all of the c01lut.y ll11orno ) ' " In the HUlto t.o muotlu r.ln oln to holll IL con. ferenco In rugaI'll to the enfurcement or the now state IlWII. : No call w1l1 ho Isslled until GovtTllnr Slwldon hnn sunctloned the ) lropo llIon. ' 1'hllll fur about the on i ) . now 11lw which IL h : Ilrol101HJlI to l'nllghtcu the COUIIIy nt. tomcy" 111)011 Is Iho IIUI'O food , 1I1'1I/ / ; flllIl dairy law. At the IlrOI ) ( ) ed con. fercnco It may ho oXlllalncd why fonr 1I10nths Imvu olulled urtm' the footl , elt'lIp ; anll ( jalry lrlW Ilcultw ! Crrt , Uvc nnd 110 111'11InHpeclOl' / has hecu all' Ilolnled. Dnrln , . ; the IwoRlon of. the Ie : ; . IHlntllro tJonLO sencutlollal sceneS' wel'o wltncHl3lHI In the Bonate , Prominent mom bel's dI\onllcelt ! \ the drnl ; lohby 11" lJelnlj the 1I10sI. dh-lIraceful that ever attended lho III'H"lon , UtoUf.t tllU men cOIIIIloslnp ; It wew fine 1001ln ! ; nnll had r.Jlnllt. 1I10lit of their IIvcH III I ' Nohl'llRlm In the retail and wholemlo : I' 11rug business. l7o\'la were made to forclhh' njmt the drn lobhy. 'rho ! cloleglltlolts C0l11110s111/ / resOl.te : ! 10 the gl1l1el'les where tiley flllietly l1s. tOllc1 to dCllullclatlon of thonHwl\'cH. Ono /5lJllatOl' declarollln dobnto thllt the chlcf IOhbylst wan a dru11I1111 / froll1 another ntato who had lobbied thl'01lh , congresa the Hecllolls of the lIatlonul Iluro foml law l'olllt1ng lo tlrus , anI ! that ho had cumo to Nobraslm on 11 sImilar mlsr.lIon , Ilnll that mOlllclno he nlllnnfacturell hUd como near being the death of 1ormel' IIIcmber of the /lennte. A lotteI' 1'rom the former memo bor was read In lIuPllort of this dam. aging' claim. 'rho llIltional law 1'0' ferrell to which 111 now /lad ! to 1.10 very effectlvo wall ahm Ilenonucell liS helng very Inallequale. 'I'ho arralgnmcnt of , the chief of the drug lohhy waR so severe thut ho llUhlhheli an opqn lot- teI' In which he Hnld hn would Jlrose. Cllto the HOIl1tor for IIhol hut for the 1I11l\1l1nlty gl\'on him b ) ' law 1'01' state. monta 11111110 In elnhate. Before the stata Illw waH onuctoll the drug 111Im got lIomo concesslonu und ! rnce the low wont Inlo forct ! 110 drllg InsJector ) haR heen allllnintoll to enforce Itn 111'0' vllJlons. - - Death Warrant Prepared. A dCllth warrant , IlI'epared by Dop. ut ) . ClerIc Victor Se'molll' of thu su. premo court , WUR Hellt to Warden A. D. Beemor of the Jlenltolltlary. It dl. rocts him to hang Harrlsoll Clarlto December 13 , hotwoon till" holtrs of 11 a. . m. unll : .c p. m" and wal. ! } lrc. llIlrod In nccordl\nco with the dcclslon of the conrts. 'rho document rccltes the record of the cm > o from the 11'1111 and Imntonco hy the dlst rlct COhtt of Omllha , umrmanco by the tHlllremo court and denial of IL motion for 11 1'0 heD.rlng , 11:111 othol' mcta thllt allllOUI' In the rocorll. UnloHH Go\'ornol' Shel. don Inter)1Osel ) ! . the death sentence will ho clIlTled out. Lust Aug1lHln appl/callon / was mndo to tlw UIIHrouu court fOl' 11 stay 'of execution atHI re. hellrlng , An afildavll. flIed hr two of Clarlw'n comllHllonn nccoml1l\ulelilho ullJlIcallnn ) , the af1ltlavlt of Gathl'hht ttnthlthut / ho 01'011 the uhot thnt. lellled Flour ) ' , the murdoroll l11un , who Wal ! a street car conductor. Subsc- Cluently Gathright I.ctlliated thl alll davit , sarlng that ho had DlsncII It rt the request of Clarlw'lI allorlleYH , who represented thut us ho had heon nen. tenced to IL term In tho. p1l1ltoutlan. , It wonld not hurt him mill might suvo Clnrlw't ; life. Oath right , 111 reIHldlat. . IlIg hl5 all\dllvlt \ , salll Clarice fil'ed the shot. - Suit AQ:1lnst Union Pac inc. Attorney OOlloral Thompson re. turned fl'om Douol cOllnty where he tiled a suit agansl ! the UnIon Pa 1I1c rondo A 1I11blll1l1cII It was an Infol' matlon agah1Ht t.ho rend for UI\JlIl1t dllJcrlmluation In th ! ! case of g. W , Jacobl.l 111111 ' } 'Oll E'ole II. 1 < 'ondljr. . , who hold 130 cattle twonty.Ovo Ilays I\t DIg SIrlngs beroro the six cars they orlJored arrived. 'rho canl wcro to hl1.\'o hoon there Octobol' 3 , and did not COIIIO until October 28 , 'l'hln IIJ ul. loged tQ. ho dllJorltnl l1t1on1111101' the luw , anll. ovldenco hur ; beeu' col1ec1l1d to shuw that ether shill pert ! ' 1'0colvOll cars In the moantlme. The ' wll' 1.10 COmllnll ) glvon until December 15 to fllo au I1nswoIn the dlslrlct COllrt of cllol collnt ) . , I1IHI II 110 answer II ! mod tile cour , w. , : CII' tor 11 plea of not guilty aud the cnsc will bo tried on Its morlta. It Is ox' Ilccted that the com pallY wl1l assal the railway cummlsslon law undet which the Information was med I1IH II rhallS' attnclt thu conotltutlonallt ) . 0 the railway comm's8lon , whl'h rl' que8tod the attorney general to SUI' AD It Is the Orlt ! attempt to col1uct I Ilcnalt ) . fro/ll a ralh'oad Comllan ) ' the outcome ' 111 ho elrorly : I\watlcIJ. AmbJcsador Thomp5on. The Llllcoin Commorcllli cluh tOI1 dored a ( 'ompJlnu > ntary h'1nquet tl D. E , ' } 'hompson , United Stntel1 11:11 basS'I\IJor to Moxlco , und CO'lgI'css man J. Adam Dedo of. Mlnncsota , I' ' hili address on Moxlro , the ambnssr dol' deehlrod that President Dlas ha remanod ! In control , of hl8 countr for ) 'earH for the good of t110 IIt\tlO rather than for IlOrsonal a brU\(1f7. ( mont. ' } 'ho pr'sl'hmt haR C"IJI'f''H' hlB doslro to retlro at the CIOHO of hi \lIre sent term of offil'e , I'IL cOl1dltlr > :1 : may dOl1lund hIs r""lpct'ol\ ' \ . _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Johnson Goln : ! After tock Food. , JlIlt ! n > > soon nH hf > Ci.n C't urout'.d to It. . ] ) ( ' 1111 ty I'ood COlllmlsslouer .10llmon II ! ! ; Clltl IIrLl'I' I ho slocl : food ; ! folll : III Nehl'lIllm ! with an Idea III 11I11\11 \ to ) lrovent ehoat UIIII 111130 tlH' Hnlo of Injlll'loulJ footl ! > ' , Uoporls tL 11111I 110 far r celvcll Rhow that OIlU JIIll.1tod of clwntlllg III as follows : 'l'hJ rotall clc'l\llH' hn 'n a sl1cl , of eholllC'd [ COI'II unll oats wolghlng 10U Jlountlr ; . . 'rho 1'0 tall CI' then ! Jut/ ! the foocJ III slllul1el" sllcl < H anllolls mlloty IJlJltnlls fOl' 100 Il tltlllR , H llltlg hack to Iho wholm'aler ; tllo lurgo saclt fOI' r ; cents. 'rho wholoHl1lor docs not : , on thin , HO tlto Illforlllutlqn recolvcd hy the eonllnJIIHlonor Jnlllcatca , hocalllO ho hI/illicit IH worlehlg a gmft. . 'rho wholo. Haler h ! 'cllal'/ell / : with cnttlng IIJ corll and corn collH 111111 slrlllitilllg , over the IIIlxturo IL lot of onl9 clllll ! 