Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 07, 1907, Image 2

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BROKEN now , . . NEIlRABItA ;
, . . . I
Germnn ocenn grcyhoundB hn"o no
lutenllon ot quilling the , ; nnlO.
A Now Jersey mnn lInsa - horse
thnt chows tobl\cCO nnd drinks b el' .
Say , Is evolution a good thing ?
The editor ot the Now York 1\Inll
8n8 there are at lel\lIt 30 drInks In 11
Quart ot whlslty , and wo presume ho
Mr. Car l0gl0 compinlns that lls
taxes are too high. It cannot be that
110 hns at Inst succumbed to the tear
ot dylnC poor.
The publlshors of a popular novol.
1st's boolts any that his newest volume
will have n first eltltlon ot 100,000
, 'I , cOlllea. Shakespeare lived too soon.
1'1 I A purity ox port In IInrrl burg Is to
f' , test 7G brands of breakfast tood.
; , ' I Modern lIfo haa supplied new ways
; ) and means oC bolng martyrs to the
. . .
t , - - ' -
, Emperor William , hnvlng presented
the king of Sinm with 14 dnchshunds ,
should temper Llro blow by ahlpplng a
\ ton ot dog biscuit to the klns's ad.
That Boston woman who tried to
pay the rent with n 111118 shoull ! go
wost. Kisses are held In hlghor es'
teem 'Whoro women are not In ma.
That Jnwrestlng Invention , the mu.
slcal &t4Jreaso that will play tunes
when walked upon , might approprlato.
Iy slart ort wIth "Oh , What a Dlrter.
enco In the Morn In ! : I"
Mark Twnln may say thnt the daya
when ho was a pilot on the Mlsslsslp.
pI wore the happiest ot hIs life , but
that doesn't mcan thnt ho would IIko
to go bnok to them.
PorcJvn L W ll Is sure that Mara Is
Inhabited by Intolllgont beings. It
would o know whether
any Martian at note has nn equally
good ( lplnlon of the eartil.
Two reasons are suggested why
, Japan IIhouh1 not deslro war : First ,
that she Is too trlendly : and , second ,
that she could not alrord It. Either
would seem to bo sufficlont.
It has been Illscovered that 87 per
cent. ot the dlvorco DUItS In Ne" Jersey -
soy last rear were based on the evils
ot drink. Dut Jersey lightnIng hna
alwa7s had 1\ bad reputation In tbls
The saddCirttact let forth In the
latest IItatlstlcs ot the Grnnd Army Is
that showIng that Its ranks have now
been , reduced almost exaotly ono-halt
tram Ita maximum membership. And
the .univlng halt wlU ( lMS on sUIJ
Thoae pnlar explorers who wore
lookIng for "n unkno'Tn continent
north ot Alaska could not even find
bottom. A continent too fAr under
water to bo reached In dIving oultu
will not caullo a rUllh ot oml ratlon
Volunteer mllltarr nutomobl1lsts In
Germany are depopulating the countr )
where the army maneuvers are being
beld by carl''lng dlspl\tchoB ever the
Ilrostrato bodies ot the Inhabitants.
Why the machlnos are not used to
charge the cnomy nnd annlhllato him
Is a 41eop mystery.
Thla proposal to make ChIcago
tenmsters take a colJege course betore
Intrusting them with the work ot
pllotlne big teams through the
otreetll looks foolish at first. Stili ,
how fine and how usdul It ' would bo It
they were able to swear 'bacle at the
motormen In classIc Greek I
B , . the tlmo the ocenn record has
been lowered some moro , and then
some more , It may be poslliblo for a
busy buslneos man to close his door
and HUck up a card reading : "Oono to
EurollO. Dack In 16 minutes. " Partlc.
ularly If ho has a bunch of creditors
tbat' he wants to throw olr hIs trail.
Th latest move at the Plttsburg
. millIonaires Is to have a playground
tor their children modeled on thoBe
estabUshed tor the poor children of
the city. So harmlcss
, not to sny so
creditable , a way ( It keeplnl ; In the
UmoJlcht mny be tnken1S / nn Intima.
Uon tbat the Plttsburg millionaire III
going to reform.
Certain natives ( It Dr TI i India ha. , .
Ing appUed for naturalization In CaU-
tornln , It became necessary tor the attorney -
torney general to decIde whether they
are "whlto" In the meaning of the
law. Attor conBlderatlon , ho has con.
cluded that they are not whlto enough
to be eligible for cltlzenBhlp. ThIs , ot
course , docs not allply to the color ot
their skin , but to the raclnl stock trom
which they are Bprung , nnd Is based
on the general purpoflo ot the law to
deny rIghts of citizenship to all save
free white persons and these oC Afrl.
can birth or descent.
