Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 31, 1907, Image 8

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. .
, : lit" I
Eal'Nose Thront
Eye , , , :
n Qbro.nic Diseases.
Fitting of GlnsBCs ,
I Office , inl calty bleck ,
, ( , . FR Ni < KELSEY.
, : , W ELL S
Consult him If you wnnt Wntor.
' . JhOllC 112 , - Brokcn Bow.
Lt. OON R. D ,
( ) . . ,
, . , . . UCllior 10
l'l\In , ' " Wind. Mlllp , Tlmk , 1"lttlng . , o 11M II n ,
Rnglno" , "to. e&o.
llrokon lIow. Nohrllelta ,
. _ _ _ 0.
. ,
Practical Undertal < er
{ & ' Licnsed Embalmer
Dusincss Jlhon . 301. Residcncc 334D
\ ' ! Urokcn QoW' , Neb.
. . , . . . . . . . . . . . -4
- - - - -
Do Y au Inow
'l'hat wc havc the largest
stock of Building Material ,
Posts and Coal in the city
We are also selling our
wood stock tanks at rcduced
prices to close them out.
-Dierks lumber
& Coal Co.
Phone 23.
. fTh = ; ; E = : ;
- Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale
and retail.
Special attention given to filling orders for coal
' . in any quantity.
Bl'oten } Bow , - - Nebra'sha :
CI"oQ".r..c " " : . , .r..r..r # . : o * .r..r..r.r..o" . : . . . . " . . . ' .
- -
SNYDER c BROS. & Co. .
. .
. W ( ; are now ready for
New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will
, soon be complete. When you are loking for
Good Values and IIonset Prices
the yeat 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings , lineoleums. notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines over. . . .
. . :1 : ? ! , " ' : pl't. ; : : . ( . . . ; i : t ! . " " . . -ri. . : r ; : w' , : r. " " ' : ' ; T ) ; " \ '
- 't't ar. ; " ! 1 ' 1Rr. ! : ; } ' lr . : tJfj ; : , brii yflt.J ! 1J1 I.oLiiWJI : ' ! I ! : tJi" ! L : : : ii ! , . .f i
When desiring to figure on a bill
I r : 0 f L um b r ca 11 o.n t h e. . . . . . . . . . " , n' ; il
aifj tf
" I C. L. Turner Lumber Co.IJ " ,
{ -
. . We carry a full stock < ? f Lumber. 7m
' T' , Sash , Doors , MouldlUgs , etc. II
. I.
Agents for the Nebraska Central i .
Building & Loan Association. ! i .
, . . " 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ " . . . . . . . . " . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' "ri. . . . . . . . . . . . I , , 4 . " ; ! i
ifti . .m 1 ii "
! : J ! ! . ! ! iJj ; ! . itiI ! l ii ! i
, '
here by purchasipg i
. . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . .
' ' " " " " " " ' ' ' " ' " " ' " " " " ' "IIII'IIIOIIIIIIIIII"Ill'"II'"ln'1I1I1I ' ' '
, . oro. ' I Paints . , Oils , I n
I Hardymre , ! !
'M I
I Furniture ,
I Flour , Feed I
I ' and S ed. I
. .
11"1'1'0111111"011I111111I1111I11'1111111111111110 ' ' ' ' 11I"0"00'0"011I"10"11'11I1'11I1"11I11"111111I'.11'011II" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' &
South SidelSquare , Broken Bow.
Send your Abstract Orders to
i : Bonded Abstracter
Office In Security , State Bank B'ld'ng
- - - . - - . . . . . - _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ n _ . . - , _ .
o. . : J3o"Vvrrt an. I
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
I'i At the OLD STAN D.
Real Estate. - City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented , Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some gooa paper.
Call and Bee me.
. , . .A ; ,
. . , . . . . . . . -
. - - -
A Very Important Position.
City Superintendent Mclndoo
and County Sup't Pinckney were
in attendance at the alll1uallath-
ering of superintendents and
rrincipal9 at Lincoln last week.
l'hey report an excellent I11cetit1g
and the largest attendance on
record. Pruf. McInrloo read a
paper on normal training in high
schools , which was received with
great appreclation. Superinten-
dant Pinckncy was chpscn ns
chairman of ODe of the most important -
portant committees-that on tLe
division of the $50,000 appropri.t-
tion for the aid of weak distriet8.
; This is a strong illustration of
: the standing Mr. Pinckucy9 / )
i achieved among the school tllI.11
of the state.
