Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 31, 1907, Image 7

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. : "
; ' 1" ' , 15 it it Catarrh Remedy , or a
. I ; Tonic , or is it Both ?
1" , . , Bome people call Peruna a great
, ft . tonio. Others refer to : Peruna as Q
. } . < great eatluTh remedy.
\ ' : ' Which of these people are right !
" $11/ : , . Is it mora proper to call Peruna. a co.-
! 0 I , : ' . , tnrrh remedy than to cU : it t1 ; tonio ?
t ; " Our reply is , that : Poruna IS both a
. ' , V : ' tonia and a catarrh remedy. Indeed ,
I ' "I there can bo no effectual catarrh rem-
. J . , ; , :1 : OOy that is not also tonic.
' : ' , " In order to thoroughly reUevo any
; . case of catarrh , remedy must not
' only have specifio action on the mu-
" con.s JnCmbmnes nffoctcd by the ca-
t&nh , bat it must have general tonic
action on the nervons system.
Catarrh , even in penons who l'O
otherwi6o strong , is weak ned condition -
dition of some mucoUD membrane.
There must bo something to strengthen -
en the circulation , to give tone to the
Ol'terlea , and to mise the vital forces.
Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the
world has attracted ao much attention
from medical writers as HYDRASTIS
CANADENSIS. The wonderful efficacy -
cacy of this herb has been recognized
many years , and is growing in its hold
upon the medicnl pl'ofcnsion. When
joined with CUDEBS and COPAIBA a
trio of medical agents is formed in : Pc-
runa which constitutes 0. lJec fie remedy -
edy for catarrh that in the present
state of medical progres3 cannot be
improved upon. This action , reinforced -
forced by such renowned tonics all
BEED , ought , to make this compoW1d
an ideal remedy for catarrh jn aU ita
( jt.\gea and locations in the body.
From a. theoretical standpoint , there.
. ' fore , PCl11IUt is beyond criticism. The
I uno of Pcrnna , coniirn13 tIlls opinion.
lrumbel'1ess testimonials from every
quartcr of the earth fnrniBh ample
evidence' that his judgment is not
over enthusiastic. When praotical ex-
poricnco COlflrmB a wellirl'ounded tha-
ory the re6ult iJ : a. truth thntcannot be
sha.ken. .
- _ . . - - . . - , - .
I Slg11S of the Times.
In , the household department of a
farm JlUl1t\zlne we finel the fell wing
C01U1U\U1IcallqJul :
"r Am wllling to exchange a well
preserved copy ot llrownlng's poems
for some geranIums. "
"I baie a complete eilltion of llyron ,
conta l.Ing all his poems amI leHors ,
whIch I shall bo glad to exchange for
some watermelon seed. "
- - - -
That an arUclc may be good as wen
as cheap , and give enUro satisfaction ,
Is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Dcfianqc Starch , each pacltage con.
talnlng one.thlrd more Starch than
. . . can be had of any other brand for the
, . IUlmo aoney. _ _ _
Says It's Not So.
ROp61't to the effect that olectrlc
lights Me detrimental to the eyesight
are pronounced unfounded by an elect
trlcal expert III the London Times.
1I0 8aJ' that the trouble arises from
\ too direct exposure of the eye to the
light , and that effect would be the
Bamo or worse Wit11 any other light
. . . . . . . .
. ,
elp Uie UOl'Se
. : No artlcl : Is more bs.erut f
about the :3t3lJIe : than 111 len
Axle Crelse. l'ut'o IItUc all
\ the ! \plndles \ before ) 'On "hool :
ap"-it will belp the horse , and
bring the load borne qulcJcr. :
_ - . M O AXLE
. GRa1SE.
1 Wl wlll-better than RUY
, Olbcr greasc : . Coats the axle
, witb a htrd , rnooth snrfaee of
powdered mica , vhtch reduces
frkUou. A k the denIer for
. Mica. Axle Greasc.
