Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 7
. , . . 40 , , . , : r : : ' ' t. ' - - : ; . . NEhlJ CO.OPERATION I E031NTIAL TO &UCCES IN ALL .Dut\INESS UNDtlRTAKINGS. 01 SO B LA Tn Irt1POSmOKS 1hf emCI DovlGOd t Decolve th Peo- pto and to G:1ln Support for Un- ound Flnanolal "rapo- cltlons. J-lnnnonlous co-oper:1t1o. : tfJ C ! lcn. 113.1 la any sucoosstul business. Dye C -o orntf01Is not mcsnt Buch orga. 11Jatlan n3 the communh tlc And mono BtIe : fJocloUes found la part : ! of the 1Jurepen countrlcs , an4 occarounal1y l'Jtiag ' In America. A. oo-operatlon r o1ntOll to m.nutnotul' and commer. . clnllenl4 It simply mC\ns a rlshtoouD . TeJlBTd cn ( lnrt or employer and the i OIIIplO'.1ed tor the liberty and IIrlvlJ. I 't'of / both. It mean a or the laborer. . 1\ jam day's werk ror a just da"o' ' cnmpenootlon ; and tor the tJ'ployer , : ccnnicca : rendered for the wages he 1IIa PiY , Interests of both are paral. Ono b:1s : hiD O l1ltal InTcsted , raency emplored and tIle other hns nl- I he C3plbl reprcaonted by hlB abU. : I. te labor elthor I. a mentnl or i lhveleal cnpnclty. . 1. . IJDg1:1.nd : and In VllrlJl of Gcr- many , theTO are numerOUB c.1eUes , tJt.I"J wcrkors In each being common ah1aoldors and participating In all vroflta ncoordlng to their holdlnt's. Ia taGt these soclctlc Are noUllng I . than tbo ( ; 1'03t rll.llroad com- ItIln1ea and Industrial concerns of Ame11o\ , only that In th9 latter tbe stockholders seldom tate nn ncthe . ) Vrt I. tbo .work porfor nad , Ona .wl10 tuns the c:1re to study Into condl. t.i01Ia In the countrle3 where this fbnn ot oo-operat.lon oxlsts , will find enl1ronmcnts rar dltterent rrom what .obtanl In the Unite ! } States. In Tarl- QUG places and at dlIrorent times at. tcdpts to cop ) " aflet- the English co. 'OpernUvo sooleUes have been made In the Unltcd 8t:1too. : Fal1ure hall ro- W':1rt1cd the efforts made. Some few oommnnltles flourished for a time , th 1s dec:1ycd. Prnpped up by tho' success or the f suoceflsfltl organhaUons In th tt country , shrewd sohomera hnve 6tnrtod dlfreront commorcl111 enter. prlsoo In CJtj 9 at the United tates , mJPPouod to be opera upon tllO co- ' ' . - . When stud- 'ttJ'lf)1'nt.l-ro p1an. carcfully - 1ol.1 , and the plans ot the promote ' . ( Umroof.oo' , It will be found tbat co- < JporaUon In thoGO cases seems simply - ly tbe gottinr ; Into bulnesn on other p Jllo'9 Dloney , and weaving around too ontorprlso such appearances ns IGads the unsophlatlcnted to bcUen that from fov doUnra hivcsted , great ! lZ1 lIga can be mado. In fact the oo-oporativo plln ; la moro for the pur- } WBe cf advertising a priTate business ro1 > osfUon nnd gaining trade from tbofe wbe Invest : their doUars in the 7'1nu. It m , Z1 foolish thing ror . the resl- . . .rent of any town or farming commu. I I nJty tD Invcgt money In such enterprises - prises , which means compet.lUon for 1iliI borne town , the killing elf of Its oolnef3 and the building up or con- < : anaa In l.rgo : cities. The enrncat man 01' woman c"n see In theIr own home plMO splendid chanoos for co-opera- Hon. EstabUshed b\1.9lnesa syatems as found In the rural towns , ore . aplO2ldid extmples or what co-opern. tien SlIould. . bo , The home mercImnt sUl'pUes the residents or the place with the commodltle.'I that they ro- ttUlro ; the merchant is the medium ot. exchange or the product of the 1'l1rmer. In the trantactlonP' : ; employment - ment Is given to home labor , and the little proflts are kept at home ior the benefit or aU In the community. CcH > perl1t.1on can bo simmered down to a strictly home-tradu principle , nnd th o can bo no higher rorm , no sys. tem InauG11rated that will brln bet. ter results to the masses. Berore you inTOI5t In co-oparatlvo mercantile flchemes devised by shrewd buslneslI mon In tbe large clUes , study every phase of the question well , and you are Jlkely to conclude that In your own town tbere 13 plenty of room for ( \QoperaUvo work. EQUITABLE PROFITS _ Cent of Production Should Always De < 1 Factor In the .tv'Iatter ' of Prices. Profits should bc\r : an oqultablo re- 1allon to cost or production. 