Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 10, 1907, Image 8

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    I' '
I : . . . . , . - . . _ _ . . " , . . . . - 1
\ / ,
f EyeEurN ese , Throut
und Chronic Diseusps ,
J. . Fittinr ; of Glasses.
. . ? fficc 1 c11 ! v block.
. , ALL 1 < INDB OF
' 1
I Consult him If you want Water. ,
rl10ttC 112 , - Brolcl1 Bow.
. . ' I
, 0 ' .1.00NHAO. 1
t 8 . . . . .Un\lcrln . .
l'nmp. . Wln.l. tlllII , TAnke. FltUn : ' , 0 neolln'
Gngltll'I'I ' , oto. etc.
Drokoll ( , , , , Nobrpkl\
. .
- i
_ r ,
Practical Undertaker
& Llcnsed Embalmer
. Uuslncss phonc. 301. Residcncc 334D
JJ QkOI& now , Notr.
. . - - - , .
_ . . _
- - - - - - - - - -
" ' J. - - - = -
_ _ . _ . . .A . . . .
Do Y ou Inow
That wc have the largest
stock of Buill\ittg \ Matcrial ,
i Post aud Coal in thc city
We are also selling our
. wood stock tanks at reduced
'prices to close them out , .
' '
I Dierks lumber
& Coal Co.
Phone 23.
- - - - - - - - -
rrh iT = ; 'E : = - l
8 s
I - DEALER IN - . .
Fced in large and small quantities at both wholesalc
and retail. S
ii 1 > ecial attention. given to filiug ! orders for c < ? al '
in any quantity. S
. Ll rken Bo\\r , - - N ebrasha :
: o"o : : . : o".J"I : . : f"J'r : o : xr.O" .O".rJ"MrJ'.Mef
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
We are now ready for . \
'Ncw goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will
soon be coWplete. When you arc loking for
Good Values and' Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines ovcr.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , & . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' '
! lIP. : JI .M ; ' " 1A.V..f , : t1'I'l.Jh,1. ' / l' : ' .l t ; ' ; , . _ . : . ; " : . \ ' . . \1..t. . . \\r..if' \ . UI - ; I . . : . ; . " , \I ' " : : " .m ! 'I'i f' ! . . .IL..J " : : ' . : . , . . . . . ; ; ; . . . i . : : : ' . ; . - imJ 'ts'
Wb n desiring to figurc on a bill f *
; . )
rij 0 f L um b er ca 11 on t h e. . . . . . . . . . i ;
I C. L. Turner Lumber Co. . i
: ; : We carr a full stock Cf ? Lumber.
. I ' Sash , Doors , Mouldtngs , etc. t ! 'I :
: . Agents for the Nebraska Ccntral . Qi' ;
. Building & Loan Association , HI. '
f , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . " . . . . " " " . . . . , . , . . . . , . , " ' # . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . ' . . . " . . . , . " ' . . . . . . . "ltJi .
't " : ! f.\.I' : 7:1tr ; ,7 1.x. . ' . . [ . ori : : ' . .f . " J } m" . t"i.\ . .l : .o ; : to. ! r : rFri.\.to. . 1.t : ! l ! ;
tl Jr.rJi.i ; i ; i"Jim.tJ : ; t..m.u.i : ! rIJ ! t. : . [ jy , : ; L ! : : ; j : : iLi : ! fl. ! 'ffl
. - ,
l . : : ! .
' ' ' \ U ' ' UI' ' 'I ' I ' I ' I ' " " " " " .II"'IIIIIUlIIIIII'1 " ' '
f I Paints , Oils , ' ! .
! i Hardware , I
, i Furnitur , I
I Flour , Fecd I
and Seed. I
. . . . , . . . . . . .
South SidclSquare , Broken Bow.
_ .J
- -
Send your Abstract Orders to
' : Sonded Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. - , . _ ' ! ! " - " " _ . " ' : ' n. _ _
, - '
c."VV Bo a.n. .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
\ , Call and see me.
