Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 6
, . " . ( USIIR COUNTY IHPU LlCAN Dy D. M. AMOBSRRY J3ROlmN now , - - NJmRAsra , , V lo\Orlca of P'ellec. The ranlc and Importance ) ot what the , proved Il 10 dlmcult. to mneo Iny. mon un erstm\ll-eopeclally tbOM In "ooer latlludetJ who never know tht ) , - . .tor yellow rover. Man ot Del once ) r" " , It wllb Jenner's discovery ot vnc. cfuntlou. and Lister'u ! nventlon ot nsepUc ursery. Dut. the rate ot tllCHe ) surgeonn Is pertectly Intelllglblo. Maj. Heed. brDken In health , returned to . 'tho United stnteo , nnll Uvod Ion ! ; enougl1 to GOt. an honorary desreo trom Harvnrd. A populnr subscrll > - tlon tl1 now beln [ ; t.aken to build n monument. to him. Dr. Lnzoar was : \ vJcl1m to hla own dovotlon to the ' 'forte : ho dloll rrom yellow. rover after permltllns Inrected JIIOBllultooY to blto hint. Dr. Carrol. moro rortunate , recovered - covered from the dlnenso rollowlng ex- perlmontl1J InoculaUon. but. ho uovor ImCn well day o.ftor ho plunged hlit hnnd Into the fatal jnr. Maj. Rued' " widow hM a ponslon of $12 ; ; mouth from the United States : Dr. LazGar''I recolreu $11. ThGro Is no pOl'son. dfo claros COlller's , who Is not touched nent' to the dOllths ot his cl\vaol 7 for ll.llndrallon by the thoucht of thoao . men. 'l'helr mqnuments bould bo sot ' up'rol' 1n8l > lraUon In OTerT acbool throughout. tOO land where Toutlu ace ) taup& toO become ph1slclaDJI. Farthest North Raoe. It laoks lllco anotbor "farthest north" rllCO , Dr. Froderlck A. . Oook 'ot Oraole. 1)0. who Is an areUc explorer ot aonle ) note. having boon urgeon or on" ot COmmander peary' oxpodltlona and at a DOlglan cKplorlng party tOil rcars ngo , 10 now well up to the pol . l'l1it lI\.rtr. whIm la3t heard of. wa. on. CIU1IICd at. a point GiO : mlle oouth ot the polo. and considerably fl1rt.hor nortb than was reached br the latl ) Pcary oxpedltlon , although Peary him. solf. l1cnctrntcd t.o wllhln about 200 ml1 s of thG object of the scarch. U Is Dr. Cook' 'Intention t.o dtlla ! to U10 nortlpo1o when the conditions rn- vorable. , and biB wICG , who hIlS just. ro , tumod rrpm Ul0 polar roslon. Is eonfi. dcnt 110 wtll succeed. This apvel1fs HUe trying to stenIa march on Peary , who was maltlnr ; elaborate propara. tJona tor o.nothol' trlv northward. but woo oem ollod to .nbandon the project tor the proac.nt because hla alll1 > > could J10t Iso vut. In roadlno33. Roorts co'mo rrom London aTory tow lI1ont118 that 9t. Paul's cl1thodrnl Is sctUlng and thnt Its wal. . . . . are crncklnc. A oomtnltteo of architects npvofntod to luqulro Into c ndillotl - of UtO buUdinr ; when the county count ell planned to run a Simel' within 4 teot et tha southwest towar hIlS ra- ported nnd. althoush repairs ara Med. cd nt oneo. the structure Is In no 1m- medlato danger of collapse. It. neodt to bo cnrefuJly watcbed , howovor. The tQttndhll.ona do not rest on bcd.roce. ! . and an the water bas boo11 drained I trom the s\lbsoll , the earth has set- ! tied. and I1110well thG walls to ott1o . aIlla. Ouo englneor bas sugested : that ' { l101e8 bo bor'od In the ground aboul J lho buildIng nnd that. they bo kept { fiUed with wator. so that tbo earth j may bo restored to It.s natural cODlll. tloD at. the tlmo when the whole dls- t trlct roUndabout \Vas not. sealed \Ill , Uh pavements or covered with build- ItI I lugs. and the rain could Joroolato ) through the soil. I A remarkably Interostlng engncrlr- ! I lug oporatlon baa latoh' boon In prog. rens In Brooklyn. N. Y. A largG brick J thenlcr bulldlns. tuning waJls ! ) O teot I illg1.t. hns been ltrtod from Its founlln. t tions , turned quarolr round and i moved 300 teot to a no\v slto. To turn t 1(1' the oxact. center of the oor was t n.JIOOI"t.alned : } and with this as a bub a' OC'lcs of BmaJl stooJ roJlers ware l'\1d , on & prer.nrod platform , nnd then the JUndlns. roatlng on stool beams. was , allowed to set.Ua down on the rollors. t , WIth jabk-scrows on two dlagonalb' ' ! opposite corners pusblng In opposite i , dIrections. the structure was thoD ) tqraod as of on a pivot. The movln ; : t o ! brick buildings Is eomtJ1on , but this tB snld to bo the largest and h tvtesl st1"1tcturc that has over been lIut bed , . IIr on now foundatlono. . . . . - A Now Jersey woman reccnU , bOnowhlplled ber husband's Boul.mate. . nnd 11 judge nllrlauded her for It.tIt ts aotewortlly that overybody's sym palby Inevttab1y gocs wltb o womal1 who adllllnisters the thrashing In sucl : & ca50. but. the really romarkabl reaturo or It Is tlll1t as she holds th wllip-baud. she ever lots the hUDbanIJ cet out. of coutrol at. nil. AD the "Parslan- : tors have In. . creaso" the Inlce or llvlns by 'ralsln their { l : B , It Is In IIno for the under. . takers to get together and make d'in equally 1 5 cXI onslve. Perbar.1I the t.1mc will como when on1y the wealth ) caw. onjo ) ' these IIttlo luxuries. When our squadron vl\lltB \ the Paclfil a pa.rt or Its carso111 bo 20O ( llotllHls or prune's. Unelo Sam Is ovl donUy trying to make his sailors fee , jum a'S much at bomo as It they WUII In a real boardlnr ; house. " , 1 . . . . : . , - NEBRASKA POINTERS CTATt ? : NtW9 : AND NOTEQ IN CONDENSED - DENSED rent . TilE PRESS , . PULPIT AND PilBUn . What Ie Going on Hero nd The , . . That la of Intorrst to the Raadero ThroUghout . Ncbracka. At the fltttO ullivornily ochool of' n I'loult.ure the ro : lstrat1on figuren show nn IlIcrcMo oC I O per cenl over the snno day laut ) 'cnr. Ohnred ; willI lJo'1Unnnd / klcKng ! hla a ( l1I fntl1or. 1rl BurnA u youn ! ; ra.rlllcr. wnu brought to Beatrlco from 9elle1 : township nnll lodged III .Jail. lion. J.clI : ( ) M. Shaw ! 1M n.cooptml the Invlt\lIon : of the Hen lor clans ot the Unlvomlty of Nebrmlla to d'I'ver tholr commoncc nolit oration ) .1111:1 JIl.IO 11. 1908. Following Is tllo mort.gngo record o { Ga.go county ror October : Farm mort ( : :1ICa : filed . amoull t. $ ,11 , ( j26. City ll1ort:1.leu ! filoll 41 , IlmOullt $3 ,2G3 : number 1'0101\0011 Z1 , amount $10G71. The 8t < ' 1te MmlC' : of Chapmnn was Bold b. the PI\tto Valley hanle , a otrong InnUtution ot Central CIl\ ' . T'.J.I rclllwco UIO Commcrclnl State bl1nk of Oranll IBlanel ( ) t aome mntcrlo.l IabUlIJ. ' A .vart7 or nino. Mlrmo ell1cl S 10 dolnr : 1.1IsalotJt\ry war It In Fremont. Tbolr plan Bomowhat roqnmbl ft . , at of the Salvation armT. as they hold ml'ct'ngs on trcet ( .mnors And do. : tdlmto tbclr Jlteratllt" " . At " ' meeting of UlI' stckholc'lt'rs ' or the First N : ion\J bllnk ot HMUn u , a.t whIch IItno-tentbs ot lhe atoelt W ft reprooonlm1. rcoolutlon WI1S aGl. .tco to Immrtlat I. , In'TOnse ( the canltal IItOOIt of. tha.t tnsUtullon to $100.000. There la mnoh Interest n.nd eathu. cl\JJm : nt UtO rOTlval meetln\'f \ ! belnq conductcll In I..yons by the three UC\- Don\lcl hrothern. old Matbodlft ; mln Is tel's In UIO NcbrnDk.conrorence. . who are ably l\1slat-c(1 ( hy Mias A1'ce Fntel ) , a vexmUl1t t'rom Counoll muff . Mra. I-aUlo Oulnvor. of Aurora. ro. . c ITcd : to pn.clmo ! : fro'TJ hl'r brothcr In "cmlJ which proved to be a mnptlf1. ont cIJrt.nln fifteen feet lon , mndo of roe phrnh w'th center pnned with n1hes ! 