Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 5

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! \t4 \ 'Condensed ' Local and Personal p '
Lu. .J'
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Thc city council holds a regu-
lor meeting next Wednesday
night. ,
Rcv. Raymond Rush , pastor of
the M. E. church at Anslcy , is a
, Broleen Bow visitor today.
I C. E. Ankney , of thc postoffice
I store , spent y sterday at his
ranch l1ear Purdum , twenty miles .
from I-Ialsey.
Mrs. E. D. Eubanks , who has
been ill w h typhoid fever the
past three weeks , is reported as
slowly convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dewey , of
Lincoln , who have been visiting
with Geo. E. Porter and family ,
returned home Monday.
Two theatrical entertainments
are billed for the opera house ,
one Saturday night of next week
and the other December 4.
Recently one of the points of a
Rand burr was embedded In one
. hand of Mr . .F. L. Huffmal1 , of
Callaway , and as a result blood
, , pois' n ing has set in.
James Bingham , a blacksmith
. , at Callaway , was bitten by a dog
a few days ago and he has a
. terribly swollen leg with symptoms -
. . toms of blood poisoning as. a
Mr. and Mrs. Har augh of
lola , Kansas , who , have been
visiting their son J. H. aocl family -
ily , fOI' several weeks , have returned -
turned to their homc in tOe Sunflower -
flower state.
The beautiful fell' for' the first
time , this winter-in this latitude
-Monday night , but the atmos-
f phere was sn balmy it had entirely -
ly disappean'd before noon on
the following day.
If any of the defeated candi-
datcs i tend to contest the recent
election-as was the talk-they
will hay ( > to get action soon as
the limit of time for such a uro-
cedure will expire next Monday.
Sacm Miller , of the hardware
firm of , Miller & Kennedy , went
to Omaha last Frid ay for the
purpose of closing up some un-
t. finished business. lit. h : > ped to
be abJe to return here by tomar-
I row.Supt. . of Schools H. 'M. Pinck- '
ney went to Lincolu' today , 'hav-
i ing b.een summoned in conference
( in regard to the State Junior
Nor als , tbe meeting- be held
tomorrow in tbe office of the
state superintendent. He may
be' absent until next Monday.
A meeting of the Broken Bow
Gun club is called for tomorrow
( Friday ) night at 7:30 : o'clock in
1. A. Reneau's office. In addition -
tion to regular club business the
question of holding a turk y
. shoot next Monday or Tuesday ,
none but club members to parti
cipate , will be'discussed.
Mrs. W. E. Clark , who resides
near West Union , came to Hroken
Bow last Thursday and returned
Saturday , accompanied by her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. Guyle ,
' . arrangements ha ing been completed -
pleted wberebv they will remain
all winter. Although there is little of the winter left their
many friends will miss t.hem dur-
inlr their stay in tbe country.
It is stated that Benger &
Decker , fancy . stock brceder ,
who e extens.ive ranch adjoins
: Ci..llaway , ' ! Vill exhibit two can
j r of Herefords , Oile of heifers and
1 ' , one of steers , at the Int rnational
't- stock show , which opens in Chi.
t . " cage next Thursday. They hope
" l to be admitted to the contest fOI
'v . tbe grand sweepstakes at tbe
International , as tbey will ex.
, hibit . some fine grade stock.
Editor F. E. Pinch , of the
, Merna Postal Card , accotnpanie {
! by Mrs. Pinch and Miss Lyd ,
Zwink , were Brok ( > n Bow vi..iton
Monday. On Tuesday E itol
.J./ Pinch was slated to leave fbr .
visit to Texas and be absent fo :
a week. It do beat all how soml
I editort > can accumulate cnougl
money t pay betel bills for j
' 1 week , railroad fare to Texas an (
'J . then have enough left to Ke
back borne again.
Jesse R. Keyser , of Millrr
1 Nebraska , aud Lola M. Dilvis , 0
Princeton , Mis ouri , came t ,
Broken Bow last Monday ani
were unit d in m\rriage by Juclg
; ; : Humphrey. Mr. Keyser is
( , prosperous young farmer of But
i falo county amI the bride a band
, ; some blonde who has heen vi i1
! : , in in the vicinity of Miller th
j : ' past year. . When she ann unce
I her intenhon 0 f returmng t
: ' Missouri Mr. Keyser brought hi
\ I " ( persuasive powers into play an
" "showed her" it wouhl be beUe
for both of them if she'd chang
her name al1d remail1 in Nebrallkl !
