Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 31, 1907, Image 2

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    . .
. ,
H"r\l st.
In a current. Ilumorolls IlItper a ladY
on horseback In ropresenteel lool < lng
ever 11 wall ! It n rarmer. She says. '
"I nm so slnel you are , goIng in ror
wheat , Mr. II a } ' rJckI 1\1y husbnnd
made a great deal or money In It. on
Wall streel. " ' 1'ho satirIst. has touched , i
wltbout Intenlllng It , the proround rnct.
that under all our materIal prooperlty
lies the produce or the earth ; that
every WQn , rrom the rnrmor to the
master at the otocle mnrkot , ouccoeds
or ralln with the crops , Ono or the
most promlolng Amorlcan novelists ,
wbo dIed In hIs prIme , sot tor hlmsoll
the splendId ImnglnaUvo task or
tracIng through a series or novels the
kernel of wheat , tram the field to the
Jonf or brend. In hIs "Epic or the
Whoat" he attempted to tell In a now
kind or harvest rnblo U10 story or mod.
ern man. As tar ns ho wont , ho did
succeed In mal < ln ! ' ; the kernel or wJleat
the hcart or a lnrgo oecllon or our
highly complex lite. Thl ; ) flooding In :
ot mllllona o bushels r wheat about .
his hero , who stands In the wheat '
"pit" In the stock exchnngo , Is as pow.
ortul ns tbo rush or armlcs In the old
mlIIta.r1 oplcs. All summer long , the ,
'world ' wntches the crop Indications.
"Thoro is n nhortngo or graln.crops , "
"Tho cotton cro } ) Is moderate com.
pared wlUI last. year , " "An Improve.
ment at a hundred million bushels
, was 'mndo ' In the corn crop In July , "
Oompllcated by other torcell not suro.
I Jy dlscornod by the wiliest stateaman
' ' , and Ule shrewdest capitalist , these
' crop reports swing the world up and
J'I : down , says Youth's Cotnpanlon , until
: , the harvest Is all In and the facta are
, , { known. There Is 11 momentary settle.
) , 1 ment In busIness and politics , tho'
! I world breathcs n sIgh at roller , and
I than 0.11 Industry thnt depends on the
I crops begIns to hum. Harvcst Is D.
greut laldng at Btock between the
coming In of the raw mntorlnts at lito
nnd the wInter months , when UlOSO
materlalll are converted to the manl.
told uses ot man.
Blights of ScIence.
Somebody meticulous rises to In.
qulro whether red really oxcltes bulle.
I' \ Essentlo.111 this 16 a subtle move to
, ! dlsslpato the Bun.flecked and silken
S tabrlo ot bollers. Arc wo to torfelt ,
: I all our erocds to the mlcroscopo and
' the ml'8surlng rod 1 Is Ulero no
' " longer to o any efficacy In spltUng
; \ . on the , battT Hhp.s the tend , no warty
t. t . powers , the rainbow . no golden ter.
i\ \ # .mlnnlT Shall the minatory dovll's
darnlng-Deedle be shorn at Its l1artlng
Ij terrors ? Is t.bore no bane In slaying
' : ; . ; that blithe lIongster , the cricket , and
. : no vlrtuo h. the 10ft hind log of the
! j. cemetery.hauntlng Gabriel Grub or
I rabbltdom ? Science has meshed us
I all , but there are twUlght times when
r the mind. swingIng dreamily bl1.oie.
r I ward , owns again the sway or Hans
I' : ChrlsUIUl Andersen and the misnamed
. BroUlers GrImm. Grow old wo may
nnd must , says CoJllor's 'Veoldy , but
n that part or us which throws the
; 1 spilled snit over our left shoulder , and
firmly docllnes to walk under a ladder
If there bo any way around , clings
happlt1 to youth.
I. The altr or Erie , Pa. , has done well
, i ! to honor , hy a statue , the memory ot
' Ebon Drewor , the heroic tlosta1 clerk
] 1 : or the Sllanlsh.Amerlcau war , who
: i : , , ED.Ve his Ufo tor the soldlors at SI.
boney , saya Youth's Companion. He
) had gone to Cuba to establlsh 11. mUl.