01' hnl1s. 'rho IIUrclll1sol' plclm UII a halldful of the mlxturo 111111 IICOII : ! ; tIle oatil chafi , lIaturally cOllclude1 : ( liLts have been gl'o\lllli II ) ) with the corn , when all 1\ maLtor of flwt 1101 hint ; has hmm : cholliled 1111 o.\Ct'llt com cobs and 1\ IIlLJo corll. ' [ 'he fOOll conllnlRslonc1' hus ( J\ldollco along thCBO 1l1R ( which ho helleves Is rollllbio and juat a:3 : Boon us he can Illvostlgato hi ! > rOllJrt3 mill get lhem vOI'll1ml ho Intenlls to nWOOl1 down on the COnCOrtlH with all Iho force at Itls COll1l11ntll1. The n'1I11' ' hel' of dlHcasoll cauBell : In callio anll hOI'Sefl by the 11110 of I.Il1ch mixtures as' dcscrlbcd Is nald to ho large. - Danl < Extmlners Called In. The state hnnlelll ! ; hoard hUH calted III nll 8t. : tO bnlll uXllmlnol'H , and most of them 111'0 now In Lincoln. It Is IIn' derstood to ho the ) lollcy of the hoa\'d to send oxamlnol's only wilOlO there IH sleclnl' ) lIecd , No Huch needs 1111\0 beell l'oJlorl.el1 nnd ILCCOl'lHltg to the CO\lIl1t1ol1 \ of the hanlce , : :3 snown hy oxamlllalOIw ! , there Is 1I0t lIIwly to bo allY IIced of examillers fOl' soma lime. The conlJllIons are such that when examlnem are ECCll In a town It 10aIJs to IlIIneco&,1l1ry alurm on the parl of the IICOlllo who dn 1I0t Imow that the oxamlnors are constantly travollng un II malelng oxumlnal/nns / as orLOII nl.l Is lIecessar ) ' In order to comply with the state la.W , which reqnll'cs examl. nations us often uu Is necessary and at lellst CIIICO each year. 'rho nllmber of slate banks hM Increased and nellrly 1111 of the tlmo of the oxam- 11101'11 IH required to malte the rounds of clch : hanl , once a 'Clll' . i , . Quarantine Put In Force. . Stocl , Rent from \Vestet'll Nohraslc to oaatern Nohmslm ml1rlwt nHllrt bo pubject to the same regulations as stoc e In transit on Interstate huslness Now regulationH decIded U110l1 hy Gov- I ernol' Shel on will go Into effect Dec. , ember 1. 'rho IlIarnntlne [ Is whut haS' heon demalldud hy lIYo stocl , Inttl'ents for some tlmo as II. IJI'oventlve agl11n8t the spread of scabies IUld ether dIs- euses of callie. Ooverllor Sheldon hils IIOt Iss'uod the formal order of CllIl1rantno ! , but ho has decided that stacIe shlplDents In the state from western Nobraslm shall 1.10 snbject to the same regulations ao the govern. ment Jrliloses on stocl , uhltlped he. tween Etutes. ' 1'ho . go\.ernlUcut In- spcctors will bo made deputy , ; tate Itlsllectors and wlll co opcrato with the sL'\to omcers , 'I'ho movement Is of utmost ImllOrt to cattle Interests. 'rho spread of dls-easo In recent months has lII'oused stoclm1C1I to actioIl. Food Commi5sloner Wmt5 Ruling. Food commlusloncr .Johnson hllD ( been deludcll with protest ! ; from wholesalers objecting to hIs Intorpro- tatlon of the 1)\11'0 fooll law which III aces baldng powder under Its pro , visions , When Ill' wan first aplJOlnted ; \11' . Johnson ruled that bullupow. / . dol' dId not como under the law , but after all Invostlgatlon ho recalled that doclslon and ruled otherwlae. It waS his second ruling which caused the Iurgo number of objections and in order to notllo the matter once for a11 , ho haB 1111111led to the legal c101ll\rtment for It ruJlnl ; on thut seoctlon of the la\\ . \ - Defence In Soldier Case. The legal department of the slate Ie propa.rlng 11 defense of the State BO:1I'I1 : of Publlc Lundl > ' and DUlidlngB In Ita rule that members of soldiers' homel ! shalllll1) ' to the homo n. lieI' cent of tholr ) Ionslons when 110"llon8 [ amount to 11101'0 lImll 12 a month. Notwithstanding this rule Is moro II be I'll I than an ) ' pl'lwlous rule adol1ted by a state board , Rlchari H. lIowell , 11 member of the homo lit G\\\1(1 I Island , enjolnod the board from col. lectlng the monoy. The answer uf the ' 1.tlorney goncral must ho med by November 18 , Delayed Coal Shipments , 'rho rail war commlsswn hUH heen Informed that 11 coal lamlno t'xI3t ! ; ut : omeraet In LJ Houthcl't1 11I1\'t of Un- coIn counthC'c:1l1e : : ; of the InaMJlt ) . of the Darlington to , handle I1hlp. 1 monts. Coal orderctl August. 1'rom Denvcr was sltl ; : ) od October 11 ! , but has not ) 'ut 111'1'1\0,1. , Imorgency n.1 : : on Corn. 'rho Blrlltl.tol ! lOad Is III'OIJl\l'ItI to put 1:1 : na omo. . ( 'ne ) ' " ra J on COI'II for fee lIn : ; In re'lon In the state whl'"O t\O : \ crol ) wa'i light. ' 1'110 railway COI11. missIon hu' . glvon [ lol'mlss.on anI ! It rCH'olvc,1 word thnt camflnn\\'oull ! 'oon iss1Io now tarla s , cets , 'rho 1'0- Il1"tlon wl11 not ho clofinitelr l\IIown lntll the mtf'N arn L'ubJl.1tod , hilt It Is . ( \lovoll ! It w 11 ho 10 to O ) lor cent of ho rr out Inn dlstal1l o tlll'llT feel ! . 'II raOIl : , 11 wilt III'oballl ' :1 11 Jlh' to ho HellllllIeul1 , vl\l1o ' wellt uf na t 1I f1 or uHol1. ' - J. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , HOU. R. S. THARIN non. n , S. 'l'lmrin , Attorney nt T..n.w and counsel for Anli-'l'I'u ! > t Ll'r1b'tle , write-l l'OIU PeIlItRj'1\l1lia : Avo. , N.V. . , Wufthillg'ton , D. C. . n fo1\ows \ : "IIavinr uRe < 1 [ JcrlJlUl ( or cnfrrlml disorclcrs , 1 am I1hlo t : > tcstlfy to its reat I'ellll'lilll cxccllcnco I1ml do not ho ! > itl1to to f'o f it my oillflhutio cll lorse' lIWllt 111111 cal'ncst recOIllltll'UllatlOJl to 011 pCI'SonsI1Jfoctcc1 hy tha t dfooordcr. ! It in also It tlmlc of grcllt uscfu/ness. " Mr. ' 1' . narl1ccott. , Wc"t Aylmer , Ontario - tario , Can. , writes : "f.ast will lcl' I WIlS IU wit1 ; pllcumonia ai/edltH'llI ! : la grIppe. I tool. l'crtllla for t\"o 1110nths , whcn I hecuno qtlitc , , 'cll. I also inducud n young' JnlJ\- . who waR n1rl1l1 dOWII uncI confilt cl tu the 11011&0 , to tnlm Pc- runa. 111111 nftcr tnldng Pm'un : ! . fill' three months hho is ahlo to fOllolV hm' t.rado of tailoring. I c..m rccommeml P"'III for an H\1ch who ure ill uu require 1tonic. . " Tablets. Some } JeopJc pl'efel' to bIte t:1.bIet , < ; , rathcr than to tulI11cl1iciJlO ( in f 11111d form. SlIch ptoplo can ohtain l'el'lIllJ. tablets , which rcprcHl'nt the /lolhl medicinal - dicinal ing'l'p.dicmts of l'cn111U. Each tablet -CClllivulont to enc I\\'cl'n o dose of ] ) eru11o. . In the Church. "or course , " sllid Tesa Ilt 1\IIss Yer- ner'lI wedding to 1\11' . Tlmmld , "lho brldo loolc6 lo ely , as brides always do. " "Yes , " relJled ) , Je s , "bllt the lJrldc- groom doesn't. lie allpO:1rS:1ther run down. " "Run down : ' Oh , 'eH ; cuught arter a long chasc. " Greater virt\les are neeIJed to bear good fortune than bal.