Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 2

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rD llY S ; R ws ; .
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Dy . CA 'HERINE STO El\L\N \ ; LONG ' .
J . . , . . . . . . .
t : } 'O : .r. ; : ) .o : : f. : j = :
, .
\ ( CoprrJr,1Jt. )
Afl \ , 0 member of the WlnterfJ
f4mUf'JIU1 ' ono exception , wct"C liter.
nry. 1.oxcoptlon wn Dornthy. Mr.
\y'lntora 'ftU cdltor.lnJhJer or ODO of
the 1:1110 : cUr p llors , Clarence WI roe
Imror Cor another , alator Mnry , vnn n
loo1tcuchor , nnd sIster LucIa /rote
{ r the mnJadncs. As for MrR. WIn.
ttlrr. . bhoTIUI preslilont or the nrown.
lit club , : , . of the \\'oman'a
( ub. wid M acUTe member of II. varl.
oLr ut othc.r cJUb3 too numerous to
11nUon ,
It would seem rnther atr\nGo thnt In
: \ riunlly so sleol1od In the ntmospl1tJrn
( It'l ' > ooku Ilnd nowspnl1en there ehoulc !
\lQ ona blaek sht'\p ; nlthoUfh ; to call
DoroUl1 fA. black sneep wore cortnlnly
\ , lIbo' ' . for It there ever wnll a wIllie ,
Ellrl'at. . d:1r11 ! : loved Inmll In any flock ,
9110 coul In1 olalm to thlll dlstincUon. :
"bo term Is onl1 used to convcy the
l / \ th.t she WitS dlrrorent trom t.he
( J ttora. While tha , . wore nl1 etullloulI , .
\ti..our'Jltful nnd nbrloua In theIr bsten ,
' 1110 wng the gaycet , moet. carolcfm anll ,
II lbC7 nll dcclaro < l , the most. trlTolou:1 :
IIttlo bo.dy In cxstencf'n ! mveryono
IdJ"cd lroUy Doll , . . She \VmI 110 BWC\t. \
/IIttured , DO a-onoroUB , fJO full , of vftnUI.1
, \Drl sllrlEhtlinoss , Oml It. Wtlll ImposfJl-
l'/1 / . to ( } o otborwlJo. :
It never hnllponcrJ that Qn 'ono over
IltfoJUoncd ! the domostlc tnlcntn nne }
ht lntlJjono of Dorotlt ) ' . It had been
: j fl1ell wllon sbo was quIte u IIDH111
hPd U1dNnture : harJ Intendoo Iter
for : 11' little , hou80wl(0. She coule } maleo
lho most. l1eUclous deancrt/ } and the
most toothsome confectionery ; 8110
MtI. sUch bomtltul tnato In nrrmglnt ;
UIO table : lnel kept tbo
! IQUro { TO fresh nnd ordorlythat , no ( me
f'V.CT nuupcclod U1:1t : aho nbhorred the
dlabtlnn , haled to mnko berJA , or waR
mndo tAlnt nnd HIck by the ehht ot
t-a\T mc.\t "hen nho wont to mnrket
w sotcct her Cnther's favorIte cultJ.
Joll.f Devor Gnld nnythln nhout It.
NI\t.umlty , no on ! ) coultJo ! supscd ) to
Now , It tt"Cquently hn)1pens ) thnt the
c:4roor : Intd out Cor us by our frlcml1s
'IltO ot nlwnyo the onOH wo flhould
' 1otcct It leU to ourBolvclt. Thin was
t.ho case wIth DorotIt ) . . SecreUy she
Jougoll lo be literary , 1I1ee the rest ,
hmlcad ot domestic. She (1111 try to
mlLe Bom tlmcJ ! , just us the othero
dId. and.worltell . bnrd over some , extremely -
tremoly Indlltoront'lIttl stortcs 'hlch
\"oro " tlcsUned to { ravel many weary
O1llc3 hQlwoen herself nnllrnrlous 1mb-
Usbors. ,
Dorothy Imow well ol1ouh thllt hOT
\Vrl ln Waf ; vary poor , and foon
< : cnS.od to hopQ to' ' dIstinguIsh her.