. tary postal , servlco , and he did It. But
, the number at alok , wounded and dYe
I Ing soldiers at Sibonoy , and the
IIcnrclty or doctors nnd nurses , made
U a demand upon his sympathIes wblch
ho could not reslat. Four days and
ti ( our nights , without D. moment's relt ! ,
it ho doYoted himselt to th1 humane
: ' \ work , and then ho collapsed. Dart.
\ mouth college. ttom which Drowor
, wall graduated In 1871 , may wol ]
, share 9ith Erie , hIs home city , th (
if prldo In this hero or cIvil lite.
'I '
; I'j j
As an Indication of the , 'alue 0
. water transportnUon It mny bo re
marked that the
Manchester ship cn
na1 In England shows an IncreaBe II
rocelpts tor the last six months amore
moro than $76,000 ever tbo same pE
rled 1a 1906. Much of this Increas ,
Is due td the largo Quantity of Amerl
can cotton shipped to the. mills a
Manchester. Water routes mean 10\
( relght rates. says the Troy ( N. Y.
'flmes , IUld all over the world the at
vantages to bo thus derived are can :
Ing Into more cnrerul consideration.
It laU8hler Is the result or a untol
ot the blood corluscle with the norv ,
ceU , as D notable scientist asserts , wll
not be kindly teach melanchOly pef
slmlsts who arc predIcting panIc jus
how to make the connection T
Yalo's Japaneso. prote ser or Jape
nose c1vill2ntlon : has , eloped with
whlto woman. PrQbably he did nc
.A mean this action to bo a demonstrl
n' tlon ol.the trend or Ja9IJ.nese clvllIzl
tJ tlon.
" f
, {
\\.1) . , .
. .
' " "
- - -
What Ie Golna on Hcrc and There That
Is of Inter at to the Rcadara
Throuohout Ncbraska.
The pow ll State hanle , WIUl ft , cap.
Ital ot $10,000 , 18 n now Inntltutlon
soon to bo launched In Jefferson
count , . .
It fiootD8 probl llo th\t Arlington
will have ft , cor not band , alter being
without. ODO ror about fifteen years.
meotlng hns been called to talk up
the matter.
As a result of eu , quarrel , Chornea
WilBOn. colored , JlOrter at Demers &
Rule's barber shop In 1 < 'alls City , was
shot amI ldllod oy nnotll colorell
boy , Clyde Ellington.
The Commorclal club or Seward at
a meeting took steps to secure the
orectlon at new hotel In Soward.
Ii'orty.threo sharell In the ontorprlao
were nubllcrlbed tor at oneo.
TI10 FarmerB bank ot Dunbar
opened tor bUBlneaa wltb a $16.000
capital stock , with A. Weller , presl.
dent ; W. II. DrlcknolJ , vlco prcsldent ,
nnd William H. Homeyer , cashier.
A normal course has been added to ,
the local high school at Humboldt , !
nn the state \vlll lend finnncial aid
In maintaining tblB department or
Carl Gllllnnd or Stanbury , Mo. , at.
tempted to get aboar a moving
tl'ollht traIn In the Rocle Island yards
at Falrbury and feU under the wheels ,
which crushed a lo . ' He died soon
n I
Coyotes are becoming Buch a 11uls. i
nnco around Arlington that there Is
talk or organIzIng n largo hunting
party In tile nenr future. Chlcltens ,
eoso and smaU pigs are Buffering
rrom the deprodatlonR.
MIM DnlBl WIlnon of Dodge county ,
aged 18 , was trIed by the Insanity
commIssIon nnd' ' found to bo n tIt sub.
ject for the Insane hospltnl. MI :1 :
Wilson In the daushter or a ( tumor
who Uvca near Antos. '
County Suporlntendent Annn V.
Day Is makIng tour or the ncltool
districts of Gage county. She reports -
ports Ovor7thlng In splendid condition
with good attend an C'.C. The students
are nil taking much Interest In the
corn growIng and coolclnr ; contest to
bo heJd November 22.
Prillon PhysIcian HolyolO has cere
Ufied to the governor that two con.
vlcts In the penltentlnry arc , In hIs
opInion. Insane anll RheuM be tranB'
forrotl to the asylum. The convicts
are Henry Krum , lIont up tor crimi.
nnl assault for nine years , tram Slan.
ton county. nnd Hugh Reed , scntenced
for one yaltl' ror burglary , tram SherI.
dan county. The men will be ex-
amlnel by the prIson board.