_ . " " ,
_ _ 'n.uw- . I , . . o - ' - ' : ' _ - : : : . '
Montana Judoe Refur.ed to LISlten to
I Point of Law.
At ono time. t upreme court Is.
Rued R 'flUpW'vlfJo'y writ dl\'eotlng I
Jul1tO ; Clnney. of Montnnn. to wako n '
cortnln order In a cnsa , olthBr grant. I
Ing or rC1fllslng A. right to AmnJagn. ,
mated. flO thl\t UlO matter mIght bo I
finally dotermlnod In the hIgher trl.
bunal. When thIs was brought to the i .
Judgo's attention. he announced that he
would tnle the mnttor under advIse. .
mont. The judge had tnlten
other matters under advIsement - !
ment and they had never been heard
: of afterwards ; it was ono wny of al.
lowIng HeInze ample time to extract
I valuable ere bodlos from the dIsputed
ground. "Undor the decIsIon of the
supreme court. wo are entitled to an
Immccllnto or'der. " saId L. O. Evnns.
the Amalgamated attorney. who presented -
sonted the matter In court. " 'VeIl. I'm
not goIng to gIve It to you. " came hacle
the reply from the bonch. "Our onty
recourse wlll he another appenl to
the supreme court. " saId Mr. EvanR.
"You cnn go to the supreme court. or
I -nn'whero else you please. " saId the
judge. "ThIs court can be punIshed
for contempt"Go away , go away , " I
shouted the judge. wnvlng hIs long.
arms belllgerontly toward Ule lawyer.
"You talk 1IIto a town fool I used to
know back In MIssourI. Dalllff. ad.
joul'D court.-McClure's MagazIne.
Cnt Took Chances In Flying Leap
from Durning Building.
During a fire In the tenement house
at 124 West One Hundred and , Second
street the other day a large black cat ,
wIth shiny yellow eyes , appeared on a
window slll of the fifth story. Dehlnd
It a dull rod gtow and an occasIonal
purr of smoke gave warning that the
names were rapidly approaching. Puss
understood. and. after a short wallt on
the sill , Inunched herself into space.
The flight through the aIr was 1IIte
that of a squIrrel. the polso being per.
fect and the legR spread out as wIdely
as possIble. The cat descended In a
long. graceful curve. and when she
struck the pavement the feet were
quickly bunched together .and there
was no "dull thud. " For n slnglo In.
stant the cat paused , as it to recover
from the shock , and then. with 1long. .
drawn meouw and every hair on end.
dashed along the street and dlsap.
pearod In the dllrkness.-N. Y. Sun.
Remtrkable Funeral.
A remarkable funeral , among the
mourners beIng 100 of the deceased's
descendants , Sf ) of whom were com.
paratlvely small children. many of
them babIes In arms , recently took
place at Adamsvllle. York county. Pa. .
when Mrs. Rebecca GodHng Ga felter.
of that place , was laId to rest. There
were 40 grandchlldren and 45 great.
grandchildren , besIdes the sons' and
daughters of the deceased , of whom
there were five. all the offspring of
Mrs. Gadfolter's first husband , who
died some years ago. The great number -
ber of chlldrcn. all of whom Uve In
Yorlt county , attracted the attention
of the mourners and friends and made
such an ImpressIon that the minIster ,
Rev. Adam Stump. dwelt particularly
on their presence and the largo famlly :
connectl ns of the dead woman.
Rodney's Fetthered Ally.
April 12 Is the anniversary of Rod.
ney's timely but much controverted
victory over De Crasse , In which he
received nsslstanco from an unexpect
ed nlly. Whlle the now manoeuvre 01
"brealtlng up the IIne"-really Invent
ed by Capt. Douglas-was being exe-
cuted. a shot shattered the hencook
a.nd a lIttle bantam cock escaped Int
: the rIgging. From this colgn of van
tnge , whenever the albrleux fired hel
broadsIde Into the Formldablo , he.
would hurl back a prolongcd crow ot
defiance at the Frenchman. This "pro
duced mighty morrlment among th\ ! >
seamen. and Inspired them with II
prop r spirIt for the business. " As a
reward for his pubUc services. the
plucky little bird was roprleved from
the cook. and passed the rest at hiE
days ashore as a petted penslonor.