lIolt In t.hls way. An a matter or , fnct ,
' 9ho aId not lIke to write nt nU , and
4101 , ( Ud 80 because she Imted to ho
n drone In thIs literary beobtvo. It
\VI11J filmply n bor ! ) to her , nnd nhe
IIllont much of her tlmo making
tdrot.choo on tho. mnrsin of her paper ,
'U9 'rommi TrnddloB dId hi DavId Cop.
ucrUcld ; 'onlT In3l l1d at ( Irawlng 6ltel.
olon , Dho mnde curlouB brownies and
Q'Otcsquo anImals that It. certnlnly
would hllTCI been no sIn to worsblp ,
'Cor the , 'Wero 'Uko nothlnl ; 'on 'enrth or
'n the waters beneath the nrtb. The
tamil , cnUM tbom Dorothy's "queer
oCQW9. "
At Jnst npo dospnlred a1togctbcr ,
mid men the rejected manuscrlJI1
had all ( .orne bacle she tumblcll UleIlJ
in a he Into a drawer , whleb fihE
Hover openoo without a very down-Ill'
ttio mOuth nort of feeling. It Is to bE
fCllrod : that just the leasl IItUe bll
tlf n. erala , of bltternesu was In Doro
thy'a honrt when aho thought , of UIE
lIosltton of UtO houseItold dIrector f. (
whlcb ahe bad IIcon so Runnnnrlly rele
, . ; ntcd by her nrecUonato frhmda. SUI
the 0111 longIng to do aomethlnc Itep
DulUag away at her , anti when sh. .
began to 001 ; to bl ) allo\\'cll to' tnk. .
drawIng lesaona Ilt the Art Institute
hcr mother snld :
"Why not let her do It ? , 'rho dCIl'
. ; irl hnn a goer ! many lonesome hour.
when wo are nil a. 'nY or lJUo ) ' , OVC1
U tbo 13 no domcallc. Looklnr ; arte'
tft house docnn't. take nil her time. '
"Why of course , " IJnld ; Mr. Wlntorf
"ft thoro's nn .thlnc In the world tl1a
I can do to g1\'e DoroUl ) n .veasur ) ,
rm only too glnd. "
"Oh , certaInly , " said sister Lucll1
"It will glvo her something to Ulln ]
or. OVOn It allo doesn't nccompllsi
much wHh It. "
And DO DorotIty wan entercd In on
( Sf the cllSseu of the Art InstftutE
, and then tllo tnmlly , absorlJCd In It
bwn more ImlOl'lnnt nlTalrs , nt enc
DroL dcd to torgot ' nl1 about it. Ne
body over tbou1bt to'lnQulro about he
\York except 1\11' . Wlntors , to , wbom I
bccurrcd onr.o In awhl10 . in a vagu
' 118hlon. .
"And 110W are tl1e 'queer cows
daughter ? " bo would lok , pInchIng he
tlof rounll check ,
"Oh. they're jU3t. an bad ns ever ,
Dorothy woulll 6:11 wIth arL' nnswerln
amlle. "Thoy 1)on ) out on the cast
.and nUll IlI'u ( Jxactly liS they dl
on the manu crlpt. " I3ho wns 1bra \
} JtUo soul , and It slln ten 11Urt b
thIs Indulgent neglect sl\e kept It t
bc lt.
When aho had beea In the ArL Insl
tulu ror a \lt YQllr without bnvln
\'or ccemed to a.ccompHsh anythll1
to nLL-rnct attention In U10 .lel1lSt , M
WInters bot\n to talk "ery mne
about a now arUst who had of In
boon oondlng In drawIngs ns 1I1ustr
Uons of current oven18. 'f1 ey we
bwnqrous In .cbnractor , nnd n ( ! QC
man1 ar them uppeared in hIs PI1 ) (
\'eryoDO Iilld : they we'o remnrknbl1
clover , Inlleorl qulto Buporlor to nU1
\u'JlIbctl ! by the olatt nrtlBlI. , The 111111.
II ' nil enJoyed the 1)lcturcs ) ( ; TeaU ) ' ,
nnd they were Ibl. ! subJect of mUl'h
fnvorahle comment nrtor oTcry Insuu
of Mr. Wlntor'lJ ) mper ,
" ) bellevo , " he hlmselt r.ald ono day ,
"tbnt thl8 Hlmry Palc E mend hllil
the maltlnp ; or n rrent artist In hIm.