'rhe farm. or who has money Invested in lands , : &m1cultural Implements , stocks , and . ether things necossarr to carryon bls business , when seUlng his products mulrt. taka Into consideration the Inter. oot WI his money Invested , the wear and tear or farm oqulpment , the wages uf hired help and a salary ror his own rv1co. When he sel13 his products fur less tban PIl'S the expenses necessary - essary to carry on his work and cuHI. : , vate hla crops , cue lor hs : stock , etc. , be 111 the loser. 'I'he samo' principles :1ppl , to the person eQtage In any ether line or buslnoss. There Is Interest - est on capital em\Jloyed \ , wages , tnces , license and oost or articles which com. priso the stocle necessary for oper - tlon. Gods must bo sold at a certain I)1)rccntago of profit or there will be a. ease tor the IJhorltr or the bank. ruptey court. In denting with our tollow men we should al\n1.'s bear In mind , the princlplea or business , and not exact too grest profits or seU or bay at prlcos other than equitable. It fs WIIO a good thin ! ; to remember wben grea.t bargains are offered that ( ' , Dst J. f production nnd legltlmato profitll ' \ most be consldoretl. Too low prices mve cause tor suspicion that d8 ro Inferlot" In some wa ) ' , or that there . is a "nlggor In the fene" , ' FIGHT AGAtNST CORRUPTION. Prollocutlon of Oppressive Comblnea Afford it Lonon to Homo Trade , . . . - NOT"Or baoro bas thCt'e bo.en Ducll . stirring up or the maOOCB snd AI' awakonlng 1\9 to rottcnncs In dnan. elal arralrs among the large OOfiJOra- UORD ao at Irosont. Some ono at ono tlmo oald that "whon thlo"co tnll out the dovU nets hta rcwlnd , " So It MemlJ at prGSont "hen faction I , /1r- / raTed g\lnst taction In expOflu : crooked operations In gre'1t nancl11 ! nnd bu : ness dools , In whJch the IIttie Coh arc s\1':1l1owod by the big ones , and the mcn In control , IIk wolTes , lead tllo lamba to sll'ouchter. ' . It Js nmazlnl : bow rarsprc:1d arc the rrnlld pr\ctlcod : , and how high up In public c9t1mttlon : are tl1" manlpuln. torn of the rotten denls. The steAtlnGB of the mlllionaircs and multl.mllllon. nlres , the Intrigues and their perJuri- ous lying : tnd mlareprcrlentntlona to II.ccomptl h their ILimll ; the Int.ica y of the machinery ucc { ) In tholr o ra. tlons , the porrocUon or 010 mcans , th comblnntloDB omplo'ed to I1ceco the . Veoplo or doUars , would do credit tea a Oa tlostro or a liachlaTelll , or a Cavt. Ildd. 'l'herB cannot be doubt thflt tbelo nrloun I\rtlcloo appearin& ; In the maIJ. rulneo and C nernl wBpaperB wlU have the result or opening the oC the public to tblnra th\t few horoto- rare oV r gavo'Dorloull consldel11t1on. Thcy will hl.vo the effect at maklnr ; ; the pceplo more caut.lous' In making Inyeatmcnts ot tb lr eamlnes , and TrIll rOJUlt : In lQlSOD'S thnt arc bone- . ncial .to the country Ilt largo. Home tra e prlncipleil preclude the pooslbl1- ItY or people 1091n , ; by the opcr t.lons ot .rlUch gigantic achcmer . vcnterI In rour own contmunlty In tho' deTelopmcnt or Its Intent re6 UrCCR will Clvo exc ltont returnB , IB ever under your. own observation , and whllo the percentage ot profit rrom Bomo homo Investments may n ' be up tI ? , th reprosentatlons mnde by the manipulators - nipulators or slocks and the hcn.rcrrs or lambs In goneral. you are not 80 likely to bo a. losor. D. M. CARR. MARKET DAYS IN TOWNS. nucccu.ful : Plana to Entertain Visitors and Attract Tr..dc _ How to attract trade to towns 10 'quostlon tha.t Interests every buslucns man. There must be come attraction for people of the surroundlnc < > untry ; some entertainment to please. 