Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 8
, _ _ V. , A DR. CHRISTENSON. EUl'N 'fhroat Eye , , ese , fr' ! and Chronic Diseascs. \ ' Fitting of Glasses. : , . Office in Realty bleck. - FRANK-KELSEY ; . ALL ICIND8 OF W E L , .8 Con uli him It you want Water. Phone 112 , - Broken Bow. let OON RAD. O.let . " , . .Dealor In Pamp. . Wind , Mill. , Tank. , 'ltUnK" GuoUa. Intinoll ! , eta. etc. Urokon now , Nebl'lleka. HARRY KIMBALL , : Practical Undertaker . Llonsed Embalmer DUllness lhonc , 301. Residence 3348 rolroa Pow. "eb. , w. , . ' ' -LI : " . J 'r . . . . " -w : . 1 YOUR SAVINGS are secure. Invest In DuUdlng Material and Coat. Dave you seen ' our Wire Corn Cribs. Don't let your Corn I rot on the Jround. We have 'em in.stock . Dierks lumbar & Coal CO. J. S. KOLDEDI , Manlier Pbone 23. Broken Bow , lebraska -Fhe ; IU es-t E11eva.1or : RAS ANDERSON - DEALER IN- CRAIN AND COAL Feed in large . and small quantities at both wholesale nd retail. pecial attention given to filling orders for coal in any quantity. Brolten Bow , - Nebraska . " " : o""JX. . - - - . , S NYD.ER B ROS & C'O. . . E. & W. COLLARS. PETERS SHOES. We are now ready for FALL BUSIN'ESS , I New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will soon be complete. When you are laking for Good Vat ! ues and : Bonset : Prices the year 'round in dry' goods ; clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs. carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look our lines over. CRITERION CLOTHING. HUNTER OVERALT . ' i Wt . y ! . ; . r".1 " When desiring to figure on a bill I ' of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . ij . IIc L T' L b C 'I urner um or o. i ; r ; We carry a iull stock f Lumber. I Sash , Doors , MouldlOgs , etc. ii t I ! Agents for the Nebraska Central , . J.W ; If & Ioatt Association. . : ttM : : : fl _ IriS.mti.C : : K Illfl6 " ' . . . , , . . _ _ _ _ _ . ijl i- ) tl ' iiI6' : n ; : _ 'r w _ . . . ' . YOU CAN "SA VE MO'NEY . here by purchasing ! ' _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ , . , . . . . . . . . , . _ . . . _ _ . . _ Paints , Oils , I H w , . FurnUurc , , , . li'lour , Feed l. and Seed. _ \ , . . . . . . . _ ' . . . . . . _ . . . , . , . _ . . . . , . _ . . . . . . ' . . . . , J. W. SCOTT. South SidelSquare , Broken Bow. Send yo r Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , : Bonded . .Abstracter Office . In Security State Dank . 'Id'ng - - - c.vv. . : ao an. Successor . . to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. At the OLD STAND. Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents. , Will buy 8 me good paper. CaU and . see me. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - . . . . . , . . ' " . . . . ' M ' ' 1' ' . .ba' : " . . . . . . .LI . ITEMS FROM THE CAPITOL CITY . - - I , A Corr pendent Scnd. Some New. from W ubington Intereatini to I the RepubUcan Reader. . - I Secretary Cortelyou professes to be thoroughly satisficd with I 'the manner In which the financial - . cial situation is shaping itself In New York. the cltarit1g ! house of the nation , financial I affairs are much easier and much money has been sen by the banks of the metropohs to the middle west , particularly to St. Louis , where heavy demands , have been made by the smaller ! banks of the outhwest lor currency - ' rency with which to move the crops. Despite all this and notwithstanding - withstanding that Mr. Cortel- you said this we k' that the crisis .had passed to such an exten't that the matter was not even discussed at the cabinet meeting , there is an air of decided nerv- ou.sness in the business world that probably will force Congress to take up early in the coming sC9sion the ma tter of currency reform. The fact is pointcd to that panjcs come in seven year cyclcs and that the country h'ls been notably free from any financial - cial dist rbance since 1893' . Hav- in& ! skippcd 1900 , the seventh jear after tbe disastrous days of 1893. the superstitious arc wondering - dering whether this year of 1907 will witness a panic baving the force of two. So far as the real businees of the nation is concern- cd. there never was , according to government reports , a healthier condition. But there is no tel. ling where the nervous a'ppre- hension of a prosperity.seated people will lead them. * * * Big sticks are plentifulenough everywhere , perhaps , in this administration - ministration , save only that telephone - phone and telegraph companies throughout the country are finding - ing them scarcer everv year. Either al tificial cultiv tion of 'the timber suitable for poles will have to become general or a substitute - stitute for wood must be found. lOne of Uncle Sam's consuhr a 'ents stationed at a German city reports that a factory has been started there for the manu- fi"cture of glass teJephone poles of the stand"rd si e. These are reinforced by a meshwork of wire threads. If at all practicable , they will almost certainly beuse- , fullO tropical countries where telephone companies complain that. swarms of ants fasten upon the wooden poles and devuur them so completely .that nothing is left except the glas insulators banging eve the pace where I the insulator pit : used to be , Whether glass poles are adaptable - able for use in this country reo mains to be seen. It is under. stood that the experts of the Bel : telephone system investigate I their merits some time ago jus1 as the engineering department 01 the same organization has lookee into the subject of concrete poles The present opinion , however , appears to be that so long a ! wooden poles can be secured the arc. all this being equal , the bes for use in American conditions That'is why the American Tele phone & Telegraph Company , it co-operation with the Unitec States Forestry Bureau , has fo several years been carrying 01 elaborate experiments for deter mining the best means of pro , longing the life of wooden poles The two organizations maintain in co-operation , experiment sta tions at Dover , N. J. . Thorndale Pa. , Pisgah , N. H. , and'Wilming ' ton , N. C. The American Tel . p one & Telegraph Company sup plies a fixed number of poles cae ! wonth upon which the expert base their experiments and obser vations. It has already beel shown that seasoned timber il contact with the ground will out last unseasoned , and dry wood i more receptiv of preservativ , fluid than is green wood. 1 scientific skill succeeds in great ly lengthening the existence 0 tht" " avera e wooden pole , and i the methods of scientific forrestr which the forrestry bureau ii trying to inculcate becomr. gen eralJy adopted , it is likely tha glass sticks will not be needed h this country to carry the vas network of telephone wires b , which prdctically every Amed can is able to converse with ever' . other. Muon City Matten. Some of the farmers arounc here are nearly through huskin ( corn. . The B. & M. is putting dowt a well near the stock yards 11 this place. Mr. Hunelright ii doing the work. Grandpa English died at hi : home here last Friday morninK' , , , . . . J . . , I ; ; , . . ' . J ! .rtll ; . . . . . .1 : : . . . . # He Was one of the olel srttlers and highly respected by aU. 'l'be I I funeral services wtrc held at the Christian church Sunday. I , Ed. Burrows , who has been i11 with typhoid fever is able to flit u ! In spite of the financial status there IS a good deal of building being don at prosent. I Tom Whitehead laid the foundation - . dation for Mik " 'arrol's resideuce last 'rhursday. 1 Zumbrota Zephyrs. I Mr. Ralpb Johnson is enjoying a visit from. his mother , wbo ar rived here Sunday frow'Fremont , Nebraska. Chas. { { oozer went to Sargent last Friday to bring Miss Slerm from that place to nurse .Mrs. Callen. Geo. Tappan has finished the core husking for Oscar Tappan and wm now engage in the sartle work for G. J. Martin. Miss Carrie l'ox ! was obliged to I return to her home in Broken . Bow last Friday to care for he.r mother w o is having her throat treated. Miss Nellie Clem mens o { Spring Creek , is taking her place at Callen's. Mr. Petebren of Missouri , has arrived In Custer County to .take possession of his section of land which he purcha ed lately of Mr. Brenizer. Glen Richardson is goi g to pick corn for M. 'D. Stone. John Boyce , wife and Gracie from Broken Bow Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Koo er. Mrs. E. J. Bishop and daughter - ter , Miss Zee , attended the missionary - sionary meeting last , .Thursday , beld at the home of Mrs. Chas. Heaps. We understand the next meeting is announced to meet with Mrs. Bessie Lloyd. MIS. M. D. Callen , whofor the past four weelcs has bern confined to her rooUl , was operated on last Saturday morning. Dr. Stokes , of Omaha , performed the surgical - cal work assisted by Dr. Barthol- mew and wife and Dr. 