Prof. Wlloy , cblet at the bureau of
chemistry In the United States depnrt.
ment ol agrIculture , has returned from
Ii'rance with an exalted Idea of Fl'ench
cooking and some homely truths tor
his COl1ntrywomon. "Thoro are Am\1rl.
can women , " he says , "who IIII.SS years
tryIne to learn to play the plnno , tOJ
whIch they have little talent , whtre
they neglQct cooking ns beneath theh
dlgnJty. " A nocturne on the cludlng.
I1ll1b , Proto Wiley evIdently thlnltll , 19
harder to play , but better. worth while
10 the whole course ot his IItay In
F.nee be did not tlnd l' dyspopUc.
, . "
, I
. '
The State Capital
Matters 01 Oelleral Intercst
- urflOM
Nebraska's Scat of Oovcrnmenl
Rule to Favor Soldiers.
J. H. PrcIIson , commandant ot th6
Nobrnsltl\ Soldiers nnd Sallor ' hlllllO
nt 1\1 I , tUJ'lI , under nP.1 > 0Int1l1en : fro n
Governor Sheldon , nnd who also
served In uio C\InO capnclty undol'
the adminIstration or Governor Mlcltey ,
declarn.d In a statement that the old
soldiers and the public generally
should nnderatand that the recent
resolution fixing terms at admlssl..n to
the soldIers' homes Is more favornbl'J
to tbo old soldiers than any action over
before taken by state omccrs. The
cllnngo WIlS mnde tor the 80le pur.
pose ot givIng to , tl10 old soldiers ad.
vantages which they never before hnd.
Dr. Presson' ! ) statement Is as tallows :
"Tho crltlcl m of the action or tllO
lresent atato board resulted trom 1\
mlsunderstnndlng at Ita dtlos , nnd
what It haa dono. Under the orlglnnl
m.nnaKcment a floldler drawIng moro
than $1 n month could not be ndmltted.
Later the ruIn was changed to ro-
Qulro , na B condlUon at 11(1111lsslon , payment -
ment at nil ot the pension In excess
ot $12 a month. In the Interests or
the Bo1 lors the p-csont atnto board
has made a rule by which these drawIng -
Ing a monthly pension ot moro tha.n U2
may hue the benefit of the home by
paylnc to the Institution a percentage
ot Income np to $30 a month. .
"The stAte board coull ! not dtlpnrt
from the provisions ot the Gt3tUt , and
the liberal course taken can anI ) bo
justlfted under thnt provlalon ( It the
law which authorIzes the state board
to make rules. It may not be gener.
alJy kuoVD. but It Is a tnct that the
statute under which the home waa
crented and under which It Is now
JtUllntalncd , extends Its tree benefita
only to Ulose who are dovondent uvon
pUblic or IIrlvate charity.
"The homo WILS first controlled by n
vIsiting board composed ot soldiers
nnd the WITCIl ot soldlors. This lJOard
adop ed Q. rule to the effect that soldiers -
diers drawing a pension of $12 a month
could not be admlttod under the terms
of the statute slnco they were not
sUbjects of lubllc or prlvato cllllrity.
Interest on County Depositn.
The lnst report JJU1. < Jo by tllQ county
troaaury oJamlnel'll showli a remt.r -
able d1reronco In the nmount at Dlonev
colJocted .y the various treasurerll ns
Interest oa oountT deposIts. TMtI matter -
tor Is RO'W beIng Qlltated In lome ( It
the cOR.tIel and In Instances h bM
been mnde an Incident ot the cam-
paIgn. ThIs repOI't shows that the
tre llU1' ) or Douglu county waa examined -
ined Janunry 1 , 19IH , and on January
8. 190(1. Dunn ! : the time b.etwocD thel"
waa coJ1ectod Intor08t on the cllolnty
deposita $1,472.61. The bft.Iance on the
ttrst dnte w s $1GI,21)l.US ) and on the
la8t dnto $24&,713.81i. Lancaater connty
was examined JIUlUR.17 4 , 1906 , and De-
cem11er 31 , 1909. The Internst collect.
ed on depo lb dnrlnlf thIs perIod between -
tween the two dates WIUI $2,129.16. The
bnlo.nce on haul ! on the flr l date wns
$163,1915.68 and Qn the lnBt date $209"
776.01. RIchardson county tell down
below these counties In collecting 1n-
terest. That county was examined
January 1. . 1905 , and January 3 , 190fi ,
wIth a bnlance the first date ot $62-
372.06 and on the Il\8t date $67,954.46.