1I3UY means ha.vo boon put In operaUon by dHrercnt towns t bring about the ob- jccts dcslcd. . The people or the smaller - er towns in different western states have Inaugurated street carnivals , fall festivals and slml1ar enterpriscs to entertain 11001 > 10 rrom the surr.undlng farming section ! ! . These methods have been unlvoraany StlCcossrul , and ha vo rCButted ill brlnginr ; trade to the towns that otherwise would have bone elsewhere. Not alone thle , but the reBldent ! ! of the rurnl districts are brought In contact with the city people - ple on a friendlY liasls and harmonious relatlans eatabllshed that Bre blehy ! desirable. In many towns marlmt dayc have been established. From early sprln.J : ; until late in ran one day In the month 18 set nslde for "market day , " For this occasion bands of music are ensaged. balloon asccnslons , baseball games , raceB and similar attractions nre employed - ployed to interest the people. An these nrc rree , the expense being borne by the business Interests or the town. The rarmers are Invited to bring to the town their horses , cattle , hogs , In ract , every product that they have tor sale , and the Barno iB auctioned off to the beat advantage. On these market days all kinds of nrtlcles can be had at barsaln prlcee. Each storelteeper malten specil1 : e1Torts to offer oorgalnll , ' and's nerally the sales are cnormous. A few enterprising small towz:1s : that have adopted the market-day Idea have become noted ror manr mllcs about as 1I..el ) ' trade centers and take trade away rrom territory In the nelgh- . borhood ot less entorprlslng towns. The market-dB ) " Idea Is worthy or consideration - sideration by buslncss men In small towns who doolre to purfme An inexpensive - pensive method of attracting trade to tbo place. D\.Jty \ of Good Citizens. Home and Ita protection Is tile safe- ; uard or aU government. That clU- zen who haR the love or home nnd fen1t ) ' to bomo intercsts , i8 a worthy representatlTo or a commonwealth. It Is the mass or such men that are the backbone of any community , nnd , figuratively , the mainstay and the rock upon which the natlonlJ are Counded. Who . . .er liven In n com- 'munlty and rails to support the pub- tic Institutions and does not assist In the bul1dlng up or Industrien that add to the greatness or that community , Is lIke an allon. While ho IIvea one place , his henrt Is In another. He Is not the ideal citizen , for he Is not In hannon ) ' with tllOse who arc his neighbors. It is the duty i3r every rcsldent or a town or community to do hla utmost to advnnoo Its intereat. Dy thus doln ! ; he not alone nsslsts himself , but his nelgbborc , bls town , his count ' , his state and blc nation. Time to Awaken , Any plan devised that tends toward greater business centralization makes easier the building up of harmrul combinations. During the pnat ten y nrB billions or dollnrs have be6D sent to the lar e cltlcs by the rel1l. dent or rural communltlos , and these bl1l1ons have been used in building up trusts that work ngnlnst the be9t In- terosto of