. .
. .
Rev. J. D. Brady , of the Bap-
thte church , went down to Gran
Is1a d today , cxpectil1g to return
On Monday Ernie G. Gray and
Elsie Ernst , of Thedford , were
united in marriage by Judgc
Vernon Bauder returned home.
yesterday from Omaha , where he
has been enjoying life the . past
two mon ths.
There is one safe thing about
being able to carry cash around.
No short change artists can get
in their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Morgan
drove to 'ruckerville last Sunday
afternoon , returning home the
following day. -
Ed. Bishop , ex-county surveyor ,
and S. Gates , of the Gates vict-
nity , were Broken Bow visitors
Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. James Largey l ft last
Sunday for Taylor , Nebraska , in
re ponse to a message informing
her of the serious , illness , of her
brot' er.
P. M. Dady , who tills the soil
near Georgetown , and profits
handsomely by so doing , associated -
ated 'With nrokeu Bow fri nds
J a t Saturday. .
I' rcmens' Thanlesgiving bill t
the north side opera house. 011
November , 28 ; 1907. Everybody
invited. By order of the com-
"Big-Hearted Jim , " a dr ma
, depicting western life as it really
is , will b given at tbe Opera
house on Wedncsday night ; Dec.
4 , by a company of professional
actors and actresses.
Workmen in tbe employ of the
railroad compan ) are expected
bere in a few days to lay a briele
walk across the right-or-way on
li'ifth avenue to connect'tbe
Cl'ment walks north and south of
tbe depot.
Word has been received 10
Broken Bow that Mr. ,
who , after being treated in an
1 Omaha hospital for swelling i.n
one of his legs , went to Long
Beach , California , last spring ,
has bad to have the leg , amputated -
putated , and as his strength has
bLen greatly impaired by suffering -
ing it is f eared bythe family h c
will not long survive the opera-
14ester Corlett , who came here
from Iowa and has had cbarge of
the jewelry department at Ed.
McComas' drug store the past
year , was taken sick last week
with what was suppC\sed to be
la grippe , but the cause d velop-
ing into typhoid fever. His request -
quest to go to a hospital in
Omaha was granted and he was
take'1 there Monday by Dr. W.
. Talbot. J
Thanksgiving day is Thursday
next , the day for the publication
of the REPUBLICAN and in order
that the printers may observe it
in an appropriate manner and
not be compelled to work .it will
be necessary to issue the paper
Wednesday. Notices for publication -
cation and copy for advertisements -
ments should , therefore , be handed -
ed in not later than Tuesday next.
< # 'eek. Do not wait-when 'You
think of s < ) mething you want.
published next week , sure-but
attend to it. at once before you
An enlarged picture from , a
photo taken' ' at Algernon on July
4 1886" graces the wall in the
uffice of Rl gister of Deeds Wood ,
dt the court house. Algernon at
t hat time was a hustling village
w.hich the railroad had reached
but a few years plior to the 4th ,
and the picture s ows a locomo-
1 tive and several box cars. It
was platted on the 27th of June ,
1884 , and was located about midway -
way between the present towns
of Anslcy and Mason City. Maj.
C. S. Ellison and F. P. Barks
ere its sponsers nd indications
were that it would be the metropolis -
polis of this part of Nebraska.
11u t Messrs. Ellison and Barks
aud the railway managers could
not get together on negotiations
r with thc result that the company
stablished Ansley and Mason
with depots but didn't even make
d sidetrack town of Algernon ,
it . . , , hose star , which had been it ]
the ascendeucy until then , rapid.
ly faded , and today , wl.ere wa
once a busy , bustJing village tb
l' jack.rabbit now enjoys himselj
d among tbe cornstalks , never once
o imagining that he is scamperin
IS over what was once valuable cor. .
d ner lots. The picture revive !
fond recollections to those wh (
spent many happy days it
! ! ! Ill 11r11ll' > ' " tT@n ' : ' , - , : . ' , l , . . :
Do your Christmas shoppuig
. ar1y and-pay with checks. I
After disposing of a large
number of cases on the docket
district court was adjourned at
noon last Saturday.
Charlic Gbdd has sold his barber -
ber shop fixtures to Jomes Sloft-
gctt end expe ts to go to Omaha
end perform the act.