The question ot chnnglng the
bounl1arr lines hetween Merrlcle and
Nanco counties wUl be onbmltted to
the votora at both countIcs' the
general olecllon In November , and it
the propoBIUon carries all of the land
Merrick county embrncos north or the'
Loup rIver wnt bo exc.hmged tor al1
or. Nance county south of the . river In
township 15 , r:1nge 8.
'fho Sterling College aetUcmont
company of Sterling , In Johnson
connty , hM filed Ita artlclo9 or Incorporation -
poration with Secretary ot state
.1unl < ln. The object of the corpora.
tlon will bo to furnIsh $7,000 nod ton
acres pf land nC:1r Storllng tor col.
lego purposes to the German Lutberan
chureh or tbo Io\vn synod and repre.
sented In Rterllng by St. John'/I
Intheran congregation.
Just as ho was nbout to complete
the chores nnll leave the stable on his
1ntl1er'lI rarm , the young son ot Dern.
hart Swoll1 or Hall coun11 had the end
at his nose bitten err by a horse. The
nnlmnJ rcnchClI over the mnnger , tool.
lIudden nab al hIs face and separ.
nted the onll or his nose so complote.
ly that there wan no IlUttlng It on
I again. 'fho surgeon hopes to be nblo
to sa\'o the lad rrom any serIous dls ,
Ex.Governor William A. Poynter
has begun n. 8ult 11gnlnst H. C. M.
DurgeBs , now snrvoror ; ot the port 01
Lincoln and custodian of the govern.
ment bl1lJdlnto / collect * 89S6G. ; Mr ,
Poynter alleges that more than a yenl
to : ho Bold 1114 ahares at Btock In UI (
, . Amerlc:1n Order com\111.ny to Mr. Dur.
gens at an nsrood prIce of $1,650 , an
tho.1 1\ notttor $750 , repr sentlng pari
' . . or Ulls purchase prIce and duo Ir
September , 190G , wns not patd. 'fhh
note and nccrnlng Interest Bnd costl
brings the tobl Uti to the PlUm named
Aftcr a FIre or Wind Joss you nee I
the money. Frloxi'ds ' may symvatbhl !
but It ) 'ou want a compan } ' whlc !
pnys cash try the l'aWiers antt : Mer
chants Insurance Co. , estnbllshee
Bin o 1885. Oyer a mUllen doJlara a ]
ready paid to } llStronll.
Dert Forbes , formerly at LtncolD
who Is noW' In the government rt
elamatlon senlce as clyll engluoOl
11M rctl1rnoll to spend n short ) oav
of absence. He Is npervlslng tll' '
construction ot 1\ large concrete dIu :
on the North Platte river west or th
Nobrauka stn.te lIno. The work Is ( ]
auell a mnnunoth character thl\t h
" ,111 remaIn there another year beror
It Is completed.
The Powell state banl4 wltll a cap
tal of $10,000 , 1B Q , now banking II
eUtuUOft I\OOU W " 0 launched tn Je
fO80a OCMB\I1.
. . . . . .
Incxpenalvc Mixture of Har.mlcsa Vcg.
ctable Ingredlento Said to Ovcr-
come Kidney and Bladder
Trouble Promptly.
I .
lIero fs a simple homo.mndo mIx. !
ture ao glvtJD by an omlnont authorIty I
011 Kidney dlseaaes , who makes the
statement In n New Yorlc. daily nows. I
pap r , that It will rellovo almost any .
case ot Kldnoy trouble Ir talto11 bo-
toro the ntago ot Brlght'n disease. 110
statQs that such symptoms as lame
hacle , pain In the side , troquont deslro
to urlnato , especially at night ; Ilalnrul
nnd discolored urination , are readilY
overcomo. Here Is the reclpo ; try It :
Fluid Extract Dandelion , ono.hnlf
ounce ; Compounll Kargon , ono ounce ;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla , threo' '
ounces. Tnlm 11. teaapoonrul after each
meaJ nnd at bedtlmo. '
A well.lmown physician Is authority
tbat these Ingredients are all harmless
and easily mixed at home by shalclng
well In n bottle. 'rhls mIxture has a
peculiar healing and soothing errect
upon the entlro Kidney and Urinary
structure , and often OVercomes the
worst rorms or Rheumatism In just a
lIttle whllo. This mlxturo Is said to
remove a11 blood Isordrs and cure
the Rhoumatlsm by forcing the KId.
neYII to filter and strain from the blool1
and s'stettl all uric acid and foul , dc-
composed \vnsto matter , which cause
the amlcUons. Try It It you . nron't , .
woll. Save the prescrIption.