-La Rochefou- cauld. Lcwilj' Sinjlc : ; Binclcr ci nr-riehest , mORt , , : lli fyin11okc ! ; IIn till ! lIIarket. Your et1er or Lewis' Faclory , Peoria , UJ , The first \ISO of 11. men\l at n. banquet - quet Germany dntes back to 14S9. - - - :0--- : S CK IEADAGHE - - ' Positively cured by CAIIJ--ED'tS these Little Pills. . Ul. Thcy nlso rcllcve Dls- . trcBII from DYHIclsln , In- . , . . ! ! " ) dlgcsllounudToolIcnrty . . ' " Eating. A perfect rem. m cdy { or Dlzzlncss , r\uu P I LLS . C < 1 , Drowslncss. DIU Taste In the : .louth , Cout. ed Tuu"ue. Pain In the Side , 'fOltPID LIVER. rhey regulate the Dowels. Purely VeClable. ! SMALL . PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. " Genuine Must Bear "ARJERS Fnc.Simile Signature IVER d. PilLS. / AZ1 ; _ REFUSE SUBSTITUTPE To oonvlneo ony woman t h n t I'mr- FREE tlllu , AIlU."ptlO will ImJrovu 1I.r 111.111.11 unit do all wo cl.olm for It Wo will send her nh olutely free a largo trial box of J'ullno wILli boole of lustruo- tlons and R"llUlno tcstimonillt. . , 8cnll ) "our nllmo 1I11l1 nullress 011 a. lXlstal can1. and lIwts . PAXTINEcl0n.nses mom- brono af. { ccllon ! ! , slIch as na"111 cattrrh pl'lYlc co'\tmll and ImlammIUon caused by fent- utnc 11I'1. ; 801'0 e'l' sere throat 1111d & 1101lIh , by direct 10 : JI ireatmcllt Its 1.111'- ' at1v ) lower over thuso ll'OlIlJlc Is exlm- orilinary nncl rh'e IIIIIJlelll:1to : relief. Thollsmcls of , , "Oll1l'n ere using nlllreI. . ' - omllcl1lJllIg It every'day. . W ccnt nt drulJlstli : OI"hymatl , nl'nwmbl'r. howoYl'r , 1'1' COST ! ' ! ' 1"IIJ : ! 'onTlJ : : = - } TO TltY 1'1' . .I'UE It. l'A..X'roN CO. , U06tou , 1'1:1115. . . . . . n _ " , . . . ' . - - - - RatfonJ : ancl StJclal Rank. It la wHh pmfound rl'1\e \ [ thnt0 loam of tllO J1XUtlOIl uf social I'I1nl' , Millionaires mnr ho asl.ell to dhl\1ol' by mllll nlllrel ! . but nH'mbOrR of nn othorwlso rich fUIl1I1 ' who have UH'm , s ( > l"efl hul O.OOO may ho nslw,1 to bro\krmlt : , if they get UII enough. An for fJOrno or UH , wa sha1l contInuo to oat "bcof'llIul , " or coCIeo IUHI sinkers - ers , in the plnces where the CI'I\.Hh or ( ll' ) ' llrecludes ony neccslllly fC.'l' nil OI'cheatra. Bul wo h\\'c tlm nllp - lite , and tllcl'o 'ou 111'0.Brool. . 1)\1 Eagle. . - - Typlcnl of Amerlci1. A GCl'luon , after Il11vln l1lcnt ] ono week In cw YOI'I : , recelvClI lotlct's from homo asllng him to send baclt something t 'plcl111 ' AmCl'lcan 'as 1\ 60u\'enlr of the IlInd of the frcC' . Be. IlIg n. con centlollll 11I1111 , ho gft1l11C11 conditions about. . tOWII for another \Veole before att tnlltln to docldo upon anyone commodity relresenta- } lIve of Amorlcan cllltm'o mill habits , . 1"ln31y ho mallo 1111 hl1l mind. Ho Bent six paclmges of chewln glllll. Preventive MedIcine , " Mall Is gmdllul1y awalCnlng to the fnct that 1\11 ounce of Ilrevonllvc medl. cillo Is worth several pOI\I\ls or cura' tlvo treatments , When ho gets his eyes opeu to this fuct , wo may expcct to flee some of the curolessum19 arlll Indlfferenco in regard to hygIenic methods of right Hvlng glvo Illaco to wlGdom and common seuse-thuG materially prolonging IIfo ane ] maldng II , moro Hvnble whlto it edcts-PWla- : : dolphla Evening Post. The Woman Every Ono Likes. 