. ITaJIDr.J Oil cnrrulT
( ID"1'Qn
, To oonvlnco MY
, voman t h a' l'ax-
FREE tJno Ant.1Ac ) tlo will
Improv6 IltJ hl'nltl1
, i3 nlld do aU " 0 clilim
( or it. Wo will
I send bel' ab olutl'ly free II. luge trial
b X QI Paxtlue with book 01 instructions -
tions and Rf'nulne wlitimonLls. 8 en It
fOur :1JOO aull oodreu on a llOStIl card.
P AXTINE ; s ;
. brnno al-
foot1ons , such 9 nnal : catarrh , pt'Ivto
c.arrh and Inftammatlon eaused oy lemt-
Iltne 1113 ; sere t'Yl'S sore throAt and
moulh , by dll'eet local ir tmt'Dt Its cur-
. ntlvd powcr oyer these trollblos Is extraordinary -
. . ( ' ordinary und giTCS Imrnedlato relict.
\ 'l'l1oU3mds ot wumen are wing Bnd reo-
ommendlng It onlY. dart eo cents at
d . \H15 \ or by 101\11. Remember. howeTt'r ,
.rlll Jt. l'AX'roN 00. . 1Soeton. .MAla. .
An Omnh3 Institution That Hao Ao-
com1l1shed ! Great Good ,
This Institution has accotnllIBliod 1
creat worl , the } 1I1Bt ten ) 'ear8 In pro.
vldlng temporary aholter and food tor
more thnn two thousand homeless chll.
dron nnd afterwards } 11\Clnr thom In
permanent family homoR. Thooe
homes where so mnny little ones hnvo
been ( lfpted hnvo been ropentedly vis.
iOOd and :11'0 known to be good bOInes ,
giving ovll1enco tbat the homeless ones
taken rrom the instllute are now sur.
rounded by moral null uplifting Chris.
tlan influences with ndvnntnge tor
eduentlon and noclal lIfo ana proteetton
In n finnncial wn ) ' . Many of thonl
have already bl'en made the solo hclrs
to farms and to other valullblo prop.
ertles. Some of the chlldron In lu.
stltuto were taken from ov11 surround.
Ings nnd oUlors from bomes of extrl'mo
poverty and still others from county
poor houllcs. A few years ngo n
mother died In western Nebrnslm ,
leaving eight chlldron , the oldest belu ! ;
12 ) 'oars of ngo. The father was an
Invalid receiving help [ rom the county.
The eight cblldron Ins tend of going to
the poor house 'were brought to the In.
stltute nndre doing well In good
bomes. ;
Tbrco hundred children nnnually Is
the average number sheltered und
provided for by this Institution. The
number on hand dnll } . Is ( rom 40 to
60. What would become or these home.
less children without this Dlace of
shelter und protection ? Th Is worl { Is
n nocesslty In our community. In spite
of nll that hils been accompll heI amI
in spite of Its being 11 necessary worK
it lacls financial support. The offi.
ocrs of late have been struggling with
a debt on current expenses. The worl {
after all docs not seem to be well
Imown. Surel ) ' , in this prosperau' ! ) sec.
tlon of our country , and in these pros.
perous times , there is money enough
to tal\O care bf the ol'phan and dep nd.
cnt little chlldron. This Imltllutlon
docs not send out finanellli agents to
collect funds. It tnl\Cs about half of
whut such agents collect to pay their
salaries. There Is one field agcnt of
the Instltuto who trayels to visit chll.
dren , invesllgnte homos , who inci.
dentally receives donations of fundR.
It is hoped that'readers of this arUcle
will send contrlhutlons , maklu ! ; checls
payable to C. W. Lyman , troaRurer or
the Child Saving Institute , Elghteontll
and Ohio , streets , Omaha , Neb. Every
penny 'Wlll go to the benefit of the
helplcss nnd homeless. All food sup.
plies have advanced In prices. How
can the c11lhlren be fed during the com.