1\1111 bird ! ) cmbrolderd tn gold , willt glass eyes. Mr. Day Is keeper or .the rotmdu ot the yt."te 'capitol 'ot ' ] 'eIM. : AccorlUn t1) the r port ot State n , , ! th InBpector WIlson. 193 chl'Jdrn..n wro ( born In Oma1Hdurln the m nth or Soptomber. lit three f\mlUctI : twtnlS er born _ NnUonnH aK WeTe AS t01- ImvlJ : GtJnnn.ny. 11' : Boh mln. . 12 ; S\vedon , 8 ; It. ty. T : De-nm\rk , 7 ; Rus- 011G : En lnnd. 3 : 8,11'1.\ : Polnnd , 2 : Iroll\l1l1. NOI.'W3.1. Greece and ScotJamJ. 1 cach. A DlOTCment l'o rallte fllndo to pl14 chns n rum athlotlo field tor the atnto unlVQC'slt7 111 helng ongl erld by n number of oncricUu 1\111mnl. Ncbra'1ka elll will bo unnmlll\ble for flutber nthletle work 118 Boon all the UN'f'tmt ! BOI\SOn 13 over I\Dd It will be necessary to carry on nJl outdoor I\thloUcfi nt UIO otnto farm unlco8 the pla.n of the alumni Is c\rt'IGd out. Corn hwldng Is agaIn In fun bhwt In this nootlon Bays : \ Fort Calhoun dlspntch. and farmef find Is a great dlflorenoo between this yoar's and laut YOlr's : ylelll. Where corn avoragell fifty bushel ! ! ! Jor ncro last 'oar ItVII hardly nvorn.e thlrty-fivo thin year. It 16 thought that n\o lit twenty five bushels 1I1 bo UlO gen- oml avora.o ! In tbt : aoctlon. A well.known attorney or Nortollt wns bTought Into JlolLc oour't on t ohargo ot I\buoln , ; hlB wlro. The lat. ter npponrod M complaln.\nt. The at.- torney became TOry nbus1ve nnd am ty drove Ollt 1\11 who wore present In court at the tim , the pollco jUdge tn. cludod. . NBt s t19f } d with this be picked 111) chairs. f1un thom as'nlnsl tha door nntl wnJI , amallhlng tbem Int.o ItlndUn wood. Thrco crooku I..nded In Davhl Olty and common cod to get In thf'lr worl , OJ I Iihrtrcbant1ng. ( 'l'hey mnnngcd t ( ] ahort-chango mo or three of tbo bus ! . I nosa mBn. hut weN ! soon found oul : nntl Ohot ! ot Police Latimer WIlS no- I Ufiot ! , who 800n h\d : biB men. ' 1'he I ehct : walltOl thorn arollnd to tbe bmI. ; I De81 ! honsos : Yonll ml\do them dig up the : right ohang-o. then toolc them to tb ( I ' ( Jnlon l > aclfio freight aud ordered Ulonl to lel\Ta town. which t.hoy dia 1\1 . onM. Osoar Crnhe. a nour and teed tnm of Ullc. . . . shlppod a cl\rlond ot clovcl , seed to the ) oostern m.'U'1totu. Thla 1 ! the Orst lImG tbM & tun carJo\d : hru \Je n shipped. The pulles : who mlsel . this seed have rnAlhed : nco ! proat Ot the samo. Henry Subr was ono of th4 fannera that was most fortunntu h having a good crop at clo\'or , as bls re celpts ror two 10'\d3 were $703. Olho : farmers were atso rather tortunnte 11 having 1\ largo crop on hnnd ana thl prices that wore paid them f1gurud UI Into the tbousaudo. Columbus bna had about 200 mCI I3tallollcd there , ofRployed by Ula UII Ion l'ncll1e In c nstrucllon nnd 1m Jlrovomonts along tbo Uno botwot'l I ColumhuB aud Ornnd Islnnd. Tlusc " , IUl a number of others , ha\'o ueo ] let. oul for the wInter. The man who committed suicldo 01 a train III FullB City last summer hn lIoou IdentlfJcJ and the body taltel - bn.ak tn his old bomo tor burlnl. 1111 I I IIamll. , nn undortal , r of Tonownnd : I N. Y. . arrived In to\vn nnd hJonUfiol I the belly a9 that of George A. perr" who was n pholorapber at that plac ( , . . . , WHBN MONEY WAS eqARCE ! . i . Practically Unobtalnablo During Period or MIG30Url' . . . .Il . tory. "no1fover nC rco monor mRr be at . . tlmclI At the prosout. . oald 'I1n old Ml - nourln.n. "tho oMeot Inhnbltants wm recall when It wo.s nlJnoat unoblai I ahl" And other commodltlos had t.o be . ulled 101 medln at oxoh.anso. ' ] . 'he 19'0)8 ) scalp WMVorth a dollar be- cnuc ! It was U Htato heJ1mty upon the dcnth of nVolf. . and vonloon ham ! ! and deer oltlnfJ nlso had n purch slo , ; vnlue. SklnlJ DC the Cur bearora " 01'0 lIlen'lac abundant nnd valunblo. When the first ahorler of Al1dralu county. 