Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 10, 1907, Image 1
' . - 'USTEROUNTY ( ] E.PUBLICN. . . VOL. xxvi : BROKEN BOW ! CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , OCTOBER 10 , ] 901 , . NO. 18 i - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - . - - i . . . . . . . Always in the Front . That's where you'll find me in watch sclling. My watch offcrings are 110t only the largest , but they represcnt a bigness iu value that I defy you to equal elsewhere. And j there is good timc , pru ence and ; economy in every watch I seU. 'A warrant that warrants goes with I every watch that I sell remember. = I t . l : , . . . . , . - . Reliability II I I Exactness . : Courtesy . MGII - YOII can depel1lI on our prescription work , as weU us upon cvcr'thing in our store. It is reliable-ab. solutely so. The work of prescription compounding IS done with the greatest possible exactness. AnlI we try to be courteous- always ; willing to aid and acconllnodate , without un. pleasllntlp . . New customers are conllng a11 the time and staying. ' The store uppeals to , and 'I pleases a11 discriminating observers. I . . JIS & J.FBaisch I , . , . DRUGGISTS. Broken Bow , - - Neb. , I . . . . . . - - p , - - - - . . . . . . - - - - : . . . . - - - - - - - I , tt1JII"IIJh : , ' . III" 'IUulilu , : : ! .iJu wIiIu : : : Q : : : : : : . : : : : : : : . 1"I.1lliII"tlJIIII'tIt'"n " ! ! ! : ! . : : : a'l ! : a- Jllnt . - - - - - " Have Your lP Have You r l f J wIth g a Filled Pure B p1 l fi Ail r SA l E Jug pure filleh old cIder ith f i . . 0 I d Ci er at vinegar at per \ I . Vinegar A Heavy Reduction Ralloll..40c . j . Lamps -w E h. ' " . .on.o' " , 'ook 0- : Lamps . . 'Hanging. Stall . CCllter Draft. _ 4 . , _ Night Glass , anl1. all klllc1s of ! 1' : Lamps that we arc anxIous to cl se + l At : out at a heav ) ' sacrifice. To do so At : ' . I/ r.j 25 . 25 ' . t g We'll ' give Discount g , : 50 50 " on a11 kinds of Lamps of 10 per cent ' ' 75 75' , We have already reduced our lamps : - ' 85 in price , 15 per cent , making iu all a 85 f : yer > liber ll'e uction of 25 per cent { [ 1 00 1 00 . III a11. whIch IS less thAIl.manufnc . - " . 1 50 turer's cost. This sale will begin 011 . 1 50 ! . 200 200 fZ" \ 3 00a \ , d n 2 3 00 ; I ,8l1neS d uC t 4 00 , ay , J 4 00 t ' : and and ( < i , at 8 o'clock a. w. Come early 1 : , U P and secure a lamp cheap before Up ; the assorortmeut is broken To per cent 10 Per cent off of these . . off of these } " \ prices on B. 1 ce t L. prices on ! large complete , only. . . . . 80 C . large i ; amounts .amounts " I , ' - : ! ' . . : J. C. BOWEN . . . . . . J TR . DE I. I-lire Old Chl"1 VI 1eICar MARK 6l : , : , , . , , . I . . , , , , . , . . , . . , , ' - 'I. " : ; rJ'UIII ; ' T.i"OU'l1uu"IlfI' ' " ' " 1 : " ' : : : : ; : "m\r. ; \ r.r. : ; rn ; nrpn"'iIII'IJ1IU.Ili ' ] ! : ! i" " 0 " 'iJf ' : UIIIJr..III'I1fI""IIP"r.rp.ou"1foIu"I'lWUhlilli'U : ; ; ' " ! ' " 1 ' I I' " . . . . . , . . . . ' - - - - - - - " " ' - " - - - - i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' - f. : -1 i ' I 1 ! STOVES I ' I 1 I 01 I I I \tVhen it comes to Stoves that do not require - i quire heaps of talk we are there. 'lhe ; s i Stoves we have do the wQrk and recOlU- i I : mend themselves. They have a reputation i ' \eo I built. on their merits. i f I Corn Shellers I \ , .i , i' 'Weare agents fen the Joliet and the ICey- i ' to i stone corn shellel'R-can furnish repairs. i I R . I i C as , E nglnes I rralk to us about lllternational gasoline I , i engines-Stationary and Traction engines i F. i - from 2 to 15 lIorse power.Ve also I . . I have all kinds or FBed Grinders. i. ! . - - i - = : . , . . - - - - s ' -I. . I Geo. Apple i . , - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . " ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . GREEN GOODS MEN AT WORK TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE GREEN COUNTER CLERKS And their Present Whereabouts is a Mystery Hard to Solve. On Saturday ev ning about S o'clock a. couple of crooks got busy in the business district of Broken Bow , trying to circulate counterfeit bills at.lOngat many of our merchants and business men. If the crooked gentry had this town on their map as an eas\ ' m rk .they have changeel it b this tune , as they were successful in but on or tW\J instances , and that in small bills. Mrs. Crable , of the Annex Cafe , has a $5 bill to remember them by. They also took Mr. McMillan , the druggist in Baisch's drug store , for Mr. E. Z. and presented him with a 20. Mack scrutinized the bill a moment and returned it , re- marldng that he lost the best job he e"er had in St. Joe. MissourI , for changing $20 bills without the I'show me" mark on them. Drake's dry goods store was next and nere he succeeded in leaving the 20 with one of Mr. Drake's busy clerks. The bill is issued on the Planter's Bank of Georgia , the same on both sid s and is a very poor'imitation of a $20 bill. Word was received here tuuday : ; that they had been in Ansley on Sdturday and that several Lf the business men of tbat town wcre bolding funeral services as a result - sult of their visit. Both men had on black clothes and black felt hats with overalls. One of \ r. Ryerson's clerls also changed a $20 counterfeit bill 3aturday night for one of the slippery gents. On receipt of a telegram from Grand Island on Monday stating that the officers there had two 'suspicious characters under arrest the sheritI immediately left for there with a warrant. He returned - turned to Broken Bow Tuesday night , bringing with him one of tbe men , but nobody being able to identify tbe prisoner he was 'turned loose. Pump Fraud Exposed. 'l'he Kansas City Journal of September 26. states , that the government secret service men and United States deputy marsh- alls swooped down on the officers of the Western Pump and Manufacturing - facturing company , in the Beals building yesterday , and gathered in President W. M. IVlyers , H. S. McGowanarct , J. F. Lud" , and took tbem before U. S. Commissioner - sioner J. M. RuckaJs on chargc of fraud. 'l'hey were bound over till October 4. It is claimed that in six months the company has taken in $60,000 an have not deli - li vered a dollar's worth of goods. Their scheme was to sell COU:1ty rights to indlviduals for $200 , the agent getting half the prIce of the sale , so that each sale nets tbe company $100. 'rhe pump in question is worked by a spring and an V 18 year old boy can wincI up the wpump in fifteen minutes enough to run it for 12 hours and raise water from a 60 foot well. The government experts were on hand and claim that tbere is no power in the spring that is put in tbe pump and that tbe model will not resist the weight of a pound. Tbe full size machine would not resist tbe welght of four pounds , and an inch column of water sixty feet deep would make t e pump helpless. and was never made to sell but to sbow. The company sold rights to nearly - ly every county in Kansas ; 40 counties in Missouri ; S in Olda- homa ; 56 in Texas ; 45 in Nebraska - ka ; S in Iowa ; 2 in Ohio , and so on. We are informed that a farmer near West nie ) ) purcbas- ed the right for Cusler count ) ' . A citizen of Broken Bow paid $200 for the Sherman county right. Farewell Reception. A farewell reception was ten- M. A. Walters and f mily at the : home of Mr. and Mr . Pigman Saturday night by the members of th Baptist church. I A very pleasant time socially was enjoyed , after which l ght refreshments were served. - - j MUST SIGN I ! THE ENGAGEMENT I . _ - - I AFTER THE COMING EASTER IT WILL TAKE EFFECT . Catholics Will Have to Sign Contract . When they Engage to Marry. Aftcr ncxt Easter , the Homan Ca tholics will have to sign contracts - tracts when they engage to mar- ry. This is a part of the new matrimonial regulations which Pope Pius X has ordered cnCorc- eel in America , as they have becn in Catholic countries sincc the cQuncil of 'l'rcnt in the Sixteenth century. At present Catholic churches publih the banns se"eral Sundays - days before a wed ing.rr'l1 ' s consists in an anl10uncemcnt from the pulpit by the priest tbat the persous are to be married at u certain date. 