Ing winter ? How can fu l be provld.
cd f warm the bu'l1dlng ? How can
nurses and helpers tlO paid to tal\O
oare of the babies ? The readers f
thIs nrtlele , friends or the friendless. ,
are looked to for asslstanco to help
a.nswer these Questions. ' If people
could only undorstmd and renllze the
needs there would be generous re-
- .
A Famous Painting by Madam Car.
lisle Cooley Now on Public Exhlbl.
tlon In the City of Omaha.
Sarno months ngo In 'thls publica.
tion was given two pictures of "Milk.
Ing Time on Gov. Sheldon's Ranch on
the \Veeplng Water , " . and "Tho Pia.
neer Haymnlters' Lunch Beyond the
MissourI , " made from the paintings
by 'Catherhlo Carlisle Cooley o [
Omaha. The paintings for some Ume
were In the show windows of proml.
nent Omaha morchllnts , attractlnli
much attention.
Another painting by the same artist
Is now on exhibition In the Nebrasl < n .
motropolls and Is' rocelvlng much fa.I I. I
vorable criticism. This later aeQulsl- .
tlon Is n lalnUng of WUllam J. llryan ,
Mayor Jamo C. Dahlman and memo
bers of the Nobrnslta "Home Folks"
delegation who mot the Nebraska
statesman on hls return from Europe.
Through the courtesy of Mrs. Cooley ,
the picture Is pUblicly shown for the
first time , and tlmt , too. alongside of
the famous painting of the renownoll
artist , Rosa. llonheur , whose pupil she
was. ? irs. Cooley Is the woman who
presented a $5,000 painting to Alice
Jl.oosevelt , the whltc house bride , and
wbo has made portraits of Blaine ,
Conklin and otho : , dilltingulahed peo.
pIe. This ram OUR painting Is now on
Irce pUblic exhibition at Nicoll , the
.mUor , Knrbnch Blocl" Omaha , Neb.
Creamery May 8e Prosocuted.
Food Commlsslonor Johnson hils no.
tIfied the < lounty attorney at Wauhtng.
ton county thnt the Fontanolle Crea.m.
ery company 1s lIo1l1ng butter not
vroperly atnmped , and a numbm. ot
grocOr In that county are doing tbQ
same thing. He tOld the a.ttorney to
got bUB ) ' nnd prosccute.
Sudden Death at avld City.
David Clty-Jnmos Sagl , a DohemJan
tailor In the employ of M. J. House ,
died vcry Buddonly here. Ho hnd been
In his uBunl health until just a fe , , ,
mlnutea before he dlotl. Mr. Sagl 'was
69 years of nge.
Breakfa6t Food Men to FlghL
Llncoln-Doputy Food Oomml slonOl'
J\hnson haa como Into pOSSC6810U or
n circular ! 'lent ' out by the manufac.
turers or n brealtast food , 'which
prOlillaes to pay all the co. < ; ts attached
to any court proceodlngs which may
be Btarted against tbe local dealers b1
reason of their Boling this part1cular
a.rUcle. The food commissioner flmd
be notJfied or would uotlf ) " all the
county attorneys In the state to begin
preGecuUons. The date for tbe start
at nIl these cauoa and a. thousand moro .
has not yet bten set.
. .
Discharged Beca.cs Doctors Could Not
- - - -
LevI P. Drockway , S. Second Avo. ,
Anolm. . . . Minn. . ! UlVn ! II A rlnr lvII , , , , tnt'
- . _ _ _ n. . _ no _ _ . _ _ . _ . . " " ' 0 _ .
n'o months In a host
pltal I I Was dis.
chnrged as Incurable ,
oUlI GI\'on only oix
IIIonths to lI\ ' , . 1\Iy
hcort was nfCecled , I
bnd s m 0 tIl 0 l' i n g
npells , nnd como-
times Cell uncon-
nolous. I got so I
couldn't us 0 my
nrmR. mv f\VI'Rll"lt.