the masscs who rcslde In agricultural sections. In It not time to awakclI to the dan ers of sending money away tram the home townY - - - - . to IA@ ' VATERVAYG . SLOGAN OFTBEfEST . . J.N1-AND STATES DEMAND THAT THE SEA BE BROUGHT NEARER TO THE SOURCE OF TIiE r A TION'S C01VIl\mRCIAL SUPREMACY. TIlE CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL THE FIRST TO OPEN THE GIGANTIC HIGHWAY. . " . , " ' , ( . \ I F _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ On _ Ie _ plea 1 or I-dcrenco . morchnntn and I .of the J.Jd(1to West haye given - en Impetus to R movement tor R sreat Inland - land waterway nyntem that promlse to remain - main In the rorerront or nnt.lonal ar- falra for ycarn to como. 'Prac- t.lcallr oTery Becllon or the country not ac. . tunUy within the seabonrd I zone IHIS' tak- ' cn up the ncl- . t:1t1on for 11 great Inlnnd waterw Y and 10 likely to continue the cnmpalgn until tbe natJonal government , hi committed - ted to a policy that 'Will plnce an ) ' na'lgable stream or considerable dimensions - mensions In touch with ocean com. merce. PrcllhIcnt Rooscvolt Is expected to mnk a strong rccommendatlon In his coming annunl mossnge on the cub- Ject of "lakCB to the Gulf system" of water routes. Such an undertaking us at present mapped out would equal In magnitude the comtructl : m or the Panama cannl. The cost or the two nroJects , it Is estlmatcd , would be nbout the same. Advocttcs of the inland - land wnterwnrs : nsser tlmt tllCY would bo of inflnltely grentor benefit to th Unltol Slates than the cannl , and that without u comprcllenslve system or Internal mnrlno highways this nation w\1uld be reaping only a frngment of the grent commercial IlreBtigo to which the comp1ctlon of the Pan3mn O:1nal : entltlcs It. Rcsldents , officials nnd leaders or thought fn ] & ! : tates of the union arc alrcadY mlht.lly ! interested In the In. land \Tntcrways ug-Itatlon. A nntlonnl comml slon to mensure the benet1ts or the project 111 lIkely to be appointed within Q short time. The reeent trip er the president through th Mlssl - slppl val1oy , culmlnntlng In his nd- dress before tbe LI\1ee8 to the Gull Deep Waterwn'n conTention , Is regarded - garded through tlJo central section of the country ns committing t110 present admlnilltratlon to the H.root channel project. The nnnual national RIver : ! and Harbors consre G that Is held In Washington just before the rcgu\ar \ fait session or congress begins 10 relied - lied u Ou to lwep IlUbUc Interest atoml- ed I\S to the noce Slty or the .under- . tAkIng. ChIcago Canal a Start. , , "Fourteen feet through the vaHey" will bo the slogan with , , , hlcb the nd. vocateo of the In1and waterways 1m. provement projects will press their claims before congress. TIley main. taln that al1 or the otatlstlcs nnd arguments - monts nre on their aide and that the present'condltlon or affairs In the com. merclal world Is nn unerring Indica- Uon that -tho country's ruture development - ment depends not alone upon the' expansion - pansion or railroad mileage , but upon the improvement of the great water hlshwa-f1 or the country. What is being urged by the business Intere31.s or the great ccntral country Is a setUed poUcy qr the improvement that wUl begin at Lake Michigan and terminate at the deHa or the Missis. slppl. It was for tbo Innugurntlon or this nettled national poHcy tlmt the recent convention was hold In Mem- phis. This two da's' convention wo.nd up the prcsldent's tour of the Mississippi - sippi valley. Outlay of $50CCOCCO. Already a ctart on this lakes to the Gulf waterway has beGun. The-.Chl- cage