Somcthlng New In Tablecloths.
She had come Into the store to buy
tablecloths and she stated In the beginning -
ginning that she wanted somothlng
"new. "
The salesman was patient and
showed her everything In stock , but
nothIng suited.
"Oh , dear ! " she exclaImed , fussily ,
"haven't you anythIng dlfforent'Z"
The clerl ( brought out. ono or the
discarded tablecloths that ho had put
back on the shelt , and saId with an or Interest. :
" .Hero Is ono of the very newest de.
signs , madam. You see , the center Is
In the mlddlo and the border runs
right nround the edge , "
"Why , yes ! Let mo have that
one , " she said eagerly.
Only Royal Doctor.
The only royal doctor In Europe Is
Duke Carl Theodore or BavarIa. Few
German princes have had n more romantic -
mantic career Utan Duke Carl Theo-
dore. He recently completed , with
hlB wlte as his assistant. his tIve.thou.
sandth operation for cataract.
Poor people flock to his hospital ,
where tIlOY are treated free , tl1b duke
asking pa'ment only from tIlOso who
can easily afford It. Ho It was who
successfully treated tIlO kalsor , when ,
eight. years ago , he was temporarily
blinded by a swinging rope wben
cruisIng 011 the Hobenzollem In tbe
North sea.
The Sinful Human Heart.
A clergyman was addressing a
) .outhful clasB In Sunday sohool. 'ro
Ulustrato the Idea of regulating the
sInful human heart he took out hIs
watch and held It up that all mlghl
see It.
"Seo this watch , " he saId. "Just
Imaglno that It does not keep good
tlmc-tbnt It goes nil wnys biit the
rIght way. What ought I to do with
It ? "
Instantly 11. lIttle boy held up his
"I know ! " he shouted . "Sell It to
I rrJend , "
Stretching RIngs.
A jew ler In Third avenue , Now
York city , advertises "Wedding rings
purchased hero will be 'stretched to ,
any size without extrn. cosl. " HIs en.
terprlue Is based on a knowledge of
human trallty. "Tho gIrl orten hap'
pens to balk , " he says , "and the tel.
Jew gets It In the neck. The ring tor
tlrnt Intended may not fit the flngor 01
the next Intended ; 00 I stretch It ro
nothIng. I have stretched rings I1E
many as five tllneB for one man , "
Why not. use rubber rlngs1
Get Saturatcd with Caffclne.
When a person has used colteo for ! I
number or. .ears and gradually do
ellned In health , It Is time tho'coffe (
shoulll be Jeft ort In ardor to ' so <
whether or not It has been thE
cause at the troublo.
A lady In HuntsvI1lo , Ala. , says sbt
used cartee for about 40 years , and rOI
the past 20 yearll has had severE
stomnch troublo. "I have been treat
cd by many 11hyslclans but all In vain
Ever.thlng.rnllell to glvo roller. Wa :
prostratel tor some time , nnd caml
, . near dying. When I recovered sum .
olenUy to lJUrtalto or food and drink.
tried coltee'ngnln and It soured on m :
"I f1nnlly concluded thnt correo wal
the caUBO of my troubl and stoPllec
to using It. I tried tea In Its place ani
then milk , but neither agreed wJt ]
6 me ; then I commenced using Pustun1
o 111M It } Iroperly made and It was ver ;
n pleasing to the taste.
e "I have now used It rour 1ll0nthi
Ir nnd my health Is so greatly Imilrovo <
a , that I cau ent allnost. anything I w n
C and can sloOll well , wbereas , bofon
I Hufferell tor ) 'erB with Insomnia.
"I ha\'e tound the cause of my trm
1. bIen and a way to get rId or then
r. . You can depend UlOn It. I allproclat
! Postum , " "Thoro's n Heason. " Roa
"The Hand to Wellvllle , " In pkss.
- " . . ,
The Great Musician Had No Use for
His Production.
great tenor had heen singIng rof'
some hours Into n 11honograph.
"Tho ) ) honograph , " ho said , "Is t : .
wonderful thing. It almost realizes
the wish or the ScottlBh poet , the wish
that wo mlgbt see ourselves as others
see us.Vo cnn now , at least , hear
our elves , Ullng Imposslblo berore.