It is an interesting fact that
of all the districts cs'imatcd hy
Superintendent Pinckney as entitled -
titled to state aid under the provisions -
visions of the act. not on wi11
be excluded by the rules adopted ,
notwithstanding that a large
number from some other counties
will be held as not enti tIed to
share in this fund. However , it
is mal11fest that the appropriation -
tion will be inadequate to afford
the measure of relief desired , as
the cstimates already filed call
for twice the amount th t can be
clistributed-at the very least.
- - - - - ' -
Rcal Estate Transfers.
Claud and Keo Currie , bet h single -
gle , to C. A. Strahle , parcel in
10.19-18 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450 . 00
C. A. Strahle to Anna B. Saville ,
parcel in 10-19-18. . . . . . 514.45
Claude and K o Currie' , both sin-
glc , to Mark Guggenmos , par-
celin 10.19-18.300.00
D. J. Caswell to Wm. Yarington ,
80a in 1-18-20 , . . . . . . . .1000.00
James Lindly to E. E. Bell , 160a
in 3-18-22 , . . . . . . . . . . . .4000.00
A. L. Milner to Claude J. Arnold ,
160a in 18-13-22 , . . . . . .4000.00
John O. Wilson to Noonan L.
Lewis , 160a in 9-17 23 , .6000.00
J. L. Sams to Chester Sams , 160a
in 24-17-19. . . . . . . . . . . . 800.00
C. E. Gibson to E. C.- Borders ,
160a in 29-15-21. . . . . . .1200 00
J. M. Patton to Henry B. Kelley.
80a in 30-16-19. . . . . . . .1000.0C
Tabitha Vickers to C.TV. . Bow.
in . . . . OC
man , SOa 35-18-20. .2200.
J. H. Province to A. C. Parment.
40a in 19-17-21. . . . . . . . 300.0C
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Since last Thursday , licenses tc
marry in Custer county have beer
issued as follows :
Chas. E. Owen , Anselmo. . . . . .3 :
Laura Sell , Anselmo. . . . . . . . . . 2
Clyde McElmoil , Cozad. . . . . . . 2
Mabel Decker , Callaway. . . . . . 2'i
G. L. Dean , Broken Bow . . . . .2. : :
Qora V. Foster , Ansley. . . . . . . . 2
Jesse J. Smith , Cozad , . . . . ' . ' . . 2 (
Delilah Carter , Callaway. : . . . . - . If
. . . .
lrre I R amsey , unmng , . . . . . . . , . . . :
Blanche Williams , Dunning. . .1
Great Poland-China Dispersion Sale
t On account of removal fron
_ State will sell the greater par' '
of my fine Perfection-SunshiUl
C herd. Hogs neither overly coarsl
nor too small , the best money
makers. I have ideal shape ani
j size. All ages to select from a
bottom figures Write for prices '
: Dispersion sale Tuesday , Novem
ber 12th.
. . . . J. M. TITTERINGTON ,
Cairo , Nebr.
Stevens Victories.
During the past few month
Stevens Rifles and Stlfvens Tele !
copes have won an extraordinar
number of leading prizes in con
petiti\'e shoots , thus adding ne'
I linles to the ever lengthemn
chain of Stevens successes. Fir !
honors at 1907 Annual Indoe
Tournament of .22 Caliber RifJ
League of the United State
first honors at Zettler Rifle ( Ne
York City ) Tournament , firl
honors at National Bundesfei
( Charleston , S. C. May 1907 ,
first honors at Southern Ne
England Tournament , first hOI
ors at South Australian Cham'
ionship ( Tanunda , South Au'
tralia ) were in each case secure
by the reliable , unerring Steven
Stevens telescopes also material
ttssisted in raising records at t1
. impo tant. competitive shoo
Such impressive performanc1
as Stevens Arms are invariab
, l capable of. prove beyond t1
sbadow of a doubt that they a
in a class by themselves when
comes to accuracy. There is I
use worrying what firearms
obtain this fall , as the Steve
always maintain their high gral
quahty. Ask your local har
ware or sporting goods mercha
to show you this universal
popular , moderate priced mati
Insist on Stevens-there are
Send 5 cents in stamps to t
J. Stevens . rms & Tool Ci
Chicopee Falls , Mass. , for thl
latest 160page illustrated catalJ
Describes the entire line
Stevens Rifles , Shotguns , Pisto
Firearm Accessories , etc.
. . .
- . _ . - - .