" ' . . - - - . - - _ _ _ _
UI\\ , . .no . " '
\Vas impaired and the kidney secro-
ons wore badly disordered. I was
: ompletely worn out and dlscourngo
when 1 began using Doan's Kidney
PllIs , but the ) . went rhbt to the cauno
; ) f the trouble nnd did their work woll.
t hav been reeling well 0\01' slnco. "
Sold by all d,111ers. 60 cents n box.
Foster.Mllbul'll Co. , Burralo , N. Y.
That's Where the Driver Had the Bent
of the Preacher.
A Now York clergymnn , who orton
.pends his vacation In fishing the
rcams of the Adirondacks , was .on
; ) no trip adopted by n handsome set.
.er dog , which inslsted , on following
11m from enmp to ho moved
along the stream. U
Ona day he met a party of l11en
working upstream with n nutlvo gull ) . " .
rhe guide Immedintely recognized the
dog alJ his own prol1erty.
"Trying to steal my setter , are
you 1" ho s110uteil nl the cler maI1.
'I'll luwo you to jail [ or this ! There's
! l law in the woods just I1S big as 'ou
have in the city , "
The clergyman endea\'ored to ex.
plain that ho wasnn unwilling com.
panlon of the dog , which l ad refused
to be driven away , but to lIttle effect
until ho added a two.dollar bill to his
"It's queer what strange things hap-
I en to a man up here , " ho said to tho.
stage-drl\'er who later carried him
away from the woods. " 'rhat is the
first tlmo I was over accused of steal.
ing a dog. "
"Yes. sir , " roplled the driver , S'I11'
pathetically , :1nd added , aCter a mo.
ment's pause , "For myself , sir , I have
never been accused of stealing any.
thlng.Youth's Comllanion.
STJo.n 01' ORIO. CITY or TOLBDO , l
Luau COUTr. r'
FRJo.JIC J. CuxnT makOI olltb 1bllt h 11 lenlor
lIrtuor ot the Orin ot F. J. CUBIUY & ; Co. . dulult
[ , lIlluOIl In the city or Tolodo. COlluty lIud Btat
dorndBldl.and tbat aald Orm will pay tbo lum or
'ONR ' llU.-OUl'D DOLL IU tor eacb al1l1 e.cry
CILlO ot CJo.TJo.URII tbat caanQt bo'eur d by tbo UIO ur
111o.L : ' " CAT.&BIIIJ COIIII. - . "
Sworn to betoro hlO Bnd lubscrlllnd lu wy predcnco.
\bl. 6th dl' ot Decombdr , A. D. . ISS6.
. . . . OLKASO
-.A-l A. W. ,
1 8J:1o.L : r NOTAny l'UDLIO.
Uj"Ca1arrb ; : Cnro II taken Internally an. ! actl
dlrcctly on the blood and mucoul lurfacel ot Iho
1ltoW. SDd to : tOltlmontall. tree.
F. J. mIKNl > \ ' ' " CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold b , all Drar : l ts , 7:1e. :
Take llall' lo'am1l11'1II. tor oouUpaUoll.
Delicate Shade of MeanIng.
A leen rQtort is credited to U10 late
Dr. Halg.llrown , master of Charter-
. lIb , Dr. rter , the
master of Petorhouse , another famous
English school , wrote him , Inquiring
his .preclso me nlng , in a certificate
that n. boy's character WIlS "general.
ly" good.
"When I say generally , " he repUed ,
"I mean not particularly. "
Not to Be Wasted.
Ben Cary had near his house n
swamp , which was a breedlng-placo
tor herds of man.eaUng mosquitoes.
Some enterprising neighbors , who
learned of the crude oU treatment ,
went to llen and tried to persuade
him to extormlnat" , the pests.