'l'he n'w marriage regulations require a man or \Vomln ! e)1gaged to marry to sign a wrllten agreement to that effect in the presence of two witnesses. Then the engagemcnt is binding and is published iu church. 'l'he young people mllst marry unless they can show the bishop of the diocese in which the agreement - ment was sig ned a reason why it should be broken. 'l'hc bishop may then issue a dispensation and an agreement to break the engagement - gagement must be signed by the two partics in Ule presence of two witnesscs. ' " 'rhese laws regardiug matri- ony have been in force in the atholic countries of Burope and Asia since their publication in the , Sixteenth century , " said the r cv. Anton Kuhls of St. Marys church on thc west side. Father Kuhls has been studying the marriage regulations and he will deliver a scries of Sunday night lectures on them , bcgin 1ing' on October 6 , in order that his parishioners - ishioners may understand every detail. : "This country was an unknown wilderness when the CovlIcii of 'l'rcnt hCld its sessions , " continued - ed Fathcr Kuhls. "As the regulations - lations were never published here they have never been enforced. Now the pope desires that the regulations be enforced in the New World and among-st all the Catholics. Easter , 1908 , is the date set for the regulation to go into effect. " Other priests said that they wou1d also deliver lectures on the marriage regulation.-Kans City St'1r. ' Returpcd from the Carnival. ,1\r. and Mrs. McComas , Mr. Willing and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Bublee and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin returned on Sunda } ' from Omaha , where they haye b en eujoyintr the carnival festi- vi ties. . . . . u _ _ _ A Pleasant Story - We have u vcry pleasiug story for you , Ii story of drug valucs. We will te11 you of mcdirinc that will work for your bencfit. Wc will te11 you of tlrugs you necI ! and lIleHcinC5 ( you cannot affOld lo be wilh. out. Our wont i1 ! to supply - ply } 'ou with thc hest drug and to l > fovi c thcm for a reasonable pricc. . . I S. R. Lee ! I "The Busy Druggist" - . . . . ' . - : ) - = - " { IfW'J : : : SEE HERE YOU ; READ THIS PRICE LIST Jt in7. Pure Ciler'ines ] ur , per gut. . . . . . . . . . . 35 I Cole Bro ! ! . While Winc Vincgar , pc'r ( tat. . . . . 40 Cunned Peu ! ! , "Idea ] , " : z cans { r. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Goldcn Wux n ails , J , 1\1. , : z cans for. . . . . . . . 25 Canllcd 1'lImpkin , : z cans for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . Baking Powdcr , Rabbit Poet , toc 15C 1\1111. . . . 25 Helm : Pepper Sallce , per bottlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 f ' ; " \ Pluwer 1'uts , 2 ill. lo 14 ill. , from 5c to. . . . .1.25 ' lIein1Appe ] Buttcr , from : Z5c to. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 lleill1. Currant Jelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1\llIshroolll ! ! , pcr call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Woolson Spice Co's Coffees . Apex Blcnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Corkcr , hulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Hdgcmorc Brlll"l , 2 pound cull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rlo VicunA , 1\1. & G. , .3 Found can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 peuhcrry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 African Ja\.