'I'hose Itltotchc ot hIs nro just hub.
tllln ! ; over wlLh fun , nnd hIs , , -11 18
keen nnd dollcate. I bullove bin nrt.
wlU find exvrosslou In aometltlnJ ;
hl1hr lImn clrlcaturc , too : '
"I'll to11 fOU wl1:1t , Dot , " contlnueu
her ratbor. ' "I'm goIng to Invite hIm
tei dInner soma rJlI-l'vo never mot
hIm m 'fJolt ) 'et-an\1 then ) 'OU cnn
: show Jllm oomo of these "Queer cows'
you ulled to draw. "
The ide:1 : or hlrllct1l1 ! ; theRe crurlltlcl !
uTon : the artistic vIsIon of thin rising
mlln wun oxcruclntlnly , tun nT , anl1
the lnL1lJy In.ushcll 10urJ and lone , Dol"
oUy moat. heartily of all.
A nil no H WI1S aJrcl3d thnt Mr.
Ihmry Paso Esmond nlloulll be hnlte < l
the cornht week Wednm/lay for clln-
ner. Mr. Winter wrote hIm nn Invlta.
tlon to meet , hIm nt the office on tbat
dnte , In reDpOnS ! ) to whIch the youn
mnn-CV01''one seemed totukb It ( or
gronterJ that he WUB young-Bcnt n
TCry ) ) olfte note ot ncceptance.
TIm dny's bUl\lne31 ! wnn O'for , nnd
: MI' . oat In hIs ofilce ; nwultlng
the urrlvnl or the ) 'oung artist. He
Wll3 just lIaylns to Illmsolf thnt Mr.
Ecmond won III J to be late when
the omen hey broufJht In cnrd benr.
In , In the familiar handwriting of
! JHIt. ( ; cntlemun , his nnmo.
"Show , hIm In at once , " Bnld Mr.
WInters In hln most. abru11t and edlto.
rlol tonos.
When ho henrd footGtopn In the outer -
er room ho luoao to hIs feet nnd mftd
Iln6h ! to arrange hln fentul'eB In their
mont oordlnl qnd ongnlng : e > : presslon.
'I'1UI (1001' fiow open In theatrical
munnerJnllor tbo hand or the office
boy , who announced , In n somewbnt
mn Ifi 011 , tone : "MI' : E mend , " nod lu
.walked-DorothY !
Mr. WInter's countenance wes Indeed -
deed 11 sludy to b'1\ZO U)10n. ) He look-
( d at hla dnuhter : with , eyeD as round
r ,
" 7 ; J f/ t'J :
C' ' "
In Walkcd"Dorothyl
I1fI moonR : Uld opened his mouth sov-
( 'rnl tlmoB without mnklng a sound.
In Bhort , ho wnu completely bewildered -
ed unUl Dorothy , 110r sweat race nl1
flushed nnd qulvorlng , half Inughlng ,
halt BobbIng , rusllod Into hIs nrmD"ex.
clnmlng ! :
"Oh , )1 )1I1 ) , 'tlenr , don't 'ou under.
10 fJtand ? I am Mr. Henry Pngo Es-
mend ! "
When her fnth.or had got her home
ot loot , nnd they hnd managed to ox.
111nln matters to the nssombled com.
pony , the connnotlon which aruso wa\ ;
wondortul to oxperlenco. Dolly was
laugllOd oyer , crImI ever and passed
around to ho kls ed until she was
quite brenthless , whllo the pnrlo1' fall"
ly brlstlo(1 wIth exelnmatlons. Clnr.
cnCe whlrlCl1 her around : \nd urounrJ
In u wlM dance , anll her mother couhJ
nol stOl ) askIng quostlons. Ijucln look.
ed nt l1Cl' rather roproachfun ' ns oh (
sl'ly tucked her book out ot sight ;
hut Judge Whltmnn mnllo her n mo1
courtl . a1coromonlous bow , oa )
. Ine : "I congratulate you ; my rJoar :
I , At last the horolno of this ovatlo [
if cocaped to her room to adjusl her hall
and gown , whIch hnd hocome sadlJ
, rumpod } wIth cmlJrncQs , 100\\'lng he :
friends to chatter und oxclalm , anI
talk at the top of tholr YOICeB nl
together. ItVnB tIto proude t momnn
of her lito. Mu uror yearn bra ugh
oUler trlumphu , lIut never 0110 GO glc
rlous as thIs.
