Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 07, 1907, Image 1

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It fa'o \
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t' Those Headaches
Those weary , wearing , dull , heavy
headaches that so many women
have to sufferl But do thcy have
to suffer ? Half the headachcs in
the world are due directty to defective -
fective e'e.sight. And yet some
foolish women would prescr to endure -
dure the hcadaches rathcr than'
t wear glasses , Which , if properly
fitted , would give them instant re-
lief. Do no't dclay get ling glasses.
Come to us and have your eyes ex _
amined-there is no charge.
, ,
We're not running any-
body's business but our own.
That occupies all of our
If done properly it requires
increas1ng watchfulnes to
keep up the stock so that
when a prescription comes
in for no matter what , we
have it right on the shelf
waiting { or just such a pre-
We take care of our prescription -
scription stock of drugs in
that way. It's worth know.
ing wh n you .really want
the best drugs and medicines
Jig , & J.F.Baisch ,
Broken Bow , - " - Neb.
I " , . ! . - " ! ! ! " " . ! " " " iI.wJJIi"'ClliI"'I1IJI"'t'J.wtIw.1 : ! ! ! " _ " ' ' ! ! : : . , ' I ) wtIw.'CII"'mtIJ""iIlIlI"I : : ' ! ' : ! ' " ' 'IiiJJ ! , , , , , , , , , . ! ciI.jI' ! ! , , , , , , '
: ' I .
account or for goods purchased.
1 )
" ) . l
. T e Blue elh : Peas at 15c per can. Better than fresh pea
' " , - Pnrc of Michigan Pear , 2 for 25c. Very tender and sweet
All kinds of Stove Polish-liquid anrl dry-3 for 25c
. . Husking Pegs , 5c , JOc , 25c , 35c. Gloves and Mitts , 90c doz i
Un versal Bread Mixer-the best kind-two sizes
Bread and Cake Boxes , 70c , 80 , 90c and $1 sizes -
True Hubbard Squashes , fine eating , 20c and 25c each . -
i Sweeping Brooms , fair quality"25c 30c and 35c each f-
A few Food Choppers left at 50c each. Buy one. )
The finest of Breakfast Bacon at 20c a pound
Our Tea Leaf Tea at 50c per pound. Is worth 60c.
i : J : est mkinS"it : ; ; e
. TRADE , {
Pure Old Cder Viaeiar :
L . . . . . . , . . . . MAUK , , . . . . . 'IJ\\I'.J &
' \ " " ; rnJ""IJP''II . ' ' r. ' ' ' ' "I j.1' ' ' ' .t " 1\r."lIr.i'11'1Tnr.r.r.nnrr.l"'ijP"'Iiji.HI'I ! \ ! ' ; ; ' ! : ' . ' . . ' r. "e.rrr.r.n"'iIP'rii''iII''IJPII''IIP'1P''f'II " . . : : " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' \ \ ' ' '
- - - - - - - - - " - - - " - - -
" ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - -
, . . " ---------i
: ' i
; : . I THROUGH .I
\ " I
t i of a shipping clerk I
_ . - f1 A OAn LOAD OF "
wes sent us thot were ordered
i for delivery next summer , so i
we Ilre now closing Olt ! ot
i i
This means SlO less than
i you cun buy one next fall
Geo. .Appl
y , . . {
- . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - -
'A ' Whirlwind of Republican Votes
. .
Heturns "rom Over the State Show that the Republic1\n
rricket Vins hy At Least 'l\venty Thousand.
Fine Indorsement for IT udgEReese. .
County Division Loses by lxteen Hundred
'l'he Hepublican Nominees for County Offices 'Vin Out
by f jorities Hanging from 15 to 500.
George B. faiI' the Favorite.
IN ' 1'lIn STAT1\ .
The republican state ticket has
won in Nebraska by a majority
of 20,000 , at least , is the report
from Lincoln and this means :
First : A vote of thanks by
the people of Nebraska for the
splendid work of the republican
legislature and state administra-
Second : That the people of
the state are unalterably on the.
side of President Roosevelt in his
fight against law breakers , come
what may. .
