Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 1

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    Statu 1lI11t LllJrnrlRtl ocllt ) ,
. . . . . , , .
" ' ; " ' , , , '
. . . . . - - . -
- - - - - - - - -
; . The Helping Hand
I We extend 10 you thc : lclplng hand in
\ tbis hour when thc prnblem of how to
. make tastcs and desires meet purse capacity -
, , city is your one thought
It doesn't take so awful m ich mont' } '
i to buy plcacing ; C'tristmas ' prcs nts if one
will but go to thc right place and go
early We belie'e a visit to our store
I wi11 hclp "ou solve the pl blem to your
entire I = lItisfaction
. St'les exclusivc and p 'pular.
' "
We're not running any-
body's business but our own.
T at occupies all of our
time , .
. If done properly it rf'quires
tnCreaslng ' watchfulnes to
keep up the stock so that
whe a prescription comes
in for no matter what , we
have it rtght on the shelf
waiting ( or just such 8 pre-
We take care of our prescription -
scription stoelc of drugs in
that way. It's worth knowing -
ing wh n ) 'ou really want
the best drugs and medicines
J. S & J.F I Baisch
Broken Bow , - - Neb.
. . . . . . , , , , . , , . - - - ' - - . . .
. . . . . .
. " ' I t11Ih""d.tlilllJl"IJ"'I ! ' ! : : " I"111IJ"'l.\WJ.ibJ..U't1"'JJI1JI" ! ' \ ! : ! ' " I UJI.iII'LOl''wliJl''l.IO ' ! ' '
account or for goods purchased.
. f.
The Blue Belle P as at 15c per can. Better than fresh peas
Pride of Michigan Pear , 2 for 25c. Very tender' and sweet
Alllcinds of Stove Polish-liquid anrl dry-3 for 25c '
Husking Pegs , 5c , IOc , 25c. 35c. Glovts and Mitts , 90c dnz I
f Un versa I Bread Mixer-the best ldnd-t\yo sizes
I Bread and Cake Boxes , 70c , 80 , 90c and $1 sizl ,
I . True Huhbald Squashes. fine eating' . 20c and 23c each ]
. i Sweeping Brooms. fair quality. 25c 30e and 35c each I
! A few Food Choppers ldt at 50c each. Buy one. _
Tht' finest of Breakfast Bacon at 20 a pound :
Our Tea Ll"af " Tea at'50c ppr pound. Is worth 60c : I
1'he finest can Pnmpkins at IS. a can Belter than Insh
, ! I
\ J. C. Bovven t
. ) . .
' Pure 0 r Vi eiar ' :
. dMatI ;
( . t , . t1Jr."lr. ! " " " ; :1''J1'iI. : . . , " 1:11" ! : " . : : ; r. . : ' e.II1IfJI"1t11P"r.I''IP''lIP' ; " : ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'JI'jJI''IJIIi'P ' : ! ' : : ' , , r-
. : . . ,
f . - . - . . . . . " . . - _ . - . - - - _ _ . . . . . . . , . . . . - - - - - - - _ . _
: - - - ' - - ' - " - - ' - - " - - ' ' ' " - - -
. : : !
, r---------------
! I" \ THROUGH !
. _ .
- : .r of a shipping clerk I
; \ . i
h , I 'r\ lA 0 N S , j !
. ' \ I
WaS spot us that were ordered
I for delivery next summer , so i
we are now closing out at
I , !
I .
' rhis mean $10 less than I
I you , can buy one next fall
{ ' Geo. Apple
. . - - . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ -1
; 13101cn Bow l xtend ' WelC0l11e
to Fa mers of CLster County
.0 t zeus and Business Ml n of Brohen : Bow Meet and
. Decide to Entertain as Guests in their Homes
, All \Vho Attend the . Farmers Institute
The Program as Now Arranged a < ! oed One , But Additional -
ditional Entertaining F ( atures 'Nill bo Added. I
Thereby Making It " 1.11e Best Ever. "
In response to a call to meet at
the court house at 7:30 : o'clock on
Monday eveuing , over one hun-
dre business men and citi cns
rt'sponded. .