And thUB It happened that Doroth
I. while she by no means ceased to b
Ig domestic , dIll become an artIst , nnl
Ig carved ant for heraolt n enreer whlei
r. had Its begInnIng In the "queor cowJ. :
: h
to A Frultlcss' SCi\rch ,
n. Mnmn-Wbnt you taklnc you
1:0 : doJl's bedstead apart tor , pol ?
Jd Llttlo Dot.-l's lo kln' rOl' bUg9.-
! r. YVockly. .
, , , . '
. . . . . .
I D1AKER OF T 12 "tOY' , I
, .
, ,
. . .
. . '
, 'I '
' . '
. .
many of the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Will Be Held In Connection v h Stl : : e
Normnls-Two Wceki to Be Dc.
voted to Discussions with State
Aiding to FulleGt Extent ,
Columbia , Mo-J\Uasourl university
Is trying to brine Instruction In agri.
culture dIrect to the farmers of the
slnto. WlUl thIs end In vlow ; the : lgri-
cultural college has sent Its professorS -
sorS on lecture tours over the state ,
visiting the vu'louo organizations or
tarmers nnd I del1'1erlng lecturca. The
college this ) 'car Is worltng ! In con.
Junction with t.he state board of
agrIcultural , the offices or whIch are
in the agrIcultural gulldln : ; on the
camllUS here. With thIs end In vIew ,
that of gre.ater benefits to the present
rarmers. S. M. Jordan , or Stnnherry ,
has been selected nnd made the dl ,
rector of tarmers' InsUtutes.
The plan hereto tore hns boon to
wId n day's or two days' Bcssion In
I10me town or Echoolhou8e , and then
do notblng to fol1ow1P the people -
plo becnme well aroused und cn.
Tbls ) 'ear arrangementa will be
mndo to hold n two weelts' Institute
In conjunctIon wIth the varIous state
normilln. The arrangements hnvo not
been definitely concludell nt all , but
at the n w normal nt. MnryvUlu the I
plnns arc llractlcaJ1y perfected.
The normal townn were selected In :
order to Insure an undlence even It
the farmers fnll to show the interest
expected. The students preparIng In
the , 'arlous nor nnls to teach will be
caUed upon to give Instruction In
clentlfic agrIculture moro and more
as the study .of It. spreads throush the
public schools of the IItato. ' 1'he lecture -
ture will bo 1lven In the courthuse
or In the school buildIngs : w mny be
thought most )1ractlcablo In nttrnctlng
the men Interested In mUng the soU
t'nd the raisIng of stock.
Fh-c of the lendIng IJroescors , aU
h03ds of departments In the : MIssourI
school of agriculture , will Ilve the
lectures at Maryv1l1e , whIch is a type
of what others will be. The course
there will begin on December 9. One
man will leave Columbia tor tbat
place and give three lectures a da ) '
for two or thrle da"s. Thcn be will
bo superseded by nnotber one , who
will lecture on n dIfferent tel 01
\vork. This will continue until the
cJOSof the two weeles , when : m or 40
lectures wJII have been gh-cn.
Mr. Jordan , the director of tbe
work , In an authority on see ( } corn nnd
wUl dIscuss corn brcelllng. He wUl
show how corn may be 60 cared for
anrl cultivated anf } crossed as to produce -
duce a grain of "ery fir-a qunJlty as
wen M quantity.
Dead Swallows Stop Fires.
York. Pn.-Flndlng thnt he could
not 5tart a fire In hIs s19vo because
of some obstruction In the chlmnoy ,
Charles Keyworth , of this cIty , employed -
ployed plumber to locate the trouble.
The plumber remond 316 dead uwal.
They had evIdently been tarly In
mnkin ; their fUght southward und ,
buildIng In the chlmnoy ror warmth ,
had been smothered by Mr. Key-
worth's nttempt (0 stnrl hIs fire.