1n 1837 , Vlont to JefIerson 0It.Y' to dollver the county rovonue. ho met an old rrll'nd on t.ho way who , , needing monoy. wanted to bort'o\V t.ho actual coin part of the countY'1I rovef\ue. 'l'ho g : > od.hoartcd aherifi lent It. to him and wenl on to UIO oapltal anll dollverod only the Bcnlpa. 13y the Umo or the next. ettlemcnt the lonn W1\.9 rovnld ! md the ohorlfI made hlo next sotllo- , mcnt comploto. No note or other obI I IIgntion t.hnn the moro \ YardTno clven.-Columbln Horald. The Peaceful Cow. She was o\'eu mora arrald at COWl' ' : thnn moat elrla. so wbon aho spied a plncld animal roclllnbont undel' n lreo. pol1cofu.lly chowlng Its cud. ohe at rllt refuGed to 10 through the pas. tl O at a.ll. HOl" huolmnd calmed her f llrG to some oxtont. Ilnd t.hoy otllrted br. when U\O \ cow alowly commenced to get UP. bind. loga ) lrst. . no tho1 AI- waYD do. At thJs the UtUo lad1 ! ! hrlekod with torror. nntl said : "Oh , Uob , hurry. hurry. ho Is getUc : ready to spring at. u I" Ha.rper'a Ma IUIQe. TO PRETENDERS. A WholeGOma Word ( or Guidance. - Just " word to you. "Coll1ar's" and other clarlng cxnmple9 oC Modern Ylillow Journnl1sm and Chnrotte6. EnTlronmont gives you a vlow-polnt. tram which It Is dIfficult. to under- . .tand . that soma people even nowa. 11\15 act from motiveD at 01d fa3hlon- od honcoty. 'M1cro are honeot makers at foods and healthful baveragOit aud there nra .10nest people who use thom. Perbaps' you are tralnod to bollaTo there 1:1 : no honesty In this world. Thrrc ' 9. allhough you may not. bo ot a kind to undornt.and It. Some of you have boon tralnoo tn n ror17 cJas ! ! of , prelcndera. but your tralnlpr : dOM not taint Ul0 old Cashion- ed person tralnell without. Imowle'd/ / ; of prohmso and deceit. ThelattGrs ! came to ua abs01uto1y 4fltbout solicitation. Wo have /1'6at / mnnr thousand from Ileoplo wbo have beeD holpoo or onllrel7 henlod by to 1- 10wll11 : the suggeatloll to quit the rood or drink whIch may bo caualn : ; the pbyslcal complaints and ehange ' 0 Postum Co1l'eo or Ol'l1po-Nuts tood. You are not btolllsent enough to know the tochnlc.l ! rel\sons why Hl' . ! chlmpe malcon a chl1ngo In the OOlli ot the body. Your Irnowled"O. ! or lack of knowledge , mnkeR not the slightest altreronco In the Cacts. YOI ) can 11rnt ! from old nnd worD p1nteD all the c1lCap boolm your prCfses will 111'oduco and soli them a beet you can. bnt such aets and your "I nrnod" C'dltorla1s are Imt commer. clal. nnd sL' lc only "dollars" and much by protonce. , When you brancb out Into teed , nluos you become enl ) ' ridIculous. Stick to what you Imow. The llcld mQr bo amaH but It. lu safo. Thls nrst letter IB from ilio Pro3- t'cnt ! of the "Chrlstlnn Nation" . a : worthy Chrlsllnn 11111er of Now York. Ne\v Yorl ; : . Oct. 2. 1907. . PO t m Cereal Co. , Ltd. , nattlo Croole. Mich. De&1' Blrs : . I am. thin mornln . In receipt of the enclosed mighty /load / lottoI' from anD or my Bub3orlhors , which I forward to VOU , and which I nm auro you will 00 Jlad to use. I am Ileroonal1y acquaint. M with thla 1ally. and Imow that she nOt ! no objoct. III wrillng. oUlcr than to do good. , Oordlnl1r. : Jobn W. Pritchard , ProlS. . Broollyon. : N. y Oct. . 