The Interest conectod was only $490.50.
'Dut ' Richardson county came In ahead
at Webster. . Otoe , York , Oospor , Durt
nnd others. These counties tailed to
collect nny Interest on deposits. Otoe
county 'Was eX:1mlned : January 4 , 1906 ,
and March 18 , 1907 , showing a balance
on the day of th first examination ot
$100,346.14 and on the late date ot $8.1-
Snmple Ballot. .
The sample bnllot , as sfnt out by
Secretary JunkIn , Is as followlI :
For JUdge ot the Supreme Court-
M. B. Recse , republican : Qeorg-c L.
LoomIs , dC\ll1ocrat-'Poollle's \ ludepend.
ont : John D. Oravos , prohibition : Lu.
cl6n Stebbins , socl\lIst.
For Regents at UnlTerslty-Charles
D. Andoroon , Georle .Coupland , repub.
IIcan : R. J. lll11arl ! , democrat ; John
I. . Sundel\n , dcmocrat..pcoplo'o inde.
pendent : John H. Von steen , vrohl-
tlon : J. M. Carter , G. C. Porter , so-
For Re ( ' ; ' nt 01 the Unlvefllity ( to nIl
vncllncrC. ) . Rod rs , socialist.
For Rallwa7 Commissioned ( to nil
vacn.ncy-lIoury ) T. Clnrta ) , jr. , rl'-
publican : Snmuol Ucht , . , prohIbition :
E. i' . McClure , socialist.
Prolleoutlonl Begun ,
A number ot prosecutions haTe been
beun In Blair because ot tl1e failure
ot grOCCJ7mon to comply with tllO lro.
visions or the now told lawo , accord.
Ing to Information rocelved by I"ood
Commlsslonor Johnson. He hns nlso
recelvod notice ot the prosccutlon ot
Albert II. I yonll ot Fat 'bury on the
charee , ot selling unbrnnded butter.
Creamery Men Try to Settle.
The contrallied creamery men ot
the state appeared betore the rallroo.d
comwwslonor.i In an etrort to SOCUN
an order 1J0n1.peUing the express com.
panles anI ! railroads to glye them bettor -
tor SI1rTlee. They told a story of de-
lare , poor DOnlce nt terminal. , InBum-
clent employes to bandle the cream
IUld dotaU& < 1 wltk m\&ch XactnuIHI the
condlUona teas protltable anI ! mo t an.
noywIt / dOTolopel ! that IrreateZlt
fault 'Wtlk fOllnd wiUl the term2nal ta.
olUUes at the UnfeD .uUon In Omaha.
Will ChanDe Speed Limit.
The NoLrnslm rallroa.J commlsslol !
decided to 1110111fy the MissourI pn , .
cillc speed limit order Ilromulgatell
011 the recomendlltlbn or Commission.
er Williams. Honcetorth on certain
slrot.cbclI ot the MissourI Pacific tmck
In NobrMlm , the engineer may 1 > ull
tbo throttle to : t. 4 .rnllo an hour notch.
This WM brought about by the vlea
ot the englnora and conductor of the
road , who ahowed the first order WnB
unjust to thom and to the ranI ) . Their
enrnlngs I\re based on mlleago , ami
the roducUon or running speed to 25
mll 1J an hour , It was aatd , would cut
their 'Tagen to a point below cost ot
IIvlnr. They said flomo ot the track boo
tweon KnnolUl and Omaha Is fit tor a
GO.mlle clip , while at ether places 10 i
miles an hour Is all It will benr.
AU who appeared botoro the com.
mission were mon who had been In
the employ ot the road for more than
twenty ye.\rs , and they assured the
commll&lonera they were not mlsrep.
rcsentlng conditions nt nil In their ro-
qucst. They Dald records would Dhow
not n slnglo pllssenger WIlB Injuroil on
the Missouri Pacific rend In the nt.3.te
and thnt , as cOl1lvarcd with other
rondu , the ) were noted for oterclslne :
greateat onro In , operation. It hM
been theIr cuatom to W'ntch tor bnd
plnc08 In the track and to warn traIns
they pMsed ot the same.
