" , < . , . . 'Citi't . , - - - _ OJ DR. CHRISTENSON. Eye.EarN 08e , Throat and Chronic Diseuses , l 'ittiu ' of Glasscs. Office 111 Rcalt y b1 k. - . - . . . - - . " FRANK KELSEY , ALL KINDS OF WELLS , Consult him If you want Wator' . Phollc 112 , - Drokcn Bow. - H < JON HAD , O.H . . . . . Dealer In . . , \ \ Paml' . ' Wind , Mill ! , Tanke , FlUID ! : & ' Gl\aolln. ' ! SnglnNI. oto. etc. v \ I Urokon Uow. Nohr ! , , " " . ! . . _ . - , J - - - - I : HARRY ICiMBALL , Practical Undertaker Llcnsed Embalmer usiuC9s phone , 301. Residcncc 334H Dl'okoa Dow , Neb. . , . , . . " . . 1 . Do Y au IIiow That we have the largest Btopk of Building , Material , Posts and Coal in the city \Ve arc also selling our wur , > d stock tanks at reduced prices to close them out. . i Dierks lumbar & Coal COm Phone 23. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Vrn ; ; l ! , I ' RAS ANDERSON I t - DEALER IN - CRAIN AND COAL I Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale I and retail , Special attention. given to fi1ing ! orders for coal 8 , 111 any quantity. R lllrOten ) Bow , - N e brasha : n . . : . : ) ' : . " . : ; . : : , . : . " . : . . : . . : : . . ' . . . . - - - - - B & CO. SNYDER ROS. . . E. & W. COLIJARS. PE'rERS SHOES. Weare now ready for FALL BUSINESS New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will soon be complete. When you are loking for . , Good Values and Eonset : Prices the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caDs , shoes , rugs , carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , d n't fail to look our linea over. CRITERION CL01'HING. HUNTER OVERALT S. , , Ui'l.lIJ : . . . . . . . . . . . ' . " . rt. ' . . . , ; ' . . " t ' : - , , ' , " ' - 1i..V ; . . . . " . , , , .100. r I . . , l.f. , , , . ( . ' . . i. . . . . . . . . . ; . \ ! . . . - ' . . ' . . . i" . . . . ' : E. . ; . : . : ' - . ' ' ' - : : ; ! In ) .1)'ltJI ; ! : : ; ai1 : : .tiji { ; 'tJ'fJi1' : ; : ; / .iii.alo.tJ.t / ; / : ; / ' ' When desiring to figure on a bill 11 of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . ! I C. L. Turner LurnberCo. . W ' 1i a We carry a full stock of Lumber. ; : : I . Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. . Agents for the Nebraska Central ii r , Building & Loan Association. f . Ij . , , , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. ! , . . . . ' , " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' "J ; : } j : ti ! " j J'J.trt . . : 'Y'n ! l'i-.flr.r : 'f1:1i' : " " Mf. : 1f.\ : \ . 'it iill T ! : 'i. : r.'i ; Qoijll ! ycillil'l 'iti : : fil Q , SA VELvlONEY I here by purchasing , , , , . . . . , . " " " 1.nl""I.'IU1i11ll1".IIII1J"IIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIII1IIII ' ' " 'II"'III"'IIIIIIIIIIII"'IIIIII'III'"I111I ' " ' ' " ' ' Paints , Oils" I i I Hard ware , I Furniturc , I Flour , Feed . . III . ' . . . . . . .III111I11II11I1I11111UIlIUUlllUUUU.U.h MnuU1n.n."u' . : " " ' : ' ' : IIIIII.'II'III'II".j ' ! J. W. SCOTT. South SidelSquare , Broken Bow. . Send you'r Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , : Bonded Abstracter Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng - - - - - r I 0. . "VV" . . : J3ovvJn.an. : : Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. - At the OLD STAND. Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents. \\Till buy some good paper. Call and see me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - " - - - " . . . - . - . . . . . ' . . - . . . " . . , 'V - : - : - - - - . - . _ . . . . O' OJficial Proceedings Of the Board of County Supervisor. of Custer County , Nebraska. Droken Dow , Neb. Oct. 1 , ] 07. i Pursullnt to u journmellt of Aug. . 