Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 14, 1907, Image 5

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- , .
Mrs. M. E. Bishop expccts to
leave iu a few day for'a visit at
Graud Island.
J. R. Laing of Litchfield. was
in the city 'I'uesda.y iu thE' interests -
ests of a road case In his vicinity.
. ' R. M. Weaver , Jas. Richardson
and JOG RWlsher of Halsey. were
in the city Monday , on a land
I The special meetings at the M.
- E. church are drawing lar e audiences -
ences and a good deal of Interest
is being manilested.
'rhe city council was billed tote
tolwct last night , but it didn't.
A uffident number of the members -
bers were not present to respond
to roll call.
M. D. Callen was in yesterday
and reported having seen a fbck
I of duck : ; flving southward ovcr
I bis plautation , but they were
I , bigh r than tbe price of a bed at
Callaway during the fair.
At the regular meeting of the
M. B. A. lodge last Friday three
candidatcs were initiated and
'eight others were elected for the
next meeting. A fine chicken
pie supper was enjoyed by thos
presen t.
The football garre between the
. high school teams of Ravtua and
and Broken Bow in this city resulted -
sulted in favor of our team by a
score of 10 to 0 in a hard fought
battle. No bones broken or
skulls rcked. .
Duritlg the present financial
trouble-and then forever after.
wards-the wisest and l10st practical -
tical thing to do is for the citi-
zens of cv ry community to stand
togetber in mutual trust and
I busincss reciprocity.
\ The question of cJltnty divi-
l . \ _ sion Wtt voted on at the recent
r- - , election iu Che'enne county , but
failed to receive a majority of all .
: votes cast. As there were 70
more votes = ast for division than
there we're against it , the divi-
sionists are threatening to carry
the matter intolcourt.
Mrs , \V. B. Eastman and baby
left Tuesday morningfor ; Bennett.
Nebraska , having been summoned -
ed there on account of her
0' brother , Joe Lilly , having suffcr-
t ed 4 stroke f paralysis last
Friday. The l ngth of her absence -
sence from home will depend upon -
on M , ' . LillY's condition.
Fred Heeder's drav tcam had a
little ime all by th mge1vcs last
Saturdav. Starting at the depol
they ran south to the city hall
and turning east made short time
to the Conrad building where
they collided with a farm wagon
and were caught. No damage ex.
cept the tongue to the dray wa
broken.-sbort off.
Manager Great has arranger1
for a new front curtain to bl
pl aced in the op ra house as SOOI'
as rnpid a'rti5ts can paint it.
This w 1l be quite a relief to tLI
many who patronize the house.
and in the absence of program- :
to read , are confronted by th
same old advcrtisements that ar
. so ancient t eir hair 'has becomt :
. snow white.
Millcr & Kennedy , in the Real.
ty block. announce , on the first
page of the I ltPUDr.ICAN that a
demonstration of the wonderful
capabilities of ; Moore's range ! '
, will be l1ade at their store even
f day nt'xt week and that a fr (
' lundl 1l , erved each da '
l' w ? e : , )
Everybody 1Uvttcd. A sou\'enil
t i
: . of the occasion will bc given all i
< , who visit the store next week.
I The backbone of summer re-
_ _ ceivt d a severe fracture last Sat. I
urdav-in t his latitude-sinc.1 ?
then thc weather has bcen of a
wintry hue. although not of the I
severe Idnd. The e who dan' I
venture a Pledictiol1 , however.
. . are of the opInion it is only temporary -
porary and that after a ft.w da ) '
tine weather will be the order
until about New Year's Clay
The predictioners are taking
desperate chances , by thus prognosticating -
nosticating , of shattering then
reputations as weather heralds.
A story is told pf a cashicr 01
a certain bank as follows : Aftel
considerable trouble , a few c1ay- !
ago , a cnstomer succeeded in be.
ing-allowed to draw $100 of hb-
" depoit : in the hank and it was
. l" - . . . paid in one new crisp bill. When
, : ; " , he reached his desk at the office
' he found the cashier had given
! " W' him two 5100 bills. They had
{ . . . stuck tog-ether. 'l'he cllstOlller
i ' 'phoned the bank of the error
! 'J ; > and the ca hie responding , said.