SatIsfying Congregatlon's Curiosity.
Rev. C. N. Wright , Wardle Vlcarage ,
Rochdale , for a personal reminiscence
writes : "In my third living there was
a very orowdcd congregation the ftrs1
morning I omclated. The parlshlon
ers were ovldontly curious as to th (
bulld. color of hair , etc. . of theIr ne\\ \
vicar. As v. mntter of fact I was
thou ( h a young man. very bald. J. .
little thought would have caused mt
ta make my first nppearance on anJ
mornIng but the eIghth. but It was thl
eIghth. and In the Psalms , whIch wer4
read and not sung. I had to say : "M :
sIns are more In number than th ,
hl rs of my head.-London Globe.
In a German Law Court.
A German law court was the Be on
. lately of un amu lllg IncIdent. Th
magIstrate , a tiresome and long.wln
ed IJerSOn , was decIdIng a small cas
In which the plaintiff claimed datI
RiCS for abuse. " ' 1'0 call a man a 'ph
or a 'dog , . " ruled the jUdge , "Is cel
talnly an Insult : but to say that ho I
a ' ! : ' Is InorroDslve , for no sue
animal oxlsts. " The pllllntUr glare
at the bench. "Schwelne.hundl" he
marked with bitter omphasll.--T , P. '
More Than One.
'The average woman. " lIald Gl'UlI !
bell. "has but ono Idea , and that' '
drels. " "Hubl" snorted Marryat , "m
wtfe usually has at lenst a doze
Ideas. and the"ro drcsse&-1'1I
C&thoJlo Standard and Timet.
J L . . . . . .
" , .
Rcal Estate Transfers. ' .
Oct 1. BetJj Hardin to ll'rnc E ,
Robinson , lot 16 , blck 2 , in Ar-
nold's addition. . . . . , . . . , . . $30
Welcom S , Curtis \VC1c0111 S.
Curtis , Jr" 40 acres in 20-14-
18 . . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . . , . . . . . , . $2
' 1' . T. Varney to D. W. 'l'boUl J-
son and Chas. S. Martin , lot 22
bUt 17'in Anslcy. . . . . . . . .5225
Wm. 1\1. Curtis , Hiram Curtis
and wife to W. S. Curtis , J. ,
parcel ill 20-14-18. . . . . . . . . . . $1
liucolu Land Co. to School
District No. 15 , Custer county.
Jots 1 and 2 , blk 102 , addition
to Merna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200
WilHam E. 1\Iaurobe ] to Mrs.
Agnes Smith , 80 ac.res In 20-
18-23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600
Oct 2. Lincoln Land Co. to Rev.
Bishop Scam well , lots 1 and 2.
block 3 in Merna. . . . . . . . . $125
Anna B , Holman to Jacob H.