A big bunch of stock will be
offered at pubhc sale at thc
Reyner farm , 1 miles .south of
Broken Bow next Tuesday , bc-
ginning at 10 o'clock , at which
purchasers will undoubtedly secure -
cure bargains. For description
of stock see advertisement in this
Locol dealers say thot never
before was the demand so reat
among women for sensible wmter
wraps. Fancy things , with all
looks and possessing no particular -
lar warming qualities , are not
even getting a smile from the
.rhe Burlington railroad company -
pany has been paying taxes to a
number of counties in the state
without making any protest , as
has always been the custom , but
up to the present time the company -
pany has 110t unloaded any of its
wealth into the Custer county
treasury. \
November 30-Saturday night
of next week-the Ideal Comic
Opera company , will occupy the
opera house in his ity. The company is not new to
Broken Bow theatre-go rs who. .
will undoubtedly fill the' hall to
its capacity on their appearance
, ere next week.
Paul Humphrey left last Sunday -
day for Wasbingtol1 , D. C. , expecting -
pecting to arrive tl1 re tomorrow
and at once enter upon his duties
as private secretary to Congressman -
man Kinkaid. Paul is a well-
posted , exemplary YOUtlg man
and will make g'ood in the position -
tion he has assumed.
Mrs. Effie Dodd , clerk in the
U. S. Land office , returned Tuesday -
day from Cheyenne , Wyoming' ,
where she spent a thirty-day
leave of absence visiting her
mother , brothel' and sister. She
says the month passed away too
rapidly as she was thoroughly .
enjoying her vacation.
Mrs. M. D. Callen , residing
five miles northeast of this city ,
suffered an operation last Saturday -
day which , altbough ery ddfi. ,
cult and dangerous , from present' '
indica.tions , will prove very suc-
cessful. Drs Stokes , of Omaha ,
anr ! Bartholomew and Talbot of
this city were in attendance.
Her speedy recovery is hoped for
by a large circle of friends.
If you are tired of the agitation -
tion to divide grand old Custer
county refuse to sign a petition
with that object in view-if
handed you for that purpose-and
stick to it. The easiest way to
do away with this unwholesome !
agitation i to keep your name
off the petitions. The div sion-
ists askedlfor a fair . , square vote
the propositio.n and they got
it , were beaten-and badly beaten.
It will be the Rame thing over
ag-ain if you sign the petition.
Don't do it-for another s ven
years at least.
A Broken Bow club woman has
been keeping tab on a few thin : s
aud says that the year 1907 will
be a red let ter one for her sex.
'The first notable step ahead this
Yl'ar was the granting of parliamentary -
mentary suffrage to the women
in Norway. Then women were
made eligible for nlunicipal office
in Sweden. Next came tbe granting -
ing to tbe women of Denmark
the rigbt to vote for and serve
as members of the board of pub-
.lic charities. anc1 now the British
parliament has just passed a bill
making women eligible to town
and county councillors and alder-
Candidate for Insane Hospital.
James weeney , who has been
working as a day laborer around
Merna , was brought here Monday
and taken before the insanity
board which was not compelled
to dehberate at any length upon
the question as to his samty.
He is said to have been a well
educated man and his dippiness
seems to be on figures. He is
almost constantly engaged ilJ
fi ures , one of b1S plans was & !
pool hall at Merna to be 1200 ft ,
long , 800 ft. wide , 1 ft. high and
I cost A. B. C. $70. He also speak
of dividing Custer county b }
I water. Sweeney evidently , is l
: graduate of the Arbor saloonoveJ
f at Callaway.
None ot his remarks are in thc
least intelligent and , having beer
- twice sent to an insane asylun
: i and relea'ed as cured , his condi ,
) tion this time is such that anoth
1 er cure is not anticipated ver
. .
. . . . . . .
- . .
: I" ' 1 mw : I
Union Se'rvices
Th nksgiving Day
Will be Hel. ia the M. E. ChW'ch i.
Broke. Bow aId Everf Citiu.
is Invited to Attead.
Union 'fhanksgiving services
will be held in the Methodist
Episcopal chur b in Broken Bow
next Thursday , November 28th ,
beginning at 11 o'clock a. m. ,
and a hearty invitation to be
present is extended to everyone.
Rev. Brady , of the Baptist
church , will preside.
The opening prayer will be of-
ered by H.ev. 'fhompson , of the
M. E. church.
Scripture reading br Rev. Mitchell -
, chell , of the Presbytenan church.