"Extormlnato 'em ? " saJd llen. "Not
milch. Not much. Why , Mis' Cary
an' I just paid $32 for screening the
sldo plazzer thnt she's been pestering
me about for years. How wo goln'
to get an ) " good of It , It we ldll err
the skeoters1"-Youth's CompanIon.
- - - -
WIth n smooth Iron and Denan e
Starch , you clln launder your B 1 1'i. .
waist just as well at homo as the
stenm laundry can ; It wlll have the
proper stiffness and finish , there will
be less wear and tear of the goods ,
and It wlll bo a positive Jleasure tense
nso u Starch that docs not stick to the
Cromwell' . Boots.
In London the other day n pall' of
riding boots worn by Oliver Cromwell
were sold for $43. They were dlscov.
er ( > d 30 7ears ago during Bomo exca.
vatlons nt Cnnonbury Tower , laUng.
- - - - - - - - - -
Tbe greatest cause of worry on
Ironing da7 can be removed by using
Defiance Starch , which wlll not sUck
to the Iron. Sold enrywhere , 16 oz.
for lOco
A good jeuy Id worth nll It wlll
cause the othc : , fellow to give up.
- - - - -
. .
' .
. ,
, "rhcy Alwayn Gladdr.n the Heart of
the Pedestdan.
In n. v'nlklng 11'11) a milestone olong
the WO ) Is the most companlonablo
fellow In the worlll ; ) 'our s111rits rlso
as ) 'ou ullar him as thouCh you ' \'Iero
about to ! ' ; reet n human friend , . .nd
they Ieel' almo:1t : consistently on hlB
high level till his brolher a mlle ( lis.
taut advauces to meet you.
And wlNn ) 'ou ovorlool { ono or thlB
friendly C Imlmny bec1\use or an en.
croachlnG bank or Bel'oenlng boughs ,
says the ' ; 'rnvol l\InHazlno , his neighbor -
bor furthOI o'n comen to you doubly
welcome. A the lattor. end of this
passnge In th , ' jourlley your spirits
fiag a trifle , as l'lOUgh oppresReI b7 n
: ; cnso of dosor1l'n , You may oven
scowl at the overhanging banle "hlch
is more than n party to this conceal.
These worlhy persons who attend to
the roads should ooe to It that CYC17'
mllestono within tbelr province stnnds
out [ ranltly fl'om Its leafy baclground.
Observance of this , however , wo.uld
rob the wayfarer of that leap of the
heart which Is his when the stone
tells the story of two miles llono I'ather
than ono. For however much the land.
scape and the mlnuto world at his Ceet
may claim tl o [ ootfl\rer's admiration
ho is stiU keenly allvo to tllO vlrtuo
or decent distances covercd In his
ay's journey.
Saw It Come Out f a Cow.
A lIttle city boy nud his sloter
Dorothy were taken to the country
for the first time.
The two children w ro happy ns the
day was long. In the late nCternoon
they watched the cows como home ,
heard with delight the tinkling cow.
'bello ' , nnd the lIlUo boy even went to
the barns to RCO the mll1t1ng done.
At supper , just ns Dorothy was liftIng -
Ing her glalm to her rosy lips , the boy
cried out :
"Oh , Dotty , elon't ! You m snt drink
thot milk. U's not fit to drink. It
came out of a cow ; I saw It. "
t . :
Lnundry worl , at homo would bo
much moro satlsfaclory It the rlsht
Starch were used. In order to got the
desired stiffness , It Is Usul1.llr : neces.
Bnry to use so much stnrch that the
beauty and nnoness 'Of tho' fabric Is
bidden behind l1. pnsto of varying
thickness. which not enl ) ' destroYfl the
npl1enranco , but also atfects the wear.
ing quality of the goods. This trou.
ble can e onlirely overcome by ustng
Defiance Starch , as it can bo applied
much morc thinly because of Its grent-
or strength than other malt os.
Wisdom of Solomon.