Walburn , 160 acres in 26-16-22 ,
sec 27-16.22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50U
Eunice T. 14uce and husband
to Joseph Spencer , 160 acres in
10-17-11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3500
OCt 3. Nancy A. Montross and
lntsband to Christian Helmuth ,
160 acres , 18-13-22. . . . . . . $1305 I
Carl L. Madsen to Gus Larson , i
160a. in 26-15-25 , . . . . . . . . .53200 j
Albert E. Brigham to Simon P i
Young , parcel ; 31-14-21. . . .8250 1
Ebenezer Miller to H. Adams ,
lot 9 , in Sargent , . . . . . . . . $2500
Ella M. Haycock to Wallacy 'f
Keys , lot 13 in blk 41 , railroad
add to Calla way. . . : . . . . .52800
T. C. Cannon to Lotta Smith ,
s of bllt 50. R. B. . addition to
Callaway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00
We1com S. Curtis. Jr. , to Hiram
and Wm. M. Curtis , und int
in lots 14-15-16 , block 4 , in
Ansley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
Oct 4. Invcstors S : curity Co. to
Jerry Londrean , Jr. , 60 acres
in 10-15-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1500
Robt. J. Coddington to Albert
E. Brigham , parccl in section
31.and 32 , 14-21 , . . . . . . . . . . . $50
Maud Hobinson and husband ,
to Susan E. KenseH , lot 3 in
block 3 , J. P. Gandy's addition
to Broken Bow. . . . . . . . . . . $300
Lotta W. Smith to R. G. Brcg. I ;
lots 16.17 and 18 , in block . 50 ,
Cal1away , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5125
Simon P. YourJg to : : ) herman
A. Robinson , parcel in 31-14-
21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5250
Eugene Templeton and John
W. Kn pp to Wm. McKnight ,
80a , in 34.16.19. . . . . . . . . . . dOO
Oct S. Frank E. Needham to
Eustice Black , lots 7 and 8 , in
block 1 , Arnold , . . . . . . . . . .5500
Frank Vo ehnal to Jas. Kriss ,
160a in 1-19.17 , . . . . . . . . . .53250
A. C. Zutav rn to Carl Foote ,
160a , in 6-20-24. . . . . . . . . . . $800
Oct 7. Albert E. Brigham to S.
A. Robinson , parcel of land in
31-14-2t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100
James Quick to John 1\1. Horn ,
320a , 10-14-90. . . . . . . . . . .58000
U. P. R. R. Co. to KatEd : : -
wilrds , e60a , in 35-14.25. . .8720
George L. Tisdalc to Sadie E.
Billie , 127a. in sectin 1 and 31 ,
tp 16 and 17 , Rg 18-19. . . . $1)00
- - - . - . . . - - - - - . . . . . - . . . . . . .
Cheap one-way
Colonist Rates :
Daily during October to thc l'acific
coast 11I111 far west point i at about
half rates.
The low rnte Jamcstown Exposition
tickets can be used for your Autumn
trip to New York. Boston , and other
Hnstern citics. Thele arc the last
cheap ratel of the leuon.
Big Horn Basin &
10 Billings District :
Wc run personall ) ' conducted , chear
rate bOlIleseekers excursions to heIr
you locate on irrigaled lands at tht
lowest prices ; they will double ir :
value in five ) 'earf. J in me on thest
excursions. No charge for service ,
Write D. Clcm Deaver , Agent Dur.
lington LaUllsceker's Bureau. OWa
bR. Ncbraska.
( Ticket Agent )
LJ L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A. ,
11\ ( Omaba , Nebraskn. )
- . . ' .
- - - . . , . , . . . : . - .
- . , " . . . -
UROIEN { now.
. . . . . '
Our intcntion and
Detcrmination is
' 1'0 Itcep this hotcl
U tc and
Equal to any
$2.00 pcr day house
inCu stcr county.
. . - - - _ . . . . , . . . . - -
. - . .
- - - -
! F ; r..c' : .c' .o : , ( .o :
The Advo I
R ,
R estau rant
c. E. STOUT , Prop.
N. . - 8
Pust-class 111. Every Respect.
: i Short Orders , n Specinlty.
" -
Lnnch Counter in Connection.
Our Pics Are Unexccllcd.
Try onc-or worc. Ii
t' . : 'i
. . = < .J.
- :
In the District ot .
Court Custer CO\1nty'
John I" . Short. administrator of the elitate
of Elizabeth Short. deceased , Plaintiff : vs.
Harry Church. et al. Defendant :
'fo Esther ltenfro. Bellse Sickman , William I
Sickman , Elmer Ireland ( single ) . Huth Cross.