dralnago cannl , extending from the shore or Lake Michigan at the Chi- C.1O river to a. point between Lock- port and JoUet , 111. , Is rcgarded as the InlUal stretch of the great hh.l'way. . ' 1'ho dralnl1o : canal Is approxlmatclY 3G ml10s In 1ength , and ns comp1eted Is avallablo froUl end to end Il n navl- gable waterway , capable of nccommo- dating vosscls drawing 20 feet or wa. ter. The cost or the canal lIas been approclmately $50,000,000. AU the out- la ) ' has been ! Jorno by Chicago at ! a munlclpalltr , Imt It Is undorntood that ror commercial purlloses the city la willing to gt..o the nuUonw government - mont navigation control or It. For six miles the canal follows tile Chlcno rh'or to Its hL-ad , yond that volnt It runs for 28 miloo tllrough I carth and rocle excavnton ! to the Dcs. plalnen river. Jt conUnuos ulan ! ; the wnterway for clhl , mllca. In order to mnke tbe dralnago canal n commor- clal waterway o.\pa1l10 of flol\Ung yos. sels ot largo tonnage the tJnglnooro of tllO projcct expended $18,000,000 moro than would hnve been nooessary for sanitary IHlIlx > ses only. The cannl wouhl hnvo mot nB of the drAlnago nnd nn.turnl wnteraht- neoc6stUcA at 1\ considerably lens c1eJltll tbnn the : l : ! rcot at which It 'WDtJ carried out. The objective of the craatora tit tbo. ennui wno not only to dlsposo or Chicago's sewa.go b ) dlvortluE ; It rromLalo - Mlchlgm , , , , hero it threatencon. . tamlnatlon or the city wnter fJupply , but the catnbUshmcnt ot n navlgnb10 watOl'way rrom the like to the Mill- . slsslppl vln. t11C Illinoio river. It In from I..nkc Jollet thnt the next "top In th3 grent lalm to GnU high. W:1Y Is expected to bo talcon. The tor- rltory between Joliet amI Grafton , above St. Loula , haa b < 'Cn cloDely sur- vC'od and a serien of IJools or nrtlfielal lakes haa 1cen mappcd out to mark the 10ve1s nlong whnt 10 projootod ns th boglnnlnE ; of the Et'oot "Fourteen fcot through t110lUcy" water courso. The first level will bo ilie secUon bo- tw on Joliet and UUca , distAnce or Ei4 miles , with 1fnB of G6 feet. . In this dlct.'lIlCO It Is estlmnted that l1troe ; pools , dnmo or 10c1es will be nelJecsllry and that a B.foot wlltcrway oa311y can bo maintAined wit.h . 1\ width of 300 , feet. I Detween Utica nncI the mouth at the II1lnols river , where It emlJUeS Into the MIssissippi river , at Grnfton , la ' 227 mlleo. The bed or' tlle Illinois river ulonE ; thla dlstnnco In betwcCl tx hundre ( ] and nine bunclrod reot wide. Along the route the redoral government hos aroal1y ] completed several loclm anc ] dams. To cecuro a H.foot depth here hydraulic drcdrlnl ; avoraglng sevell fe t will bd neCOB- sary. 'I'hls , vIU necc9sltatc the oxen.- vntlon or 100,000,000 cubic ) 'ards or nort earth , the estlmatcd coat of which hall bcon fu : d by englnoors at $7- , 000,000. To Control MississIppi. Between the month of the IlIInol3 , at Oratton , nnd the harbor Umlto of Bt. Louis the c1I tanco down the MississIppi - sissIppi river Is 39 milcH. In this strctch the Mlaslsslppl fnlls 21 teat. It 10 the magnitude or Iwcpln ! : tbe m-eat Mississippi trnct:1ble nnd within bounds and providing a 14.foot channel - nel from St. Louis to the GuU of Mexico - ice that has given the greatest engineers - gineers or the country Ilanse. What the completion or thnt undorta1elng wlU cent no ono profcsscs to know [ lC- curately. Surmises vary between $200- I 000,000 am1 $400,000,000. A considerable - able percentngo of the former sum has alrcnd ) ' bcen expended In plecomeal Improvements on 010 Father or Wn. ters. Engineers admit that much or this outlay haa been