'rho wamn whom every on/ ) likes Is an excellent tal1wr and lIRtener , hut she 1Istens mere than she talltf ! . She never gossips , but she ia Idnl1 and Hb. oral In her judgjmentn. She hIlS ; \ "a"Uy of rememberln , . ; Md dls IlIc ( ; ' ' ' , and nevel' trcads on oth r peo. pie's f'orns , uIld she novel' nsles unnec. ossaror curIous questions. Would Accept No Substitute. "I would 1I1co to marry "ollr pretty ( laugh tor , " said the ) 'oung man , quiet. Iy , to her father. "I cnn't let you l1a\'e the pretty one. " rop1lecI the old mm , "but you can have the homely one , and I'll guar nteo r.o\l that aho's just as good. " Bllt the 'O\lI1g man Itnd read the warning , "nccept no sub L. . nlyo. . . .djaleQ5zSlh. ? . . .cm h h I . DtitutO. " and the "jnst M godd" line of tal1e was wasted upon him. French Stew. Ono pouud of meat , one small bead of cabhage , ono onion and one quart of tomatoes , Run the meat through a ment hopper 01' cut hI small plcces , r.ut cabba'.e , tomatoes nnd onions fine. CaIlned tomatoes may bo used If frefh ones are not aval1abla. Sen. con to taste. Just heforo Gcrvln ! ; sUr on , ) tablespoon of Oour In :1. little water Ull It Is smooth : Lnd add. Avoid cTarlng Hnm. In cutUng ment from ham13 amt 5houlders , there Is always some geol fleat left on the bones , which loolcs scrappy when cut off. I bouht ! a smal1 tapcrlnr ; saw and now have nicely shaped , clean cut sUces by < Jaw. Ing through the bone as I come to n , and there Is no waste and there r no scraps left , DIrn : CnrJct ! With Ravelings. For mending thln places in rugs and carpets , use S01r.O ot the rL\'el- ings from the cnrpet , which should be mved fur the purpose , Dlrn : the thIn III aces and three-cornored tears where they cannot he dotected. The fringe and tassels of rugs and port1Cres can be darned aud fllstened In the Dame way. Tin Coffee Pots. A new tin coffee pot , If novel' WIl h. ed on the Inoldo with soap , may be Iwpt much sweeter. Wash the out. side and rlnco the insldo thoroughly ' :1U1 clear scalding water. Turn up on the steve to dry , When dry rub woU with a clean dry Cl0U1. NovoI' llUt a soallY cloth iusldo the coffee pot. 'rho Inside of lwtt1es should elthcr bo drletl when oyer the contents han been emptied , 01' they 'Should 110 flung 11)1 ) or stood Ullslllo down In a dry ) llnce. A few drops of water , If ai , lowed to coUect at the bottom of the l < ettle , soon Cl\1lfes 8)1otS ) of rust , and these In tlmo seuerate : Into holes. I nordor not to lose 11. legacy of $25" 000 left to her b ) ' nn eccentric aunt , a 'oun : ; lady was , In Fra.nco , some little time ago , manled wearing a we dlng dress which , thou h of fashlona.ble cut , was mude out of sncl < cloth. "Our train atruclt II. bear on tbo wa ) ' down , " I "Was ho on the trncle ? " I "No : the train had to go Into the woods aftcr hlm"Louls\'l1Io Courier. J ourna\ \ . THE WURN OPTICAL CO. l'nt"rprl'lO with no 01,1 exp"rl. nr'v " @ @A . . . ' "Ilrlan In , 'harllo. . "r 11 y" ' " ' ' - ' , ' . . . . . Co , "um s"r : "t thu I''nl..hl O\lr..1 n. P. 