Jessie Cross , Gladys Cross and all parties
interested in the estate of Elizabeth Short ,
deceased ;
You. and each of ) 'ou. are hereby notUled
that on the 10th day ot August , 1001 , the
plaintiff ! John F. Short , administrator of the
estate 01 Elizabeth Short , deceasell. filell his
petition In the District Court of Custel
Vounty , Nebraska ; and alleges that on the
2nd : da ) ' of September. 1006. the title to the
west half ot the northeast quarter ( wy. 01
ne ) and east half of the northwest quartel
( e of nw ) of section 15. township 13. range
21 west. In Custer County. Nebraska. was in
the name of Elizabeth Short. and that ot ]
said day. said Elizabeth Short. together with
her hUsband. John 1" . Short. entereU into : J
contract with Harry Church , whereby the )
agreed to sell to Harry Church sahl quartet
section of land , and also a quarter sectioD
owned by the said John F. SlIort ; ' 1'hat said
contract was in writing and provided thaI
the said Harr ) " Church shonld pay for th
half section ot land. includh.g the land be' '
longing to Elizabeth Short , : UO.OOO , : fOOO : of
which was paid in cash at the time. the
balance to be lJaid In cash and by note aniJ
mortgage on Marchi , 1001.
'l'he petition further alleges that on tht
10th day of February. 1001 , said Elizabetl :
Short died in Custer C nty. Nebraska. ane
that afterwards and on. the l\Jth day oj
Marcll. 1\101 , John 1 < ' . Short was appointee
administrator of her estate and qualUled a !
such. 'l'he , object and prayer ot salll peti
tion are that a time and place for its hearin {
may be appoInted and that a decree ant
judgment may be enterell authorizing ane
directing the plaintUf John I" . Short as suct
administrator to execute ami deliver to th
salll Harf ) ' Church a conveyance of saie
land which belonged to the said Elizabetl :
Short at the time of making said contract
upon the payment to him of the amount stili
due from the said Harry Church.
You are hereby further notilled that 011
the : ! lst day of August , 1001 , said petition wa !
presented to the I1lstrict judge In and fOI
Vuster County , Nebraska , anu that an ordeI
was made by said judge on said day appoint.
ing November 11th , 1001 , the same being tht
IIrst day of the regular November term
1001. as the time. and the court room of tilt
district court , in the court house , in the elt )
ot llroken llow. In Custer County. Nebraska
as the place for the Ilearing of said petition
aUilit was orderell that a notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the time aull placI
of llearlng the same be given to all partie !
InteresteU in said estate , by publication.
You , and each of you , are theretore notill
ell that on sailillth day of November , 1001
said petition w1l1 be IJresented to the judge
of said llistrict court for hearing at the cour
room of the district court , in the city 01
Broken Uow , Custer County , Nebraska. a'
which time , ) 'ou. and each of you may appeal
before said court and defend against sail
Dated this 11th day of September. 1001.
Administrator of the estate of Elizabetl
Short , lleceased.
lly order of the Judge of the District Cour
of Custer Count ) . , Nebraska.
Witness my hand anll the seal of said cour
this 11th day of SelJteUiber. H101.
[ lmAL ] GEO. B. MAIH ,
Clerk of Dlst. Court.
First pub. Sept 1.7t : !
Estate of Joshua Freeman. deceased , il
county court of Custer count ' Nebraska.
'l'he State of Nebraska , to a I persons intel
eltted in said estate , take notice , that Henr :
Kelley has Uled a IInal account and report 0
his administration and a petition for tina
settlement aUl\ discharge as such. whicl
have been set for hearing before said cour
on October :1I : ! > t. 1001. at lu o'clock a. m. , whel
) 'ou may all pear and contest the tJame. tha
on ! > aid date hearing w1l1 be had ulJon claim
duly filed and not now acted upon.
Dated October 1st , 1001.
A. R. llUl\1PHHEY , County JUdge.
First Pub Oct a.2Iinc.
DI l'OSl'l'ION.
In District Court , Custer count ) . , Nebrask.
Kingman & Co. , Plaintiff , I
VS. rtls.
Mrs. A. L. Carson and others , Dcf. .