, , . . " , : - "You'll bring It back of course. "
+ "Not . - "
by thundering- sight ,
, said the customer , "I'll send my
I boy over with a check for it. "
_ _ . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .l
Last Monday morning J. T.
Cox left for Columbus , Nebraska ,
where he expects to spend the
Fircmena' Thanksgiving ball at
tbe north side opera house on
November 28 , 1907. Everybody
invited. By ordr of the com-
Lost-Black gelding , ten vears
0111 , diamond hrand on shoulder ,
fistula scar on shoulder. Had on
halter. Notify' C. F. Tierney ,
rokcn Bow , and receive reward
F. A. WaHon moved to Broken
Bow ycsterday from Lee Park
and will occupy the Purcell residence -
dence at the wcst end of Main
stred , having rented his farm in .
MyrtlE. ' township.
Hev. Chamberlain , accompani-
ll by his daughter and six other
young ladies of Vleissert , drove
over Tuesday afternoon , attended
services at the M. E. church that
nigbt and returned home after
the dose of the meeting.
'l'he rebuilding of the new
oven at the City Bakery , which'
collapsed two weeks ago on ac.
count of. . improper construction ,
has becn completed and again
in shape for business to the de- .
lig'ht of Manager Blair , as weill
as his many patrons.
A. T. Seybolt , a former well
known and highly rc pectcd citizenS -
zenS here , now located at Ulys5es.
N braslca , writes the HnpuD IcAN
and , among other things , says :
"Good wishes for grand old
Custcr and anti-division ; m.ay its
showdow never grow less. Glad
to see ) 'ou cam ( out ahead of the
other fellows. "
County Treasurer Ca\'ence is
sending out postal cards informing -
ing tax pay rB the amouut due
them for the 1907 taxe . "In
making remittances by mail , "
remarlce Mr. CavelJee today ,
. 'the tax-pnyer need not write a
letter , but just simply return the
card with the amount , as the
card gives his name , place of
residen.e and amount of tax.
That's all we need" .
In the election returns an error
was made in reporting at the
ourt house the vote in Arnold
precinct on the office of coroner.
and con5equently , the nUlhber
was published incorrectly. Tbe ,
fig-ures as giv n were : Cole 106.
Morrow 49 The corrcct vote in
that precinct was : Morrow 109 ,
Cole 66 ; as will be seen by the
officlally tabulated returns of the
{ -lection published 011 the 4th
page of. tbis RUPUDI.ICAN.
Att9rney "Dick" Brega , of
Ga11away , came over to the ounty
. , eat Monday and is attending the
term of distrIct court dnd swap-
: ng theories with acquaintances
a ! : to why it was and how il
.hould have been. He is of the
11' ; non he will have to pay tax's
o Custer county another ) 'ear on
hose hundred town lots he owns
'n Callaway and a quarter sl'ction
hat is bang up against the ttlwn
U pOll the raport that M. R.
B'oster had but 16 majority over
Jess Gandy for county assessor ,
the later thought of instituting
i. contest as he had been imform'
d that votes in some precincts
were thrown out that' should
have been counted for him.
tlowever , since the official count
"as been made and Foster's ma-
j lrity found to be 117 , Mr
andJ states that h ( : will not
. : ontest , bnt begin at once for the
next race.
The RnpUDI.ICAN has completed -
ed arrangements whereby every
new suscriber to this paper and
every suscriber in arrears who
pays up to date and one year in
advance will receive the Ameri-
can Farmer , published at Indian-
apo1.s. the leading agricultural
journal of the na.tion. The sub-
. ; cri pi ion price ot th is splet1lid
farm journal is $1.00. By PlY-
in g $1 00 for t he l npUDI.ICAN it
will be s nt you for one year free.