' 1'l1e ) Itonograph ! teaches us many val.
uable lessons. When I was In 'the
army , bf1roro I reallzod the capabilities
at my voice , I plareU the fiute. A
11honogr ph salesman brought a
phonograph to my quarters nnd trlecJ.
to sell It to mo on the Instalment plan.
twas undccll1ed. Finally the man
took out n blank cylinder.
. . 'See , ' ho saM , rather reluctantly ,
'hero Is blnnk cylinder. You may
make a record on It , then wo wl11 run
It err and you shall hear youraelt. It's
11 costly favor I am doIng you , but It
will show : rou what a fine Instrument
this Is. '
"I wns dellrhtcd.
. . 'I'll get my flute , ' I said. 'I'll play
a flute solo. '
"Well , I pla'ed my best Into the mr. .
cblne. It sMmed to me that I hnll
never combined before such ( eellng
with sucb accuracy. I was more than
pleased with m'self. Then Ule man
put In the cylinder , and tbo musIc be.
gan to Issue forth. I frowned.
. .
: Js Umt mo ? ' I suld.
. . .
.YCA , sir , ' said the man.
. .
'Really me. just aD I plnyed l'
. . 'Precisely. IIlr , } Ireclsely. And
now , ' said he , " 110 you want to buy the
' '
. . ' ' ' ' to sell the
'No , saId I ; 'I 'Wnnt
a ute. ' "
Spcnt . $300 on Doctors and Remedies
but Got No Rcllef-Cutlcura
Cur'cD In a Week.
"Upon the lImbs nnd between the
toes my sltln was rough and sore , and
also sere under : the arms , and I had to
stay at home several tImes because of
this nffl.'Ctlon. Up to a weel. or so ago
I had trIed many other remedies and
several doctoJtS , and spent about three
hundred dollars , wltll ut any ,
but thlu Is to-da " the
- ) seventh day tbat
I have been using the Cutlcura Reme.
dies ( costing n dollar and 1\ half ) , whlcb
have cured me completely , so that I
can again attend to my business. I
went to worle agaIn to-night. I had
boon suffering for eight yenrs and have
now been cured by the Cutlcurn Reme.
dIes within a week. Fritz Hlrschlaff ,
24 Columbus Avo. , New Yorle , N. Y. ,
March 29 nod Aprn 6 , 1906 , "
A Whlstlcr CriticIsm.
'rho Jate James McNell WhlsUer
was slandlng bareheaded In a hat
shop , the clerk having taken his hat
to another part ot the shop tor com.
parlson. A man rushed In with 11ls
hat In hIs hand and supposIng Whist.
ler to be n clerk angrily confronooc !
"See here , " he sl1d , "ThIs hat
doesn't l. "
WhIstler eyed the stranger from
heal1 to foot and then drawled out :
"We11 , neither does your coat.
What's more , If you'll pardon my say.
Ing so , I'll be hanged it I care much
for the colol' of your trousers-1Jn. ,
der the Sprcadlng Chestnut Tree" In
Sailing Days Not Ovcr.
, Just at a Ume when everyone who
Is at n11 Interested In the sea and
shIps Is talking over the Lusltanla.
her Blzc and her rccord , It soomB a
curious remInder or old times to catch
sight or a new gold sign In Ule wIn.
dews or sle'scraper down at Dowling
Green which announces a "sailing
service to Australia and New Zea.
land , "
Cl sslfylng Hcr.
Ascum-I understood you to call
Mrs. Rownder n widow , but her hus.
band Is living.
Wiso-Oh , yes ; shc's what you
might call "club " '
a wldow"-she's 11
woman who has a late husband.-
HOUBton Post.
- -
IN 1.1 F'S eRI [ ! F' SPAN.
ElperlnccD , Joys nnd Sorrows of the
Human Exlstcnce.
The loves and frlendshlpa ot Indl.
vlduals pnrtalte of the fran cl1aractel
dr human lite , nnd arc brier and un.
certain. The experience or 'n human
lite may bo shortly summed up : A
lIttle loving and a good deal or sorrowing -
rowing ; some brl/ht / ; hOl1es and many
bitter disappointments ; some gOfe
geous Thursdays when the Bleles are
bright nnd the , heavens blue , when
Provldcnce , bending over no In bless.