'ralbot , of Hroken Bow. It is hoped that she will improve rapidly. At the present writing she is getting along nicely. One afternoon recently a quar. tette of young people were bav. morninK'J nea1 by pasture when the ice brokE and Madge Bishop was precipi. iated into the cold water. Wal1 Cole hurried to her rescue ane soon had ber safely on' shore. al. though she recei d a ducking. . Hurrah for the fun I Is the pud.dmg done ? Hurrah for Thanksgiving day Let us print those let-ter Heads New type and up-to-date styles Real Es te Transfers. Wm. Purcell to H. : : ) tuckcr , pat in 24and 13-15-18 , . . . . $3001 G. A. Rupert to Mary Shaw lots 9 and 10. in block 39 , R. R. add to Callaway. . . 971 . Berton Empfield to Frank , Taylor , lot 5 , block 14 , in ) Anselmo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 , B. C. Empfield to F. Taylor t. pa. in 9-19-22 . . . . . . . . . . 25' ' . The ' . Investor's Security Co. to W m. Fries , 480a in see. 32-33-16-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . .1200 < Central Nebraska Land and Investment Co. , 160a in. 32-16-17 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 400 _ Charles F. Hussey to Frank Kelly , lot 15 , block 6. in. Merna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201 . - James Kirk and wife to . F. K llr , lot 15 , in' block. 6. . . original town of Merna. . . 100 - Henry Sweeney to Bridget Sweeney , 160a in 2-18.23 , . 100 Elijah Stoddard to Theo. . J. . Cadson , 1GOa in 15. and 22 : 14-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 Albert T. Simms to Gordont G. Beal and Lottie Beat : , . lot 4 .and E of Jot 3 , im R. A. Hunter's addition , \p Broken Bow. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 _ Lincoln Land Co. to Hobert ! J. { { el1y , lots 15 and 16 , . f block 15 in Merna , . . . . . . 15 r James W. . Bingham to Pete : s Trautman. lot 17 , in blk 34 , in Callaway. . . . . . . . . . 30 t J. B. EUingworth to Carl 1 A. Lindsted , 1GO in 30- t 14-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.20 r Lincoln Land Co. to H. A. Sherman , parcel. . . . . . . . - 40 r Joseph Kelly to Lowell M. Wade , pa , iu 15-1Q-18-21. . 480 Ezra P. Savage to H. A. . Sherman. undivided . interest in 3-19-18. . . , . . . O J. G. Brenizer to Mart Holt 1GOa in 19-15.25. . . . . . . . . 200 Laurence Worth and busb. to A.meda Soith. lot 5,1n. block 31 , J P. Gandy's add to B. Bbw , and strip- 20x112 south of blk 31. . . 130' ' . . - . . ' " . . . . . " ' - ' - ' - - - . . . , _ . . . . . . . Jo. _ ' - . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . _ The W eigb of the Coal Dealers , II" I I" ocs nut nlwlIs menn "all conI. " even if it be full weight. This is a joke in the trade , but it's no joke to the consumer who pays for it "all coal" and gets ten to lwent1 ; per cent dirt aud rubbish mixed In. If you buy your conI from us you get all coal , full weight n d the best , well-screened coal ohlninahle without va'ing fancy priccs. , . - H. T. BRUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. . . . . . _ _ . . _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u. . _ , GlloD > e LiVl : ! fW , Jt 'et"di _ . Sall & 1b1JlTh > ! 'ft''ravlng ' purchased toe Globe Barn. . : ! oW I have supplied It with all new stock and vehicles-all IIrst clus- ; and Invite the patronage , of those In need of livery service. Farmers who unhook here when they come to town will find their teams well taken c re of. . < < : tJJ 1m En 4 : reP ! P < < ifiD. . , : J . . November SPECIAL RATE.S ! TO TilE EAST : . The low rate Jamestown Exposition . tickets can be us d for your Autumn trip to New York , Dostun. and other Eastern cities. These rates expire November 30th. . WINTeR TOURIST RATES : Daily , commencing 19'ovember I.'ith , to Suthern , Southwestern aud Cuban resorts. ' - - - . . 1I0J"ESEEKERS EXCURSIOES : Cheap rate excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month this Autumn to Kans S , Oklahoma , th ( Gulf country , Coloradt. . Utha , Wyom. ing , Big Horn Bnsfn , Montana and the Northwest. Ask your neares1 agent or write : the und rslgned. BIG 1I0RN BASIN AND VELLOWSTONE VALLEY OIS'T I conduct landsepkers excoursions tc this country the first and third Tues. days during November and Decembel to help you secure irrigated land at the cheapest price. An excellen1 0' chnuce for you is one of the foul hundred 40.acre Government irrigat. ed farms in Yellowstone Valle ) ' I Montana near Ballantine on this ro Id. . for \ \ hich you can make homestead entrv I for 34 dollais per acre. includ. ing perpetual water rights , by pay. ing this price in ten annual instna. ments Wllbout interest. Write me. . nnd join the excursions. No charg ( for my services. D. Clem D < aver Age nt , Burlington l.andseeker : Dureau , Omaha. H. L. ORMSBY , 10 ( . Ticket Agent ) L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. , ( Omaha , N brl1Ska. ) ' 0 . . . . . . . . .Ucr al'.ueu u > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orlm.nn BC\ltt No. 