The meeting was called to
order by Judge Humphrey who
requested that a chairman and
sl.crctary be selected , ' whereupon I
Jules Haumont was chosen to
pI eside and E. R. Purcell as sec-
retarv. The latter stated that a
L4 arniers' Institute was to be held I
In Broken Bow on 'l ill\rsday \ and
L1'nd 'y , December 19 and 20 ,
Heretofore the Institutes have
been held and the expenses borne
by the. farmers who attended and
this meetIng was called for the
purpo e of ascertaining the sentiment -
ment of ciuzens in regard to
entcrtailliug. free all who cam
t4) attend. the Institute. 'rhc
n cessitles was further excmpltfi-
ed by Hon. J. D HCdW , the Insu-
tLlll' presidcnt , and a general discussion -
cussion abd consideration of the
question ndulg d in , remarks being -
ing made by Pl stmaster Jewett ,
C , unty Clerk Pigman , Judge
H umphrey , Attorneys Hess Moore
H M Sullivan and James Led-
wlch , Supt. 0 , S\.huuls Pinckney ,
I glster 01 D. cds , \ oed , Je se
Gandy and Ed. BI hop 0 Gates.
In order to get a sentimellt
from those present all were reo
que ted to ris to their feet who
v. ould open their homes for those
\ \ ho come to iJ ttend the Institute
aud everyone present WdS in tant-
I ) ' on his feet , demonstrating
t11at all who come may be cer-
talD they will b taken care of in
a hospitable manner and free of
Let every Custer county farmer
dud his wife come. to Broken
Buw during the Institute if they
posibly ! can-every home in the
city will be open to them on thiSi
occasion and tbey will be heart- I
( Contributed ) "
Mary EHen J ones was born on
A.ugust 15 , 1837 , in Wells county ,
Ind1ana , where she lived for
many years. She was converted
te chw3tianity and untted with
the United Brethern church when
she was 18 years of age. Later I
she united ith the Baptist
churcb of wh1cb she was a faith-I
tul member for years. AHer
muving to Nebra ka she uniic.d
wuh the Dunkard church , it be-
Lng the only churcb near her
She was united in marriage to
J.unes Dagan , August 15 , 1858
( ' 0 this union was born three
cUlldren. Jamc5 ; Dagan died in
1864 , leaving her to care for three
: : .rndll children in tho"e dark days
ul the civil war. On August 25 ,
186 ( " she was married to Andrew
J. Freel ; to th is union was born
six children. She died November -
ber 13 , 1907 , leaving an agw
husband , four sons , a daughter.
a number of grand-children and a
llUst of friends to mourn the loss
ot a faithful , loving wife , a de-
vuted mothcr and a true friend ,
rhe chilaren are Joseph Dagan ,
OrIa. Freel , Je 5ie Freel , Isaiah
Freel and Mrs. Pbebe Phillipsen ,
all o ( Broken Bow. She was a
vattent sufferer for lUany months
hdore ucr death , during all of
. . . . blch time she was faithfully
trusting G d whom she hatt
oil rVtd trom her Irlhood.
Funeral services were held on
Frida ) ' , Nuvember 15 , at the
lJumc , tcn miles south of Brokeu
B w , conducted by Rev. Brady
ot the Baptist church , after
which the remains were foHowed
by a largc concourse of friends
and relatives to the Broken Bow
I cemctery where interment was
made. The fam ly express their
h..artfelt thanks to their many
friends who have so kindly and
svmpathetically aided them in
this time of trial and sorrow.
iIy welcome , ' "yea , thrice wel-
The program for the Institute
s as follows :
2:00 : : Alfalfa growing , C. M. Le-
weHnn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benver City
3 : co : Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . Local talent
3:15 : Judging dcmonstration with
. beef cattle. , . . . . . . . . .C. M. I.ewellnn
7:30 : Locl\l EntertKinment. bomc tatent
8:00 : : Poultry ralslng..C M. Lewellnn
nee : : Pork producliou..C. M. Lewel1an
1 :30 : Business McetinK.