1 , 101. ! ! D r Mr. Prltcllllrtl : ' I . NotlclnPostu" \ , Food Cortt-e adver- tlsei1 e\ch : weo1i : In your rol1ablo pt. : per. I concil1dod to try It. nnd fClUn ; It Ii duty towards tho'o ! : who may have ! ! urt retJ t\s T Imv.o from Indlg ( ! t1on. desire to at\to wbnt wOllllorful bene- fit. 1 hnve received from Postulu 111- thouJh using only a short. Umond not do. I ulono rcnll o 111111 1\\lllrcclat It. ! ! gooll ( ' ! Tectu. but frlonds remarli : . "How much T 1mvu Improvoll nnd ho , , \'feU T loot" ! . and I 1011 the fncts about. Pootum ovC'ry tlmo , for slneo'ualn ! ; It I hl1vo ! Jot had OliO nttack or Ind ! . cosUon. ; It Is In\'lgm'attng. healthful : de8 ! not o.ffcct the nerves as ordinary corteo , aUIIf proporj' ) mallo , n. most dellclouI drlnle. Altb01Hh I hn-.o llut hnd much faith In gonornl advortls. lng , yet. . finding PostUl ) ) has dOllu so much bettor for me than 1 opected I 11m more Incllned to "Provo nl1 things , hold fast that which Is ofd , " T am so thankful ror r-ood health thnt I want It. Imowu what. a IIles3ln Pos- tum bna IINm to me. You may use U1CSO row lines as I\U mI. If 'ou so de- slro nnd my name alRo. Vor ' truly ) ' 0\11'9 , AnnlS. . Ueovca. 275 Jd'cDonougll St. . Bro01el"n. Cortee hurt her , sbe Quit 11,1111 US PoatuR1. 91m didn't attempt to an llJo : but shQ enloyC'd the , results. 11.n 1crneath It nll "Th'ro's a Rellson. " POSTUM CEH AL CO. . L'rD. . A Walkln Map. ' 'Th map. wo have he on "Ivlnc IUI premluml to aubscripUouB causcd n 1Jtt1e t mporarr oxcltoment hi our of- 110 < \ the other dn.r. " saYB the editor at thtt Ac1am Ent rprlso. "Don Spudg caJled nulf cauu:1l1y romarleod 1n the pres nO/J of aoT611 Intondlolf 111.1 > - IIcrlbora tbat the aJd tnallft woren't worth the paf ) l" th07 waco llrlntod on. At ! tbl obuo1"T:1oUon caused the soyen Int"ndln , 'OMII to keep their tllJh : In their lQeltotJlTO prQcceded to mAlto a : map ot Bon'a coulltev.anco. and \Yo.1 lIuccocdod eo well t.hat ho Ie no'\1 the bent nll"lDg ndverUsoment our mnp Induatt7 f'vor had. Cnll naln. : Bco. old borl"-Atlnnta ConHUtut.1on. . . . L"l1cer 1\'l1lto goods , In 1'T\ct , IIny nn. . . waHh gooda when now. owe much at their attrACtiTonc8J : to Ule way they ure laundered. thin being dane In Q manner to enhance their toxtllo bcau. tr. Home laundering would be cQual- 11 fial1nfactorr It proper a.ttontlon was J:1\'en to RtnrchlnS' . the first oS3enUul belnc good Starch , which haa sutllclent IItren:1.h to ! lUtton , , vlthout.1I1c1:6nlor. th loodfil. Try Jafinnc Starch Rnd you wlll bt'l ' ploatJ\nUy : sUl'pdsed at the imprcJTed QPPGart.&co : ; or ) 'our work. Carefully Com.ronlod. "Futher la In : \ erfoctly lovely mood. " rema.roed CJuIce. : "Don't ) 'OU think yo. 11l d hotter ! Uk him this ev'nha r" I " 9UllP03 ; . yO\ ) ask Wni ! " uggcBtecl Chuel1oo. . I "Oh. I un't. " proteatet1 the prl " 1'n lee Iby. " 1 " 'T01I no1 ; : Ihlm just. this one time. " (1loM4Id Clsrena . " 1 prornlBO you lh : = .t. In the tutUN ! I'll aslt him. 1.0 . - tw hnr sh7 I : un.-JudCo. Jnf.t-j $100 Re\Vttro. $100. , 'Aie ' JM M , et , . .I. " ' 0\ ' will bet pl . .o. " lu , . I " " ' 111:1. : , . 11 II.a lea. . . . .drn < 1ct disCI" ' . u "a I1luc. : W . . . . . CllIn " " , ,11 lu " ' :0. . 8114 Uln II ( ; rL II. . . ' , C'I.rrlt Oar. lJ abe enl , , o-JI.I" e.lN . . , . . t. . . " . . . III. ID oUC&t halora"1. C"larrb . . _ . .LauC4. . . C1IU& ' . " " 'I.'llro. . OUU.IIIII' " 'JAM U'CI'.G4 I161I' . CMunll Oars r. latom bt- &on.I.A117. 6C 41MctJ1 UP-H' 1'111 bIOl' < 1..1 InoelKll . . , tr.cM ( If 1M AIe. . " . Ibor ll1 dSllrl)11nl 'b& l\Uo llSrs of Ih. tl.1'U.'I , aud 1(1ln. : 1h1l p UdU' 'Ir6 ta " 1 thlllq up lb. ln.t1luL\"o \ aral1 " .nIdI- & 0..1 I.r. 'a IIoJl& " U. W.Jf1C. The l.rll'rl. . . .rl bare . . . lall. & . r&tllls.\lfo pou b , 'licy o..r OQol 11I&4re. . . . Dollars ft' , aay O lJu , U folia W .ar. . ! Wad for Un lJt'tullzu.d.iI. . . " , , " . ' : . ClIIoNkCO. : . . TOlCc ! . O. ' .JloI. . . . , IoU Dra.hll. no. 