'J11OJ . J.G.BRENIZ iR. tlreeae ( 01 Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SbClrt Uon Cattle. My berd nnmberll40 COWl. Will com pare In breedlnll and quality with any wellt 0 : Chlcaa'o My c perlence hall tanlrht me that tc IlITe lloodntlBfaction. breedlnll c"ttlc mnllt b4 I'ul. . " ' ' ' . , u.a. . .aUUUdc , " I czpeca tc r..l..ett1t tn " re the " , qUAt of anythlnQ ral.ed lath. . U. B. I aow h.\vc25baUI lultabh for thll aad Dczt year'l .enlce. My COWl . . .eillh from 1400 to 2000 pauadl. Come aa4 le4 D heD. - - - . . . - - . , , ' . . . . . . _ ; . ' . , -r" ! ' . : . ' ' - - / . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . - . , , - ' j - ' ' " : : -1' [ r _ h. . _ . . . I LEGAL r OTICE. \ : : . . . NOTICE FOR PUDLICATION. ) Department of tile Interior , Land Omce at ; Drolun Dow. Nebraska. October 10 , 1M. Notice Is hertby given that James It. Sterner , of CallawaylIaB Illed notice of bll Intention to make tinal commuted proof In support of his claim. vlz : lIomestead Entry . No. 8362. made Septembcr23l003 , for tbe e IIW Jlectlon 3l J township 17n. range 2311' . aJid that said proox will be made before reglstet and receiver. at Droken lJow , Nebralka , 011 I November ro lOOT. lie names the feU.Wlng wltnesscs to prOTO 1 bls continUoUK residence upon nd cultiTa. tlon of the land. VIZ : ole P. Olson ' Nels .0. Olson. Frank M. Callen and Frank 'n. Wool. Inton ; , all of Callaway. Nebraska. JOliN HEESE , Register. I First Pub. Oct. IT-Gt ' . . . . . . - - I NOTICE I < 'OR PUDLICA'l'ION. ! I Deprrtment of the Interior , Land Omce at J lJroken lIow , Nebraska , October 81st , 1007. , Notice Is hereby given that Chancey 11. ! SWICk10f Lillian , Nebraska. has let ! notice of his ntention to make lInarnve year proof , In support of his Claim , vlz : 1I0mestead . Entry No. 2100 , made March II , 1001 , for the e sw , n SC ! ( , Section H. township 18 , range 21. and that said proof will be made before register and receiver. at llroken'llow. Nebraska. on December 131001. lie names the following witnesses to prove . his continuous residence ulJon. anll cUltiva. . tion of. the land , vlz : Albert Delders , of . Lillian. Nebr. ; David MCQulsten. of Merna , ! Nebr. ; ! "rederlck lIrock , of Merna , Nebr.j . 1 James couman.'of Lillian , Nebr. JOHN HEESE , Register. . j I Fist Pub Nov. 7-0t. . , NOTICE FOR TAX DEED. To William 11. Morrow and George n. Mor. row , Non.resldents : You are htreby notified that on the6thday , of Novemberi lilliS , Ker D. Dunlop purchase l at public sa e Ccrtitlcate No. . a31 : ! , ) at the _ county treasurer s oll1ce of said. county , the ' . r. . followIng described real estate , now asscssel1 , ' 1 and taxed In' th name of W. lL Morrow , . ' to.wlt : . , l' I The ne of sw of section No. 17. In town. I , shllJ No. 15 , north , of rauie No. 17. west. of . .j' .j'I C5th P. M.,40 acrest In Custer county. State of ! .i Nebraska. . for tne delinquent taxes due ' thereon for the year lOOJ , for the sum of 1-4.8 $ and on the 1st < 1 y of May. 1\106 \ , paid the ; sUbsequent taxes assess cd against satd prcmles ! for the year 1005 , In the sum of . f I A , 'l'hat on the tilth day of December. 1000 , ' said Ker D. Dunlop duly assigned the eertHI- cate of purchase of said propt"rty an4 all his Interest therein , to L. A. Wight. i . That on the 1st day of May , 1007 , said L. A. I Wil ht paid the sutisequent taxes asscssed " j I alr.&lnst said prcmlscs for the year IWO , In . the sum oU3.U3. . . That said certificate of purchase Is now In the posscsslon of and Is owned by the under. 1 I signed. , 1. , 'i'hat the time for redemption of said prop. " crty from said tax. sale wlU expire on ttie . 