3 , 1 07 , the eouoty hoard of Supervisors - ' visors , of Custer county , Nehraska , met ut the Court hOUBfJ in Droken now lit U o'clock 11. 111. and'w re , ' calle to order by the cllJrk1 ho I called the roll by districts the following - ing members answered present ; H. n. Welch , Dist. No.2 , IJ. Cushmlln , Dist. No.3. .Jos. Fenimore , Dist. No. ' 1. J. D. Gilmore , Dist. No.5. Den P. Jorris , Dist. No.7. 'rho I hllirmlln heing unavoidllblf Ilbsent the entire day was spent in committee work and at 0 p. m. the Board adjourned till 0 a. m. to- marrow. Wodnes ay , October 2nd , ] 007. 'rho Doard mot at { ) a. m. with all memhers present except A. Fonda , chairman. A motion WIIS duly made and seconded that , in the absence of A. Fen a , .Tos. Fennimore act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. ' 1'110 county clerk reported that he had on me in his office , a petition of various pe.sons , requesting that there be submitted to the voters of Custer county Nebraska , at the general election - tion of 1007 , the question of the ere t nn of a new county , to be known as Noble county , within the territory of the county of Custer. The chairman appointed It R. Welch , .T. E , Grint and Jos , Fenimore us a committee to check over the names of the petition from the nwX' known as Noble county. The committee appointed to investi. gate the petition f the proposed new . county of Noble made the - following report : We , your committee , appointed tc investigate the petition of the pro. posed now couaty f Noble. submit the following report : W 0 fim.t that the petition contaim 51,5.names , and that four have signed twice , and tw have moved away leaving 509 on the petition. According to the Abstract of Vote for the year 1006 , furnished us by thl County Clerk , there were polled 84f votes. votes.Wo Wo find that the petition contJin ; : I majority of 87 signers. We further find that the proposel new county of Noble contains morl than .150 square miles. We therefore recommend , that tll petition be granted , and that the que9 tion of the erection of the proposel . . new count 'Of Noble , be submitted t , It rote of the people of Custer County Nebraska , at the next General election and that , notice be given and the vet , canvassed , as required by law in sucl cases , and that the form of the ballo shall bo " .For the now county 0 Noble , " and "Against the new count : of Noble. " n. R. WELCH , J. E. GRINT , JOS. FENNIl\10RE. \ It waR moved and carried to accop and adopt the report of the committe as read. AFTERNOON SESSION. 'rhe official bond , road. and 1'011 claims committee made the followinj report upon the petition of C. W _ Uhapman , et aI , for a road in : toW [ - ship 10 , range 20 : We recommend that this petitio I be granted and the roall estalJlishel as recommended by Commissioner an remonstrance rejected and damag ( , allowed as follows , against road dil trict , of Lillian township. Head t I be ' 10 feet wide. ' 1'0 the owner of the se section 21. ' 1'0 WI I 8h\1 \ > 10. ranRe : m : ' . . - For lnnd tnkon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 I Mnterlnl for fence , bui1dln samo. 85 Uattlo ohute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Dnmn e to land by reason of road. 30 ' 1'0 tn I. . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 , ' 1'0 the owner of the e ' no , neX.sw . scctlon 1:1. : township 10. ranlre 'O anu nw 8W . section 18 , township lU.