"His ' "
Daughter's Voice.
Jackson , MIch.-While passIng n
saloon A. C. OUver b'ard n phono.
graph gIvIng a song In hIs daughter's
vol co , ono thnt Ito hud mode recortl
at hlmsolf. Ho went Insldo nnd
clnlmed the mnchlno and took It home. .
The phonograh ) was taleen trom hIsI I
homo by a man while OUver and hIs
I , vICe were , 'Islting in Ypsllnntl.
To Refrurrn to Use of Oxen.
Wlscon ln Lumber Companle'll Decide
to Replace Horses with Cattle.
St. Paul , MInn.-AgaIn 18 tl1e ox to
bo a factor In the logging oporatlons
or northern Wlaconsln nnd Mlchl an.
No lesa un authority \ Hmn Senntor
Inanc Stelhellljon ) boll eves the lumbar.
men made a mlstalto wben they made
the borso tale tho' place ntlrel ) ' at
the yoked oxen.
Acting on thqt bollef , tl1e N. Lud.
Inton , comllnn ' and tbo I. Stephenson
com)1l\ny , of which Mr. Stephenon ! Is
. tbo e : < eQutlvo head , nro mnklng arrangements -
rangements to l\lt. \ to work n large
1 number at oxon In the woods thIs
I' wIn tel' .
The Illgh prIce of horscs and grain
is UIO chlet ractor. Oxen cest bout
$100 a pnlr , whllo \ seed team of
horr.cs costs about $ GOO. 'rhe cnttlo
conuumo Jess grnln , but nsldo trom
tbcno rensons , which have directly
. . led to the rot urn to ohl Gt 'lo loggIng ,
Mr. StcJhonGon ) bellevcD that In tlio
rousher work ot the camp 11toy are
more ( lc3Irn\JIJ. Tboy will be us ell
UIIB winter In skiddIng and In Imul ,
ing oul ot the IIwamps. In epenklng
or the change : ; eon to bo mn < t , Sena.
tor Rtelhcnson Imld :
"I bellevo UIO n\Jolltlon of the cat.
r Uo In wooda worl : wnD n tad to n
crent extent. The h011l0 has its pIneo
r , In logging , bnt for the roucher work
III the SWan1)IS and tor sldddlnc the
. .
ox Is every bIt as gaoll and a chenfler
animal In every way tor loggers. The
N. LudIngton company nnd the I.
Stephenson compuuy are noIIrepar. .
Ing to send tram six to eIght yoleo or
oxen Into the woods tor "I'o'Ork ' this
winter nnd lho number In use wUl bo
gradually Increased. "
'With ' Leg Imprisoned and In Great
Pain DragG Hlmcelf Home.
Mtrquette , MIch.-Caught by the
leg In' a t1'Op sct tor wol\'es , n vnlu-
able bird dog bOlongln ; to Dcputy
Sherltr Richard Hnrcourt or Senoy ,
east of Marqnetto , efYcctctl Hs release
through a display ot canine Intel.
IIgonce. TIte trap wan tnstened by a
chaIn to a sapling. ' 1'0 gnnw this
down wao the canine's enl ' Gnlvatlon ,
nnd prosumabl ) ' alter D\ntnro contem.
plation or 11s dnngeroU3 ultnntlon the
do undertool. UIO tnsle.
Evldontly It wns U10 wort or mnn '
hourllJut the nnhnal ) lUrse\'ercll un.
tII It had accompllshod UtO unclertnlt.
Ing. Then , dcslllto the 10lcf ot much
blood , and notwlthstnnrUng the vain
It mnst have been sUfl'crlns , the dog
mnde Its' wonry wn ' homo , dragln !
tbo trap l'llons. The mnnner In whIch
the dog had secured Its freedom wafJ
plaInly nppaT < lnt trom the o\'JI1encIJ
\'Islble nt the svot where the trav hnd
been s t.
, A
Bit of Cocnlne Before They Puncture
RheumatIsm Fixes.