practically wasted - ed because the work was not carried on alonE ; any well defined plan. It Is for the laying out or n general 111o.n of Mississippi v .1le hnprovemcnt that the buslnesa Interestn of the great Centrnl West arc ) low bonding , their energies. After surveying the territory be- ' twcon Joltct nnd St. Louis n board of army cngineera a ( ow years ngo ca. tlmatod that the cost or a 14.rpot waterway - terway between those poln'ta would cost $31,000,000. About the ronslbllity of continuing that atretch at the sarno depth n the Chicago dralnago ca.nal there Is no doubt. The only qucstlons to be con : > ldorcd are those or drcdging and watcr supply. In tbo opinion or I.yman 1' ' ) . Cooley , or Chlcaso , one of the greatest en- gincerlng authorities' 010 country , the practicability or carrying the big Inland water highway to successful complcUon dcpOnds upon tbe maotcry or the mlddlo Misalaolppl between St. Louis and Cairo. The total dlctanco or the projccted continuous navlgablo chnnncl rrom Lake Michigan , at Chi- cngo , to the Enda Jetties , In the GuU or Me\lco : , Is l,62Ei mites , and the fall 113 Ci79 fCJt from t11C lake level to the QuU 10ve1. Difficulties -Overcome. . Between 8t. Louis nnd Cairo lf- ncultie l Ihat a few years ago would have heen regarded ns Insurmountable wilt unl\ucntonably \ ! be encounterod. 'fbo siopo iliero averages only seven Incheu per mite for the cnUro dlstanco of 168 miles. At normal low water the , 'olume between those two points Is 1i6,000 second reet. W1th the river In normal flood It rises to ton times that flow and In tlmcs or extraordl- lIary' flood has rtncllCd ! between 800- 000 and 1,000,000 second rCJt. A flood volume 'or tJUeh magnltudo on n slope , . , . d BO ( leop1roluccs \ n wuterwny of 1m- menso , "ront1tIl wlUI n < 'crtaln OIJlb t l \-r wnter , . Thb low water nC'nson , "bon the rlv- or depth 18 rroQucntly 10o than 12 root , vorages 120 dnyn ) 'oorly In the dlntrlct botwecn St. Louln nnd CAiro , The t\l1uvlnl lleOsltR ! tnc.tllont to the flood ovorllowc mUllt , o ( courllO , be la1eon Into cOI1 ltternUon InI1Y ncheme ror the curbing ot the MhtslsRlppl'o' width tl1l\t ! as the malntonuuoo or an all the ) 'enr rouml deell ellannel as Ita obJectlyc , Saving bnnko nncl exten. alvo levee conotrnctlon 111ust be under , taken , It Is conceded , In such & \ way at ! not to dOJrivc Ule bottom or 010 onnrmous wcnlUl or ul1uvil\l ( lcpocltn roUowing floodn. To I < cep the Course. It Is the worl < 1l11 ; oul of n cY8tem ot retaining bnnks Hint wilt uot affect the , , "enlth or the Mltwlstllppl vl1l1ey CII \ . try nnd nl the nnmo Umo regulnte to I cortalnty the all 010 year round cIlllnnol depth or U1 ( . . river Umt IJr& scntA thu Crt'ntonl J1robloDl In the working out or 010 H.root chnnnul llroposltlon. or course , a malntntnod Ol1th or 14 rcot will omand 10138 wldUl In the river In the vicinity of the bottom aUIl wlU llrobnbly produce changes In 8101Joo rOl1ulrlnc grant corroctlve , vorlt. Mr. Cooley cstlmntef1 thnt n 26 } 1Of cont. Increment to the Mlsshnlppi : fiow ha posc1blo by using. tI(1 enUre , , 'olume ofVntor tlmt can como through the Chic4o cnnnt. He caU- mates a Jltc ) IncrclIloqt br the eft. tabllahment ot comprobel1slvo resor- volrll on tllo UJlor MississippI. This would mnke a 1foot minimum chan. nol durlnc tile porim ] of lm1' water . nnd give the watcnvny n oopth or from 18 to lU fect.UHlor normal con. dlUon ! ! . From tllO TIed river to tllO . mouth or tho. Mlolllosll1Pl , a ( ] Iatancc of 300 mllen , the GuU level Is main- tained. It Is hotween UIO Hod river an the Ohio , cnlr thal