'rhird : An overwhelming en-
dorsement' of the splendid ticket
of clean and able men nominated
by the republican party of the :
Governor Sheldon in commen ting -
ing- upon the magnificent victory
in favor of honest men and good
government is quoted as saying :
"Now if we can follow this up
with the election of Hoosevel
for another f 0 u r years , the
country will be safe. " ,
'l'he conflict in Custer county
was waged more particularly upon -
on the question of dividing the
county mto four counties , more
than upon partizan lines , the
candidates for the several offices
'being left to a considerable ex-
tent' to hustle for themselves and !
the republicans were not slow in' '
performing their duty along that
line as will be noted from the
majorities-and plenty to spare.
On the question of dividing
the cou"nty the res 1t is an indication -
cation that a majority of property
owners are satisfied with the
present lines of Custer county
rather than a smaller county and
a doubHng of the amount of their
taxes wt1ich they are intelligent
enough to know would follow
Tbe campaign for the county
offices has been carried on i'U a
fairly friendly feeling between
the opposing candidates and there i
was , perhaps , less charges and I
counter-charges and the expr s-
sion of unsavory compliments by
the newspapers , than ever before.
It can well be termed a clean
campaign nd a victory for the
Grand Old P rty from start to
finish , because it is the party of
progress , stands for law , order
and advancement of mankind nd
redeems its pledges to the people.
The total vote and majorities ,
as reported , are as follows :
Supreme Court Judge ,
M. B. Reese , rep. , 2319 ; G. L.
Loomis. dem. , 1499.
District Judge ,
B. O. Hostetler , rep. , 3207.
County Judge ,
A. H. Humphrey , 2771 , H. J.
Shinn 2265 ; maj. , . . . . . . . 506
Clerk of Court ,
Geo. B. Mair 2773 , C. T. Orr
1959 ; maj. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
Connty Treasurer ,
J. E. Cave nee , 3457.
Sheriff ,
Horace Kennedy 2862 ; C. U.
Richardson 2332 ; maj. , . . . . .530
County Clerk ,
Jos , Pigman , 3727.
County Assessor ,
M. R. F ster 395 , Jesse Gandy
2379 ; ma ) . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
SurVeyor ,
F. E. Van Antwerp 2849 , M. L
Lamb 1432 ; maj. , . . . , . . . . . 1415
Supt. of Schools ,
H. M. Pinckney 2603 , E. E.
Richards 2296 ; maj. . . . . . 307
Coroner ,
L. E. Cole 2396 , J t H. Morrow
1717 ; maj. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
For Arbor County , 1974 ; against
I , Arbor County 3526 ; maj . . 155'J
Following is the vote by pre-
I cincts as reported' oy" th se who
delivered the returns to the county
clerk :
AI.GnRNoN : Humphrey 1 6 8 ,
Shinn 129 ; Mair 162 , art' 125 ;
{ < ennedy 153 , Richardson 144 ;
I'-oster ' 146 , Gandy 146 ; Van Antwerp -
werp 142 , Lamb 153 ; Pinckney
172 , Richards 121 ; Cole 173 , Mor-
ow 105 ; for division 63 , against
division 226.
ANSI.lw : Humphrey 152Shinn
114 ; Mair 185. Orr 87 ; Kennedy
204 , Richil rdson 71 ; } i'oster 116 ,
. Gandy 98 ; Van Antwerp 160 ,
; L mb 75 ; Pincknev 181 , Richards
94 ; Cole 153 , Morr w 74 ; for division -
sion 245 , against 23
ARNOLD : HUtlJphrey 96 , Shinn
77 ; M1ir ; 109 , Orr 55 ; Kennedy
124 , Richardf\on 49 ; Foster 107 ,
Gandy 65 ; Van Antwerp 119 ,
Lamb 37 ; Pinckney 112 , Richards
61 ; Cole 106 , Morrow 49 ; for clivi-
sion 65 , against 85.