- - - - - - - - -
I Schedule of Droken Dow M"n. .
Schedule of arrival IInd dcparturl . ! of lI1all.
from lJroken How vou office
r'ollcll ! I for CMt clo c II ! ! foltnWIII
Train No. 40. ! I a m : No. 42.5:15 p m : : ' :0 43
' \-1.7:30 \ : P. nl. .
Pouchl'lI for ' CIOAO follo\\'A
'c t nR \ \ : I
'fraln No. 43 , 7JU : P. nl.j No. 41 , 7JoJ : 3. m.
Omell llUurll. 7i. -i. III , 101:30 : II. nl. ,
Office ol > cn 811nlll.'A frum ' 1:30 : to 10:10 : a. ' 11 ,
L. U. JRWltTT. 1' . M. I
- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - -
1------ I ackv/oods.
grow the Luulbcr that is today
comiug to the front. Wc'll back
. woods that wc arc sclling lo resist -
sist wcathcr and last lIIany lifc-
timcs. Our assorlmcnt of lumber
I is sccond to non ( ' in this neigh-
. borhool-thoroughly -
and cut to desired lcngths. Let
us scll you enc loud and we wil1
bc sure to sell you Illorc.
H. " BRUCE & CO.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
She's Cured Thousands ; .
Given up to Di .
. . of CH ICAGO.
Practicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy.
Electl ic and' General Medicine.
By request wlll vIsit profegslus311y :
Gand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow , Nov. 21
returlllnlZ' e\"ery four weeks. Consul her whcn
the opportunltv. Is at lIaudt
DR. CALDWELL lI01l\s her 1)3ctlce to the
. special treatil1ent of dlscases of the Eye. E3r ,
Nose. Thr03t. Lunlrs. l'tmale ! DlsC3SCS ,
Diseases of Chlldrell 3ud all Chronic , Nervous
3nd SlIrll'lcal DIsc3ses of a cllmble n3ture.
Early consun\1ltlon. Hronchltlb. lJronchl31
C3tarrah. Chrulilc C3tarrall. lIC3d.Ache. COli-
stlpatloll , Stolllache alld 1I0wcl 'I'roubles ,
RlIeu013t1S01. Ncurallrl3. Sclotlca. llrhrllts's
Dlse3se. Kldlley Dlse3ses. Diseases of tlle
- LI\"er 311d lJlalldcr. Dlzzlncss. NervouRllcSS.
Indlgcstlon. Obesity , Intcrupted Nutrltloll.
Slow Growth III CIIlIdrell. alld 311 wastlnll'
Dlseasps In 3du1ts. Deformities. Club-feet.
Cltr\3nture of tile Splnc. l(8ea ( cs IIf tllo lIralll ,
. l'aralysls. Epllepsy. Ue3rt Disease. Dropsy.
Swel1l1l1 ! ' of tile Lllllbs. Stricture. Open Sores.
- 1 > 3111 In tbe 1I01les. Gr3nular Enlanlements and
311 lonll'.st3ndlnll' diseases proerty treated.
Pltuples. lJlotches. Eruptions. Liver Spots
F31111111' of the 1I31r. Dad Complllxltln. Eczem3.
'l'lIroat Ulcers. 1I0ne l'alns. Dlalltler 'l'rollbles.
Weak H3Ck. llurnlnll' Urine. 1'3s61nll' U1111e
too often. ' .1'lIe effects of cllnstltutlon31 sick.
ness or tbe t3klull' uf too mncll Injurious medl.
IS cine recclvcs se3rclllnl : ' treatment. prompt
relief 3nd 3 cure for lIfe.
Dlsc\se IIf Womon. Irrell'II13r 1\1enstratlon.
I ; \lIIn ! : ' of the 'Vo01b , lIe3rlllll' Down 1'31ns.
Female Dlsplaceme'ltH Lack of Sexu31 Tonc.
Leucorrhea , Sterility or Barrenness , consult
Dr. C3ldw'Cli 3nd slle wl11 show them the C3use
of tllelr trouble 3nd the woy to blcome ! cllred. I
311 < 1 CUl3rll'ed 1I'13nds treated wltll the sub.
Cut3neous Ilijection metllod , 3b80lutPly without -
out P3111 and without the laSH of \ drop of
blood. Is one of her own dlsco\"erles and Is
really tile m08t scientific 3nd certainly sure
cure method of tliis 3n v3nced 311'e. Dr. C3d.
well has practiced her professlun III slime of i
the lanfest hospll31es throllirhout country.