The Thanksgiving sermon is
to be delivered by Rev. Buswell ,
of the U. B. churcb.
Rev , Early , of the Christian
church , will pronounce the bene-
Especially'prepared music will
be rendered by the Methodist
Stock Shipments.
During. thc past week stock
shipments have been made from
Broken Bow as follows :
R. S. Burnett , onl' car of hogs
to South Omaha.
Tierney Bros. , one. car of hogs
to BIllings , Mont.
P. J. Simonson , one car of
hogs 1'0 ' Billings , Mont. , and one
car to South Omaha.
" - - -
OIfJImBiI ! tt1IftWn1
D r& Jtm DUijmI ! ! !
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck-
For all kinds of good coal go
to the West Elevator. 14tf
Another shipment ot couches
just received direct from factory
at Konkel's.
Go to J. . W. Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated flour-purej just as
the wheat growed.
r. Bass , Dentist. , Over McComas'
Get some'steel wire at 'Groat's
and build a good corn crib.
Kirkendall Shoes still take the
lead at , Mevis & Co.
The elebrated Maish felt mat-
trasses , at Konkel's.
" - - - - -
The Broken Bow Abstract.Co. ,
bonded , wants 100 abstract orders
at once. Checks or bank certificates -
cates 011 any bank in Custer
county taken in payment.
I. A. RENEAU , Secy.
For corn cribs try steel wire-
at Groat's.
Big underwear sale at Mevis &
Co's.-Men's Womens' and Child-
ren-at great reduction.
New line of Murphy rockeTs
just received at Konkel's.
Clean Seed Rye for sale a t th
West Elevator 14tf.
Mevis & Co's. big sale of dry
goods and clothing is marching
along just the same as though
nothing bad happened.
Something new for corn cribs
-steel wire. At Groat's.
- -
Duroc Jersey boars for sale-
the li'rge ! heavy-bone.d kintl that
will lUcrease the Size of your
bogs. It. BARRATT , North Side ,
Broken Bow. 4t
20 head of Duroc male pigs for
sale. Tops of 200 head. Custer
County Herd of Duroc-Jerseys ,
John Reese , Owner.
FOR RENT-320-acre farm 10
m les southwest of Broken Bow ,
all table land , 250 acres broken ,
good improvements. Call at
once. Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow.
Ask to see the steel wire for
corn cribs. At Groat's.
- -
Mevis & Co. are still taking
clearing house certificates and
checks f r all kinds of goods at
our sale for the amount of your
You can save two to four dol.
lars on suits of clothes and.over. :
coats at Mevis & Co.
Let us be your printer. The
good kind of printing only.
Steel wire for corn cribs if
the best. At Groat's.
Another shipment of Rockin
chairs just received at lonlcel'f
dir..ct from factory at factor )
Remember Konkel is head ,
r quartera for chairs of all kind !
I and price. . n-tf
- : ; . J : _ . _ . ' , _ '
' . . - .
- - - . , . - . .
! 'fhoso are tw osso tins ] in groceries and pro-
'I visions and its the texetow hich we have alt -
t ways adhered. Not unly has it always been t
our watchword , but it shall continue to be as '
personally , by phone or letter.
T H 0
' .V I
OK'E B . .
- . - .
.The I ! ! . : " .
tJlledl1 ! .gg@'Ul i1lll. ! m1 ! !
. .Vlfii ( CO
, is still on. Crowds ca l - be seen there.
daily , putting in their ] 'a11 and Winter -
ter supplies. ' 1'he entire stock must '
be closed out. Save 25 per cent by
I . ' .
attending' this sale.
. . ,
Ba t 8itd - ' . ! f
B.fclli : ! 1illl lmtw ! FJ 'lli > o
D. C. K 0 N K E L , w
: E3rok..en. : : E3e > VV.
'For this amuunt we will send you
both the HEPUDLICAN and the Ar.mRI-
O N LY $1 CAN FARl\Ilm for one year. . This applies -
. plies vance. to everone This means who $2 pa"s for $1.00 one. in ad-
. . . . . -
Th.B' Cash G rocnrv
Come to this store for your
: We have everything necessary
to make the dinner complete.
J. N. Poalo
Broken Bow , Nebraska
. . . . . - < . . _ - . . . . . . . . , . . . . ,1.All . . . . .1. 1.1' " . . , " "q-y T , _ _ _