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 nun. , Clllto. , Pie. . Cool le. , Doughnuts , Jell Roll. Eagle Grocery Co. Phone 58 . ( ) = - ' - - = - = : = : Mr , = = = :3' _ E- = . : : : - - = = = . - e . . . - " ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - r..M M s. .Ru.G..sT .RE..sERl , : i . i Il's hU1II1I1I nllture for people to WIIUt thiugs iu hurry a\d ! : it seems to be iuborn iu cvcry oue to wunt prescriptions in a i hurry. Hut thut doc ! ! not bother us , Our system of haull. i ling prcscripliolls , is so thoroughly developcl ! thut we put up i : prescrll.tions with the lcast possible delay , auel our double i i checking ahsolutely prcvcnts allY chauce of error. Try this ! hllsy storc uexttimc you have II prescriptiou to he fined mill I lonm wlm' a , , , " " it I , ' 0 " 0 watod ! on promptly. I I i E D" M Ceo MAS I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - _ _ a , _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . - ---.s. . , . . . _ , - Slleppard . & Burk Shepherd & Burk wants to call your attention to their elegant. line of bottle goods , such as Oliros , Sweet mix pickl s Oaper Sauee Lea & ; Pel'rins Sauce 0 . Ohili Sauce Pepper , Sauce Oyster Oocktnil Oli es in bulk Oatsup Sweet , sour pickles Ohow Ohow Ohow chow in bulk 1lustard Dill picldes Sweet Pickles in hulk r < We also have plenty of Ripe ' 1ull Greell Tomatoes tlnd a11 kinds vegetables Phone 125. South Side Square aoa. . . . . . _ - - - - 1-- - - - - - Pickpockets in Our City Park. 1 Brolten Bow can boast of a city park menagerie. It's pet squirrels - I rels are the cutest and smartest little creatures on earth. , While the tired pedestrian sits on t.he grass or perches himself upou a bench to rest , the little animals are goingthroug'lt his pockets in 5earch of nuts , candy and other confections. One large squirrel , who is well known hy a11 park visitors , becomes quile indignant I when you try to brush him aside. . and wi1l show fig-bt when chastised - tised fot' his lighto.fingered habit. Pleased With Broken Bow. Col. J. ' 1' . Green , wife and daughter , of Kan as City , Mo. , at rived in town the latter pan 01 'last week and illlcn making this : thcir home , for a ti1l1c at least. . . Mr. Green is pre ident of the P. D. Smith T-JUinber Co. , and is not : au entire stranger here. Mrs. G. f-J. 'l'urner is his daughter. He I has lived in Denvcr and Kansas 'City ' , but prefers the western Ne- I bra ka climate to them all. Mr. Green made this office a pleasant call Saturday and proved himself to be a very Jovial and interesting gentleman. Although he was born and raised in the blue grass - state of the soutb , he is a staunch republican , and is beginninf : ' to warm up to the political siha- lion of this state and county al- - ready. A New Organization. Broken Bow bas an organha- : tion known as the Ancient Order of United ' \Vhittlers. The meet- ing's take place about three even- i ngs a week aU summer long and their meetings are held on the stone steps in front of the Broken Bow State Bank. 'rhe eVidence of a successful meeting can very casily be detectcd by the unsightly - ly quids of chewing tobacco displayed - played on the sidewalk the next morning. Sargent , Callaway , Ansley and lefl1a have also organized clubs known as the Oriental Gobbler and meet every night in the week at the corner grocery to prognosticate - ticate the merits of county divi- sion.rl' at's all. Violin Lessons. Miss Virginia L'Amoreaux , pupil of William Hofman of Ann Arbor , Mich. , is located in Broken : Bow and will give violin lesson ; . , Terms , SOc per lesson. For particulars - ticulars call at Taylor's studio. 1 ' . , . . . . . . . . . . , " ' , " i. . ' . " , , . . . . - I I' " . . . . " " , , : _