Ings , glads the heart almont to mnd.
ncsa ; many dlsmnl Frldnrs , when the
Bmoko ot torment beclouds the mind
d und'lng sorrows gnaw upon the
heart ; S01110 hlgb ambitions and man1
WatcrlCJo defeatJ , unUl the heart becomes -
comes like a cbarnel houae filled with
dead affections , embalmed fn hell
but Dorrowrul memories ; and then
the chord III loosed , tbe golden bowi
Is brolten , the Individual lite-a cloud ,
a vapor , passes away.-Mntthew HaJo
Hoopltal Story.Telllng.
It Is curIous . thnt philanthropIsts
In lIearch or 11 novel means ot doing
good do not engage reciters and storytellers -
tellers to vlalt 'hospitals nnd amuse
the patlentll. A rich man In New
York engaged Marshall P. Wilder , the
diminutive entertainer , who has given
pleasure In nearly every city , to visit
regularly certain hosJlltnls In New
York. Mr. Wilder was welcomed on.
thuslastlcally by the convalescent pa'
tlents , and hIs merry stories dl them
Dy followIng tno dIrections , whtch
are plainly printed on eneh pnclcage ot
Doflance Starch , Men's Collars and
Cuffs' can , bo made just as stlrt as de.
sIred , with either gloss or domestic
finish. .Try It , 16 oz. ( or 10c , sold by
all good grocers.
The Truth of It.
"Well , " said Nagget , during tbelr
quarrel , "you'll give me credIt tor a
good disposItion at least"
"Not at all , " replied hIs wife , "It
Isn't. that you'vO a good disposition ,
but you'ro sImply too lazy to klck.-
PhiladelphIa Press.
Shake Into Your Sheen
Allen's Foot-Ease. It el\1'es painfu1swollen ,
smarting. Fweatin" feet.1akes new shoes
l'aH. . Sold hy all Dru ists and Shoe Stol'ea.
Doil't accept an ) ' substitute. Samplel"ItEg.
Address A. S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y.
To live in the presence or gl'eat
truths , to bo dealing with eternal
laws , to be led bypermanent Ideals ;
that Is what keeps n man patient
when the world Ignores him , calm and
unllpolled when the world praises him.
-Francis G. Peabody.
Smokers appreciate the quality \111ue 01
Lewis' Single Binder ei ar. Your d.aler
or Lewis' , Factory , Peona , 111.
When you hear a man say "mnrrled
life Is the only life" It's a sure sign
ho has been married nearl } ' n week.
- .
- -
. . Positively cured by
C ARTERS these Little PHIs.
Thcy al&o relleTC Dis.
lYTLE trelsfrom Dyspepsia , In-
' IlIKcstion and Too eart1
\ g
B VIr En ! Eating. A perfect rem. .
edy for Dizziness , Nau.
P I LLS . sp.a , Drowlllnes9 , Dad
Tallte In theouth. Coat.
ed Tongue , Pain In the
81le , 'l'OItI'ID LIVER.
They rel"ru1ate the Dowels. Purely Vegotable.
CARTER'S Genuine Must Bear
Fac.Similc Signature
PILLS. IVEn / .4 o/ 'Zl1
t'I Upturn thlli
P 11 P a I n t ceot wltb 'VI etamfls GO II : ; on. : ' . .
[ I II \volcoU's 1'.10 '
< Iei'll . wllb Cull dlrecllons to m..ko .lIty : I's.
I..ln l'alnt 0101" ' 1"ln InotantlYI rcmoyf'l ! UMd."ho ,
. Tontl"'h. . . NClIralllaln ono mlnulol "ools Ca.ter than
leol Lourna will bet bll tcr. . \ > oonCul " 'ken Cour
tlmoo a "at , kills ) ) " " ' ' . lIold to 'OOr II ' . ts.
. . . . . ' " . . . ) . . ) . . . .
.R. L. \ OLO'J."J : , If.le.n IIIIIla. . . Ii. " , . .k.
- -
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES T iBJJ LD
81 II , n To sn.y one tgho
can " .
&i"'J1'4PfJJ11U1 PI"O" " W.l-
' DouUlax dee IJoi mah aell
l'JJew'd ' m l' n'en'l1I $3' " $8.lS0 .hooa
. .
WI. ; .
- ' th.n an.y olh. , muusfActuror.