'VUUOl.tlel ' , , ' " lG01 'nn"'rnIiL.O > > .lU . MATTHEWS IM'dl : ' " " "B T IU' r..1I ] U , . , l'II'IIt : : 110/ " Tilt ; " " ! : : " " . . . . Ollloh..I > . .lIoom t , lI".hmon I\oek ! , N . I 'Onler I II > IInll'Olllloo 10 , . . 110011 .et I"h , .tl'l . , 'hi ' . . . 'loWlIIallall II III > . 11 < ' . . rnln. . " .I > III.rl < l" " " " 'th : \ nL/ , . tllvl'rlllllnlM',1IoC\I < ) , " , . , ' " , ' , IIUIlIo ' I All. UTMU III , II . Ilrlnlt1oah'ertloement"lIh : ) ' 011 , . RON f PE F i1.1NGS I CRA' ' E co. OMAHA I Grain , Stocls and Bonds 0\1.\ II CUlmSHlUS CII. . , N. \ . , I. ' \lI.OlJlllh'\ [ \ , I corr""l'ondl'n18 of : llnn'hL'u,1 . \ ; eu , IlncI.IIIh1naU ; , Uhltun ; " , Ire berYlc" . W" wildtJur IJUWIIC03 IJ ) wull urrlr" . . _ . - . : . I' . . : A / TRIO OF LITTLE TRAILERS. 1\ . . . . . . Th'r ! ' IR 1Itllo l11fiu0l1CQ whore there- . Is 1I0t great' H'nIlUU1) ) ' , , . . " 'hon n womnn 1S 'suro thal he- ( l'Ielllllunpr Hay \tnlclntl thlngaof her , . situ Is snro that u1l her frlondll ILro- d.mll : , _ I ' } 'aloll ( Is the cllpaclty. of doing a.ny. . . tltlllg I.hnt . dellenc1n on apllllcatioL nnr31 ' . Il1dnstr ) ' : it Is II. vuluntary VOWQr. . whllo genhu : Is tnvoluntnr ) ' . ' . ' - - , Omaha Directory . . . . - - - . . . . - One Million Dollars OF ASSETS prolcct the policy hoJders or th BANKERS RESERVE LIFE CO of Omaha , NebralJka. All 1I0lIcics sccured by a deposit , of : . securities with the State of Nebrnslm. I Qentl wanted 011 f.vortble : tcrma , . . H. ROBISON , PRESIDENT. A PIANO fREE. . . - . 011 TRIAL ' " , . , . . . nororo Y01I IJIIY piano " , want YOII 10 I , . , . a ) l1I.lIor. . I ' r ; Thn It " , I won't , 'oel " ' " IIn , . ' . , III nil' , tor . .II 'TO " , " Is yon.- , ' rllll..lun to ) > 1. . . . . , on. . . . . . . . . . . _ your hOIllU , Ir nUor trllI I' _ 1" ' = - - ' ) 0'1 ' IIro IIM" " Wllh U , . . " . , . , ,11I 1 < 11111 t tn ) 11I tor tram t1sJ : I. . .IW IN. " Ih..n ) 'OU CAn buy Iho SOUIU ot'l/lILIu,1 / tur nl.o"hc. . . . It Y"u 111'(1 lIot IIIIUsaed , hip It bllek at our OX-I penflo 1t lu.r , lII..nnrarhl t'I. " 0 .ILTI' yon thn d nJprl' , nt. t < nd III your lIall10 and..d Ir . . IInd "n . . . .H1 Pro" . ) 011 nil I\lout our Free Trlol Plnn , ho" to I1 > lU 1II0nLy.,1 lIetu.IlIIlIt IIrIL < l. . , ,1"110 "II . . .y tern , . : 8P1L YOIl ollr"IIUln \ lJook "lid It It 10" 1I00v to lI"t sixty muolo 10080ns freo.'rllo 10.d"YI SCHMOllER & MUELLER PIANO GO. Dopt. . OMAHA , HERR. : Spec al This \JVeek $88.50 OSTE OOI1 " 5 MATTRIESS..iIJ II ' 'rhht In nn extra hCllv ' , A'enulnc' 0- tOI'moo ! ' l\1attr ss. mnl10 or lJl1nr1-II1I I'at nt \llsllc \ fllt , with beautiful Art 'rwlll Ilcltlnl ; ' . Sells everywhere for $13.50. Shlppe anywhere In the state , freight prepld. ! . \ for $65.00 ORDIR ONE TODAY. ORCa-lARD & WILHELM OMAUA. SOP..E NEBR AGENTS , > - % Ie 10 % INT REST ' ON YOUR 10NEY Thn.t Is what you can get by buylnR : " OMAHA REAL ESTATE We have many good proportles Crom $1,000 TO $50,000 ' That wo will bo pleJsed : to show you allY tlm(1 , nothing aafor , bettcr or mOf o" substautlal. HASTINGS AND HEYDEN 1704 Farnam Strcet Om:1ha , Neb f I :91U1 : R 'H REAl