Detect In Kenison Trl : tl'f
Is there tochnlcal defect In the In.
structlon. given the jury In the b'lal
( It Ernest Konlson ?
Attorneys In the supreme court 0.1.
lege that thlll Is the cllse. Kenison
was sentenced to twenty.tour years In
IIrlson tor the murder ot Sam D. Cor.
a. n WSllaper mnn.
On the technical mlatako alleged In
the KenIson trial , Lucas Hayes recent.
ly secured a revoraal. . The deputy at.
torne , . eeacral Is preparing bnet In
dcfenso ; ot the Instructlans at Judge
Grlmell. At his trIal Konlson was
suntonced to twenty.tour years in the
state penitentiary , nlthO'Ugh the jury I
recommended a lire sentence. The
murder took plnco on the streets ot
Mlnatare. The two men hall an alter-
catlan , which came to blows. Keni-
son dellberatoly drew hIs pIstol trom
his hip pocket and fired at Cox , who
closed In on him , rccolvlng the sec.
end ball through the forenrm In BUch
a mnnner lI to fracture the ulna bone.
Kenison then throw bls right arm ever
the ot the newspaper mnn IUld
fired again. the bullet pMslng down
through hIs shoulder Into his bllClt'
Tbu trouble arose over the an.'l:10t1
at J { nleon to have a saloon In hIs
hotel , 'Whloh W . 'J opposM by Cox In
bls paper. Cox was nIne years older
thnn hili sla'er and fltwen poundJ :
lIrht.r , but he put Ul ) a game fight
unttl htl rOf.elvoll the tatal 1rullet.
Omcera' Pay Held Up.
omeara ot the Third Nebraska regl.
ment In the Spanlsh.Amerlcan war ,
heaMd by Colonel William J. Iky n '
and includIng Oovernor George L. I'
Sheldon , who wns a company captnJ.n ,
mUBt furnIsh prooC ot the dates oC
their lIerTlce bororo the eovernment
will pay them for the Umo that
elaps J trom the notunl date oC en.
rollm8u 1u the state organIzation un.
m they were formally mustered Into
th DcrTlco ot the United St.3.toa.
Thlre Is no dispute ever the quostlon
ot lIervlng and money duo. th9 pn.
vates In the regiment havIng alrend7
been pl d , but the clnlma ot tllO am ,
ccra are held UII until the date o !
transter cnn bo dlsUnctly ascort.3.l.nod
In Indlvldunl cases. The amounts are
not hugo enough to warrant much et.
rort on the part ot the omcera , and
Colonel Dryan has Ignorell the matter
entirely. AdJutnnt Gel1eral 8chwara
took the matter up , and hopes to IU'
rive at an early settlement with tha
Complaint From NOI'th Platt .
According to Attorney W. V. Ho &l'
lend ot North Platte , tmffIo on the
Union PacUlo Is congested and the
IIU8Stmgur trains are seriously hand\ \ .
cappi1d In gcttlnl ; over tl10 IIno. Mr ,
Hoagland declared that his tovn Is
paying the Union PacUlc about $ -iOOOO
annually In freight. and ho Ilrodicts
tho.t tile time Is ripe tor n Inrgo
amount , of this going to the urllng'
tan as soon as It gets Into the city.
rrhe Durllngton hus nlready spent
$125,000 In purchasing 11. rlgbt ot way
tllrough North Platte and'the nrrange
menta are nil made tal' building tM
IIno. Ho boll eves that It Is a mlslaltt
to thInk the DUI'lIngton woulJ oot.\b
IIRh Its division Ilt Dlgnell , lhe now
town which Is llOlng platted by Ed
mgnell about nine miles cast of Nort.b
Platte. ' 1'ho Durllngton could not n.D
ford to otter such an Insult to a cIs. ,
of 6,300 Inhabitants , ho belloves.
Ex.Governor Mickey Recuperating.
Ex.Governor J. II. 1\lIcl(01 Is no"
IITlng Quietly nt his old homo at Os
ccola. Ho lJt Lincoln In very 1)001
health , but slnco moving to Osceola
has svent a grent tleul or limo ou\ \
doors , vloltlng I1nll lool\lng after tarm
property and has regained hla vigor
} < 'or fn.lllng to atamll net weights OIl
moat packages , County Attorney F. r.
rryrrell ot Lancaster county has led
complnlnts under the l111re food 1:1.\\ :
acainllt tbo. Cudahy Packing complm7. .