In a dog case nt Fcllxstowe , Eng.
land , ono witness testified that the
dog whoso loss was being sued tor
was worth $125 , while another swore
It was worthless. So the judge award.
ed $62.60 . damages . ' as a fall' averago.
"What a very thin voice thnt girl
has , " "Thin ? Why , It's so thin she
ought to sing all her music In l1. slC1 ! .
ton key.-llalthnoro AI11erican.
Hides , Pelts and Wool.
- To _ get fnII vl\llIe , ' hip to the old relinble
N. W.4Ii e & FurCo. , Minneapolis , Minn.
A careworn woman doesn't seem to
care what she wears.
Lewis' Sin le Hinder - the fnmoL111
strnight Ge elgar , ntwaYII best quality.
Your dealer or Lewis' : Factory , l'corin , 111.
There Isn't anything chiclenllearted
about the game rooster.
. ,
. . . . . . . I
- ,
' r " ,
n'i ! dnft'l' ' 1,10.- " ' "
. f ) , ij'i , [ . ' . : ' II , . .1 . , . . .
' " " " "
\ .
111 I ; i PA TORIA
; ! [ " , Infants I\nd Childron. '
. . ,
! iI ! : : S Qr'The Kind You Have '
! ' tft
- - : : Always Bou ht
I t : AL OJlOI , 3 .rIm l'IWl\ : D
' P : ' A\cgClnbtePrcpu-nrtonrorAs.
lII c : i slmllallllglltcfoDlf ll1lnl'1lula. ( Bears the
, I I i , t1n Ihe S lomarhs ru1d ow ls or
I t : . Signature
- - - - .
1 i Promotes Digesllon'chrcrful.
' of
i ' i \luWest.ConlillnsncIUItI' \
III I I , Opium.Horphhte norNillcr < .
, I : ' NOT N.An oTlc.
" : I .Bn. : . , r/OlJ/Jr-SlJ.f.1ZJ'/TU I i I
1 JJ , , ; , SN . . . - !
" . .
" 111 .A1. Stn1ll1 :
I : I , J ' ( lt , "fII . . . I
'I ' Jlll/St StffI / . n
JJm : /fI/ . } I
V1OIt f.olt # .
I I ; I i
, f = . USB
- -
' "
. II' I , I Apcrfcci Hcmcdy forConsllpa :
I'I I 'I ' ' tlonSourSlomilch , larrh n .
Ba' ' I ' WormsCo1\\lltsi01\s.fc\'crish. \ \ F 0
. 0 r V e r
i ; Iless 1l1\l1LO : ; , Ol SIlliEP. :
I ; . ! racSil\il : SignllUl'C or t .
'JI'ij . ' 11II ' . A// . ; ' . ' T h. Y
' .o 1111"wlld.kd / : i If t Y ears
I i : NE ' .r'OH . .
' . . 1r.J1 , , ' . ' . I' .
" Irri" . "
" ' I I .
'I ' ' : ! ii I " _ _ !
; 4 : ( ' " , unrill\tcN , , , , ' . . " un .I\ ' Ie t a 'V ' 1 ; ' .
Exact Copy of Wrapper. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .0 . : IICNTAIJM el"l''A. In" yo. OITY. .
. . " ' : : , " _ IJI' : + . - ' - . , I' _ : 'V- ' > > t. : -
, , , , \ "
One tr al.wiU'convince. . .
you that \
Li\imel t ' .j
] \ , , AA
C .
WI Oil reheve soreness on d .
stiffness quiclter and easier
than any other preparation
sold for that purpose. I
It. penetrates to the bone.
-quickens the blood , drives
away fatigue and gives strengib
and elosticity to the muscles.
-rhbusands use Sloao's , Liniment
for rheumatism. neuralgia. toothache
sprains. con\'racted \ mU5c\es.stiff \
joints , cuts , bruises , burns , cramp
or colic and insect stings.
PRICE 2540.50$1 e , I.OO I' {
DrEarIS. : Sloan , Boston , MO $ $ , U.S.A. /
$30 AN HOUR S : !