ESTATE MlfUU U lUU oulJhtondSol1f' WILLS Carefully Propnrod RENTALS COLLECTED We act os TRUSTEE tor Oorl'oral' ) bOI > < lI."I"I , hol. . .nd " 1\10 ( or 1 > roo" , ) ror I""ollt o ( mlllo" " or . . ct ( Je"l'lo , PETERS TRUST CO. lie. fork lila Dulldln ; : , OIIIHA. NeBRASKA. II You \ & ! nilr : 6'n.1Jr : , o , Want to IfU\t. ; , a.l'J.H ; ' ltFruuEY You l VE STOCK Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON Live Stock Commission , 154-156 Er.chnnlc BId ! : , . . . So. Omaha. Neb. 32 Yours In the Buslncos _ , NEW BELL PIANO , $165 ! By inquiring at once we will r sell this mahogany finished Bcll . Piano ( fully RuaranloefU. for - only $165 , Terms , cash or paymenls. A. HOSPE CO. , OMAHA , NED. Cltt Ihls out nnd Plailvritb letter. TYPEWRITERS . 'rom 11011\1 , Newand aJlllhtl , worn . muchlu s ot nil mllkes ( It areatlr : rr - , durl'd llrices , It U III III J ; ( . ( ) n 111 ( :0..1 rUlmlr. 82 ,00. OIlY"r . . . , ' . tully JtIIU't"lt'Oal. tSanoo. w. 'I " renL IUllrhll1"tJ at S'J utld U ! ) . . m.nlh'rllporrnnOI > 1nforj'V' ' " . . . . . . Ton wIlnt CENTltAI. 'C'I''Ul'I.IDt I . ; " - lJUANUR. I UII'7 1' " rill" " St. , ( IlImllll ; Itl1pl1lr. and u""Ucs turnlshl' < 1 tor all muke" of machhwlI. " 10llellllt.rul . Art Card. 100 POST CARDS 5 t 111110. . . . . < 1 1"1rd. . tor Cbrtot " ' . . . " " , \ Nuw y" " . . , b.rmh new 100. 26 Cromot'r > o Art C..rd , " " " . .nt. " tRnl.I .ulljoo'\.II. : : GIll Urnl..r ) IHrl 500 20 I ' 011 td. . 01" " I"a , n r comic , l'lctnrlal , IIuntlnl : " " , " . , .taifO bt-'I I /I. . . . . . . . . . _ > e. . . d"Il&to , marin. . vl"wI , atorll ; cardJo. ' . . tlo" " , " , trullo , ' hlhl .Indlca , ele , SI.60. Tllo " " ' 1 u- . . , IW.rlmullt ot car < l. 0(1 " ' 0 m"ket , an..I".1 , , " "t 'laId ' ' " ' j ( rlOCl'lIt ot "rl'o , nllt : 1'lIlaln ue , AKo1ltll W"'ILud. FO , DA lROS. & . CO , . 1210 HARNEY STREET , OIllAHA , lEI. " Succcssfully taught. TELrOR" nuy I tno cllIlpmont. ' Dllilpatcll1'r's wlro IIn,1 Station D1'ntc'f' ' (1I1'lIll1he\ b . IT. P. It n , Co , OP > > I" ntors In hlgo dcmnlHI. POltlona Sunr- nntC't"'rlto \ at oncl' , AlhlrcssOMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , Omaha , Ne . r _ UrH. .Hlllloy 8.111 : < ' 11. 'I hll - n.I'hH.r , I'nx un _ lIh > ck ' Ir. ICth " alld 1"I1rllll.III - HIs. , I' " 1/ \ , NrII , Dcst cqlllJ1r c1 I /nlll.,1 011I0/1111 tlloldI. . . \ \ ' < 'll , ] . ; 1II'\UPPU < Ulcc , , " Ule" rndu JI.'nll tr ) ' . I"n""rq ! " , lu.'rlcc& . . FJ A Uf U III..l > cll ; market pri' nll \/9 / If' ns I'aill. , ,1 H 1II1 fnr prlcf'6 , : " Hhlpl'llI taJ : " WI ! lII\ko n Ip < , claLof ! I"I'a : l OA"l'S ANU RC.\IU'H 101I.AIl \ R , AULAOAUGH , mOB _ . Douglas St. , Omaha. 1m 1m AND EXPENS S $ U rrer uay mal" lIy o\lr 1I IIt. . . . . IIUUhllC tor " 0. lhlp&lI < 1 tl : } : : "tll l c : , f.lowf.I , [ - : , r 'I" t [ r-rE I'orralt.rt ! \ " > elll . . , , ,1 ua" . , 600 Bouth 13tll St. . Omaha. WrlteU"'o ' > < 'k. - - - - Do You Drink Coffee " 'VII ) 1"1t Ibo Lloul' , " , uk , blUer n".onod cone"ln ) Jotlr.'omaeh . .Ioen pur. GERMAtI-AMEnrOAN COF FEE c".to"o III or" , lauht , , "Iouln ! ; It. Your Ire er nil , It or CAU Iut.t. I , ( -J - . - . 1 . . \ I , 'A . . . . .