IIarrlahurg , Pa.-Curcd ot rhemnn.
flsm by the stinging of a bee , a Dela.
wnro county womnn bas BubnUtutcd a
bee 111"1'0 ' for het medlclno ehoot. . Slate
Zoologist Surfnee , wlto first sch : > nUn.
cnlly demonstrated that rh.cum3Usm
mn.y be cured by the sUng of a boo.
elverl 11 lotteI' hc other mornlnc
rrom the fortunate victim , tcUlne ' , 'ow
ho had becn cured. 'rho won an ,
whone name Dr. urfl c decllneu to
I1lnclpse , stntes thnt her legs uro en.
tlrely tree from rltottmaUam wncc rho ;
has appllod the bee-sUnG remed ) . .
"Every Ume I wash , " WIC geoB ( JD ,
however , ' 1 am troubled for n rew
I1nY9 ntterworl1s wIth .rheumn.tlcm in
my arms una Bhouldors. But I bave
found a wny to overcome thIs. I
have provlrJed myself with n hlvo ( If
becD , and nfter my woolt'n wnsillng I
a.lIow mnolf to bo olung by beCfJ on
the pn.rts wllaro I hnve the rheuma-
tlam. TIle effect la marvelous ; the
rhcumntlsm goes alrnofJt n3 qulcktr
ns It comao. "
After stnting her case turther the
woman nsltn Dr. Surface whnt he
would sumezt as n remedy for the
Imln caused by the boo atlng. The
doctor immedlatcly wrote to har ( fUg.
cesUng : thnt she Inoeulnte her arms
and shoulders wIth a very } ow per.
oealno ; or cocrono before n1lowinc
bor bees to get busy.
. .
Express Compnny Books Reveal Durn-
Ing Pn slon of Youth.
Ottumwa , Ia.-An Cxpt'ClIS ma-
1cngcr nmning on UlO CJllC Jo , Burlington -
lington & QuIncy railroad through ilils
lty hns dIscovered 11 sad Jove uttn1r ,
. .old In iliree chnpters on ilio proell1c
ecorr1B of tbe express com pan ) ' ,
The other day a aequo1 was wrItten
In another chaptor. Tender uentlment
's I'rt to the Jmnglnntlon , but thIs' Is
the story as told on UIC express com.
1'\11) ' records , ilio names beIng
changed :
January 16 , 1J07.-Mr. ! Yonng Dusl.
ness Man to 1\1ls3 Flnffy RuffioB , Mln-
' 1cnlOUS ) , one packnge , said to conlnln
d amend , value $1i0. !
September 1 , 1907.-tIr. Young
Business Man to MJss F2utty Rullcs , ,
l\Unnenpolls , one flacltage said to oon- :
taln letters , value 50 cents.
September 6 , 1907.-Recelved from
l\llnneapoUs , consignor unkno\vn ; ad-
dressec , Mr. Young Duslnes ! ; Mnn ;
one pncknge Id to cont.n1n letters
nnd jewelry ; valu $ OO.
October : n , 1907.-l\Ir. Youns Bnsl.
ness Man to Mary Lavey , St. Joseph.
: 'oro" saId to contain one ( Uamond ;
' \"nlue 150.
Audubon Society Chief Says Sum
Would iotal Dig Amount.
New York.-Becauso of ilie decrease"
In blrda , the United States la losing
) 'early wltl10ut protest a cum larger
than' lhe capitnllz tion ot aU the na-
tlonnl banks in tbo country , WlIS the
st\tcment : ; mndo by Pres1 cnt Wllllnm
Dutcher , of the National AssocIation
or Audubon Societies , nt the annanl
meeting of the association bere. The
public. rJeclnred : Mr. Duoobcr , placid.
: ly nllowB agrlculturnJ crops valned at
' $800,000,000 to bo annual1y dCGtroyed
by Insecla , whIch destmctlon Is entirely -
tirely due to the rapId decreaoe In the
number of Insectivorous blrda In the
countr ) ' .
"It n mimon or more dollars are
loot throngh the manngp.ment of n
bnnlt or other fiducIary InstltnUon , "
he nnld , "It crentes a wave of protcgt
throughout 010 entire country , ) 'et 11
yenrly loss equal t ho entire cnpltal.