2:00 : : rbc kind of a dairy cow.for
the farmer , . . W. A. Poynter , Lincotn
3:00 : : Some principals of cooking
anll th touch that tempts. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Miss Wolford , Pawnee City
3:30 : : Judging demonstration with
dnlry cows. . . . . . . . . . . . W. A. Poynter
7:30 : : The lurc of tttccity , Lulu Wolford I
8JIJ : : Some csscntial ; to success. I
ful fanl1in . . . . . . . . . . W A. Poynter
1:0 : : Growing , care al1l1 selection
of &ced corn. . . . . . . . . C. M. Lcwell Ii
J :00 : : BUliness ! Ulcns' , bo's' and
girls association , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1:30 : : Boys' and girls clubLulu Wolford
:3" : 1 alk. . . . . . . E. C. Bishop , I.lncoln
\Jo : Report of corn show. . . Prof. Zook
The progr , m will be inter-
spl'Jsed wnh singing and orchestra -
tra music.
On Saturday December 21 , .the
ctrn contest between boys and
girls in the Custer county schooh ,
will be held tHlder the supervis.
ion of < ; ounty Supt. Pinckney
who there will be present -
ent , at least , one hundred and
fifty out of the three hundred
boys and girls who entered the
contest. A committee was appointed -
pointed to arrange a program to
enterta1D the boys and girls while
guests of Brolcen Bow citizens , so
they \1. ay rest assured that everything -
thing possible will be done to
make the day a pleasant one for
twm find free of al1 cxpense. :
District Conrt Proceedings
( Continued from last week. )
C. M. Moody VB. Hester Moody.
Continued for service on application of
S. W. Birge vs. Belle Birge. Continued -
tinued by agreement.
Graves vs. W. J. Lamb. Continued
by agreement.
Noble W Graves vs. W. J. Lamb.
Continued by agreement.
J P. Downs , adm. , VS. John Reese.
Coutinued by agreement.
In the matter of the estate of John
E. Shaw. Sale of real estate confirmed -
firmed -and deed ordered.
In the matter of the estate of
William J. Carter. Sale of real estate
confirmed and deed ordered.
Johanna W. Nielsen vs. Ce1tral
Nebraska Land and Trnst Co De-
mu"rer sustained. Plaintiff gIven
leave to file dmended petition in 10
. B. Little vs. William Little.
Decree of divorce as prayed.
Alice J. Boyer vs. C. . Boyer.
Decree of divorce as prayed. Cllstody
of minor child , Nevado Boyer , awarded -
ed to plaintiff.
W. A , Hayward vs Lida M. lIuy.
ward. Court finds for plaintiff.
Divorce granted
John F. Shot , adm. , vs. Harry
Church , et a1. Court f ! : ds allegation
of petition true. D. . cree as prayed.
Broken Bow Abstract Co. vs. J. S.
Kirkpatrick. Motion objecting to
jurisdiction of caBe overruled. Plain.
tiff excepts. Motion to make more
certain sustained. Plaintiff given
leave to file amended Bnswer in 30
Charles Robertson vs. May A' p ,
et al. C. L. Gutterson , appointed
uardian ad litem for Lews , Hans and
Lydia Robertson wHh leave to ansWAr.
Court finds that parties own their
respective interests as alleged in plead.
ings and are entitled to partition of
said property. Judgment accordingly.
C , H. Holcomb appointed referee to
make partition of said premises and
to report at next term of court.
Report of referee approved and con.
firmed. Referee dir cted to Boll
property at public sale to highe t
bidder for cash Referee's bond fixed
at $400. .
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. vs.
Bowdrd P. Savage. Default of all
dofendants. Jurv waived. Due
plaintiff from both defendants the
Bum of $20.60 , 7 per cent interest.
Iudgment accordingly.
V. H. Coffman vs. 'V. J. Hendley.
Court finds due plaintiff from defend.
ant th sum of $309.00 , 7 per cent
interest. Judgment accordingly ,
Robt. McGuire VB. Katie Clark.