She h3s 119 superlllr lu treatlnll' aud dlalrllos.
nil of dlse3ses , Ilefurmltlcs."tc. . Shu has
lately ollcnld an o lcu III Olllalla. Nebraska ,
whem IIlIu wll1l1pend a Jonlull of cach wuek
treatln ! : ' her man ) ' patluntll. NO IIIcur3btc
cases acceptcll lur treatmcnt. Consultation.
examination allli allvlcc. one dollar to tllusa
_ Dr. Ora Catdwell & ( :0. ,
p _
sOmaha. . Neb. Chicago , In.
Addrelill al1 lIIall to 104 nee lJul1dltJlr. 01ll311a
s. Nebrask3.
. . . . . . H r IUI'Ot\et1 u : . . . . . . . . . .
. .
ts ( ' ; 01 (1 I'1P < 'J\t .N. . . " 1703 .
.1y .
. ,
: e. -
no j.G.BRENIZ lR , lSreeaet
he Pare Scotcl1 and Scotch TOIped Sbort liorl
C3ttle. My liard numbers 40 COWII. WIU com
0. , pare la breeding and quality with aay west 0
ir Chlc311'0 My experl nce haB t3ul'bt mo tllat t ,
- Illvc II'OOdBatlBf3ctlon , breedlllll' cattle mUBt b
Ig. rll.Henln Uti" "UUucte. I axpect t ,
ralHetlU.u here tl1e equal of all.tl1\al \
o f raised Inth. . U. S. I now have bul18 saUabl
Is for tbls and unt : ycar's senlce. My cow
, welll'h 1roll114OO to 1000 pOund. . COll1e and se
J \l1ell .
- - -
. '
" '
Qll .e
3bl e1Jl > > ' f1 JUi'.fil . . .un
ll . e11mliblle
'JUravlng lJUrchaled ! toe Globe Darn ,
a Io I have supplied It wttll all neW
stock and vehlclel-all ! first clasl- !
and Invite the patronage of tholc ! In
neetl of livery servlcc. Farmcrs who
unhook here when thcy come to town
will find their tcams well taken C1re of.
Ibo f.C ID a > > mt m : ro9
lPJ1l' : ) o
- . . .
; X : r. ; : Y.f. : < : q . : r.f. : : OM1
l I
i The Advo ;
t i
i Restau rant !
S , E. STOUT , Prop. i
- - - - - - I
! :
S First-class-in Every Respcct. '
Short Ordcrs , a Spe ia1ty.
Lunch Countcr III Connection.
\01 \ :
- \
) Our Pics Arc Uncxcclle .
" Try onc-or morc.
L..o : :
. . . . -
. . .x : n .o".o-- . ; , :
13eweler and O tician
West Side Square.
'l ' Brolen Bow.
) t' ; ( .f' " ' ! t 1rn. : : IO.oo.o (
- -
tiOTiL :
. . . . .
, . . .
. Our intention and
Determination is
To keep this hotel and
Equal to any
$2.00 per day house
inCustel' county.
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . _ u _ _ . . . . . . , - - . - -
- -
Cheap 'ona'-way
. Colonist Rates :
Daily during October to the Pac
coast and far wcst points at ab
half rates.
To the East :
The low rate Jamestown Exposit
tic ls can ue used for your Autu
trip to New York. Boston , Bn ot
r aslcrn cities. The.e are the I
cheap rate. of the leuon.
Big Horn Basin &
Billings Dlstict :
We run personally conducte . ch
rate homeseekers excursions to l
you locate on irrigated lands at
lowest prices ; thc ) ' will douule
value in five yeare. me on t1J
. . : excursions. No charge for serv
Write D. Clem Deaver , Agent I
lillgton Landseeker's Burcau , O. .
ha. Nebraska.
( Ticket Agent )
oII' L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A"
: I ( Omaha , Nebraska. )
J. .ARMOUh ,
Attorney at Lnv.
B.rokon now. Nebr.
avlnlr just 111111 elgbt ycdu practlca\ \ Jper :
lence a. County Jndge. 'l'fl1lglvo specla alien
tlon to the drawing aud probatlllll' of WI1lR and
tlle 3dll1lnl"tr3tloll of cst3tes of dcce3.ed per-
sonaand mlnou. Write or phone me. I may
lave 70n p trip.
e ; . .
LEG L N01".CES .