-Janlre 19. $ H ' 10 the owner of the n w . section 1 townHhh } 19 , r n e 19. $50.00. ' 1'0 the owner of the 8W soetlon : township 19 , rnn&ro & 20 , $25,00. BEN P. MonnlS , . . L. CUSHMAN , } Com J. D. GILMORE. It was moved and carried to acce ] and adopt the report as read , and thl the road be and hereby is establishE I aB recommended by the committee. The ofl cial bond , road and ror claims committee , also reported I follows upon the petition of 1. I Hussell , ot aI , for a road in townsh 16 , range 23 : We recommend that this pelitil be gran { cd and road established ; recommended by the commissioll an damages allowed as follo\1 against road district No.3 , Cust , . township : II" ! ' 1.0 the owner of sX uwX sectil 3-1 , township 16 , range 22 , $140.pO ' 1'0 the owner of neX section 8 , township 10 , range 22 , $138.50 , 1'0 the owner of nwX'section 3 : township ] 0 , range 22 , $12'1.25. ' 1.0 the owner -of noX' section 3 : township 16 , rang'o 22 , $121.25. ' 1'0 t.he owncr of eX section 21 township ] 6 range 22. fivd to tI owner of eX nwX'scctiOli 25 , tow ship 10 , range 22 , $200.00. ' 1'0 the owner of sX seX'secti < 23 , township 10 , range 22 , to t1 , ' . - , . . . . . , . . . oWner of aX tlw3 { Beulion 24 , town- sbip W , ralf o 22 , $220.00. I ' 1'0 tbe owner of seX'slction ! 2,1 , township ie , range 22 , nnd to the owner of neX' section 25 , township 16 , range 22 , $130.00. . To the owner of the swX section 1 township 10 , range 21 , O.OO. To the o\vncr of nX'nw7. ' section .30 , township W , range 21 , and to the owner of w.x neX' section 30 , town. II' ship lG , r'lnKe 21 , $75.00. ' 1'0 the ownlr ! of eX neX section 30 , township 16 , range 21 , $25.00. ' 1'0 the owner of neX' section 19 , township J O. TUnge 21 , $5000. DEN P. MORlIIS , L. CUSHMAN , } COlD J. D. GuMonE. It was moved and carried to accept and adopt the report of the committee as 'read , and that the road bo and hereby i established as recommended by the committee. The balance of tbe afternoon was spent in committee work , and at 0 p. m.th Doard ndjourned till n. m. to- morrow. 'rhursday , October 3rd , 1907. I ' 1'he board met at 9 a. m. , with . same members as yesterday. The parties interested in the establishment of the M. G. Montgomery - gomery road were present before the board , and witnesses were sworn and testified and at 12 a. m. , a recess wat ! : taken till 1 o'clock p. m. AIrTERNOON SESSION. 'l'he board met at 1 o'clock p. m. , with all members present , and again took up the consideration - tion of the Montg-omery road petition , and nearly the entire afternoon was spent in the examination - amination of witnesses , after which the road cOtamittee made the following report thereto : We recommend that this petition be granted , and road establishe as recommended by the commissioner , same to be 40 feet wide and claims allowed , as follows. To the owner of the n } nc and ne.n w section 20. town 18 , rangc 20. . . . . . . . $ I O O To the owncr of the ne ) . ( scc. 19 , town ,18 , , rangc 2U ; . . . For land taken , . . . go 00 l encc matcrial. . . . 76 00 n.uilding fence. . . . I.J uo Damnge by reason of roall. . . . . . . i 5 0 ( Total , . , , $255 00 255 oc All to be levied against roae 1 district No. B. Broken Bow town - ship. BEN P. MORRIS' J. B. GII.MORE , } Com. , L.CUSHMAN. ' It was moved and carried tc defer the further action on thl M. G. Montgomery road petitio till Tuesday October 8th 1907. It was moved and carried tha the action of this board takel on the 3rd day of August 1907 , in the matter of the A. H Pracht roa l petition be re-con sidered. It was moved and carried t adjourn till 9 a. . m. , tomorrow. Friday October 4th 1907. The board met at 9 o'clock a m. , with all members present and was called to .order by thl chairman. 