TIlE IUtASON W. I. . DoufllIa : hoelllue worn by maN '
In all walk II of Uf. tban auy otber milko , Is booauso n reol'lo
oJleellcliI ' 111. , eal1.tlnh1t. amI pl1\1erlor wearing qURlities.
Tbll MlecUon or tbo 1ealbera IU1d other lURtorlals fort' lHUt
of tbo Iboo. and every detail of the "lIIk Ine l looked nfter by
the m < > t oolllplot < < > rgftnl&Itloll of IUI"'rlntemlontR.fort'melllUll
ekl1l"boonakera , who rlve Ihll hllh08tY1telllHhl : In thu
sbne InduJlry. an,1 whose
workman hlll cnnnot oJlcl1l1od. .
It I < < IuM TOn Into m'IRrge fMlonea lit DrocktouMIUa , .
land 1Ib0\f ] 'ou how carefally W. L.I > Ou.IIM 61101l1lnr < l mallo , you t ' .
vonk ) l eu undentault why they bol < 1 tbelr 8haI" , fll ottur , 'Jq. . . . . . ,
vo.Irlonger "nd are of ! ; t't'ltor vl n < l thnn any olher " 'R'ke. "tars C1I
M.Y $4.00 nrl $8.00 GIlt C ( J S/o. . oannot b ecuallerl 6Jt . .
CAUTION I 'fbe genutne bave W.oltRl" \ . nRmallId "rlcl ! Iltaull > ( . 1 on 001\011I. n.y priDe. Tllke
No HubdlhlWo .hll.10ur . dMler for W. L. ) ) ou llI .boo . It hu callnol lupply ' 4
1ltK' t. fa ' ' \ . . . . . . . . . ) 'oul
17'.8 ( UTllr7wluu" b'f . l ( joo"'l tzQa. PI .L.DOU&1u. Drocktoa. MM
. ' ' , .
I i I
' . t , " 'If ,
. ,
I. 1
, ,
. . . 1
Old CoIns tJI8CoV tetJ.
Worklngmcn In d'mollslllng the olel
omellor honao or the tIrst l1ultClI '
Stntbs mint , on Seventh street , Phl1tt.
delphln , ) lI1.VO l1ncover _ d a number of .
reUcs ot the carty days or tbe rC(1ulJ.
lIc. These reUcs conDIDl or a number
or ! orelgn nnel domeotlc coln9 , dating
aD far bacle as 1703. Some of the In- .
terestlng finds 1\1'0 U number ot test.
coins that were oxperlmented 11)
the officials In the 'oldon tlmcG. 'l'I : ; O i
coIns nro similar to ClUncso moner ,
each contnlnlng a hCJlo In the center \1
thnt was tIllM' Wltil vnrlotlG klnda or I
motaJ to bring up the vnlllc Qr the
coin ! I
John Brown Juror. . .
Williams Abrams Ilnrtln" . Ute soli.
tary survIvor ot the 12 mcn who con.
vlcted John Drown , Is sUll living In
Virginia. Ho hns celcbrat < i his
sevonty.fifth , annhersary. "
i _
Omaha Direcf ry .
A Desirabl Thing
about the Twentieth
Century Policy of the
of Omaha , Nebraska. is the
Agents can increase their income selling it.
Write to B. H. ROBISON , } > rCfiidaut.
, ,
For FUY1/z'ture and Pia1ZQS
Good for Any Wood
It cleans and gives a high polish & 0 old
furniture , requirC3 no laborious'nbbing. .
and leaves the surface clean and Jry. Can
in noTay injure the finest furniture ronde.
No "just as good" made ; tbis is : > so.
lutely the best , and guarnntecd to giyc
perfect satisfaction. Try a bottlc-.1ou will
never use any other'kind. '
Sold direct or throush your dealer.
Price 25 and 50 ccnls.
OM AliA , NUB. . . . .
- - -
. NEW DEll PIANO , $165 !
Dy inquiring at once we will
, sell this mahogany finisbed Dell . .
. Piano ( fully guaranlud ) . for , -
only $165. TCrIM , asb or
payments. A. HOSPE CO. ,
I ; M'Ww rJ "
We arc in the markct the year 'l'o'tWd for
number one cream. Our price is always
right and tests correct. For full i.iQrma-
tion write
r fto MAKE MORE MONEY y:1 :
Live Stock Commlaslon. 154-156 Exooolice Btdg. .