Delmrttnent of the Interior , I.and Officc at
lJrokcll Dow. Nebraska. OctolJer 10,1007.
Notice I ! ! hereby given that James R.
Sterner , of Callaway , halIIed notlcc of his
Intention to make I1nal comntlttcd proof In
! ! upport of his claim , \'Iz : Homestead Entry
No. 3362 , made September 23,11/03 / , for thc e ! < { ,
sw section 35 township 17n. range 23w. arid
that said proof will be made beforc register
and receiver , at Brokenllow , Nebl"aska , on
November 20.1007.
lie names the following wltnesscl ! to prove
his continuous residence upon anI ! cultivation -
tion of the lanel , VI1. : ole 1. Olson. Nels C.
Olson , l rank 1\1. Callen an I rank H. Wool.
Ington , all of Callaway. Nebruka.
JOlIN HEESE , Heglster.
l-'Irst Pub. Oct. 11.0t
Department of the Interior , Lane ! . Onlcc at
Droken DOWhNebraska , September 20 1007.
Notlcc Is ereby given that Will { am C.
Alspaugh of Merna. Nebraska , ha ! ! 111ed
notice of his Intention to make IInal f1\'C year
proof In support of his clahnL vlz : Homc.
stead Entry No. JII/ / made May 13 , 1001. for
the , se.nnesw and , section 2
township 18n , range 21 w , an that said proof
will be made before Heglster and Hecelver at
nroken Bow. Nebraska. on November 0,1007.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his contlauous residence upon and' ' cultivation -
tion of the land , vlz :
Fred W. Hickman of Merna , Neb.
Geo. I.ambert 'Varlng of BrokenlJow. Neb.
mchardI . 'Warlng of Broken Bow , Neb.
Lee Athey of Broken Bow. Neb.
JOliN lUmSE , Heglster.
First Pub. Sept. 26-0t
Department of the In erlor , Land Olllce at
Lincoln , Nlbraslca , September 25 , 1I1lJ'7. '
Notice Is hereby given that John E.lIendcr.
son of Eddyvllle , Nebraska , has Illed notice
of his Intention to make 'l1nal commutation
proof In support of hlH claim. vlz : Home.
! ! tead Dntry No. 18307 , made Io'ebruary II , 1000 ,
for the nwM neM , section 17 , township 13u ,
range 2OW , and that said proof w1l1 be made "
hefore the clerk of district court , at Droken "
Bowl Nebraska , on November 2,1007. ' : ' , "
He names the followIng witnesses to prove ' .
his continuous rcsl ence upon , and cultlva.
tlon of thc land , vlz : I
John S. Hastings , of Eddyvllle , Neb.
Wm. H. Milligan , of Etldyv1l1e N b. ,
Halph Layton , of I d yvf1le , Neb. .
Samuel S. McConnell , of Georgetown , Ncb. "
CHAS. F. SHEDD , lteglster
Plrst Pub Scpt. 2O-0t
To Whom It May Concern :
' .rhc Commissioner appointed to view , and
If deemed for the public good. to locate a
road pctltloned for bMerl campau ct al1
commencing at the northwest corner 01
scctlon 24 , township 13 , range 23 , thence south , , .
along the section line to the southwest cor. \ . .
- ner of said section 24 ; thence eaHt along the .
section line two ml1es to the southeast corner
- of section III , township 13 , ra'Ilge 22. Also
commencing at the southwcst curner of scc.
tlon 23 , township 1:1 : , range 2:1 : , and running
tllence west to the southwest corner of sec-
tlon 23 , town5hlp13 , range 23 has reortedln ) " .
favor of the establlshmcnt th\reol. and all
objcctlons thereto , or claims tor damages ,
! Dust be filed In the county clerk's onlcc on
or before noon of the 28th day of December ,
1001 , or such road will be establlshcd without
reference thereto.
In 'Vltness 'Whereof , I ltave hcreunto set
my hand and scal of said county , this 21st
'day of Octobcr. 1I07. !
JOS. PIGMAN , County Clerk. .
First Pub. Oct. 21-4t.
County Court Custer county , Nebraka. !
The creditors of the estate of James 1\1. Cald.
well , deceased :
Take Notice , that I will sit at the county
court roomln Drokenllow , In sall1 county ,
on the I/th / day of DecemberllIJ7 , and on the
2nd day of May , 1008 , each at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
of each day. to receive and examine all
claims against said estate , with a view to
their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six months from
the 22nd day of October , 1007. and tbe time
limited for payment of debts Is one year
from said date.