CLIFF : Humphrey 82 , Shinn
54 ; Mair 79 , Orr 55 ; Kennedv 78 ,
Richar son 39 ; Foster 84 , G ndy !
53 ; Van Antwel'p 93 , Lamb 29 ;
Pinckney 84 , l ichard 52 ; Cell 43 ,
Morrow 83 ; for county c1ivision27 ,
against 105.
CUSTRR No.1 : Humphrey 75 ,
Shinn 70 ; Mair 84 , Orr 5Yj Ken-
nedy74 , Richardson 75 ; I'-oster ' 51 ,
Gandy 96 ; Van Antwerp 53 ,
Lamb 70 ; Pinckney 56 , Richards
8 ; Cole 73 , Morrow 4S ; for division -
sion 67 , against 83.
' . GARFIRLD : Humphrey 50 , and
Shmn 53 ; Ma r 63 , Orr 44 ; Kennedy -
nedy 59 , Rich rclson 51 ; Foster
46 , Gandy 67 ; Van Antwerp 79 ,
Lamb 23 ; Pinckne ) 69 , Richards
; Cole 71 , Morrow 27 ; for division -
sion 10 , . again t 91.
HAv : ts : Humphrey 42 , Shinn
30 ; Matr 37 , Orr 32 ; Kennedy 38 ,
Richardson 35 ; Foster 43. , Gandy
30 ; Van Antwerp 51 , Lamb 16 ;
Pinckney 40 , Hlchards 33 ; Cole
36 , Morrow 32 ; for division 9 ,
against 56.
KILFOIL : Humphrey 164Shinn
146 ; Mair 158 , Orr 151 ; Kennedy
170 , Richardson 151 ; Foster 159 ,
Gandv163 ; Van Antwerp 162 ,
Lamb 130 ; Pinckney 141 , Richards -
ards 179 ; Cole 47 , Morrow 262.
i'-or ' divison 177 , against 137.
COM TOCK : Humphrey47Shinn
80 ; Mair 64 , Orr 51 ; Kennedy 70 ,
Richards bl ; Foster 41 , 'Gandy
78 ; Van Antwerp 73 , Lamb 21 ;
Pinckney 45 , Richards 82 ; Cole 64 ,
Morrow 30. For divison 41 ,
against 64.
VIcToria : Humphrey114Shinn
97 ; Mair 79 , Orr'140 ; Kennedy 95 ,
Richards 130 ; Ii'oster 161 , Gandy
64 ; , Van Antwerp 112 , Lamb 84 ;
Pinckney 95 , Richards 122 ; Cole
68 , Morrow 127. For divison 36 ,
against 166.
WnsTRRvILLn : Humphrey 96 ,
Shinn 77 ; Mair 109 , Orr 55 ;
Kennedy 124. Richardson 49 ;
Foster 107 , Gandy 65 , Van Antwerp -
werp 11 Y , Lamb 37 ; Pinckney 112 ,
RIchards 61 ; Cole 106 , Morrow
49. For divison 65 , against 85.
BROKRN Bow ( North ) : Hum-
phrey 144 , Shinn 126 ; Mair 127 ,
Orr 133 ; Kennedy 148 , Richardson -
son 134 ; Foster 122 , Gandy 157 ;
Van Antwerp 191 , Lamb 48 ;
Pinckney 151 , Richards 116 ; Cole
155 , Morrow 78. For divison 15 ,
against 279.
BRoKnN Bow ( South ) : Hum-
phrey , 211 , Shinn 214 Mair 194 ,
Orr 201 ; Kennedy 285 , Richardson -
son 150 ; Foster 170 , Gaudy 250 ;
Van Antwerp 298 , Lamb 86 ;
Pinckney 231 , Richards 187 ; Cole
260 , Morrow 125. For divison 3 ,
against 411.