'Z"-'O H , , ' . J'am , l"'Ws f"r o.oa5t1l'alllQ. ; Huntino Up St"Unticc. "WIn.-t does your father do to rorn hit ! J1T1ngY" nE1icd " Now York vrlncl- pal of a pupU wbo W3J : bolng admit.- too. "Pleorse. mn'nm. ho doe n't live with ut3 ; mamma supports m ! ) . " "Woll. then. how do os your mother e rn her l1TI ! " "ShQ ceu paid for otaying nwny from papa , " r pllad the Child. artles8- 17..lInrper'n : Woek1y. The oxtJJlIoordlnAI' ) ' popula.rlty of fine hlt4 800d , . tull Iumwor m.k ! 9 the .molao t iJarch . . matter at : ; reat 1m- poru-noa. DCtlUC St..rch. being tree fro. all 1njudoull c.hemlcals. Is th0 IIntr en which I. sato to U60 on be tabrl" . Its IiItrenth as IS. stl1'teoer Buake. baIt' the usual quantity ot Starch Ji1ecellury. 'WIth the result at pert ct niah. equal to thM. WhOIl the SOOWl ' \f1rQ : aey. liow Ho Did 11 : . . "He's one ot tha. get.rlch-qulck sort , Isn't he ? " "Tes. his wenlthy uncle died very Kddcnly.-Clevcland Plain Dealer. FITS. St. Yit\111 Dance Imd nil Ken'o\13 DiwtI ! 11\nu"lI..nt1 . cured b ) ' Ur. l1nc { j GrMt Nel"\'c Ueatol'cr. : : oml for Free .GO trld 1oott1e . .ml , Dr. R. H. KII , U. , 031 Arch St. . Phlltulelpbia. Pu. I i He who should teach me1.1 to die. . 'Would at the Barno tlmo teach thow . how to Ih'c.-MontaISDo. T-e"f.s' Siurle Dintler IItrni ht C eill1r. ) . { aclo of ntJn ' 1unlity toJltcco. : Your ciealcr cr Le1Yi ' Faewry , ! 'corill. . Ill. To turn tram anothor'o Gorrow m b to miss ronI' best joy. t : " , ; ; : ' 1't'.TIYlliill : ; : i , \ ! I I . . \tabitual \ Constipation tiny boncrmMC\\k \ overcome bypr tr \l't5 \ nnl ffo-ts with Hlc Q5sYn"cc. \ - . of tIC : on fru1r. bencIic 1lAAn1tvc \ rcm d'y , ; : 'yrup ojl'ig ' QnJ E'h\r ' \ S I1I1 . , w\id\ } 1\\Weft OIWto form \"clunr ; ) I\Qbt , dally : ; 0 tllt ( \si t"cc fola. . . tUte 11\QJ t , raJu\'r ' Jisp'nccwitt ! \ } \ Yhen10 longer tl'cc1 J ( \ the be5t of t'eU1cJi s. , , ) I cn Yr lI1rccl. at.c to nS5lst t\aTu't'c ana atot to : ; up-pnttt } UtC hat" , , _ a1 hons. . . .hidtust uUi- fl } . . " \ \ dcpc'J ! - " \QtC up tt pro uoutiih't\'tt. . nr\pC\cffo\"tcnucl - - . tJht livi , , ? c"crally. \o get it beaficlal cff crsl Cllw(1Js tlUY th" gcnuhtc 5yrlTIg5o. " El : ixir.1 cnnq. C F R U\ FiG S1. UP Co. ONLY SOLD BY ALL LEADING- DRUGGISTS O'lUtzC : only , I" : 'l'icc : 50hcr ott.l SICK fEffiUr AGHE " Po IUvcly cured by CARTERS these Little PUIs. , , They I\lso relle'l"c Dl . liiDtE tre9K Crom DYhllelsla , In. . ' amI Too Ileart , dlll'estiou ! r.i ) . I V E II . A " Mhl IT. perCect rem. Ii"\ . cd , fur Dlzzlncll , Nl\u' ' ! ! \ ' I.f' f' } " 8 LL . Re , Dro\Vulne8l ! , Dad fi T stoln'he Io\lthCont. , M ed T U"IC , 1'nlu In thll fH4e. TOU1'1D LI\'ER. Th r rep1a\e UIC Dowel. . . Purel . "egetablo. 3 A llfILL. SMALL DOSE. SMAlL PRICE. . . - - - - - - - - I Gonulne Must Bear C Fnc-Similc Signature REf-USE SUBSTliUTES. Jlew a.c1 Liberal Homo.tend ItortuadoJDa in WESTERN CANADA flaw Dlsfrlcts Nuw OJoncd for Scl\emenl \ ! Some or the cholcc-t IAmls III tllI'l rain grow. \aIII' \ belts or Sacl' " . 1e- WAn and . ' -Iberla Ilav . rcc ly beell ollened ror ! cltlemcnt I1ndr.r Ihe Revised Homeslead HClwlations of C.ulada. Thousands of home- sleao1 If J60acres each .rlt nn. . . .vallablo. The new r"lIulalion ( make It pe.s&1.1ct fet .nlr1 to bo 1\:111" : by I' 1 > % ' . Ihe Ollpor. lunl17 I at .a.n1 ) Q Ille Ua led S alc hav ! : been Initial'rer. An , lIIeulber of a Camlly may ma1 < . , . ' . . . , IUOlllbor of , he , who .alr E'IC' "ar .U. " ramlly may . . . . , . . . . b. ontitleci " ak. "nlr1 ror h m.elr or heneH. Enlr11U.1.r _ bo IA&de berore the Agenl or Sub- . tlae DO&trrl bv . (01) ( cerlain condit Aront : & : prOST. ) " . .olilb.lbttlather. Rlotb"r. SOli. dJulllucr. : brolher .r .10- " 1.11 . < 11111 ( holne l'luler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , " , " " ,1 lIon of DomInion . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , ' . f..I. J.I. < Io. Itr the tort".W " l'r"Yhll' . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . ou..I1'\II' . " ! ! It..l . rflO < ! nt' . < ! ' " 7 "e Io"e. . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , "teAd..1 . ' . Ih" .01. . hud or" r'IIY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . 117Mr.Or. " . lolhe nle"t of . . on. . . . . . . , . . . . . .t6. . . . . - Ut ae. . . . mor. . or Ie. . . . . \Q \ each , will be . . Ch"rl'he , . Tb. InQ ca " $10.0" " . . . . . . . , , . . . ! : b ( ) ls .1 .ark ' cOQvenieal. I Icalthy clllllu.e. aploMid ero\ , & and rood I. " ' 5. G rainollrowin ; : :111 < 1 calll ral.inr prluclpallnduslrics , f'oI' tlUtber parllcula s as II' r 'te5. routcs , bell tlDlo 10 If' au. ! "bero 10 locale. apply to , . , V. liENNETT. Ulll w Y.rk Ule lIulldlDI ! . OmllbD. ntbral o . . - - . B l'lESS CEFUUUj , STiUtOn- nucceu : . . 'Ihor IIsrch . . UJly 1:2 : ounC08-lume price uoo ! .4 FlANCtl " I GUPE IOR QUAL.ITY. Bbri'N\ : : ; ; & .CAS rORIA 'For Infnuts and , Childron. - - _ . . . . . - . .A . Th Iind { Y 00 Have . AIays Bought Bears the Signature of In ( \t \ J. Use VJ for Over . Thiny Years CASTDRIA . , . . " . .r. . . . . . . . en. . . . . . " " " ' " YO" " CITY. . .I l ' ! . , ; . " - : . , Y.I < . - , . . ' , I ) 1 To PreSQ a Co\t \ _ \ ' All pressing ehoulc1 be done on tht& , , , . 'rong s"le. " eXccllt the laPl or Unluh. . cd pr'uslnr" ' 1'urn lho. collal' uP. damt'- on and Btret < lh. Hold up ono end I1nl1 trcss , It In the form ot n loop , so 0.9 t keep the round ertect. Dmnpcn the revor : ! on the padded side along th. fold ntl press until dry , fn prclslnu. ! t.hc sleevc9 , the shoulderD should blo plnc ( > ll over n pad. Then the onllr cent should be preoFcd on the rib : rldo ; , uulns nVot cloth and" , .hoL 1ron. t.o gl vo a 1InI511. Mothcr'Q Vegetable Soup. , sllco the potl\toes nnd turu. Into t.he BOUp lwttle with plenty or cold water , ndd n Imtr oulon 11cp.d nnd let. boll thlrt.y mlnutoll : or Unl\1 \ the vegetables nro leudor. u muo- ehoppCd eler ) ' may he used "it , u liave It. Senson wlt.h sl\lt I\l1d 1I011pOr. . add some good , rich m'lIt or crea.m and a piece cf butter the alze at a Walnut nnd a few spoonfuls or Cl\nl oC\ or cold coolwd tOlUl1toCS. 8crv . , . 118- It comea to a boll. To Clean Delicate F"brlcG. Soiled places or Sllots c n ba removed - moved trom IncoB , llks and dellcatlt rabrics by making n porto or talc1lm powder and nqua ammonia , Put 1n lho' powder In n Clip , three or fatS ] ' " ten'8poonII13 , nnd ml : , to It thin PaJitD with the nmmonla. Lay Iho goods f 1l- a cloth : cover the soiled place wlt.k. , the paste : rub with a sort , . . cloth ncd let stlDd till dry. Then brush } Jt : " I : shalto err the powder. , . ( 1 Om ha Directory : ! . , , _ I The 1 l1en' ' jh ; ( hmhiry ! ? IJU J I h ucd : by the. ' . BAriKERS RESEHVE LIFE 0 GO. of Omaha , Nebras ! < a , is a Winner , A MllLlCff D'JLLAR COMPANY Agcnts Wanted. Ask for termo. : BASCOM Ii. hODltJCrJ , I > resldem - - - IVORY POLISiJI . \ For Fuym'tzwe and Pl"a1ZfS , r' . . Good ( or Any W 0011" Restores the finish of the old , Rnd 1'1' _ lIervC.1 the finish of Ihe new. It c1eua 11Jf polishes and docs not gum or "tick. R.