'rhe minutes of October th 1st , 2nd and 3rd was then real and 'approved. Th forenoon was spent incom 1- mittee work , an at 1 a. m.th board adjourned ti111:30 : p. m. AF'rEROON SESSION The board met at 1:30 : p. m. with all members present. The road committee made tb following report upon the petitio of K. W. Kimball et aI , for a roa in town 16 range. 17 : We re ! = ommend that the petitio 00 be granted and road establishe gg as recommended by the con : missioner , same to be 40 fee 00 wide , and claims allowed a follows , against road 1i tric . No.1 of Myrtle townshIp : lB. To the owuer.of . the n ! j. sw } ( and , s n w , section 30 , Tt6 , R17. . . . . . . . . . $150 C To the owner of the w nwU and neU .of nwj. ( , pt section 30 , T16 , R17 : . . .170 7 Ilt o' the o ner of the sw j. ( . 'd section 19 , .1'16RI7. . . . 75 , ( ' 1"0 the owner of the nwj. ( ld section 19 , ' 1'16 lU7. . . . 60 ( And that the claims lS' following t I allowed against road dis- ip trict No.4 , - Westerville Township , to the owner ) II of the e , section 12 t16 18 R l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 85 ( er BEN P. MORRIS , fS L. CUSHMAN , } Com. er J. B. GII..MOlm , It was moved aud carried th ) II report of the committee be a < . cepted and adopted as read , an ,1 , that the road be and hereby : established as reconunended b 5 , the committee. 1'he road committee also r < 5 , ported as follows upon t1J petition of I M. LO\fr y , et a a , for a road 111 town 15 range 1 Ie We recommend that th petition be granted from Stat NI 11 to where the same crosses 1J m section line at or near Stat No. 16 of said survey , thence follow tl \ . 11 - . , _ . - . 7" . , amend.ed petition oJ P. H. Marley i et al , tiled October , 1&t 1907 , and tl1at all claims tiled in connection with the J. M. Lowrey petition I be rejected , and upon the amend- I ed petition of P. H. Marley , P.t aI , we recommend that the petition be granted and damages allowed as stipulated against road district No. I , h'rt1e township , and that the surveyor be direrted , to survey l1d plat the same. BEN P. MORRIS , J-I. CUSHMAl\f , } Com J. . GILl\IOIU . It was moved and carried to accept and adopt the report of' ' the committee as read and tbat the road be and hereby is established - lished as recommended by the committee. The official bond road aud road claims committee made the following - lowing report upon the petition of N. . Nixon , et aI , for a road in T13 , R23. We reccommend 'that this petition - tion be granted and road established - lished as petitioned. Also as follows - lows for a road petitioned for by Geo. Outzen , et aI , in ' 1'16 , IU8 : We recommend that this petitIon - tIon be granted and road established - lished and vacation granted as asked for in petition. Also as follows UpO'1 the petition - tion of Ed. M. Scott , et aI , for the esta hshment and vacation of a road in T19 , R22 : We recommend that the petition - tion be granted and road established - lished and vacation asked for in petition be granted as recommended - mended by commissioner. Also that the following claims be allowed againat road district No. I , Loup township , by reason of the establishment of a section line road in T14 , R19 , said road bcing established by the board at their meeting June 5 , 1907 : ' 1'0 Anton Fortik , s se'j. ( section 26 , and n nwU section 35 , T L4 , R19. . . . $100 , To W. S. Swan , sej. ( , section - tion 28 , T14 , R19. . . . . . . 50 , ) To H. H. Phillips , nej. ( of section 33 , T14 R19 . . . . . 50 Tp J. B. Jones , se j. ( , section - tion 27 , T14 , R19. . . . . . . 