CUSTHR No.2 : Humphrey 26 ,
Shinn 11 ; Mair 23 , Orr 11 ; [ ( en.
nedy 28 , Richardsun 9 ; Foster 221
Gandy 15 ; Van Antwerp , 26 ,
Lamb 6 ; Pmckney 24 , Richards
13 ; Cole 23 , Morrow 7 ; for division -
sion 2 , against 38.
DnI.IGH'1' : Hum ph r e y 177 ,
I Shinn 110 ; Mair 223 , Orr 65j
Jennedy 155 , Richardsoq 34j 133 , Gandy 1 0 ; Van Ant.
I werp 105 , Lamb 170 ; Pinc1mey !
173 , Hichards 121 i Cole 109 , Morrow -
row 163 ; for division 296 , against
division 9.
ELur : Humphrey 63 , Shinn35 ;
Mair 64 , Orr 28 ; Kennedy 53 ,
Richardson 47 ; Foster 62 , Gondy
34 ; Van Antwerp 55 , L".mb 22 ;
Pinclcney 59 , Richards 36 ; Cole
56 , Morrow 22. For divison 84 ,
against 14.
Er.K CumtK : Humphrey 75 ,
Shinn 86 ; Mair 74 , Orr 78 ; Kennedy -
nedy 75 , Richardson 83 ; Foster
67 , Gandy 92 ; Pinckney 75 , Hich- .
ards 71 ; for division 9 against 160.
LILLIAN No.1 : Humphrey 46 ,
Shinn 40 ; Muir 43 , Orr 43 ; Kennedy -
nedy 41 , Richardson 50 ; Foster
41 , Gandy 48 ; . Van Antwerp 51 ,
Lamb 21 ; Pinckney 42 , Richards
47 ; Cole 49 , Morrow 22j for division -
. sion 4 , again t 89.
LU.LIAN No.2 : Humphrey 27 ,
Shinn 23 ; Mair 39 , Orr 15 ; Kennedy -
nedy 32 , Richardson 21 ; Foster
, Gandy 17 ; Van Antwerp 39 ,
Lamb 9 ; P1nckney 38 , Richards I
17 ; Cole 41 , Morrow 8 ; for clivi- !
sion 28 , against 20.
Loup : Humphrey 94 , Shinn' '
94 ; Mair 95 , Orr 87 ; Kennedy 110 ,
, Richardson 88 ; Foster 70 , Gandy
,125 , ; Van Antwerp 108 , Lalnb 55 ;
Pinckney 92 , Richard 9i ; Cole
,100 , . , Morrow 55 ; for division 23 ,
agamst 78.
MYR'l'LR 70Shinn
: Humphrey ,
66 ; Mair 70 , Orr 58 ; Kennedy 7Y , !
Richn.rdson 55 ; Foster 71 , Gandy. .
64 ; Van Antwerp 77 , J amb 37 ;
Pinckney 73 , Uichnnls 62 ; Cole
; 5 , Morrow 41 ; for division 24 ,
against 102.
SARGnNT : Humphrey 167 ;
Shinn 129 ; Mair 193 , Orr 87 ;
Kennedy 168 , Richardson 133 ;
I'-oster 197 , Gandy 45 ; Pincmey }
L 13 , Richards 199 ; Cole 168 , Morrow -
row 60 ; for ' division 307 , against
division 30.
T1.IUl\IPu ! : Humphrey 55Shinn
36 ; Mair 58 , 9rr 31 ; Kennedy 39 ,
Richardson 53 ; li'oster 36 , Gandy
56 ; Van Antwerp 51 , Lamb 24 ;
Pinckney 46 , Hlchards 46 ; Cole
36 , Morrow 36. For clivison 51 ,
against 38. .
WnST UNION No.1 : Humphrey
31 , Shinn 24 ; Mair 23 , Orr 31 ;
Kennedy 16 , Richardson 39 ; 1i'os-
ter 26 , Gandy 28 ; Van Antwerp
30 , Lamb 15 ; PinckneJ' 29 Richards -
ards 24 ; Cole 29 Morrow 15 ; for
division 22 , against 29.