Izatlon at the naU..nal banks of the
country creates no comment what.
ever , simplY bl. < : nuso the public do
not reaU7.o wltat is going on. "
Mr. Dutehor saId that the as5oeln- !
tlon was In I10sltion to do good work
along the line er protection to birds ,
but In order to succc 3rully enrry on
Its worlt it nhould have n Inrger en.
dowment luncI amI a fn.r larger mem-
Nearly 3,000,000,000 Letters Hnndled
In 1 < lngdom Lalit Year.
l.endon.-Bcsldes 2,804.11)0,000 let.
tors , there were 831,400,000 pORt cardn ,
D33,200OOO half.ponny Jmekets , 189"
100,000 newspapers wId 104,000O O
mIscellaneous packages handled by
the local l\uthorltlos of U10 United
Kingdom In the year cnrling March 1.
During UIC Barno enr marc than
89,000000 ; telegrama ) Iassed over the
) Jostnl wIres.
These fig1ll'es dIvIded between Eng-
Innd , Ireland nnll ScoUn.nd provo that
the English llcoplo nro far ahead ot
elUwr of the ether nallons in Ule mal.
tor of lottorwrltlng and mnll-order
'rho postmaster general announccs
a system of voluntary deducllon8
from s01l1lera' flay to be llOpt In the
Post Offioo SavIngs banlt as nn ex.
perlmcnt. Mo.n ' : > Uter changes nnd
Improvemenis have nlrendy been In.
augurnted In the banking de)1Ilrtment )
and tIto Incromo over Inst year's busl.
ne9S , whIch is about 20 per oont. , wJl1
be b"T'tmtly cJpanrJed : in the coming
Nearly lcn I nll a halt millions oC depositors -
positors ot the three nations , relre-
I senUng n sum oxceedlng billIon
dollars , \Vns Ute record or the past
'cnl' of the bank dOTlIlrtmont.
\ :
/ :
. , :
, .
Coffee Toste ! ) Detter If Made : It the _
' . .
Moment Rcqulr'cd - Hot Water
lJhcs to I'eep the Feed In"
Condition. "
" !
Here nre fJomo sugeestlons fey the ' . "
broakfnst lnblc thnt may be or use : . . .
Corree w1ll bo much bettor iC it 'jo
mnde riGht en the table. There Is a
Vlenneso coffee pot which oomes In
copper or nIckeL ThIn 10 furnished
with Ita own nlcohol Jamp , which bans
the water tiS It f.hrougJ& the
The cotIeo can bo mndo nn , . dot'Jrcd 1
strc11Jlh. IC the machine Is. otar i1ecl
wIth boiling water cofreo can 1)0 mnl2e . )
In trom ten to 15 minutes.
Tea should also ho made on tbe ,
table ; yon can tIt on bo Bura tbrt ( be
water is rre3hly boiled and Umt tbb
' : ,
tea docs not stand after bolng made.
There ure some chinn teapoill thnt
have n. slevcl1ko p001(01 In tl10 top to
bold the tea leayes. 'I'he boiling water ,
In ponred tllrougll UlOm as many , times
ns In ncOO sarr. The tea when made " \
, remnlnn the sarno ntrength , ns , the ' r :
I leaves do Dot stOCJI In it :
Food llOuJd be Gcrved in hot water 1
dlabes. 'flCSO ) como In nIl uizoo and "
" J
Tbc ! lnn somc SItcffieJd pIeces } , rnvc "
n co\'cred djsh on a stand , n bet wntor
dish underneath It and an nloohol' ,
lamp that fib ! into the stand 10 keep . . . , . . '
the water hot. :
TI1COO , of coume , wIll Innt tlUe - . -
tlme and are expeuslve : , but tharo n c ' )
plenty of othern tlHlt w111 answer us ,
well and that nr qulto Tl'1S0na1Jro ; . ' . : J
Peed will kecp hot in the so coveNx1' , . ,
dIshes for surprising length of Ume"
und docs not dry up , us It docs wh n.
put In the oven or over the stave. If I
you want to have a comfortable bQt
breakfast have Govcml of these tUrmes
In use.
China egg'ct1)1s ) corne with bellow
ba : : c's , In whIch hot wl\ter is ponrod.
A norL.bolled egg , when' hot , Is :1vpe.