WO nho mnnutnctnro Itnult1 nudel. Htrlkl'r . lite ,
11 IU tC 11 I I.t-t ! 1'1 Ll.1oIA N ( ; 0" ( j cllcml AlDu hOmen t
OutIJU-rs. JoI > t.J\l. NUlL'rn'rONoW.UWA.N. Y.
Ingnoat "Arlet , . for > ale a' the Jow.d prl..1 by
.io1l.&UJ.OGU JIB "BUPI.II . : CO. . tl1T.'d.bI.8I.CkluU
- - - -
r'i : : : : : : : : : : : % : ; . ; : : ' . : : .
' + : : : ' : : : ( : : " - ' " : " ' : " : : ' . : ' : . ' "I 0 F PA I N
VA' 1 ' : ' ; PED10DS
Q . . ! /tiff. ? . . , + : ' : : ' : : : . n. .
. A , : ; : \ : , ; : ' } 'i ' : ' , . . . While DO woman . is enttrely free
: : " : " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. : % ' : : : : : : f : ' ; \ % : : : : W : . from perlqdlc Buf1'ormg' . it docs Dot
. : : : : : : ' , ( : 'f : : : : , : . : ; ; ; . : , : : : : : , : : , : ' ; t seem to bo the plan of nnture that
. . # \W ? k . : AAMW $ . : women Sllould suffer 50 severely. Jr-
. ' . ( ( ' : ' : . : , : : f , ; : : " : ' ' : . : : ' ' . : , : : , , ( : . . : . : : : : : : , : ' 1:1' : regularitlcs and pain fUO poslhve
, 1t i ! itft { R l ' . ? .J1fIitt 1ftt l c h ; Ydt b : : fft r 1 r ff
' : : : ' , " 'f , : : : , , : : : : : , : : : $ : , : : : ( q : : : : , leud to f erlou8 derangement of the
/"f . . . : : ; : , { . . : : ; : : : " ' " " ' : ' ! i ; ! ' ' : . . : : . . . ? . . f.j : : : : : , : : femlnlno orgnnlsm. ,
: Wy . . Thousnnda of women , h 0. V 0
found relief from nIl periodlo Buf-
. ferlng' by taldng' Lydln. E. Plnlt-
a . . . , . . - ; ; hUlD'S Vegetable C-ompound , which
t\ , - , : ' . \ . A' ,17'/1 ; 0 is mndo from native roots nnd herbs ,
' , . - . . . . ns it is the most thorough fcmalo
- rcgulntor Imown to medical science.
MISS ADELAIDE. NICHOLS It cures the condition which
causes 50 much dlscotnfort nnd robs ,
that period of Its terrors. Women who are troubled with painful or Ir-
rcgulnr funQttons should tnlco Immedlnte ucUon to wnrd oU the serious
consequences and be restored to h n.1th nnd strength by talclng
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C n pound
Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West 22nd Street , New York City ,
Pinltham-"lf who suffer would only rely
wrltes-Dellr Mrs , : - women
upon Lydia E. Pinldl1l.ID' Vegetuble CompouDcl their troubles woulll be
qulcldy nllcvlntcd. I feel grent1y indebted for the relief nnd health
which has been brought to mo by your inestimable remedy. "
Lydlu. E. linlcham's Vegetnble Compound cures Fcmflo , Complaints
such as Fnlllng and Displacements , nnd Organic Discases , lleadnche ,
General De lllty ) Indigestion. and InvlgornteIJ the whole feminine
system. For the dernngementa of the Kldl1l'Ys of either ECX Lydia
B. Pinkham's VcgctabltJ. Compound ! excellent.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering' from any form of female wealmeB.'J ure invited to
write Mrs.Plnlthnm , at Lynnl\lnss \ li'rom thoRymptomsgivenj the trouble
may be locntcd nnd the qulcltcst andsurcst way of re every advised.