50 To T. N. Southard , e nw j. ( , sec 34 , T14 , RI9. . . . 2S . And that the claim of B. J. ) 1 Laughlin for $25 as damage tc _ sw section 32 , TIS R24 , we re. commenr } that the same be re' jected for the reason that the same was allowed by stipulatiol1 in the road petitioned for by J. W. Henry , et al.BEN BEN P. MORRIS , J. B. GILMORE , I L. CUSHMAN. , Motion was duly made and sec. - ended , that the report of the , committee be ccepted and adopt. . eel as read , and that the roads be - established , vacated and claim ! aowed ] } and rejected as recom. I ) mended by the committee. It was moved and carried tc adjourn till 9 o'clock a. m. , to' ' . morrow. , [ Continued next week ] Gllo'be 51'Wta1lP YtI ) ! r ' eilll am ! l illl1le ! ilml n 1 Ttavlllg I > urcha'icd toc Globe Barn. . . : : .ul I have supplied it with all new' stock and vehicles-all IIrst class- and Invltc the patronage of those In nced of IIvcry service. Farmer ! ! who unhook here when they come to town wl\lllnd \ their teams well taken C1re of. liIb 11 JIill J&1t Am : tI JPIIi'W ! : JnD. . - - F" # .o : . < N ; The Advo i 1 10 Restau rant ii t. ' 5 c. E. STOUT , Prop. : : ( I 10 - : First.class in Every Rcspect. : 10 - I Ie ! i Short Orders , a Specialty. I I N - Lunch Counter in Conncct on. : R - I i ! Our Pics Are Unexcelled. : Try onc-or more. I )0 ) : ot.o : .r..r.JOCr"'M . . . . . ' : . . " # . . . . . . . . . ; 1 Lt } i ! ; - I d _ I is F. W. HAYES , : 'y J ewe1er and O tioian i ' - w I Ie West Side Square , : I , Broken Bow , ' r Nebraska. , I ) . Ie l : I JOI . : : ; , : . - . , ' ? 1 . L. . . . . . . : . , - - - _ _ , , 1fOTlOlt ' 1'0 cmmrTonl Cllunty court Clutel' count - . Nebraika _ , Tlh creditor. of tbe CItat ! of Jam. . B , Hill , ec allld ; 'Take Notice , 'l'hllt 1 w111 , It at the count , . court rOQmln Wrokln Dov. tn uld county , < rl1 the 8th ( lay of 1foTembll.I' , 1007. and un t e : lnll day of Apt-l1 , 1\109 \ , each at 10 u'.lock a. m. of each day , to receive tU1l1 examlno aU claims against said e"tate. with a vIe" to their adJusUntnt nnd allowance : and that on the llnt date above We petitions of widow : " ,111 be ) Ieard for humesteAd , excmpUon. , allowancu and other litatutor ' rlibt. The time Umlted for the prcsentatlon of I lalm9 against said estate 19lix months from ; the 1st day of October 1007 , and the tlmo. limited for pa'wcnt of deht'i la one year from said date. Dated October 1st , 1001. J. A. ARMOUHAUorner' A. R. nUMPHHEY , County JUdge. 1 First Pub Oct 3.2-1 tnc. NOTICE FOR PUD ic.\TION. ' ; J Department of the Iuterlor. Land O lce at . Droken BowhNebra ka , Septcmber 20t 1lO7. ! . j Notice II ! ereb ) ' glvcn that Will am C. , Alspaugh of Merna , Nebralka ! , has lIled notice of his intention to maku IInal tlve .rear proof In support of his claim , vlz : Home. , stead Entry No. : rJIO made May 1:1 : , 1001 , for the sw.ne , se-nw , ne'lw and nw.se , ! leCtlon2j , townshlpl8n , range 21W. and that ! laid prool .wlll be made before Heglstcr am ! Hecclver at l1roken Buw. Nebraska. on November 0,1007. He names the following witnesses to prove hi ! ! contl.uuus residence upon and ; cultlva. tlon of the land. ylz : Fred W. Hickman of Merna , Neb. Geo. Lanibert Wnring of Bruken now , Neb. IUchard F. Wnrlng of Broken Dow f Neb. Lee Athey of Broken Bow. Neb. JOH m ESl < : , Heglstcr. First 1 , ub , Sept. 20-0t NOTICE FOlt PUBLICA'I'ION. , , -w Deputment of ttc In er\or \ , Land antcu at Llnculn , Nebraska. September 25 , 1001. Notice Is hereby 'Iven that Joll11 E. Hender. . . . son of Eddyvllle , ebraska. hail : fIlell notice of his Intention to make tlnal commutation proof In support of his claim , Ylz : Ilome. stead Entry No , 18:107 : , malic February II , 1000 , for the nwH ne { . section 17. townsblp 13n , range 2Ow , and that said proof will be made before the clerk of district court. at Broken Bow , Nebrailka : , on November2l007. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cuttlva. tlon of the land. vlz : i John S. Hastings , of Eddyville. Neb. Wm , H. Milligan of Edd'vl11e Neb. Halph Larton , of. Eddyvtlle , Neb. Samuel S. McConnell. of Georgetown. Neb , ClIAS. I' " SIUmu , Heglster 1o'irst Pub Sept. 20 at OAD Na''ICJ < . ' 1'0 Whom It May ConCern : The CommissIoner appointed to view an report upon the expedlenc ' of establishing a road petltiuned for by B. I' . J < 11I1Jlleld. et aI , a roau commencing at the Sout Iwest corner of the se { , section 20 , township 16. range : ' ' 2 , anll running thence north ! mllc to center corner uf sahl section " 20 and thencc In a northeasterly direction to the road' as now tra veled. to the nortJlealt corner of sedlon 11 , township 10 , range 22 , and thence cast aboutO ! ! rods tu connect with laid out road accurdlng to plat and Ueld notes on tile has repurtcllin fayor of the estalJUshment there. of In this ol1\ce and all objectlolls thereto , or claims for damages , mu be fIlel ! In the county clerk's olUce on or before nuon of the Hth day of Decembef , 1001 or Huch road w1l1 be established without reference thereto. In , Vltness 'Vhereuf , 1 have hereunto set my hanll and seal of said count } . , this lOth day of October. 1\m. \ [ SEAL ] JOS. PIG\IAN. County Clerk. First Pub. Oct. JO.Ut NOTICg DY PUBI.ICNl'lON ' 1'0 ' ! 'AKE DEPOSI'l'ION. In District Court , Custer county , Nebraska. 1- I Kingman & Co. , Plaintiff , , " , ' - " vs. ss. ' - - Mrs. A. L. Carson and others , Def. . The defenllants , Mrs. A. I. . CarHon , widow , I firtlt name unknown , Mrs. Walter Carson. widow , tlrst name unknown , the minor child. ren of Mrs. Walter Cartlon , whose names are 1 I unknown , Mls9 Myra Carson , tllngle. the un. " known heirs of A. L. Carson. deceased. and _ ' the unknown heirs of 'Valter Carson , decease - _ cd.You. You. and each of you , wl1l take notice that on the 4th day of November. 1\07. \ ! between the hours of 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. . at the oOlce I of Charlel ! P. Watson. a notary pUblic In the court house , In the city of Peoria. county of Peoria , anll stale of I1\Inols \ , the plaintiff above named , wl1l take the testimony of L. S. Kingman and G , H. SChlmpff , wltnebses In the action. to be used In evidence all the trial of the above entitled cause , with author , Ity to adjourn from day to ltay unUl such de. positions shall have been taken. KINGM.\N & CO. . Plaintiff. . By WILLIS CADW LL , their attorney. Dated October 11th , 1001. Attest : GEO. MAIlt. Clerk Dlst Court. [ SEAL ) First Pub. Oct , 1O.8t In the District Court ot Custer County' Nebraska. John F. Short , administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Short , deceased. Plaintiff ; vs. Harr ) ' Church , et ai , Defendallt. ' 1'0 Esther Henfro , Bellse Sickman , 'Vl1liam ) Sickman , Elmer Ireland ( single ) , Uuth Cross , . Jessie Cross , GladYti Cross and all parties Interebted in the estate of Elizabeth Short , deceased ; You. and each of you , are hereby notllled . that on the 19th day of August , 1\107 , the Plalntlffl John F. Short , administrator of the estate 0 Elizabeth Short , deceased , JIled his petition In the District Court of Custer County , Nebraska , and alleges that 011 the Zznd uay of September , 1\100 , the title to the west half of the northeast