WnST UNION No.2 : Humph-
rey 49 , Shinn 7 ; Mair 48 , , Orr 32 ;
Kennedy 57 , Richardson 34 ; Fos.
ter 43 , Gandy 41 ; Van Antwerp
52 , Lamb 19 ; Pinckney 52 , Richards -
ards 19 ; Cole 52 , Morrow 15 ; for
dvision 14. against 64.
WOOD RIvnR : Humphrey 148 ,
Shinn 98 ; Kennedy 139 , Richardson -
son 95 ; Foster 120 , Gandy 142 ;
. , .
, . . . .
Pinckney 132 , Richards 124 ; Van
Antwerp 142 , Lamb 89 ; Cole 136 ,
Morrow 83 ; for division 85 ,
against 149.
47 , Shinn 80 ; Mair 64 , Ofr 61 ;
Kennedy 70 , Bichardson 61 ; Foster -
ter 49 , Gandy 78 ; 'V n Antwerp
73 , Lamb 21 ; Pin kney 45 , Hich-
ards 82 ; Cole 6" , Morrow 30 ; for
division 41 , against 63.
GRANT : Humphrey 55 , Shinn
35 ; Mair 60 , Orr 32 ; Kennedy 56 ,
Hichardson 37 ; Foster 56 , Gandy
34 ; Van Antwerp 52 , Lamb 35 ;
Pinckney 50 , Richards 37 , Cole
56 , Morr'Jw 29 ; for division 79 ,
against 15.
W AVNU : Humphrey 59. Shinn
29 ; Mnir 64 , Orr 25 ; Kennedy 53 ,
Richardson 35 ; Foster 57 , Gandy
29 ; Van Antwerp 46 , 14amb 34 ;
Pinclcney 63 , H1chards 25 ; Cole
59 , Morrow J8 ; for division 22 ,
against 62
BJtRW\'N : Humphrey 103Shinn
76 ; Kennedy 115 , Hichardson 74 ;
Foster 88 , Gaudy 90 ; for division
24 , against 150.
- - -
I I.el us print those let-ter heads.
New ' Ilttd up-to-date styles
tj'Ju (
. . .
- " . . , . - - . - . -
- -
Ch l ra
Ycs , there is sOUle hog cholera in
the country. "An ounce of prevention -
vention is worth a pound of cure"
is true. hut in hog cholera , "an
ounce of prevention is worth.seve-
rnl pounds of cnre. I have no
cure butl have 11 good preventive
in Great Western Hog Remedy.
This hog remcdy is a combination
of the Government Hog Remedy
Hnd the Great Western Worl1l Kil-
Jer. This hog remedy wlll n fe < 1
to hogs nets as 11 tonic. a condi- I
tioncr , nn , atilt witl thor. ,
oughly renovate the i r system.
The Government says 'their hog
remedy is the best blood n\edicine .
for hog-nnd ! doesn't that Ulenn
something ? ' . Worms 1i1l 111 0 r'c
hogs than aU other causes combined -
ed nd for that rcason this hog
remedv is combined with a woran
killer. ' Did you ever feed 11 hog
remedy ? If so , what did you PI1Y
for it ? This is worth 107 per cwt.
s. R. Le
"The Busy Druggist"
It Will Pay You'
There isn't the slightest use in paying more thnu we charge for
prescriptions when we give yon exactly whnt is ordered by
your phpsician , and give YtJU the highest qnality it is P9ssible
to obtain in drugs and chemicals used in that prescription.
'J You may pay lUore but you can't get it any better. You
may pay Jess but ) ' 011 take great chances. It is no time to go
huuting for a bargaiu when you waut a prescription put ul ? ' .
This is not a bargnin counter drug store. We charge a fatr.
pr < : e for the best possible to ohtain. It pays \1S. It wilt you.
Ed. , M ceo .
. m a. I
. . . . . . .
. 'l'hey are fine ones and the price .I.
is just right.
Don't purchase before seeing them
: , Sheppard & Bur
Phone 125. South Side Sqtia 'e' I
" " . . , . '