Bwltt &I : Cowpnny and Armor Packln ,
comvany. Footl CommlsalODQr J. 'V
JohnllOn ! la bncl\lng the llrosocutlona.
lie wrote to County Attorney EnKI1IJ
III Doqlaa county notlfylng him ot th.
heel ! of aatlon under the law and tb.t
, .epoaao given wns 11. deslro to know
'Whether tbe attOntOT conoral ot Na
bruIta had'plUlscd ' upon the cnae.
Increased Prices for Grain More Than
Compensatcs Them for the De.
crease In Quantity-Reports
from Crop Experts ,
Most ot the states or the uulon felt
the unusually sO\'ere winter at 1906.7 , i
and the effects ot the aucceedlng late
spring wore everywhere apparent.
Corn waa planted two and sometimes
three tlmos , the winter whent suCtered
nnd generally there was a nervous
teellng as the retarded growth was In
evidence. From the Dakotas to Texas
the feeling at dread oxlsted , and the
rears were entertained that the crOll at
corn , wheat , oats and barley would
be a distinct failure. How far this was
the cas ( I Is best left to these who
passed through the experience. Natur.
ally the same conditions were preva.
lent throughout the provInce of Manl.
toba , Saskatchewan nnd Alberta , In
western Canada , nnd with from 250-
000 to 300,000 tarmors there trom the
United States a large degree Q.t Inter.
est was manlfcst In almost every Btate
ot the unIon , tor every stnto has' some
clollCiI 'l'stl'rc1l' y at $1. U'J per bUllhel ,
I > 'ort William Il'lh'eI'1. ! 'rill ) l'Ollt of frel/tht
and h3nlll1n for wheat otrllf'll nn aver.
nlru of 11e PI'I' bunhcl COl' 'the whole west.
TIIIH means tlmt thd Il\'erno prku to the
Cnrm.r for contract whent nil over the
prall'lo countr ) ' III I'xaclly $1 'per buohel.
The farlllel'lI hl\ve been looking Cor the
dn ) ' when dollar whent would rule nnd
the ) ' have It 1I0W. Some old wheat Is stilI
cOlnln/ : forward from the elevators and n
Iltlln oC Inst year's crOll remains In the
halltlH ot the farmerll. 'rhls nearly nit
rades up to the contrnct. amIt means
a /treat ! : aln for these who held It. The
1I0W wheat Js ' : ItllI grading Vor ) ' high ,
when one cOlIsldero the conditions under
which It was Illioduced. Out ot 45:1 : cars ,
3 In two dnyo contaIned wheut which
would answer for { Jcllvery on contracts.
Tn ether words ever 300,000 bushels ot
wheM which woultl brJng the farmerll nn
avorngo at about $1 per bushel , reached
'Vlnnlpo/ two days. ' 1'he slgnUlcl1nco
ot $300,000 worth ot wheat being passcd
by the InspectorB In two days at the close
at 1111 admittedly unfnvornble season
should noL be allowed to slnle out or
IIIht at n tlmo when returns from agrl-
cultural activity In the west are being
anxiously awaited. These figures do not
taka account of the lower grades , ot
which there were 131 cars. More Ulan one-
third ot thelle contained milling wht'at.
which would remunerate the farmer at
the mtl ! ot 9Jc : vel' bushel on the btulls
of to.do1J closing figures. The balance
conslnted of low grade stull which would
vary greatly In qunllly and would IIho\T
great "spreads" In prices.
"Tho approxlmato vnlue of the two
dn'II" receipts of wheat. howe'er , would
bo moro than $400,000 calculating the ca-
pnclty of a car n.t 1,000 hUDhcls anll ellm.
Inatlng the cost ot trelht and hnndlln ! : .
All many of the modern cars contnln
moro than 1,000 bUllhels and as the frelrrlll
rate to Fort 'VllllalJ1 Is leas than llic
per cwt. on most at the wheat which Is
now coming torward. the cstlmate of
$400.000 Is low. The circulation of $200. '
000 per day among the farmers will not
continue ror the whole ycal' , ot course.
but that fl/luro / Is IIIely to be exceeded
, _ n _ U _ _ " - - - , _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ , , , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - _ ' ' '
The proceeds ( It this field ot wheat , grown In western Canada , were
sumclent to payout ot the one crov the prIce at every acre ot land upo.
whlcb It was grown.