quarter ( wYo of ne and east half of the nurthwest quarter ( eY. of nw ) of section 15 , township 13 , range 21 west , In ( .Juster Cuunty , Nebraska , was In the name of Elizabeth Short , and that on said day. said Elizabeth Short , together with her hUHband , John F. Short. entered Into a contract with Harry Church , whereby they agreed to sell tu Harry Church said quarter section of land. and also a quarter bectlon owned by the salll John F. Short : 'l'hat said contract was In writing and provided that the said Harr ) ' Church should pay for the half section ot land , Including the land lJe. lunging to Elizabeth Short , 1jI0ooO ! , iI' , UOO of which was paid in cash at the time , the balance to be paid In cash and by note and mortgage on March 1. 1001. 'l'he I.etltlon further alleges that on the 10th day of I"ebruary , 1001 , sail ! Elizabeth Short died in Custer County. Nebraska , and that afterwards and on the 19th day of March , 1001. John I' ' . Short was appointed admlnl.trator of her estate and quail lied all such. 'l'he object and pra'cr ot balu pctl. tlon are that a time and IJlace for Its hearing may be appointed and that a decree anlt , judgment may be entered authorizing and i1lrectlng the plaintiff John 1" . Short as such admlnilitrator to execute anll deliver to the sail ! Harry Church a conveyance of tlald land which belonged to the said Elizabeth Short at the time of making tlald contract. ' ' upon the paynent to him of the : Imuunt stl1\ \ due from toe bald Harry Church , 1' You arc hereby further no tilled that on the 21st day of AUgust. 1007. sallt petition wa's presented to the ltlstrlet judge In and for . CUtiter count } . Nebraska , and that an order wall malic lJy tlald juuge on said day alllolnt. Ing November 11th , 1M. the same being } lIe IIrst uay of the regular November tetm , 1M , as the time , and tlle court room of the lstrlct court , in the court house , In the city of Broken 1Iow.ln Custer County , Nebraska. as the IIlace for the hearIng 01 bald petition , and It was orllered that a nutlce of the lIen. deney of salll petition a1ll ! the time and place ' of hearing the same be given to all parties ' , Interested In said estate , by llUblication. - " You , and each of you , arc therefore notiO. I ell that on tlald 11th day of November , 1001. tlaht Iletition will be presented to the jUllge of salll district court for hearing at the court room of the district cuurt , In the city of I Broken1luw , Custer County. Nebraska , at f which time. you. and each of you may aplear before said court a1ll1 defeuu agalnbt ! la\ll \ lletltlon. Dated this 11th day of September. 1001. JOHN F. SlIott' ! ' . Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Short. deceabed. Br order of the Judge of the District Court , of Custer County. Nebrailka. : . Wltnes ! ) my hand and the seal of said coun this 11th day of SeptemlJer. 1001. [ SRAL ] OJ O , U. MAlH , Clerk of Dlst , Court , l"lrstIub. . Sellt 12-7t NOTICg 01" PINAL UEI'OH'l' . l < statc of Joshua Freeman , Ieceased , in county court of Custer county , Nebraska. 'l'he State of Nebraska , to all persons Inter , ested In II a Il ! estate. take notice , that Henry Kelley has tiled a IInal account ami report 01 hili and a letltlon for IInal lIettlement and d scharge all such , which have been lIet for hearIng before said court ' on October : lIst , 11107. at 10 o'clock a. m. , when you may allpear and contest the same , th.H un said date hearing will be had upon claims ) - - duly tiled an not now acted ullun. C Dolted October I&t. 1007 , N A. U. IIUMI'UUEY. Count } . Judge. ) f lo'lrst Pub Oct :1.21 inc.