'l'he defendants. Mrs. A. L. Carson , WIl\0\1
first name unknown , Mrs. Walter Carsol
widow rst name unknown. the minor chill
ren of.frli. ! Walter CarsJn , whose names al
unkno\\'n , Miss Myra Carson , tJlngle , the UI
known helrl ! of A. L. Carson , deceased. an
the unknown heirs of 'Valter Carson. decea :
cd.You , and each of you. w1l1 take noti e th.
on the 4th da ) ' of November. 1001. betwee
the hours of IU a. m. and tJ p. m. , at the erne
_ of Charles P. Watson , a notar ) ' ImbUe In th
court house , in the city of Peoria. county I
Peoria , and state of IUlnols , the plainti
above named , w1l1 take the testimony of 1
S. lingman and G. 11. SchlmlJII. witnesse1
the action , to be used In evidence on t1 :
tria' of the above entitled cause , with autho
Ity to adjourn from day to day until such d
positions shall have been taken.
KINGMAN & CO. . plaintiff ,
By WILLIS OADWELL , thelr'attorney.
Dated October gth , 1001.
- Attest ; GEO. MAIR. Clerk Dlst Court.
I (8ULI ( Flrllt Pub. Oct. 10.8t
- , - , . . . - - - - - . . . . . -
. . . . . .f
- . . T _ _ -----q . .
County court Custer countNobraska. .
The credlton of the estatu ot Jamu U. 1I1U ,
deceased :
Take Notice , Tliat I will sit at the county ) -
court room11n Uroken Uow , In said county ,
on the 8th un ) ' ot November , 1\J7. ) and on tl e
nd tIny or April. 'OOil , e ch at 10 o'elock a. m.
of each d3Y , to receive < WI' cnmlne :111
claims against said estate , with a view to
their adjustment and allowmce : and that
on the l1rat date abo.o the petitions of widow
wlU be heard for homestead , exemptions ,
aUowance and other statutory right.
The time limited for the IJresetitation of
claims agaln t said estate Is six months from
the 1st day of October , 1001 , and the time-
limited for payment of debts is one year
from said datc.
I Dated October 1st , 1001.
J. A. AUl\10UR.AUorney'
A. H. lIU\1PHHEY ! , Count ) JUdge.
First Pub Oct 3,21 Inc.
- .
Department of the Interior. Lan,1 Onlce at
nrokenllow. : Nellra ka , September 21J. H101.
Notice Is hereby givell that WIUiam C.
Al paugh of Merna , Nellraska , lias' tiled
notice of his Ilitention to make IInalllve ) 'ear
proof III support of his claim , vlz : Home.
steul f1ntry No. 2'.II\J made May 13 , 1001 , for
the sc.nw , ne.sw , sectlon2
towlillbip 18n , range 21 w , allll that said IlrooC
will be made before Heglster and Hecelver at
Broken Bow. Nebraska. on NO\'embel' 0.1001.
lIe names the foUowing witllessel to prove
hltJ contl.uous reslllencc upon andJ cultlva.
tlon of tbe land , vlz :
l red W. HIckman or Merna. Neb.
Oeo. Lambert Waring of BrolenBow. Neb.
lUchard Jo' . Waring of Broken Bow , Neb.
Iee Atbey of Broken : Bow. Neb.
JOlIN HEESE , Uuglstor.
F I rst Pub. Sept. : ! O.Ot
Department of the In erior , I.and Onlce at
Lincoln , Nebraska , September 25.1001.
Notice is herebr given thatJohI11 .lIender.
son of Eddyvllle , Nebraska , has mell notice
of hil intention to make I1nal commutation
Ilroof in support of his claim. viz : lIome.
stead Entry No. 183U1 , made 1"ebruary 8 , 1000 ,
for the nwU ne . section 17 , townsl1ilJ 13n ,
range : 'Ow , anl' that said proof wlU be made
before the clerk of district court. at Broken
Bow , Nebraska , on November : ! , 11U1. !
lIe names the foUo\Vlng witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cult1\'a.
tion of the land , Viz :
John S. HatJtlngs , of I dd'vl1le. Nell.