_ _ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
nn _ _ _ _ _
ropresentatiTe there. 'fhls Interest
'W 8 a nervous ono and causell consld.
erable Indecision on the part ot trlends
and others Intondlng to toll ow. Tbose
Interested In InjurIng the country clr.
culated stories of ruin and disaster ,
but the ertect was lost , ns It had been
Ion ; enough In the limelight to prove
Its hIgh standing amongst the agrl.
cultural sections ot the conUnent. The
hony strain placed upon It was not
too great : It has sllOwn thnt the faith
placed In It has been warranted , and
It Is this year producing undoubted e\-
Idcnce that In agrIcultural posslblll.
tlea and resourccs It stands among the
first or food vrod\oCers. A lattJ sprIng
dolaycd seeding trom the usual early
AInU Derlod until late In May , and In
many casea well on Into June. And
with what result ? It Is a little early
to tell the result , but that there will
b. . n three.quarter crop Is almost ab.
60lutely certain. The 'Ield oC whent
In 190G was 95.000.000 bushels : 1907 It
will be between 70,000,000 and 80.000. .
1" . . . . _ . . . , , _ . . _ ' . . .7 , . . . . . . _ " . . , H. . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . .
/ - .
_ : -
The above Is the reproduction at a
vhotogTallh ot the homo or a recent
settler Crom Germany , who has been
settled In Saskatchewan , western Can.
ada , tor two } 'oars.
000. It could not bo expected that
June-sown grain would mature anll
ripen In any country. The ! \lay sown
rIpened. and tbls Is the feature that
hIlS pro veil western Canada's supcrl.
ority ns a graln.growlng country. It
demonstrates that the length ot sun.
shine Is so great that the growing and
rlpenln , season , although shortel' In
number ot days thnn In parts fo.rthur
south , In hours Is al grent or grouter.
A correspondent of the Toronto Globe ,
11. most caretul ' '
pun'e'or ot now8 ,
writing tram Wlnnepeg , Manitoba ,
"l xcellent progress In the process of
convertln th" croll Into marketable com.
mOlllt ) . has b..en 1I1:1de. : The du's have
been fnlrly warm conRIII rlnlC the sea-
aon of th" ) 'our unl whlln the amount of
sunshine per day III less than In nn ordInary -
nary harvest th" grain hall matllrf'd well.
'l'he rtports tram till' and ntar show thut
the Illnregn\o \ yield tor the whole grain-
growing country 19 likely to be lane.
and thue are tholla who RIIIIl'l't that the
quantity will he ( 'qual tn about 75 Ptt
cent. ot that S6curell lust BCllllon , The
qunllty will be the Impurtant l'ocJlddera-
tton esp cllllly In vlow ot the IIt l1ll11y 1'111-
IDi : markela. Cuh "ll\'nt I. 'Io'lD'Ilp1 :
betore the preaent rUlh at wheat t. tll , I
market abates. The converllon of the
crop Into mone ) ' mn' be Bald to be pro-
ccedlnl ; In a most Imtlsfactory way Dnd
thl"re Is no doubt that millions ot dolla" ,
will hav gone Into the pocketll of the I
fnrm rn by the time navlrl1tion on the
lakes 'c1ose08. Even then only a Ilnall
I proportion ot th9 wll llt will havc com.
ollt , Experience has IIhown
' that the rail-
'WU's do not cnrry very much or the
wheat to the Lake Superior porL. . before
the treeze-up comeR , and the proportion -
tion will probably be smaller than uBual
thla year on account or the Intenees ot
the thl'tlllhing season.
"On the whole- the prospect Is It 1I1000t
cheerful one , the likelihood belne thet
the oatlRfnctory returns tor the past r. . "
days will be greatly exceeded In the comIng -
Ing six or seven weeka , The tact thM
wheat of any kind Is bound to bring a n-
munerntlve price this senson Is the comforting -
forting fenturo ot the sltllatlon and there
Is no occasion for
concern ovtr the POil-
slblllty of the general quality 01 thll
grain beln ! ; below that of previous year. .
The high stnndard ot the wheat rallied
In the wlst In 1905-1006 was undoubtedly
II. J'rcat ; advertisement ror the country
anll It would have been w11 It that ex-
celltmt record could have been continued.
but It Is not reasonable to expect that ge
per cent , at the wheat wilt be or contract
R'rade every year as It was In the 1can
mentioned. It 76 per cent. or even DO
per cent. or this season's 'Ield b. up
to the contract standard there wUl be
Crom for congr.atulatlon , The , vest \Till
reap 11 InrA'e return ot Its Inveslment ot
mone ) ' , time and lI\bor this year as 1dJd \
In an ) ' preceding ' season. and by so doIng -
Ing It w1ll have' done Ita whole duty te
thoBo who have placed talth In Ita terUl.