the grant-I _ . \ _ arl. ] /t'rrry fOSEPff B.RAlr : Dill.Ir. cst outto.y for arUnclnl hllprovoment of the Mississippi would lIe neucs- oary. The dlstanco between those two points .Is 764 miles. An of the big engineering - gineering reats w111 have to bo ac- compllshcd withIn Omt territory. It" a stable ehnnnel or 4 fcet cnn b mlIntnlncd : In that stretch engineers declare that the tlcnbo:1.rII will no longer termlnnte at the Mlssiasl11\JI \ doHa , but will actually etrctch 1,600' ' mllcs In1n.nd to the ehore or Lake Michigan. Immeasurable goo ( ] , It is eonl1dent.- Iy nsserted by clmmplons or the MIs- slsalppl'alley ocean highway , wlU como rrom the estnbllahmcnl or a 14.root cbannol between Chlcngo and the Gu1t or Mexico. T.ho annl1al value of the InterIml commerce or UIO United State.3 Is $22OOOO O. 'rills Is the amount fixed by statisticians or the yearly value or tbo Intornntlonn1 commerce - morce of the w9rld. It Is confidently asserted thnt with the 14.root water highway through the length or the Mississippi vaHey the Internal commerce - merco at the United States would bo Immenoely Increasod. Hundreda ot millions or dollars' worth df matorlala , It la declared , now go to waste In the great mlddlo wcst beo.'luso or tho' Inability - bility of the railway syatema or tbe country (0 transport. them. The con- ' gosUon , It 18 pointed out , on the authority - thority or sueh eXllerta as Jamcs J. Hili and E. II. IIarrlman , Is becoming . . ' . ' . . . . , , 11 , . . ' . ' . . ' , . . . . . . , . . . ' . . . . . . . . _ lle. . . . . . . . _ . . . of crnln copl.1t not bo mQvcd lnat leaf bocnhR ot Ule rnUwny cortg'sUoB , . .ad ' the west lIuttcrCl a coal ftUDtne ltd- 00l1RO CUr were not nvallnble nnll Wo I Ihnlt. or trl1tlsportntlon hacloon " r nchc in otht'r wnh. Jnrt'ie9 ' J. 11111 has pointed out thb.t not oul ) ' hRS tJlO limit bean rOl\Cbed In the movemenl or freIght , but non A ' flhould cnrs , locomotl\'cR nnd trocks ' bo sup\lIed \ , lbero Is now and 19 bnud to bo ror yenrs to como a dearth of . tcrmlnnl rnclllUeH.Q Mr. IIJII hn SU- t' ' ' matol ) tbnt tllO rest of conntruettuK t flufficlent rallwny tines to meet the immediate - mediate ( lemnncl ror moving the Om- merce of tbe countt'o would require n ; outln ) ' or $ , OOOOOOOOO , ThIn enU- . I mnlo , 110 declareo , give ! lItUo or BO ' ( com deratton to UIO ruturo. Mr. IIar- . rlmnn a ohort tlmo olnoo annouDat"l ' thnt In ardor to mect trnnsportatlon , I'cqulrements the gauge of the railways . ref of the t-'Ountry nnd the roiling IIwck . ' would have to bo doubl'tl , "Some time 11.0 , " Mr. 11111 n.lel , "I I I , , . I nskeet a r\\1 estnte man whl1.tll wonttJ - coot to set n Ucr 01 blocles , ono of UIO . nnrl' west. trom the IIarlcm rlTer t.o , .1 . Thlrty-thlrd street , New York. ll ; came bnck In a weole anet Bald Urat $3liOOOOOOO " , oull1 not buy It. 'fimt moans thnt ror tenllln\111 alone it ' , would cost $ H 5\J00 n mUe tor every ' mlle rrom Chicago to Now York bo- " toro tbe IIno was bultt. The rnllronds . _ cnn't pay rent. on imch hiCh.Jrloccl ) f ' . . . . terJhlnnl property , - ' Mnltcr aa Ul'tJcnt. ' ' -Tbln ml1.tter or transportnUoa t most' urgent ono. Pea ilIa think Uwro la no limit to whnl tllO rallrol1.1ft 'cnn ' ' do. There 10 n very prownt Urntt to many rnllroad" .In the volume or bust- neoo wo l1avo to do. It taleoo mo1W7 to , run rallroadu. ' There Is a wa.nt or mono ) ' In every centor. Wber the I bunlness hns grown the fnstc.t lharo tbo wnnt Is srontest , 'frnmc is grow- InE ; five times ns fnnt ns ral1rol1l1 mile- I\go. We mlcht 3S w01l put , rl\llr03d hnprovcmont out of the quooUon. " Uundrc c or millions or doUnm. It ill . ndmtttod , " , 'ould bo flnveJ nnn\1any y tIle substltuUon or water trnnsporth- Uon ror the IJre3C1lt railroad trannpor- tntlon b'etween the central WUftt nnd ! the scashore. Stntlstlc8 cathered from alt quarters or t.ho United ttn demonstrate thnt water oorrlngo 01 freight CORts leus thnn onc-Alxtb that. for railroad tnmsvortatlon. The latest ochcdulQG plnce the rrelght clmrgc a buchel of ' " llCat rrom Chicago to Now York 11.t . 