Dated October 22 , 1007.
A. It. nUMPHHEY. County Judge.
] SIML ] FIst Pub. Oct. l-4t.
To Whom It May Concern :
The commissioner appointed to view , and
If deemed for the pUblic good to locate \ road
petitioned forby J.n. Drown , et alCcoI:1menc.
Ing at a point about 00 to 80 rods west of sc
corner of section 35 , township IS , range III , In
CUbter County , Nebraska , thence running In
a northeasterly direction to a point about 00
to 100 roads north of se corner of section 35
on pUblic road : thence north about 20 rod ! ! :
- thence In a northeastcrly direction to a point
_ on E. D. 'Valt's public road , and near John
Niles' residence : thence following public
. road through sections 25 and 21 to a point
_ opposite the John Spring residence ; thence
north to Atwood Sloan's farm In a north.
easterly direction ; thence about 30 rods to
said Sloan's private road ; thence east to '
pUblic road : thence due north to the north.
east corner of the southeast quarter , section .1
1:1. : townshll.15 , range III : thence eabt about I
120 rods ; thence from this point running one I
road south and one road north , the north
road to run about 100 rods to Intersect 'dth I
the pUblic road between section 7 and 18 ,
township 15. range 18 , and the south road to
run about 320 rods to a point about the center
of section III , township 15 , range 18 , morel
specUlcally described by plat on 1IIe In Ule
l county clerk's olllce has reportld In favor of
tile establishment thereof , allli all ohjectlons
thereto , or claims for damages , must be l1ed
In the connty clerk'l ! onlce on or before noon
= of the : ) stlt ay of December , tOOl , or such
road will he establl&hed without reference
In 'Vltness 'Vhereof , I have hereunto set
my hand .11Id seal of said count ) " , this 21th
day of O.tober. 1007.
[ SEAl. ] JOS. PIGMAN. County Clerk.
First Pub. Oct. ZI-It. .
ROAD NO'1'IC . oI .
' 1'(1. 'Vhom It May Concern :
'l'he commissioner al > polnted to view , and
If deemed for the public good , to locate and l
vacate a road petitioned for by H. G. Farrltor _ .
et ai , commencing at the quarter corner on
ifie the south side of section 15 , township III.
DUt range 21 , anlrunnln . thence southwest and i
thtnce northwest to e section line road on
the Houth tilde of section 15 and to vacate . '
that part Of road No. 2\1 \ between the points )
of Intersection of road hereby , has .
reported In favor of the estab Rropose and .
vacation thereof. ami all objections thereto ,
or claims for damages , must be tiled In the
ion count ) ' clerk's olllce on or before noon of tile
n1t1 28th day of December , 1007 , or such road will
, be established and vacated without referenc
Iler thereto.
aat In Witness Whereof , I have hereunto set
m ) " hand and seal of said count ) " this 21th
day of December. 1007.
JOS. PIGMAN , Count } ' Clerk.
First Pub. Oct. 2Ht.
HOAD ' '
NO'l'lCJo .
' .ro Whom It May Concern :
' 1'he Commlssloner'apl > olnlcd to view , and
eap If deemed for pUblic good , to locate a road
I petitioned for b ) ' W. n. 'l'cnnant et ai , com.
e P mlnclng at Sta. No. 21. of road No : H7 , In
the sectlun 2".1 , tllwnshlp 15. range 111. running
in tIence ! north to ab"ut " the I-outhlast corner
' of lilctlon Ii > . townshll Hi , range 1\1 \ : thence
se angle cast about 100 rods ; thence southeast
ICC , about 37 rods : thence east of north about 100
IUr- rods ; thence north Intersecting road No. 420
at a , 'olnt about 100 rods webt of the lioUtil.
I1laeabt corner of the northeast quarter of sec.
tlon II , township 15. range 11/ / , more specltlc-
ally descrlblll by > Iat on 1IIe In count ) ' clerk'lI
, onlce has re ! > ortel \ In favor of the establish.
ment thereof , ami all objections thereto , or
claims for damages , must be filed In t'le
count ) " clerk's onlce on or before noon of tI.e
28th day of December , 1001 , or such roall11 \
be cstabllshed without referencc thereto.
In Witness Whereof. I have l1ereunto set
my hand and seal of said county , this 21th
_ day of October. 1007.
JOS. PIGMAN , County Clerk ,
. [ B&AL } 1 < ' 11'11t Pub. Oct. 2Ht.