Court finds in favor of defendants ,
I 'use dismissed and that defendnnts
recover their costs. 40 daYB for bill
of exceptions.
Melchior Steinman VB. Anna S ein.
man. Application to reduce alimony
William E. Collins vs. Emmet E.
Daker. A. P. Johnson appointed
guardial ad Utem for Georgia nnd
Uulh Greene. Court fi1lds due plain.
tiff 'on ' tax cer..ificate and subsequent
taxes paid out on mortgage. Decree
of foreclosure. Order of sale.
Jay Carr VB. Minnie Carr. Default
of defendants. Allegations of petition
found true. Decree of divorce grant.
cd. Costs taxed to plnintiff ,
Freehold Mfg. CO. VB. O. J. und
EIII1 Smith. Court finds in favor of
plaintiff. Judgment for rovivor' for
$119.00 , 8 per cent interest from May
20 , 1890. and $2.50 costs. Delend-
ants each excep B , 40 days lor bill of
In the matter of the cstute of L.
H. I\imball , order to show cause why
license to sell real estate shall be
granted Rock Islan i Plow Co.
Court adjourned on Saturday ,
the 16th , at noon.
Wanted to Buy. .
I Good praicie hay and alfalfa ,
in car lots. Baled and delivered
ou tracki Address , R. T. Hul-
shizer , Litcilfield , Nebr. 22
. . . . . .
Ycs , there is some.hog cholera In
t e country. "Au ounce of pre-
vcntion is worth a. pound of cure"
isltmc. but in hog cbolern , "an
ounce of prcvcntion is worth seve.
rnl pounds of curc. I hl\vc no
cure but I havc n goo prcventive
in Great Wcsteru Hog Rcnudy. : '
This ho remedy is a combination
of the Governmcnt Hog Remedy
and thc Grent Wcstcrn Worm Iil.
ler. 'l'hls hog rcmedy when fed
to hogs ncts as tonic. n condi-
tiollcr , nn nppetlzcr , nnd will thor-
ollghly rcnovatc the i r systcm.
TIll : Government says tbclr hog
rcmcdy is thc best blood medicine
for hoge-and doesn't that mean
sOlllethlng ? Worms kill 111 0 r c
hogs than nIl othcr causcs combin.
ed nnd for that rcnson this hog
rt'lIIedv is combincd with n wotU !
killcr : Dill you evcr feed n hog . .
remcd ' ? , what did you' pay
for it ? worth $7 pcr , cwt.
r .
S. R. Lee
"The Busy Druggist"
Som.e of the' reasons hy
oUt . ; departmcnt asks for your patrona e. Here arc
gOO ! r..osons why you sbould have all your prescriptions ( lIspenscl
at McComas' drug store.
First : We have thc ll\rgelt ! and choicest stock of hiJh.cIAs9 : ; drugs ,
chenllcals anrl pharmaccuticnls to be fnuml in UIIS state More
than thnt , our Immcnse tradc helps U9 to turn over our stock
many times a ycar so that ever 'thing is strictly fresh.
Second : We have no boys or inexpericnced clerks. See that your
prescriptions are fiUcll by l'cgistcrc phnnunci9ts.
Third : We hnvc an envinble reputation of twenty ycars busines9
stdnding in U1 9 town to uphold , Is this not reasons cuough
why you should bring your prcscriptions herc ?
DrullBilt and eweler I
' .
1.'hey are fine ones and the price
is just right.
Don't purchase before seeing them
Sheppard & Burk
\ ,
Phone 125. South Side Square
For this amuunt we will send you
both the HXPUDLICAN and tile AlIIItRI-
O N L Y $1 $ CAN FARMJtR for one year. This applies -
plies to eve one who . pays"$1.00 in ad-
vance. This means : > 2 for one.
Tides Examined.
B r 0 ken
Abstracts Furnished.
Bow Taxes Paid for non-res.
Real state bought.
A b stract
Real Estate for sale.
CO. Bonded. Real Estate Loans.
Fire Insurance.
Secretary. Notary Public.
A _ . _