I New and Liberal 110m. . . : ; : .
Regulations In
. .
New Districts Now Opened for SeUI t
. , . Som" .r the thol. . '
lantls I. tb. tniD '
. 1.7. lac belts tit 6111J 'l t !
, i t' . - ' "An aad AHIoen. . . . . '
' : re..nty " .etb I
: . . , " ! ! lor IiCIlllc.ucat lIn r
VI the RllvMd Jlom .
( ill. . . ' . Jclru\lliu. \ 01 C&lJ . .
ale l < f. 01 ma.I , !
are now avallaJ\c. ! \ 'Cho lIew . !
po slblo tor enlry to be IlOlido b1 VU ) , . tll.o , , .
tuuhy that many III Iho Unhet1 Slates hn
waltln ! : tor. Any membllr ot II tllmitJ > JUU jJjA.
cntry tor nny olhor member of IlIefaJi nr , - 9Jaf1
, bo elllitied 10 muke enlry , tor btftll\elr'br .
Elliry mny IIOW bo made botolo . tllo ARCal !
Allont at thn Dlslricl h , PIO ] ! , , Ion c ta1 i.f !
tlOIIS ) by the talher. III other. 11011 , lfte.r. . bet
or alster or Intendinll hOlllcsleadtlr.
"An , . numborM _ "oft .or JI 19D
Land. In tI"nllolMl. erIe } lor1.l ' ' ' 'e' ' 1'nf"foaca. .
clcepllo , , ' RU . < 1 2a. 1'101 r urnd < . . . , . . .
stead",1 by an , venoon 'he tMle Iea" of . " 'tII'1. ' '
or " , , , Ie over lAy" " , . or are , to tbo ddtra'v- )
< jlllU'wr lectlOD , of tco I > " " ' , ) Oor. OP 1 _
The tee In each case will 101.1 . ' 0.00 , , '
Ichoola an" Illarkets convenient. Ch't5
splondrd crops and Iood law. . Grcl v , . .J I'
caulo raisin ! ! 1.i''Rllndu&trlu. , .
I'or further IHlrtlcnbl1l as to ral , " . rau1'f t
tlmo 10110 IInd whcrelo locate , apply to
WV.DtHNEfT , .
101 Hew York LlI" B.ndilit. 81111ba.ldna. . .
Cd" be Insto.lle
SAVES t1don.nd 1) '
Corpenlerwork and IunWcl"
and 10$15 forever
. . . ' . , .
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, n. . . . : ' . . . . - .
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W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 48 , 19
. : ! : . ' 1.4-'i : .i ! , ' _ . - 4" _ . " ' _ ' ' ' . . " : - - , , : . .tW : ' n'.1' - to . " ' . : . . . . 'If' _ .tr " ' " ; 1' . . . . . _ > t"J : ' Jf1Jt.1"C. , . ' . _ .
"I gave up , " writes Mrs. Flossie F. Walea , of Leander , Tex. , . .the idea of ever
getting well. I suffered for months from female. troubles , and tried several doctors ,
I but they did me no good. At last I took Cardui and now I am stout and well : ' J Other
ladies should learn from this , that
Gave Wine of Cardui
. . is THE medicine for their ills and troubles. Thousands have written testifying to its
U , 7 powerfully curative effects , in all. such disorders , and their letters are surely proof of
P the true merit of the medicine. Try it. At druggists , in $1.00 bottles.
Wrtte t day r II frre coPY of vlIllI.3b1e M. Illustrate. ! nook for Women. If roe need Medical /.dvla ! .
. . . WRITE US A LEITER describe your S'TI'IptOl'S' ' Ualln. : elInd rePlY will N 5t"l1t In plain scaI envelope. 1WdtcsI : WeI !
. .
, . .
D. Mvlsory Dept. The O\3tl.1nOOll MeIIlclllc cu. . Chlllanoora , Tenn. .
J . Ii. . . . . ; _ _
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I -W-I1' l
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