- quires very litlle rubbing and is EO simple ! ! " that a child can use it. Guarantcerllo lIi petfect sat sfacti. n nnd to keep your - J ture looking brich ( and now. . Mnde of onlf"the hest inredienb. : : : i1 cn. t oot injure the finest piece of 1urniture mw. , I Sold to you dirccl , or Ihrough yourdua lJ _ MA11UYACTURRlJ DY , Or-CHARD & WILllEUd I J OMAIIA. tIB. : fYou "IU'fli : ' r" R i\EV ! ! : c. . W nt tn . .iU"U & h1tH YeuP .lVE ; , STOCK. Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAr & sort Live Stocle Commll lon , 151-156 ExchnnftD1dre _ eo. Omaha. Ncb. 32 Ycar > > 10 the Busmo. " , \YE 'V AI'IT CRE J. I You \\7nnt More Money I If we have no l1al'ntD in your town , I5hip direct or wre us. W.C also buy : BUTTEll AND. EGGS : : U : CHImAUN . SONS OMAHA , N - , U U'S DOlUH:3 arn : : GE TS : . I yeu are after , Ship V our. reant f to the Farmers Co.Operativo Crcamor:7. : . ' mahaebraslm. : . We Furniah CQL. I Western Electrical Company \\0 l'.rry a rompl le 11\10 of lel.I'IIOIIO' lunl " " " ' " pbo" . . eon.truetlllll IIIs\erl..l. . I o " ' "tor..llello. . . . ' ' ' . . . . . I"tnnrt .re"t IMml' " I" , tnIIYTJlINU ; : tUf\ TIICAL. : from doorbdl. 10 I''r ' I'lalll' . . . .mpl..k. Wrlle ror eal.10:1I9. : WESTERN ELECTRICAl > . . C1MPANV. 411113 SOllth T311UStreet. . . Omnha N hrL1 ! > ka. IIhI"'Rllllnrkl'tl rl" , R \1 FU lS paili. S. 1111 tur prlcat' , . , . . . ; 11111 ohll'plnll' 1. ; < < We nlake a . .prclall" of FIn : I OA'l' AND SC.\RFS FUr 1.AnnS , AULAfJAUGH. . 1508 Douglao St. , Omo110. tt'l . . . AND EPIHHHS : : ; ! ; 3 P eO' D a " ' . , . , . . I" < > u r' . , a.c. II tft . . . 1"l1I1l ( rllrll. )11118 a' " hllW" , ChlcoGo Ph..tllro an(1 FIL1lT\q , . . . . Co . . . . . . _ . WUllur.u'turor. . . " .1 \ \ h"I..I rM lie "lelUr ' . l'"r'r"II. . Arl 1-11\0\11..1 ant. ! 01. . . . GG b"uth Utb , . . , " , . . .I.Yrllllh. . . w.e . Do You Orin ! , Qoffea : ) \VII , . I'llt . . ' " . h."I' . rull , .11 "r . 11..0 . .1..Olr. . . . I Jour.'ol1l"eh ' " . " . " , , , , t.Rr11..U.AMiRICArlt ! : : : C.JFFEE " 11.10 , , " .IIor.I . . .h " 1I1".YllIgl . Yua : : > ' , . . . . , . . "r"'or .11. ' & or cun .111. - DR EWS" , IJ PLUGS 11101) 1'oolb&cllo III't./l1I1. TornporuUy Fill &M , . AN ' 11. . 'feslb 10 " 1'111"1111 > Doltlilr04l. 10 Cento. ' IIrughtlor : b , tb.lI. NDItEWS DCN'.1'AL CO. . Oblc lo.D1. . - - - - - - - - ' . .1i Po.Ii1 : f c \ k ESTER'.1 I'J loB rUJ Yurk Llf" liulld. . . Inll' . Omab" . U. b1\\/I. . h'T. . n IrU1 nt INI IhOlllantl orr..s lit' l .lhlorJI . nlon\llo. Chant'o 10 tlo"hl" Tour lUo:1. , . . Gule'I'rllo ! for 1,1MI"rwland Ilor.crlptlun. - - - - C R tEJ , E $ ' , , . ? VOR EVERY I'UR : > O C .t COAti ! : : CO. OMA.HNED. . . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ n , _ _ _ " MATTHEWS . ! : , ! ! iDLf"'I rrP' . _ a 0 G.P D 11.11 11011101" " rlUII' O.aroln Ollllh" . : ; rl .1toolll . . 1:1I.11I'n ntN. . . K. . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . ( "OrUl'r lrolh & " ' 11111111 < 1 hi. uoo.1 \ I.elh. ' : "I .w. crown.'I.MII'rlrtl < " I Iu.w. . " , , , , . . \ : & litlilllC..6 < 'Io.I. , \lvvr \ 1111111" ' , 7' , , : ol < ' 111Ire. \ . " ' /III.\ , > . \11I1:10 10\1\ . . :11 II 1 < 1 \ UIIII. lIrl..u tl > l. alhvrtl" " , " willi JI"lo i \ - ' Grain , Stocls and Bonds : O\AU.\ UUI\I\lIUNCCl.N.N. V.JltoDl ll.OUla"- ( lrre ndcnl at MonbU41" $ . Co. ( lne.I , V..lclna"J J OhIo I fu' " .ro . .on-Ice. Wo Ucll1lur bll" ' b1 IU U or "I rt' . - ( . DYEING AND CLEANING' " ' Wrll" tnr our prlc..U I Mullnrorm..tJon CII , c ! < mclCI anll d7..lnl { ( It all kllllia uf . . .ulrlC al'ln1",1. Out . .J , , , , , , n " 'Iun" . . rocelea prODlplllll CAtur"llllteotlO" ' 1'110 l'lUllorluIJi. l.\11 \ JorCI 1)111C1. OIUAlJoa. N , " , . . . . \ I ' . .