So. Omahn , Neb. 32 YeW's 10 the BlIstoess.
HID E S VlOO .r Pelt FUR S
The D. B. McDonald ItIdo & Fur Co.
Omaha , Nebraoka
Highest prices. Nocommisslonordrayagc.
Full infonnat on , tags and prices furIJished
on application. A trial shipment will ( 'On- .
vince you that it pays to ship to11 $ .
When in Onaha
You can nft InveAt your mOllcy In nnytbM1 < < an , .
Bnf.'r .wl et bll : rnte of hum'cut , frWi G % to
12 % nd , I\J1Il the bcncUI of tllo IIdTI\nce In pi-lee.
Write U8 how much you can Inv < < \st. \ -
ttA5111'05 & tt. . . YDlN.
1m Varnl\lD Itrcet. ! Oml\ha ,'l\ .
8\01) Tootb&ch In lanUy. Ttlmpol'l1rU , Fill and.
ANDREws. IO"I'1oll'll"lnaBoUklror
to Cente. A' rulglatftorb7K..IL
NDBEWB DENTAL 00. , Ob1o ; : , U' "
118 k. 181. . . Bt. . . . . . . . UDI. IIU. . . III. , fo. ! o..abo. :
J'nrs and Itepalrlng. ) feu' . . I\r. : J.a > : ! tcl lXIats.
nntl S arfH for sale or made to d r at lowct1&
prices. WrUe or call on us.
\JIIyenrtlln \ Omaha. Neb. . 110011I t. ) Iuoluna" 1I&ook. H. I' ' ! .
omer 14th and lI\I la.lI1100 < 1 oet It'CthW , " , .Id
arown . " 1101 brldje l ( ' tb H.1I01malfo..u U InA' , 00.- . . ;
IIIlnr ' 1I11111(11.11"'llold III 111'0. ; 'I and III' . 1\OIl..IIUI. &
UXWIU , UUIU. . lIriDIr UoI > > 6dnrtlMu > ent "Im 71 > " .
Dr . lIaUey 8 : 1IIaoh , The \
s.J floor. I'u'on ' DENTISTS
ciM llIock.cor. lC'h
I\nd JrarnalU .
Ela. . O'l""A. Nrn. ; ' alPPld ,
Pental ontre In the 111 < 1 < 110 Wo.t. I.o.t.cbtl1P'11I1 t:1o.
Wlrh Irme Dt'ntl try. lIvluomlhlo prhoe. .
. . OMAHA. Wholesale
Call or Writc For De criptivc L1s18
TIIE 0.40418 IRON . THAT 1-.rJ . . . IRONS . .
. Jubll. . SeU.Healin Flat Iror
at " . . . . . ( .r. . . . . " , . . ,1" . . . . . < < . , . . . , . . , . .
1..lIootlr.II'hHI.UI. , Wnw.
Ik ' .1.1' 110. 111. . . JUBIUIII J lU. CU
OIUII , 1I11U.M1&4o
eI1lDIr k > a , torreu. baking powder. eJf. t. . . 9,131\ .
rell. el. . l'rcwluma KIY n "IU , nil . .r KOods ,
'Wrlaefoternrato UUAND UNION 'J.'lIA CO.
m & . " 1 14SI1 6ueet , 011"11" , NlWUA\1LA.
WESTERN LAND eofo . ' < ! lJ. ;
yoz. . f1k 1101"1
Ing. OWl\I. . . . Nn
"mMEI\ . . haTe 1UDot of tt'll thouliaDd aereK II
Ka.aem ( : olomdo. Chonoo to dMlblo yo. , wooet
qnlck. Wrllo tor pl:1t , term.aJld dl > 6lJrlpU < . > D.
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
Orllllm ) lthod. GndorlK"l by tbo , .
rc sl(1n. HeCerenr..s Riyon Julia 11. VAUG Iru. .
l"lucl\al. lIUIOM DOtU'UfO. O AIU. ) lIlU.
TELEGRAPHY LeArn In Omaha. ) Q 1laJlrOll < h
. . . . . . . '
I."nl"r I..r. l'ooJtIoPJI"-IInwJ
. \aMi 1re . 1Ie,1 < t& uot/u , 1003 l1a WJ tIII I.aa.
. ,
, . .