Ity a 11I1 rellourcefulncss. The breathln ,
IIPl'lI If It comes will enahle the transpor-
t1.tlon companies and other elements In
the trade ot the country to catch up . "ltb
f 'mo of their obligations and the Improvements -
provemonts eCfecled by thM menns will
more than oresot any Inconvenlcnc. whhb.
w1ll result from a relatively .maller
prOlluctlon. The A'eneral commercial outlook -
look Is bright enough "nd only depre&lng
ractors nre duo to the position ot a rew
communities widely sl'parated In which
thera Is a smnll'return rrOIn the crop.
"It In true the season hus not beea
80 favorable ns other sen'ons but thlB
condition Is ' '
wldesprend. 'l'ho corn crop
In the atates of thounion. . where It 1&
the premier ( 'rop or the farmers : III subJect -
Joct to tro t. Frost hOIl undoubtedly materially -
rially reduced the total yield \n \ placE"
this year. but after every allowance hM
heon mnde for this Rnd other cnUes the
fact remains that the total ! ; rain In Alberta -
berta ' 1'0'111 be the largest In hlstor ) ' ,
whllt ) In the oth'r provinces the yield will
not fall tar short ot other year" .
" ' 1'ho following extmct from the Edmonton -
monton ulletln fairly describes the situation -
ation In Northern Alberta tlnd Sasltlltche-
wan :
"Cutting III prnetlcally completl'd. stltCk-
Ing Is In prOA'ress In some placl'l ! . thr'sh-
Inw1ll commence at once. A few Into
fields which were sown ' for creen teed
nro beln ! ; cut this woel'e. The goraln Is , nil
In stocl < and everywhere the golow ot , , "u-
tllmn mingles wllh the golow ot haZ'Vost.
A goreut number of the oat fiehls show the
tYlllcal 'ellow of well ripened grain. Thl !
Inajorll ) ' . howover. arc too pnle a yellow -
low to Inlllclilo full dcvelopment nnd pcr-
feet ripening. Some Into onts will bl ! fed
In lho slraw which Is 11 old by good cattle
ft'edurs to be the best wa ) ' to ffed oats.
In no year In the history of the spring
whl'at Industry hl\8 there been a hette.
growth ami production of plant nnd It
lhu crop of 1007 ha.l ber-n tav' > red "Ith
1II0re propitious condition durin. : Septem.
btlr nil pru 'lous records of wheat production -
tion In thl. ( ' { luntr ) ' would have t n
; 00Ilp9'd. On the rnrln known as the ,
h od farm miles northeullt or thll city
on the Fort SUflkatchownn trait. st\mplea
of Hell F'feVflre taken that were uniformly -
formly Illulllp nnll hurd nlld of excellent
color. Thle tleld should run : s bushels t
the ' \era.
The Dlnnar Muldoon Servcn.
A certain Ootham dining est.nbltsh.
ment teatures wlmt It claims to bo a
replica ot the spread regularl ) served
6t the White Plains "gym" made ta.
mous by the recent medicine ball test
talwn by Secretary of State Elihu .
Root. Doastlng the caption "Mul.
doon's Vegetable DJnner , " the course
In detail consists at trlcd sweet po.
tate , eeg plant , succotash , stewed to.
mat.oes , cauliflower , bread nnd butter.
It Is saId that when the sJQnsor ot
this mcal bearing his name was a
member or the "FInest , " amI was
jocularly Imown ne "Muldoon , the
Solid Mnn , " he adhered to the regl.
men above descrlbed.-
Turned Down.
Gobso Golde slIoke nnxloualy.
"I understand , " he sn.ld , "tbat my
nnme was brought up lasl cvcn1nf& nt
the Knlclterbocker club. "
"Yes , that Is true , " ! laid L'Olgnon.
"And would you mind temng mo-
er-what action was twten In lho
matter ? "
"Not at aU. The secretary was Instructed -
structed to purcbase six quarts at
blackbaUs for the use ot the mom.
bers. "
With smootb lro. . d.a TJCflnnco
CJtarcb , you can launder your shirtwaIst -
waIst just as well at homo as the
Iteam laundry can : It will bavo the
proper stltrness and finIsh , there will
be less 'Wear nnd tenr ot the good1 ,
and U will be a positive plensute tel
l a . t..rch that . does not sUck to tbe
Their Natural Place. .