Uzlng , bnt It never In by the time it
is prepared In tbe ordInary elScnp. _
If : rou like your dry toast crlnp , it
sbouJd alwnfs be served in n to:151
rack. Putting It on a plato und COT- ,
ering It nIl makes n stcnm that epoUB ' ' : .
It. 'l-
The jnlce of au ornnge squ cd into '
a fimnll glass cup makc a very good
1'rn1l conrse. Many n hurried Ulan will
drink hl ornnge julee to hIs ploosUTC '
and profit who woulll not stop to b2ve .
' ,
an orange that he had to prepnl'e blm-
rolf.Atter , ' 111 , it paya to give tbo family n
n good start In the morning and a
b"OOd hot breakfast Is a great helD.
Homemade Shoe Trees. "
In maldng shoe trees from old stack-
ingS filled with bran , os Is the habit. . or
the economical , there should bo cnoR h
of the log of the stockIng leU t.o allow , ,
the brM to be pusbed up as the form' / '
Is belns put In. Oherwlso , el ! C- '
clallY It ilie shoe Is [ 1t ull rlamp , it
will be almost impossible to manipft-
lalc It.
Keep a tapefastened to U10 tJenm ar
the slocklng 80 It can bo tied 01' untied
nt a moment's noUee. When p\1tttnr ;
the term Into the shoo untie thlu tupe.
refastenIng it aCter J\1shlng the 'Iuan
down to hold ont the shoe.
'There Is but one objectIon to t1 s
kind at shoo tree ; mIce Uke It 1\8 well
nn you clo , anll care should' bo tnbm :
to keep the suoes out of tholi' way.
JIj (
To Sew on Heel < G and Eyes. , "
To sew on haoles and eyes to the
band of a sltlrt place UJO eye oa the
rIght sIde or the baud Wltll the loop
nl the end of tl1e band. HaM frrrnly
nnd Eew ever and over through thd
1ItUo rings on tIleeye. 'rho little rings ,
may bo buttonholed to the muterlal _
covering the metal if ono desIres. On
the nnder sIde at Ule bund at the end . .
opposIte to U10 eye and u qUn.rtOT ot
Minch lrom the edge place the hook.
Sew ilirough the rlng In tl10 Dame
mnnner 0.1 the eye Is sewed. and
under the hoole part put u tew etltchel !
to hold It down.
Russian Mince. i '
ThIn I a good way of usln ; UJ'l
neraps 01 II. joInt. Cut up u pound or .
cold at into I1lcc. CI10P up also nn ) '
vcgolnbles , 1111111 , bacon , or suet putl-
dlnt ; . Fl'Y aU lightly In n IIttJe ( lrtp-
ping. Senson hIghly wltb pepper , salt ,
t1nely-choPI)1l onIons , pursley nnd n I . . . . . : .
lnblo poonful of vlnogar , sUr aU to.
gethor over the fire , and BOrvO vcry
hot. Gnrn1sll with elpIleta of toast.
Potatoes a la Malte. '
Wash IUId I1l1re foul' ecl
pot.ltoes nnd cut them In bnlveo. Doil \
In salted water until rJ01\o. Rave . . j
ready a quarter cup ot clloPJ1 < ld
paroley. Drnln the water err the potatoes -
tatoos and slmlw them dry. Pour the'
egg and pnrsley ever them whl1e you"
are shnldng the IIotl\toe8 held nbovp. ,
the fire. 'fhe egg will coolt over the
potntoes In the IlOt Itcttle. Serve hot.
Brighten Picture Framer : . ,
Gilt picture trames may bl. ! frosbi\l1'
ed nnd brIghtened by washIng theN
with a floft brush dIpped In tbo fut.
lowing tnl turo : Put enough flour of
sUlphur Into n pint. ot wawr to glv It
n yellow Ungo , add two onIons cut . I'
Into 11 I o < ; "S , unll Jet them ! mil : strait. !
Into a dish , nnd when the l1'1ulrl b .
comM cold It 18 reudy for U90. (
Corn Fritters.
'Pwo CUllS 8weet corn , elthor cnnnt > d
or frcflh. ono egg , two tablespoons
milk , hvo of fiour , salt , pOPPer , R 0\ '
pInch of soda nnd t.wlco as milch
cren.m ot ta.rtar. Fry In hot tat. Dc-
. ,
. I . ,
" < <