Wm. H. Milligan ! of ElldyvlUe Nub.
Halpb Layton. ot Eddyvllle , Neb.
Samuel S. McConnell. of Georgetown , Neb.
ClIAS. F. SlmDD , Hcglster
Plrst Pub Sept. 20.0t ' '
Department of the Interior. Land Omce at
Lincoln. Nebraska , August 28 , t1l01.
Notice is hereby given that the foUowlng
named settler has 11led notice of his intention
to make IIna' proof in support of
his claim and that said proof wlU be malle
bctore A. H. Humphrc ) ' , Cuunty Judge. at
Broken Bow , NeLraska , on OctobeI" 12. 1001 ,
vlz : Henry E. Mussel. made H. E.
No. 18300. February 1st , 1000. for the nsw \ \ ' (
sw , see 2\J , tp WII , range 111 , w ( } 11. m.
He names the foUowlng witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva.
tlon of said land , vlz :
John I" . Sanderson , Lott C. l\Iorrll. Dug
Gler , Allen Juker. all of Berwyn , Nebraska.
_ ClIAS. F. SHEUD , Heglster.
First pub. Sept. 5. .
Department of the Interior. Land Omce at
Lincoln. Nebraska , August : :0. : 1I1O'i.
Notice is hereby filvell that the foUowing
named setKer lias 11 ed notice of his intention
to make I1nal commutation proof in support
of his claim. and that said proof w1l1 be made r
before A. R. Humphrey. County Judge. at
llroken Bo\\ ' . Nebraska , on October 12 , 1\101 , . "t
vlz : Charles CasweU. who on Marchl. : ! : 1003.
made H. E. No. 17852 , for the ne sw . { section .r
1 , township IOU , range 111. w ( } p. m. .
He names the following witncsses to prove .
his continuous resilIence ulJOn and cultiva. .
tlon of said land. , 'iz : Joseph Starks , James ,
Hussell , George Evans. Edward Mauk. all of (
Derwyn , Nebraska.
ClIAS. F. SHEDD , Hcgister.
First Pub. SeptS. ,
- - -
A. ARMOUlx ,
at Law.
. _ . . . .
Broken Bow. Nobr.
HavlnlZ' just bad elgbt''ears Ilractical expcr
lenee as Count ) . Judge. wilt give special aUen
tlon to tbe drawln& : ' and probating oC wilts and
the admlnlstratlou oC estates oC deceased per. '
BOns and minon : . Write or I1bonlJ me. I may /
1I.\ve you p tr111.
l1bm.'W lfW9 Jir @ rnl1D.Wl ! !
tID.1ll 'tlrnlDne ! :
jIDr'lng purchased toe Globe Barn ,
I have Ruppllcd it with all new
stock and vehicles-all tirst class-
and invite the patronage of those in
need of llvery service. Farmers who
unhook here when the ' come to town
w1l1 find their teams we I taken cure of.
JLQ to m nIt m : ro .
w o .
> .
ti West Side Square ,
Broken Bow.
- . fi
8 -It , ; . . .
" : c : : .ct ; . . . , . : : .oc.Qf.Qi'.d
. \
. . . _ . .Ilern .4"r.dec' u > . . . . . . . . .
) .
Orlm')1t BN It NI' . ' 1703 ; . .
. .
J.G. RENIZ iR , UreeaCt r
Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped 1I0rn
Cattie. My herd nurober 40 cows. WII com. .
; \re In breedlu& : ' nnd quatlt ) . with any wc t of
ChIcago My experience haB taulrht , roe that 10
IZ'lve gOOdBatlsCa tlou , breedlu" cattle mllst I1 - -I t..l. . . "tltu" , I expect \u - ,
rRI"ethcnl1u re the eq. . ' " oC allytl1lull' y
raised luth" U. S. I uow h.\Ve25 hulls lIultab'e
for tl1ls and next year's Benlce. My cows
oMehrl1 from 1400 to pound I. Come and leo
. . .
. .
' . . '
\ .