Now is the time to start. Do it
SOntC snet ! k thief broke into H.
lcBurnie's house on the no'rth
"ide during the absence of the
fanuly on. Saturday night and
, to1e bedthng to the amount of
' 5everal dollars worth. Among
the articles missing arc three
woolen blankets which came all
the way from Nova Scotia , Can-
o'ula , one of which his wife had
just completed before she died
and this one was prized very
highly by Mr. McBurnie. Mr.
McHurnie does not lay any btame
on his colored neig-hbors what-
ver , but sars he' thinks he could
lay his hand on the white man I
who purloined his hedding. I
( .
' . \ .
. . . . . . .1A- . J _ ! ,
- , ' " " . . . .
! Tht. ! muil pouch Cor No. 42 is
c1o ed at tbe : postoffice nt un
( . 'clock p. m. , sharp , since the
time of that train W 9 chahgcd
from 5:48 : to 1:37. :
" -
'l'he county clerk ha9 completed -
ed the tax lists for 1907. and
turned over the books to the
county trea urer. This meaU9
tbat taxpayers can step up to the
captain's desk and get. busy
securing receipts as Boon a they
feel so disposed-and are able to
do so.
Fay Thorpe , who has beeu
playing cornet with a theatrical
company orch'cstm since last
July , touring Indiana and Michl-
gan , reached home Monday. He
thought he saw c1'uds on the
financial horizon oC the company
and divorced himself from it be.
fore the storm.
W. H. Poor , deputy county
Ireasurer , for the third time announces -
nounces the arrival of a new boy
at his home. It weighed 8
pounds and was born Monday.
1'he happy parent is attending
to official. duties , as usual , regardless -
gardless of the great event.
Rev. Father T P. Haley , of
Grand Island , who was located
here 20 years ago and under his
pastorate St. Joseph's Catholic
church was built , has been in
the city this week conducting the
40.hour Devotion l , which closed
1'uesday night and he returned
to Grand Island this morning.
George Hatch , who' has occupied -
pied the front part of the post-
office with a confectionery stock ,
and C. E. Ankney , who has con-
ductcd a grocery on the cast side
of the square , have traded places.
Mr. Ankuey announces that in
addition to confectionery and
cigars , he will handle new papcrs
and magazines.
Willis Cadwell returned home
yestcrday from Cairo , 'Nebraska ,
where he wcnt to attcnd the sale
of Poland Chinas that has been
davertised in the RR1 > UDI.ICAN for
several weeks by J. M. Tittering-
tou. Mr. Cad well purchased
thirty six hcad of the best ones
offered and expects their arrival
here tomorrow.
Sanders Vanlandingham and
Misses Janie Cooper and Myrtle
Lyle reached home on Tuesday
night after an absence from home
of just four wees , which time
was spent visiting relatives in
Texas. leaving there Monday
anti spending 'five hour in Kansas -
sas City enroute home. JWhile
at Paris , Texas , ] ast Saturday
Miss Cooper was ; so unfortunate
as to have one of her ankles dislocated -
located and a small bone in the
p.nkle fractured. At the time of
the accident she was in a swing
and one of the ropes broke with
the result as stated.
Prof. F. E. Taylor's greatly increased -
creased studio patronage compelled -
led him' to secure an assistant
photo artist or else neglect his
musical pursuits , so he decided
upon the former and engaged Mr.
E Burk , who came here from
Okl thoma. two weeks ago , and
since his arrival has proven himself -
self a competent master of tbe
Ht. Prof. Taylor informs th
REPUBI.ICAN that he now 'has 25
} 'oung mln in training. on band
instrumtnts : and tbat each one is
making rapid progress and'to the
extent that he feels encouraged
to say that by next'spring Broken
Bow will have a better band than
ever before.
f air Association Meeting.
The annual meetu1g 01 stork-
holders in the Custer County Fair
association was held at the court
house Tuesday afternoon. In
the absence of President Sullivan -
van and Vice-President Gibbons ,
J. O. Taylor , of Berwyn , was
elected to preside.
The election { ) officers for the
ensuing yearres ulted as follows :
H. M. Sullivan. president ;
E. C. Gibbon , vice-presiqent ;
Jules , Haumont , secretary ;
James Stockham , Treasurer.