10.20 cents , as ugalnet. 5.51 cents by lake nnd cannt. The eoat rrom St. Louis to New Orlotln by river Is 4.2Ei centu , as against 11.G cents by rnU belwcen St. Loubs amI' New York. Decplto this very groat. lrtcrcnC 111 cost tllo tonna < ; o of Ole MlsBlsslppl from St. Loula to Its mouth hna Bwnd- ily decreased slnco 1880. 111 that JCl1r the number or vesselR nrrlvlng there Wt18 4,692. The total tonuago , rocelts and shhlIDc11ts amO\mted to $2,130,625 , In 1890 the number or vessels arrlTlng was 3,201 , and the tonnn o was 1,28 , . ilG. In 1900 the lluhlber or fell to 2,217 and the tonnns" to 812- 186. At the present time St. 1.oui8- 1\1ll1slsslppl tonnage Is onI , . 6QO.000. Whllo the orgumcnt I made br the champions or the Inland wnt41rwt\Y project thnt river rCEulatlon , In rate . . rogulnUon and tbat the Impro..emcnt or the great watenvnyo or the eoun- try wl1l o more to reguJnte rrelght charges than nit the Interstate commerce - merce laws that can be onncood , pr.u- . tical rntlroad men Ilcclare that a tur. thor lowering or rwlroad freight rotes 10 renlly ImpracUcable _ They potnt out Omt with the great rnU sYllterDti : uf Ole country oporntlng to their fullest capacity they arc earning onlT a fair return on the capital Invoot.ed. Further - ther reduction In rail rand charges OICY maintain , cannot be mal10 whIle the outlay for malntenanco nnd opera\lon romnlns at the IJrescnt figure. " To Identify the Dead. An army ceneral order lIas rccent- Iy becn ISGued , stating that In the future all officera nnd entlst.OO men will wear wbeneVer In nelll unltonn an Idcnt.ltlcntlon lng , wWcl1 will be Is- suml by the quo.rtcrmnster' department - . ment , nt COBt price to oilloor , nnll without chnrgA to mell. ThIa t:1g lu aluminum , abont the n.K . . , . It " " . " . . , . . . . . . " " - " . , . _ . 'f" " " ' ) . , . , , . . , .I " ' \ , . . . . ' 0 Shaded Portion Shows Waterways Emptying Into the Gulf of Mexico I and the Junction of the Chicago Drain age Canal with thc illinois River. greatel' every year without prospect or Increasing raBl'oad tacUlties to any consldorable extont. . Railroads Reach Limit. During the last decade the Internal commerce of the United States hns In. creused more thnn 100 per cent. , while the railroad transportation facilities have Increnoed only 25 per ocnt. , and Bre now practicallY at a standstill. All of the rnllroad trnnsportnUon ex. perla admit that the btg transconU- nental tlnc" are bclng warked to tholr rullost capacity. MUllons ot bushels , < . , . . . - - - size or n haU dollnr , and wlU bo worn susllon ed trom the neck beneath - neath tbo clothing. On the tng will al1lCar the name , rank , company , rogl. ment or corps ot the wenrer , IWd It Is ordered thnt when not worn tllJ direct cd , It Bhall be regarded as. lIart or the uniform , and bo habitually In the poSt Besslon or tlle owner , Whllo this Idcntlflcntlon tnz would or course ! Je more espccJnlly 'Tnl\1:1blo : In tlmo or war , It Is thought that It wl1l nl80 servo coed purposes In tlwo or IJCaCf' , In the ovcnt or accldents. ctc. . . , - " ' ' --r . - _ . . . . . . . . .