2nd day of February 1008 , and It said preml. scs are not then redeemed , the undersigned will apply to the county treasurer of said I , county for a deed to the said premises \ . Dated this 4th day of November , 1007. - L. A. WIGHT. Pub Nov. 7.211nc I , ROAD NOTIOE. I To Whom It May Concern : I Tltt : Commissioner appointed to view. and i If deemed for the public good. to locate a. road petitioned for by Merl Campau et al1 . . commencing at the northwest corner ox section : } I , township 13 , range 23 , thence south along the section line to the southwest cor. ner of said section 2-1j thence east along the " section line two miles to the southeast corner . of section III , township 13. range 22. Also , commencing at the southwest corner of sec. tlon 23 , township 13 , range 23 , and nmnlng " thence west to the southwest corner of sec. - tion 23 , township 13 , tange 23 has reported In I favor of the establishment tbereof. and all . , objections thereto , or claims for damages. must be tiled In the county clerk's oll1ce on \ , or before noon of the 28th da of December. . f 1007. or such road will be cstatllshed without \ reference thereto. In 1Vltness Whereof. I have hereunto set . I1y hand and seal of said county , this 21st day of October , 1007. JOS. PIGMAN , County Clerk. I First Pub. Oct. 2Ht. NOTICE FOR PUnLIOA'rION. , Department of the Interior , Land Otllce at. Broken Bow , Nebraska , November 4 , 1007. Notice Is hereby given that Fred W Hick. man of Merna , N'ebraska. has filed notice of his Intention to make IInal live year proof in j support of his claim. vlz : Homestead Entry i. No. 2076 , made February 14 , 1001 , for the nw Section 14 , township 18 , range 21 , and that said proof will be ma4e before register and receiver. at Droken Dow , Nebraska. on Dec. 13 , 1007. : He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cUltivation - tion of. the land. vlz : Oliver G. Smltb , Hen- I ry L. Williams , William C. Alspaugb. Osborn 0. SWIck. all of Merna , Nebraska. JOHN REESE , Re ater _ First Pub Oct 7-6t ROAD NOTIOE. . To Whom It 1IIay Concern : i The commlssoner appointed to vle\v. and If deemed tor the public good , to locate a. . road petitioned for by 0 : K. Heist , et al. com. menclng at school house at the nw corner \ ' of Section 0 , township 17. range 17 ; theuci \ east about one mile ; thence north and east about one and one-q\larttr miles to a point l about SO rods cast of the sw corner of section Sf , to\vns1'llp 18. range 17. and Intersect laid I nut road at township line : thence take the F. E. Van Antwerp Survey. north and east about one and one-half miles and Intersect lald.out road at the northeast corner of the se ot sectlon7. township 111 , rauge 17. as shown by plat and field notes on tile In the county c1erk's otllce has reported In favor of the establlshmcnt thereof , and all objec. tlons'thereto , or claims for damages , must be tiled In the county clerk's otllce on or be. fore noon of the 21st day of January. 1001I , or such road will be established without refer. . ence thereto. In Witness Whercof. I have hert'unto set ) my hand and'scal of sa14 county. this 21st . day of November 1007. JOS. PIGMAN. County Clerk. First Pub. Nov. 14-6t. , NOTIOE OF PROBATE OF WILL. . The State of Nebraska , } ss. , OusterCoun y. , 'ro aU the devisees and legatees. and all I persons Interested In the estate ot Susan . Gates , dccealled : Whereas , Stillman Gates of said county. has filed In my otllce an Instrument purportIng - - Ing to be the last \v111 and tClilawent ot Susan Gates , decealled , late of said county. and a petition praying to have the same : admitted to probate , which will relates to , both real and personal estate , whereupon I I ; have appointed the 18th day of December , 1007. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at my I oQlce lu sahl countv , as the time and lJlace for you and all concerned , may appear and contest the probate of the same. " In testimony whereQf. I have hereunto set . my hand and anlxed myotllclalseal , 1 this 18th day of November , 1007. [ SEAL ) A. R. IlUMPHnEV County Ju4ge. First pUb. Nov. 21. , J - i A. ARMOUh. , ( J ) . Attorney at Law. " ' )2\ \ Broken Bow.INebr. Ravlall Just h"d " eIght years practical ezper lence as County Judlle. wlUlllve special aUea tlon to tbe drawlnll anI ! prob"tlng ot wll1s and f the admlnhnr"'tloa of estates of decealed per- lIoas andmlaorB. Write or phoae me. I may u e 7011 P trip. . . ' - - ' - t' ) CCCOO ( .t : F. W. HAYES , i I" Jeweler and O tician West Side Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. I ' " .dI oOOOOOC' . . . . . . I ' . . \ , ) ; . . . . . / - - " ' /f / " . '