"Don't you belle TO balloon ! nven. .
tOl'8 are 'vlslOJ'ary ' people ? "
"WelJ , I must say , thnt as a rule ,
they nro unuay ) ) 1:1.111 : . the nir. "
Omaha Direct'ry'
The Lowest
Death Rate
of auy American Company is I
enjoyed by the
Thereby increasing the I
profits of the policy hold-
ers. Get a policy.
Good positions a\"ailabls for reliable agents. I'
B. H. ROBISON , President. 'h- ' : :
We are sole Nebrwa agents for the
Ostermoor Mattress"I ' I
the kind that Devor mnt or pnk. " > '
An ema beavy , patent Elastic Felt Oster-
moor in French Art Twill ticking , soft and
l11zurious , shipped anywhere in 'M statep
&eight prepaid ( or
The ) ' are absolutely eanitary , germ-irao'
and water-proof , and can be cleaned with
" bralh , eoap and water ,
. .
You 'Vunt Morc Money
11 we have no agents in your town.
ahlp direct or write U8. We also buy
HIDES Woo h : rpeib FURS
The D. . McDonald IfIde & Fur Co.
Omaho , Nobrooko
Highest prkC& No commissign or wayage.
Full infonnation , tags and prices ! urniBhed
I , on applkation. A trinlshipment will convince -
vince you Ihat it pays to ship to us.
yea arc after
Ship Your Cream
to the Farmer. Co-Operntive Creamery. '
1 < lba , Nebr ka. We Furnilh Cnns.
Lfye Stock Commission. 15 + 156 Exchansrc Dld\ : . . I
! 50. Omaha , Neb. 32 Years lit the l\ulllucss. I I
' i : : IIPLUGS I
ANDREws \ . Tumpor..rlll . Fill anll r
Preserve ! .be Tuth , 10 "I'1ug."ln a Dottie rOl f
10 Cents. . .it Drunlll.l or bl1JalL
Write forollr prlt.lI.t and Inrurwlun IIn .
and dyel" " or aU kinds . or wl'urlnK ap'"lr.l. ' , .Itanln\ \ '
klwn lJ1 ] neM noeclv.prowlltnI1l1 curl'llIlnUl/ullon
Tb. l'IUlWrlUUl , Ul Joon tr "t , Owuha , Neb
MATTHEWS . : ! " ' ? '
, . " . IUIIOI 'L 1'41n. ' s nf."AI1''RST !
10 Ira , . In Olllah. . . . tll'b. . Rnolll t , lIuol'III. ' " IIIwk. N. . : .
: O. . . I \ , : , nl rt : l'ul , ln ll ir. . . : . x ! . :
oUnr GIIIII"I. 7 IICOld 1111101. " II I1nll " 1'IIIU" I.It"U\ .
Allyn _ 111 1141111. 1Ir10'II adverUoellleot "Ith you
IRON . . . THAT . . . IRONS. . I
II' n..114 111 0"1 1 > 0.
89THE . , qUI" Self. " " . . Heallnll' . .1. . .u" eb. Flat . . . . , . Iron. " 10- I
Irou , 1Iookl.lfr..tulllor."o..t.o , > . Wrh.
lJuk t , 611 ! ! , . " 14.11. . JUIIJl , 1I wru , CO.
OIUIU. : ; . . . . . . . . . .
O'I'ere Urnil ' "
WESTERN LA I U \ klf.i'r . .f1rd"r
. . r
" , .lIIa. . loayo Q tnet or t , , " th"n" lnlC. OrunM. d a ru. No. . "
Ha'tom ( ) olorIIJo. Coonce to dOllhln YOllr wooDy.
11111111.Trll4l ror vlat , " 'nu. . .nd al'lICrl1 > tW > lI.
- - - - - - -
& .11In , . \ . ' . . .
tea. cnlrf\e. baking powdr'r. . Clxtroct. 11I'11"-
, larch. ele. l'remlulDB jllun . . .lth aU , , "r I/U < " "
Writeror\erlllU ( lUA.ND UN10N TU.CU. . - <
W Yollth t lh M\reet , OItAnA. Nluu.IoelU. : Y
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
TELEGRAPIIY tA'4rn In Ow3h \ . 111 1Wlron .
t"nk'r he" . . ! ' ' ' ' ' 'tlona ' _ u".1
ClaIA1ocr'ree. 11011" . CuIl"I1.IW ! llaru 1 ! j..Ullla. . . . . '
. . "
\ ' . .
. ,