J. O. Taylor , S. K. H"ines and
J. M. Fodge were clected directors -
tors for a term of three years.
C. H. Miller and J. D. Ream
were elected directors to fill
vacancies caused by the resignations -
tions of R. E. Brega and H.
The secretary's report showed
that at the fair last September
$2Y40.50 was received from admission -
mission to the grounds and that
the total receipts were $4,840.08.
'rhat all premiums had been paid
or orders drawn for their payment -
ment and , after so doing , there is
a balance of S160.40 on hand.
This is certainl.r a splendid
showing and the management
were the recipie:1ts of congratulations -
lations from the stockholders for
their able tinanciering.
Anyone awarded a premium at
the last fair who has not received
payment will receive an order for
the amount upon application to
either the president or secretary.I I
r .T7 ; ' - ' - " " - -
I Senkhced to "Pu" for 18 MOlJth. .
. ! i'rank Masterson , tb " .touri4t" !
( .who 9wip ( ! Harry Ash'1 ! running
horse , nQ da ) ' last week and sold
it for $ t5.-Wlth $5 paid in cnsh-
was arraigned in the district
court yesterday nnd given a bear-
ing. He sa lt that he discovered
the animal 011 the railroad tracl ,
and took it in order to save it
from being run over by' a train
and that he did not cODsider the
$ S any too much ( or the act per.
formed , which was the saving of
the life of the horse. Judge
HO'ltctler ! ' was of the opinion that
, f.5 was insufficieut for such an
heroic deed and addcd eighteen
months in the penitentiary as a
It was a clear case of "brcak-
ing into the pel1. " Masterson is
an old bird who cnjoyslife inside
better than out and having becn
out for quite awhile committed
the theft and permitted himself
to be captured without effort for
the purpose of getting back home
again. _ _ _ _ _ _
The sman investors are buying
stocks now-while they are low.
Wanted to Buy.
Good praieie hay and alfalfa ,
in car lots. Baled and delivered
on track. Addrcss , R. T. Hul-
shizer , Litchfield , Nebr. 22
" - -
DOCaaM . m : l
G . m m m m
Drs. Farnsworth . & Heck-
- - - - - - - - -
For all Idnds of good coal goo
to , the West Elevator. 14tf
- - - -
Another shlpmcnt ot couches' '
just received direct froUl factory
at Konkel's.
-Go to J. W. S ott's f r unadulterated -
adulterated flour-pure , just as
thc whea , t growcd.
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas'
Don't fail to attend the rang"e
reception at Miller & Kennedy's ,
every day next week. Delicious
free lunch served each day.
Kirkendall Shoes still take the
lead at Mevis & Co.
Broken castings are brazed together -
gether and guaranteed , at Lloyd
& Huckleberrys' .
The Broken Bow Abstract Co. .
bonded , wants 100 abstract orders
at once. Checks or bal1k certificates -
cates on any bank in Custer
count.v taken in payment.
1. A. RUNRAU , Secy.
Ten Jour friends to meet you
at the cooking demonstration of
Moore's ranges to be held at Miller -
ler & Kennedl's , every day next
week. DelicIOus lunch and sou-
Big underwear sale at Mevis &
Co's.-Mcn's Womens' and Children -
renat = great reduction.
Clcan Seed Rye for sale f t the
West Elevator 14tf.
- - -
If you have a stove that needs
repairing just can at the Bicycle
Let us print those let-ter heads.
New type and up-to-date styles
FOR SAI.R- Horse , buggy ,
barness , saddle and cow.
13tf J. A. ARMOUR ,
The finest biscuits you ever
lasted will be served during the
exhibit of Moore's , ranges at Miller -
ler & Kennedy's every day next
Duroc Jersey boars for sale-
the large heavy boned kinl that
will increase the si1.e of your
hogs. "R. BARRATT , North Side ,
Broken Bow. 4t
Rubber tires put on baby car-
: riages. We have a machine for
I putting them on and can guarantee -
tee a tight fit.Lloyd & Huckle-
li'OR RnNT-320.acre farm 10
mtles southwest of Broken Bow ,
all table land , 250 acres broken ,
good improvements. Call at
once. Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow. ,
You can save two to four dollars -
lars on suits of clothes and . : o'ler-
coats at Mevis & Co. .
Let us be your printer. The
good kind of printinf { onl.y.
Another shipment of Rocking
chairs just received at Konkcl's
dir..ct from the factory at factory ,
prices. .
Now is the time of the year
the sewing machine is most used
I and a dirty , hard running sewingl
machine is very annoying. Lloyd
& Huckleberry will make it run
like a new one.
- -
Rememb r Konkel is headquarters -
quarters for chairs of all kinds I
and prices. ll-tf
. .
. . . . . . . FI
, - , - L T
, _
: _ ; ' ' ' ' ' . .
# . . . . . .
I r : & t& : t&1 e& . . .
These nre two OBBmtins } in grooories and pro-
t visions and its the toxfto which we have always -
ways adhcred. Not only u\s it nlways been
our watchword , but it shall continue to be t\B ,
all willlenrl1 by an order plnced hore-either
personally , by phone ol"lHttol' . '
. .
I THE A D V 0 . .
. . . .
< : ; ' : . " ' : .
. . - - _ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . . - . . - . - . . . . . - . . . . . - . . - . . . . . - . . . - . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
made as ours arc mnd , finlsh I d ns ours are finished , front the i
\'ery best materlnl will pro\'c Ihe II1(1Qt ( durahle ntHl nltogether I
m 0 s t satlsfnc- Chos. A , l\\lsh [ ! i
C h I to :
tory a r IlIminoted Cot- I
buy Cor Well- tall Felt Com- J
dlnl { Gifts enl forts and mot-
AIIII i v e r s n r y trusses warrant I .
presents , ete. A eel not to' get
I fille Couch or n hard or lumpy.
nice bil { Arm TheMe like I
i Chair would h ( the - JrishnHIII's
i most np proprl- 11n nile 1- 'Nq
: ntc. RCUlcmber . mutter hol\ ' cold i
we are hen d. und \Vet they Me
qUllrtera Cor the 11118Vann &
Ideal case goods 11ry.'e 111:10 : I -
I Murphy Chlllrs , hlll\lIc ( the ] )0-
direct Cram the Illeslie Sew i III { I
foctory. AIs , 0 l\tllchhlt' , which
\ h e cclebrntcd rullS the ] ollgest f
lightest nnd fl1stesl o' oily mnchinc 011 earth. We IIcl1l1ee ] es
. . . \ "p.tb.t \ w1l1 fit . "y "mcbi" . . Gh' , ' " . trl.l odc < .
! . I
I D. c. K 0 N K ELI I.
The Furniture Dealer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -
. .
- -
- - - - " - ' - -
Custof County Hurd
. . . _
I -
, . . .
Crimson 30
WonderJr Spring .
one oE the great
at reason 0 b 1 , e
boor of the .
prices. LQrg
breed at bead 60ol'u. ' ; t ?
of this h rd quality.
Come . . ' and look them over. l'elep1One ] 1905 & 39
8 mile.s west of Broken Bow , N obraska.
JOHN RE E llrokellBow ,
W , Neb , : ' a B k a ,
. . . . . . . . . . , .
- _ . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . , . . _ . --r--- , - . . < A- . _ _ . . . - . , -
- - - - - - -
. . . .
] .
J ( n 5)
( fJle ! $ a'1JlgQ { Ulll ! ! B1lft ! ( U ! >
.BVI ( : Q )
= - . _ , , i > > " - ' , _ - - -
- is still on. Crowds can be seen there
daily , putting in their , b'all and \Vin-
tel' supplies. 'rhe entire stock must
be c10sed out. 'Save 25 pOl' cent by
attending this sale.
p -
I ! ' [ i ml6u gl fl' ' B@llfo
31'tIll : tem Jm\1b"t\Y \ , ! wib.
. - . , - . . . . . . . - . . . - . .
- - - - 1 " PW' . . , . -
; < ; j. ; ; "